The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 04, 1904, Image 8

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CHAPTER XVIL-tContlnned.)
But the road teemed very rough. Great
rati bad been made Id the earth, softened
by the long rain, and these earned her
to trip and fall twice. Both tlmei it hod
, Jarred ber arm and drawn forth tear of
anguiih. At last the gate was reached
and opened with difficulty, then a dizzy
feeling came over her, and J net at her
feet stepped on the porch ahe fell for
ward In a long, death-like swoon.
Dr. Klfennteln bad gone Into the coun
try, after hii call at the baronet's, to
visit a rather critical case, and did not
return until quite late.
He had reached hia borne, given hla
hone to the nian In waiting, and then
turned to enter hit door. But what wa
Mill ho aaw lying In a heap upon the
porch 7 Stooping to discover if It might
not be a large, strange dog, hia fingers
came In contact with a human hand, and
from Ita amali aire he knew It belonged
to child or woman.
Throning open the door with hit latch
key, the light from the hall rerealed
Ethel NerergnlPg pale, unconacloua face
to hia astonished gaze.
"Ethel, here teneelessl Oh, my ditrl
Ing, my darling!" be murmured, as be
lifted her In his arms and hnre ber to the
parlor aofa. "What can tbla mean?'
I'lacing her there, he ran to the foot
of the stairs and called Mrs. Clum to
his assistance. With Joy, at last, they
aw her eyes operi; tut the cry of pain
that followed filled both with surprise.
"My arui I my arm!" she cried. "You
hurt my arm! I cannot stir my hand or
rut, and fear It la broken. I came here
to ehow It to you."
"Then it was hurt before you left the
Hall?" returned the doctor, passing his
hand over the useless member, In order
to see the nature of the Injury.
"In order' to replace It, I fear I must
cause you pnln. It will be Imporaible
for you to go out again in this storm,
therefore Mm. Clum, my housekeeper,
must prepare you a room, and you will
remain here to-night. After ahe has made
you comfortable In your bad, I must re
place the bones, and then you must keep
perfectly quiet, or, after all tills excite
ment, you will he thrown Into a fever."
(living Mrs. Clum several Instructions,
bo saw her leave the room to prepare
one for poor Ethel's reception; then, and
not until then, he bent over the sofa
where she lay, and asked her In a low
"Why did you not tell me this, Instead
of coming out in the storm, when 1 was
at the Hull this evening?"
"I did not know you were there, and
could not have seen you If I had known
It. Sir Beglnald flew Into a furious pas
lion as aoon as he saw me to-day, and
bade me Instantly leave hla bouse. As
my arm was hurt, I was obliged to come
to you." 1
"Miss Nevergall, how waa your arm
dislocated? and what means the mark of
those finger, which I see upon the sur
face?" "Do not ask me, doctor, tor I cannot
tell you!"
"Well, If you cannot tell me that, why
did Sir Keginald bid you leave his
"I cannot tell you!" was still ber only
"Wni It for any willful fault you had
"Nol oh, no! I had met with an acci
dent the nature of which I cannot ex-
ftlaln. Io short, I hud, without intend
ng It, neglected a duty he had charged
me with on the day of my fright by the
railroad. My nervousness then caused
me to forget something. He had Just
discovered It and flew In a rage."
"Then the brute seized your arm and
gave It this wrench! Von need not tell
me, child, I know it by Instinct. It is
well I wns not there, for oue reason."
"I should have at ruck him as he lay
helplesi In bed. I could not have helped
It I But you are safe now; he ahall never
tonch you again. Stay here, of courae,
autll you are well; then a pine will be
provided, never fearl Promise me one
thing now, which la, not to worry about
tb future. Leave everything of that
nature for time and Providence to make
plain, and try to compose yourself In or
der to recover the sooner. Will you do
He took her well hand kindly, almost
tenderly, as he spoke; and, meeting his
anxious, beseeching gaze bent upon ber,
he blushed faintly and gave the requir
ed promise.
That night an urgent call came for the
doctor. It was to attend a rich and ca
pricious pntieut whom he had formerly
known lu the village, but now very 111
i a umvu nearly a n mm reel miles away.
oviurs uo ucpuneu, iuienstelu aaw to
K mat utnci a arm waa well cared for.
Leaving explicit Instructions aa to her
case with airs. Clum, be left home, ex-
yvcMug io return in next any.
But in this he was disappointed. His
patient was quit 111; he Insisted on the
doctor remaining constantly at hla side,
and policy and real concern for hltn kept
Earl away for nearly two weeks.
A vast aurprls greeted Hlfcnateln
when he returned home a perfect aeries
of them. In fact. During his absence two
very Important things hud occurred. Sir
Reginald had died suddenly, death prob
ably being hastened by his recent great
excitement, and Bubel was no longer an
Inmate or the doctor a home.
Mrs. Clum told him how the young girl
bad remained two day. Her arm had
come to righta quickly. The dearh of
Sir Reginald had shocked her, and, ahe
seemed nervous, worried, eager to get
away from the scenes that had horrified
her. hue had left I tear stained note.
fervently thanking the doctor for all his
kindness, and saying that she felt she
must get work and support herself.
In this she bad been successful. A
few miles distant waa the borne of the
Duchess of Westmoreland. Bill el had
somehow learned that she wished to en
gsge l governess for her daughter, Lady
Claire Lin wood. She had applied for
the position, and had secured It.
One day Dr. Elfensteln rode over to
the sumptuous baronial home. He pasa
d an hour In the company of Ethel.
When he left bia heart waa bard and
cold, and she, poor child, was tortured
with th anguish love only can feel.
In fact, Karle had asked for an ex
planatlou of her aeeming part In' aiding
dead Sir Keginald to frighten the simple
nativea with the superstitious Idea that
the tower waa haunted. Ethel remem
bered her solemn promise. She dared
not break It Tb doctor grew from aus-
jdclon to distrust, so a baleful cloud arose
between them About three days after
tM burial of th baronet, Ethel Ksrer-o
Author of " Roy Rcisbll'i Ruie,"
"The Fashtonail Mothir," Etc.
gall, with Lady Clair Llnwood, accom
panied by a groom, started ont for their
usual horseback ride. Both were skillful
horsewomen, and both were extravagant
ly fond of the saddle. This morning they,
had resolved to follow a wild looking
path, leading through a deep wood, one
they never had noticed, In rides past the
spot, until the day before.
Suddenly, after an advance of about
half a mile, both girls noticed at once
that fooietep had diverged from the
beaten path, and looking toward the
point to which they seemed directed, thev
were artonlshed to see th opening en
trance to what soemed a large cave, over
hung with vine of thick luxuriance.
These vines seemed lately to have been
parted. Kerning up their horses, they
paused before the spot, In order to sur
vey it more closely, when all distinctly
heard low monns of pain, Issuing front
a point near the entrance.
Hurmkiing at once that some fellow
being wal In diitress, Ethel requested the
groom to dismount and Investigate the
place, and immediately return to report
the cause of the apparent suffering with
in. The man dismounted as requested
and disappeared from view, only to re
turn with the news that an eccentric
bookseller, who hud recently made hi
appenrunee In the neighborhood, and who
was known aa the Iter. Edwin 0. Style,
was very ill In that remote and hidden
spot. Bidding Itoger assist her to the
ground, Ethel at once hastened to the
side of the sick man.
She found him stretched upon an old
cot lied in this damp and gloomy retreat,
fur away from the haunts of men. She
noticed a few articles of furniture, and
a few utensils for dully use, but saw no
trace of lire or food.
On a rude bed lay stretched the form
of the eccentric being who hud been
much talked of during the past few days.
Ills cheeks were flushed with fever,
while the weary movements of bis head
told of Intense pain in that region. Clasp
ed In his thin, white hauds upon bis
breast lay a small wallet.
Seeing at once that the poor creature
was very low, perhaps near death, Ethel
stepped buck to the entrance of the cave
and requested Hoger to ride with ail
i peed to summon Dr. Elfenutein to hia
ide. She also requested Lady Cloire to
remain within call, while ahe herself
would watch over the sufferer until aid
should come.
At once Ethel returned to her self-as
sumed charge, and endeavored to arouse
him from the stupor he was in, in order
to ask of his relative and home. The
effort wua vain. A low, Incoherent mut
tering, In which the words "brother" and
(.nve me, were mingled, was all she
could hear.
It seemed a long and weary while to
the anxious girls, before voices were
heard In the distance. Dr. Elfensteln
was the first to enter the cheerless place,
while two men beeido Rogur followed,
ready to bear tin sufferer in their arms
to a wagon quite distance down the
road, beyond the narrow pathway the
girls had pushed over on the backs of
their gentle horse.
The doctor paused a moment to exam
ine the patient, but looked very grave as
he did so, and whispered to Ethel;
"I think we are too lata to save him.
He will live but a few hours, as death
la even now upon him. He must be re
moved, however, at once, and aa I know
of no other place, I shall take him to my
own house."
Taking th wallet In his hand to draw
It away, he found It Impossible to do
so, aa the death clutch of the dying
finger upon It was tight and still strong;
so leaving It where it was on his breat,
the doctor summoned the men, who gent
ly raised the alight form In their arms,
and bore him forth. Soou the poor miin
was lying on blankets and a soft pillow
upon the floor of an eosy wagon, while
the doctor snt by his side, carefully fan
ning away the file that might annoy,
and thua they wended their way buck
to their homes.
A few hours later. In the comfortable
guest chamber at the young physleiun's
home, the poor wayfarer breathed his
last, and as the sympathizing physician
closed his eyes and straightened his form
he drew away the wallet carefully and
folded the poor, til In hands upon his
After dispatching a messenger for an
undertaker he summoned Mr. Clum as
a witness, and passed to his private office
lu order to examine the mystertuus wal
let, that should, he hoped, reveal the se
cret of th wanderer's family and home.
"Mlsa Nevergall," laid Andrew, a
pompous footman at Castle Cairn, as he
knocked at the door of Lady Llnwood'a
boudoir, and was bidden to enter. "A
gentleman 1 In the drawing room who
wisihea to see you.
"Do you know him?" queried Ethel.
"I cannot call hia name, yet I have
often seen him."
"It is of no consequence. I will be
with him presently," returned the gov
erness, aa she resumed her book, and
continued the lesson ah wa giving her
charge. '
On no account would ahe neglect a
duty for any person whatever. When
the task was finished, and not until then,
she descended the grand broad stairway,
and entered the drawing room of the
castle. There a surprise. Indeed, await
ed her, In th preseuce of Robert Glen
denning. Certainly she had never anticipated
a visit from her former tormentor, and
the sight of him now brought back many
unpleasant recollection. The young man
started forward and placed himself be
tween the door and her slight figure, thus
completely preventing her flight.
"Pardon me, Mb a Nevergail," he re
marked In a perfectly respectful manner,
very different from his former unpleas
antly familiar one. "I am very anxious
to have a little conversation with you,
before leaving this place, forever, and
therefore I beseech you to remain a few
minute. I promise not to detain you
"Very well," returned the young girl,
gravely, taking the seat he offered her.
"Why do you leave?"
"The death of my uncle has, of course,
deprived my sister and myself of his
care and guardianship. Aa th till and
ertate now fall to hia younger brother,
Fitsroy, rh present Incumbent must re
movs and leave th hall, to be occupied
or not, by the new baronet, a he aeee
fiR Lady Oontanc will seek resi
dence with some relative la Ixmdon, and
we ahall make a horn somewhere togeth
er, unless nnlesa "
Her th young man pa need, greatly
saibarraswd lor a proper conclusion to
the sentence he hnd commenced. Break
ing th silence again, for It was becom
ing oppressive, be resumed:
"His Eibel, I com thi morning to
lay before yon a proposition that I hope
will meet with your sanction. I must
first, however, express to you my deep
regret for the offensive manner in which
I used to treat you. I know not why I
wa led to make myself so disagreeable.
I was probably prompted by a spirit of
mischief, but aa soon as you left th ball
o suddenly I became aware of my great
mistake. I loved you, but I felt it was
without hope. In my egotistical haste I
knew that I had won, perhaps, what I
merited, your contempt. To-day I felt
that I could endure thi mirery no long
er. I resolved to aee yon, to ask fur-
giveness for my course in the pant, and
to crave the privilege of retrieving my
former mistake by being allowed to visit
you a a friend until I can win your
love, and ask you to become my wife."
"Mr. Glendennlng," interposed Ethel,
"what you propose Is an ntter Impossi'
billty. I can and do forgive the annoy
ance I confess your conduct occasioned
me in other days, but the proposed visits
I must positively decline. It could never
reeult as you seem to imagine, for I as-'
sure you my affections could never be
"You are hasty In thus answering,"
Interrupted th lover. "You surely can
nit time foretell what your feelings
"would be under sucb different auspices."
Indeed, Indeed, Mr. (ileudeuuing, I
must Interrupt you by distinctly saying
that, a I am situated, I cannot receive
visits; therefore, I must beg you to re
ceive this, my final answer. It would be
the same after years of friendly Inter
course. I do not love'you, and I never
can love you. I forgive you, and will
ever think of you kindly; beyond that we
can never go."
"Then there Is no necessity for my re
maining," he said, sadly, as he arose to
"None whatever," waa the firm reply.
"Miss Nevergail, believe me, as long
a I live I shall regret having made your
residence at the bull so disagreeable.
You certainly had enough to endure, in
being under obligation to amuse an irri
table Invalid. The rude manner in which
you were dismissed excited my deepest
"For which I am very grateful," kind
ly returned the young girl.
If ever, a i friend, I can serve you
In any manner, will you allow me to do
"I will. If I know your address."
"That Is not quite decided, but I will
leave It with the postmaster of this place.
And now, thanking yon for your kind for
giveness, although feeling deeply my un
requited love, I will bid you farewell."
Robert (ilendennlng held out hla band
as ha spoke, -and swung that genuine
tears were floating in his eyes, Ethel
laid hers in It without hesitation. Stoop
ing over the little white hand, he pressed
his lips upon it, then hurriedly left the
room, and she saw his face no more.
That night the whole family left the
hull, and the grand old mansion was
closed, waiting for the arrival, or orders,
of Sir Fitzroy Glendennlng.
The residence of this gentleman was
unknown, but it was believed that he
went to America, therefore every effort
was to be made by the proper ones to
discover his retreat, In order to make
known to him the honors that awaited his
let, while this resolve and duty was
to be Immediately put in force, many
heart rebelled against his return.
All united In feeling that, although ac
quitted by law of any knowledge of his
unhappy brothers lute, circumstances
still looked very dark where he wa con
(To be continued.)
Substantial Prra In Sanitation la
He In Made of Late Tears.
People hear so much about health
lnntltutes nowndnyg that they are apt
to be a little skeptical as to their eill
cacy, and to regard, them aa largely
money-making arrangements.
In England almost nil matters con
ceralng the public health are treated
at institutes, like the British Sanitary
Institute, for Instance, and every pub
lic man thinks It his duty to patronize
At a late meeting of. the Institutes
the question wns raised as to what
had been accomplished by these lnti
tutos, and It wns found that since pub
lic, health became a sclenco at the be
ginning of the late queen's relgu the
average life of a mau has boen In
orcasca ny tnree years and thut of a
woman by five years.
That the doctors do know wmiethlng
la evidenced by the fact that thirty
years ago typhoid fever killed 374 peo
ple out of every 1,000,000 In Great
Lil'.aln. To-dny, with an enormously
Increased population, It kills a bare
TOO per 1,000,000, Typhus, which sixty
years ago struck down another 300 per
1,0.10,000, has been literally stamped
out by sanitation. Statisticians com
pute that the Loudon County' Council
has saved 20.M0 lives, mostly infants,
sine lis creation.
In the days of "Good Queen Ress"
the- death rate was 80 per 1,000 per
nnmim. Heaths from fever have fallen
by 85 per cent, typhoid by 00, scarlet
fever by 81, and consumption by 45
per cent. From 1S01 to 18155 scarlet
fever killed 0S2 persons per 1,000,000;
It liow barely carries off 100.
The death rate lu consumption la
also declining. During 1801-65 death
by consumption claimed 2,520 person
yearly out of every l,COn,t!O0 living.
To-day a beter acquaintance with the
laws of health lias cheated death of
halt the harvest of 1801-05 from this
d' sonne.
Ko that the various Institutes of med
icine and sanitation do unich good ev -n
If no more than to Induce better modes
of living. Hoston Globe.
Too Lute.
Kilty What did you do when
threatened to kiss you?
Itlnnche I didn't do anything. Why
should I? I Just waited until he had
committed au overt act
Kitty And then?
Hlnnehe Why. then, It was too late
to punish him. Boston Transcript
Didn't Make Him Mick.
Arthur I was given my first cigar
last night and It-didn't mnke me sick.
Horace That was because you did
not smoke It.
Arthur By George! What a chap
you are to find out things! Boston
When a boy la given permission to
go on a trip, he begins to scheme
around for a plan to get tiff without
bidding the kin good bye.
The average man boasts seventeen
time as much about what tie's anlnu
to do a h doe about what bt has 1
dont J
" 0 prim little postage stamp, "holding your own
In-a .manner so winning and gentle,
That you're "stuck on" your task, (1 that ilang 7) you'll own,
And yet, you're not twocent-ltnental.
I have noted with pride that through thick and through thin
. You cling to a thing till you do It,
And, whatever your aim, you are certain to win
Because you seem bound to stick to it
Sometimes when 1 feel Just like shirking task
Or "chucking" the work I'm pursuing,
I recall your stlek-to-lt-lve-nes and I ask
"Would a postage stamp do as I'm doing?" '
Then I turn to whatever my hands are about
And with fortified purpose renew it,
And the end oon encompass, for which I set out,
If, only, like you, I stick to it
l'he sages declare that true genius, so called,
Is simply the will to "keep at It"
A "wou't-glve-up" purpose is never forestalled.
No matter what foes may combat It,
And most of mankind's vaunted progress is made,
O stamp! If the world only knew It,
By noting the wisdom which you have displayed
In sticking adhesively to It
Nixon Waterman, In Success.
HE sudden summer shower wns
over and two children stood on
the hotel veranda gazing wist
fully at the glorious bow that spanned
the sky.
I wish we could touch It," the gl.-l
said longingly; "it Is the most beauti
ful thing In all the world."
"Well," the boy returned practical
ly, "I don't care much about touching
It, but I'd he mighty glad to find the
end of that rainbow."
Don't you know, gooslc? There's a
great pot of gold at the end, and It
will belong to the person who can find
it. Jlmlney, but I wish I had It here
this very minute."
"Let's go and get It."
The boy stared at his tiny compan
ion In surprise. The femenlne mind
was much more during thnn his own,
It appeared. Did the girl really mean
that they should go off alone into that
limitless forest wheti they were never
even trusted near it un'-is accompa
nied by some older person? Still, he
took another look at the brilliant bow.
l'hls wus certuinly the chance of a life
time, and, of course, he would not re
fuse to go any place that a girl was
willing to go.
Besides, It was her suggestion any
way, not Ills, and if there were future
reprimands and scoldings lu store he
could Just sny thut It was she who pro
posed going.
"Come on," he snid briefly, holding
out his hand, and off the two trudged
toward the alluring, treacherous bow
giving no neeu to tne awful .error
which their absence would surely In
It was nearly twenty-four hours la
ter that they were found. The boy's
father, beading one of the many
search parties that were scouring the
woods, stumbled over them, and his
pale lips sent forth a triumphant shout
for the children were safe, and In
view of that fact all minor matters
sank Into insignificance.
Death had hovered too near to leave
room for any feeling save that of deep
est thankfulness. There were no scold
ings In store for the culprits, though
both were questioned closely regard
ing the escapade.
The girl always remembered with
fervent gratitude tha the boy never
told any one that It was she who had
proposed seeking the pot of gold.
The boy rather wondered at his own
reticence, but after all It seemed rath
er a mean sort of trick to palm the
responsibilities of his misdeeds ou a
girl! He kept a discreet silence on that
point, and by doing so exhibited con
siderable more manliness than a cer
tain ancestor of us all once displayed.
Two weeks later the hotel closed for
the season, and the girl and the boy
went their different ways. Off in her
eastern home the girl did not quite for
get the boy who had done his best to
comfort her in the terrible forest, and
who had protected her by his silence
when they were found.
Off In the West the boy remembered
with a feeling of pride that the girl
had never cried during that awful ex-
Lperlenee, and that she had never re
proached hlin for allowing her to go
Into such peril. Of course, he should
have known better, for was not he a
boy, and the eider, too?
The girl hnd been a casual summer
acquaintance and the two were effect
ually separated when the brief sum
mer season ended. For several year
the boy begged his mother each June
to so bnck to that place, but she hnd a
shuddering horror of the valley and
the mountains, and nothing would In
duce her to return.
So at last the boy gave up asking,
and the experience wns crowded Into
the background by a hundred new In
terests and alms.
Long years after, when he was a
man playing a man;s part In the world,
the old desire suddenly seized him to
return to that place. The hotel was
still there, very modern lu evt-ry way,
but somehow he felt bored and missed
au Intangible something which he had
imagined he would find. He stood it
for a week, theu the quiet became In
tolerable. He resolved to leave the
place. That day she came.
He knew it was fate from the very
first. lie was not ordinarily Inclined
to be shy, but he felt like a raw school
boy lu her presence.
She had many friends at the hotel,
but he managed by sheer persistence
to monopolize a good share of her time.
He- could not tell whether be was
any headway or not She was
friendly but very elusive, and the time
had come w hen he must go back to
his work, for there were obligations
which he could not Ignore.
He lured her out that morning for a
row, with the promise of a lovely spot
which she had never seen. He waa un-
nsURllT ilent nd she leaned back In
n,r comer of the bout watching him
with speculative eyes. Apparently he
was searching for some particular
nook. At length bis quest appeared
eiuied, for he drew the boat carefully
to the shore and held out his hand to
her. Then they wandered over a wood-
edy knoll nearby. "This is the place,
I am sure," be said at -t "I have
seen it often in my dreams, and here
is Just where the end rested."
She stared at him In mild surprise.
"No, I am not out of mind," he as
sured her, "I wanted to tell you a
story, and I had an unaccountable fan
cy for telling It to you In this spot.
mii you near It?"
"Is it interesting? Does it commence
'Once upon a time? "
"Of course it does. It would be an
exceedingly poor story if It didn't I
hope," and the man's face grew very
earnest, "that you will be Interested in
the poor little story but 1 cannot be
" 'Once upon a time' when the world
wns nearly two decades you"-;er than
it Is now, a boy and girl started from
the hotel down in that valley to find a
pot of gold at the end of a rainbow
at least the boy, who must have been
a very mercenary creature, was think
ing only of the gold, but the girl was
much more poetic, for she cared noth
ing at all for the gold. She only wished
to see more closely that wonder of
mist and light which held and en
thralled her fancy. They got lost; of
course, that was a foregone conclu
sion, you know, and they were only
discovered and saved by a kindly mir
acle of fate. The girl was a genuine
brick, though, and never taunted the
boy with bis rashness and wickedness
In leading her Into such peril. The
boy should have known better, you
Bee, for he was considerably older, but
he was always a g6od bit of a fool,
lie did not find the end of the rain
bow, but for years he dreamed of it,
and In some mysterious way he came
to fancy that the treasure was not
gold after all, as his nurse had told
him, but that It was something Infi
nitely more precious than gold. He
was never quite sure what the myste
rious treasure might be, but he knew
that when he was a man he must seek
It here just on this very spot, for It
wus here that the rainbow seemed to
end as the children looked up to It
from the valley below Just here by
this little hill."
'i nere was a silence. Her face was
turned quite away. The man looked at
her keenly and then went on with bia
story In a low voice which, perhaps,
shook Just a trifle.
"And so and so he came here to
day. He knows now what the treasure
Is at the end of the rainbow. A wom
an's heart and a woman's love. He
does not know whether he dare claim
It or not, but It Is the gift which he
most covets from life. And can I
have It, dear?"
.Her face was still turned away. The
man's heart had time to grow very
heavy before she spoke.
"I was always wildly gra'-'ul to you
for not telling that It was actually I
who had proposed the expedition "
"You don't mean " he Inter
rupted breathlessly, "that you were
"And and I did want to find the
end of the rainbow, too, and if you
think that we could, perhaps, find It
together why "
lie was holding her hnnd In a tight
clasp, and was looking down at her
with eyes full of reverent. Incredulous
Joy. Everywhere.
Chief of the Sky Hcrapera.
The Park Row building In New
York Is the tallest inhabited building
in the world. It covers 15,000 square
feet of ground and Is thirty stork
high. The distance from the curbing
to the cornice is 338 feet, to the top
of the towers, 390 feet to the top of
the flagstaff, 44"; the depth of the
loundatlons below curbing Is seventy
five feet, making a total distance from
the foundations to the top of the Hug
staff 552 feet
Some 9,000 tons of steel was used lu
the frame, the weight of the struc
ture Is 20,000 tons, and with the live
load It is estimated to be 65,000 tons
The building stands so firm that a
plumbllne falls to show the slight) st
tremor, even during the highest gales.
The number of offices In the build
ing is 950, windows 2,180, doors 1,770,
electric lights 7,500, tenants 3,500. By
actual count the ten elevator cars
travel sixteen miles an hour and carry
In ten hours 8,140 passengers. It Is
said that one of the car starters knows
eiich tenant and clerk and the floor
and room In which each Is located. The
cost of the building was $3,500,000.
and the rentals each year are $31S,
000. The expenses. Including Interest.
are $2S1,325, and the surplus is $3d,-
Bachelors and spinsters marry be
cause misery love company. -
The Remedy. Obedience to th law
of love and brotherhood li the out
remedy for our Industrial llfe.Rer,
H. W. Pinkham, Baptist, Denver, CoL
The Christian Standard. The perpe
tuity and security of a nation, race or
community depends upon the high
Christian standard attained. Rey. J.
8. Caldwell, Methodist, Philadelphia,
Unity. God Is not a unit, but
unity. So is every true man and every
true organization. What is wanted in
all tnie life is plurality in unity.-
Rev. W. H. Nugent, Episcopalian, Chi
cago, III. .
Love and Passion. rasslon wants
selflsh gratification, but the Joy of love
Is In sharing with the beloved object,
even in emptying ourselves for that
dear one. Rev. E. D. Warfleld, Bap.
tlst, Easton, ra. ,
leellng and Judgment Religion
must be formed of both feeling and
Judgment. Without the one it will be
fanaticism; without the other It will
be formality. Rev. L. S. Wilkinson
Methodist, nttsburg, Pa.
Temptation. The man who makes
up his mind to put himself In a place
to be tempted has already half fallen,
In the realm of trial enough Is best
too much is ruin. Rev. H. S. Brad
ley, Methodist, Atlanta, Ga.
The Music of Life. Life's music is
never in the white keys nor black, but
in tne soul that sweeps them with
skilled finger. Rail not at the keys
but gird your soul to the divine mas
tery. Rev. T. S. Eldridge, Methodist,
Brooklyn, N. 1.
Eulogy. Don't wait until a man Is
gone to egpress your sympathy and eu
logies. The flowers and kind words
will not do hlra any good then. The
world now has too much epltaphy a.nd
too little taffy. Rev, Thomas I'zzel,
independent, Denver, Col.
Know Thyself. None of us knows
another perfectly; perhaps we do not
know ourselves. The mathematical
table we know, but the knowledge of
manhood Is higher and more secret and
difficult to gain. Rev. W. S. Baer,
Episcopalian, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Holiness. The history of mankind
shows that we must not seek holiness
In order to God, but God In order to
holiness. Christ must come into the
soul of man with His divine life, and
not till then, are we in harmony with
the holiness. Rev. R. B. Hull, Bap
tlst, Brooklyn, N. Y.
The Strenuous Life. To live tho
strenuous life, the rough rider's life,
In the saddle, and pistol In hand, is
accepted as the ideal worthy of a true
man, while faith is regarded as piuil-
anlmous and destlued to contempt as
well as failure. Rev. T. H. Lewis,
Lutheran, Westminister, Md.
Content There is much pleasure In
this life foreven the man of small
means, If his soul Is right with God.
No one Is poor who Is rich In .content
ment. No one Is wealthy, even though
he may be rich, whose soul does not
wear this Jewel content. Rev. L, R.
Dyott, Congregationallst, Brooklyn, X.
Commercialism. Commercialism
presents a good side If it gilds the com
mon experience of life with hope and
foregleams the better day of the Ideal
ist Mere things help In making more
man. Manhood Is the supreme test
of the ultimate goal of effort Rev.
T. E. Potterton, Episcopalian, Brook
lyn, N. Y.
The Devil. Never before In the his
tory of. the world has the devil had
so much power as now. With an ex
perience of 6,000 years behind hlin,
and with his Increase of knowledge
and wisdom, he Is working greater de
struction In the world than ever be
fore. Rev. A. R. Holderby, Methodist,
Atlanta, Ga.
Greatness. Teople to-day, some
times Judge greatness by physical
standard. Men who command armies
are great Largeness is often taken
up for greatness, but physical force
Is not necessarily gie.itness. True
greatness, composed of
moral, ethical and spiritual elements.
Rev. I. J. Peritz, Methodist, Syra
cuse, N. Y.
Preachers. The small preacher is
the servant of a sect and the special
pleader for Its dogma; the great
preacher Is he who is the servant of
the spirit of truth, who brings to us
something greater and larger than any
sect or scheme, who brings us face
to face with the Eternnl that Is ln lllm
and in ns. Rev. W. H. Ramsay, Uul
vereallst, Louisville, Ky.
Destiny. Little men complain of
destiny and think they - have been
hardly treated. Great men like Grant
look upon the employment of life with
a, different eye, and Thomas Carljie
beheld the bridge his father built at
AuUlgarth and declared "It wou!d last
longer than most books than on
book In a million." Rev. S. P. Cad
man, Congregationallst, Brooklyn, N,
Y. .
Tarent and Child. When parents
are lax In their morals, careless In
their family devotions and Indifferent
to the services of the church and Sun
day school, what may be expected of
the children? The responsibility Is
with the parents and God will bring
them to account for their parental
charge in the day of judgment Rev.
F. M. Dewees, Congregationallst, Den
ver, Col.
Character and Law.
How ridiculous it would seem If a
man tried to make water run up hill
without' providing that it should do so
by reaching Its own level, and then
got Indignant because be did not suc
ceed, and wondered if there was not
some "cure" by means of which his
object might be accomplished. And
yet it Is no more strange for a man to
disobey habitually the laws of char
acter and then to suffer for his disobe
dience, and wonder why he suffers.
Leslie's Monthly.
rsncceMOMO S. L. Smith,
Oldest Established Uoas is th valliy.
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Flour and Feed, etc.
This old-entablished house will con
tinue to pay cash for all ita goods; it
pays no rent; It employs clerk, bat
does not have to divide with ft partner.
All dividends are made with customers
in the way of reasonable prices,
Posts, Etc.
Davenport Bros.
Lumber Co.
Have opened an office In Hood River.
Call and get prices and leave orders,
which will be promptly filled.
tKf CAN UN i
Bee Nature In all her glorious beauty,
and then the seme ol man's handiwork.
The first is found along the line of the .
Denver & Klo Orande Railroad, the lat
ter at the Bt. Louts Fair. Your trip will
be one of pleasure make the most of
It. For information and illustrated lit
erature writ
W, C HcBRIDE, Gca. Agt., Portland, Oregon
L. 0. HAYNE8, Psor.
The place to get an easy shave, an np-to-dat
hair out, and to enjoy th luxury of a poroelaia
bath tub.
flfl E. WELCH,
Has relumed to Hood River and Is prepared
to do any work tn th. veterinary line. He can
be found by calling at or phoning to Clarke'
drug store.
fin 111 a UMimt TXnnA mmA aMitfc nt tnw.
keeps constantly on hand the best quality ot
Groceries, Hay, Grala and -Feed at lowest
D. I. LAMAR, Proprietor.
JloGUIRK BROS., Props.
Dealers In Fresh and (tared Uaati. f.riV
Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables.
Shot Line
Union Pacific
Purtt.nd, Of. .!
Chicago Salt Lass, Denver, :Ks.aa
Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Ipeetal Kansas City, St.
i4oa. as. Louis,Chisgoaad
via last.
ttlantl It Paul Fast 1111. MiM,,
1:18 p.m.
It. Paal Atlantis Isjtn. lilt. as
Fast Mall
No Change Of Cart.
Lavtat Bat. Quick sat Tim.
IM.BV All sailing data. llM . v
subjasi ie fthauga
For la Franelse
all ST.rj I day
Dally Cshimtla Rlr 1:00 .a.
Fi. Sunday IImsmt. Iz.luBdy
-1 Mis. m.
latnrday T Astoria and Way
M ,00 p. at. Landing,
m"M lf. 110, a.
Hon., n so. Tuas Tha
and FtL Balam, Indepen- saL
no, Corrallls
aa4 way landings. .
:Ma.m. TsaMRtlnr. :. m.
tsta.. Thar. Mon, w4
Sal. Oregon City, Dayton ani Fit
and waykndiogi
It. Rlparia Basks tin. Lt UvIsMsi
:0a,. 1:00 ..
Dally Rlparia t Lswtitoh Dslly uesat
Murdsy Friday.
)enerl Passenger Agent Portlaa4,Oi
T. I. KLNNAIBD, Agent, Hood JUtc