The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 04, 1904, Image 3

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Mr. Strain is: hard ipressed for money
on account of his
chases of Clothing hence this
will be of great
' , . - " J' .) If
S i : It
every Man and Youth in
Hood River and vicinity.
C- Portland, Or., August 3, 1904.
V. Markillie, Mount Hood Hotel, ; " . ""' -
Hood River, Oregon.' ,t
Dear Sir: You know the work we have been doing ' in Portland. Follow suit
Sweep everything from your shaves and counters at HALF. PRICES. Reserve noth
ing. Let the men of Hood River have the same benefits we have given our friends here.
Our sales have been the largest in the history of the clothing trade in Oregon, and we
want you to duplicate our Portland record in Hood River. You know the monster pur
chases we have made and which must be paid for within the next 30 'days. To meet
these obligations WE -MUST HAVE MONEY, and that you may , do your share
toward raising the required sum, throw values to the dogs, and give the peo
ple of your 'community such bargains as they never heard of before.
Make everything half price. Don't take a cent more for anything than half
what you have been selljug for up to this time. Don't spare anything not a
thing in the store! - - - - .
We shipped you last evening fifty cases of our choicest garments. - These were never
unpacked after receipt here, so you will be careful to compare contents with invoice.
Every suit of clothes in this lot is up to the minute in make and style. .
There is no better anywhere but don't spare them. Let them go at the half price
figure. - ?mn PAUL STRAIN.
Mr. Straiii ' Is the Boss
What he says Goes. There is no Appeal from his
Judgment, and although the Sacrifice will be unpar-
alied in the Clothing trade of this city, as told to do
. - ., . . .
In this connection we are aware that competitors will smile at the statement that
we are cutting our former stupendously low prices in two parts and selling goods now
at one-half the figures we havebeen charging since the arrival of these goods-i-prices
not greater than one-third to one-half local merchants asked for garments and Men's
Furnishings of similar quality and that they will endeavor to persuade our friends
that our promise in this inrtance will not be made good. We therefore make' this , offer
to every reader of these words: If you will come to our store, examine our price marks,'
examine the goods also, and find that this advertisement is not Absolutely True in
every syllable, word or sentence, then we will present every such caller with a choice; of
any suit of clothes, overcoat, top coat or any other article or thing in "our establish- ,1
ment free of Every Charge Whatever. And if any merchant doubts these figures or ':,
disputes the statements herein contained, and if such merchant will come to' our store, -investigate
for himself, and conclude in his own mind from what he has discovered, and -"so
inform us that these statements are not true, then we Will pay SUCh merchant
$50 for his trouble. .
Word Written
Were is True ,
We are compelled to raise more money this month than we have in sight, hence we
have resorted to this expedient to accomplish this. It is a forced put. MR.
, STRAIN-cannot help himself, and as he has sold enough of this Colorado
vr stock, anyway, to more than pay for it, he will not be a great loser, even at this tro
' " mendous sacrifice. But for the fact that the money he received for these goods was
immediately invested in another stock, which will arrive during the month, he would '
not have been compelled to make this slaughter. But he is making it, and every
man on the North Pacific Coast ought to take advantage of his predicament. ',' ,
All mail orders received will be filled at these prices. , '. ' - . . '..,.:-;"
The Clothing is suitable for any season of the year, but there is a large quantity of
heavy weights most appropriate for fall and winter wear. Men may now secure a first
class suit of heavy winter garments, sold everywhere at $25 to $35, for one-quarter "
' their worth at this sale. t ; . . ' : !
. . Come therefore' and get your share of these bonanza offerings. ; Come while they
''.'. may be had. Don't wait till Mr. Strain has changed his mind, and countermanded his
,1, . half-price order. 1
It is a Wonderful Opportunity.
You will never have a Chance like1 this again. It is like find-
ing Clothes to get Garments at such Prices.-; .:
i - "W' '
OTRAM, the O
JacKson's tbre,
OCT. 13, 14, 15
Hood Kivi-r will In W the 6th bii'iinial
fmit (air Tlnu wlay, h riilay and Satur
day, Ortolier I .'I, 14 and 15.
This is the date wt by thn assrKriation
at a meeting o( tlie nienibeiHat the rooms
of the Commercial club laat Saturday
afternoon. The meeting wnn the larg
est of the kind ever held, and indicates
a determinati'Mt to make the fair surpasi
anything in that line ever pefore nuiler
, taken by the people of Hood River, and
they have held some very successful
fruit fain.
Mr. Smith called the meetirg to or
der, and the former secretary secured
a record of the proceedings. In taking
the chair Mr. Smith remarked that the
meeting wbb very encouraging. He
said he remembered the time when Mr.
8lingerland and himself were, the only
two men to respond to the published
notice of a fair meeting. They went
ahead and held a fair just the same.
As to the finances of the association
Mr. Smith said there was something
like $27 left on his hands by tlm former
treasurer, Mr. Slingerland. At the time
of the Grand Army encampment, the
general committee of the encampment
finding alout $50 worth of lumber on
their handa offered the fair association
. the lumber for $20. Mr. Smith took it
upon himself to buy the lumber, saying
if the association did not rare to take it
he would.
t. J. Oessling reported a balance of
$7.05 In the treasure and on motion the
association agreed to take the lumder
Mr. Smith had purchased.
Mr. Smith thought it well to decide
whether or not the farmers wished to
hold a fair. When the Ore
gon Press association adjourned at
Salem last year they did so with the
understanding that they were to meet
this year at Hood River, at the time of
the biennial fruit fair here. Further
more Mr. Hmith said he never knew
he apples of the valley to be making a
better showing, and everything indicat
ed that if a fair was undertaken it would
bv the biggehikind of a success.
On motion of Mr. Baker it was decid
ed to hold the fair.
f The date for the fair was the next
consideration, and on motion the 13th,
14th ml 15tli of October were selected
a the time most suitable, considering
the condition of the weather at the time
of the year, the condition of the fruit
and the approach of the busy season
when every one in Hood River will be
busy picking and packing the immense
crop of apples.
On motion of Mr. Baker it was then de
cided to pines the control of the fair in
the hands of a ways and means com
mittee of 20 people. On motion of H.
F. Davidton, President Smith, (i. J.
Oessling and Cfhris Dethman were ap
pointed to select this ways and means
There were some suggestions ai to the
place for holding the display and the
meeting adjourned. Mr. Smith said he
had given the matter tome little thought
and he lelieved that the plan of booths,
as is followed at the street carnivals in
Portland and The Dalles, would be just
the thing, and the matter of expense for
a building woidd lie greatly lessened.
Mr. Davidson thought this should be1
left with the committee, as was done.
The members of the ways and means
committee for the fruit fair are :
Hood hiver E. L. Smith, Chris Dethi
man, G. J. Oessling, H F. Davidson,
H. R. Tucker, F. G. Church, Joe Porter,
G. R. Caetner, V. J. Baker, A. . Ma
son, Mrs. C. . Markham, E. H. ' Shep
ard, F. H. Cash, Mrs. G. P. Crowell,
Mrs. J. U Carter, Mrs. C.T. Early, Mrs.
J. E. Rand, Mrs. 8. F. Blvthe, H. .1.
Hibbard, C. H. Sproat. . ' ,.
Monies J. P. Carroll. ' "
White Salmon C. F. Waldo.
HuBum Mr. Olson.
Mount Hood Mr. Knudson.
A meeting of this committee is called
for Saturday, August tl, at the hmmtis of
the Commercial club,- for the purpose
of electing a president, secretary, treas
urer and superintendent, and to appoint
further.Bub-conimitteti8. . t
Can't Vote for Parker.
Amos Underwood the old pioneer and
Indian fighter from the north side of
the Columbia, was in town Monday.
Uncle Amos is an old time democrat
and one of the kind you can bet on, but
he says he wont vote for Parker. If it
were not for the state election at the
s.".me lime he says he wouldn't go near
the poles on election day.. There is too
much gold standard and "Ea.slernism"
about the gentlemen from Eopus to
suit the plain, western democracy of
Amoi I nder wood. Miamania county
used to be democratic, but Mr. Under
wood says be doesn't believe the demo
cratic nominee for the "presidency will
poll single vote in the whole county
this fall. Amos was formly a strong,
supporter and admirer of . Senator
Turner, hit. he says from what he can
learn, Tu'n r swung onto the Parker
band waguii at St. Loui with a little
too much alacrity to please-o'l Amos,
and he has an idea he would like some
one else nominated for Governor - of
Washington than the Bpokane million
air. '
And Still The Wonder Grows.
L J. Klinger and wife together with
Henry Williams and wife made the tour
of the Hood Kiver country f last week
looking for blackberries, dsn and recre
ation, says the Dufur Dispatch. Louis
is filled with the wonders of that sction
and tells stories a told him by the in
habitants thereof tbat would stagger
iuliver. These storiea were about all
the filling they got as they got no ber
ries and but few fish. The country is
settled with all formi ot humanity
speaking many tongues "and showing
the characteristic! of many nations
Mr. Klinger says they are blowing out
stamps with powder that in places
sounds like heavy cannonading. On
man is reported to have bought 20 tons
of powder to clear his farm.' Another
man reports that he baa been offered
one thousand dollars per sera for his
ranch. i :i j ' . ':;..
, & McDonald carry a full line of
lin late raenier ami cocoa memer.
J. F. Peeler of West Miller street,
Mason City Iowa, writes to the Glacier
as follows:
"We intend to leave for Hood River
in about six weeks, in fact, there will be
several families of ub that leave at the
same time. The Hood River Glacier
has made a good many converts in this
part of the country, and as soon as bus
iness matters can be attended to we in
tend to leave about September 15.
Do you know of a small house that
can be rented until we decide what we
intend to do?"
July Weather In Hood River.
July in Hood River has been an ideal
summer month. As shown the kov-
ernment record there wore 20 clear da vs,
six partly cloudy, and Bve cloudy. The
temperature, while not excessively
high, baa shown but few cool dayB, mak
ing it a very favorable month for work
ing in hay and grain, and killing the
weedi in the berry fields. There were
but four days when the maximum run
below 70, and but eight where itclimlied
above 90. The highest point reached
waB W on the 25th. The highest mark
made in July last year was the same
figure; in 1902, 98; in 1901, 94. The
lowest point reached by the minimum,
thermometer was 48 on the 14th; that
of July. 1M, 42; 1902, 40; 1901, 43. The
monthly mean for July was 65.19; that
of 1!K, (S4.2; 190.', 64.6; 1901, 64.2. The
gn atest daily range in temperature was
that of the 25ih, when the minimum
was 50 an I the maximum 99, giving a
range of 43 degr.'ea.
The precipiiaiion, while it was very
light, .19 ol an inch for the entire month,
was in excess of that for 1903,which was
.07 ; that of 1902 was .38; 1901, a trace.
, The prevailing winds were from the
west in all but six days, on which it was
same from tlu' east.
Sari'jrnard the Children.
Notwithstanding all that is do'ne by
boards i.f built h and charitably In
clined pernoiis, the death rate 'among
small children is very high during the
hot weather of the summer months In
tha large citie. There la not probably
one ease of bowel complaint In a hund
red, however, that could not be cured
by the timely use of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
For sale by alt druggists.
put a little on several of the leaves,
which readily held the poison. Tne
next mnrning Mr. Dobson was pleas
antly surprised to find a large porcupine
or hedge-hog in his orchard dead. This
stopped the depredations. A few nights
later Mr.Dobeon and another gentleman
noticed a stirring in some young corn
in his garden, which upon looking into
he discovered another quil-back even
larger than the first. Tins one also
was despatched.
Temperance Rally Sunday.
A temperance rally under the aus
pices of the W. C. T. U. will be held at
the M. E. church, August 7 at 8 o'clock,
at which time the following program
will be rendered :
Music. ,
Scripture Reading.
Recitation "Ministers or Saloon
Reading "Who Will Roll Away the
Stone." -n
Music "He Rolled the Sea Away."
Address Rev. Merrill.
Girls Quartet. ' ,
Recitation "The Strong and the
Heading "Arouse the Christian Con
science." ...
Music. " . ; .
Captnre Two Porcupine.
Joseph Pobson, who purchased a
tract of land of M. It. Noble on tlie hill
southwest of Ruthton last summer has
planted quite an orchard and has a fine
vegetable garden. Several weeka ao
some animal commenced making rai3s
on his young cherry trees.bending them
over and stripping the leaves off. Mr.
Dobson thought it might be a deer, but
could tied no tracks. He set traps for it
but the animal waatoo wise. Then he
procured some strichuine, but Amnd
it hard to stick it to the cherry leaves.
Then Mr. Dobson took some syrup awl
Should Be Ment East.
The 1904 issue ol "Oregon, Washing
ton, Idaho and their Resources," by the
passenger department of thei Oregon
Railroad & Navigation Company and
u .1 T,-;n .1? j s t
nuutuern raciuc iiion in uregon;, con
tains 88 pages and a large map of these
states. Every industry in Oregon.Wash-
uiguju ana iuano, is given careiui atten
tion. The book is hansomely illustrated,
and would be a welcome visitor to any
Eastern home. By sending the address
of some friend in the East, with four
cents to pay postage, to A. L, Craig,
?:eneral passenger agent of the Oregon
tailroad t Navigation Company, Port
land, the book will be promptly mailed.
Fine Fruit Specimens.
H. C. Bateham baa left on display at
the Glacier office some fine specimens
of summer apples. They consist of the
Beitigheimer and the Alexander. Mr.
Batenam says hia place, the Columbia
Nurgery, will turn off a goodly quanity
of such four-tier fruit in the next two or
three weeks.
WOICKA & HEMMEN, Proprietors.
Sanitary Plumbing' and Tinning'
Pumps, Windmills, Pipe, Fittings, Everything in Plumbing arid f inning-Line
The New Music House is the Boss
il -'j
1 V
Blacksmith and
Wagon Maker
Horse-Shoeing and Repair Work
The Celebrated Weber, the Renowned Chickerihg? Kimball
r Hobart M. Cable, Crown and Hardoroff. ' ; ! v
. Then Come the Fine Kimbai and Burdett Organs
These fine goods with a fine assortment of
Violins, Guitars and Banjos
And all Kinds of Small Goods will be found
Successors to Parkins Grimes (EL Co., V ,
O 0