Kood Iftver Slacier THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1904. "Why not encourage cheese factory or a condensed cream factory here?" inquires the Glaeier's Odell correspond ent. A capitol idea, and as Mr. Shelley goes on to say, with the enlarging of the clover fields this should prove a profit able Industry in Hood River. The Northwest Horticulturist suggests that early apples picked in 25 to SO pound peach boxes would be more easily distributed and less apt to glut the mar ket than when put in the full box, applying particularly to local markets, for no family desires to buy early applet in large quanities and as a rule this fruit bruises xasily and decays rapidly when rehsndled from opened packages. UL li In another column will be found a statement of the Hood Kiver Band's fi nances. The boys have met the success which never fails to come to well direct ed, persistent effort. They are deserv ing of the highest praise. And that the band is appreciated by the citizens is apparent from the lilieral patronage the band entertainments received in both town and country. It is no small undertaking to organize and train a band until it becomes as capable as has our band, and while every member of the band should be patted on the back for his perseveranc , the leader and in structor, C. I). Nickelsen, is, worthy of special commendation for the able man ner in which he has conducted the work of the hand. The American mining congress will convene in Portland, August 22 and continue for five days. Among the ad dresses to be delivered are speeches of welcome by Govenor Chamberlain and Mayor Williams. Editor II. W. Scott of of the Oregonian is down for a paper on "The Relation of Mining to the World' General Advancement." Among thore authorised to appoint delegates are mayors of towns, boards of county com missioners and commercial clubs. Al though Hood River is not directly inter ested iu mining, we should be repre sented at the congress. In announce ments of the congress sent to the press of the United States, Irwin Mahon, the eoretary, makes special mention of the trip up the Columbia to Hood River and Mount Hood. HOOD RIVER LEADS THEM ALL Bpeoial to the Glacier i Portland. Aug. 3, 1904. Hood River had the only organ leed delegation at tending the Oregon Development League in Portland. While the meeting was largely attend ed, nearly every part of the state being represented, yet Hood River made tin beat showing. Hon. E. L. Hmith,chair rnan of the delegation was very promi nent in the work of the convention. His paper, read the first day, (which appears on another page) was received with great interest, and the manner in which lie answered the numerous questions asked proved him to be thoroughly The showing made bv Hood River was highly complimented by A. L. Craig, general passenger agent of the U. R, & N., by Portland's Commercial club and others. Mr. Craig said, "Hood River ia always up and coming." The cards distributed, having on one side an invitation to attend the fruit fair and editorial association in Octolier, and a brief statement of Hood River's resources on the other, were read with interest, ' and many individuals were heard to remark that they would surely via l llood Kiver. Weduetday afternoon, Hon. E. L Smith of Hood River was elected pre Went of the association. N. Wbealdon of The Dalles, in giving a report oi tne resources oi his county, was very lilieral toward Hood River. The llood River delegation was as follows: Hon. E. L. Smith, A. W. On- thank, 8. K. Rartmess, J. 8. Booth, W K. F.Cv'.les, J. F. Htranahan, Joseph A Wilson. S. Cochran, T. A. Reavis. A. I Moe, A. Winans, George T. Prather, J. ri, Kami, It. r . Davidson, W. J. Baker H. C. Stranahaan, G. J. GesNling, N. C. Evans, B. F. Delieu, 8. J. 1 France, 1 Winans, A. V. Wtaten. The llood River Band Finances. liens than a year ago the Hood River Hand was organised with 12 members, the asset of the band at that time con sisted of an empty treasury, little mis cellaneous music and a few battered-up instruments. However, the bund was determined to equip itself tor etlicieut service and to accomplish this by mov ing out upon a plane of moral and legit imate endeavor. To what extent the band has succeeded toward this aim, may be safely left to the verdict of the citixena of Hood River and the accom panying financial statement : I RCCKIPTR. Cash from citixena , tlttl GO From Baud Boys 144 00 From concerts , 138 67 From engagement.. lltt 33 Uncollected accounts 19 00 Total 607 40 DISaVRSIllBNTtt. For instruments ...$328 18 For uniforms 04 50 For music... 27 02 For incidentals , 81 05 For repairs 5 25 unpaid accounts 61 75 Uncollected 19 00 Cash on hand 05 Total 60740 C. D. MCKELSEN. Congregational. Preaching service with worship will be conducted next Sunday at 11 a. in., bv the pastor, Hov. J. L. llershner. Christian Endeavor service, 7 p. in. with Miss Clara lilythc leaner, ounuay school at lu a. m. with A. C. Staten superintendent. The pub- l: l.... .i : lie in iiivimtu to tiiese wrvices. At the conclusion of the morning ser vice a business meeting will be held in response to request of the Woman's Christian Temperance union, for the appointment ol a committee to cooper ate with it in relation to public morals. Every resident member of the church is hereby urgently requested to be pres ent. Heeur Picture ef Camp Overall. Professor C. D. Thompson returned Tuesday from a trip to Lust Lake. He waa accompanied by W. Y. Masters of Portland, who went lor the purpose of securing tome view of Mount Hood from the lake. The first morning there the lake was calm for an hour or more and Mr. Maulers believe he secured some pictures that should rival the famous Oifford views. iteturning by way of Mpl IVI1 the professor aud his friend secured a group picture of the women dressed in over alls. Mr. Thompson say ho will have a Ripply of tiie pictures on sale next week. Second Nine Defeats Cascade Lock. The Hood River second nine defeated Cascade Locks Sunday afternoon Ity a 15 to 2 score. From tne following line op it would appear that the Hood River first team had gone out to practice : HOOD RIVER. CASCADES. Oxhorne lh C. Woodard Maliaii.. 2b F. Garner Wright 3b 8. Campbell Richardson s , c , rf , cf , If S. Norton C. Keren A. Mention , J. Cumber Pickett W. Morgan... Songer Lakin J. Laiieny Thorp P J. Kates lime game, l Hour, , minute, Umpire, M. Mar.in. One who saw th u mic av : "On account of tli lino I Kiver ln batting the Locks' pitcher out f the box, Osborne and l'.cne't " the lot tery for the remainder of the game f ir the Locks, while Morgan took Osborne's place on first base, and L. G. Morgan took Morgan's place in right field for Hood River. "Throughout the remainder of the game the Hood River hoys walked up to the tiat snd took exercise and prac tise by striking at the air." Fear It is Mr. Jayne' Boy. It is feared that the boy who is re ported to have fallen overboard in Odell lake in an epileptic fit and drowned, was the mm of A. A. Jayne of Hood River. The report in last Thursday's Oregonian stated the Ixiy was a a son of Or. Jayne oi npringneld, out later Infor mation from Eugene says it was the son of a Hood River man. As Mr. Jayne and his two boys started two weeks ago for an outing in the Cascades, near Odell lake, and were to have returned before this, it is thought the unfortunate accident is detaining them. Mrs. Jayne is out of town. Hhe i thonght to he visiting her mother, Mrs Sperry of East Portland. U. H. Sunday School Picnic. The U. B. Sunday school will give their basket picnic, Tlim-mlny, August 11. AH parents of enrolled children are cor dially invited to join with us in bring inli baskets tilled with Biich duiiitis as only can make a grand spread at a bos kes picnic. Transportation will he furnished as far as possible at 10 a. m. from the gym to the grounds near Button's spring below the East Side grade. 'I he Trans portation Co. will at least check your lunches though. Come and enjoy the program. Sneak Thief Takes Harness. Tom Bishop reports the theft of a $15 harness from his house just east of Abbott's store. The hornets was .mis sed last Thursday morning, and was taken while the owner slept 20 feet awav. The ollicers at Cascade Locks and the Dalles have been notified and efforts will be made to overtake t lie thief whoever he may be. Mnndav night's council meetinir went by default, there being only three conn- cilmen and the mayor present, besides the recorder and city marshal. Those who showed up were Mayor mowers, Councilman Rami, Mayes, and Prather. There's a bouncing new boy out at the Angus home. It Is the third boy, and F. W. Angus is stepping high there days. 1 his Is his lotirth child, his old est one being four last April. More evidence of the productiveness of Hood Kiver (arms. Dan Mears went to Moaier, Monday, where he has been awarepd the contract SLOCOM'tS FOR Books, Stationery, Paper Nap kins, Pens, Inks, Blank Books, Legal Blanks, Magazines Agency--Oregonian, Telegram GEO. F. COE & SON Dealers In Queensware, Stoneware, Porcelain, China and Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Supplies, CONFECTIONERY AND NUTS. Up-to-Date New Line of Glassware Just Received Royal Steel Ware, Pudding Pans, Dish Pans, Berlin Kettles, Up Kettles, Sauce Pans, Cotl'ee Po , Ten Pots, Pie Plates, Cups, ete. A complete line of Fishing Tackle, in Season; Racine Stocking Feet; Phone 351 Williams tSays Get a Kodak Thtw are few thing you cnu buy that will pay such a big dividend in pleasure and health. A Kodak is a congenial companion on an out ing or vacation trip. With it you can take views, animal pictures, groups of friends pictures that you will treasure more as the years go by. i Prices 1 up-nll EASTMAN'S. FrhTRIS FAIR' i One Price to , Clearan.ce Sale 25 per cent off all Ladies' Shirt Waists, Washable Suits, etc. ' ' SjHLOeG. All our Ladies' $3.50 Shoes reduced to. , 3.00 Ladies' $2.50 Shoes, size 6, reduced to , 1.65 Ladies' $1.75 Shoes, size 7, reduced to .'. 1.25 Ladies' $2.25 Shoes, size 7, reduced to 1.75 Ladies' $2.25 Shoes, mid-weight, sizes 0 and G, reduced to 1.25 Ladies' Light-weight Shoes, EE last, patent tip, sizes 2, 3 and 8 .75 Ladies' best $2.00 Shoes, sizes 2, 7 and 8, reduced to . : 1.60 Ladies' 1.75 Shoes, all sizes, reduced to 1.50 Infants' button Shoes, sizes 2 to 5 .40 Infants' Soft Sole Shoes 25 UNDERWEAR Odds and ends Children's .and Misses' Underwear at very low prices. Ladies' Seamless Hose, 4-in. ribbed top, 2 pair, 25c. Ladies' How, 1 pair, 6c. Boys' 2-piece Suits, heavy weight, jer suit 60c Sa'urday only we will sell Ursulas copper, nickel-plated No. 8 1 kettles, 75c No. 28 best grade Granite Wash Bsm, Saturday only.... 15C Very best grade oUndelible Pencils '.... 5C All Toilet Articles Half Price. 'or the concrete work on the re ervir for the'eity water system J Hotter is put ting in for purchasers of property in his town site. I he reservoir win or un feet in extent and feet deep. Mr. Mear will also build a foundation for Mr. Mosier's house. ' Wanted. Em ployment by a young man of S8 (from Illinois) Nursery, orchard or berry farm work preferred. Kiperlaneed wllh poultry. Intelligent, respectable, Industrious snd re llsble. Address K. O. X, care Glacier, anttf To Trade for Cow. (Jood all round horse to trade double or sin gle for fresh milk cow. . V. KBY Hi j Kant JHelinont. " Wanted this Week:. One or two gentle ponies used to packing In th! mountains. Write to-P. M., Underwood. Wash., the last of this week, no later than the middle cf next. 4 Apple Grower's Notice All growers snd packers are requested to meet the hoard of directors of the Apple Growers' union at the warehouse of the Hood Hlver Krult Growers' union Haturday. August , for the purpose of considering all matters pertaining to the packing of apples. Meeting called for t o'clock, A. I. MAHON, President. V. O. CHURCH, Hecrctary. - For Sale Cheap. One first clans stereoptlcon and moving pic ture msohlne, a M! oultlt at one-fourth cost. Cull or address II. H. liAl.l., K. K. O.t. H(k1 Kiver, Or. Wood For Sale. One Hundred Kitty ricks of Yellow Pine. CHiOKUK A. MAHrtEY, aSS Dukes Valley, Or. Wood Sawing In Town Thos i who want me to Mtw wood should get their wood at once and eord It up as 1 will be obliged to charge for the time It takes to handle it where not corded up. I will go hi Cascade Locks Sept. 16 to be gone two week, (iet your wood sawed early end under cover for winter. K. O, BRACE, 826 Phone 334. Girl Wanted. Young Indy attending the Hood River school who will do house work In family of two for payment of tuition, board and room Included, Address V, care of the Glacier office. a 4tf. f : om Bait Hook to Creel. Fruits A'l kinds Sewing Machine Needles. Geo! F. Coe & Son AH. U. RAND. HOTEL WAU-GUIN-GUIN HOOD RIVER, OR. A fine Summer Itesoit, two miles west of It. II. Station, overlooking the Columbia Kiver. New, Neat and clean. $2.00 per day. ; R. RAND & SON, Props. LESLIE BUTLEU. BUTLER & CO., BANKERS. ESTABLISHED 1900. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. RESIDENTS OF WASCO COUNTY FOR 22 YEARS. COPYRIGHT., THE PEOPLE Generally appreciate the efforts that are put forth to please the public, and this is the secret of our growing business. Reliable Goods at Reasonable Prices with courteous treatment to all customers, is our idea of what is right. A very Pretty Line of Lace Collars just in. Prices 85c, $1.25, $2.50 and $3.50. Summer Shirt waists We have some left at a bar ain. Call and see them. Waist Lengths at 10c to $1.00 per yard. Kelso Kords and Picot Stripes and a variety of Thin Sum mer Dress Goods, at greatly reduced prices. CLEAN-UP SALE IN LADIES' BELTS That are Real Values. FINE LINE OF G 3il Try Chase and Sanborn's Coffees They are the best. R. B. BRAGG & CO. Never Undersold. J! TltUMAN BUTLER. INDIAN TEACHERS . taught us how to prim) tj hake maize (hulinii corn,) hut improved and mod ern method enuhlea ua to ftirninh you with biicIi a iloBTable. wheat flour a the Diillrs J'afenl mid M77e liirt than which there In none Iwtter, at any price, few a good at a higher figure. FOR SALE BY STRANAHAN & BAG LEY Hood River, Or. GORDON. The tremendous business the GORDON hat is doing comes from men all ever the country who are quick to recognize ixs intrinsic value. Every GORDON hat agency is proud of the name It means value received for each one of the three dollars that is asked for a GORDON hat. PTR STOVE WOOD For sale. Ioqulie at the livery liMea.mi Tlrrr Slab Wood for Mir, 13.50 cord, delivered, If token at once. DAVKNrOm prtUM. IjUU w. FOR SALE. n ... In 4 'panuir riiatrlilt.- VA mites from Hood Hlver. Good apple land. $30 per acre. tonus. Unimproved, under UIU.H. J J f i . 10 Acres for Sale. I itm offering for Kile my 10 acres, well lm- 6 roved, 8 mile, lonth of town, od the Mount lood ruad. For particular., call! my place. aMtf V- E. BAI1.KY. 35 Acres. For aale at a bargain; on the road to Mount .. . . i . . i . . i . l iu. itho liui 11 1 in for a honae by the roadnlde. Inquire on the Gruhbiner. Any one wanting grubbing done thl fall and wlntercallouthe"Oet There Grubber." at Beulab Land. 4 CARNK8 A LAiib. Wanted. BUnewmember. for .he t. A Bargain. One new mower and ruke. Deerlng manu facture. Price for the two, 160. all I. C. NKALEIOH, For Sale 80 acre, of land ODDonltethe Mount Hood pootoffloe. A bargain If aold aoon. Two low anaoneofme wmh. rniutriius iu iuwu mi bargain,. Inquire of UKOHOK T. PBATH Kit. Strayed. Dark Jeraev enw with Lell: calf, aame eolor. with white .pot on forehead, and calf weaner. notify iiiiiUnur. riyuu. aU K. K. I). No. 1 For Sale. Two homenead relinquishment. In uppet Hood Kiver vaney. Home improvemenia. Uood land, easily cleared. Inquire of THOMAS J. DAVIS, all On China Hill. For Sale. One heavy draft horae, one buggy, one pair oi truck, an eneup ir aoia at once, a 18 JAM EH A. COOK. Wanted. Uiri iur general uuuw wuris.; nit lunnmiru house In towa or country for oue month. Hee Bees For Sale. A few hive, of Italian bee. tn np-to-date irame nivea. n per nive. Aaarexa all R. F1KLD, White Balmon, Wa.h For Sale. Small team, well broken, for .ale cheap. apply to u. M. Aieicaii or all C. U COPPI.E. Shoats for Sale Twenty head of .boats for sale. O. B. HARTLEY. Notice to Water Consumers. Any one caught shutting oft water In main to make taps will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law unless they obtain permis sion irom una omce. j ins is nnai. HOOD KIVER FLECTRIC LIGHT Jgg A WATER CO A TRIP TO REMEMBER Cloud Cap Inn AT SNOW LINE ON MOUNT HOOD ELEVATION 7.000 FEET. Pure Air, Cool Nights, Unrivaled Scenery, Health, Pleasure, Recreation. Open from July 1st to October 1st. For Ratks and Information Addrkbs MRS. S. LANGILLE, Mgr. HOOD RIVER, OR. MT. HOOD MILL CO. ALL KINDS OK Seasoned Lumber IX STOCK. Reugh Lumber, $8.00 par 1,000, Finished Lumber in proportion. Lumber Yard and Office: Mt. Hood P. 0. HOOD RIVER BAKER! T. H. WILLIAMS, Prop. Freeh Bread, Buns, Cakes, and Pastry Daily. Dr. M. A. JONES DENTIST Office In Han nab rest d a n e corner of fourth and River M., Hood Kiver n hi or in nexn niver r riaays ana aalur dity. W. F. HOLMAN & SON, HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS Cottage Market, DEALER IN Fresh and Cured Meats, GREEN VEGETABLES. Free Delivery. iicycle Department. Repairs made and supplies constantly on band. Brace's Wood Saw. Parties llvln In the Belmont and Barrett districts wbo want sawing don should get ineir woou rraay an at one time, so mat I eao do all the W(9-k at one trip. I will hava to charge tnr the time of making the trip out, and It will save them extra expense If all are ready at onoe. Will start August . Pbona H. all r. O. BRACE. , Real Estate Bargains. LIST OF LANDS For Sale AND FOR RENT ' AT THE EMPORIUM. A 40 acre tract, some improvements, 2 miles from Barret school house, $2,000. A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some free irrigating water, 1$ miles from Bar rett school house, $1,100. Two lots in Winans addition, $350. A 20 acre tract unimproved, 1 miles from the Barrett school house, 6 acre cleared, $1,700. The NWJi of NWK. Sec. 4, Tp. 2 N., R. 10 E, 40 acres. Price $2,000. $500or more cash, balance in five years. Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 2, Winans add. to Hood River for $350 each, Markly 10 acres, just south of town, $3,500. A bargain. For Sale Four-fifths interest in the M. O. W'heeler 100 acres near Hood River Falls. Five acres at Frankton ; cottage and acre and a half in cultivation. Creek and water power ; $1,000. BM 1, Parkhnrst addition to Hood River, all in cultivation; good house, beautiful residence property; price, $4,500; $1,500 or more cash ; balance ou or before 3 years at 8 per cent. Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Wancoma ad dition; improved; price $1,600; or more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent. The NE of SW X and the NWJi of 8E , section 16,Tp2 north, range 11 east, 80 acres, partly improved, good ap ple land, plenty of timber, no rock. Price $800 cash or $1,000 on time at 6 per cent. Money to loan. Hanna house and lot, $2,000. The new company now offers for sale lots formerly belonging to the Hood River Townsite company, of which com pany John Leland Henderson is secre tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer. Installment plan. , Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2 story house: $1,400. Lot for sale in Waucoma Park addi tion, $200. - For Sale Residence on State street at head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots. For Rent For a term of ten years, the lot on State street, back of Bartmess' and the Paris Fair. Corner lot in front of school house $300. First-class Surveying Outfit At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. From and after this date, April 9, 1903, the rates will be as follows: $10 a day ; Lot corners established for $5 a lot; two contiguous for one owner, the same price. To Rent. Nice home farm 9 miles from town, straw berries, blackberries, apples, pears, prunes, bay, and vegetables. C'hhIi rent. UooU opor. unity for party. Apply at Jylltf OKoftuKT. I'KaYHKR'S office. CARPENTER AND , BUILDER I am prepared to do all k ndsofwork by the day or by contract, estimates on carpentering Siasterlng, stonework, excavations, ete., specf cations furnished,, Address JylWf V. W. PKlBNOw, Hood River ,Or. TEAM FOR SALE. Good, steady fa mi team. Will sell for cash or trade for heavy team, Also light wagon and harness. West of Paradise on State road. JyHa4 A. 0. LOFTS. - Slashing. Wanted done by contract, 10 acres near Mount Hood Post Office. Kverythlng furn ished. J. M. HOI.LOWEI.L. Jyl4a4 Rlvervlew Park Place, Hood River. For Sale. One team of black mares weight about 1801. Well matched, good drivers, vcntle and safe for children. Price 8125, easy terms. In quire atthls office, a 18 Lost. A lady's red leather pocket book containing a door key, a pawn ticket for lady'a watch and about seven dollars in money. Finder please leave at Mount Hood Hotel or this office. , ,28. Notice. TO CHERRY GHOWKR8 In Hood River. If you have any cherry or other trees that are not satisfactory, I will change them to any other variety, I recommend the Lambert In thecherry and Newtown and Hpitwmberg In apples. Also any one wanting fruit that I guarantee can have them at prices that will compete with anyone. The cherries, peach es, pears, etc', come from The Dalles, the only responsible nursery in that line on the Pacific coast that I know of. J. W. Klrkwood is en dorsed by the fruit men of Hood Riveras the only reliable, pra. tlcal man In the country. If any one requires signatures In regard to this statement, I will furnish them. 3. W. Klrk wood has buried the hatchet and acknowledg es the fact from actual experience, that fall pruning Is best, as tt prevents early snow or sleet from breaking the trees. It has the tendency to ripen them up and puts them In belter condition to go through the winter. Work Guaranteed J. W. KIRKWOOD For Sale At Paradise rami. Keed mill that took premium at Centennial falraa best mill In the world. (Xsto(l0, will sell for S1I10. Strong buggy $20, one horse wagon s, fodder cutter, harness, saddle furniture, etc cheap. Will al so sell choice plecee ol land bandy to town. - W. L. ADAMS. Pigs For Sale 1 will havu a nau. .,1-1 . .. . .1 . ... " (-".pint-in, 01 anu ia- 12- -. " - ... j ,xa icaw, iui snio uu Saturday morning, August I. J. W. 1N0ALL3. R.F D.8. To Water Consumers The water will be shut off from those In arrears for maintenance fee on August 7,1W4, by order of the board of directors. a4 H . q EVANS, Heererary For Sale Good, Gentle horse buggy and harness. Will trade for cow, wood or hay. f H. M. ABBOTT. FARMERS' FRIEND FEED STORE H. W. WAIT. Prop. Hoon River, Oh., July 20. 1604. To the t-oiiNunirrs of Flour and Feed : I am leaeu to quote prices today as follows: Rarli.v. twr aiiik - X OS. Shorls, per tui-k,90 lbs 1.05 Brair, per wli , 75 Fl ur, patent, per sack 1.20 ' " " ner barrel 4 Sfl Cnu tictl Corn, l4'o per lb. n hole Ctw-i. 1?4! per In. Rune for f.!l.kf-tift. In npr lh Oyster eh-lt- fur chickens, 2o er lb Wheat, IV H'r lb Hay, $15 t ifHi per ton. reeu oy u.c m:i at reasonable prices. o e o