The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 28, 1904, Image 9

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    TmajaJss dz Trd-velingr Bas
have arrived in a carload lot direct from the factory and must be
sold at once in order to give us the room for our immense stock of
Fall Goods to arrive next month. Special prices are marked on
every Trunk in order to move them quickly. We buy trunks di
rect and are fully 25 per cent lower than the market.
Yours truly,
Bant boa nil
No. 2, Chicago Special, 11:43 a, m.
No. 4, Spokane Flyer, 8:38 p. ra.
No. 0, Mall and Express, 10:60 p. m.
No. 24, War Freight, 12:10 p. m.
No. 22. Font Freight, 4:06 a, m.
West bnnn'l
No. 1, Portland Special. 8:03 p. m.
No. S, Portland Flyer, 5:l a. m.
No. 5, Mail and Kxprewt. 4:48 a. ra.
No. 28, Way Freight, :2f a, ra.
No. 21, Fast Freight, 6:45 p. m.
Hood River Weather Report.
For week ending Tuesday, July 26: Mean
ntaxlinnm.SO; mean mlnlmum,59.5;mean,
Highest temperature, 9 July 28; lowest 60,
night ol July 20. Precipitation, nil.
I). N. BYERLEE, Local Observer.
For bargains in Silverware, see Clarke,
the jeweler.
IW.ewood Ice Cream. Few as good
Komi better.
Shetland's ice cream at Tompkins &
Jochim sen's.
Lunches served at all hours at Stu
art's confectionery and cafe.
Cocoa menier and chocolate menier at
Bone & McDonald's.
A car load of "Upper Crust" flour just
received, try it.OREGON LUMBER CO.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
Clarke, t!:e jeweler, guarantees all
watch, clock ami jewelry repair work.
The Davidson Fruit Co. keep a line of
extra quality, medium priced buggies
and vehicle?.
Beet ice cream made in the North
west Swetliiud'H . For sale atTompkin's
& Jochimsen's ice cream parlors.
A few 75-gallon tanks for spraying pur
poses at Davidson Fruit Co. for 3.50
each. One hundred Sixty-gallon fo.
We invite the public to come in and
get our meat prices. We are willing
boiling meats at bed rock prices, Mayes
When yon need a good diamond at the
lo vest porei bin figure, quality and size
guaranteed by the cutter, call on Clarke,
the jeweler.
Watches, vatch chains, rings and
cut glass will le sold at greatly reduced
prices for the next 15 days to reduce
stock, C. H. Templk.
Wanted In a family of four, a first
class houeekeeiier and cook, who can
take charge of a house and run it. Good
salary offered. Inquire at this office.
Mayes Bros.' meat market gives notice
that all orders for morning delivery
must he in by 10:4o o'clock. The after
noon delivery will be taken off at 4:30.
Mayes Bros.
Orders at McGuire Bros. 'meat market
for morning delivery must be in by
10:45 o'clock. Hereafter, in the after
noon, the wagon will be taken off at
4 :30. McGuirr Bros.
Kxtra Star A Star shingles 2 per M.
Second grade $1.50. Lath $2.25 per M.
We want your shipments of first-class
cherrieB and other fruits. Send for Sten
cil and information free,
A. D. Blowers & Co.
Seattle, Waflh.
I will be in the East doing post-graduate
work in the hospital for a couple of
months, consequently my expenses will
be heavy. I will feel grateful if all who
are owing me will call and settle with
Mrs. Bumble or at the bank of Butler 4
Co., who will receipt for same.
Dr. Ddmbli.
Don't You like to read ourads? Pure for men, women and
We make them interesting some- I I' children. A fine lot of new ones
thing new that 'a worth your time, f-JLM ' J A. 9i iuf,tl"
eeryweek. We never miss. . jf-JS4rMB A. Tl"'y're mon'r
SZJLLM UZJ Jelly Classes -Good ones,
Straw Hats Kg wide brim, wild heavy tin tops that fit tight, the thing for your camping They're won h the price
trip. lOc. d7vS. c do8,
T The 4jtr& ThC Just Take a Look at the
Toilet Paper-Urge Rolls, illlVfrx pretty patterns of wash goods we
3 for 25c. Nwkled hardwood rol- A 11! 1 c . are selling special this week for
ler fixtures, 15c. MOSt ( I Ti! 1 taSieSl lOc per yard.
HtmmocRi for your porch Ctvtjch Xlc! tn l!$e , hooM Se?.n w,".7?n
or that shady spot under the trees. J'J"" Vaa ' tbere.- Rifle and Shotgun Shells,
Thiiseawn's tterns, heavy weavea -XT Hl Reloading and Cleaning Implement
90c to 93.50. Oil, Gun Grease, etc. Little Prices.
Will offer at a substantial reduction
the entire line of Ladies' and Misses'
Manufacturer's Cost.
Ladies' 1904 Oxford Ties
in the best stock and the newest toes
and shapes at cost.
Ladies' and Misses' Knit Sweaters
Newest styles white, red and navy
Special, $1.95.
PARASOLS Beautiful effects
in colors, white and black, price.
rank A.. Cram
Water and Light Notice
All water and light bills must be paid
at the company's office each month in
advance, on or before the 10th day of
the month. No collector will be sent
out hereafter.In all cases where bills are
not promptly paid when due, the ser
vices will be discontinued until all
arrearages are paid.
W. C.
By John Leland Henderson, Manager.
Hazlewood Ice Cream.
Peaches at Coe & Son's.
Orpingtons and Minorcae at Lewis'.
Stores close at 8 o'clock p. m. after
July 4th until further notice.
Furnished Room To rent; nice quiet
one. Inquire-G lacier office.'
I now have the most complete line of
plain band and set rings in the city, get
my prices before purchasing elsewhere,
Clarke the jeweler.
Washington ice cream at Rowley &
Try "Upper crust" Flour. It has no
equal. O. L. Co.
Try the strawberry and pineapple
ices at the Hazelwood.
Phone 51 for sack of "Upper Crust"
Flour. Money back if not satisfied.
Bone & McDonald carry a full line of
chocolate menier and cocoa menier.
Doyoiireyes need attention? If so,
call on Clarke, the jeweler and optician.
You will find a complete line of eye
glassses and spectacles at Clarke the
I handle all of the standard made
watches, call and get prices, Clarke the
With the warm weather has come
Swetland's famous ice cream at Tomp
kins & Jochimsen's.
Watches, clocks and jewelrv repaired
at the lowest possible prices, Clarke the
G. P, Atchison is agent in Hood Riv
er for the Capital City Nursery Co. of
Salem, Oregon.
Chocolate menier is absolutely pure,
and guaranteed best made. Get a can
at Bone & McDonald's.
Fresh Chinook Salmon, Halibut,
Shad, Lobsters, and fresh creamery
butter, at McGuire Bros.
S. E. Bartmess has a first class uphol
sterer in his employ, and is prepared to
do all kinds of repair work.
Remember Tompkins A Jochimson is
the only firm in Hood Kiver that
handles Swetland& Bon's ice cream.
Save money by buying your winter
wood now. Trimmings, $1 per load;
slabs 1.25 per Cord. PHONE 51.
We are still telling our home made
lard as cheap as other lard can be bought
and we guarantee every bucket. 10s,
$1.30 ; 5s, 65c ; 3s, 40c. Mayes Bros.
Steel frame drag saw with two speed
hitches, and two lengths of stroke. If
you need a power saw, this is what you
want. The price is right at J. K. Nick
elsens. Phone house.
For Sale The Donahue block on the
hill. Improved and fenced. Fine resi
dence, barn and outbuilding!. $450J.
Will sell the SE for $(i00, the NE'
for $70(1, or the W for $:S'00. One
third c.t h, balance time at 8 per cent.
Jons Lela.vd Henderson.
The Little Store with Little Prices
Application must be made at the office
of the Hood River Electric Light, Power
and Water Co. before any irrigating is
done. Patrons living west ot Fourth
street will use water from 2 to 5 p. m.
and from 7 to 10 at night. Those living
East of Fourth street will use the water
from 5 to 11 a. m.
mtf Manager.
New Today.
DK W. F. Laraway.who has been with
us for some time, is doing very satisfac
tory work. He measures the nervous
system and stops the nervous leaks.
Headaches, nervousness, sties, St, Vitus
dance, crossed eyes, etc., result from
eye strain. Dr.'Laraway will examine
your eyes by the latest system and make
the glasses to fit perfectly. His work is
guaranteed. He is an opthalmologist
and a graduate (if the best college and
has had years of experience, does not
claim to be a physician, oculist or opti
cian, does not prescribe glasses for the
sole purpose of improving the vision.
He has all instruments needed to aid in
the work. His office is with Dr. C. H.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Moe and son
Roger, spent Sunday with I). McDonald
and family at Camp Overall, above
Maple Dell.
Mr. and Mrs. Ona Davenport accom
panied Mrs. Davenport's father, A. G.
Barber, to Portland, Sunday morning.
They returned Tuesday by boat.
Deputy Sheriffs Haight and Olinger
closed the store of H. M. Abbott on
on Hood River Heights last Satuday.
R. L. Sabin of Portland has taken charge
of the store and contents as agent for
the creditors.
Captain Spencer of The Dalles Trans
portation Co. was In Haod River the
first of the week and secured an order
of timbers from the Oregon Lumber Co.,
which were taken up the river to the
stranded steamer, for use in construct
ing skidways over which the boat will
be hauled to deep water. The Spencer
lies about 500 feet from the water. The
vessel is said to be very little damaged,
and after she is in the water will soon
be in running order.
Ralph and Mrs. Savage, accompanied
by their little daughter Eleanor, visited
with Mrs. John Leland Henderson, Sun
day. Ralph returned Monday to his
ranch near the falls of Hood-river. He
says the county has granted the petition
for a road to his neighborhood, the same
to run up the west side of the river,
beginning where tbe road ends now just
above the Jasper Wickliam place.
Ralph says he has been putting in the
tune faithfully improving his ranch this
Mr. and Mrs. Blowers and Aubrey
Bloeis returned last Friday from a
week's visit as Portland and Newport"
hn Ynquina-bay. Mr. Blowers says they
spent only one day at Newport and that
wa rni.ugh for him. He went down
there to col off, and found it so uncom
fortably ciihl that he had to spend the
time beside a fire. The fog he says
remaiiH'S over the town until noon, and
alonti alKmt five in the afternoon the sea
breeze Hprinsjs up and the weather is
very cool. In Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
Blowers vUiteJ their son, United 8tate
Deputy Marshal L. N. Blowers and his
family. Mr. Blowers thinks the city a
pleas:int place, but prefers Hood River
to anything he saw on the trip.
Will Smith arrived Tuesday from
The 4-year-old son of August Guignard
is quite sick.
Benard Mercer and H. C. Hengst
started last Saturday for Lost Lake.
Mrs. A. A. Jayne boarded the after
noon train last Thursday for Portland.
Editor Michel! of the Heppner Gazette
is now publisher of the Stevenson Pio
neer. Mrs. T. H. Humphry returned last
Thursday from an extended visit to
Astoria will have six women delegates
to the convention of the Oregon Devel
opment league.
The Dalles melon crop was damaged
this year by cut worms, and the crop is
reported a light one.
An effort is being made to dispose of
the Fruit Growers cannery at Echo to
outside capitalists.
W. E. Godsey and the three Hart
brothers returned last week from a trip
to Badger lake, where they found splen
did fishing.
Friday night of last week The Dalles
Fruit Growers' Union sent out its first
car of peach plums. The crop is said to
be fine one..
Saya the Moro Observer: "T. R.
Coon, of Hood River, is selling out and
wishes to go to Australia the home of
our Oregon ballot system."
C. E. Warrens boarded the afternoon
passenger for Portland, taking with
him specimens of timothy and oats
gathered from his farm on the West
Side. .
Captain II. C. Cook 6f White Salmon
has been elected a del-eg.ite by
the Washington state convention
of Odd Fellows to attend the nation
al convention at San Francisco this fall.
Rev. S. C. Garrision, who filled the
positition of Congregational minister at
at White Salmon, completed his vear's
contract last week and left for Berkeley.
The little church is now without a pas
O. A. Rinehart has told his property
on the hill and will leave for Hannah,
Idaho, where he has purchased an 80-
acre farm. He expects to come back to
Hood River for the winter.
A. T. Deek, the brickirjaker,says his
first kiln of brick, 30,000, and that he
has another kiln about ready to open
which contains 175,000 brick. He lias
also 200,000 green brirk in his yard
ready to go into another kiln which he
will start in a few days.
Miss Alice Horning, of Messila Park,
N. M., was in Hood River laBt week
visiting her sister, Mrs. C. D. Thompson.
Last Baturuay, Airs, ltiompson and
Mies Horning left for an outing at Long
Beach. Profess:,r Thompson left later
for Lost Lake.
Among the delegates named to the
convention of the Oregon Development
League are A. Winans of Hood Klver,
from the Oregon Irrigation association,
and E. L. Smith of Hood River, named
by President Scott of the Good Roads
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Williams, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Davidson and Mr. and
Mrs. Noah Hone left yesterday for a
three weeks' outing at Badger lake,
southeast of Mount llooil. The party
will all go with horses, taking the road
to the head of Neal creek, and from
there striking a herder's trail over the
ridge to the lake.
John Leland Henderson received
word last Friday that his mother in
Chicago was much worse and not ex-
Sected to survive her illness. Mr. Hen
erson left that night for his mother's
bedside. Airs. Henderson s second son,
Professor Louis F. Henderson of Mos
cow, Idaho, is also with tier. 1 lie
mother is 80 years old.
Invitations are out announcing the
marriage of Miss Jrwphene revton
Kimball of Supersor, Wis., to Edwin
Corydon French Knowes of Hood River
at the home of the br.des mother on the
on the afternoon of Wednesday, July
it. sir, jvnowies is comparatively a
new comer to Hood River, he having
purchased the Axtel Rahm property
last April.
Ben Teal of New York city and sister,
Miss Clara Teal of Portland made a
short visit to Hood River last week and
lunched at Pinehurst Wednesday. Mr.
Teal is a prominent and popular man in
theatricals. It was he who staged "Ben
Hur," which is one of the most difficult
plays ever known to have been staged.
Mr. Teal has been to Europe since he
brought out Ben Hur, and is out here on
a visit to his parents for a short time.
J. H. Woodrum of 23 California street
San Francisco, writes to Leslie Butler
saying that he noticed by the United
States geological survey reports that
bloodstones have been found at Hood
River. Mr. Woodrum is desirous of
securing some ot the specimens. If any
of the Glacier readers know of any
bloodstones being found in the valley
they may find it to their advantage to
correspond with the gentleman.
Mordecai Jones of Husum was in
Hood River last Thursday. Mr. Jones
reports having bagged a large brown
bear last week. A cougar bad come
down from the mountains and had mo
lested a neighbor's band of sheep.
Jones and his hounds spent half a day
on the trail of the mountain lion, but
were unable to overtake the beast. The
dogs ran onto a bear, he' says, and
within live minutes after they began to
bartt, Bruin was treed and shot,
Davenport Lumber Co. have closed
their cord wood camps, owing to the
risk of fires during the summer months.
J. R. Phillips had charge of the Daven
port Bros.' wood camps this year, and
turned out about 5,000 cords of flrst-claBs
wood. This has all been flumed to the
company's side track at RutliUm, where
it is being loaded on cars for points in
llastern Oregon. Wood is cheaper this
year than last season. Frank Daven
port, jr., of the Davenport Bros. Lumber
Co., says his company is getting $2.50 a
cord this summer. .
Meigs Bartmess, who was graduated
last June from ilieOreeon Airrictiltaral
college at Corvallis, is home for his sum
mer vacation. Me ins was with the O.N.G
at American lake. He says he had been
rusticating in the mountains a couple of
weeks before the encampment and wa
much better prepared for the hard
marching the troops were subjected to,
than were most of the bovs. Some of
them were pretty well played out by
the hard campaigning. Meigs savs he.
enjoyed the work, but is - glad to get
home. He has been offered a position
as instructor in the Hill Miltary acade
my at Portland, but hat not decided
just what he will do the coming year.
E. R. Bradley returned from Portland
where he spent four days as a delegate
to the grand lodge ot tbe A. O. U. W
Mr. Bradley reports a very profitable
session. He says the debates were par
ticipated in by the ablest men of the or
der, and he heard some of the most elo
quent speeches in many a year. Grand
Master Tate was an eloquent talker,
says Mr. liradley. ine Oregon juris
diction of the Workmen will retain the
present step-rate plan of assessment,
This is the subject over which the big
debates occurred, whether or not the
present rates should be raised on the
older members. There it one change,
says Mr. liradley. lhere will be an
assessment each month whether the
death rate calls for jtor not.
The tramra of t ramus that dailv nass
through the city on the west-oound
trains are really astonishing to those
not acquainted with the migratory hab
its of this class of individuals, who are
constantly looking for new fields in
which they can make a living by bur
glary, begging or any other device, says
The Dulles Chronicle. Work would be
the greatest punishment that could lie
inflicted on them. The marshal count
ed 14 on the tops of the passenger coach
es ot the early morning train today.
A. G. Barber, of Loean. Utah, father
of Mrs. Ona Davenport, arrived last
Friday, being called here by the death
of his little granddaughter. Mr. Barber
is interested in a large knitting factory
at Logan. He is a member of the
upper house of the Utah legislature,
being a holdover senator. He voted for
tbe $5,000 appropriation his state made
for the Lewis and Clark exposition, and
being interested in the fair, went to
Portland Sunday to see just what
gress the project is making. Mr.
ber was one of the citizens of Logan
who so hospitablv received and enter
tained a party of 000 delegates from the
national irrigation congress at Ogden
last September. A number of Hood
River people remember well the occasion.
We are going to move from our present quarters into the new brick building
now being built by Mr. E. L. Smith, and we are going to make big sacrifices to clean
up our stock before that time. We have realized that to sell this stock of goods we
will have to cut deep, and you will find on investigation that there has been
sacrifices never before made in this city.
20c, 25c and 30c Wash Goods, sale price 10c
35c and 40c Wash Goods, sale price 25c
A. F. Ginghams, sale price : 0c
Undermuslins, Night Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Skirts, 25 to 35 per cent cut
Carpets and Rugs 25 " " "
Underclothing 35 " " "
Men's Suits, Hats and Caps . 35 " " "
Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes 30 to 50 " " "
Men's Straw and Felt Hats 50 " " "
Ladies' Shirt Waists 30 to 50 " " "
And a great many other articles which we will piace in this sale that we cannot
quote here.
Phone 581. Free Delivery. J g RAND.
Dr. Thomas Condon, professor of
geology at the University of Oregon,
hugene, accompatcu by Ins daughter,
Mrs. H. 8. Bean, arrived last Thursday
and crossed to White Salmon, to visit
Dr. Condon's son, Seymour W. Condon.
Mrs. Bean returned tho next day. Dr.
Condon, though over &1 years of age,
continues to retain his vigorous mental
faculties unimpaired.
The Pacific Coast Nurserymen, who
met in Hood Kiver recently and invited
the American Association of Nurserymen
to hold their meeting in 1005 in Port
land, are doing a great work for them
selves and the state at large by thor
oughly discussing the questions relating
to the nursery business, getting into
closer touch with nach other and work
ing to get up horticultural interest. Pa
cific farmer. ,
Articles of incorporation were filed
last week by George W. Johnston, T. H.
Johnston and W. A. Johnston, of Dufur,
incorporators. The name of the corpor
ation will be Johnstons; capital stock,
$50,000, divided into 500 shares of 150
each. The object is to operate a general
merchandise business in the town of
Dufur and to own buildings and grounds
in connection therewith and necessary
and convenient therefor.
On visiting a tract of land for the first
time in several years, II. K. Kincaid of
Eugene found that timlier and brush
had grown up nearly all over the land,
Another Bombardment in Prices at
The Globe Clothing' Co.
Men's Summer Suits in light
colors, neatly made up, $9.00 3 AC
value, reduced to kj s xj
Men's grey mixed suits, good
fit, highly -tailored, never sold
for less than f 18.00, for one n EA
week reduced to 0J
Boys' long pants suits, dark
or light colors, a regular $ 7.50 "5 O CJ
valuh, for this week only 0J
Little Boys' two-piece summer 7tZv
suits, $ .50 value, down to J OS
Boys' summer wash suits, not
one in the lot sold for less than if,
7")C, and up to $2, your choice... rOKJ
One lot of Boys' Caps, the 2oc f
kind, go for
Men's Gloves for summer wear O Cr
made of good leather, only AOs
TO THE PUBLIC This great Saving event means a saving to you from 25 to
40 per cent, and you can't afford to miss this great Price-cutting Sale. Every article
sold by us is up to the highest standard of merchandise, and if not entirely satisfactory
bring back the goods and your money will be cheerfully refunded.
Opposite Bartmess' Furniture Store. HOOD RIVER, OREGON,
Right now is the time we are going to clear stock of
odds and ends left from the busy Spring season.
You don't need to bring your silver dollars bring
your half dollars. They will
you can use any of the broken
In SHOES, where we have but a few left of a kind, we
sell at less than cost, except contract goods. You can get
some splendid bargains in this line.
Also in Piece Goods, Ties, Handkerchiefs,
Wrist Bags, Notions, Hosiery and Men's Hats
glad to get cost out of broken lots.
Summer Millinery at great reductions. Part of
the cost suit us better than carrying it a yenr.
in some places trees large enough for
telegraph poles, bridges or wharf piling,
or saw logs, growing on land where he
plowed and raised wheat and garden
vegetables 50 years ago, Nearly all of
the 850 acres is covered with a dense for
est of new fir and oak timber and brush
tiiat has grown up since the donation
claim was settled on by Thomas and
Nancy Kincaid in 1863. There are thou
sands, perhaps tens of thousands, of
cords of wood now growing on the land.
Robert Leasure made an early morn
ing trip from Mount Hood, Monday,
It's warm in his part of the country,
says Mr. Leasure. Irrigating the hay
crop consumes most of the time of the
farmers there. There would bo plenty
of water for all, says Mr. Leasure, if the
people divided up equally. They expect
to have this matter better adjusted an
other year. When asked how Parker
would run in the Mount Hood settle
ment this fall, Mr. Leasure remarked
that he didn't think he would. Mr.
Leasure has been a stalwart democrat
all his life and a warm admirer of the
publisher of the Commoner, but he
says he is undecided about supporting
tbe resident of Ksopns. If he were a
voter in a doubtful state he would re
pudiate the democratic nominee.
Mount Hood is now Btrongly republican
in its political views.
Work of getting the steamer Spencer
back into the water from the sands
go just about as far now, if
:f if ' s.
where it was beached two weeks ago is
found to be a big join The boat will
have to he moved "00 feet from where it
now rests before it will Btrike water suf
ficiently deep to float it. A force of men
is at work building ways from the boat
to deep water, but progress iB naturally
slow, and it will probably lie two weeks
before the boat is floated. It will then
be taken to Portland for repairs. An
examination of the boat shows that very
little damage has been done, and when
it is once again in the water it can be
repaired in a short time.
Jim Langille, accompanied by Mr.
Sonnickscn, left Monday morning for
his gold mines on McCoy creek. They
were to bo joined by a man whom ,Mor
decia Jones of Husum is to send out a
man to assist in working his and
Langille's claim. This is the year Jim
should strike it rich. Last summer
Ed. Fewel helped him sink a 00-foot
K. L. Smith announced last Saturday
the appointment of the following dele
gates to the meeting of the Oregon
Development league in Portland, August
2 and 3: Wilbur H. Newell, Dilley,
Colonel Harry Haynes, Forest Grove;
L. T. Reynolds, Halom; Charles A.
Parks, Salem; A. H. Carson, Grants
Pass; V. H. Noroross, Central Point;
K. 11. Weber, The Dalles; G. K. Cast
ner, Hood Kiver; Judd Geer, Cove; A.
Brownoll, Albany.
Men's Straw Hats Iteduced C,
75c kind go at AOK,
Men's Light Weight Summer
Underwear, 50c value, for AO
Camping Quilts, large assort- HlZn
ment, $1.50 value, only 'wv
Men's Cotton Pants, sold every- L C r
where for one dollar, now jO
Men's Good Suspenders, regu- 4
lar 25c grade, only
Men's black and white stripe i
Overshirts, 35c value, only Vv
Men's good every-day socks, OC-r
G pair for AO
Men's heavy blue denim Over
alls, never sold less than 75c, our tz fisr
price for this week only
0 5