The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 21, 1904, Image 8

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Hi m J. N. Williamson had dropped
i into the Gleier flice or ocial elit
. last Thdy morniog wben Unwell
Bhelli j fc.ppcaed in and wi introduced
to tha 6ongrfwnia.
'Am tod a brother to J. M. Shelley,
member of the leeitdaturo from Xne
eonntv?" inmiired Mr, Williwnson of
the Little White Store mn. "Why he
. anlrf mm mv first marbles down in - Har
, riahniw near airo." continued Oreiion's
repreeenUtive from the seoond die
net, and the two Glacier Dffiee visitors
i.,11 4 Hninlinina nn tha flav. flf their
'lICU W ItHUH tW" W vmt -- - - "
.., l, .n tha hank of MM) LAni lom.
"Yes, your brother sold roe my first
aet of marbles." repeated the euure-
, man, "or rather he let my father have
them in trade for a doaen o)
Thursday afternoon Mr. Wiltiamaon
I. fnr a , drive throuirll the Pl)le
, orchards of the East Side with O.J . iess
ting. To Mr. Geealing the eongreaaman
s pressed himself aa very much snr.
. prised at the extent of the fruit indus
try in Hood River valley. .Ueaaid Mra
W'illiamaon, who had often seen Hood
Kiver from the railroad ; only, had
remarked many time that this was a
town without any bouses. But the
, tliinki differently now.
Mr. Williamson aald he would fre
quently aee groups oi nil lenow congreeie
suen (lathered In Washington City tell
Ing oltUe surpassing qualities of their
respective district. The Oregon con
orossman savs that after seeing Ilund
Kiver be too will have something to talk
"Why some of the people out here
tell me they make as lifgb as f 1,000 from
a single acre of apple orchard. I think
I could stand the income from about 100
- such acres myself."
Jn speaking of the Oregon delegation
;at Washington, Mr. .Williamson anid
' Senator Fulton was coming rapidly to the
front. "Mark my word.'Tsaid Mr. Will-
t.,. iU. ........ L'.lh, i 111 ka . nillur
of strength to tha state of Oregon before
he is there very long. Senator Mitchell
. ia now counted among a half dozen of
; the leading men of the upper house.
.The senator la growing old, but his
. arttlltv In. work I. lltumnatrfwl 1 lie
. congressman didn't aay so in so many
words, but he intimated that the people
of Oregon would make a mistake if they
sent another man to the senate in place
of John H. Mitchell, when bis term
. ex pints four years hence.
"The Oregon delegation has been
tiamtipanail anmawlini. hv tha nnnnfritinn
of Hitchcock, but providence permit
ting," and Mr.Willmmson shrugged bis
shoulders and winked a tolling wink,
"the rest ol ut will outlive Mr. Hitch
cock's ollidal usefulness. His term in the
cabinet expires the 4th,o( next March."
.: Advertising A Ctty.
' Every municipality his a character all
its ewu. 'This is made by at least three
, conditions its location, principal In
dustries and the kind of men promoting
It principal industries. There is much
', unthinking work done under the pre
sumption of promoting Die welfare of
Without question, , location plays
an important part in a cuv s pusiness
development, hut the United eta tea has
many examplus of Imnu iiHe industries
in town and clues without any natural
reason for their present location.
JSattle Creek has no tpecial license to
make food , products. The prmiter
i amount of the taw materials are shipped
from other parts of the country. Ak
ron, Ohio, Is a great rubber manufactur
ing town, with many factories . and an
, Immense business, with nu other reason
except the fact that , the Goodyear
factory was located there and the indus
try spread.
Wheeling, W.Va., imports the tobacco
for its stogies from other states. There is
no reason why Dayton, Hpring&eld.and
Cincinnati should make carriages. ' On
the other hand, Chicago's packing houses
and the iron industries of Cleveland
nd Pittsburg are, a result of .natural
advantages of shippiiiK,
-Taking this view of the development
of cities and towns, the opportunity for
, building their industries by sensible
. advertising, directed by tboughful
minus, is at once apparent.
Advertising will do wonderful things,
"When its force ia better understood it
will be employed In fields hitherto
untried and unknown. The advertising
"proposition" of a city or a town ia not
uiuereut, except , in application, from
that of otiier lines. What does the city
. or town wantT What inducement has
it to offer? Does it want factories? All
riulit. ' Then work out the factory Idea.
find out what klud of factories can best
thrive in the place.Got all the "points,"
and then present them in a clear and
comprehensive manner to prospective
or established concern In the particular
. By far the moat eeailule result that
a .progressive town van, accomplish is
to attact capital to its established en.
terpnses. nils can. be well accom
, pluthed through aboard of trade or some
miliar organisation, uocause me invest
ing public baa grown suspicious of
promoting plans in general way without
putting away the advantages of a partic
ular company, the established prejudice
is immediately overcome , and the
capitalist ia more likely to give the en
terprise that investigation which mast
: necessarily precede investment.
Good resident are always desirable,
A ,.." I.. .,...l l....l ..I.,,.....,,,,...
pure air, elean jrater, Intelligent and
refined people and pleasant surroundings
bsJ a good "proposition" to advertise.
The humdrum write-up, illustrated
by the pictures of prominent (V) men
(those willing to pay the price to have
their picture shown) doe no good. A
broadminded bandliug Is aecetwary.
' The committee should get a good adman
irom out oi town u possible. loom tal
ent, however well endowed with ability,
will be prejudiced. Apply sensible
well-understood advertising principles to
the situation and results will follow,
Printer' Ink.
dam Laws of Oregon.
The following digest of the game laws
of Oregon, taken from an exchange, are
presumed to be correct. Cut them out
and paste them in .your bat, and sea
tnat you do not ureas: mem.
MS deer, antelope and mountain
she , open season July 16 to November
1. Female deer, August 15 to November
1. Killing of spotted fawns, elk or
beaver prohibited at all times of the
of the year. No one is allowed to take
more than five deer in a season. Night
limiting or with dogs, the purchase or
sale of bide without tag or venison is
Gien sesson for silver gray squirrels,
October 1 to January 1.
Quail, grouse, native pheasants, prai
rie chickens, open season October 1 to
December 1 ; limit, 10 bird per day,
' Douglas county, September 1 to Decem
ber 1.
Ducks, geese, swan, open season from
September 15 to January 1 ; limit of
ducks, 100 per week or 50 In one day.
Douiilas eounty, September 1 to Decem
ber 1.
Egg of game and song birds protected
the year round.
Trout, open season April 1 to Novem
ber 1. To be taken with hook and line
nnlv Ruin nrnliihita 1 at all times.
Tne laws of the state require non-resi
dent market hunters to have a licence,
It is nnlawfnl to hunt within inclos-
urea without owners' permission.
William Ketones to Talk.
The Dalles Chronicle, speaking of D.
Norman Williams, the man-sentenced
to ha hsniwvl on the 22d of this month,
says he seems to be perfectly indifferent
to his fate, and ince a stay of proceed
ing baa been decreed oy me supreme
court, there is no apparent ebange in
hia action. He refuses to be. inter
viewed regarding the crime for which
i,a Ka, heitn fnnnd iruiltv. and if he in-
HiiluM In an v conversation it is about
ordinary affairs, and carefully avoid
any reference to the murder of the
Neaoit women now. tie nas remiru
letter from the brother of Alma Nesbit,
haoinr him in the most pathetic man-
ir in disclose whatbecameof the bodies
of the victims of his diabolical crime, but
this does not affect him in the least. If
be is hanged, and it is very likely he
will be. the details of the crime will go
down with him to the grave. , .
He has been visited liy person ol re
ligious inclinations, who have prayed
mil h him: but recently he expressed a
desire not to receive visits from preach
ers of anv relizious denomination. Aft
er taking his exercise in the. corridor he
returns to his cell where lie spenus nis
time reading religious books and'oue iu
particular Tie has read through four
limn. Alter nerusing the contents he
told the jailer that anybody who would
read that book and not be thoroughly
convinced of the truth of Christianity
was beyond hoe. Frequently ha has
been heard reading the bible, and some
times apparently praying. He ha ex
pressed the desire that his fate he defi
nitely settled as quickly as possible, and
if he is to be hanged he didn't care how
soon It might happen, a he was becom
tired ol the suspense.
, To look at the man as he pace through
the corridor, joining in conversation
with the Inmates of the jail, with r head
erect ard no tremor on his countenance,
one can hardly realize that he has but
a little while to live, or that he is to ex
piate the most horrible crimethe mur
der of bis wife and mother-in-law un
der the most revolting circumstances
known in Wasco county. Such a person
might be a brave man in battle; out
with such an utter lack of feeling or sen
timent in civil life, he is nothing but a
brute or nend.
The sheriff would have commenced
the erection of the gallows this week if s
stay of proceedings had not been grant
ed; but now be will wait to hear the de
cision of the higher court. It is hardly
probable that a decision can be made
lv the 22d of this month, and the exe
cution of the sentence may be postponed
several weeks, r rom appearances now,
there will be no confession on hi part
of the crime of which lie has been found
iruiltv. or of the murders committed
near Muscatine, Iowa, with which be is
charged. And only at the hint day, when
the great books are opened, aud ne,
with all others, will stand uelore the
great judgment seat.will all the fact be
known bow Mrs. ruesuit and ner aaugn
ler Alma, and the Ttiinans in Iowa, met
their fate. Then all secrets be will known,
and the true character of William be
cemetery rUhla n waa overlooked,
probably being isosvted and aiotaarked.
Borne two-or three yeare-agot tkerevwaa
a geotlfiuan and lady here making en
quires about the grave of an infant,, a
twin sister to Wis ladv, whose body they
desired to remove. They were unable
to obtain any trace of its having been
removed to the new cemetery, and their
only recollection "was they had been
told that the child was buried in a zinc
coilin, and near the fence. This is un
doubtedly the one they were looking
for, but no one remembers their names,
although it is believed their home was
at Hood Kiver. . The body was removed
from it resting place in' the street and
reburied in Slasonio cemetery. Mc-
Miiiuville Iteporter.
' CommliMtroners View the Itoad..
County Judge Lake, Commissioner
Stoughton and Hibbard went out last
Friday to view the land through which
a new road has been asked for on the
Kaet Side. The viewer had reported
favorably on the road, but the property
owners through whose land the load
was to pass, placed a remonstrance be
fore the court and the only way the
members concluded they could settle
the matter was to view the land them
Commissioner Hibbard said the court
bad made no report yet, but In hiiopin
ion be could not see that the road , would
warrant the cost it would require to
build it. about $1,600. And in addition
to this there would be the damages .to
the property ow ners. The road, he said,
was already paralleled by good roads
half a mile distant. It would be a ditfl-
cult and costly piece of road to build,
said the commissioner, and he does, not
believe the necessity warrants the ex
penditure of the money. The road t in
question runs through the old Coram
Judge Lake and Commissioners Hib
bard aiid Stoughton returned Thursday
from Antelope, where they had gone to
look after roads aud bridge that had
been dauiaged by recent waterspouts.
They found the damage considerable,
but not nearly so serious-as at tirst ire
ported. A few hundred dollar will
ut them in peneci repair. .
To Purchase Mite for School House. .
At a meeting of the director , of
school district No, 8, Friday morning,
W. J. Baker was authorized to purchase
a site of three lots on the hill, at a cost
not to exceed $(100, for school bouse site
from the property ol J. leushce.
VH motion it was uecmeu tu euiiiuy
K. Stranahan as architect to oveisee
the building of the school house at ithe
compensation ol o per cent pi tne duiiq
nig amount.
R. . . " . ... .
1 lie clerk . was instructed to adver
tise for bids for the work of excavating,
building the foundation and the erec
tion bf a four-room school house. The
calls for bid appear in another column
of the Ulauier.
On motion C. Cronse of Albany iwa
elected to the position of assistant prin
el pal for the ensuing year at a salary or
i K) a month. At a previous meeting,
Miss Mary IS Mathews ol i'ortland was
elected to fill the vacancy of Margaret
Venuet of Croikston. Minn., who tailed
to accept the position to which she was
rrtmber Ijinrl Act June S. 1878.1
United Btauw Lend offloe, Th Dalles, Ore
yon, May , 1WM. Motioe Is heraby g-lven that
In compliance with the provisions of the act
orcoiiKroN of Jane i, 187S, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lauds In the states of t 'll
furnla, Oregon, Nevada and Washlnirum Ter
ritory as extended to all the public land
state by m-t of Atujum 4, 1K'J2. ;
of Hood Kiver, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day nied In this olflce his sworn
statement No. awK, for tbe purchase of the
WKNWHec.andBHNKofHec. No. 7, In
township No. 1 mirth, raiute No. eunt W. M.
and will offer proof to sihw that the land
ought Is more valuable for Its timber or
atone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his flalrn to said land before the
r glitter and receiver of this olHoe at 'The
Da ilea, Oregon, on the Win day of August IWH.
He names as wllniwwa: William K. Hand,!).
E.Kand. Charles H.Oaatner and Ulen Pabrlck,
all ol Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tlie
ebove-deecrfbed lands are requested to file
their claims In this oinoe on or before said Wth
day of August, hut.
: Jtttei MICHAEL T. KOLtH, Meglster.
A Trip Through Yellowstone Park
Is what every one hopes to have some
ftiiv. It la the most wonderful trip
the world. There are more than 8000
square miles "of weird, marvelous, uu
HiiBifiiiaoie mines mat can oeseen no.
where else, tne rehire u one ever sees
them one must go to the Park, In the
heart or the magntneent Kockiee, with
snow tipped peaks all around. If Old
Faithful fc-evaor. Paint Pot. Mud Vol
cano or Kmerald Pool were to be found
In Lincoln Park, Chicago; Central perk
V . VAt.. mm m,b Plill
lUIRi ,r Wl, Wl, '
adelphla, tlie people would nock to see
t . i ... i.. , .1.. ...
It or mem oy whs oi uiuununus. ror n
very email anni, comparatively, an
these and hundreds more of Nature's
unduplicated marvels own be seen In.
tweeu June 1 and Hepteruber 80 of each
year, and one will enjoy, to boot, the
best coachinir trip in the country.
The .Northern I'aoino miner on lei
lowstone Park, lust issued, la a new
right up to date, finely Illustrated des-
sertatlotl on mis Yellowstone I'ttra trip,
It I not descriptive, but deals with th
detailed, technical matters every one
needs to know about such a trip, it
telle all about the hotels, the stage
ooachea. the toads, the east of the tour
wbere the geyeers, the waterfalls, the
bears, the canyons are, and wbere the
trout nulling la louna. we nave print
ed thnusaiida of Ibis beautiful leaflet
aud want everybody Interested to hav
a oonv. and It can lie obtained by send
lug A. M. Clelhtnd, General Passenger
Agent, Ht. Paul, Minn., 2 cents with
proper address.
"Wonderland 1904 " which i a very
flue pamphlet or 110 pages descrlpttvi
of the Northwest, Including the Park
will be sent lor li ceuu.
Joe Wilson For Read Viewer.
The July term of the comity court ha
been a busy one, anu tne court nas
transacted a considerable amount of
J. 8. Fish, director for Wasco county
of the Becond KaHtern Oregon Agnail
tural Association, resigned and W
llarriuian was appointed.
An order was made that all unclaimed
county warrant issued prior to July , 1
1807, be advertised.
In accordance with the law paseed
in 1003, creating a board ol road view
er, K. A. Gi ittin and Joseph A. Wilson
were appointed a members of sue
board to act with the county surveyor.
The petition of J. T. Tousev for coun
ty riail was allowed, and July 28 tl ed
as date ol meeting oi viewers.
Petition of H B. Bnyder allowod.vlew-
rs to meet on July "f.
Petition ol K. 1. Wtuan ailoaeil,
viewers to meet July 27.
Petition of L. 11. Liniuger allowed,
viewer to meet Aug 1.
Report of viewer on road petitioned
for by M. Hpeichenger approved find
road declared a public highway,
Brutally Tortured.
A ease came to light that for persist
ent and unmerciful torture has per
haps never been equalled. Joe Uobollck
of Colusa, California, writes: "For 15
year 1 endured Insufferable pain from
rheumatism and nothing relieved rue
though I tried everything known. 1
came acmes Klectrio Bitters and It's
the greatest medicine on earth for that
trouble. A few bottles of It completely
relieved and cwred me." Just aa good
for Liver and Kidney troubles and gen
eral debility. Only 60c. Satisfaction
guaranteed by Chas. N. Clarke, the
A gruesome find was made last Friday
while the ditchers on the new sewer
were working through the portion of
town where the old pioneer cemetery
used to be. They discovered a grave
containing the body of a child. The
box was of cedar, pretty well preserved
and there was a metallic casket inside,
but no marks or means of identifica
tion. The old cemetery has not been
used as a burial place for more than
thirty years, and when the legislature
granted tlie citizens of Mc.Uiniiville the
right to remove the bodies tu Masonic
(Timber Iiend, Act June , IMS.
United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, June 10, 1UU4. Nutlne Is hereby given
that In compliance wits the provtslous of the
act of congress or Junes, 1878. entitled "An sot
for the SHle of timber lands in the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," an. extended to all the public
Land States by act of August 4,lM,llie follow-wing-named
persons have filed In this office
their sworn statements, to-wlt:
of Hood River, county of Waaco, state of Ore-
Son, sworn statement No. ZilO, nied Pecemoer
I im, fur the purchase of the HK HVM Hoc
HI, township 8 north, range 10 east, and lots 1
and 2 of section S, towusbtp. i, north, range 10
east, W. M.
of Portland (m Kant Win street), county of
Multnomah, state of Oregon, eworo state
aient No S1. Med January 11, IMM, for the
purchase of the HUHK.115 sw? nd HH
MKofHec. 11, township 1 north, range S east
' That they trill offer proof to show that the
land sought ia more va liable for Its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish their claims to said land before
UeorgeT. f rather. United States commission
er, at his office at Hood River, Oregon, on
August a, uut.
iney name as witnesses; r reu - tvoraen,
inn KeoD.k'nink R. Abslln. John H.Pbllllue.
William M. Hand. Charles Castuer and Lewis
Morse of Hood Hlver. Oregon: Horace U.
Knox of fort I mid, Oregon. 1
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this offioe on or before the said
fvto day of August.iMH.
ailL.llAr.lj i. nunAn. xvegiaier.
rnmhr ijtwrt Aet. Jane . Ml
United Mtates Land Office, fbe Dalles, Ore-
? on, June HO 1904. Notice Is hereby gives
bat In compliance with the provisions of tbe
act of oongren ol June 3, 1878, eu II tied "Aa act
Air tbe euie of timber lands in the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and -Washington
Territory aa extended to all tlie Fusils Land
Males by aot of August 4, IMS, r
of Portland, eounty of Multnomah, aute of
Oregon, bason May S6, IWM.flled In this office
hiKBiroia statement No. 2SH8: for the Dur-
LclutM ofthe WWfH section 17, HWl-tNKt-4
aud NS.I-4 w i-4 oi aection mo. townsnip
No. 1 north, range No. S east, W. M., and will
oner proof to show thai tbe land aonght Is
more valuable for iu Umber or stone than for
irlculturai purposes, ana to estamiKn nis
aim to said land before Geo rye T. Prettier.
. 8. commissioner, at his office In Hood
Kiver, Oregon, on the 26th day of September,
He names as witnesses: Charles CaSner,
lewis K. Morse, 1-ee C. Morse, and William
V. Kand, all of Hood River. Oregon.
Anv and all persona claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
tbelr claims iu tills oHloe Oct or- be-Core. said
lUilh day of Hcntember, I not.
jyM va - MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. -
McDonald &Henrich
Dealers In
Wagons 70 year teat.
Boooikb tbe very best
Plows,' Harrows, etc.
Cultivators, Spray and Well Pomps
Wind Miljn, Gasoline Eng's
Champion Mowers, Rakes, Oil and
Extras, Hardware, Fishing Tackle.
Barb Wire.
Hercules Stump Powder,
O. W. PHE1.PK and
W. H. W1LHON, .
- No Pity Shown.
'For years fate waa after me
uouslv. write F. A. Uullege, Verbena,
Ala. :'I bad a terrible case of Piles
causing 24 tumora. When all fulled
liuck etra' Arnica Halve cured ine.
Equally good for burns and all aohes
and pains. Only 25o at Chas. N
Clarke's drugstore.
(Timber Land Act June IS, WIS
United BtaUis Land Offioe, Tlie Dalles, Ore
gon, June no, nun. Noilue is iiereuy given mat
in coniiillanw with the provisions of the act
of Congress of Junes, ls;8, entitled "An act
ior tlie saieoi tuuoer lanus in tne states oi
California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington
Territory," ss extended to all the Public
Laud Htutes Dy act oi August t, ibhi,
of Hood River, eounty of Wasco, state of
Oregon, lias ou may lis, iikh niea in mis omce
his sworn statement No. I! I'M, for the purchase
of lots II and hi of section No 84 In township
No, I, north, range No. IS East W. M.,and will
otter nroof to show that tbe laud sought I
more vauutoie tor lis tiuioeror stone mail ror
agricultural purposes, aud to establish his
claim to sulci land before the register and re
ceiver of this otIUie at Ths Dulles, Oregoa on
me 7ii! uuy oi wuteuiuer, iwt.
He names as witnesses: Walter Isenberg
Willis W. Daniels, Benjamin Powell, James
M. Larkln, all of iiimiu uiver, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely ths
above-described lands are requested to file
tlielr claims In this office on or before said
s7th day of Heiitember.htH.
Jyl4a! MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Ind Act Junes, IKISJ .
United Mutes Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, June su.ivtH. nouee is nereoy given tnat
Tu compliance with the provlHlonof the act
of coioiriiss of June S, 187s, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lauds In the slates or Call
mrnla. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington
Territory, "as extended to all the Public Laud
Hiatus by aol of August i,im,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has on May Stl 1W4, Hied In tills office
his sworn statement No. K for the purchase
tlw NSKi'i and ksnkm of section no. it,
in townsnip no. i uuriii,rengeno.v eaai w .m
andwilloirer unsif to sbowtliiillhe laudsougl
la more valuable nir rt umber or stone
for agricultural
his claim to said laud before Oeorge T.
to establish
ttler. United H Int.- coinuilsaloner. at his
oilli'c at Hood Kiver, Oregon, oq the sflth day
of Metitember. 1SH.
lie names me lonowing wiineases; cnnries
K. IkK-kiiiunii. of Portland. Lewis K. Morse.
Ie O. Morse, William K.Hand, all of Hood
Kiver. Oregon.
Anv and all nerauna olalailug adversely the
above desiTlbtd lands are requested to file
their clHlnia In this offlos on or before said
ill nv of tieufemlier IMM
j ll ess ai ivuAaif 1. nuLAH.tteoeiver
, Plaintiffs.
ROBERT A. NORDER, Defendant.
To Robert A. Norder. Defendant:
In The Name Of The Htate Of Oregon, yon
are hereby required to appear and answer the
Dlalnlltrs coiuolainU In the above entitled
cause, on or before the last day of the time
nrescribed In the order of the court for the
publication of this summons, as hereinafter
stated, and 11 you fail to do so, the plaiulllts
wilt aoniy to tne court ior uie renei pruyea
for in their complaint, vo-wlt: For s decree
foreclosing that certain mortgage dated the
DStti day of May, 1111, given by the defendant
to Miles li. rotter to secure tne payment oi
note for t2. and being upon tlie following
desert lied real estate, to-wlt:
UMlknlntf a, a iMitnt',44 feet anntli fWifn the
niu-tliwest corner of section three. towushlD
two Borth. range ten east of Willamette merl
alantruntilng thence east So rodsithence south
twenty-lour roue, to tne aouuieasi corner oi
tne soot It west quarter oi tue nortnwesi quar
ter of said section three; thenoe west eighty
rods to the southwest corner of the northwest
quarter of said section three, thenoe north
tweuiy.nmr roas 10 tue point or oeguoiug
containing twelveacren. more or leas:
you are runner notineu mat on uie seoona
day ol July luol, an order was given and
made in the above entitled court and cause,
directing that service of this summons be
made uuon you by publication thereof for six
eonseeutlve weeks In the Hood Kiver Gla
cier, a weekly newspaper of general clrcula-
vou are therefore hereby reuulred to a u Dear
and answer the plalutlns' complaint on or
before the expiration of six weeks' publica
tion of this summons, the first publication
thereof being on tiieutn day ouuiy, iwn.
W . II. 1 IljPmil,
Jyl4al8 i Attorney for plaintiffs.
Notice Is hereby given that under and In
pursuance of an order of tne county court of
the state of Oregon for tlie county or Wasco,
made on ttiesth dsy of July. 11XH. the under
signed, administrator of the estate of John
W. Murpliey, deceased, on Haturday, the lSih
day of August, luui. at the hour of g o'clock.
p. m.,at tlie county court house door in Dnllea
City, In Wasco eounty, Oregon, will sell at
public auction the follwlng described real
estate belonging to the estate of said deceased
to-wiu The south hall oi (tie nonneasi quar
ter and t'e north half of tlie aoutbeast quar
ter oi section eleven in townsnip one norm
ranee ten east. W. M.
The terms of sale will be 40 per cent of the
selling price cash In hand at tbe time of sale,
SO per cent In one yesr thereafter, anil .HO per
cent in two years inereaner, wun interest, an
per cent per annum on said deferred payments.
Maid sale will be tnado subject to confirma
tion by court.
Dated at Hood River, this 11th day of July
mm. . tir o. T. rii.A i
Jyllit, Administrator.
William Haykks,
.. Successors to E. E. Savage's Bona.
' s" ' ' i . . 3 -
Hardware, Tinware,
Stoves, Paints,, Oils
Builders' Material
Estimates fiirnlHlied to Contractors.
Agbntb for
Oliver Chilled Plows.
X. R. Bradley
We are here to do your work today
tomorrow and every other day, and
our money (what little we have)
la spent in Hood River. We want
your work and can do it neatly and
JaJL" 'lBljfS! LLaa;)
Staple and
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
Straw Hats, 10c to 25c Sunbonnets, 15c to 20c
. Ladies Shirt Waists, 75c to $1.00
New Goods. latest Styles and Paterns. Large Stock
to select from. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS.
Harness? and Saddles,
All Repairing Promptly Attended to
Hood River, Oregon.
Milwaukee Nurseries.
We will have a large stock of Apple, Pear Prune, Peach,
Plum and Cherry Trees, also Grape, Currants and Berry Plants of all
the leading varieties, Shade and Ornamental Trees, Roses,
Hedge Plants, etc. '
All our Trees are grafted on whole roots, and are strictly first-class and
true to uame. All our Apple Scions are selected from some of the best growing
orchards In Hood River Valley. A large stock of Yellow xVewtowns aud Spitz
enberxs. Special prices made on large lots. Send early for price list.
N. B.HARVEY, Prop., Milwaukee, Or.
General Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers,
Manufacturers of the Crescent Brand of Tools. Full line of
supplies constantly on hand. Best Plow Man in
the "West
General Merchandise.
Plstance Telenliona OHlce. Subscrip
tions reoelvcd for tlie Glacier.
(Timber !jnd Aot Jim. i, l7.)
United Mlataa Land IIIHii., Th Da I In, dra
gon, June M, MW. Notice la boreby givxn that
in comiHiitiKW wun in. provisions of in. aa
lor tlia saU of tlmbar lands In the atau
; klUontlH. ilrt'aoii. NevadH and Washlncton
iprruoi-y, - asvxunana to an tu. ruuite utoa
Kittles ly Drl of AUKUaV VUWi.
t'HA.Rl.l'Jj K. UOt'KMANH,
orim Kltilunc sliwt, Portland, Onunty of
Muliiioiiiuh.ataUiof uraion, lias on May 16,
lM, Hind Iu Hit. ollliie his sworo alalinenl
N. t -Mi, for the purchase or th. KL,M-;i-4,
NWItvKMandth. NlvHNWl-4 of aection
.No. 41, In UiwnaliliNo.l norlh.raiiK. No,Seaat
w.,M i iu will ouerprooi to huow tuac tue laud
sought la inure valuable for Its timber or
sbmv IIikii ftr RKrliwiluml purpoHa, and to
eNt ihilsh hie claim U) said lund bvfor. (leurge
T. rruiher, I'nihil NUttc coiuiulsaloti.r, at
his otitic at Hood Hlver, Oregon, on th. ,28th
way oi !Mmenioer iwii.
lie iimiiih the kdlowlng witnesses; Charles
I n :n U'wls Morse, Lee ('. Mora., and Wit-
limn r. Itiind, all or Hood Kiver. Oreron.
Any nml all persona claiming adversely th.
nl-ove-tlrw-iibcd lands are requested to flle
llo-lr claims In this office ort or befor. said
Will lls ol !HptvilitNr, lM.
All C HA a. L, 1. NOLAN, KegUU-r.
No. 7272.
UKrii K or CoMKi or Tim cukkfncy,
Washlmtton, I). C, May s 1904.
Whereas: lly aatlsraclory evidence preaenl
ed to Ihe undersigned, It ha. been mad. to
appear Unit "Tlie First National llank of
UKd Kiver," located In th. oily of Hood
Kiver, Iu the comity of Waseo and state of
Oregon, has onuiplicd with all th. provisions
of the statutes of Ilia Uulled Males, required
to be t-oiiiplleit wllh before an association
shall be authorised to oomutinoe th. business
of bunking;
Now, therefore, I, Tnomaa P. Kane, Deputy
aud Acting tXiinptroller of the tUirrency, do
hereby certify that "The first National Bank
of Hood Kiver," located In th. city of HiskI
Kiver. Iu theooonly of Wasco and aUtl. of
Unigon, Is authorised to commence the Dual
ne nt banking as provided In section flftyHin.
hundred an i aixly-nlneol In. revtaal statutes
of Ihe I'nlled stAlea.
In testimony whereof witness my hand and
seal of office, this twent,i--sllh dav of May.
in. t. r. kanS,
Heal Deputy and Aollug IViupiroller of the
Currency. Aug 11
Lucy Khtiikh lU'wrl.t., only
child or Lucy Ksllier lius-
sell, deceased, snd
M. M. Hl'ssKl.I,, fallierofsald
child, buslamd of said Lucy
. Ksllier Kussell. deoeaaed. Defendants.
Bv virtue of an execution, decree and order
of sal., duly Issued on t of , and under th. seal of
th. circuit court of the state of Orecnu. for th.
eounty of Wasco, to m directed, dated June
v, luut, upou a tieure. lor tne loreciosure oi a
oertaln morlgage, and Judgment, rendered
and entered In aald oourl' on th. 1st day of
June Wot, In tbe above entitled cause In favor
of the plaintiff and against the defendant.,
l,ucy father ltuss.ll and M. M. Kussell. as
Judgment debtor Iu the sum or two hundred
seventy-three dollar end ninety Ave cenia, with Interest tuoreon fixnn the -111 h
day of Kebruary,lM at th. rate of tea percent
8er annum, aud the further sum of fifty (Ko)
ollars as attorney', feea, and the further sum
of (Ui fifteen dot Intra, cosU,and th. corns of
and upon tills writ, and ouiuiuaading uie to
muks sh e ol real property, wubracwll a such
decree of foreclosure, and hereinafter de
scribed, I will, on the list day of July, 1U04, at
th. hour of two o'clock In th. afternoon of
aid day; and at the front door of th. oounty
eourl house In Ihe Dalle. Oily, Wasco eounty,
Oregon, sell at publie auction to the highest
bidder, for canh In hand, all th. right, till,
aud interest which the defendants Lucy Es
ther Utusel and M. M. Kussell, or either of
them had on tlie .Mb. day of March, A. D. 1W1,
tit. date of th. mortgage foreclosed herein,
or which nicta defendants or any of th. de
fendant, herein, hav. sine, acquired, or now
have In and to th. Ibllowlug described real
property, situate and being In Wasco county,
orcgoi , Uwlt; Lola numbered (10) ten aodctO)
llllliy, in uiis-s uuinueft-u mciuyiuiro a,
as per the official plat of Hood Kiver proper,
now an addition lo the city of Hood Kiver,
or so uioch of aald properly, a. will satisfy
the Jiidgmeut and decree, with coats and ac
cruing ousts.
Haul property will be aold subject to con
firmation aud redemption a. by law provid
ed. Dated at Til Dalle, Oregon, tula 11th day
of June, Win, K, C. HKXToN,
JW-JyU Hli.rtflT of Wasco county, Oregon.
Mosier Trading Co.
D. H. BARBIE, Mgr.
(Huccessor to Lewis A Moaler.)
Genera! Merchandise and
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878)
' United Htalea I Juid Office, Th. Dalle. Ore
gon, June 11, 1904. Nollre I hereby given
that lu ounipllance with the provisions of the
act of oonitrcssof Jun. S, 1H7S, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lauds In the states of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all th. public Land
Blate by act of August 4, ltWI, th. following
named persons have filed In this office their
.worn statements, to-wlt
of Waynoka, county of Woods, Territory of
oKianoma,8worn statement iHo.rjwi,niea April
Hl.tMllfor the purcliaseof the HK'.H " lot
4 of Mco, 7, township 1 north, range 11 Kast,
W. M.
of licMlnnvllle, county olYsmhlll. stale of
Oregou, sworn ataiemeut No. StSsi, Hied May
XI, HUM, mr thepurciuue of the lots I aud i of
Hec. Id, townships north, range Kast; lot I
and KK'i N Hec. 4 township 1 north, range
KaslW M.
That they will offer proof to ahow that th.
land sought Is more valuable It. timber or
tone thau for agricultural purpose, nnd to
establish their claims to salu laud before
UeorgeT. I'rsther, United mates Commis
sioner at his otno at Huod River, Oregon, ou
August 90, 1H.
Tliey nanieaa wltneasea: Edinond C, Miller,
OlkH-d D. Woodworth, Jak. Lent, Kalnh
r'rrnch, Lewis Morse, Charles Cast ner, John
W. Khreve and William K. lUnd, all of Hood
Kiver, Oregon.
Any and all person, claiming adversely
the above described lands are requested to ft le
their claims In Nil. office on or before the
aid aotb day of August, 1H.
MlCHAiXT. NOLAN, Register.
Of 25 veers' experience. Will lur
nish plans and Biicoifioations for til
kinds of buildings. Strictly up to date.
Located at Hood River.
Contractors ;
and Builders
Hood River, Or.
Estimates furnished on all kinds of work
I'll nunc A mold. Mai n 8.
HUlH.tS. Frederick, Main JOS.
& Builders.
and Builders
Plans and Edtimatks Fcrnisrid.
Pnftn TSnnVitnarr X? VAfiirlc
m ui in iimvuuivij v , t viiivivu
Including Rushford, Winona, Milburn and Old Hickory
Wogons, Clark and Perry BuffgieH, Lightning Hay Press,
AermotorWind Mills, Deering Machinery, Buckeye Pumps,
Milwaukee Hay Tools, uhampion Uarts.
A complete line of Syracuse Implements, 11 an font '8 lialfnm of Myfrb, Extra
Buggy Tops, Brats, Cushions, DasheB, Poles, Shafts, Singletrees and Neckyokes
Bolster Springs and lion Age Garden Tools..
Cor, 4th and Columbia Sts., Hood River, Or.
M. MANLY. . '
White Salmon Real Estate
White Salmon, Wash,, have sole charge of the sale
of lots in this growing town. We have a large list
of farm and fruit lands for sale.
Correspondence solicited.
bone & Mcdonald
Carry a full line of Groceries, Flour and Feed,
Shovels, Spades, Axes, Saws, etc.
The Fishing Season
Is here, and so are we with a full line of first
class Tackle. . Come and see us before buying.
Goods Delivered Free
To Any Part of Town.
bone & Mcdonald
A COMPLETE stock of
and Builder.
Plans and Estimates Furnished
Upon Application. dl
Chop House.
Meals nn short order at .11 hour. Open day
and ntitht, from a. m. nnlll 1 a, m.
Proprietors, ml)
and Building Material
, guaranteed. Call and look through the Stock.
Glad to show vou around.
Undertaker and Embalmer