The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 23, 1904, Image 4

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Old Soldiers Went Home
Highly Pleased With
Hood River.
Hood River's throe days' entertain
tnont of tlio ' (luiurtment of Oregon,
Grand Army of tho Republic, last
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday war
preeminently auncesHful. Tliere wore
some doubt, h (lie week of the en
campment approached, a to whether
Hood Itiver would be equal to the tuck
of taking care of the large niimler of
visitor that had signified their inten
tion of coming here. Jtut the citizens
rose nobly to the occanion, and every
one of the 1,5H) people who attended
tho encampment were provided with
places to tdeep and all they wanted to
eat. The veteran were warm in their
praise of the entertainment furnitihed
them, and all of them declared they
never had a better time in their liven at
a Mate encampment.
Wednesday night a general reception
was tendered the visitors and formal
speeches of welcome were rtiado by
Grand Ariiiy.nieiiibcrs and citizen of
Hood Itiver. Captain James I. Shaw
waa chairman of the meeting. After a
abort speech of welcome to the visiting
posts on behalf of Canby pout, the capj
tain introduced Mayor A. H. Blowers,
also a member of the Grand Army, who
tendered the encampment delegates the
freedom and privilege of thecily. lion,
K. L. Hmith was introduced by Mayor
Mowers, and he extended a wefcome
on behalf of the citizen of Hood Hiver.
Mr. Smith spoke in part as follow:
You have received a cordial and fit
ting welcome from hi IJoiurthe Mayor
of thin municipality, and ( trust that
you wilt not the less appreciate the
message I have been delegated to con
vey to you in my indifferent manner,
a welcome no lew sincere, a welcome
from all our people.
Without the people there could have
. been no mayor, no civic welcome, no
organized government. Without the
private soldier no general, no great
army battling for the preservation of
freo government, for the integrity of a
nation destined by Providence to be the
first, not tmly in power, but tint in
liberty among all the nation of earth,
And you have not. forgotten those i m
mortal words of your great commander
Htaiidingon ground but recently but
tised by the blood of the Blue and the
Gray! "This nation under God h.ill
have a new birth of freedom, and that
government of the people, by the people
and lor toe people sliull not perish from
the earth."
In the name of the citizen of this
community, a community o smiill but
yet a component part of the people of
whom great Lincoln spake, 1 bid you
welcome to the Homes, you had a wel
come to our heart long since, to the
home of Hood Hiver.
veterans 01 the itrand Army, you
nave witnessed the rapid stride ut you!
country towards national great :iens
nice the day ol inw.. May herein
cite some of the instance of that In
creasing greatness. The banner yon
bore through an unparalleled strife that
your oountry mignt he indiK.nliibly
united, you oe saluted with scrupulous
respect by the mod powerful sovereign
of earth. Veterans, 1 know that your
heart throbs: come faster hen you
learned how a commodore of you" coun
try in the fur Kast, one early May-day
morning, sailed his ship through chan
nel vhoo chores were lined with bat
. tnriea and who.-c depths were lined with
unknown mines, and as he circled round
the great bay of Manila the fleet of
proud but cruel Hpam disappeared from
those H-na as if by magic, forever. And
I know also, how deeply your patriotism
wua stirred when your sons followed
that same old b:iiiuur in the fair isle of
Culm, up the hoiuhts of Saiitiniro and
Kl Caney; neither troeha, nor fort, nor
barricade, nor decimating tire could
check their gallant charge; and ever at
the front, awiuging hi hat and shout
lug, "Coino on boys," was a gallant
ollieer, tot lay the great president of
lliese I'nileu Mate.
And may I call your attention to an
incident of peace nut properly enipha'
siaed. a it seems to me? ()nl a few
week since at the harlsir front of the
city of Havana wa witnessed an occur.
rence worthy to be immortalized in
aong and on skilled painter' canvass,
The American flag had, indeed, been
lowered, but not in dishonor; military
bauds were playing our national airs,
and everywhere the air was rent with
deafening shouts nf "Vive Cuba libra,"
Hurrah for free Cuba I The last Amer
ican soldier wan going home. I'rsv tell
me, friends, on what page of all the
histories of tho past will 1 Mud the
record when a tuition ent forth at
vast eipenso of life and treasure, drove
out, a murderous lorelgu conqueror Irom
fair land, established a constitutional
government with all the guaranties of
life, lilterty, and property, then called
her ships iind sailor home without a
roconipento in money or a rod of terri
tory. One more Illustration and I cease to
tax your patience with incident of your
country' greatness already known. In
the year l!H2, thelaU'st data at mv
command, there wire in the United
States 2M,07 school houses and 1(1,
041,010 school children. It is the
morning hour, and these millions of
boy and girl stand in orderly loYm
before these school lioupcs with bright,
expectant faces; halyard is drawn;
Old Glory, the emblem of their country
mount upward is flung to the brveae
and 1 seem to hear a myriad of youth
ful voices reciting in unison, "I pledge
my allegiance to my flag ami to the
country for which it stands. One nation
indivisible, with lilierty and justice for
nil." I know not whether this beauti
fill ceremony originated with the Grand
Army or its auxiliary society, the Relief
corps, or was the joint product of lroth'i
but I do know that no other hind In any
age ever taught its youth such nn in.
comparable and impressive lesson of
patriotism as this.
Grand Commander, I have no fulsome
laudations to offer these gray-haired
noble veterans before me. They
were willing to lay down their Uvea in
the service of their country. What
more can men do? Theirs is the place
oi nonor nere, and I trust, hereafter;
aim u is i m common regret ot all our
people that it is imiossible for go small
community to otter a hospitality
wormy oi uieir aisiingiiisiieu presence.
Hood River's specialties are laiirie and
speeches of welcome, and I am informed
that our committee has arranged to fill
you up Willi both. We have, however
not forgotten what excellent foragers
you proved yourselves to be in the (id's,
and therefore, in our helpless condition
we expect that if you set anything you
wani you win lake it. Jeave us our
scenery and old Mount Mood and we
will lie content
Friends, may not this, fair vOlley
atone in part for lark of adequate hos-
nitalitv? rind when voti rer.irn In von
nitality? Ond when you re tirn to you rV
homes will you not tell your people
that you came to a land of spreading
oaks, and that at your very feet were
the overflowing tides of a mighty cur
rent sending down to the ocean a ercat
er volume of water than imy other
stream upon the American continent?
Tell them that when you uscen iea w
the higher elevations you imiield w me
north and to the south tv.o t.iwenng
peaks clad in uniforms of immaculate
white, while at your feet were robes of
forest green, ami standing like great
sentinels to guard the lair valley cradled
between them and ever, as it were, call
ing to its Mins and daughter to look
upward. Tell them you found a land
where I'omona reigns euprcme, a land
of fruit and flowers, fit garden for the
gods, or better yet, for home of true
men and true women and bright-faced
boy and girls, proud, happy, grateful
citizens ol the good government you
At the close of hi speech, Mr. Smith
unfurled a large American Hug, the old
est Hag in Oregon, made by the women
of Hood River in the summer of lwtl.
At Mr. Hmith' suggestion, the assem
bly arose and gave three hearty cheer
for the honored flag. This flag is the
nronertv of H. C. Coe. who ha loaned
it to the Oregon historical society.
Splendid music was furnished during
the evening by the Hood liiver band,
and the male quartet, consisting of
Messrs. lllack. Dukes, Dunbar and
DeWitt was repeatedly recalled. . It is
hoped this bunch of good singer will
keep in practice for similar occasions.
There have been many expressions
from citizens of a desire to hear the
boy again. John R. Nickelseu'a tolo,
"A Little Jloy In Blue," was well ren
Other speeches were made during the
evening by Department Commander
D. A. Turner, who taid he wasn't in
the speech-making business, so turned
the matter over to Comrade Cooper of
McMmnville. Mr. Cooper s remarks
were decidedly humorous, and kept the
audience constantly laughing Cooper
aim hi party got here late the night
before, an hour when Hood Hiver old
soidiera were in bed, and there 'was
none to meet him at the depot He did
not fare very comfortably that night,
but took it as part of the encampment
and part of the fun.
Mrs. J. W. Higby in an able and well
delivered addresa extended a hearty
welcome from (an by Woman's Relief
corps. Sirs. Kosu M. Hchenck, depart.
ment president responded with appro
priate remarks.
Thursday was the day of the big
parade. Nearly tt(H). veteran fell into
line, and about 100 more were noticed
among the crowds on the sidewalks
Captain F. C. Hrosius, grand marshal,
ami Maor A. H. Blowers, chief of staff,
with their aids, ). it. Hartley, H. A
Skinner, A. L. Phelps, F.d Mercer and
Willie Chandler, all on horse, headed
the column of marching soldier. ' rul
lowing the aids came the Hood River
brass band, in new uniform and with
new instrument. Following the men
of the Grand Army were about HX)
women of the Relief corns. The parade
was scheduled for 1 :lfi o'clock, and the
command to forward march was given
promptly at the.appointed hour. The
line of march extended through town
ami up State street to the Park street
school house, where the Hug presenta
tion ceremonies were held.
h"-che of presentation were made
b ' .urs. Helen N. 1'ackard and Mrs.
richeuck of Portland. W. J. Huker,
cliairumil of the board of directors,
made a speech of acceptance. There
was a drill by the pupils of Mr. Mar
garet Heid's room.
Mr. 1'iickard spoke as follow:
In the absence of the department pa.
triotic instructor, I have been invited
by the department president to present
this beautiful Hug to the high tchool of
Hood River, It give me great pleasure
to do this. This bright emblem of our
liberty loving land should float from
every school house from the pine tree
state to the beautiful land of the pointer
nr. rom me desolate ice nelds whieu
mark our northern boundaries, to Hi
laud of the palm in the far southern
water the flag of the red, white and
blue floats, an inspiration to the lonely
sailor, and a comfort to the world-weary
Wrapped in It fold the soldier have
died on the field of battle, and waving
it over the battlements of the routed
foe, brave heroes have been pierced to
their death. It is the emblem of liberty
to tho poor of all nations, and surmount
the beautiful statue of "Liberty En
lightening the World" in the harbor of
tew iork.
The Woman' Relief corps, the organ
buition which is auxiliary to tho Grand
Army of the Republic, is endeavoring
to teach patriotism to all school chil
dren throughout the length and breadth
of our vast country. Tho beauty of the
nag saiute which was touched upon by
one of the eloquent speaker last even
ing, Is due to the Youth' Companion,
w. l'. natcii, and members ot the W one
an' Relief corps. The joint committee!
have labored long anil earnestly to per
feet thNalutea for schools, also for tlie
Grand Army and the Woman's Relief
corps. The effect w hich patriotic teach
ing will have on generations yet to come
ran only lie dimly guessed at. If the
Woman's Relief corps had done nothing
else in the quarter century of its exist
ence, it could still be proud, but that is
a small part ot the work which it ha
aet ompiisiieu.
1 ! ., 1
The department of Oregon, Woman'
Keller corps, now presents to this school
this beautiful Hug. Take it. love it.
cherish it, fight for it, and die for it, if
need be, but never, never let its fo ds
trail in the dust I
When you have all passed on. and
those who are now babes in arm are
piloting their barques toward the shores
of a mature activity, may the flags still
wave trjiu every school house in Hood
River, anil when nieu and women who
shall come after us, shall climb these
deathless heights, and gain on these
matchless mountains, which outline
themselves against the blue 'homon,
may the lessons of patriotism inculcated
in this present generation still bear
fruit, and the red which represents
fraternity, the white which embodies
charity, ami the blue, emblematic of
loyalty, still hold their own against all
foes of the nation, tho home and the
public school system of our common
Thursday night the visiting veteran
feasted on strawberries and cream
served under the ouka on the rotate
street school house grounds, by the
ladies of Hood River. Fully 2,0lH) peo
ple were gathered that evening on the
school house lawn. Seat had been
provided for 1,000. and easily that many
more people stood within hearing dis
tance of the speakers. The enclosed
stand waa covered with canva and the
interior very neatly decorated with flag
and hunting. W. "J. Baker was chair
man of the committee to see after tlie
erection of this stand, and he deserves
a gtssl deal of credit for the manner in
which hi work waa carried out.
Among those who made jH?eche
llinrsday night were Colonel Jackson
on the "Advancement of the American
Republic 8ince the War;" Major J. K.
iilayo, ".Missouri a l'art in the War
twyen tlie States:" Hon. M. P. Isen
Is'tg, "America's Volunteer Soldierv.'
1 ill. Iitrui-V lr,-toram U'.ia tt a l.,.,K
order and contained selection by the
popular male quartet, a recitatjjn by
Mrj. Louise M. Goddard, recitation by
Mis Vera William, and a club wing
ing exercise by eight yonng ladies under
the direction of Mrs. Margaret Reid.
Major J. S. Booth was chairman of the
program committee, and the successful
rendition of the same speak well for
the Major's entertainment ability
The Hood River bras band wa one
of the best feature of the whole eu-
campnient. The boy tendered their
service free of charge, and deserve a
vote of thank for their assistance in
making such a splendid success of the
entertainment. Oregon City wa selec
ted aa the next place for the annual
Grand Army of the Republic.
The business session of the Grand
Army were held in the opera house. At
tlie election Thursday morning, 165
vote were cast, tlie largest number cast
at any previous encampment. Of the
(11 post of the state, over 50 were rep
resented. The total number ot old sol
diers registered at the headquarter was
nearly 400.
Uepartmenl onicers were elected
Thursday morning a follows: B. F.
Pike of Wasco, commander; T. J. Cun
ning of Hood River, senior vice-commander;
K. Swan of Portland, junior
vice commander; J. Barr, medical
director; G. W. Rigby of Pendleton,
the following were, elected to tne
council of administration: C. A. Wil
liam of Oregon City; P. J. Neuberg of
Portland; K. Hoopauf Forest Grove; 1).
Webster, Salem; 11. H. Winslow, Biier
id n.
Delegate to the National encamp
ment are: P. Pferdner of Portland; 2.
N. I'arviu, Kalem; O. L. Htranuhan,
Hood River,
Alternate. R. 8. Henly, H. Dottch,
E. Martin, all of Portland.
At the afternoon session, Thursday,
(C ntlnued on Page .1.)
W I i.i.i A Haymks, rialntlfT
tt'Cy K.STHKH Kl'hMKU., OIlljT
child or Lucy Ksllier Hiw
mII, decniMH, i.nd
M. M. KennKl.1., fitthtar of said
chilli, huatmnd ol ssld Lucy
hither Kuaaell, duceued, Defendant.
Ilv Tlrlaa ofn eiH'utlnn. decree and order
of ule,clnly Issued out of.und muter the seal of
me circuit oouri oi me mnus oi uregun, wr uw
county of Wonco, lo me directed, (luted Juu
9. 1MII, upon a decree for the foreclonure of
ovruiln mortgage, and Judgment, rendered
mid entered In utld court- on the lt day of
June IUOI, in the above entitled cause In favor
of Hie plaintiff and agHlust the defendant,
liUcy Ksllier Kussell and M. M. Hussell,
luilirment debtors In the sum of two hundred
Fveuty-throe dollars and ninety-five cenls
iSmI'.i.)!, with Interest thereon from the 6th
Usy of March, MM at the rate of ton per cent
pt,r milium, and the further sum of tiny (Jfio)
ii,,iitirn M Hiiiirn,v'M reft, and the further sum
ol Itli'il Mil ceil dollars, cosU, and the coal of
and Urf,n this writ, and ooiiiiimuding me to
miike aa a tit real DroDerlv. euibracedln such
decree of foreulimure, and hereinafter de-
wrllu'd. I will, mi the 21 ut duv of Jul V. 11104. at
the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon of
aald day, and at the front door of the county
court, House in I lie uanea uuy.wainu nuuv,
on-iron, sell at pi.hllc auction to the highest
bidder, for wih n, Imnd, all tlie right, title
and Interest which th" defendants Lucy Ka
ther Kusael and M. M. itusiiell, or either of
them had on the full dy i March, A. 1).
thedaleoflhe inorUiuo lurocloard herein,
or which such defendant or ,iy of the de
fendants herein, have ai.iee oc.ilrfd.or now
have In and to the folio v tit iluaurlbed real
properly, situate and b. nu In Whmjo county,
iirrgo , lo-wlt: Lot numbered (10) ten aiid(:)
thlily, In block numbered twenty-three ('),
as wr the nltlcliil plat in Hood Hiver; proper,
now an addition In the city of Hood Itiver;
oraomuchofaald propiily, a will aatiafy
the Judgment and decree, with cnaU aud Mo
urning twists.
Maid property will be xild subject to eon
(trunnion and redemption a by law provid
ed. Hated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 1Kb day
of June, mi, K. O. HtiX ION,
Jilt Jy' IShertlfof Waaco county. Oregon,
Notice Is hereby given that tbe under
signed has beeu duly appointed admin stra
lur or the estate of KANM10 E. HILLMTKoM,
deceased, and all persons having claims
ogHlnst said estate are hereby notlHed to pre
sent tlie same to me duly verified, at the
otllce of A. A. Juyne, In the city of Hood
Klver, Oregon, within six months from dale
ol the first publication or this notice. Dated
this Mlh day of J one, im.
Jlii Jyl4 J. P. HILLHTKoM, Adinlulslrator.
(Timber Land, Act June 8, 171
l ulled Wtates Land Offlee, The Dulles, Ore
i n, June 11. IHH. Notice la hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of tbe
for lie mile ot Umber lands In Ihe atatea of
Ciihtornlu. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," aa extended lo all the public Land
Ht.dea by act of August 4, lstri, the following
iiiinied persons have fl led In thla otllce their
sworn stuteiueuts, to-wlt
of Waynoka, cuunty of Woods, Territory of
oUlahoniH.swnrn sUilemenl No.'iljfllud April
ri,lir4l'or Ihe purrhnaeol the MEHWk and hit
4 ol Nee. 7, township 1 north, range 11 East,
W. M.
of McMinnville, county of Yamhill, state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. iMM, filed May
21, jlHH, for thepurehase of the lots 1 aud U of
nec. aa, lownanip nortn, range v i-.ani; kh i
and HE'-; NI0;4 aco. 4 tuwiuhip I north, range
Kaat W. M.
That they will offer proof to ahow that the
land sought Is more valuable lor lis timber or
slime than for agricultural pnrptwee, end to
ONiahllifh their claims to aald laud before
OrurgeT. l'rather, United Mlatea Coinuila
sliiner si his oilloe at Hood River, Oregon, on
August l, 11)04.
They name us wltnwes: Edmund C. Miller,
Ollord D. Woodwurtli, Jnka Lens, Itulph
French, Lewis Morse, Charles Ciouiicr. Julia
W. Hhruve and William K. Rand, all of Hood
Klver, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely
tlie above desertfwd lauda are requested to fl le
their claims In this ottce on or before the
said awh day uf August, MH.
ITImlwr Ijind, Act June S, 187.
I'nlted Btatea Land omce, The Dalles, Ore
gon, June 10, linn. Notice la hereby given
that In compliance with tbe provlalonior tbe
act of oongruss of June , 1H7H. entitled "An act
fur the sale of timber lands In the statea of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," aa extended lo all Ihe public
I nd Mlales by act of August 4,lttt,the follow-wliig-naiiied
ienna bave Mled In this otllce
Ibeir sworn atatenienta, lo-wll:
of Hood River, county uf Waacu, slate of ore
ton, sworn statement No. 410, tiled lieremher
A IMU, for the purchase of the HK Hea
ill, township norih, rauge 10 ewst, and lota 1
nnu i oi mx-uou a, lowuainp a, nuriu, range lu
east, W. M.
of Portland ilfj VjhM auh slreell, county of
Aiiiiiiioiiimi, aiaie in uregtin, awnru aiaie
liienl No fill. tlliHl Jrtnuai y 11, for Ihe
purchase of tlie Hk HK.HK MW) and NEM
K'olseo. 11, tuwiuhip 1 uui th, range eaal
That Ihey will offer proof to ahow that the
laud sought Is more va uable for lla timber
or stone than for agricultural purpowt and
to establtHh their claims to aafd land beloie
UeurgeT. Prattler, tinned States coiiiinlaaiun
er, al hlnoltlee at Hood River, Oregon, on
August ;l, PAN),
They name aa wltueaaea: Kred Ronlen,
Conn Repp,r'r,iuk li. AtMtin, John R.l'lilllipa,
William M Rand. Cliarlea Caatuer and liewls
Morse of Hood Hiver, Oregon; Horace U.
Knox of Portland, Oregon.
Any aud all persona clalmlng'adveraely the
atmve deacrtbt-d lands are requested tu die
their claims in thlaornceou or before the aald
Win day of Augut,lto4.
Timber ljind, Act June !Os7.
Notice for publication.
United Slates Land office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, May 'Ai, MH.-Nutlce la hereby given thai
in compliance with the pnivlalnna of the act
ot oounreHN ol Junr . 1S7S, entitled "An aet Sir
the stile of timber lamia In the atatea of Cali
fornia, Oregon Nevada and Waahlnglon Ter
ritory," aa extended lo all the public laud
lalea by act of August 4, issri,
of Hood River, county of Waai-n, alate of Ore-
gen, nan una (uy men in Ihla umn hit sworn
Klatemeut No. all, for Ihe pureliaae of tbe
W NW-iSee. s and siN EU of . No. 7, la
township No. north, range fia. Seaal W. M.
and will ofter unaif in aliow thai Ihe lanit
sought la more valuable for lla limber or
stone tluia for agilculluiaj pnrpoaea, and lo
eM.blUU lili claim to auid land before the
r gisier ami receiver or inia omce at The
Da lea, Oregon, on theWih day of Aiifiial 1S04.
He haima) aa wlliieweanH'llllam K. Rand ll
E Hioid. itiarlfa H.caainer and Olea Kabrlck,
all ol H.HMi River, Oregon.
Any and sfJ perauna claiming adversely the
aluTe-dearnbed la lulu are requeeied to file
itieirciatiuain inia unoe on or before aald Ub
d.i or Rugnat M)
Ji M U ll AKL T. NOlAN, Reglater.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed baa been duly appointed adminis
trator of the eBtele DAVID WIMHAUT, de
ceased, and all persona having claim against
aald eatate are hereby notified to present the
eaiue to me, duly verified, at the omueof A. A.
Jayne, In tbe city of Hood Klver, Oregon,
within six inontha from the date of the flint
nublleatlon of this notice. Dated thla sth day
of June, 1M. , H. B. HKHIi, Administrator.
Department of the Interior. Land Office at
Tbe Dalles, Oregon, )ay 10, lUOf.-Notlee Is
nerewy given mat Hie Hlliowiiia-u hito "v-
tler hunted notice of hi Intention to make
Onal proof In support of till claim, and that
aald proof will be made before (leo. T. Prlither,
U. H, CommlMloner at his office at Hood
River, Oregon, June th, hurt, vli:
of Hood River, Oregon, H. B. No 8I, for the
HWV HWHee. 8, WJiNWHec. 17 and BE;
HK Hee. 18, Tp. I N ft. II K, W. M.
He names the following witnesses lo prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of aald land, vis: Km 1 1 D. Welt, J. H.
Rogers. John West, Kllaeph C. Rogers, all of
Hood River, fh-egon.
inlD-J'iH MICHAEL T. NOLAN. Register
DvDariiiinut of the Interior. Lsrfd Office at
The Dalles, Oreirou, May M, lWH.-Notlee la
nereny given mat me muowing nemea aeiiier
has fifed notice of his Intention to make final
proof In aupport of his claim, and that wild
nmot will be made before George T. Prattler,
United Mate fjommhwioner, at hi office In
Hood River, Oregon, on July , 1904, viz:
of Hood River, Oregon, H. K. No. 1I0,
for the NEH 8WW and hit II of Section 18 Tp. 1,
Hoilth, Range 10 K., W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hta eonttnunua residence -epon and cultiva
tion of aald land, vli James Kee, William
L. Huckabay, James N. Knight, Lewis C.
Weygant, all of HooiUtlver, Oregon.
MIOHAtX T. NOLAN, Kegleter.
Denartmentof the Interior. Land Office at
The bailee, Oregon. May 84, lWH.-Notlee Is
hereby given mat tne following namea aeuier
has fifed notice of his Intention to make flnal
proof In aupport of bla claim, and that aald
proof will be made before the Register and
Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on July 13,
1VU4, vli:
of Mosler. Oregon, H. E. No. MM, for the NE
'. of HW U of Hectlon n, Tp. 3 North, Range
ll K w. k
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of aald land, vie: Leo Root, D. A. Htur
gins, George Hnskey, all of Mosler, Oregon,
Alexander Watt, of The Dalles, Oregon.
notice for publication.
Department of tha Interior, Land Office at
The Dalles, Oregon, May th, 1904. Notice Is
hereby given that the following named settler
has tiled notice of bis Intention to make com
mutation In support of his claim, and that
aid proof will be made berore Oeo. T. Prat her.
V. H. Commissioner at. his office at Hood
Klver, Oregon, on June iSth. IIKM, vlx:
H. E. No. II, , P. O. Hood River, Oregon,
for Ihe NEJ WM HE NE and Lot 1 of Heo
tlon 6, TpTl North, Range 10, E and V.Vt HE'4
Bectlon XL To. i North. Rongo 10 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or sum land, vis: uarry ixiuwin, J. tvesei,
Joseph Knox, UeorgeA. Wright, all of Hood
River. Ornirnn.
ml2t MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1K78.)
tTnlted Rtatea Land Office. Tlie Dalles.
Oration. Anrll '2H. HJ04. Notice Is hereby given
mat in compliance wiin ine univiaioiia ui ine
n U IIT-U I, A n
IHll, ,11 iJiigiuna ui uuv o, loia, nit
act for the sale of timber lundsln the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
atatea bv act of August 4. IH'.ri. Ihe fol owing-
named persons have Hied In thla office their
sworn statements, to-wii:
of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of
Oregon, sworn statement no, nm, nieu
September 1. MM. for the purchase of
the HEU NW, W. BW4 and WH HFA
aeutiou , township J north, range 9 east, W A
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore-
Son, aworn atateinent No. IMJo, filed Novem
er IS. 11XW, fur the purchase of the BW4 8K,
SKiisw. Hna cijc swji, seciiuo town
amp 1 norm, range n enai., w m.
1'n at ihey will offer pnsif to show that the
land sought la more valuable for lla timber or
Ktone than lor agricultural purposes, and to
establish Ihelr claims to anld land before the
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Or., on
July 80, l!i04.
They name as witnesses: T W Calbreath, R
E Love, H Jarvls aud .1 11 llrown of Hood
River, Or; Mury A Seufert, Surah Gorman,
Theodore J Seufert, Richard J. Oormun and
William KelchumofThe Dalles, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-descrllied lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said
DUthdayof July, hKM.
niWJy.7 M 1CHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
ITImbor Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United Statei Und Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, April W, 1WH. Notice la hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8. I87K, entitled "An
actforlhe sale uf timber lands In thestatesof
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," aa extended to all the public land
statea by act of August 4, 1W2, the following
named iersons bave Hied ,n this office Ihulr
sworn atuteiiienta, towlt:
of Dlaekduck, munty of Hultraml, state of
Minnesota, sworn atutcment No, Hied
October 6, liitrl, lor Ihe purchase of the VM
at N Wii and K ot SWW section (, township
2 north, range li east, W. M.
of The Da I lea, couiily of Waaen, stale of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. IS.VI, fl led May 18,
10,1, for the ptirchuse of Ihe HWWHWi sec
tion ' and SEH SEW section 36, township 2
north, range II eitst, W M
Thai they will oiler proof to show thutthe
land sought Is more vnluahle for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establlah their claims to suid land before the
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on August II, IUOI.
They name as witnesses: August Wotden of
Kemiujl. Minnesota; Ernar Will of Portland,
Or,: Loula Nelson of lieschntes, or: 8 W Cup
run of V lento, Or; J H llrown, Ralph Jarvls,
t'liarh's Jarvls and A L lloadley of Hood
River, Or,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aboveKtescrlbed lauds are requested to file
Ihelr clalma In this office on or before suid
14th day of August, 1WH.
inWJy7 MICH A EL T. NOLAN, Register.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon
for Waaco County. In the matter of the esute
of John W. Murnby. deceased.
To Charlea W. Murphy, W, H. Mnriihy,
lyraAlta Karnes, Wflltam K. Dennis, John
Gregg, John Curroll Oregg, Hilda Gregg and
Gleiin tiregr, and to all other uuknowu lieini
of John W. Miirplir, deceased, If any there be.
jo ine name oi ine niaie oi uregon yuu are
hereby oiled and required to appear In the
County Court of tlie State of Oregon, for the
County of Wasco at tlie July term of said
Court at tbe court mom thereof at Dalies City
In said County on Tuesday the.Mli day of July,
W04, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day,
then andtbere to show cause, If any exist, why
an order should not be made as prayed for
in the petition of Ui-o. T. Pratber, admlnlsta
torof the estate of John W. Murphy deceased,
for the sale ot the anuth balfof the northeast
quarter, and the north half of the southeast
quarter of Hectlon Eleven. Township 1 north.
Range 10 East, belong ng to the estate of aald
John W. Murphy deceased, for the purpose of
paying charges and expenses ol administra
tion and claims against aald estate and further
lo show cause, if any exist, why the Court
should not find that aald property cannot be
divided without probable injury and loss to
the estate, and should not order that It shall
tie told aa a whole whether necessary to pay
charges and expensesof administration aud
claims against wild esutte or not.
Witness the Honorable Geo. C. Blakeley,
Judge or the said Comity Court with the seat
of ihe aald oourl affixed this trd day of May
A. D. IK.
in'Mtft Attest: A. E. LAKE, Clerk
(Timber Und, Act JuneS, PCS.
United State land Office, The Dalles,
Oregon, May a, 1KM. Notice I hereby
given that In compliance with the provisions
of the actof coiigresaofjune , 1878, entitled
"An act for Hie tale of limber lands In the
state of California, Orvgon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," aa extended to all
the public land statea by act of August 4, ISM,
of The Dalles, county of Waseo, slate of Ore-
Son, has, on July 14, IW1, Hied In thlaoffice
la sworn statement, No 812, for the purchase
of the HWU N W4, Wi SW! section .tUown
ahlp 1 north, range 11 east, and kit 4 of section
, township 1 south, range 11 east, W. M., and
will offer proof to ahow that the land sought Is
more valuable for lla timber or atone than air
agricultural purpnaea, and to establish hi
claim to aald land before the Register and
Receiver of thla office at Tha Dallea, Oregon,
on Ihe Sth day of July, 1104.
He namea as wttnreaea: A K Lake, William
K fichu m, A C Thomas and P K SpauMlug,
all of The Dallea, Or.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above-described ianda are requested to file
their clalma In Ihla office on or before aald
Sth day of Julv, MM.
rnyJ MfCHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
McDonald &Henrich
Dealer In
.Wacom 70 year test.
Muogiks the vary Deal
Plows, Harrow, etc
Cultivator, Spray aud Well Pump
Wind Mills, Gasoline Eng's
Champion' Mower, Rake, Oil and
Extras, Hardware, Flailing Tackle.
Barb Wire.
Hercules Stump Powder,
Successors to E. E. Savage's Sons.
Hardware,. Tinware,
Stoves, Paints, Oils
farming mmm,
Builders Material
Estimates furnished to Contractor.
Oliver Chilled Plows.
E. R. Bradley
Waare here to do your work today
tomorrow and every other day, and
our money (what little wa have)
la spent in Hood River. Wa want
your work and tan do It neatly and
?: Ant
iyiiBwwi ''yrfiy
Corner Htnu? street and Paradise avenue.
Hiitcs, fl to JI.M a rtiiy. Hiieclnl rates to
boarders. MHH. V. O. ENTHICAN, l'rop.
General Merchandise.
long Distance Telephone Offlee. Subscrip
tions receivea or tne uiaoier.
Mosier Trading Co.
D. II. BARR IE, Mgr.
(Hucceasnrs lo Lewis A Mosler.)
General Merchandise and
Of 25 years' experience. Will lur
nisli plan und sjiecifioation for all
kinds of buililinps. Strictly up to date.
Located at Hood River.
and Builders
Hood River, Or.
Estimates furnished on all kind of work
1liiiuu Arnold, Main tel.
IlOIlfP. Frederick, Malnao.
& Builders.
and Builders
Flam and Estimates Furmshed.
and Builder.
Pi.an8 and Estimates Fchmshrd
Uimn Application. dl
Chop House. .
Mealaonahortorderat all hours. Open day
and nl(ht, (Iran a. m. until 1 a. m.
a I .i
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
Straw Hats, 10c to 25c
Ladies' Shirt Waists, 75c to $1.00
New Goods. Latest Styles and Pateras. Large Stock
to select from. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS.
Mid-Summer Millinery Sale
Ladle, you will need a new hat tn wear with that new suit, in honor of the
Grand Army convention toon to be held here. Remember OUR MIDSUMMER
SALE IS NOW ON, consisting of Outing Hate, American Girl Bailors, Black
and White Body Straws, Oh if Ion Hats', also a full line of Straw Braids. .
Get your ordera in early and avoid tbe rush.
, Yours truly,
Hood River Heights.
Milwaukee Nurseries.
We will have a large stock of Apple, Peaf, Prune, Peach,
Plum and Cherry Trees, also Grape, Currants and Berry Plants of all
the leading varieties, Shade and Ornamental Trees, Roses,
Hedge Plants, etc.
All our Tree are grafted on whole roots, and are strictly first-class and
true to name. All our Apple Scions are selected from some of the best growing
orchards in Hood River Valley. A large stock of Yellow Newtowns and Spitz
enbergs. Special prices made on large lots. Send early for price list.
N. B. HARVEY, Prop., Milwaukee, Or.
General Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers,
Manufacturers of the Crescent Rrand of Tools. Full line of
supplies constantly on hand. Best Plow Man in
the TrVest. '
Farm Machinery & Vehicles
Including Rushford, Winona, Milburn and Old Hickory
Wagons, Clark and Perry Buggies, Lightning Hay Press,
AertnotorWind Mills, Deering Machinery, Buckeye Pumps,
Milwaukee Hay Tools, Champion Carts.
A complete line of Syracuse Implements, Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh, Extra
Buggy Tope, Keats, Cushions, Dashes, Poles, Shafts, Singletrees and Neckyokeg
Bolster Springs and Iron Age Garden Tools.
Cor. 4th and Columbia Sts., Hood River, Or.
White Salmon Real Estate
White Salmon, Wash., have sole charge of the sale
of lots in this growing town. We have a large list
of farm and fruit lands for sale.
Correspondence solicited.
bone & Mcdonald
Carry a full line of Groceries, Flour and Feed,
Shovels, Spades, Axes, Saws, etc!
Tlie Fishing Season
Is here, and so are we with a full line of first
class Tackle. Come and see us before buying.
Goods Delivered Free
' To Any Part of Town.
bone & Mcdonald
and Building Material
guaranteed. Call and look through the Stock.
Glad to show you around.
Sunbonnets, 15c to 20c
and Enibalmer