The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 28, 1904, Image 1

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XO. 11.
Kl :
11 1 jaw -A
Issued every Thursday by
ARTHUR D. MOB, Publisher.
Term, o( subscription 1.60 a yew when paid
fn advance.
The nostofflc Is onen dally between Sam
ai d 7 p. ru. ; Sunday rom 12 to 1 o'clock. Malli
l r the East clone st )S:)a. m. ana t p. m; (or
the west at 7:10 a. m. andl:4Up.m.
The carrier, on R. F. D. route. No. 1 and No.
2 leave the poitofflve at 8:90 daily. Mail leave.
For Mt. Uood, daily at U:uu m.; arrivea,
10:20 a. m.
For Chenoweth, Wanta., at 7:30 a. m. Tuea
dan, T' Saturdays) arrive, aame
nays at a p. m.
For Underwood. Wash., at 7:80 a. m. Tuas-
day., Thursday, and Saturdays; arrivea aaiue
aays ai a p. m.
For White Salmon, Wash., dally at 2:46 p, m.;
arrives at 11 a. m.
For Hood River daily at a. m.; arrives at
4:46 p.m.
For Husum, Trout Lake and Ouler, Wash.,
daily at 7 : a. m. ; arrives at rj m.
For ulenwood, Gilmer and Fulda, Wash.,
ForPineflat and Hnowden, Wash., at 11:80
a. m. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrives same
oays, iu:sua. ra.
For Bin en, Wash., daily at 4:46 p. m.; i
rives at 8:46 a. m.
m t IKTIK-.
t PENDO. Meets the Second and Fourth
Frldavs ot the mouth. Visitors cordially wel
comed. F. U. Ukosius, Counsellor.
Mies Nellib Clark, Secretary;
Union No. Hi, meets in Odd Fellows' hall
second and fourth Saturdays in each month,
7:8u o'clock. . L. Rood, President,
li. U. Damn, Secretary.
HOOD JUVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A.,
meets in K. ol P. Hall every Wednesday
night M. M. Russell, V. C.
C. U. Dakin, Clerk.
HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 770, W. O. W., meets
on first and third Tuesday of each month
In Odd Fellow 11 all. ' A. C. Staten, C. J.
P. H. Blauo, Clerk.
WAUCOMA LODGE, No. 80, K. of P., meets
In K. of P. Hall every Tuesday night.
H. M. UuKW, C. C.
C. E. Hemman, K. of R. 4 S.
meets second and fourth luemiay even
ings of eaoh month. Visitors cordially wel
comed. Therehk Caktmk, W. M.
Mbs. Mart B. Davidson, Secretary.
OOI) RIVER CIRCLE, No. 524, Women of
. lV....Pa,t mjuI,., IT ..t P flail ,i tha
first and thltd Fridays of each month.
Helen Norton, Guardian Neighbor.
Nellie Hollowell. Clek.
CAN BY POST, No. 16, O. A. R., meets at A.
O. U. W. Hall, second and fourth Saturdays
of each mouth at 2 o'clock p. m. All (i. A. K.
members Invited to meet with us.
11. H. Bailby, Commander.
T. J. Cunninq, Adjutant.
CANBYW.R. C, No. 16, meets second and
fourth Saturdays of each month In A. O. U.
W. Hall at 2 p. m.
Mrs. Alida Shoemaker, President.
Mrs. T.J. cunnino, Secretary
Regular meeting second and fourth Mon
days of each montn. A. J. Uatchell, C. P.
Bert Enirican, Bcrlbe.
IDLE WILD LODGE. No. 107, I. O. O. F.. meets
In Fraternal Hall, every Thursday night.
J. K. Kxkb, N. G.
Beet Entrican, Secretary.
meets third Friday nignt ol eacn montn.
u. k. i;astnkh, ii. r.
D. McDonald, Secretary.
COURT HOOD RIVER No. 42, Foresters of
America, meets second and fourth Mon
days In each mouth in K. of P. Hall.
L. C. Haynks, C. R.
F. C. Bhobii's, Financial Secretary.
87, 1. O. O. F., meets lirst and third Fridays
In each month. Francis Morse, N. U.
Theresk Castner, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER LODGE No. 106, A. F. and A.
M., meets Saturday evening on or before
each full moon. D. McDonald, W, M.
R. B. Savage, Secretary.
LETA ASSEMBLY No. 108, United Artisan's,
meets lir-t and third Wednesdays, work;
second and fourth Wednesdays, social; Arti
sans hall. D. McDonald, M. A.
E. M. McCarty, Secretary.
RI ER8IDE LODGE No. 68, A. O. U. W.,meeU
first and third Saturdavs of each month.
E. R. Bradley. Financier. W. B. SMUTS, W. M,
J. O. Haynes, Recorder.
RIVERSIDE LODGE, NO. 40, Degree of Hon
or, A. O. U. W, meets first ana third Satur
days at 8 p m. Mrb. Sarah Bradley, U. of H,
Miss Cora t'opi'LE, Recorder.
Mrs. Lucketia 1 rather, Financier ,
Office and Pharmacy, Hood River
Heights. Phone, Main 961.
Will Practice in All Courts.
Office with Geo. D. Culbertson 4 Co. Collec
tion, Abstracts, Settlement of Estates.
Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work.
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 04.
Office over Bank Bldg. Hood River, Oregon
accessor to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
(alls promptly answered fn town or country
Day or Night.
Telephones: Residence, 611; Office, 613.
Office over Heed's Grocery.
F. WATT, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Telephones: Office, 281; realdenoa, 2W
lAIti ru auu uau
For 28 years a resident of dragon and Wash
h,.,m hd many years experience, in
Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of
titles and agent, satisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
Abstracts Furniihed. Money Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon.
'Phone Central, or 12L
Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 1 to 3
and o to r. ai.
Notary Public and Real Estate Agent.
. : i-iwh.,ti. and Conveyancing. Kir.
and Life Insurance in the best Companies.
Ctenograpny anu ,:..
Oak Stmt, Head River, Oregon.
Newsy Items Gathered from AH
Parts of the World.
General Review of Important Happen
' penlgs Presented In a Brief and
' Condensed Corm.
The British steamer Foimosa has.
been seized in the Red eea.
Russians sunk lo Japanese sailing
vessels without warning the crew.
The British steamer Calchas has been
captured by the Vladivostok squadron.
The packers are rushing in workmen
(rom outside points to fill the places of
Niu Chwang has been abandoned by
the Russians and is in the bands of the
Good authority on international laws
declares neutral prizes may not law
fully be sunk.
Thomas Taggart, of Indiana, has
been chosen chairman of the national
Democratic committee.
Tne teamsteis have joined their fel
low workmen in the strike at the Chi-I
cago packing Douses.
... H
Giffoid Finchot and F. H. Newell
will investigate changes needed in the
Northwestern land laws.
Two townships thrown often for set
tlement in I'aciiic county, Washington,
caused a rush at the Vancouver land
Kuropatkin reports a retreat of his
army alter two days fighting, lie
will probably withdraw his entirei
army to Munden.
Anxiety is felt for a number of ves
sels about due off the Japanese coast. -
In a 14-hour battle the Russians met
a severe defeat east of Ta Tclie Kiao.
Kansas City packers' claim to contii-
ue to got nonunion help and to turn out'
a greater product.
The Knitht Commander, sunk by
the Russian Vladivostok squadron, had
a cargo of iron and steel.
Malheur, Oregon farmers have two
nontlis in which to accept the govern
ment irrigation project.
Ex-Senator H. G. Davis, Democratic
nominee for vice president, is reported
to be engaged to be married.
A Big Four engine at Indianapolis.
struck an electric car, killing two per
sons and injuring a number - of others.
Thirty-seven cotton mills have shut
down at Fall River, Mass. Tlae strike
is on account of a reduciton in wages.
The resignation of Superintendent
Potter, of Chemawa Indian sclnool, has
been accepted. His successor fhas not
been named.
Corean agitation against Japanese
land grants is becoming sarjlous.-
Parker has fixed August 10 as the
date of his notification of atcceptajace.
The Russian Vladivostok, squadron
has been sighted 70 miles Trom Yoko
hama. '
All employes of the parjilng plants
hnvn e-nna nut. About R5A100 men are
affected. I
A battle has been fought near Ta
Tche Klao, and it is believed losres
will be large.
Thugs at Bonesteel. S. D., resisted
eviction, and two of them, as many of
ficers and a civilian, were shot.
Russia has stirred up the ire of
Germany by seizing a steamer in the
Red sea flying the Kaiser s flag.
Britain. Informed of the seizure el
two more ships, is determined to liave
the war status of the Russian volun
teer fleet fixed.
It is alleged that great dissatisfac
tion exists among the members of thel
meat packer's unions because of tnei
second strike order, and that a revolt
against. President Donnelly's, orderi
will occur.
Senator Goi man has refused to take,
the national Democratic chairmanship.
Colonel E. Butler, a prominent St.
louis politician, has been indicted for
Pacific coast shippers have asked the
war department to state what goods are
Brit!h press will not believe danger
a vert J until the greater question ot
the Dardanelles i settled.
A reign of terror attneds the land
rush at Bonesteel, South Dakota.
The Massachusetts state board of ar
bitration is trying to avert a strike at
cotton mills, with a prospect of success.
Bonesteel, 8. D., gamblers have met
the demand of citizens to make grafters
go, and the reign ol terror seems to be
at an end.
The grand lodge of Elks haa'abolish-
ed the grip and sign.
G. M. McKinney baa retired as head
of the Harriman immigration bureau.
Ex-Penator Vest is seriously ill and
little hope is entertained for his recov
ery. - ' .
The roeatpackers strilte has been re
newed in all the leading packing plants
and the tie-up is complete. The trou
ble is alleged discrimination in rein
stating employes. -Unless peace is
made at once all allied unions are like
ly to go out in sympathy. President
Donnelly, of the union, is said to have
demaanded that strikers be reinstated
in 10 days instead of 45.
Corresponded at Mukden report an
engagement in which the Russians lost
PacKers Striving to rill the Places
of the Strikers.
Chicago, July 28. Little if any ad
vantage was gained by either side in
the stockyards sti ike today and there
ia no hope tonight of any immediate
settlement of the difficutly. Realizing
that they have one of the hardest prob
lems to contend with in the history of
the packing industry, the packers are
leaving nothing undone to gain the
upperhand in the struggle with their
30,000 union employes who are on
All dav long, workmen from outside
points were rushed to Chicago and
taken to the stockyardi to fill the
places of the strikers. Tonight it was
announced by the packers that 7,000
new men were now installed in the
different . plants at the stockyards.
With these men and with the arrivals
that are expected each day, the packers
expect to get their affairs m such shape
that the strikers will be compelled to
seek a truce in the hostilities and seek
a peaceable settlement at the dictation
of the emloyers.
Although the receipts of livestock
today were small, compared with re
ceipts on corresponding days under
normal conditions, still many cattle,
hogs and sheep were left in the pens
toniuht unsold.
The Japanese Made Ta Tche Kiao
Mukden, July 28. The Russians
have retreated lrom Ta Tche Kiao to
Ilai Cheng.
They decided to withdraw Iiom Ta
Tche Kiao Sunday evening. General
Zarabourieff, commanding the Fourth
army corps, who is General fitakel
berg's senior, resolved to take this
steD in conscouence of the reports of
scouts that the Japanese were turning
the left flank.
The Japanese foices aie believed to
include the whole of the armies of
Generals Oku and Nodzu. More tlmn
eight divisions of Japanese are engaged.
The rear guard action between Datch
apu and Ta Tche Kiao continued until
11 at night, wlien the Japanese were
within sight of the Russian entrench
ments. The Russians withdrew in per
fect order, favored by the beautiful
. General Kuropatkin reports that the
Japanese column in the vicinity of
Saitmatsza, which is believed to be
two divisions strong, is marching along
the valley of the Taitse, with the obvi
ous aim of cutting the railroad above
Liao Yang.
The evacuation of Ta Tche Kiao was
prepared for long ago by the Russians,
as military experts have repeatedly in
dicated. The retirement is not regard
ed as materially altering the situation.
The Russians had strongly fortified
Ilai Cheng, in view of this contin
Basis of 6rftish Settlement of
- Knight Commander's Loss.
London, July 28. The British gov
ernment is taking energetic action rela
tive to the sinking of the British steam
er Knight Commander by the Vladivo
stok squadron. All information re
ceived by the government tends to es
tablish in the official mind the belief
that an outiage has been 'committed
for which no excuse exists in interna
tional law.
The demands which will be made on
the Russian government will include
compensation to the owners of the ship
and to the owners of the jcwxls on
board the Knight Commander, an
apology for the action of the Russian
cruisers and an agreement Uiat in
structions shall be given which will
prevent a repetition of such action.
Blitish shipowners are up jn arms
over the danger which shipping is now
running and are bombarding the gov
ernment with representations looking
to the thorough protection of their in
terests. .
War Vessels Must Not Pass.
London, July 28. While the nego
tiations betwon Great Britain and
Russia respecting Red eea seizures
have been carried on in the mart con
(ciliatory manner, the Associated Press
learns that in the representations to
the St. Petersburg government, For
eign secretary Lansdowne declared that
Great Britain could not, in view of her
treaty alliance with Japan, allow any
interpretation to be placed . on treaties
relating to the Dardanelles which
would permit ol the free passage of ves
sels of the Rua-ian volunteer neet.
Action Delayed in New York.
New York, July 28. A telegram
from President Donnelly, who is in!
charge of the meat strikers main bead
quarters at Chicago, directing the local
union officials to call out all men em
ployed by the companies affiliated with
the so called beef trust here, was re
ceived today. No immediate action
was taken, however. The local repre
sentative, Mr. Eichelberger, said that
in view of the present conditions here,
it would not do to act hastily.
Fighting About Port Arthur.
Chefoo, Jrly 28. A junk bringing
Chinese refugees from Pott Arthur, has
just arrived here. The Chinese report
that, when they left Port Arthur, July
Julv 22. heavy lighting was going on
both on land and sea. They were un
able to give any details. They lerxrt
that the Japanese have heavily fortified
San Chnpo Hill.
Russia Believed to Be Ready
to End the War.
Opinion Expressed in Japan That
Action of Czar's fleet ' Will In
tensify Unfriendliness.
Tokio, July 27. The acts of the
Vladivostok squadron in the Pacific
and of the volunteer fleet' in the Red
sea strengthen the belief here that Rus
sia is deliberately seeking to effect
Amercia, England and Germany, in the
hope of finding an avenue for retiring
gracefully from a disastrous war.
There is no argument over the right of
Russia to seize neutral vessels carrying'
actual contraband of war, but the wis
dom of destroying neutral prizes with
out trial, unless the subject is to in
volve other powesr, Is (generally ques
tioned. ' i ' "
It is believed that Aeierica will re
fuse to recognize Russia's extended list
of contraband and will speedily demand
a limitation to articles Wsonably con
traband, in order to protect her large
Oriental commercial interests.
It is expected that Ghat Britain will
protest against the finking of tire
Knight Commander ;ind demand trial
for seized British steamers, and that
Germany will make a second and more
vigorous protest.
The VladvioBtok warships are hover
ing about the course of the steamers
from San Francisco, proliably with the
hope of overhauling the liner Korea.
Warning, however, bars been given to
the Korea and sha has chance of elud
ing the Russians.
There will probably be otlier seiz
ures, and whatever be the determina
tion of the legal questions involved, or
whatever diplomatic action be taken,
it is confidently believed here that the
seizures will create a fettling of intense
irritation and unfriendliness against
Russia in America, Englnnd and Ger
many. Japan is anxious to localize the com
bat and avoid involving otlier powers,
but views with unfriendliness Die acts
of aggression against friendly neutrals
and treaty violations disadvantageous
to herself. In the latter connection
Japan regards the affair of the jvtHsase
of the volunteer fleet through the Dar
danelles as of more importance than
the acta of the ve.seejs subsequent to
such passage. '
Strike Has Become General In Chi
cago Stockyards.
Chicago, July 27. With all peace
negotiations broken off and with all
the allied trades unionB employed at
the different plants, with the exception
of the teamsters and stationary engin
eers, out on strike in sympathy with
the butcher workmen who quit work
two weeks ago, the stock yards strike
tonight had settled down to what prom
ises to be one of the bitterest fights be
tween capital and labor in the history
f America.
As has been threatened for some
time, the allied trades employed in the
packing industry quit work when called
on today to assist the striking butchers
in their efforts to bring the packers to
terms, la several instances the men
did not wait for the official notification
from their leaders to go on strike, but
threw down Uieir tools and quit work
of their own volition.
At 6 o'clock tonight the srtatement
wae made by M. J. Donnelly, president
of the butchers' union, that every
union man employed at the stockyards,
with the exception of the teamsters and
engineers, had responded to orders for
a general sypmathetic strike. The en
gineers, he declared, would join the
strikers tomorrow mooning, and, unless
there was a speedy settlement of the
difficulty, he said, the teamsters would
undoubtedly join their brother work
men in their struggle for supremacy.
According to Mr. Doruiel.y, today e
strike swelled the number of men who
have quit work at the' stockyards in
Cbiago alone to nearly 03,000 persons.
War Insurance Is Advanced.
London, July 27. Much anxiety is
felt here relative to certain ships now
ia Far Eastern waters, and it is be
lieved the Russian Vladivostok fleet
will capture several of them. As a re-
salt of this, insurance war risks have
advanced 7 guineas per cent, which a
few days ago were but" 10 shillings.
The Pritish steamer St.. Hubert, of
V064 tons, which is owned' in Liver-
peal, is overdue a week at Yokohama
and is almost certainly a Russian prize.
Fears are also expressed for the steamer
Romford and several colliers.
Lose iln Brisk Skirmish.
London, juiy z. a diepatcb te
newa agency from Liao Yang reporter
heavy aiUllery righting there all day
yesterday. The Ruesian casualties, it
is alleged, were thought not to exceed
400, while the Japanese are said to
have lost more men. The Japanese,
who were attacking the "southern de
tachment," according to the dispatch,
were forced to retire precipitately, leav
ing their dead and wounded on the
Move Out of Niu Chwang.
Paris, July 27. A dispatch to the
Matin from Niu Chwang says that
heavy filing continued all day long
July 24. The battle lasted for 16
hours. The Russians were driven back
on the east side and were reported to
be utterly rooted on the north. The
dispatch says the Russians evacuated
Niu Chwang. of which the Japanese
will probably take poesefsion on July
Oatmancuvered, He Must Abandon
Llao Yang.
London, July 27. Specials to the
London morning papers confirm the
news of active operations at the seat
of war. The Telegraph's Chefoo cor
respondent, under date of July 23.
"A Junk from Dalny reports tnat
last night a Japanese fleet ol 20 war
ships and 20 torpedo boats fcombarded
llwangxhrn for three hours, paa ttie
forts replied." '
The same correspondent learns that
the Japanese first army is being largely
reinforced by veterans from the Te
serves. . The correspondent of the Stan
dard with the Japanese army, under
date of July 24 says:
- "It is difficult to understand the in
tentions of the Russians. Kuropatkin
is evidently bent on a retreat north-
waid, yet he lingers in the south, at
tracted apparently by Port Arthur."
The 0) respondent of the Chronicle,
in a dispatch dated at Mo Tieh Pass,
July 23, regards General Kuropatkin
as outmaneuvtved and anxious to
abandon Liao Yang' without lighting,
but also reluctant to retire while Port
Arthur remains uncaptured.
The Chronicle's Yinkow icorrespond
ent reports that there was hoavy fight
ing SatuoJay and Sunday in the neigh
borhood of Ta Tche Kiao with General
Stakelberg'f force, consisting of 20 bat
talions of inftfntry, a brigade of artil
lery and a divieiou of Cossacks.
Protests of Britain and Germany
lieetted by Russia.
St. Petersburg, July 27. Grand
Duke Atexis presided at yesterday's
council, which Count I.amsdorf, the
loreign eVcretary, and Vice Admiral
Avellan, Chief of the admiralty depart
ment, and other high naval o! Ik in Is at
tended. The result ot the conference removes
all doubts coneerrJng the present atti
tude of Russia witlt regard to the vol
unteer fleet. The validity of the view
expressed in the Britisff note regarding
the irregularity of the position of the
vessels was so far admitted - that the
council agreed to waive the .J.ght of
After a long discussion, in tvltuch
Count Lamsdorff took a leading V't:
it was decided that the present status
of the volunteer fleet was ji ot sufficient
ly well defined according to interna--tional
law to render further searches
and seizures advisable and that there
fore Rtussia, in the interests of friendly
relations jith the powers' sluouM with
draw th author it) given the voltiVtuer
fleet in this respect.
Settlement of Red Sea Seizures' ,
Satisfactorily Arranged.
St. Petersburg, July 27. The Asso
ciated Press is able to state on the
highest authority that the Russian and
British governments have agreed on a
mutually satisfactory basis for a settle
ment of tiie question of the status of
Russian volunteer fleet steamers in the
Red sea and &he seizures by them of
British ships. A few minor points
still remain unsettled, but these will
probably be cleared up tomorrow, and
it is not expected that .further compi-
cations will arise.
Great credit for the satisfactory term
ination of this incident is due Foreign
Secretary Lamsdoif, who, it is ad
mitted, acted in the oalm and concilia
tory spirit worthy of a great statesman.
The attitude of feir Charles Hardinge,
the British ambassador', both for mod
eration and dignity, also evoluts praise.
Sink Prize Ship.
Yokohama, July 27. The Vladivo
stok squadron yesterday sank the
steamer jKnight ConMuander, from
New York, off the province .of Izu, al
ter transferring the crew of the Knight
Commander to the steamer Tainan,
which arrived here this morning. The
Vladivostok stjuadron also captured a
German vessel trelicved to be the Ara
bia, with 300 toss ot flour, and an un
known British swamer. Xue two ves
sels were sent to Vladivostok iu charge
of prize crews. The Ameri(ii Trading
company is the .agent for the Kniglrt
Boys Turn Aandits.
Chicago, July 27. Emulators of the
exploits of the carbarn bandits, four
youths arrested yesterday, confessed to
killing oae man in a saloon and hold
ing up and jnotburg a score of others at
ditterent times. The murder was that
of John Lane, etage carpenter of the Il
linois theater, who was shot in an at
tempt to hold of Gustav Kiegcl's sa
loon on the morning of July 4. The
proprietor also was shot. The prison
ers are Peter Dulfer, James and TVil
liars Farmby and David Kelley. AIJ
are 'lots than 20 years ok.
Japanese Government Silent.
Tokio, July 27. The passage of thif
Dardanelles by the Russian volunteer
fleet steamers, the seizures of German
mail and the capture in the Red sea by
Russia of the Peninsular & Oriental
steamer Malacca have attracted sreat
atttention throughout Japan. TI.e
government is watching the situation
keenly, but it Las not given any form
of expression to its views or indica
tion that it mill take any action in the
Let Supreme Court Arbitrate.
Panama, July 27. The Star and
Heradl, in an editorial article propoies
that the differences pending between
the Panama government and that of tlie
Panama ceaal zone be submitted for
decision to the supreme court of the
United Slates. The idea ia well re
ceived in all circles here.
Thousands are Being Moved Onto
Cascade Torest Reserve.
Salem The news has reached this
city to the effect that the country in
the neighborhood of Breitenhush, in
the western part of the Cascade forest
reserve, is threatened with devastation
of vegetation by reason of the encroach
ment of the Eastern Oregon sheepmen,
with their enormous flocks ot sheep.
Already hundreds of sheep are to be
seen in the vicinity of Detroit, and, it
is said, there will be no less than -12,-
000 head in that part of the reserve be
fore the grazing season closes.
There is a queUion of whether the
grazing permits contemplate the en
croachmeut upon this territory, and
the settlers in that section are vigor
ously protesting against it.
lion. John Minto has returned from
a visit to Minto pass through the Cas
cades, and reports ',he encroachments
of Eastern Oregon sheepmen on the
western part of the forest reserve
are alarming the people of that part
of the country. Minto said that be
tween Warm Springs and Detroit, a
listaiice of 1(1 miles, he pawed through
six miles of Miecp, 1.7UU in number.
Minto considers it an outrage, ub he
does not think the sheepmen have the
rights so fur west as they are coming,
but thuy claim they have a stretch two
townships wide thero, and will bring
12,000 sheep into the district.
Summer outers and others there are
wonied, thinking the 'sheep will de
stroy all pleasure, and also the oppor
tunity for keeping domestic animals.
Change Under Contemplation at Ore
gon Agricultural College.
Corvallis The faculty of the Ore
gon Agricultural college has br.n in
structed to piepare a plan for a contin
uous school at the col Ugef and to re
port the same for the consideration of
the board of regents at the annual
meeting next July. The action was
taken at the last meeting of the hoard.
The proposal for the continuous col-
lfc3 session is an innovation on the
coast, .hut is much in vogue among
larger institutions in the East. The
college year closes about June 12, ordi
narily, and opens about, r-epteniber SSU.
There are those who believe that many
stnd(nt8. were a fourth b'rm added to
the year, would continue attendance,
enabling tbeui to gain a year in poking
the college course. Stops taken io far
are only preliminary, avd .future action
If the board is iiceesFsry to determine
wlwher or not the plan wil( be finally
X9 Fit Up Smelter.
Grants Paw There now stand on
ilm KmirliHrn Pacific tracks at Grauts
Pass three xarload of machinery, furn
ace, etacks, oi?,cars, .lathe, drillpress,
etc.. m the lOdmlon smelter being in-
xtulhMf L Takilm by .the Takilma
Smelling company, and there .are two
carloads of uiwhinery and jnppWea yet
to arrive. T.kiae cais wer hipped
some time ago, and should arrive? tft.h-J
in tho next few days. The plant is1 W
be located on the old I'urkins place,
below the Waldo and Quoon of Bronze
mines, 45 miles from Grants Pass.
Good Road Building flattabil.
Eugene J. JI. Dodge has arrived
here from Cleveland, O., being -Bent
here to superintend the work of build
ing a sample piuce of joad on approed j
scientific plans, as a oeuionatranon oi,
the x8Bibilities uf jiood load tmilding
in this section. Samples sf .available
materials have been sent East And have
been examined by Mr. Dodg, id
his assertion that the i a erinls ;ere
available are as good as tan be fontd
anywhere in the world.
Quarlzville Prospetf s are Good.
Albany W. B. Lawier and ' Arthur
L. Peiwe, the New York muring experts,
have returned from the tluartzville
mines. Mr. Pease express himself
as even better pleased with ther mining
property than on liis first visit. This
was rnaile several years ago and wilt
ed in an expenditure .of considwaWe
money in development,. Active work
is expected in the Quartyijle district
Indian Institute at Newport.
Salem Theprorgara for the annual1
l'iU'ilic toiif-t inrtsiute, which is held at
Newport, Or., each j'ear, has been is
sued for this year, and is very elaborate
in character. The 1904 session will be
held August 22 to 27. The program
will be under the supervision of Super
intendent. (if Indian Schools Miss Eb
telle Reed,, and Superintendent of In
dian Schools M. k. Holland.
Wiillowa County's First Fair.
Enterprise The first annual . fair of
the Wallow county fair association
will be held Jn this city during the
first week in October. The primary
object in holding the fair this fall is to
ecnre an rtvxhibit f Wallowa county's for ithe Levis and Clark ex
poislUn next year. A pioneer's asso
ciajioii will also m organized during
the lair.
Road Building Recommended.
Eugene Judge Chrisman and Com
missioners Edwards and Price have re
turned from Blue river, where they
have been inspecting the wagon roads
with a View to their improvement.
They find the camp flourishing, and
will authorize expenditure, of funds
for the betterment of roads in a ju
dicious manner.
Linn County Growers Sec No Lice,
but Spray Nevertheless.
Eugene The sr.,rayinir. ot honi in
this couuty is how in progresi, and in
some yards is completed, and nothing
now remains nut for the hops to form
and ripen. There are no evidences of
lice of any cnusoquenee, but the grow
ers will spray JiiBt the same as if there
were millions, for they know full well
how little time It . takes for them to
make, their appeaarnce and ruin a crop
just as it is about ready to be harvested.
Reports regarding the probable yield
indicate that the crop will not be quite
so Heavy as last year in ijiost of the
yards, the dry weather having a ten
dency to cut short the yield, even
though in most cases the vines Lave
remained perfectly green and fresh.
The growth seems not to have been to
strong as usual. The total output of
the county, however, now promises to
be greater than a year ago, or on any
former year, the acreage being greater
than ever before. ' If everything goea
well from now until picking time, even
though there should be no moie rain,
it is safe to say this county will turn
out more than an average crop of hops.
Crops About Junction City.
Junction City flaying is nearly fin
ished in this locality. The price of
this product has been higher this sea
son than usual,' farmers realizing from
(8 to 12 per ton, not baled. Uarveetr
ing is progressing rapidly, and thresh,
ing will bitgirr in two wteka. Grain
will make a bettor crop than was ex.
pected, as the heads are well filled and
the grains plump, While the Btand ia
not so thick as usual, the yield will
fall but little below thn average.
Prunes are almost a failure in Northern
Lane and Southern Benton counties.
Some prune orchards, in fact, have
been grubbed up there.
Work on Flshtaddcr Resumed.
Oregon City Contractor E. P. Randt
has resumed work on the fishladder
that Ib to be installed at Willamette
Falls in this city, and for which the
last tension of the legislature made an
appropriation of 5,000. A suit
brought against the contractor by in
terested fishermen to recover 150,000 -damages
and to enjoin the construction
of the ladder, was recently decided in
favor of the state's interests by the cir
cuit court. The construction of this
Improvement in the river will be com
pleted this summer.
Guts to Buy Larger Mills.
Eugene Scott StandiBh tame down
from Blue river and has gone to San
Francisco to buy a new mill for the
Uroat Northern mine. The addition
of this mill will increase the output
from 20 to 30 per cent, bringing the
output up to $10,000 or more er
month. The owners of this property
will also build a tramway this fall to
convey the ore from the mine to the
mill, and will be prepared to operate
the mill all winter.
tfiheafc Walla Walla, 8667c blue
stem, 7172cj valloy, 78c,
Bwley Feed, 22 per ton; rolled,
f2324. 5
Oats No. 1 white, 11.22 gray,
fl.l7)t per cental.
Flour Valley, 13.90(34.05 per bar.
rel; hard wheat straights, f 4(34.25;
clears, 3. 85(34.10; hard wheat pat
its, 4.404.70j graham, f3.504;
wtole wheat, 1404.25 ; rye flour,
Miilatrvffs Bran, f 19 per ton; mid
dlings, 23.W3; shorts, $21; chop, $18;
linseed, dairy ftrjnd, 19.
Hay Timothy, l5(ot)18 per ton clo
ver, 89; grain, 1J,(8J2; cheat, 11
Butter Fancy creamery, J822c;
store butter, 13 13)ic. ..
Kggs Oregon ranch, 20(221c
Choeue Full cream, twins, ' new
stock, 1nc; old stock, 78c,
Young America, 1314c.
Poultry Fancy hens, 12(12se per
poind; old hens, llJti'J2c; mixed
chickens, llll)iic; old roosters, 9c;
yirung roosterw, 11 1 2o ; springs,
to 2-pound, lo17c; broilers, 1 to 1
poivid, 16417c; dressed chickens.
1 2 si Cat A 3f ; turkeys, live, 14j16c; do
dieseed, I510c; do choice, 18 20c;
geshe, live, ft 7c; do dressed, 89c;
S3ks, old, (,!K,ru.6U per dozen; do
young, a? to size, f25.
VegW.jibles Turnips, $1.25 per sack;
carruts, l.v0; beets, $1.25; parsnips,
1.25; cabbie, JMl?ie; lettuce,
head, 2540e par dozen; parsby, 25c;
cauliflower, $v7S2; celery, 75 90c;
asparagus, 50c; peas, 46c per pound;
beans, green, 45c; wax, 45c; squash,
$1.25 per box; green corn, 00c per doz;
onions, new red, $1.30 per cwt; yellow,
Honey $3(33.50 per case.. .
' jPotatoes Fancy, old, $1,2601.40
parental; new, Early Rose, 2c. per
pound; Garnet-Chile, 2c. ..
Fruits Cherries, 45c per pound;
gooseberries, 6c; raspberries, $1.25 per
crate; huckleberries, 15o per pound; .
apples, new, $1(31.75; apricots, $10
1.35 per box; peaches. Yellow Craw
ford, 80c; others, (I0(70c; canteloupes,
$2.50 per crate; watermelons, lic per
pound; prunes, $1.25 per box. .
Beef Drefsed. 5GJc per pound.
Mutton Dressod, 4i65c per pound;
lambs, 6ii.
Veal Dressed, 8K?fic per pound.
Pork Dressed, 6S7e per pound.
Hops 11)03 crop, 2124cper ponnd.
Wool Valley, H20c par poatid;
Eastern Oregon, 10(51 7c; mohair, 30c
per pound for choice.