e In upwards of three years of successful retailing, during which time this store has passed the stage of infancy to maturity, our experience has taught us the wisdom of buying for cash. As this principle has been a dominant factor in the development and success of this business, we have always endeavored to instil the same principle in the minds of our customers. The immense advantage of this is readily discerna ble. Especially is this so in the conduct of a business of this magnitude, which has rapidly grown in volume from month to month, until it is now regarded as by far the best Dry Goods Store in Wasco County. In fact, there are few towns which sell as many dry goods as this one Store alone. Not only is this business large in volame, but we modestly claim it to be con ducted on a high plane of efficiency, ever ready, however, to improve upon it at every opportunity; our constant aim being "to lead and not to follow. " The progressive management of this business realized at once that a tremendous turn-over of merchandise at a small profit meant in theend better results than the old-fashioned idea of big profits, because we may lose an occasional account, and must have prices high enough to offset the losses. To make it possible to do this on so close a basis and not involve loss to our selves, has made it necessary to seek for an outlet the cash purchasers of merchan dise to this great center of population. This in a word explains the success of the price-making possibilities of this great purchasing organization. From those who have favored us in the past with their business, and whom we have endeavored to serve with that fidelity and interest that their confidence de mands, we hope to merit a continuance of their favors in an increasing degree. If anything has occurred to mar the relations between us, and of which we have not been apprised, we trust they will not fail to acquaint us with the facts so as to en able us to keep with us all our old friends. We desire to extend our acquaintance among all who have not hitherto dealt with us, and shall welcome them to our store at all times, that they may become familiar with the remarkable facilities, assortments and anvantages afforded by this store. . , , The development of this business and its consequent purchasing power could not be accomplished without perfect organization, and this enables us to offer to our customers unusual advantages in well assorted stocks, low prices and reliable, prompt service. ' Yours truly, FRANK A. CRAM. O. R. & N. TIME TABLE. Emit bound No. Chlciwo Special. 11:43 a. m. No. 4. Spokane Flyer, 10:10 p. m. No. 6, Mall and Express, 10:50 p. m. No. 24, Way Freight, 12:10 p. m. No. 22. Kant Freight, 4:20 a, m. West bound , No. 1, Portland Special, 3KB p. m. No. 8, Portland Flyer, 5:32 a. ra. No. 5, Mall and Express, 6:28 a. m. No. 23, Way Freight, :2f a. m. No. 21, Fast Freight. 6:45 p. in. Hood River Weather Report. ...... 1 1 t- i ., itmAl. Mean Imum temperature, 70 1-7; mean minimum, 51: mean, 110; precipitation, .13. ' Max- BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Hazlewood Ice Cream. Oranges, and Bananas at Wood Bros. Orpingtons and Minorcas at Lewis.' Go to Fewel'a for White Clover ice cream. Strawberries and cream at the Hazel wood parlors. For bargains in Silverware, see Clarke, the jeweler. Shetland's ice cream at Tompkins & Jochimeen's. Domestic work a specialty at the Par adise Steam Laundry. Cocoa menier and chocolate menier at Bone & McDonald's. ..... Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic and keep off gray hairs. Clarke, the jeweler, guarantees all watch, clock and jewelry repair work. With the warm weather has come Shetland's famous ice cream at Tomp kins & Jochimeen's. . E. Bartmess has a first class uphol B. Ice cream Coe & Son. Hunt & Co. For Sign Work. and pineapple to D. JCj. unimn- ' , Bterer in his employ, and is prepared do all kinds ol repcir worn. The Paradise Steam Laundry has facilities for turning out special work in 24 hours when required. Nicelv laundered shirts, collars and cuffs make a man well dressed. Patro nize the Paradise Steam Laundry. Best iee cream made in the North-west-Swetland's. For galeatTompkm 8 & Jochimsen's ice cream parlors. ' We invite the public to come in and get our meat prices. We are selling boiling meats at bed rock prices. Mayes Tlurui When you need a good diamond at the lo vest porsl Die ngure, quuu guaranteed by the cutter, call on Clarke, t Un fau'Alftr. We are still selling our home made lard as cheap as other lard can be bought and we guarantee every uuuacj. i is. k 7Se; 3. 45c. Mayes Bros. Mayes Bros.' meat market gives notice that ail orders iur mui : -j must be in by 10:45 o'clock. The after noon delivery will be taken off at 4..W Mayes Bkos. Orders at McGuire Bros.'meat market for morning delivery must ... .r ....I.. X it..afii.r in the after- OI.n will he taken on at A.tn McGinns Bros Smith & Galligati are propagating 20,000 Newtown Pipp'"',8,'",1, bP"": berg nursery trees for fall delivery. All . - ?. i Lou from bealtuy and tested trees. Hood River planters should reserve their orders. n..M!n addition to Hood River.a new i ....... ;..V,ltr lunation for homes ou HI1U TCIT Bigs"1 , ii. i i:..w Mui i.tfl now offered for n$ ntirffiflDA At IIIOU ea 1 3 on easy wmn f" , . erate prices by Geo. D.Culberteon & Co. Tv fl otrftwlierrv ices at the Hazelwood. Washington ice cream Coe & bon. Made from pure cream. Washington ice cream Coe & Son. Hazlewood Ice Cream. Few as good None better. Six acres VA miles from town, for sale cheap. See W.J. Baker. "Auto-Spray" automatic spray pumps, $5 to $8, at Norton & Smith's. Bone & McDonald carry a full line of chocolate menier and cocoa menier. need attention? If SO, call on Clarke, the jeweler and optician. The Davidson Fruit Co. keep a line of extra quality, medium priced buggies and vehicles. A fine ranch of 320 acres for sale. One of the best buys in Hood River. See W. J. Baiter. rhr.r,latu mnnier is absolutely Dure, and guaranteed best made. Get a can at Hone wcuonaiu s. Fresh Chinook Salmon, Halibut, Shad, Lobsters, and fresh creamery butter, at Mcuuire Bros. For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi tion, center of town, from 200 to $250. John Lelamd Henderson, Agent Remember Tompkins & Jochimson is the onlv firm in Hood River that handles'Swetland & Son's ice cream. We want your shipments of straw berries. Send for Stencil and informa tion. A. D. Blowers & Co. iio Seattle, Wash. r ..r,w i,a,-, iiio mritt. pomnlete line of plain band and Bet rings in the city, get mv urines before purchasing elsewhere, Clarke the jeweler. Strawlwriv crowers needing numbers, rubber stamps, pads or ink will please leave orders and they will be supplied by Hood River Fruit Urowers union. a fuu- TR-oflllnn tanks for Rpravingpur- nnsea at Davidson Fruit Co. for .i.50 each. One hundred Sixty-gallon !. riiorloa Ketts of The Dalles is doing anma aiirn work for Hunt & Co. Any s a nr . .tnu uiiv mine in a lauev uu-ur- . 6 ".. I. L fc (I...... .... rlat a cm nan ca on eitner mr. ocuoui 1 1 nnt A Co. i tt.r. crinr, r,f the vear. after house- lanine is the time to paint your floor and woodwork. Rowley & Co. carry a t..u lino r.r (Jramte floor paint. arno n.ur tnin. Davis varnisn stain Bnu household paint. i in unl.iirlw Hood River, all plowed and ready to plant, very nicely situated home-site, g'wid soil, fenced and nearly level, frice smai, terms. For sale by D. Culbertson & Co. Pontile & Hooleare agents for Daven port-Thomson &Co., commission men of Portland and can sell Oranges, Lem ons and Vegetables at Portland prices and guarantee the goods to be fresh and good. try mem. innuiuw They are a nonie lnsiuunun. The Davidson Fruit Co. are rebuild ing the platform east of their shipping warehouse. Tiiey win put a rm.i u.r. it to protect the fruit put into their hands from the sun and rain. This is an improvement that will tie greatly appreciated by our strawberry shippers and on- that will facilitate the handling of the heavy t-hipnmi.M ot berries wnicn iir.nu n tins company u iiu. .... n - No cream better than Washington ice cream Coe & Son. Fresh candies and the best ice cream in town at Fewel's. House to rent on the hill, or for sale at a bargain. Apply to W. J. Baker. If you need anything in the watch, clock or jewelry line call on Clarke, the jeweler. , . Watches, clocks and jewelry repaired at the lowest possible prices, Clarke the jeweler. That longing for more, and more you must have, after eating White Clover Clover ice cream at Fewels. I handle all of the standard made watches, call and get prices, Clarke the jeweler. You will find a complete line of eye glasssea and spectacles at Clarke the jeweler's. irn acrns. 4 mill's from Hood River, first class fruit soil, 5 acres in bearing strawberries, 400 winter apples, 10Q in bearing, good spring, 5 room nouse ana barn. Will subdivide. Price $25 per acre, terms. For sale by Geo. D. Cul bertson & Co. An ot. mil. .a from Mosier. 8 acres in Apple orchard Spitzenbergs, etc., in bearing, living stream on land, log house and barn, on well travelled road. A genuine bargain, must betaken quick. Price flO&O, easy terms, ror siue uj Geo. I). Culbertson & Co. tup TlAVinsON FRUIT COM PANY, in addition to being large buyers and shippers of fruit and berries, are will aid the grower in fighting pents and inflects, ineir iateni nivenm-wii m fl.i Mna ia mittintr in A fitock of COIT)- presaed air apray pumps to aHsist the tuinnta u in ini'H vouiiL' orciiRraB or nmoil ic,lua frt ts thaw Hnravilii? eaHllV. and at much less cost than to buy a large pump on time. W. E. Godsoy spent Friday and Sat urday in Portland. Born to Mr. and Mm Will FriU, a 11 pound girl, May 18. William Stadlenian and son Leo were Portland visitors last week. Misses Ida and Ora Powell of Van couver are visiting J. u. rictcner i family. Jim Shannon of Wasco, Or., visited with the family of G. D. Woodworth last week. A Salvation lassie was among the passengers who got off the Dalles City Monday morning. Marshal Fralev repots 14 arrests dur- the week 10 whites and 4 Indians all common drunks. Miss Mabel Carter, the elocutionist, has returned to Hood River, after anex- tended visit m California. W. J. Baker sold three lots in River- view Park addition to b. Beso, who will build a residence goon. Charley Temple, the jeweler, has put up a handsome new sign on the window t.: Dl... in Willioi.tH Hrm el,-,-., Major Booth to be Married. The manv friends of Major 3. 8. IWith will be pleasantly surprised to learn that he baa taken unto himself a wife. He informed the Glacier last night that the happy event would take place at 8 o'clock this morning, (Thurs day) at the home of his mother, Mr. Mary L. Booth, Kev. J. nersnner performing the ceremony. The bride is Miss Loretta F. Edmunds of Saginaw, Mich., formerly of Portland, where she was a nurse in the hospital corps at the time the Major left for the Spanish war. w.1 . r t ' ; - : . K 1 1 I, . ..J ine uiacier joina mnu u vn nw River in hearty congratulations for a life of happiness and prosperity. Miss Edmunds will arrive this morning from the Fast. ' After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Booth will leave by steamer for a few days' visit in Portland. Notice t the School Children. Please meet at the old schoolhouse erounda Thursday afternoon at 7:30 o'clock to takei part in the G. A. R. parade and flag presentation ceremon ies. By Order of the Committee. New Today. Washington ice cream at Rowley & Company's. $500.00 to loan on farm security W.J.Baker. New soda water fountain at Rowley & Go's. All the new delicious flavors. don't fail to call and inspect the Side Delivery Clover Buncher at McDonald & Henrich's. See the 1904 sickle grinder sold by McDonald & Henrich. n,0,,i,.n inoi-lilne nil and six brands of axle grease at McDonald & Henrich's "Bee Line" buggies straignt as a string, $45 up at McDonald & tlenncn a Buy the "Draw Cut" mower. They will cut where all others fail. They never break and last forever. McDon ald & Henrich. We can attach a Side Delivery wind rower to any mower. Call and see it. McDonald & Henrich. "WATER NOTICE. Application must lie made at the ofllce of the Hood River Klectric Light, Power and Water Co. before any irrigating is Patrons livirnr weft of fourth street will use water from 2 to 5 p. m 7 in in nt. lliirht. TllOSe UVIIll East of Fourth street will use the water from 5 to 11 a. m. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, mtf Manager cinrA crroat assortment. AH sizes in Musliu and Bunting. G. A. R. Flags and all nationality, from g Combs-You will be delighted with our showing of strictly new thing In Puff, Side and Back Combs. The very latest. ' Tents and Wagon Covers- A new shipment lust in. Camp Stoves, Camp Kettles, Coffee Pots, Frying Pans, T! I'unfi PUtee. etc. Little Price. Alii vup p ' & llno 1 vprv beautiful .JoFiiiieot, 15 to 75c per ICO -.., inuitntlnna Fur Children's r a I lv iimiM.n"- - - - prti. nrinicd in gold and colors, i verv new and cute, 50c BOX i New Waist Sets-A recent ship-n-ent of new, ud-lo-date Buttons in rl (iilt nod Gun Metal. The latest ! styles. of his shop in Williams' drug store. Miss Mella White left last Thursday for her home at Monmouth, after a visit in Hood River with MrB. C. D. Thompson. A hit; band of Yakimas came down on the Dalles City Monday morning to take part in tne strawDerry campaign Norman McCay and family will move from Trout Lake the first of the month to a fruit ranch near Hood River. Miss Clara French arrived in Hood River from Los Angeles Friday and will visit with her sister. Airs. G. D. wood worth. Miss Mara Smith, sister to Mrs. M. M. Hill of the east side, left last week for an extended visit with relatives in Iowa. August Beuchler, proprietor of the Columbia brewery at The Dalles, was transacting buisiness in Hood River last week. Mins Santesson and Mine Huth Teal came up' from Portland Saturday and made a short visit at "Pinehurst" with Miss Teal. L. N. Blowers was up from Portland, Monday, toexercise his riglitof franchise at the tolls, and to help swell the major ity in old Wasco. George F. Culbertson took a party of four to look at land in the Wind River country Monday morning. They went on the Dalies city. Tim Orpcrnn State Grange closed a successful annual meeting at Corvaliis Inst week. The next meeting will be held at Forest Grove. Goorire Culver and Clarence Lilly left ..mlau f.irtlm llnrul River milnt.rv to pick strawberries. Gales Creek corres pondent in Forest Grove Times. Miss Lettie McDonald of Pioneer, Wash., came up last Wednesday, and will visit witti lier sister, airs. j.u. Brundage during the berry season. J. H. Ackerman, state superintendent of public instruction, stopped off at Hood River, Sunday, and visited with bis father-in-law, William Boorman. V I Mniiov and family eanift un from Portland last Monday and camped at O. L. Stranahan's, while Mr. Mooney is taking care ot ins strawnerry crop. R. W. Ben field of Hoquiam, Wash., spent a few days in Hood River this week, on nis way to casern uregon, where he has a valuable limner ciaim. Among the East Side republicans who helped to boost the republicans to victory ill H H'0 county wan ivuuweu oiicuuj, who worked early and late for success. M. O. Fuller, of Grand Island, Neb., arrived in Hood River on the steamer. Spencer, Monday. He is an old friend of Charles McVay and IK K. Byorlee. Xf.. C Ur M.., enrl r.l,ilrlnn left Thursday morning for Hood River val ley, where tney win spenu tne cummer. Chrouicle. The neighbors around the stores have lu hi water Dines ana pipea tne water from Trout creek to the several houses. Goldendule Sentinel. . Mrx. IkiiI Burke wishes to thank all tl.r.un li'ttr, utmwurl tlu.ir Wimlnpflfi and sympathy to her brother, ,Mr. Dallas, aunng uia reeein. imi uiuca, A W ni.lKonlr tliA rr.fll natalit man sold last week two choice lotsin W inane addition to W. K. Hyatt, an employe oi Norton & Smith, the plummers. Bert Heath, whoSias the contract for the foundation work on the courthouse nt. Stevenson, went down on the Dalles Citv Monday morning to look after the work. T K Thulium nrinpinal nt thn Dalma public schools, and Miss Elizabeth Bonn of that city were married in tne j'aues, rn. 1 t 1LT. ...I M inursuav, juni) . wu. nnu luio, Landers' left the same day for St. Louis, John Hinrich carries his arm in I alinrf n q thA roHiilt ctt eontitct with heels of an unruly horse One of the bones of Ins lett arm is iracturea. Mrs. John R. Nickelsen and son Don ald are at Astoria. Mrs. Nickelsen is a sufferer from hay fever and finds that the climate of Portland and the seaside affords a sure relief. Last Friday night the Women of Woedcraft were surprised by Neighbors tinnier and Ewers brinuinir in a boun tiful supply of strawberry shortcake and cream. Come again neighbors. Mrs. G. H. Tracy of Canyon City Ore gon, uaugmer oi nix. aim mrs. j. o. Carter, arrived in Hood Kiver, Monday, r.n a lrinit trtlior IWIvntB. Mr. TrtCV 1H an employe of the Canyon City bank. C. U. Dakm and Bert Kent nave M....lotrrl t.uintinff ftia flnA IWV THfA' liUIII..lV "'P, - of Phil Matthews on River street T,a hmian hnii narn mi nniHn on me interior and is one of the fine residences of Hood River. Til i Butler has been appointed eie r.ntr,r of th lnt nf T. C. Dallas, de ceased, and all persons knowing them selves indebted to the estate are re quested to call at the bank of Butlaf & Co., and make settlement. E. D. Button, son of Frank Button, arrived home from San Francisco where hu l.aa tuiun attunrlinar Brhnril. niWOMrft. tory to entering Stanford. lie is home to spend his vacation and will enter Stanford at the beginning of the school year. Attorney A. A. Jayne was on the BtreeHplei'tion day for the first time in two weeks. Mr. Jayne is recovering D. M. Cookingham, representing the Equitable Savings and Loan Association of Portland, is in Hood River, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Castner. They i were neignoors m jammm, iuii;... Walk0ver The Splendid Increase in our Shoe business is due to the fact that people are apprwiating the Style, Ease and Trustwor thy character ofmrShoes. "When you buy "a Walk Over, or one of our Ladies' Fine Shoes, you get the same elegance, ease and quality that you would if you were a banker or his wife in New York or Chi cago. The Walk-Over.Stores in those cities cater'to the best trade, and they are buying registered the same styles at the same We are treating you to the very best. 1 ' Jl IT iT .A. I9 Is ' S. hi I r General Delivery J. E. RAND'S STORE Phone 581 Our Stock is complete in all its lines, making it one of the best to select your goods from, whether it is Dry Goods. Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Furnishings, Groceries, Hardware, Flour and Feed in fact, you have a Department Store to select your goods from. New Dress Goods New Hats New Waistings New Straw Hats New Shirt Waists New Clothing New Collars New Shoes New Shirts New Oxfords New Goods are arriving every day, and our prices are as low as any one for the same quality of goods. Dixie Cirl-A mighty pretty wo- step, by the author of Creole Bene oc The Vl'ginians-A new, stirring novel of western Life. The first sold at this prit 25c New Lewia and Clark, souvenir Pocket Mirn.ra, very pretty IOC Red, White and Blue Canes. Viittiotie Anrns. Cap PisfoJa. Cartridge Cunes. C-nfetti. Torpedoes. HalooliR, etc. A DEPARTMENT STORE IN MINIATURE, The Little Store with Little Prices from a xevprp attack of the arm. aceom . tie had lieen through a siege of severe linens. II is menus are pieasea to note that he is attain recovering his former good health. V W I'rihnnw haa received the eon tract to erect a residence for H. C. Bate ham just west of the Park street school It will cost about 12.10". in nave an .... J...n ,ii i-.t ri ii. nr-.Hi Wnrk will com mence as soon as material can be got on tnegrouna. I- ran It A Cram, the uo-to-date inor- rliant ha decorated his Store front in patriotic colors. teorg! I. Hlocom, the book man. has done likewise. The iirar.,1 Irmii mvi.-iti, have reouested that all merchants decorate their places of business on the streets through which the parade will pass. The line of inarch is announced in the official program appearing on another page. o Special on the Twentieth Century Sewing Machines for 30 days. $30.00 Machines for $23.90. Don't Miss this, as we are going to close them out. injury. ui . ivuwidj ancnuwu and reports him getting along Vvrti Walla, while hike ridinir on Paradise lane last Thursday morning, was attacted by two vicious Indian cayuses. In the mtxup the youth was kicked on the nana, two nones iimM hrr.lr.tti anrl tliA Hlfin hadlv pealed off of his Angers. The bicycle escaneu lniurv. ut. nowiey aiienueu the boy nicely. J. G. True of Viento was in town Sat urday. Mr. True considers the Glacier a very good paper. Last September ne inserted a "Girl Wanted" ad, and the very same day the paper was issued a lu-.imr.infr hnv OVrivoil at. hid hflllin. Mr. rnju.ii iii r . . True is in charge of the planer for the r- -r 1... f l'Lnlj, 11.. UUIIS Vlcg'Jll luuiirci v. u. , iiv . n . . .w. r.v.JB his company expects to begin loading ties in a few days. Joseph Framer completed the plaster work on Mr. Metcalf's new house in Bel mont, last week. He also finished plas tering an addition F. G. Church has tlv nut onto his house. Mr. Fra- zier came to Hood Kiver 20 years ago. He says he is better able to work today ll.dn I. a nun ttiuti lla hail to HHP vuuu IIV " '" ... . - - glasses then, but has no use for them now. Marv the six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Olinger, had the misfor tune to break her leg one day last week. The little girl was crossing the street at !...r. nn.l r.o tr.hi lu. I.Mr IrU.t in . tw.ln ill huv .iniu, ...... ...... 1 1 . . . . . v. . . -- : the crosB'Walk she was tripped up and injured, one whs given prumpi. uimiai attention and iB now mending rapidly. There promises to be a lively building boom in Hood Kiver this summer. Arr.liit.wf .T K. Sitriiimlian ia alreadv preparing plans for the following build ings: A JvlU,UUU I) IRK, two Humes, iur Hon. E. L. Smith, corner Oak and Third streets; a $1,200 residence for K. 0. Klanchar, cashier in the first rsmionui hank, the residence to be located near A. A. Javne'B home in Itiverview Park: a house for Mrs. George P. Crowoll, opposite the residence of Captain A. 8. Iu..u.ut.a ilia unmn tit I'rxut, hi.twien ja.HOO and f'l.lXK); a residence for E. B. lirailloy, the jod printur, to cost. f,,uuu, and to be 44x44 feet in extent: a resi dence of his own in Winans addition, to cost :),000. Masons liegiui on the stone work to the foundation for the E.L. Smith brick, Tuesday. This building is to be fit) x 75 feet ill extent. The first national bank will occupy the corner, 20 x40. Next to the bank on Oak street will be the main entrance ol the Btore room to be occupied by J. E. HanuV the merchant. Facing Third street there will be another store entrance, cnnecting with the store room on Oak street. The bank will have a corner entrance. The second story of the building will contain l.i or more rooms for office uso. When completed this building will be one of the most im posing bricks in the city. Tl.n Wl.itn KhIiiwiii K.nterDriso has the following to say of the marriage Sunday, May 22, of rred Groshong to Miss Ida Parratt of Glcnwood: "The bridegroom, Fred Groshong, is tho elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gro shong of White Salmon. His grand parents live near by. The Uroshongs are classed with the old settlers, having been here 10 years, ana are a laniuy who stand well to tho head of Boeial affairs. Fred is only a little over 21, and while living at home, though a rrt.nui.Yi man lu. nMVUP (llll a tllintf Wllicll ho knew bis mother to be opposed to ... . . ... 11 ..I WHICH snowed a noniunesa ot ,hi;k rarely attained. The bride, Miss Ida Parrott, who lived with her parents nearGlenwood, is a young woman of iloini.ut.il' habits and is fond of her par ents and of her home. There has been a great Increase in the iirnitnetiiin nf harlev in the Pacific Northwest in the past three or four years, the increse being more notable last year than in any previous year. Barley is not used extensively in the Northwest for feeding purposes, but the barley grown in Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon and Northern Idaho is in especial demand for brewing purposes and the exports of the grain are growing rapidly. Rural Northwest. "Miss Grace Eliot accompanied her father. Dr. T. L. Eliot, to HwmI Kiver, Saturday. Pr. Eliot occupied the pul pit in the Unitarian church Sunday morning, in the absence of his son, W. G. Eliot, who is the minister' in charge. Dr. Eliot's sermon was enter-. taining and wholesome, as they always are. The Globe Clothing' Co. Rio- Cut in Reliable Men's and Boys' CLOTHING and SHOES. Sale commences Friday, June 10th, and lasts for one week. SUITS. Men's Black Clay Worsted Suits, neatly tailored and perfect fit, sizes 30 to 44, $15 value, J troat y.OU Men's Dark Grey Mixed, a very neat summer bum, regular price $12.50 ft for this week only... O.uD Men's Black and Blue Chev iots, in summer weights, very good Suit for $10, for this great 5.95 Cut Sale, only Rnvs' Loner Pants Suits, in - ' o ' in very popular shades, lat est make, up too.ou value, this sale only 5"5 Boys' Dark Suits, sizes 14 to 19, well worth 7.50 . 0 for this sale only J.V5 Little Bovs' 2-niece Suits. 1 lot of about 35 Suits, range in size from 4 up to 14, not j one in the lots sold for less than $2.50 and up ( ftftl tn f5. vour choice I."Ui H 7 y SHOES. Men's Shoes, made of choice calf skin, blucher cut, a $3.00 value, for this sale only X.UU Men's Fine Vici Kid Shoes, suitable for a dress shoe, $3.50 value, for this sale only Men's extraordinary good every day Shot's, will stand hard wear, for this . , sale only ' Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Dress Shoes, the latest last in turn and heavy soles, a $3.50 value, for this sale only X.VO Ladies' good every day Shoe in box calf, a vici kid and congress calf, $2.50 . value, only 4J GlliltSTust ojrived a big shipment. They range from 76c up to $3.00. Cotton Blankets of a very good quality and good weight. Dark colors. $3.00 value, reduced to $2.10. Men's Summer dark-colored OvershirtS. Black and white stripe, 45c value, only 16c. Boys' Summer Crash Hats, 25c value, only 15c. Men's extra good weight Overalls, regular 75c val ue, per pair only 60c. . Boys' good weight Over alls, 35c value, only 25c. This Big Reduction Sale is only for one week. Be sure to be on deck to share with the Bargains. Economical buyers cannot afford to miss tjiis Special Bargain Event. Remember the place: Sfic GLOBE CLOTHING CO. Opposite Bartmess' Furniture Store. "HOOD RIVER, OREGON,