The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 02, 1904, Image 7

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The Low-Priced ? Cash Store
Our stock of
Wash Goods is
Every conceiv
able color and
weave is repre
sented. The
necessary trim
mings to match
both taste and
v. ':
Elegant New Neck
wear, Gloves,
Laces, Embroider,
ies, Beadings,
Shoes and
This is a safe
store for the
children to
Cash Purchasers Can Make Big Money by Trading Here.
Yours truly,
East bound
No. 2, Chicago Special, 11:48 a. m.
No. 4, Bpokane Klyer, 10:10 p. m.
No. 6, Mall and ExprenH, 10:60 p. m.
No. U, Way Freight, 12:10 p. m.
No. 21 Fast Freight, 4:20 a. m.
Went bound
No. 1, Portland Rpeclal, 8-03 p. m. -
No. S, Portland Klyer, 6:12 a. m.
No. 6, Mall and Express, 6:26 a. m.
. No. 23, Way Freight, B a. m.
No. 21, Kant Freight, 5:45 p. m.
Hood River Weather Report.
Week ending Tuesday, May 81: Mean Max
imum temperature, K 1-7; mean minimum,
48 6-7: mean, 66.5; precipitation, .08. or the
month of May: Temperature, mean maxi
mum, 71.6. mean minimum, 45 03; mean,
48.315. Higheat range of temperature, 4f de
grees, Mav 26. Precipitation. .18; greatest
precipitation In one day, .05, May 5. Ver
Says, 7; partly 5loudy, 18; cloudy, 8. Three
days were without obaevatlon through trans
fer of Instruments.
Hazlewood Ice Cream.
Oranges, and Bananas at Wood Bros.
Orpingtons and Minorcas at Lewis.'
Go to Fewel's for White Clover ice
Rhubarb, new cabbage and onions at
Wood Bros.
For bargains in Silverware, see Clarke,
the jeweler.
Swetland's Ice cream at Tompkins &
Domestic work a specialty at the Par
adise Steam Laundry.
Cocoa menier and chocolate menier at
Bone & McDonald's.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
' Onion sets at cost at W.Haynes &Co.,
successors to Ralph Savage.
Clarke, the jeweler, guarantees all
watch, clock and jewelry repair work.
With t.hfi warm weather has come
Swetland's famous ice cream at Tonip
kins & Jochimsen's.
The ParadiHe Steam Laundry has
facilities for turning out special work in
24 hours when required.
.Nicelv laundered shirts, collars and
cuffs make a man well dressed. Patro
nize the Paradise Steam Laundry.
Best ice cream made in the North
west Swetland's . For sale atTompkin's
& Jochimsen's ice cream parlors.
We invite the public to come in and
get our meat prices. We are eelin8
boiling meats at bed rock prices. Mates
When yon need a good diamond at the
lovest pofsible figure, quality and size
guaranteed by the cutter, call on Clarke,
the jeweler.
' We are still selling our home made
lard as cheap as other lard can be bought
and we guarantee every bucket. 10s,
1.45 ; 5s, 75c ; 3s, 45r. Mayes Bros.
Mayes Bros.' meat market gives notice
that all orders for morning delivery
must be in by 10:45 o'clock. The after
noon delivery will be taken off at 4 :30.
Mayks Bros.
Orders at McGuire Brosmeat market
for morning delivery must De in Dy
in -4fi o'clock. Hereafter, in the after
noon, the wat-on will be taken off at
4 ;3o. McOuirk Bros.
Smith Galligan are propagating
20,000 Newtown Pippin and Spitzen
berg nursery trees for full delivery. All
i.ii&nnd u-lona taken from healthy
aud tested trees. Hood River planters
should reserve their orders.
Silk Featherbone Collar, foundations
. ror Ladies' neckwear very pretty 25c.
v New and pretty styles in Box Paper,
Oregon View Paper and Souvenir
Postal Cards Little Prices.
For Campers
Tin Cups, Tin Plates, Spoons, Knives
and Forks, Wash Pans, Stew kettles,
Fry Pans, Dish Pans, Camp Kettles,
Soap, Matches. Candles, Axes, Hatchets
Tenta, Water Pails, Straw Hats, Towels,
Combe, Brushes, Mirrors, etc. Little
. Prices.
The Little
Home of Reliable Dry
owjana bm ons i ttuDsuncux
Hazlewood Ice Cream. Few as good.
None better. .
Six acres 1 miles from town, for
sale cheap. See W. J. Baker.
"Auto-Spray" automatic spray pumps,
5 to f 8, at Norton & Smith's. -
Bone & McDonald carry a full line of
chocolate menier and cocoa menier.
We carry the largest line pf milted
paint in the city. W. Haynbs & Co.
Do your eyes need attention? If so,
call on Clarke, the jeweler and optician.
A fine ranch of 320 acres for sale. One
of the best buys in Hood River. See
W. J. Baker.
Did you see that Syracuse Weedor at
Nickelsen's? Just theth'ngfor orchard
work. Call and see it.
Chocolate menier is absolutely pure,
and guaranteed best made. Uet a can
at Bone & McDonald's.
Fresh Chinook Salmon, Halibut,
Shad, Lobsters, and fresh creamery
butter, at McQuire Bros.
S. E. Bartmess has a first class uphol
sterer in his employ, and is prepared to
do all kinds of repair work.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from 200 to 250.
John Leland Hundurson, Agent.
Remember Tompkins & Jochimson is
the only firm in Hood River that
handles Swetland & Bon's ice cream.
We want your shipments of straw
berries. Send for Stencil and informa
tion. A. D. Blowers & Co.
jl9 Seattle, Wash.
Strawbeny growers needing numbers,
rubber etiinipp, pads or ink will pleane
leave orders and they will be sottplied
by Hood River Fruit Growers' Union.
A few 75-gallon tanks for spraying pur
poses at Davidson Fruit Co. for 3.50
each. One hundred Sixty-gallon to.
In the Fpring of the year, after house
cleaning is the time to paint your floor
and woodwork. Rowley & Co. carry a
full line ot Granite floor paint, Varno
floor stain, Davit varnish stain and
household paint.
1 acre in suburbs Hood River, all
plowed and ready to plant, very nicely
situated home-site, good soil, fenced
and nearly level. Price rUO, terms.
F'or sale by D. Culbertaon & Co.
Come and let us figure with you on
paints. Our stock of mixed paints is
complete to select from in quantities to
suit. We also carry pure linseed oil and
lead at lowest market prices.
W. Haynbs & Co.
If yon contemplate buying a buggy or
a light spring wagon, see a car load just
in at the warehouse of J. R. Nickelsen.
Also remember the Deering mowers and
rakes. They are leaders, always giving
Copple & Hoole are agents for Daven-port-Tliomsou
A Co., commission men
of Portland aud can sell Oranges, Lem
ons and Vegetables at Portland prices
and guarantee the goods to be fresh and
good. Try them. Patronize them.
They are a home institution.
The Davidson Fruit Co. are rebuild
ing the platform east of their shipping
warehouse. They will put a roof over
it to protect the fruit put into their
hands from the st n and rain. This is
an improvement that will bo greatly
appreciated by our strawberry shipers
ami onn Unit will facilitate the handling
of the heavy shipments of berries which
pass through this company's hands.
Pocket Knives
Our stock is very complete, and the j
quality Is the beet. Ironwood, bone,
Stag and Pearl handles 10e to $2.?5.
Store With
made by relia
ble manufactur
ing tailors is all
we keep. No
s w e a t-sho p
goods for us.
If you want
them we can't
sell you. We
are building on
future business
and increas'd
is our ambi
tion. Furnishings
of all kinds from
head to foot.
Fresh candies and the best ice cream
in town at Fewel's.
House to rept on the hill, or for sale
at a bargain. Apply to W. J. Baker.
F. W. Prihnow will do all kinds of
carpenter work.
If you have any kind of builders'
work to do consult F. W. Prihnow.
If you need anything in the watch,
clock or jewelry line call on Clarke, the
See F. W. Prihnow, the carpenter and
builder about the house you are going to
build. He is all right.
v Watches, clocks and jewelry repaired
at the lowest possible prices, Clarke the
That longing for more, and more you
must have, after eating White Clover
Clover ice cream at Fewels.
I handle all of the standard made
watches, call and get prices, Clarke the
Vou will find a complete line of eye
glasHses and spectacles at Clarke the
Wood Bros, have the
oply exclusive
New, fresh
grocery store in the city
of staple and fancy groceries,
vegetables are constantly oh
I now have the most complete line of
plain band and set rings in the city, get
my prices before purchasing elsewhere,
Clarke the jeweler.
Baldwin addition to Hood River, a new
and very sightly location for homes on
Hood River Heights, now offered for
sale on easy terms of purchase at mod
erate prices by Geo. D.Culbertson & Co.
100 acres, 4 miles from Hood River,
first class fruit soil, 5 acres in bearing
strawberries, 400 winter apples, 100 in
bearing, good spring, 5 room house and
barn. Will subdivide. Price 125 per
acre, terms, lor sale by Geo. I), tiil
hertson & Co.
40 acres. 2 miles from Mosier, 8 acres
in Apple orchard 8pitzenberg9, etc., in
beanne. living stream on land, log house
and barn, on well travelled road. A
genuine bargain, must be taken quick.
Price $1050, easy terniB. For sale by
Geo. v. Uulbertson (Jo.
An extra A No. 1 full leather top
buggy, with morocco finished leather
seat trimmings, one thousand mile or
long distance axles and center spring,
the only device ever discovered to pre
vent spring from tipping forward. A
regular $135 buggy for $105. Too high
grade buggy for this market. Davidson
t ruit Go.
PANY, in addition to being large buyers
and shippers of fruit and berries, are
always on the lookout for anvthing that
will aid the growers in fighting pent
and insects. Their latest investment in
that line is putting in a stock of com
pressed air spray pumps to assist the
leople who have young orchards or
small trees, to do their spraying easily,
and at much less cost than to buy a
large pump on time. ,
Auction sale Saturday, May 28, at 3
n.m. at Cobb Bros', ollice, Hood River.
One heavv 2-horse waxon with a Cali
fornia rack, complete; 1 set double har
ness, in good repair; 4 Boston team
collars, good as new; 3 logging chains,
18 feet: 1 iieavv : 1 swamp hook; trunks,
tool chest, bolts and lotB of other things
too numerous to mention. Terms of
sale, cash. Cobb Bros , brokers and
I Sunbonnets.
i For Ladies and Misses. Good ones,
White and Colored. 19c
' Purses.
Put money in thy purse, but put it in
a good one. We've got them, all sizes.
i 5 to 75c.
An elegant assortment in single and
double reeds. All the new shapes and
styles. lO to $Z.
Little Prices
Application must be made at the office
of the Hood River Electric Light, Power
and Water Co. below any irrigating is
done. Patrons livuift west of fourth
street will use water from 2 to 5 p. m.
and from 7 to 10 at mgnt. those living
F.ast of Fourth street will use the water
from 5 to 11 a. m.
mtf Manager.
Sew Today.
Ice cream Coe A Son.
Hunt & Co. For Sign Work.
Try the' strawberry and pineapple
ices at the Hazelwooi.
No cream better than Washington ice
cream Coe & Son.
Washington ice cream Coe & Son.
Made from pure cream. Washington
ice cream Coe & Son. . 5JJS
The Davidson Fruit Co. keep a line of
extra quality, medium priced buggies
and vehicles.
Charles Betts of The Dalles is doing
some sign work for Hunt A Co. Any
one wishing any thing in a fancy up-to-date
sign can call on either Mr. Betts or
Hunt & Co.
County Commissioner Hibhard went
to The Dalles Tuesday noon.
Mrs. D. D. McClure of White Salmon
came up from Portland on No. 2 Satur
day. W. J. Baker made sale during Mon
day of the two Bone lots on Oak street
to A. D. Moe.
Leonard Dav has received the insur
ance due him from the Royal Neighbors
for the loss of his wife,' Mm. Grace L.
Mrs. Alfred Wood came home from
Mosieron No. 1 Saturday. She had
been visiting relatives there during the
Rev. J. T. Merrill, presiding elder,
will preach at the United Brethren
church next Sunday both morning and
Hood River Lodge, A. F. A A. M.,
held a regular communication last Sat
urday evening and transacted regular
M. J. Buckley, division superinten
dent of the O. R. A N., made Hood
River an official visit the first of the
The Women's Alliance of the Unitarian
Church will meet at the residence of
Mrs. T. J. Cunning Friday afternoon at
2 o'clock.
C. E. Warrens, wife and two children,
and nurse, arrived at Hood River on
No. 2 Saturday to spend Sunday at
Country Club Inn.
Deputy Sheriff Olinger was in the
Dalles last week assisting Sheriff Sexton
in taking care of Norman Williams dur
ing his trial for murder.
Frank Groshong, the White Salmon
blacksmith, lost a valuable mare Satur
day with foal. He had refused $150 for
the animal a few days previous.
William Eckles of the Mount Hood
Lumlier Co.. went to The Dalles Mon
day and met his family, who have come
to Hood Kiver to spena tne summer.
Charles L. Tostevln, an enterprising
young fire underwriter, was up from
Portland Sunday on a visit to his par
ents. He was accompanied by Will
Captain and Mrs. J. P. Shaw came
up from Portland on No. 2 Saturday,
and stopped with friends in Hood River,
continuing their journey Sunday even
ing to Pendleton, where Captain Shaw
delivered the Memorial service oration.
A special communication of Hood
River Lodge No. 105, A. F. A A. M.,
will be held Saturday evening, June 4
There will be work in the M. M. degree
All visiting brethren are cordially hv
vited to attend.
R. Adams came in Tuesday, with a
shinment of White Salmon berries and
reports the crop very satisfactory thiB
year, on that side of the Columbia. Mr.
Adams struck a spring this week, on
his farm, which he thinks will furnish
sufficient water to irrigate his berries.
Judge Blakeloy and Harry Levy, two
of The Dalles democratic candidates,
passed through Hood River enroute to
Portland on No. 1 Monday. Evidently
the gentlemen were on the political
warpath, as they were saving all sorts
of things to Lee Morse on the platform
Marshal Fralev reports one plain
drunk and two drunk -and disorderly
persons arrested during the week. This
is a good report considering the large
number of strangers who have come
into our community during this time.
Friday night some sneak thief, or a
numtier of them entered the commit'
sary of A. M. Kelsey and purloined a
lot of provisions, which were being hem
in cold storage. A loaded shotgun,
judiciously handled, is what such gentry
Miss Nora E. Smith, teacher in the
Pine Grove district, left yesterday
morning to spend her vacation with her
father, W. W. Smith, at LaPorte, Iowa,
and other relatives at Dysart. Iowa.
She will return in time to take charge
of her school in the fall.
J. W. Patterson, who has been em
ployed as saw filer for the Mount Hood
Lumber Co., resigned his position last
week, and has accented a position with
the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. at Eugene,
Or. Ilia plaee here was taken Dy a.
Clothier, of Clinton, Or.
C. H. Stoughton. republican nominee
for county commissioner was in Hood
River Tuesday, getting acquainted with
the voters in tins end ol the country,
Mr. Stoughton made the Glacier
pleasant call. He is one of the sub
stantial residents of the thriving town
of Dufur.
A. L. Craig, general passenger agent
of the O. R. A N. and O. Vandorbilt of
Niles, Mich., a prominent lithographer
and show printer of that city, came in
at noon Saturday, from Portland
intending to return at 3 o clock. They
made the Glacier ollice pleasant calf,
and stated that they were so well
pleased with Hood Kiver that they had
telegraphed for their wives to come out
and stay over Sunday.
The Paris Fair has a new solicitor in
the field. It is an attractive parrot in
a cage in front ol tnat ousy trading
mace, and its frantic attempts at con
versation Keeps a crowa 01 interested
. , i . . . .
beholders about bis cage most of the
time. He can say many words quite
distinctly and whistle a aog equal to
native. The bird came from Panama
when quite young.and perhaiw when we
don't understand him he lapses into
Spanish or his native tongue, to bette
express himself.
W. A. Orser, an old-time Glacier
reader, waa in Hood Kiver. Monday
Mr. Orser says his wife is recovering
nicelv from the operation on her arm
lxnit a month ago for the removal
of a tumor. Chenoweth just now is
rather quiet, hut the Oregon Lumber
Co. mill will start np next week, says
Mr. Orser, when times are eipectd to
he lively again. Tbe mill 01 ue asn-
inn-ton Lumber Co. baa been shut dow
for some time. Mr. Orser says several
of his neighbors are plantingeztensively
to strawberries. When the promised
irriimtine ditf h is secured. Chenoweth
can be looked to for a large amount of
fine strawberries.
Alfred Wood of Odell made the Gla
cier office a pleasant visit Saturday.
Mr. Wood is an old timer on the coast
He crossed the plains in 1853 and spent
ten years in the minis in California.
Utter he came to idano and nai ueen
through nearly all the mining excite
ments occurring In eastern Oregon,
Idaho and Washington. He is a staunch
old republican and voted for John C.
Fremont when he was in California,
when it was worth the price of admis
sion to be able to put a republican bal
lot in the box. Mr. Wood says they
had a big black sheep tied up at the
polls and a banner fastened to it bear
ing the words, "Fremont's wooly horse."
Mr. Wood has been living in Hood
River 17 years and has been a subscrib
er nearly all the years that the Glacier
has been published. Ho has the high
est praise for our predecessor, the only
objection being that he didn't vote as
he shot. Mr. Wood is past 75 years of
age, and is hale and hearty, the rough
ing it of his early days seems to have
had no ill effects upon his rugged con
stitution. He lias seen wonderful
changes in the West as it has developed
from a savage covered wilderness to a
thriving, bustling, civilized country.
The Glacier force is indebted to G. F.
Coe A Son for a treat to hot peanuts.
Nothing so good as hot roasted goolxre.
J. E.
Our Stock is complete in all its lines, making it one of the best to select your goods
from, whether it is Dry Goods. Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Furnishings, Groceries, Hardware,
Flour and Feed in fact, you have a Department Store to select your goods from.
New Dress Goods New Hats
New Waistings New Straw Hats
New Shirt Waists New Clothing
New Collars New Shoes
New Shirts New Oxfords
New Goods are arriving
same quality of goods.
C. F. Overbaugh,
traveling freight
and passenger agent of the 0. K.
& N.,
WBB in lowu yesveruBjr.
The Ladies' Aid of the Congregational
church will meet with Mrs. Henderson
Friday afternoon of this week.
J. W. "Morton of Ktvesside farm pre
sented the editor with the finest box of
strawberries he has seen this season.
They were three-tier, finely colored,
perfect in shape and they taBted just as
good as they looked. Thinks.
Rev. J. L. Hershner went to White
Salmon on Wednesday evening to unite
In marriage liny urowe, lormeriy oi
Hood River, and Miss Johnson of White
Salmon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Castner,
Mr. and Mrs, Jxm Morse and Miss ir-
lie Crowe of Hood Kiver also went to
Vhite Salmon to attend this nuptial
Truman Butler and wife returned
last week from the Fast. Mrs. Butter
has been absent since February and
was joined by her husband early in
April. They have Iteen visiting Mrs.
Butler's parents in Lecompton, Kans.,
and a sister of Mr. Butler in Muskegon,
Mich. They also visited the World a
fair at St. Louis and other of the prin
cipal cities.
A verv iolly party made the trip to
the Snlash dam of the Mount Hood
Lumber Co. Sunday and returned about
nine o'clock at night Ihey were Mr.
and Mrs. Lou Morse, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Castner, Mr. and Mrs. W. A-
Thomson, Mrs. Kverett McCsrty, Char
lie Morse, Miss Uta wamer, Miss virgie
Crowe and Freddie Bell. They report
a most delightful time, having TL tine
trout for supper, and the only mishap
was that someone Btole the HAii.
E. J. Vantine of Verona, Mo., is in
Hood River. He is an old friend and
neighbor of Billv Shipman. Verona
in the strawberry belt ol Missouri and
Mr. Vantine is acquainted with the
berrv business in that country. He is
a carpenter by trade and is working at
Ins vocation here, lie minus our vai-
lev the finest country in the world and
has decided to make his home here
He came to attend the encampment
here this month and was so taken with
the country that he concluded to stay.
He served in the Civil war in the 2th
Ohio Cavalry and will make an addition
to Canby Post O. A. R. We have a
glad hand for all the old boys of 'l to
We hereby extend our heartfelt
thanks to those who kindly aided us
last week during the sad hours of illness
and bereavement incident to the loss of
our babe.
Mr. and Mrs. R. 1).
The Globe Clothing' Company's
Special Sale on Men's and Boys' Stylish
HATS, Just arrived.
Men's Broad Brimmed Hats,
black nnd tan, only $1.50.
$3.50 Hats, latest styles and
shades, only $2.50.
Special Bargains in Men's Suits and Pants. Also
Great Values offered in Men's, Ladies' and Children's
Shoes. Range in Prices from $3.50 down to 50c.
The Globe Clothing
Opposite Bartmess' Furniture Store.
We arc treating you to the very best
Special on the Twentieth Century
Sewing Machines for 30 days.
$30.00 Machines for $23.90.
Don't Miss this, as we are going
to close them out.
day, and our prices
6c. Mark's Guild will meet with Mrs.
Jayne Friday afternoon of this week.
The Glacier man took a stroll np in
the Belmont district Sunday and visited
the old Armour place now- owned by
W. Anderson. This is one of the
finest stock and hay farms in the Bel
mont district and is equally as good lor
fruit under the intelligent management
of Mr. Anderson. He has some of the
finest strawberries and rasplrnes the
Glacier man has ever seen. Ho is also
interested in raising pigs. His orchard
is seeded to clover and he has 111 fine
shouts and a brood sow wading in clover
to their backs and they are all looking
thrifty and will bring linn a neat sum
this fall. Mr. Anderson hassome clover
and timothy almost waist high in his
meadow. There is no reason why our
farmers cannot raiBO all the hay we
need here instead of sending the money
out of the country for an inferior lot of
stuff that is often unfit to feed to stock.
A foxy grandpa bought two-hits
worth ol BUL'ur the other Iuy and while
trving to catch up with some of the
younger members of the famiiy, who
had preceded him up Oak street, was
passing one ( our popular trading
nlaces when he was accosted by a pretty
tad v clerk of the institution, with the
question: "Wh
iv doirt you runr
ing pretty gay lor an
ing pretty gay lor an oui man uraimpa
made a feint to toss the package of sugar
for an old man
into the lady's face, thinking to make
her dodge, but the bunch ol sweetness
slipped from his fingers and dropped
with a sickening thud to the sidewalk
where the granulated saccharine matter
scattered for a rod around ; while shouts
of laughter went up from the throats
ot dozens of amused spectators. Now
Grandpa knows that sugar has a great
affinity for sweetnees, else the attraction
of the lady's face wouldn't have pulled
the sugar out of his hands. Such acci
dents as this often lead to wonderful
discoveries in nature.
Hunt's Wall Paper House
Headquarters for Contract Painting, Wall Tint
ing, Taper Hanging, etc. Up-to-date Sign
Painting Promptly Done. All the late de
signs in Wall Paper kept on hand. Phone G71
Oak Street
Men's Summer Crash Hats,
dark and light colors, 25c.
Men's Good Summer Crash
Hats, new style, just ar
rived, $1 value, only 50c.
The Splendid Increase in our
Shoe business is due to the fact
that people are appreciating
the Style, Ease and Trustwor
thy character of our Shoes.
When you buy a Walk
Over, or one of our Ladies'
Fine Shoes, you get the same
elegance, ease and quality that
you would if you were a banker
or his wife in New York or Chi-
The Walk-Over Stores in
those cities cater to the best
trade, and they are buying
the same styles at the same
price you pay in Hood River.
are as low as any one for the
The state of Oregon now has $4,000,000
of school funds drawing interest at an
averaira of 6 per ceut. This is the larg
est sum the state ever had drawing in
terest and it represents the limit of irre
ducible school fund, for a number of
years hence, at least, The revenue irom
this fun.l will be about 1240,000 per year
and from this the expenses of running
the state and land department must be
paid, amounting to less than $10,000 per
year, leaving about $2110,000 to be distrili
uted annually among the counties of the
state upon a basis of school population.
The First National bank of Hood
River opened for business Wednesday
morning in the building formerly occu
pied hv the uavenport uros. i.mnoer
Co. The officers of Hood River's sec
ond banking house are: It. Smith,
president i F. S. Stanley, vice president;
K. O. lilanchar, cashier. The directors
are V. 8. Stanley, H. Smith, F. H. Hop.
kins, J. C. Ainsworth, W. H. Kennedy.
The Fossil milk men have sprung a
new scheme to evade the pure food law.
According to the Fossil Journal, Wed
nesday, a cow was found swimming in
the reservoir at that place, evidently in
the attempt to dilute tho milk by
J. E. Simmons, democratic candidate
for congressman for the second district,
was in town Saturday looking after his
political interests.
Presents For Children
Or any boy or girl under ten years of
age who will visit our new and second
hand store on Saturday afternoon, June
4, between the hours of 2 and 4 p. on.,
will receive a nice present.
6. P. Dabnkv 4 Co.
Strawberries and
wood parlors.
cream at the Hazel-
: - Hood River
Boys' Crash Hats, 25c kind,
only 15c.
Boys' Caps, worth 25 cents,
only 10c.