The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 04, 1904, Image 1

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XO. 12.
Issued every Thursday by
ARTHUR D. MOB. PuMlshsr.
1 rnni of subscripliou a year writtu paid
m savsuce.
The txitoflica is open dally between 8 a
ai d 7 p. m. : Sunday rum 12 to 1 o'clock. Mails
f r the Earn close at 12:20 a. ni. ana 9 p. ra; lor
the Weil at 7:lUa. m. and 1:40 o. m.
The carrier! on R. F. D. route. No. I and No.
2 leave tbe postorflce at 8:30 daily. Mall leaves
Kor Mt. Hood, dally at 12:00 m.i arrives,
10:2(i a. m.
For thenoweth. Wash., at 7:30 a. m. Tues-
davi.Ti uradaye and Saturday.: arrives tame
day. at 6 p. m.
For I'nderwtiod. Wash., at 7:30 a. tn. Tues
day!, Thursday! and Saturdays; arrive! saiu
uay. ai o u. m.
For White Salmon, Wash., dally at : p, m.
arrives at u a. m.
For Hood River dally at a. m.i arrives at
cup. m.
ForHusum, Tront Lake and Guler, Wash.,
uauy at cewa m. ; arrives at l m.
For Glenwood, Ollmer and Fulda, Wash,
dally at 1 :ao a. m. ; arrives at 6 p. m.
ForPineflat and Bnowden, Wash., at 11:30
a. m. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrives same
aays, !":) a. m.
rot Bin en, wash., dally at 4:46 p. m.; ar
rives at 8:46 a. m.
J FKN DO. Meets the Second and Fourth
r naaya ol the month. Visitors cordially wel
corned. F. V. Uaosius, Counsellor.
Miss Nellis Clark, Secretary.
Union No. 142, meets in Odd Fellows' hall
second and fourth Saturdays In each month,
7:li o'clock. K. L. Hood, President
C. U. Dakim, Secretary.
TJOOI) RIVER CAMP. No. 7.702. M. W. A
meets In K. of F. Hall every Wednesday
Dlgul , a. itUHSELL. v. u
C. U. Dakin, Clerk.
HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 770, W. O. W., meets
on lirst and third Tuesday of each month
in Odd rellow Hall. A. C. States), C. u.
F. U. Bliuo, Clerk.
WAUCOMA LODGE, No. 30, K. ol P., meets
In K. of P. Hall every Tuesday night.
H. M. Duma, C. C.
C. E. Hemman, K. of R. 4 8.
HOOD KIVER CHAP1KR, No. 26, O. E.8.,
meets second and fourth tuesday even
ings of each month. Visitors cordially wel
comed. Thkbkhk Cartneh. W. M.
Mas. Mary B. Davidson, secretary.
HOOD RIVER CIRCLE, No. 624. Women ol
Woodcrait, meets at K. of P. liall on the
first and third Fridays of each month.
Helen Norton. Guardian Neighbor.
Nellie Uollowell, Clerk.
No. 16. G. A. R.. meet at A
O. U. W. Hall, second and fourth Saturday.
of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. R.
members invited to meet with us.
H. M. Bailkv. L'ommatidRr.
T. J. Cpnnino, Adjutant.
CANBY W. R. C, No. 16, meet! second and
fourth Saturdays of each month in A. O. U.
W. Hall at 2 p. m.
Mrs. Amda Shoemaker, President.
Mrs. T.J. Cunnino, Secretary.
p DEN ENCAMPMENT, No. 48, I. O. O. F.,
Regular meeting second and fourth Mon
days ol each month. A. J. OATchkll, C. P.
Bert Kntrican, Scribe.
1DLEWILD LODGE. No. 107, I. O. O. F.. meet
in Fraternal Hall, every Thursday night.
J. R. Reei, N. Q.
Bert Entrican, Secretary.
meets third Friday night of each month
G. K. Castner, 11. P.
D. McDonald, Secretary.
pOl'RT HOOD RIVER No. 42, Foresters of
America, meets second ana tour in mod
days in each month In K. of P. Hall.
L. C Haynes, C R.
F. C Brosius, Financial Secretary.
- 87. 1. O. O. F., meets lirst and third Fridays
In each month. Francis Mohbk. N. U.
ihsrese cabtner, secretary.
HOOD RIVER LODGE No. 105, A. F. and A.
M., meets Saturday evening on or before
each full moon. D. McDonald, W. M.
R. B. Savauk, Secretary.
OLETA ASSEMBLY No. 103, United Artisans,
meets flrt and third Wednesdays, work;
second and fourth Wednesdays, social: Arti
sans hall. D. McDonald, M. A.
K. M. McCarty, Secretary.
RIVERSIDE LODGE No. 68, A. 0. U. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
E. R. Bradley. Financier. W. B. Shute, W. M.
J. 0. Haynes, Recorder.
RIVERSIDE LODGE, NO. 40, Degree of Hon
or, A. 0. U. W, meets tint anu third Satur
days at 8 p m. Mrs. Sarah Bradley, C. of H.
Miss Cora CoPi'LE, Recorder.
Mrs. Luchetia t rather, Financier
Office and Pharmacy, Hood
Heights. Phone.-Main 961.
Will Practice in All Courts.
Office with Geo. D. Culbertson 4 Co. Collec
tions, Abstracts, Settlement of Estates.
Q H. J EN KIN 8, 1). AI. D.
Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work.
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, M.
Office over Bank Bldg. Hood Rivet, Oregon
Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
Calls promptly snswered In town or country
Day or Night.
Telephones: Residence, 611; Office, 818.
Office over Reed's Grocery.
J F. WATT, M. 0.
Physician and Surgeon.
Telephones: Office. 281; residence, 281
For 28 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has had many years experience In
Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of
titles and agent, satisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
Aba tract! Furnished. Money Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon,
p C. BR0S1U8, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; t to
and 6 to 7 P. M.
Notcry Public and Real Estate Agent-.
Loans. Ccllu-il'.ns and Conveyancing. Fire
and Life Insurance in the best companies.
Stenography and Typewriting.
Oak Street, Hood River, Oregea.
Newsy Items Gathered f rom AI
Parts of the World.
General Review of Important Happen
penlgs Presented In a Brief and
Condensed Corm.
Packers claim victory over the Chi
cago strikers.
El Paso will fight for the American
Mining congress for 1905.
The London Times declares the sink
ing of merchantmen piracy. -
Insurance tatea have decreased since
the return to Vladivostok of the Rug.
sian raiding squadron. '
The assassin of Von Plehve has been
identified as a student at Kbarkoff uni
versity. He has died of his injuries.
A small German vessel loaded with
fish for Yokohama was also sunk by
the Vladivostok squadron on its recent
An Inflection of the excursion steam
er Grand Republic Bhows conditions
aim xr lo" those on the death-ship Gjn-
eral rjlocuin.
Washington Democrats have nomin
ated Geo ge Turner, of Spokane, for
governor and Steven Judson, of Pierce
coanty, for lieutenant governor.
Railway telegraphers on Texas roads
are on a strike.
The government statement for July
abows a lagre deficit.
Large receipts of livestock are being
received and bandied at the Chicago
Special efforts will be made at San
Francisco by the government in the
land fraud cases.
The battleship Ohio fell below the
required speed in the first trial trip in
Santa Barbara channel.
The New York Building Trades alli
ance has caused work to cease on a
number of large buildings.
The "Diamond Special" on the Illi-
nois Central was held up near Chicago
by four maksed men who went through
the coaches and secured $ 10,000 in
booty and escaped.
Genreal Count Keller was killed by
Japaense Bhell July 29 while resist
ing the preliminary attack of General
Kuroki's army, lie is the first high
Russian officer to be killed in the Man
churian campaign.
A cloudburst in Nevdaa flooded sev
eral towns.
The assassin of Von Plehve still re
fuses to talk.
Fackres and strikres both claim vic
tories at Chicago.
Relations between France and the
Vatican have been broken off.
The Japanese are said to have made
great gains around Port Arthur.
Count Ignatieff will succeed to the
Russian ministry of the interior.
The Sntaa Fe tracks were washed out
for 12 miles by. a flood in Ariozna can
Thirteen passengers on a Rochester,
N. Y., trolley road were injured in a
Clash between Russians and Japan
ese armies is soon expected. The Japs
have 120,000 men and 100 guns and
the Russians 100,000 meji and 120
The steamer Arabia and her cargo
may yet be confiscated. Much of the
Sour aboard was unconsigned. The
Russian government has no official
notice of her release.
Packers say they can now afford to
ignore the strikers.
A rupture between France and the
Vatican seems inevitable.
A Japanese cruiser and a gunboat
were lost off Port Arthur by striking
President Golden, of the packing
teamsters' union, has been arrested for
Russia has filed a protest with Great
Britain on shipping of contraband of
war to Japan,
Russia will assist the United. States
in the protection of seals at the Kom
tnander islands.
Peace promotes from Iowa failed in
their effort to settle the Chicago, strike
and have revurned home.
The Portland & Asiatic steamer Ara
bia has been released at Vladivostok.
All contraband cargo was removed.
The principal in the assassination of
Von Plehve was a Little Russian, but
tbe instigators of the deed have not yet
been identified.
Leaders in the Benson-Hyde-Dimond
land ring will probably escape punish
ment. United States Judge Lacombe
has declared the indictments invalid
as the crimes were against states and
not the government.
A general attack is believed to have
begun on Port Arthur.
A Spanish war veteran drew the first
homestead in the Rosebud agency in
South Dakota.
The question of payment for Port
land flour seized by Russian vessels
rill probably gd before a prise court. -
Other attempts at assassination
expected in Russian official circle.
-JThe steamer Korea, frcm San Fran
cisco, has dodged the Russian fleet and
arrived eafels at Tokio.
Charging Japanese Driven Back at
Port Arthur.
Chefoo, Aug. 4. A desperate three
days' assault on the inner defenses, on
tbe northern and eastern sides of Port
Arthur, has failed, according to advices
brought by two junks which arrived
here today.
A Russian w ho escaped from Port
Arthur via Pigeon Bay, the night of
July 29, states that the earth trembled
under the terrific cannonading which
began at 4 a. m., July 20, and ended
dm ing the night of July 28, when the
tbe battle ceased.
a ibineee wno nag arrived tieie on
a separate junk confirms the Russian's
statement that the Russian killed and
wounded during the assault numbered
between 5,000 and 6.000.
The Japanese in their repeated as
faults against the eastern forts on the
hills, through barbed wire entangle'
ments and over mines, displayed fanati
cal bravery. They were mowed down
by the hail of shells and bullets and
the explosion of mines under their feet.
Their losses are estimated at 20,000.
The Russian declares that the Rus
sians held all the eastern forts leading
to Golden Hill and that the Japanese,
shattered and exhausted, retired to the
As related by the passengers of the
wo junks, the Japanese advance, which
began from Kwokau before daybreak,
July 26, was directed against Kikwan,
Kinkiun, Kinkisban and Pchoushan
forts, lying near shore. The Russian
outposts were dtiven back. In the
meantime Admiral Togo shelled the
forts at tang range, but the return fire
of the foits kept his ships at a safe dis
tance, rendering the co-operation of the
fleet ineffective.
On the morning of July 27, the Rus
sian fleet steamed out, keeping under
the protection of the Golden Hill guns.
The Russian veesele did not fire on the
Japanese and soon returned to their
The assault on the northern side of
the city occurred July 27. The Japan
ese left at Hsikau advanced on the
Russians at Shinshi Ying, ' but were
The junks were within hearing dis
tance for three days after leaving, but
no more firing wu heard.
The Russian hospitals at Port Arthur
are said to be swamped. Thousands
of wounded are lying in houses and
shops of the Chinese, the owners having
been evicted, with the exception of
one who acts as caretaker of each place.
Medical attention is inadequate.
No Account Yet of the Battle
Took Place August 2.
St. Peteisburg, Aug. 4. Allowing
for the inevitable conflict in names, the
Japanese and Russian reports seem to
agree on the main points of the mili
tary developments up to August 1, but
both stop short at their interesting
point, namely, regarding what happen
ed on August 2, when it is possible
that a decisive struggle was going on
east and south of Liao Yang.
The usual crowds were assembled
around tbe bulletin boards outside the
office of the general staff until long
after midnight awaiting further official
details, but notbing was given out be
yond General Kuropatkin's two official
dispatches. It Ib evident from these
dispatches and the Japanese reports
that the Russians abandoned Yaugse
Pass, falling back, on Liandinsin, a
strong defensive position in the hills
24 miles southeast of Liao Yang.
General Kuropatkiu admits that
there were heavy losses along the
Saimtsze-Liao .Yang road July 31.
The official account is somewhat incon
clusive, but indicates that although
the Russians withdrew from their ad
vanced posts Kuropatkin hoped to be
able to hold his main posistions even
in the face of the superior Japanese
force and that he evidently expected
heavy fighting along this line, probably
about Anping. This battle possibly
was proceeding August 2, although
tbe dispatches leport that all was
quiet up to noon of August 1.
In the meantime a serious envelop
ing movement of the Japanese divis
ions was maturing around the Russian
left at Haicheng where there was also
heavy fighting Julv 81.
No news has 1 een received fromPort
New Battleship's Speed.
Washington, Aug. 4. Rear Admiral
Whiting, who represented the govern
ment aboard the battleship Ohio,
which was given ber preliminary speed
trial in Santa Barbara channel yester
day, reported to the navy department
by telegraph today that the uncorrected
figures for the Ohio's trip showed an
average speed of 17.8 knots per hour.
These figures are subject to change on
account of tidal allowances Under
the terms of the contract, the Ohio is
to make 18 knots an hour.
Situation Serious at Tangier.
Washington, Aug. 4. Acting Secre
tary of State Loomis has received a
mail report from Mr. Gum mere, the
American consul-general at Tangiers,
dated July 15, showing a state of great
unrest and uneasiness in Morocco fol
lowing the Perdicaria incident. Mr.
Gummere tells of tba attempt to kid
nap Mr. Harris, the representative of
the Lbndon Times, which has been
described in cable dispatches, and says
the situation grows more serious daily.
Transports for Baltic Squadron.
Copenhagen, Aug. 4. A Russian
agent has arrived here with the object
of purchasing large transports
company the Baltic squadron to the
Far East.
The Russian Army Is Hurry,
ing to Harbin.
Empty Cars Being Rushed South
Llao Yang Troops to Be Re
moved as fast as Possible.
Tokio, Aug. 3. After two days'
fighting, General Kuroki has defeated
tho Russian forces in two separate ac
tions fought at Yuehulikzu and tbe
Yangfe Pass. ,
St. Petershuig, Aug. 1 A report
from an apparently reliable source late
lastjiight was to the effect that General
Kuropatkin's main force, had been rap
idly moving north for tovi- a! days.
According to this report no troops
proceeding to the front from Russia had
gone past H.ubin in the past three
days. They w ill be detained there and
e cry available piece of rolling stock
will be rushed south empty for the re
moving of troops to Liao Yang and
other points to the northward, leaving
skeleton force to contest the Japan
ese advance on vital positions.
If it is true, as pointed out in the
foregoing, it leaves the Russian foiees
an exceeding "t serious position.
Lacking definite information, and if
the Russian information has not been
broken by .the capture of Simoucheng,
the authorities here a.ty that if Kuro
patkin accepts a general engagement
they telieve it will occur near Anschan-
shan, half way between Haicheng and
Liao Vang, in which case the Haicheng
force will fall back on the Simoucheng
force under General Mitschensko, on
the northward road to Vanzalin, which
is already fortified, with a view to such
a contingency. '
Vanzalin would then become the
advanced position for - Anschantwhan,
the natural strength of which ib shown
by (he fact that it was the only posi
tion the Chinese successfully defended
against the Japanese. It is possible
that if Simoucheng is evacuated it may
be in pursuance of the above plan and
it is also possible in this case that
General Stakelbefg may get away
north, but in anycase his retreat with
Geneial Oku hanghig to bft iear must
be a difficult operation, even with the
railwiy to help him.
Losses Have Been Heavy During
the Past few Days.
Tokio, Aug. 3. It is reported at the
war office that the result of the fight
ing which has been in progress in the
vicinity of Haicheng since last Wednes
day will be a sweeping victory. While
a number of oflicial communications
from the commanding officers have
been received, their contents are care
fully guarded for the present.
It is believed, however that the re
lief colt m is have been divided by a
successful outflnnking movement on the
part of General Kuroki's army, which
turned the Russian fiank. This move
ment is believed to have resulted in
the isolation of Lieutenant General
Stakellierg's divisions and they are now
believed to be practically surrounded
by the victorious Japanese.
General Kuropatkin is understood to
be endeavoring to withdraw the rem
nants of Mb scattered army toward
Mukden and Japanese officers, who
should know exactly what the condit
ions are in Manchuria, declare that
both Liao Yang and Mukden must fail
wihin a very short time.
Tho Russians losses within the past
five days have been fluch as effectively
weaken General Kuropatkin's army so
that the Japanese combined fonei are
now much more than a match for the
crippled Russians opposed to them.
At last accounts fierce fighting was still
in progress with everything -pointing
to ultimate and complete Japanese suc
cess. Search to Proceed.
St. Petersburg Aug. 3. The govern
ment has issued an official announce
ment of the release of the steamer Ma
lacca, which was seized in the Red sea
by the Russian volunteer fleet cruisers.
It states that the liberation of the ves
sels was due to tbe declaration by the
British government that the cargo was
the property of the state, but says it
must not be deducted from this fact
that the impel ial government abandons
its intention of sending out isolated
cruisers as well as warships generally
to searVh for contraband ol war.
Give Up at Kansas City.
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 3 Today's
developments in the packers' strike
were serious from the standpoint of
the strikers, as hundreds of their num
ber returned to work, many of them be
ing skilled workmen. The serious
break in the ranks of the strikers today
as caused by their growing tired of
waiting for strike benefit money prom
ised from Chicago and because" they
could not afford to remain idle for a
longer time without pay.
Ar bia's Trial In Progress. '
St. PetersburgAug. 3. The Asso
ciated Press is informed at the foreign
office that the trial of the Arabia is
now progressing at Vladivostok and
that it will have to be completed be
fore the question of her rein te can be
determined npon.
Island Is Boarded btf Seven
Masked Men.
El Paso, Aug. 8. The Rock Island
passenger train, which laft El Paso
Saturday morning, northbound, was
held up Saturday night at ) 1 o clotk at
Logan, N. M., a station 30 miles north
of Tucumcari and 99 miles tiorth of
Santa Rosa, the division point. Sven
masked robbers boaided the ttain just
as it was leaving Logan, uncoupled the
baggage and express cars and went on
with the engine.
Conductor John York resisted and
was shot in the leg. The engine was
run ahead a short distance, when it was
stopped and dynamite applied. The
small safe was placed on top of the
large one and then tha charge was
nred, but the only effect was to blow
tha small safe through the roof of the
car, the larger one not being injured.
Ibe smallei safe was renlaced and
the second charge of dynamite put be
tween tne two safes with the same re
suit, except that the small safe this
time was blown through the side of the
car. nie robbers then mounted their
horses and rode away in the darkness
Officers were advised this morning of
the hold-up and are on the trail of the
men who are believed to be the "Evans
The passengers were not molested
by the robbers, andmanv did not know
tne roobery was In progress, as most
ol them were asleep. Owing to the te-
moteness of Logan, the details of the
hold-up were not obtained until to
night, when a south-bound Rock Island
passenger train arrived here.
The Wells Fargo officials say there
was only 17 in the safe when it left
Western Federation Is Working for
Cripple Creek Deportees.
Denver, Aug. 8.--Attornevs H. K.
Hawkins and John H. Murphy, coun
sel for the Western Federation of Min
ers, are devising ways and means to
enable the deported Clippie Creek
miners to return to their homes. Pa
pers are being drawn and application
will be made to some court, possibly
the federal court, for an injunction re
straining the' Citizens' alliance and
Mineowners' association from interfer
ing with any deportees who return to
tbe Cripple Cieek district.
The Western Federation officials are
also making arrangements to reopen
the nnion stores in Cripple Creek and
Victor that were raided and looted by
mobs June 6 and .
Sheriff Edward Bell, of Teller" coun
ty, has advised against the reopening
ol tbe stores or the return of deportees,
tearing tbat such action will lead to
Effort to Patch Up Quarrel of the
Rival Unions.
New York, Aug. 3. It is said here
today that if the memliers of the union
who are held responsible for the strike
in the subway do not adjust matters
promptly, a general lockout may be
ordered by the Building Trades Em
ployers' association to be followed by
an attempt to establish an open shop.
At tbe meeting of the Central federal
union a more conciliatory attitude was
adopted. At the close of the secret ses
s'on it was anntum ed that a committee
had been appointed to bring about an
amalgamation of the two paiuters'
unions the Brotbeihood of Painters
and the Amalgamated Painters' society,
whose fight, one against the other, led.
to the subway strike.
Japanese flotilla Makes Safe Get
away in the Bay.
Tokio, Aug. 3. The Japanese naval
department asserts tbat in the attack
made by the Japanese torpedoboat flo
tilla on the Rusisan Port Arthur de
fense sqriadron, July 24, which was
previously reported without details,
resulted in the crippling of three Rus
sian destroyers so badly as to render
them useless for any future fighting.
Ihe attack took place in East Hsicnd-
heng bay and the Japanese destroveis
discharged three fish-model propeller
torpedoes and then made their escape
in the fog without waiting to see if
the machines reached their mark.
Outposts are Engaged.
With the Japanese army in Man
churia, at the headquarters of General
Kuioki, July 29, via Antung and Se
oul, Aug. 1. The conditions on the
right remain practically unchanged,
allbougb numerous engagements be
tween the outposlsof the two armies are
of constant occurrence. There has been
severe fighting in the center, although
no details have aa yet reached here.
The Russians are strongly entrenching
their secondary position five miles west
of Liao Yang and are expected to make
a stand there.
Tangier Guards Doubled.
Tangier, Ang. 2. Last night all the
guards about the city were doubled and
a strong mounted force patrolled the
outskirts until daylight. Europeans
living in isolated places have been
warned to come into the city. The
diplomatic corps held a meeting today,
at which Mohammed-el-Torres, the
saltan's representative here, and twoof
his council were present. It la believed
that tba object of the conference was to
discuss present conditions.
Philadelphia Tire Loss.
Philadelphia, Aug. 8. The group of
four buildings of the ornamental Terra
Cotta works at Wissackon avenue and
Bristol streets was entirely destroyed
by fire tonight. Loss, 150,000.
State Association Will Meet to Tlx
f the Date.
Salem President John H. Scott, of
tbe Oregon Good Roada association,
has cailed a meeting of the executive
committee of that organization to be
held in this city at 1P.M. Wednesday
"igutt 10. The principal business of
the committee will be to fix a date for
the annual convention of the associa'
tion. At the lust meeting it was de
cided that the association shall meet
this year in Salem, and the date will
f1"'" ue Bouieume in uctooer or
1.. t . . ! . , , . .
early in November.
TL. 1. . I . . .
jiiiuuiMi ins conrtesv oi Alannwr
.dwin Stone, of the Corvallis A F:ast
em railway, the memliers of the ex
ecutive committee will be given An op
portunity to visit the granite auarrv cn
the Santiam river on Thursday August
n. a special trian will lie run from
Albany to tbe granite quarry so that
there need be no delays waiting for the
regular train.
fl'l . 1 m . . .
i ne members oi tbe executive com
mittee are: John H. Scott, Salem;
H. M. Palmer, Albany; George C.
Blakely, The Dalles; W. W. Trav.llion,
Baker City; Virgil E. Watters. Cor-
vallis; H. B. Thilesen, Salem; J. O.
Booth, Grants Pass; B. F. Rhodes,
McMinnvllle; T. F. Ryan, Oregon City.
At tne meeting the committee will
also make airangements for preparing
the program for the convention and
will also take up the matter of formu
lating a campaign of education in favor
of good roads. A number of counties
lave contributed to the educational
fund, and the committee is ready to
take up active work. ,
Received by the State In Accordance
With Recent Act of Congress.
Salem The state land board has re
ceived a patent from the United States
tovernment conveying to the state 19.-
000 acres of lieu land in accordance with
the acl passed by the last session of
congress. This land was selected
pon Klamath reserve base, made
available by the readjustment of the
boundaries of the reseive. The selec.
tions were made in 1901, but there was
some question in the department as to
whether the state was entitled to use
school sections within the new boun
daries as base. Ihe question was set
tled in April last by the passage of an
act of congress directing that the
state's selections be allowed, and the
issuance of the patent is the formal
compliance with that act. The state
sold the lieu land as soon as it was se
kcted, in 1901, at $2.50 per acre, the
legal price at that time.
Grange Will Have Exhibit.
Oregon Cty Acting in conjunction
with the committee appointed for the
purpose by the state grange, the vari
ous snbordlnatj granges of Clackamas
county are appointing committees to
arrange for the holding of district fairs
this fall. Collections will be made of
all kinds of agricultural products for a
competitive exhibition. The cream for
the respective exhibits will be arranged
in one grand exhibit for the inspection
of the national grange which will be
convened at Portland in 1906, during
the Lewis and Clark fair.
Rosedale Is After Electric Line.
Salem The citizens of Rosedale, a
farming community six miles south of
this city, met last week and took the
preliminary steps for the organization
of a local "push club," a name not
having been chosen. The object is for
the betterment of the community in
general, but its chief aim is to secure
the proposed extension of an electric
line from this city into that communi
ty, which is in the heart of a rich fruit
Smaller Loggers Lose Heavily.
Astoria The failure of the usual
freshets last winter entailed a consider
able loss to the smaller loggers operat
ing In this vicinity. It is estimated
that there are at the present time over
10,000,000 feet of logs above tide water
in the Lewis and Clark river. These
logs were cut last fall and winter, : but
there was not sufficient water in the
stream to float then down. They are
valued at fully $70,000.
Resume Work on Umatilla Dam.
Echo A crew of government en
gineers, headed by Edmund J. Davis,
has arrived here and will proceed to
the site of the big dam of the Umatilla
irrigation project to take np the work
which was dropped two months ago
when the engineers were taken away to
work on the Malheur county project.
Mill Will Resume Grinding.
McMinnville The large flouring
mills known as the Atlas mills, whit h
have been idle for the last two years,
will again resume operations. Tbe
mills have been undergoing some re
pairs the past week and will begin
next week on a large bill of flour for
Profitable Seed Crop.
Amity A. Sheldon, a farmer residi
ng two miles west of toVn, hulled
eight acres of Alsyke clover which
yielded hinj, 60 bushels. This is a very
profitable crop, as it usually sells from
14 to 16 cents per pounfl, "netting him
$670 an acre.
Grain Is Destroyed on Two Parms
Near Adams.
Pendleton Tbe first serious wheat
fire this summer visited the farm of
Lowell Rogers, near Adams, last week,
causing a loss of nearly 1,500. Flva
hundred sacks of grain, a wagon and
40 tons ol hay were destroyed. One
horse was so badly buined that It died.
The harvest crew was some distance
away when the Are started. Two little
daughters of George Rogers were smnt
aftei the men, and narrowly escaped
being burned' to death in tha burnln
grain.- By hard work the crew flnnllv
extinguished the fire.
The first of the week fire strain via.
ited Rogers' place and before it could
be extinguished over 1.200 sacks of
wheat were destroyed and about 70
acres of standing grain burned. The
grain and stiaw being very dry. the fire
spread rapidly into an atlioinimr fluid
owned by Louis Odette, Odette lost 30
acres of g ain before the fire could be
gotten under control. Mr. Rogers e
timateg his loss at 7,000 or more bush.
Is. A number of farming imnlemente
and harvest supplies were also lost.
His loss will exceed 5.000. He had
small insurance. Mr.'Odutte'i loss la
believed to be $1,500.
Government Will Run Hatchery.
Oregon City The Doner Clackamae
hatcheiy, located about 60 miles up
the Clackamas river from this city, hai
been turned ovei to the government for
operation, having been conducted for a
number of yf ars as a state enterprise.
The Clackamas hatchery is considered
bv AhIi culturi8ls to be the best hatch
ery in the state, not because of its
equipment and location, which are
deal, but because of the aualitv of tha
Chinook fish that are propagated there.
ine employes now at this hatchery
will be continued this season.
Balance of $ 1 ,000.
Oregon City When all expenses
have been met, the management of the
Willamette Valley Chautauqua associa
tion will have a balance of about II..
000 as the product of their efforts this
season. The total receipts of the 12
days' session were $fl,000, and it is es
timated that the attendance exceeded
26,000. Several Improvements will be
considered by the Chautauqua before
the convening of. next year's session.
Among others,' the grandstand will be
Clackamas Crops In No Danger.
Oregon City Residbnts of this city
who have toured the county, thorough
ly, announce that there ia no cause to
be alarmed for the crops of. Clackamas.
county, which are in much better con
dition than they have been represented
to be and will yield satsfactorily. Ob
servation's show that the hay and grain
crops are in splendid condition gener
ally and will produce ' average yields.
Point es will" need another rain to , In.
sure a good crop. , , . . , ; ' ,J,"
Wheat Walla Walla, 68cs blue-
stem, 70c; valley, 7778o. . -i' t
Barley Feed, $19 per ton; roiled.'-
$20. - , - '
Oats No. 1 white, $1.22W gray;
$1.20 per cental.
Floui Valley, T3.903.95 per bar
rel; hard wheat straights, $3.754;
ciears, $3.5U(S3 75; hard wheat pat-
enU, $ J.004.35; graham, $3.504;
whole wheat, $44.26; rye flour,
MillHtuffs Bran,' $19 per ton: mid
dlings, 23.50-, shorts, $21; chop, $18;
unseea, uairy iocui, f lu.
Hay Timothy, $14(3il6 per ton clo
ver, $10(311; grain, $ll12;choat, $11
12. ::!.,,-
Butter Fancy creamery, 1822,l(ioj
store butter, 13i3iJc.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 2021c.
Cheese Full cream, ' . twins,
ll12c; Young America, 1213c.
Poultry Fancy hens, Ilk ail 2c per
pound; old hens, llrtjllWc: mixed
chickens, 10 11c; old roosters, 8 9c;
young roosters, 10(S lie; springs, 16
to2-ponnd, 1212c4 ; broilera.l to 1)4
pound, 1313Hc; dressed thickens.
12413c; turkeys, live, 14lBc; do
diessed, 15 10c; do choice, 18 20c;
geese, live, 6 d6c; do dressed, 910c; .
dujks, old, $56.00 per dozen; 'do
young, as to size, $23.
Vegetables Turnips, $1.25 per sack:
carrots, $1.50; beets, $1.25; parsnips,
$1.25; cabbage, ll?ic; lettuce,
head, 2540c per dozen; parsley, 25c;
cauliflower, $1.752; celery, 7590C;
asparagus, 60c; peas, 46c per pound;
beans, green, 45c; wax, 45c; squash,
$1.25 per box; green corn, 60c par doz;
onions, new red, $1.30 per cwt; yellow.
Honey $33.50 per case.
Potatoes Fancy, old, $1.001.25
percental; new, Early Rose, s per
pound; Garnet Chile, l?4c-
Fruits Cherries, 46c per pound;
gooseberries, 6c; raspberries, $1.!J5 per
crate; huckleberries, 15c per pound;
apples, new, 75c$ 1.75; apricots, $10 .
1.25 per box; peaches, 60375c, cante
loupes, $2.50 per crate; .watermelons,
lc per pound; prunes, $1.25 per
box. .
Beef Dreesed. 50c per pound.
Mutton Dressedj 45c per. pound;
lambs, 6c. . . ;
Veal Dressod, S 7c per pound.
Pork Dressed, 78c pet pound.
Hops 1903 crop, 2J84 per pound.
Wool Valley, 192)e per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 1017cj mohair, 30o
per pound for choice,