The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 28, 1904, Image 7

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    1 '
. 41:. .-'
lutMrporation papers of the Hood
River Milling company were filed with
the secretary of state lant Thursday,
w ith T. W. Thompson of Forest Grove,
G. J. (iessling and John P. Aplin of
Hood Kiver incorporators.
Mr. Gessling returned Friday morn
ing from Portland and reported that
arrangements had been perfected for
the locating of the flour mill at Hood
Iliver, and that a meeting of the stock
holders was called for Wednesday after
noon, July 27, in the city hall for the
purpoHe of electing a board of directors
and officers of the corporation.
Following is a copy of the articles of
Know all men bv these presents:
That the undersigned, T. W. Thompson,
G.J tJessling and John P. AdIIii. citi
zens of the state of Oregon, and desiring
to incorporate themselves into a private
corporation under the laws of the state
of Oregon, do make, publish and sub
scribe to the following
The name by which this corporation
shall be known is "Hood Kiver Milling
The duration of this corporation shall
De perpetual.
The object sand purposes of this cor
poration and the business in which it
propopes to engage are :
1. To build a flouring mill at Hood
Kiver, Oregon, and to hold, use and run
the same; to make additions to the
same, rebuild the same, and to purchase
and hold whatever real estate and water
rights that shall be necessary or conven
ieut in holding and lining the same; to
purchase wheat, oats, corn, and all
other cereals, and to manufacture flour,
corn meal, oatmeal, and all other kinds
of bread stuffs and chop feeds which
shall appear convenient or Droll table.
2. To buy, sell aud mortgage real
3. To build, buy, own and operate
on the waters ot the Columbia and
Willamette rivers steamboats, tutts,
barges, and to mortgage and sell the
4. To buy, trade for, hold and sell
stock in any other corporation, and to
manage ana control the same.
5. To borrow money and to execute
promissory notes therefor and mortg
ages on any property owned by the
corporat on to secure the same.
6. To buy. build, construct, own,
occupy, and use warehouses, wharves,
aud wharf-boats, and to carry on the
bii'-lnexs ot wharhngers and warehouse
7. To do any and every other thing
necessary or convenient to be done in
carrying out these an9 other kindred
The capital stock of this corporation
shall be twenty thousand dollars ($20
0J0), divided into two hundred shares
of one hundred dollars ((100) each.
The principal office of this corporation
fhall be in Hood River, Wasco county,
Oregon, but it shall have power to
transact business in the states of Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho and California.
I i witness whereof, we have hereunto
set our hands and seals this 21st day of
Julv, A. D. 1904, in triplicate.
T. W. Thompson,
U. J. Gksslino,
John P. Aplin.
Executed in the presence of :
Benton Kii.lin.
State o" Oregon , j
County of Multnomah. )
Thisertities that on this 21st day of
July, A. I). l'XH, there personally ap
peared before me, the undersigned, a
notary public in and for said county
and state, T. W. Thompson, G. J. Gess
ling and John P. Aplin, who are known
' to me to be the identical persons de
scribed in and who executed the fore
going instrument in triplicate, and
acknowledged to me that they executed
the same for the uses and purposes
therein mentioned.
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and altixed my notar
ial seal the day and year first herein
J. C. Mokeland,
Notary Public for Oregon.
Out Along: Mount Hood Avenue.
The Glacier man took a drive out along
Mount Hood avenue last Friday after
noon and found many things of interest
A. O. Hershcy was fixing over an old
tenement hoine and transforming it
into a slaughter pen for occasional
butcheiing. Mr. Hershey had several
acres of new strawberry plants that
turned out badly this year, and he has
plowed them up. The rest of his plants
are looking tine. Mr. Hershey has gone
. extensively into truck farming. But he
says he is unable to' meet the demands
for the produce in his immediate ncigh
liorliood. While Mr. Hershey is selling
a great deal of garden, truck, he says it
is Hor management on the part of his
neighlmrs that they do not raise at least
sullirient garden stuff for their own use.
Thep all have sullicient water and the
growing of their own garden stuff would
Tie much more economical.
Mr. Hershey has a fine lot of onions.
The cut worms, though, bothered him a
great deal this spring. He has discov
ered a new way of combating with
theee destructive worms. The worms
do their work at night, and for four or
five uights Mr. Hershey turned on the
irrigating water and fairly drowned out
the cut worms. There was one dry spot
in the onion patch, says Mr. Hershey,
and to this spot hundreds of the worms
congregated. They were so thick that
he gathered them in large pail and
disposed of them where they can do no
more harm.
J. T. Nealeigh has built a reservoir
which he finds very valuable. By this
neans he is enabled to utilize more of
his irrigating water than formerly. He
can thus turn on a double force when he
goes to irrigate. His reservoir makes it
possible to irrigate his farm in four di
rections at once.
Mr. Nealeigh is enthusiastic over the
idea of a eo-ojierative cannery for Hood
lfiver. He says there are hundreds of
t'li.s of fruit going to waste that could be
utilized in a canning establishment.
The farmers all have children whom they
could make nse of in getting the fruit
ready for the cans. Mr. Nealeigh is of
the opinion that this experiment if
given fair trial would prove eminently
J. P. Goodpasture has 24 acres in as
fine clover as can be seen anywhere.
This is the second crop and it now
stands 18 inches high. The first crop
was injured, says Mr. Goodpasture, be
cause the irrigating ditch was not com
pleted in time, but lie does not fear from
this again. The clover is of an even
stand ami presents a beautiful appear
ance. Mr. Goodpasture is a real fanner
and has his farm in splendid shape. It
lias taken lots of work, but the results
indicate that it pays. The laud has
been leveled off and where needed it has
been graded. Mr. Goodpasture also has
a reservoir. Along the road he has
planted poplar trees for a wiudbrake.
James Cook had to buy hay this year
for his horse, but he finds this does not
pay and has planted clover. He is an
other of the farmers who have found
that truck gardening pays.
. N. Benson is trying an experiment
with asparagus. This is the first year,
and as it requires three years for re
sults, he is unable to tell just how it
will turn out. Mr. Benson has demon
strated that he is a practical farmer and
there is no reason why he will not suc
ceed with the asparagus experiment.
He has about a quarter acre planted to
this choice spring delicacy.
D. F. Lamar conducts a little store
just on the other side of the Indian
Creek bridge. His store is little but the
business he says he did during the
strawberry season was not small. He
says he sold as high as 1,3(K) loaves of
bread a day. His back yard Is now
filled with aliout a carload of emotv
boxes that once contained groceries, lie
says the demand for the stuff was so
brisk that freight trains were too slow
for his use and he was forced to use the
express service and then the mails.
Even these were too slow and he was
compelled to use the long distaece tele
phones to hurry along the orders. His
telephone bill, he says, ran up to over
Viewers Favored the lload.
L. E. Morse and J. W. Moore, the
viewers who examined the proposed
Jackson road on the East Hide, believe
the road should be built. The gentle
men have asked the Glacier to publish
the following statement: ,
"In the last issue of the. Glacier
appears an article on the Jackson road,
regarding the expense of building said
road. This road was looked over very
thoroughly by the viewcrs and found
not an expensive road to build. As for
the damages to the land owners we could
see none, except in trie case where dam
ages were allowed. We found some low
laud in the first .mile, but not expensive
to grade, which would neceBBsarilly re
claim all of said wet land.
"The rest of the road would be very
inexpensive to build, We could see no
damages, unless it would be to uaptain
Jackson, as he would be the only man
not directly benifltted by the proposed
road. Mr. ' Robinson and It. Grosse
were present when the road was viewed
and did not ask for damages. Mr.
Clough was not present and we went
and interviewed him and allowed him
damage for the land used.
"There is no other daninge asked,
only across the corner of one 40, which
has no known outlet, and we considered
that the rood would be a benefit to as
great a number of settlers as any road
that could be proposed in the valley at
the present time.
Thursday's meeting of the Hatsa'o
Commercial club was a rousing gather
ingof the members. Enthusiasm wasman
ifest on every band. There were earnest
discussions of the subject up for consid
eration, aud a "do-something" spirit
seemed to pervade the whole assembly.
The question of placing oil on the
streets was the subject underdiscussion.
The secretary read a communication
from the Mayor of Wasco, telling the
methods used in that city tor applying
the crude oil and the cost per block.
John Lcland Henderson thought the
experiment of putting oil on the streets
should Jnot be tried until the
streets were properly graded. Grade
levels have been . established, said he,
but none of the Btreets have been
brouirht to their proper level. With
this suggestion, a committee of three
was appointed to look further into the
proposition of putting oil on the streets,
and to confer with the city council to
see if the city authorities could be count
ed upon to work in connection with the
Commercial club m street improve
President Truman Butler named the
following committee: A. I). Moe, S. E.
Bartmess and Frank A. Cram.
A letter was read from' Frank Lee of
the lacilic farmer, saying he was
ready to take up the matter the Com
mercial club had arranged for two
years ago, whereby the business men of
Hood River were to pay $100 for a page
of advertising in a special edition Of the
tanner, which Is being issued under
the auspieeB of the Portland board of
The idea that Mr. Lee hud inserted
an inch ad in the leading Eastern agri
cultural papers saying this special
edition was to be issued and
that all people - interested in
learning something of this Western
country could obtain a copy by sending
five cents in stamps seemed to be a
good thing. When Mr. Lee was here
at the time, he showed a list of names,
10,000 or 15,000 in nomber.andof course
this list has been added to since . then.
John Leland Henderson thought Hood
River could not get too much advertis
ing. Frank A. Cram was also heartily
in favor of the plan. -
it was nnaiiy decided that the ilw be
raised and the copy, furnished for the
readini! mutter in the Farmer. The
suggestion that the $.'i0 surplus from the
fourth ot July tuud be used lor this pur
rase met with approval. The following
commitle was then named to see if this
arrangement was agreeable to suhgerih
ers to the Fourth of July fund and to se
cure the balance needed: G. E. Wil
liams, H. F. Davidson and E. N.Blythe.
W. J. Baker thought that something
should be done in aid of the suifurers at
Mitchell, the town in WheeU r county
that was recently visited bv a watei-
steut. It was the opiiron of some of
the members that a communication lie
directed to some responsible party in
the town ot Mitchell to asce:tuu the
real condition of affairs then-, then if aid
was needed Uood River would be glad
to res)ond as means would permit. The
secretary was then instructed to write
to John llollingshead of Mitchell for
this information. -
As the meet nit; of the development
league in Portland on August 2 and 3
is considered of vital importance to
to Hood River, the president announced
that he would be glad to name as dele
gates any one who would signify his
intention of attending the meeting. there
were general expressions that Hood
River should semi a large and enthus
iastic delegation to Port land.
On motion arrangements were made for
distribution at the convention, cards an
nouncing the date of the apple fair and
and inviting the people of Oregon to at
tend. It was also suggested that the
Hood River delegates wear conspicuous
badges. The people of Portland will
know that Hood River is anxious for
the development of Oregon.
Follow is the letter written to Secre
tary Moe by E. 8. Cattron, mayor of
Va-co, telling how oil was applied to
tl streets of that towu':
'implying to your questions relative
to oiling streets, will say: We pur
chased our oil of the Columbia Southern
railway at f 1.27 per barrel of 40 gallons,
delivered at Wrasco. This is the same
oil the Columbia Southern railway uses
for fuel in its locomotives and comes in
car tanks of about 6,500 gallons ca
pacity. The oil tanks are fitted with
steam tanks for heating the oil. We at
tached a common wood saw engine to
the pipes and watmed the oil until we
could pump it easily with a common
" low down " pump into our street
sprinkling water tank. We bored the
holts the least bit larger in the sprink
ler than was necessary for water sprink
ling. We had no trouble putting it on
the streets in this way. The steam will
have to circulate through the pipes in
the car tank for about four or five
hours before the oil will work well.
Warm oil will also soak into the ground
quicker than cold oil. We used a roll
ing cutter or disc and worked up the
ground about two inches deep and then
put on the oil. We followed close be
hind the oil wagon with the disc, so as
to thorouguly mix the oil and dirt.
Keep all travel oil the oil for a week if
you can, and when the oil is dry enough
use a heavy roller to pack the ground.
We used about 13,000 gallons on three
blocks, and while we did not do our
work as well as we could again, we
are highly pleased. Another year
we will use more oil and do better work.
We sprinkled dirt over the crosswalks
and after oiling scraped it off. It is a
good idea to have a wagon tank of oil to
do repair work with later on. 1 should
think you ought to be able to buy oil for
alwut $1 per barrel, delivered at Hood
River. Our oil was shipped from Cali
fornia and I think was bought of or
through the Southern Pacific Railway
What About The Dalles Future.
For ten years past The Dalles has been
at a standstill, its business not having
increased perceptibly. But the wonder
is that it is not gone backward, and
those who have studied conditions closely
are amazed that the town has held its
own when they consider all the adversi
ties it has had to contend with.
The building of the Columbia South
ern cut off a large and profitable trade
from a country ttiat has developed rapid
ly. However the development of the
nearby country has been sutlicient to
support the city and keep its trade up to
about normal.
Judging the future by the past, it
would seem that The Dalles is now in a
position to forge to the front, and that
the next few years will see a marked
advance in its growth and business.
This season a fruit cannery has been put
in operation and a large dryer is soon to
be installed. These will prove a wonder
ful stimulous to the fruit industry which
will become in a few years one of great
magnitude, for within a radius of 10 to
15 miles are thousands of acres of the
best fruit lands on earth, that are now
either in their wild state or are used as
grain fields.
Another factor that will tend to build
up The Dalles is the building of a rail
road from here south into the heart of
of Central Oregon, a section that will
more than double in population and
quantity of products within two years
after it is reached by rail. All this vast
country to the Booth will become tribu
tary to ihe Dalles, and will look to this
city as a distributing point.
the building of the Celilo canal and
lockB, which is now assured, will tend to
help business here Probably from 1000
to 2000 men will be employed in their
construction. They will have to be
clothed and fed, and The Dalles will be
the point from which they will draw
their supplies.
Viewing the future even from the
conservative standpoint, it is difficult
to see anything but a marked advance
ment here from tins date on. Mount
Safeguard the Children.
Notwithstanding all that Is done bv
boards of health and charitably In
clined persons, the death rate among
small children is very high during the
not weather or the summer months In
the large cities. There is not probably
one case of bowel complaint in a bund-
red, however, that could not be cured
by the timely use of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
ror saie ay an druggists.
Crack Train of the Northwest.
The Northftrn Pacifin Nnrth- I'nnat
Limited is the crack train of the North
west. In fact it is an electric lighted.
solid vestibuled modern train, and It
does not cost you any wore to travel
on this train from Portland to the East
than it does on any other train. This
train curries Pullman first class and
Pullman tourist sleepers, day coaches,
dining ear, aud an elegant observation
car w hich has eleceric lights, electric
fans card and smoking rooms, library,
barbershop, bath room, aud numerous
easy chairs for the comfort of our pas
sengers. Write A. D. Charlton, Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison
street, corner Third, Portlaud, Or., for
any information desired in connection
with your trip to the world's fair or to
points East;
Advertised Letter List.
July 11, 1904.
Benson, Miss S. (2) Clark, Myra B
Donegan, Mrs Emerson, H A
Fisher, Miss Annie Foster, Mrs FW
Girard, Mrs Fronk Hay ward, Miss May
Johnson, Ellie Kirkham Miss 01 lie
Kluckner.MrsLizzicIiOomis, Miss Minni
MeCamm Mrs 8 A McLinzieGertie
McLeroy, Mrs McMurray, Miss B.
Miller, Aiiss Nora Moore, Miss Jennie
Murphy, Mrs II E Murphy Mry
Philli.K,iMis8 MaudeRyser, Katie '
Schulv, Miss AlvenaSinciuir Miss M
8urf..i Mis Le!U Thomas, Mrs Isabel
Vsil, Mrs M Wheeler Mrs Ethel
Weston, Ieona Winner, Mrs M
Witinger, Laura V Witinger, Miss Ollie
Wood, Miss Avis Wood, Miss Ruth
A. buns, I) Allen, Burt D
Ballou, 1) F Rates, G M or R E
Berqnct, Paul jr. , Boston, L C
Brown, II G Delmont, George
Dyinond G A Eyson, W J
Eaton, Geo W Kafre, Mr.
Gardner, Leon J Jackson, O C '
Johnson, A L Jones, Robert
lyallie, Clareiicc Lockard, C D
Ixtng, L D McClellan M O
McMurray Earl Mai ley, Joe
Miller, tit ' Miller, J B
Moe, David Newton, A H jr.,
Perkins Dave Root, Edward W
Rulson. Aldert Schulie, John
Smith Robert Smith Wesley
Smith, bempsey Spark, Peter
Stewart, F M Stoner, J C
Strand, Harrv Snthlin, Ned
Talbott II P ' Taylor, C L
Thomas, C O Tkitchel, W
Voorhees, Ed Weigle, Geo II
Poorinan' Weinse care of
Walter Winslow.
Redding, John W Rinwin, Mr.
Sargent, Robt Smith, C G
Stuart, H G Sharp Jas I
Shields, Evert Hrooks, W C
, Walker & Co.
W. M. YATES, P. M.
If the editor of the Oregon Irrigator
wants to, annex the lone Post, together
with all office furniture, fixtures and
editor, he has our permit-ion. We will
furnish th invitations, printed on
Straw-board, in green ink, iree, gmtis,
and without cost to either party. Now
get bngr and send in the couv. Arling
ton Appeal.
One Lady's Becoinmeudatlon.
I have, I believe, sold 50 boxes of
Chamberlain's Stomach and liver tab
lets on the recommendation of one lady
here, who first bought a box of them
about a year ago. She never tires of
telling her neighbors and friends about
the good qualities of these tablets. P.
M. Shore, druggist, Rochester, Ind.
The pleasant purgative effect of these
tablets makes them a favorite with the
ladles everywhere. For side oy all
Timber Land, Act June's,' 1878.1
United Mates lnd Office, The Dalles,
Oregon, April 28, MM. Noli In hereby given
that la compliance with the pnivUlonaof the
met of oonerewg of June 8. 1878. entitled "An
act for the aale of timber lands In the Htten of
(.antornia, ureon, iNevaaa and Washington
Territory," a extended to nil the public hind
stales by act Jt August 4, ISM, the followlng
named persons have tiled In this ottloe their
sworn statements, to-wit:
of Hood Kiver, county of Wasuo, mate of
ureKon, sworn Hiaiemem ro. filed
Httptember 1, Wo, for the pun-has of
the V.y. HW4, HVyt and SVM
uctlou a), township 2 north, ranire 9 emit. W M
of The DalleB. county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, nworn stat-emenl No. luoft, nled Novem-
ner to, iwK, tor me purcnaHe or the BWK SEW
BKKHWX.and tswu section , towi
auiu a uvula!, rnugu ii earn, vv m
Tn at they will offer ortof
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
Hone than for ftgrlrulturtl purposes, and te
establish their claims to said land before tbe
tiegisier ana iteceiver at The lMlles, Or on
July SO. 1S04.
They name as witnesses! T W Calbrenth, R
K Love, K Jarvls and J D Brown of Hood
River, Or; Mary A Hetiferi, Sarah Gorman.
Theodore J Hen fur t, Richard J. Oorinan and
William Ketchum or The Ihtllea, Or.
Any and all persons claiming- adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
tneir claims in mis om on or before salt!
80th day of July, HIM.
AN, Register.
ITImber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United suites Land Ofllcc, The Ilalles, Ore-
fon, April at, 1WM. Notice Is hereby given
hat In compliance with (he provisions of the
act of congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An
"act ftr the sale of timber lands In the states of
calirornia. Oregon, Nevada and W ashington
Territory," as extended to ill the public laud
states by act of August 4, 18V2, the following
named persons have Hied in this office their
sworn statements, towtt:
of Blackdnck, county of lleltrami, state of
Minnesota, sworn statement No. 21M, nled
Oclotier 5, 1!HW, for the purchase of the i'M
of NWK and EH of WWW section , township
2 north, range 11 east, W. M.
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. 1K5, n led May 18,
!!, for the purchase of the HWV, 8WV. sec
lion a, and &E KKU section 20, township 1
north, range 9 east, w M
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish their claims to salt) land before the
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on August 11, 1004.
They name as witnesses: August Wolden of
Rumldll. Minnesota: Ernar Wills of I'orlluiirt.
Or.; lxnils Nelson of Deschutes, or; 8 W Cut
ran oi v icnio, or; j a mown, Kuipn jarvls.
Charles Jarvls and A L Hoadley of Hood
River, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this office on or before said
11th day of August, 1HOI.
mlJy7 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
ITImber Land, Act June 3, 18781
United States Land Office. The Dalles. Ore
gon, June 11, HW. Notice is hereby given
that tn compliance with the provisions or the
act of congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act
for the sale of limber land In the states of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory." as extended to all the niiblio ljiml
States by act of August 4, imni, the following
naniea persons naveniea in tins omce melr
sworn statements, tn-wlt
of Waynoka, oottnty of Woods, Territory of
Ok IhIkiiiis, sworn statement No .K2!W,tlle(l April
i.uiu-tior me purcnaseoi tne sbsw w ana lot
4 or Hec. 7, township 1 norlh, range 11 East,
W. M.
of McMlnnvllle, county of Yamhill, state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. li.'61B, filed May
21, l'.HM, for thepurcnaae of the Iota I and 2 of
ec. 33, township 2 north, ranges Kst; lot 1
and KK NEW Sec. 4 township 1 north, ranmi
Eastv.M. .
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, nnd to
establish their claims to said land before
UeorgeT. Prattler, United States Commis
sioner at his office at Hood River, Oregon, on
August 30, 1'AH.
They name as witnesses; Edmond C. Miller,
G I lord D. Wmdworth, Jake Lens, Ralph
French, Lewis Morse, Charles Castner, John
W. Shrove and William K. Rand, all of Hood
River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above described Isnds are requested to tile
their claims In this oltne on or before the
said 30th day of August, 11104.
f Timber Idind Act June 13, 18781
United Slates Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, J tine 20, HUM. NntloB la hereby given that
fa compliance with tbe provisions of the act
of Congress of Junes, 1878, entitled "An act
tor the aaleof timber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the Public
Land States by act of August 4, 18IU,
of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of
Oregon, has on May 12, UJ04 filed In this office
his sworn statement No. 2,129, for the purchase
or lots V snd Hi of section No 84 In towushlp
No. 1. north, ramre No. 10 East W. M. ami urtfi
offer proof to show that the land sought is
mure vaiuauie tor ilk iimuer or stone ttiau ror
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the register and re
ceiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon on
the 27th day of September, 1)4.
He names as witnesses: Walter Isenberg,
Willis W. Daniels, Beujamln Powell, James
M. Larkin, all of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all Dersons claiming advemelv the
above-described lands are requested to Hie
their claims In this office on or before said
87th day of KeplemtH-r.llOI.
jynszz MiciiAKL iv NOLAN, Register.
Hunt's Wall Paper House
Headquarters for Contract Painting, Wall Tint
ing, Paper Hanging, etc. Up-to-date Sign
Painting' Promptly Done. All the late de
signs in Wall Paper kept on hand. Phone 671
Oak Street
C. L. GILBERT, Proprietor.
Headquarters for Tourists & Commercial Travelers
Regular Rates, $1.25 to $2.50 per day.
Sliecial Ratt-R by Week or Month..
Stages leave daily for Cloud Cap Inn during July, August and September.
Begins its 23d year September 20, 1904.
Four terms in each school year afford
ing equal opportunities for beginning
a course in September, November, Feb
ruary and April. The best traluiiig for -teachers
is the Normal course, with its
assurance of good teachers at good
wages. Write for new catalogue con
cerning courses of study, traioing. in
actual teaching afforded under real
conditions io town and country schools
and full details about the advanced
course of study with the additional ad
vantages attached. Address
Sec. J. B. V., or
Pres. E. I). Rirsler,
Monmouth, Or.
Ue BERRY Reason is well over,
CANNING Season only begun.
Carload of Fruit and Dry Granulated Sugar
Very Liberal Supply of Mason and Hermetic Fruit Jars
Oregon Lumber
Guns Fishing Tackle Gamp Outfits
Call snd see the new Winchester AutomaUo
rifle, Parker A Hmlth Hhot Uuna; Havage,
Marlln and Winchester rifles; Hportlng rifles,
H to KM. Ammunition for all arms.
Everything for Building and Furnishing the Home
Hardware Stoves Tinware Furniture Linoleum
Carpets Paints Oils Glass Building Materials
STEWART, the Home Furnisher.
Without question the most beautiful residence
location in the city. High and sightly, no mud
no dust. Supplied with the purest spring water.
You are cordially invited to come up and inves
tigate, see the water plant, enjoy the fine view
and have a good drink. No trouble to show
lots: Always at home. Now is your chance.
Buys Sells and Exchanges
New and Second-Hand Household
Goods of every description.
Come in and look around.
We can save you money.
0. 1 DABNEY & CO.
Hood River
C. F. GILBERT, Manager.
ood Hotel
Bamboo Poles, 7ftc to tlO.OO, Hteel Rods, U
to IS; Keels, 15c to f 10. All that's new In an-
tomatle Keels. Fly Hooks, 2Ac, S5o, fine and II
a down. Klsu Lines, to KM each.
Mr t v" f'.'is i
This Gun is guaranteed to kill anything from a
MouHe to a Pear, underground or on top. Either
a push or a pull will touch it off. It will catch 'em
comin' or goin'. It isn't any sin for the animal to
kill itself.
The Plumbers.
Stock Grown on Full Eoots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we will have and can sup
ply in any number
Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen
berg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or.
White Salmon Livery and Stage Co.
WYERS & KKE1S, Proprietors. '
White Salmon Stave In connortion. with un-to-ilnlo T.lvprw Burn. Shiu-pn
leave dailv, Sundays excepted, at 7:30a.
vjicuwuuu. aivev ait sieniuere.
MAYES BROS., Proprietors.
Dealers in All Kinds of Fresti, Cured
and Canned Meats.
Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits.
I Tenta, Awnings, Wagon Olivers, Camp
stoves, fl. AO up. Camp Sloven, Hummocks.
The latest In cooklug utensels and cump
I conveniences.
VWiia, J' II I lit
m., for Trout Lake, Gilmer, Fulda and
niuiii nAi,.w., hash,