HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JULY -14, 1804. J.STRIGG Jin l ROCKFOKD.IA ii"rLfc sum & v " The hog which will not eat Is pret ty nick hog been tick for week, prob ably. For the flower garden there li no Mil o nice at the upper four Inches of any timbered bottom land. One hundred and forty skunks and rivet rati were trapped the past winter on one Iowa farm. Bweet scented placo that ' ' The problem of good roadi doe not bother thote countries which do not bare over twenty inches of rainfall. Good roads are one of the compensa tions for drought. It is worth noting tt during the month of February last only 18,000 bushels of wheat left Atlantic ports for Europe, while 1,187,964 bushels went from ports on the gulf of Mexico. The tsetse fly, a fly no bigger than common bouse fly, Is the great scourge of South Africa, and baa done more to retard the white man's con quest of that country than any other one thing. It Is death to stock. Nothing Is better for filling the silo than common field corn. While peclal types Of fodder corn, cloTer, alfalfa, cowpeas and other green stuff may be kept in the silo, the field corn will be found to be the most satlafactory. If you hare an evergreen grove, you will be sure to have lots of mourning doves, which will seek the grove of conifers as a breeding place. You may also have crows, which like such a grove equally well, and that Is nui sance. The three months of winter when the man on the southern farm can do any sort of farm work give blm a very permanent and' distinct advan tage over bis northern brother, who during that period can do nothing but stuff stoves and stock and consume the earnings of the previous year. The wild grape, the plum, the rose bush, the crabapple, all native to our northern latitude, are extremely hardy. No extreme of either beat or cold Im pairs their vitality. Perhaps some day we will develop types of better fruit which will possess the same degree of hardiness. We have not got them aa yet In April of this year a man who lived near the state line between Iowa and Minnesota could shoot all the ducks he wanted In Iowa, while be could not lawfully catch a fish, while "in Minnesota he could catch all the fish he wanted, but could not shoot a duck. This well illustrates the need of general laws for the protection of fish and game. The objection to the Leghorn hens Is that they cannot be kept under control, driven, herded and secured at night aa can other breeds. They are great wanderers and foragera, atack strip pers, tree roosters and garden destroy ers. No fence stops them. And while for gg production no breed excels them they are of little value for the table. The Wyandqttes, white or silver laced; the Plymouth Bocks, barred or buff, are better fowla for the average man than the Leghorns. Notwithstanding the good prices which bogs have brought for the past year 3,000,000 more hogs hsve been old than for the previous year. The most profitable business on the west era farm for the paat two years has keen producing pork. Assured of B cents a pound and ne cholera It Is an agricultural bonansa. It Is a far coun try and a atrange, uncivilised people where the product of the American Poland-China Is not found In some form or other. The Jew and Moham medan are bla worst enemies. A western agricultural college has lately Issued a bulletin stating that a Danish method of making butter has been discovered whereby a much lar ger per cent of water la worked Into the butter than la common under the American system. It la ssld In connec tion that the quality of the butter la Improved thereby. While this msy be good news to the dairymen and the creamertea It la no cause for rejoicing to the consumer, for what he wants and what he buys Is butter fat not water. Many folks run store bills all their Uvea; think they have to. There h In very way a better method pay cash as yon go. It will savs you 10 per cent la the long run, S per cent in not buy ing things and 5 per cent in securing toe lowest prices tm grocer or mer chant baa to offer. If, aa so many are doing, you are eating up this month thaf which you expect to earn next month, do penance and fast for thirty flays, get van, pay cash and eat what you have earned. This suggestion la worth good money, at least f20 year, to any maa who will try It Norman Williams will not be lianued here on July 22. since bis attorney. Judge Henry E. McGinn, la perfecting an appeal to me supreme court, winch will delay the execution perhaps six months. If the judgement of the lower court is reversed the caae will be re manded here for retrial, but if the juiltfA ment is sustained Judge ttradahaw will fix some future date for earning out the 'judgement of the court. Mountaineer. Miss Zoloto Kelney,after spending the paat week with Miss Prudence Patter son, left on the boat this morning (or her home in Hood Kiver. fcihe wan ac companied bjf Miss Katherine William fi li.- f li-" it !, It looks aa if the price of cotton la to be permanently higher, Just aa will be the price of corn. - !' One thousand American bred hogs bsve been sent to Europe the past year for breeding purposes. We have always favored the placing of a sufficient tax on dogs so that men sustaining damage by them could be Indemnified. It looks as If the making and use of the new cement blocks for building purposes will seriously affect the cut stone and brick Industries. It requires cows, pigs, poultry, fruit and vegetables to make high priced land pay. It cannot be profitably used In the production of cereal crops or bay to sell. . . .. A crop of corn of fifty bushels to the acre, worth 40 cents a bushel, Is a very reasonable proportion, still it makes the land which will produce it easily worth f 100 per acre. ' ' The Auatrlans and Italian who como to thla country become, unless restrain ed by force of law, the most merciless slaughterers of our best song birds. They will kill every bird they can find. It looks as though the orange busi ness is being overdone. ' More oranges are being produced than the people can consume, Tbey have been as cheap as potatoes all through the west during the winter. , The wonderful and continued pros perity of the south Is one of the most Interesting features of the present economic development of the country. It seems strange that it has been so long delsyed. We never until this year heard of a swarm of bees starting out on a bunt for a location early In April, when win ter still bad a good grip, but this spring a swarm took possession of a vacant spaco in a cream hauler's, wag on thus early In the season. If a man can secure a good tenant on a term of years the farm so rented, If let on shares, will one year with another bring In a much better Income for the landlords than where It is rent ed, for cash, but one needs the right sort of tenant and the long lease. Not many people keep poultry with profit In town. The range la so circum scribed, all food has to be bought, and unless great care is token the enforced confinement Impairs the laying ability of the fowls. A dozen hens may per haps be profitably kept on the average town premises, but not many more. The problem of what to do with the old and faithful horse that has out lived bis usefulness and become an ex pense to keep Is a very common one. Home trade blm to a horse Jockey; soma let him live and starve; some finish him up with bard work. Bet ter by fur humanely kill the old serv ant It baa been found that the mocking bird of the south Is a sworn enemy of the cotton boll weevil, and some of the cotton growing states have passed very stringent laws for the protection of this bird. Nearly all of our Insect pests would be held In check by some form of bird life If man were only wise enough to permit the birds to live. A rather significant fact which Is brought to our attention Is that of a man who Is farming only twenty acrea of land, who Is building a new home with all modern conveniences, while his neighbor who tries td form a half section Is worrying about taxes, inter est and hired men and gets but peace snd comfort. It will be a good thing when men come to learn that It lsthe small farm which Is the profitable Sue. A man who had several fine spruce and plnea In hla front yard took notion to trim-them up. When the Job was done his trees were spoiled, for an evergreen on top of a ten foot pole la the most unsightly and unat tractive of all lawn trees. Their beau ty lies In their heavy base, and to have these symmetrical bases the treos must have room to develop, and when they are planted eight or ten feet apart they can never develop satisfac torily. The west the prairie section where the dirt road Is the only road possible, Is to be Indebted to a Missouri farmer for a cheap and very simple device ten Inch log, ten feet long, spilt and the two sections fastened one behind the other to be used In smoothing down the rough and rutty highway, and from the use of which most satis factory results are obtained. It Is the rat Whlcb holds the rainfall and makes the mudhole. Banish the rut and we get rid of the mud. This Is so simple and cheap that It should come lnt J g( n- srul use at once. IfiwWnr PlaatlaeT. A strong sandy or light clay Ion in seems best to stilt strawberries, though they thrive on many kinds of soil, riants may be set as early lu spring nx the ground can be worked, In rows three and one-half feet apart In the row, according to the habit of the plant In forming runners. The soil should be' made firm around the plant. It the weather Is hot and dry at planting time the older leaves are beet removed. The blossom stalka ahould be cut and the runners kept to a space of about one foot during the first season. ' We have been selling a lot of pota toes this spring for 1.20 per bushel. Thla Is the most extravagant price for murphies we have ever known. No body can afford to eat them at this price, and only their use for seed Jus tifies It The sprouted kernel of oats Is a ten der thing, and It la probable that the early sown crop of the west, subjected aa It was to very severe freeilug after germination, is seriously Injured. Wheat and rye will atand what oats will cot Cash Book. Md-to-or1(ir canh book fbriulr. Klaellxlt llll'llHI! Sltl IIHifW full Un,lir knimri- ni.il ..!. !n; heavy linen paper. Price SUnl. ' lniiulr. ol'.i 'J ' ' " TUEB PLANTING, . There are many mistakes mad la the matter of tree planting. A very common one where trees are being set In the borne lot for shade and decora tion Is to set them In straight row In stead of Irregularly In groups, the best pattern to follow being nature' meth od of artistic Irregularity; then, the trees being small, so many seem to for get tbey will grow to be large, and o set them too near the bouse, only to bury the bouse In a dense shade and but out the sun, and It 1 rare to find a man with sand enongh to cut down the handsome tree which he planted twenty years previously. Then mis takes are made, and bad ones, In the election of varieties. No man ever regrets planting a white elm, a hard maple, a wbtto ash, a catalpa, a blue spruce or white pine If they are planted In the right place, but' the Lombardy poplar, the Balm of Ollead, the cottonwood, the box elder and the willow very soon outlive their useful ness; then It quite often happens that one may combine 'profit and aesthetic beauty by planting a fruit tree instead of a deciduous forest tree. No tree Is better suited for a lawn decoration than the cherry, cither tame or wild, while the plum will brighten the lawn with its bloom In the spring and re ward all who seek It shade later on with Ita fruit For street planting probably no tree give such general aatlsfactlon as the American elm. We would not however, discourage any one from planting the poor varieties if that is the very best tbey can do, for any sort of tree Is better than none tall j i - ,?i)'t COUNTY FAIRS. ' The real and the only object of the county fairs should be the promotion of the agricultural, mechanical and horticultural Interests of the com munity, and where they fall to do this we doubt If they are of any real value whatever. Wherever these fairs are held there Is an almost Irresistible effort made by a certain class to nmlte the racing, the sideshows, the sensational risk of bjiman life, the gambling and the Immoral supersede and obscure the legitimate object of the fair. Fancy prices are tendered the management for the privilege of plucking the gullible public by a hun dred fraudulent scheme, while the horsemen the racing craft are quite apt to want to be considered the whole show and appropriate the bulk of the receipts. Some day there will come a time when the real purpose of the county fair will be properly recog nized and men will take an Interest and attend such fair for the education al value which It should possess along agricultural lines. A certain state fair In a western state only a few years ago so catered to this demand for the grotesque and sensational that a track was laid, locomotives were bought and a real collision, head-on, waa adver tised and given aa one of the attrac tions. The management has learned better now. ' Fair officials who will license gambling schemes of any sort hould be promptly indicted and re moved from office. THE DUAL PURPOSE COW. A Minnesota dairyman who for twelve years has been trying to build up a herd of dual purpose cows say be bos failed snd that the thing Is a practical impossibility. The trouble its that the heifers from such a herd will almost alwaya take one tack or the other run to either beef or milk and so are not dual, as desired. Once In awhile a cow Is found which most happily combines the qualities of both meat and milk, but it seems to be al most Impossible to fix such a strain as a distinguishing trait of a breed. The very makeup of the cow tends to defeat such an attempt, the good pillker from a physical necessity being almost a deformed beast from beef standpoint If a man la going Into the dairy busluess for profit, there Is little doubt that he will best promote his Interests by getting cows of the dairy type. FROST PROOr STRAWBERRIES. A friend in Colorado wrttea asking us to name some varieties of straw berry which will be frost proof In June and July on the highlands of that state, where he states they hsve frost every year In June and July. We caunot help him out for we know of no berry which, when In bloom or when the fruit Is formed, will stand a hard frost He cites the fact that wild strawberries grow there In abundance, but neglects to state, what la probably fact, that these wild berries grow low down among other vegetation and are to a great extent protected from frost The frost condition to which b refers sometimes catches our crop of berries In late May, and the best way to prevent damage Is to start a smudge of the old winter covering around the bed or else throw It back on the plants to remain until danger I past WII12.V. AND HOW TO PRCNB. It Is a good time now to prune- the fruit treoe where they need It The water sprouta at the base of the trunk should lie all removed; also all cross limbs n nd deformed ones. A light fine toothed saw la the beat tool for this work, and It Is a good Idea to have a little pot of paint along to give the wound ou the tree a dab. Pruning done nt thla season (May) Insure the quick healing of the cuts, aa the aap Is about In full flow. The work of pruning should nevw be delayed so that limits over an Inch In diameter have to be removed. A hotbed which only took a couple of hours to make was by the middle of April furnishing us an abundance of nice radlahea and lettuce, while there were, besides, several hundred tomato, cabbage and pepper plants, cauliflower and eggplant, enough for our own use and some for the neighbors. Worth doing? Well, we should say aa Planing Mill Help. Tliwor ftinr men with famine wanted to work aronud planing Mill. !f. r V'TX'T'T TT-nx n " ' PAUL STRAIN. COLORADO'S LOSS OREGON'S GAIN Paul Strain, who has just returned from the monopoly-ridden mining dis trict of crushed Colorado, says that the state of affairs at Victor and Cripple Creek Is almost heart rending. Fear Is on almost every face. If men stop and talk one witn another, in tne street or elsewhere, where they may be seen, officers arrest them and they are thrown Into the loul bull pen or banished from the commonwealth they helped to build. Distress is pictured on the countenances of women and children, homes are des olate and the Buffering of the masses is beyond human thought at tins distance from the seat of all these troubles. Mr. Strain says that when lie was there, there was no such thing as free press or free speech. He says, indeed, that he was reminded of Siberia and the military authority of the czar in this trust-ridden state of Colorado. He says that the stores of Cripple Creek, Victor and lloldflelds are nearly all closed. The small provision stores are afruid to keep their doors open, because they have not the means to sell on credit, and no one has money to pay for any thing in these camps sttlifs time. "I Ubught the two large stocks of clothing, hats, caps, furnishing goods and shoe of the Colorado Clothing Co., which did business iu Cripple Creek and Victor. I also bought a very select and handsome . stock, in UolilfteWls. These goods were received at about the timeihe mines were closing down, and the Btocks were almost iu tact, 'iim Colorado Clothing Co's. fctores were well nlled to the ceiling with the best eelec tion of merchandise I ever saw outside of the largest cities of the country, the inventory showing a value of $147,000 and all tins immense stock was kuocked down to me for $28,000 spot cash. This it will be perceived, is leas than 19 cents on the dollar of the wholesale cost ol the iroods. ' Business men are leaving Colorado with tne intention ol never returnniK The bard hand of vexation and of need is upon them, cr me is rampant every' where, life is insecure, confidence ob literated and buHineta dead. Men look on their neiithbors with auemcion husbands have been dragged away from their families and wives from their hus bands. Chaos is visible everywhere, men who areeuiltv of no offense what ever, are hurried before military tribu nals that remind one strongly of the stormy uays ot the Drench revolution I noticed that the men who were ban. ished under military guards bad not the appearance of foreigners, but teemed to represent the beet types ol American manhood 1 have ever seen. They seemed to me to be natives of such states as New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania. Ohio, Illinois.and possibly Missouri and Kentucky. I saw no drunkenness what ever and could scarcely realise that these fellows were under the ban of the law. General Bell appeared to me as a very austere commander. K he had been trained in the military schools of Europe I could have understood his bearing ;but it was strange to me to behold such con duct in an American. "However, in a mercantile way, Col orado's loss will be Portland's gain. These tons of goods you see around me come from thai sorrowful region to make glad the hearts of patrons of the Hub and Sarains, and from 8 o'clock to morrow mornliiK until every dollar's worth of goods nave been disposed of, tremendous slaughter will be the watch word here." And Mr. Strain turned away to direct his little army that seemed to obey his command aa implicitly as the soldiers obey the commands of Ueueral Boll. They were marking down and stauking up goods in every direction, and will doubtless be ready for the multitudes who will be with them in the days to come, beginning with tomorrow morn ing. Portland Journal. Some men stlli plant by the moon ind swear by the long range weather prophets. The tramping of the soil by stock Is absolutely fatal to a large share of our forest and fruit trees. The good horse and the good boy are Quite likely to both belong to the good man. They are one of bis earthly re wards. It la of small profit to work bard to plant $2 worth of garden seeds and then depend upon a scythe to keep the garden clean. We sow radishes every ten days from early spring np to July and then again In September for fall use. In thla way we alwaya have them nice and tender. All living things have their uses, we re told, but we know of some dogs add some men whose utilitarian rela tion to the world could be made a prop er mihlert for rtrmtf. W. E. GOD3EY, Blacksmith and Wagon Maker Horse-Shoeing and Repair Work A SPECIALTY. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS. HOOD RIVER BAKERY T. H. WILLIAMS, Prop. Fresh Bread, Buns, Cakes, and Pastry Daily. Wanted.Fruit Lands Mat vour Fruit Lands with us In the Homeseekers' Guide if you want to sell them. We advertise the guide in over 225 Eastern and Middle West papers. Send (or the Homeseekers' Guide. ( First Street Portland, Or J. B. Fletcher & Co. DEALERS IN MliFEED NOTIONS, GLASSWARE, CROCK ERY, Etc. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS. COBB BROS. Collections & Loans Baggage Stored and Cared For. HOOD RIVER, OR. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library The Best In Current Literature 12 Complitc Novcls) Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPCR8 ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 pen yeah : 25 era. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES tVCSJV NUMaiS) COMPLCTI IN ITSILf jc Trade Marks rO Dcsiqns COPYRIOHTS AC. Anron. aanillnf sketch and dnwrlptlon m qulcklr urtiiln our opinion fro. whether an Invention la probably patentable. Communlm. tlonatrlctlr confidential. Handbook on Patent, ent free. Oldest aKenoy for eeurlng patenm. I'atent. Uken through Mnnu A Co. TOcelr. nwlol notlM, without chre. Id the Scientific American. A handaomelr Ultmtrated weekly- I-anreat Mr dilution of any a(lenttne Journal. Terms, S3 a rear; fnurmonthi.il. Sold by all newidealera. MUNN & Co.s'B"h. New York , Branch OMoa. 82 r St, Waahlncton. D.C. vlt4 go YEARS' The New Music House is the Boss IT HAS ALL THE FINE PIANOS AND ORGANS THAT THE GREATEST PIANO HOUSE IN THE WEST HANDLES, SOME OF VHICH WE GIVE THE NAMES: The Celebrated Weber, the Renowned Chickering, Kimball Hobart M. Cable, Crown and Hardoroff. Then Come the Fine Kimbal and Burdett Organs These fine goods with a fine assortment of And all Kinds of Small Goods will be found EILERvS MUSIC CO Successors to Parkins Grimes (SL Co., THE DALLES, - - "J. T. HOLMAN, HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS Cottage Market DEALER IN Fresh and Cured Meats, GREEN VEGETABLES. Free Delivery. Bicycle Department. Repairs made and supplies constantly on band. Star Boarding House MRS. E. W. CROSS, Proprietor. Nice clean beds and horn cook Inc. t4 per week for permanent boarders. Single meals 26c. Single lodging, 25c. ' HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS. STEAMER Charles R. Spencer. THE DALLES TRANSPORTATION CO. Fast time between The Dalle and Portland. Htpiuner leave. The Dalles Tuesday., Tbureday. and Haturdaya, at 7 a. m.; arriving at Portland at 2 p. m. Returning, leave. Portland Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday., at 7 a. m.; arriving at The Dalle, at 8 p. m. Mopping at Vancouver, Waahctigal, Caacade Lock., Btevenxon, Carson, Ht. Martin's Springs, Collins, While HHlmon. Hood Kiver and liyle, for both freight and passenger.. Landing at Tbe Dulles, foot of Union at; at Portland, foot of Washington at. Capt. E. W.Hpenoer, Ueneral Manager, Portland. FASHION STABLKM, Agent, Hood River. lYlUPASIEHHEPnlNI Ts. purpose of Houae Paint it to Protect and Beautify. "Unseed of) I. the life of paint" bemuse it la tbe binder, the muoilsie, that holds the pigment, (th. dry paint) to tn surface i and only when the oil loaea thia bindlos: quality through Ita dis integration by atmoapherio infloenoae ahould tit. loosened dry parti olea of plrment oom. off. The offioe of the pigment ia deooratlve and also preservative lu prolonging the Ufa of th. oil by pro tooting it front the .laments Absolut cortatinty of tKe purity of the linseed oil eon.atntea the ehlef economy In paint buying, for to exactly the extent that the binding quality of the oil la weakened by th. nee of adulterant, or ohoep "thinners,' tile uurebilityr of the whole paint la diminished. You have this absolute certainty of th. quality of the oil in the Paint pot as your koua. when rem buy Kinlooa Paint, because you buy the oil separ. Btely and give your paint thla abaolutely certain durability by mixing thla oil gallon for gallon with the thiclC "Kinloeh" paste in which, for your oonvanlenoe end the oertalnty or proper proportion., all the plgmeuu, tinting oolora, "turpe" and dryera are ground together and sold you, ready for th. admixture of the pur. raw oil by yourself. These facta alono ronko "Kinloeh" the ideal palntt bat beside thla guarantee of durability through your peraonoi knowledge of the purity of the oil, is the fact that when yoa buy two gallon, of the ordinary ready-mixed paint-the "ready for the brush" eon you pay the ready-mixed paint prion for th. . galleai of oil therein, regardlea. of Ita purity, or 3 12 to S tlxnoa mors than for the fresh pure oil In your loeal dealer's barrel. We invite eorreapondanoe from these who use or buy Houao Paint. WHEREVER WE HAVE NO AGENT, YOUR OWN DEALER WILL GET KINLOOH" FOR YOU, IF SHOWN THIS AO.. BY WHITING 0IREOT TO KIN LOCH PAINT OOMPANY, ST. LOUIS, MO. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE. Sold by S. E. BARTMES9, Hood River, Orkqon. SHIO Livery, Feed SPOT CASH GROCERY WOOD BROS., Proprietory Groceries, Flour and Feed FRESH VEGETABLES RECEIVED DAtLY. . Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Free Delivery. Phone. Violins, Guitars and "Best by Test." A transcontinental traveler says: I've tried them all and I prefer the North western Limited. It's the-best to be found from coast to coast." It's -'The Train for Comfort" every night In the year between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chi cago. ' Before atartlng on a trip no mat ter where write for Interesting Infor mation about oomfortabl. traveling. II. L. Sisi.ER,Gen'l. Agt., 132 Third St., Portland, Or. T. W. Teasdale, General . Passenger Agent St Paul, Minn. STABLE and Draying. STKANAHANS & BAGLEY. Horses bought, sold or exchanged.. Pleasure parties can secure Hrst-eluss rigs. Spe cial attention given to moving Furniture and Pianos. We do everything horses can do. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Banjos OREGON I J