. HOOD -RIVER GLACIER, ' THTJBSDAY, JUNE 2, 1904. Turpentine From Pine Stumps. Near Hinckley, Minn., a factory was recently established (or the extraction of turpentine from pine stumps. Enough la not yet known of the indus try to make any definite statement con cerning the profitableness of utilizing the pine stumps in the cut-over lands of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan. However, the experiments to date indicate that thene stumps, instead of being a drawback to the land, are a positive anset, and that turpentine can be extracted in paying quantities. The future of the industry is briefly described by Mr. K. U. Church, who is lurgely interested in the plant at Hinckley, and concerning which lie says: "I was at first inclined to be skeptical of the nrotiosition. but a recent trio and full investigation convinces me that the turpentine factory is to he the greatest possible boom to the cut-over sections ol tne nonliweei. ine proposition makes the old pine stump problem sim ple, for the labor of extracting these to prepare thri' land for agricultural pur poses is more than paid for by the turpentine secured from them. In other words, the removing of the stumps is a profitable undertaking. "The plant now established is 11 miles east of Hinckley, and has been in operation three months. In this sec tion the supply of turpentine comes from the trees being killed by the pro cess. ISecause of this there is a percept ible shortage. The new process is simply to boil the turpentine out of the old stumps and roots. The timber has been cut in the winter while the sap was In the lower parts of the tree and in the roots. Tho apparatus for treat ing the stump consists of a boiler en cased in brick to hold in the heat. Into this is placed an iron basket filled with stumps and roots. This is covered tight and the fire is started under the boiler. "A copiier pipe leads from the boiler to the still or worm, which condenses the turpentine, After the turpentine the tar is collected, and finally, when the process is complete, the clia-cal is lifted out and become a source uf profit. Three men can run four big boilers, each of which contains five cords of stumps. It requires five days to com plete the process. "It will be seen that 20 cordH of wood are worked up in five days. From this mass 400 gallons of turpentine, 000 gal lons of tar and (MX) bushels of charcoal are secured. The turpentine is worth (15 cents per gallon, the tar 10 to 12 cents and the charcoal 10 to 12 cents per bushel. Thus it will be seen that about :IH0 worth of stuff is secured from five days' work, llesides tiie labor of the three men, the stumps would cost f.'i per ton, and eight to ten cords of wood rnbbirih, costing $1.50 per ton, is re quired for the fuel. "There seems to bo an unlimited demand for tho products from stump distillation. The turpentine is much stronger than that usually obtained, and tho charcoal is of much better quality. About the only risk is in regu lating the heat. Once in a while a kiln full is lost by being heated to the burn ing point. This process of securing tur pentine has been used in Russia, Nor way and Sweden for a number of years, and the only surprising thing about it is that Americans have not adnptul it soonur." Orange Jndd Farmer. The War Over Apples. A grave dispute is raging among pp ple growers as to the relative merits and superiority of the lien lhivis and Jona than varities, and King lien Davis is likely to be deposed, lie baa reigned to long us the king of the apple tribe it really seems like sacrilege toadmit there could lie any bettor but Itrother lonathan is playing the part of the pretender and rallying many forces to his standard. It is enough to bring a blushnf sirnrne to the cheek of Hen DbvIs, this Servian method of dealing with royalty. But Hen has just secured a new champion, and one whospeaks with authority, none other than Dr. J. 0. Whitton, dean of the Misouri Horticultural college and president of the State Fruit tirowers' association, wIiobiivs: "I am for Hen Davis first, lut-t and all the time, ami am prepared to back up my opinions with facts and figures. 1 am receiving daily statistics and reports from apple dealers and fruit grower all over the state. The Hen Davis is the best apple for a good many reasons. In tho first place, it is the beNt shipper and reaches foreign countries in better condition than any other apple. 1 know of a recent test that clearly proved the superiorty of the Hen Davis. It was made with a large shipment of American apples of many varities to (iennany. When the barrels containing todt apples wereopened in the market at Hamburg it was found that the Hen Davis had erossod the water in much better condition than the other varities. The Hen Davis is a great favorite in Germany. Trade reports say that Germany is Importing more of them than any other variety, and is at present paying better prices than ever More. Knglaud rather prefers the Albemarle Pippin and buys them at higher prices than any other American apple, though the demand is rather limited. The next in popularity in Kiiglaiid lathe Hen Davis, following winch came the Greening and the Hal J in. American apples are he coming more in demand in Europe eueh year, even in Germany, France, Kussia and Austria, which produce apples of their own. Germauv is the hunt hnvnr and demands the Hen Davis in preference to all other varieties." Go it, Hen Davis, go it Brother Jon athan. Personally, we favor settling the dispute by submitting a barrel of each to every newspaper editor, bis decision to be beyond appeal. Iowa State Register. Bacterial Disease of the Pear and Apple. L. V. Henderson, Idaho Experiment Station Spring la now upon us the time when the careful horticulturist must tie repuriug to combat those many ills Incident to fruit culture, whether of an insect or of a mngoiiH nature. Of all these probably the fire blight la the worst and most to be dread!. 1 he name "fire blight" Is the proper one to use; u Hiiouhl not lie called 'year blight" for two reasons. In the una place it la liable to lie confused w th imj pear-leaf blight, a disease which attacks the leaf of the pear, mid ineiiieiiiuiiy injur, ,,H frltit. In the next place this disease it not limited to me pear; u is lust, becoming loo com mon on the apple as well, In our state. iay, hi many at ites It attacks all of me uoiiuiceous rru is. .inch im no.... apple, quince, crah.and hawthorn. Ihree years ago, this dixease was un known to the writer In the southern part of the state; today, there is hardly nil orchard in certuin districts which doe not show some blight, and In many It Is very serious, in Northern Idaho it has been hi our pear orchards for over 10 years, hut luckily It has hardly ever attacked the apple. From the devastation this disease is causing in the Southern Idaho the northern portions of the state will lie long ex empt. Though this trouble has la-en known at working havoc In orchards for a century or more, it It only in com paratively recent time that its true nature has been well understood. For a long period of years the discussions of thit trouble were of eueh a theoretic nature that many horticultural aoci etiet forbade its being brought up In their meetings, unless some one bad something of absolute knowledge to ofler about It. Various cause were imcrilied for ita iiresence. tm-li i ''sour an." " atmospheric eond f.oiirv" ''soil conditions," and . "effect f various fungi." In 1897, liowevc, Professor Hurrill of Illinois discovered the true cause and announced bis discovery to Uim wr d. Th Is was found to be bacter fl disease, due to the presence of myriads of little germs in the inner bu'rk and eambrium. The gern was called bv Prolessor Burrill Microccua anvlovorus from the eagerness with winch it seizes upon and devours the starch in these tissues. From the sub' sequent studies of Arthur at the Gene vu Station In New Yolk, mid of Waite In the V. 8. Department of agriculture we know how this germ or bacterium lives, produces itself and ia carried from tree to tree. Luckily the disease Is a very con sidelong one, which renders Its pres ence In an orchard the more inexcus able when well known. It affects twigs, leaves, young fruit, and even the branches or trunks. From the ex rlinents of Walte, it baa been found that it cannot attack (he plant through Hie uninjured bark or leuf.it can, how- ever,gain enlrunee through any injured place on trunk, limb, or even lear. its more common ihMiim or entrance are natural ones. These are the young growing tips of the branch, the stigma of the nower, or the glands which se crete nectar. Therefore, the "flower blight," the "twhr-blight" and the "branch or trunk blight" are alt forms of this disease. In the first, the young twig, espe cially If It be growing rapidly, turns b'acii in both leafund stem, and when ever the leaves tire blighted I hey remain black and dead through the en suing winter. This black, piratical lug Is the surest evidence or Its pres ence, In Hie "flower-blight" a whole bunch of flowers, or frequently every bunch upon the trees will be affected and dying buck lo the beginning of the spur, hold Hie blackened flowers and young fruit also the entire year. 'J'hls is the most form on I he apple. Frequently an entire limb or even the trunk will lie ullected for only a short distance, while the top will slill be entirely free from the diseane, and and this cull only be understood vt hen we sptek of how the disease Is spread. More frequently upon the pear sev eral limbs and even the whole trunk will be ullected, and When this is the case the tree should be cut out root and and brunch. If the young Bhoots of a tree affected with blight lie examined, small drops of sticky, thick fluid will be found ex ud.ng fioin the edge of the dlseasearea. If one of these drops lie examined with a high power of a microscope, myriads of little oblong bodies w ill be seen, some separate, some in short chains. These are bacteria. Arthur proved that thei-e bodies Inoculated Into a sound tree by a needle, would produce the disease. Walte proved to usoeyoiid dispute that Insects, eseclully bees, are the main instruments in their dls cinlnutlon. They are attracted by the viscid sap, suck up part or all of the dr ip, and then carrry thousands of i lure germs with them to inoculate fiove.s, shoots, or wounded places In t'iu bark. Undoubtedly heavy currents f hid assist in spreading the disease mid probably amount for the common ness of "twig-bllght." The question comet right here; Shall I keep bees if I have an orehurd? Certainly, aud for two reasons. First, the honey, and the revenue derived from It, are often no small object to the farmer. Second, the bees are absolutely needed to assist in proper crosa-n rtlllatlon or polllna tlon of the (lowers. This leads us to the subject of remedies, for preventive mere are none. As soon as the bacteria are carried lo a young flower or wound, they effect entrance,' mid living upon the sap nod si arch, multiply rnpldfy. If they gain eutraiiee along a llmli or trunk, they live mine inner bark and eambrium layer that layer which adds yearly to me growm oi ihiiii tiurn and wood It can readily be seen from this that they are well covered and consequently spraying noes nc gooa. Tile only rem edy thus far found bus been and Is the careful and continuous use of the saw and pruning knife. All diseased shoots and limbs should be cut off ut from six Inches to one foot below the place of evident Infection or Injury, as the bacteria have always gone down deeper Into the limb than seems to be the case from the nut aide. Many pinners have the habit of splitting down the pear or apple orchard, the knife how fur the disease has proceed ed, or saw should lie sterilized each time it Is used, hy either passing it through, or dipping it into weak car- bnlio ucld-water,or into kerosene. The pruned hmlisor fragments should be collected and burned aud both nulling ami iiiiruiug should be done muiuly iu the dormant seuson, before the sap has started, the bacteria have awakened, and the tiees are visiting the orchard 1 his Is the liest time for pruning and burning, but not the otilv one: II should be done whenever the disease makes lis appearance. All large wounds should be painted over with paint us soon as the tree la trimmed, to prevent the re-lnoculatlon. through the exposed tissues. Where the blight Is bud, even young shoots or water- sprouts should have their cut bases painted, for it has been shown timeand again that the limbs and even trunks have been inoculated through these cut stulis. Railroad Mau't Prayer. An old railroad man, having been converted, was asked to lead in prayer. The following was the response: "O Ijird, now that I have Hugged thee, lift up my feet from the rough road of life and plant them safely on the deck of the t i'ii in of salvation, let me use the safety lump know as prudence, make all the couplings In the train with the strong link oE thy love and let mv band lamp lie the Bible, and, heavenly Father, keep all switches closed that lead off the snlimrs. esoeciallv those with blind end, 6 Lord if it lie thv pleasure, have every semaphore block sloug the line show the white line of hope that I may make the run of life without stopping. And, Lord give us the Ten t oiumandments for a sched ule, and when I have lininhed the run on schedule time and pulled into the great dark station of death may thou, me Mierinteiiileiit of the universe :iy, 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant ; come and sign the pay roll and receive your check (or eternal happi ness,' " Kailroad Gazette. Mineral Resources of Oregon. Prof. O. r. Stafford, University of Oregon, lias issued Mineral Resource and Mineral Industries of Oregon, pub lished hy the University at Eugene. Thit is the most authentic and comiirehensive account of the mineral industry of the sittio ever issued. Practically all the more important known mineral deposits of the state receive mention in the llfi pages devoted to the Bulletin. A lanre map of the mineral deposits of the state is inserted, and several beautiful half t met eniliellish the pages. A list of known mineral deposits, tuch at anti mony, aidicstos, bauxite, borax, cement, chromic, etc., are arranged alphabeti cal! v. and location of deoosit trivan.iol lowed by descriptive artielea-ou the dis tribution of placer gold, beach gold and its source, and dredging operation! ' in Oregon. A list of the mining diatricta of the state is given, and the properties in such districts well written up. Oregon has long needed soch descriptive' matter soil the bulletin cannot help but prove to lie of advantage to the state. ' Prof. Stafford is to be commended for hit work, which hat. been ' accomplished under many adverse conditions. The Bulletin may be obtained from the Uni versity at hugeno tor Ml cents. A Back Number. We are in receipt of a booklet on Oregon, tent out by the publicity depart ment of the Lewis and Clark exposition at Portland that is made up of old sta tistics in many Instance!,, and contains information hastily compiled- and not up to date. If the statistic of other counties are as old and out of date at those of Wasco county, in thit book purporting to show the "resources of Oregon," it it a colossal libel on i the state. There it no reason why such a publication should not be carefully compiled and information given that win snow up tne country in at favorable ngnt, at possible. The wonderful ad vancement that hat been ' made in Oregon during the Tast few years, demands a complete revision of the old statistics of Ave and ten year ago. New sections are being developed in the state that are now lively commercial centers and prosperous and thicklr aettled farm ing communities, winch t few years ago were deserts or a wilderness. Hi re are Borne of the fliruret aivn for Wasco county ; Farms, value, $3,080, 200. Orchard products," valne. 2ri0,000. 'liliiate Annual rainfall, 15.2. Soil Sandy li.am. Water courses Columbia and Det Chutes rivers. Farm land average price per acre $10. The above startling array of figures has apparently been made from records at The Dalles, of ten yeara ago, before Hood River had gained a natioual rep utation, and not a single item it correct at it applies to Hood River. The learned and gentlemanly scholar who collected thit information should tcrape a nine moss on mt uaca ana gel out ol Portland long enough to And that un about 6(1 miles from the exposition grounds there it a section of the state tnai nts necome netter known all over the world through commercial channels than the city of Portland. There are thousands of people in the United States who have (wen paying fancy prices for iiooa uiver strawberries and applet, hut who have never been west of the Rocky Mountains, who know that Hood River it the greatest section of Oregon. and have an idea that Portland it a small steamboat landing somewhere near the mouth of the Columbia or it a suburb of Seattle. At to the lirM item, the value of the farm land of Wan no nnty, of $11,980,000, it doet not cover the lirst ten miles of the Hood River valley. The value of orchaid nn duett it given at $250,000, and the amount will not buy the orchard emu of the valley. while the ttrawbcrv croD a one this year win amount lo nearly that sum The annual rainfall is given at 15 2 nchet, which uiaV be true at to The Dallea, but it ranget from H5 and 40 inches at Hood River to over 00 inches at Cascade Locks. Only a portion of the toil in this val ley it tandy loam, the applo land being mosuy ocep ciay ton, containing vol came ash and iron, while the Columbia and Deschutes rivert ' are not the only streams on ine map ol wasco county. The average price of farm land is given at $10 an acre. It has been a long time since the poorest tillable land in Hood River valley, from the Colum- nia 10 tne snow line on Mount Hood, could be Donght for $10 an acre, and at the present values, is a bettor bargain nun any iiu land to be had In Oregon $1 onO an acre hat been refused for our bet bearing orchards. A booklet on Oregon, Issued under the authority of the exposition officials, for the purpose of showing up the resources of the state, should at least not underrate its advantages. 1 he present issue should be recalled and the book thoroughly revised and maue up-to-date. A Visible Object. A testy old gentleman forced to lay oyer an hour In Dull Town was cursing ins uiie, wnen a mini-mannered citizen st rolled Into the station and essayed con versation. Taking the many labels on the visitor's bag as a leader, he said, jYou've travelled about quite a bit?" "Ever see a' Injun?" "Many a one." "F.ver seen a Chinee?" "Thousands of them." "Kverseen a Jap?" "Yes." "Ever seen a Jew?" "Yes. D " "Fiver seen a" The testy old gentleman could stand it nolonger, and, rising to his full height, shouted in stentorian tones, "Did you ever set a fool?" The mild-mannered citizen let his mild blue eye rest on the Irate traveller a moment, then lu a sweet, low voice replied, "es, I hev." May Lippincott't. Better Irrigation Lawn Needed. A. D. Stillman writing for the Kchn Newt regarding irrigation and other things wise says: "With reference to the need of a practical irrigator in the legislature, 1 merely suggest that in a rather extensive practice in irrigation iw, as wen at- practical experience "tin k younger man, Willi Irrigation I And that it is not the hrnad. laws that are particularly defective in mis si him, oecause the general prin ciples that can lie broadly applied are 1 think, siimciently well undershiod by the lawyers of this state, but that it is on the smaller matters, the question of i.inviiyiiiioii, iiiHiingemeuiui inesiream, me uivision ot me water between neigh ours iiouung small tracts, and upon matters regulating the use of ttreaiut, that legislation is required, and it it on account of these questions that there should be in the legislature at least one man who has bail actual experience with the handling of the water on the ground and who has experience of the many sinau ainicuitiei that breed liti gation." Worst of all Experiences, Can anything be worse than to feel every minute will be your last? Such was the experience of Mrs. 8. H. New son, Decatur, Ala. "For three veart," she writes, "I endured Insufferable piin from Indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed Inevita ble when the doctors and all remedies failed. At length I wa induced to try F:iectrlo Bitters and the result Wat miraculous. I Imnmvnl at nn and now am completely recovered " F'OT Liver, Kldllev. Stoniaeh and Itnurel troubles Klectrlc Ritters Is the only medicine. Only 50c. It'a by Chat. L. Clarke, druggist. The newspapers are talking of a rmn of fifty million bushels of wheat for the Pacific Northwest this year. The out look for the crop it verv'favorahl hut it is hardly probable that the total vield of Oregon, Washington and Idaho will reach fifty million bushels. There hat been an extraordinary increase in the area devoted to barley and oats and it ia probable that the area diverted ' from wheat to other crops it larger than that oi new lana bfocght tinder cultivation in the past three years. Itural North Wctt. Kued by UU Doctor. "A doctor here hai lued me for $12.50 wmcn l claimed waa excetsive lor case of cholera morbus," sayt It. White. olCoachella, Cat. ."At the trial - he praised hit medical skill and medicine. I asked hi in if it wat not Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy he used at I had good reason to believe it wat, and he would not say under oath it was not." No doctor could use better remedy than this in a cam r.f Cholera morbut, it never fails. Sold by mil iinignisit. - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tlx Interior, t.nd Office at The II&Um niwonn u.. .. m iu,,. v..i,u t- nereoj given mat the following nam rd wttler Ilia filed notice of hta ImenUou to make final proof in support or ill claim, and that said proof will be made befrire George T. Prather, United Hlau Coinmlaaloner. at his office In Hood River, Oregon, on July WW, vlK John u unnii'V of Hood River, Orwfon, H. R. No. 9110, for the NKK WW and lot I of Section ISTp. 1, South, Range 10 K., W. M. ne names tne following witnesses to prove nl continuous residence upon and cultiva tion or mua land, via: Jamea Kma, William niniKauay, jamea n. jtnigni, tiewis U. Wey, mil, all of Hood tilver, Oregon. Mii nAr i.T. woi.aw, Kegmer. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. DenArtmenf of the Interior. I, anil nfllMil The I is I lea, Oregon, May , l.-Notlce la nereny given llml the following named settler a uieu nonce oi ma iiiu-mion 10 make nnai proor in anpport or Ills claim, and that said proof will be made before the ltwiNler anil Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, oil July 13, im, via; Ull AtlLKHH. BTA KK, of Mnaler. Oregon. H. E. No. &KS5. Ihr the NR maw k of HeotloD IB, Tp, a North, Range r.., rr oa. He names the following whneeae to nrnve his continuous residence nnon and ciiitlva. lion oi uia inna, vis: 10 Hoot, u. A. ritur glH, Oeorge flunkey, all of Moaler, Oregon, AHuauor wan, ui I lie ifHUCH, umcon. MUjliAP,U T. NOLAN, Keulater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Ijind Office at The llallea, Oregon, May 8th. MM. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler baa Hied notice of Sis Intention to make com mutation In support of his claim, and that aid proof will bemadebeforeileo. t. Prather. I!. H. Commissioner at his office at Hood niver, Oregon, on June mh, itwj, via: H. E. No. II, M, P. O. Hood River. Oregon U1L.HHHT J. lilHIiriUrUN. for the NKtf HKW 8E'4 NK( and Lot 1 of Hec- . 1 North, Range 10, K and HKW HKH I, TP. a North, Range 10 E, W. M. tea the following wttnewMa to nrove hi eontlmioua residence upon and cnitlva- IbutnluM I .1 I,.... t 1 ... . I .loaepn nnox, ueorge A. wrigiu, all ot 1100a River, Oregon. ml2t MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3. 1K7R.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Mates I .and Office. The Dallea. Oregon. April 'M. ISO. Notice ia hereby given that in compliance Willi the provialonsof the act of congress of June 8. 1878. entitled "An act for tiie sale of timber lands In the Htates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Waahlngton Territory," aa extended to all the public land Ulu hu F .unul J lUtf! ... f..ll..t named persona have riled lu this office their worn statement. u-wit: JA(X)H JOHKPH HKCKKR: of Hood River, county of Wasco, slate of irregoii, awuru aiHieinent no, jius, niea nepbminer 1, iwi.i, for the purchase of the HEW! NWX, NK5 and Vy, HEH section , townainp 2 nnrin.rangeiieaal.W M PAT1UCK OOHMAN. of The Imlun. county of Wawo, state of Ore gon, aworn aiaienient no. louo, niea wovem- 'anoiu Riaiviiioii. j,aju, llicil itivnu- ber In, 1W2, for the purclmxe of the HW HKV, nr., n vy yA, im ivy- Necilou !C, IOH shin 1 north, range II en at. W M. I'll at they will otter proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for I In timber or tone thun for agricultural purpoaea, and to eHlabllah their claims lo said land before the Keglaternna Receiver at The Dallea, Or., on July 80. 1U04. They name wltneaaea,- T w Calbreath, R E Love, R Jarvia and J B Ilrown of Hood Theodore J Heufert, Richard J. Uorman and William Ketchum of The llallea. Or. Any and all peruns claiming adversely the aiKivw.ueMcnueu lanua are requeatea 10 nie Will day of July, 1WM, iiieir nanus in una omce on or netore aaia mrjjyi Miiimii i, tNOLACT, ttegiater. Timber Ijtnd, Act Jane, 1X78.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Htatea Land Office. The Dalles. Oregon, May t, lull. Notice la hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1H78, entitled "An act for the Hale of timber landa in the utatea of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." aa extended to all tile public land atntea by act of August i, 18U2, KollKItT kOKH. of The Dallea, county of Waxco, atate of Ore- on, nan, on jniy 14, IMU, nieel in tlilaornce lie sworn aiaienient. No S12. for the Diirciiaae ortheHWtyNW, W.HWX section mtown ahlp 1 north, range 11 mat, and lot i of section 0, mwnxnip 1 south, range 11 eaat, W. M., and will oiler proof to allow that the land aouaht la more valuable for Im timber or atone than for agricultural purpoaea, and to eatabilah hla claim to said land before the Reglater and Receiver of thli office at The Dulles. Oregon. on the 8th day of July, 1H0I. ne namea aa wiinuasee: A K IMKe, William Ketchum. A C Tlioinaa and K F Htiauldlinr. II of The Dallea, Or. Any and all perwina claiming adversely the above-deacrltwd Iniula are reu.uealed to file their claims In thin office on or before said Sth day of July, I'm. mojy7 tin ham, T. NOLAN, Register. Timber l.and. Act June J, 1878.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Htatea Und Office, The Dalles, Ore ion. April as, IHU4. Notice la hereby given .hat In compliance with the nmvlalnna or the act of congrvaa of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lamia in the aooeanr i.aiiiorma. urcgon, Nevada and Washington territory," aa extended to all the public land atatea by act of Auunat 4. laiu. the following. named peraona have llled in Una office their aworn statements, town: NKL4 NELHON, or ntaokrtnck, county of Heltraml. stale of niiiinnaoia. aworn atatement No. iim. Hied Oetotier ft. ltKLS. lor the min-luu nr n iv of N W and YM of 8 WW section , township 'i north, range It east, W. St. kUUKKTW.IUI.hWM.I.! of The Dallea, county of Wosi-o, stale of Ore- ron, aworn atatemeut no. ia.ni.nied nay 18, wu. for I lie purchase or the swx SWW ho- tion and hk.4 hvm section Uti, township north, range S east, w M That they will otter proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for Ita timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to said land before the iwn'sicr aim neeeiver at ine Dalles, Oregon, on August II. HUM. 8 They name aa wltneaaea: Aitgnat Wnlden of ociiiiiu,!, aiinnraoia: r.rnar w 111a of Portland Or.: Ixmla Nelson ol Deachutes, Or; H W fur ran of V lento, Or: J B ih-owu, Ralph Jnrvls, ('harlea Jarvia and A L Hoadley of Hood River, Or. Any and all peraona claiming adversely the above-described landa are requested to tile their claims In tlnauffiueon or before said lllh day of August, 1U04. inUyy7 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. Summons. In tne Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Waaco County. Frank Davenport, plHlnllil, va. Frank c llson, defendant. To Frank C. Wilson, the defendant above named: You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you In lh above entitled suit in the l.'vr ninnl mu,n on or before the eiplratlon of all weeks from ueuHie 01 ine nrat publication of Ihla auni mons; and you are hereby nollHed that If you fall to so appear and anawer the said com plaint that judgment and decree will he luk.n against you for the relief nnrxl Ihr in euiplalnl, to wll: Judgment for the 111 in of WM, with Interest thereon at the rate of 1(1 per cent per annum from October , IHnO, and for wie iiiriner aiim or fki aa attorney fftea In this aillt. aud for thanlaUanri iHnlmnvmuii. of thla anil, and a decree foreclosing the mort gage mentioned In aukl complaint, and dl rectinit that the real premises therein men tioned be wild on eaaeutlnn. and that lh.nH. ceedsofauch sale he applied In payment of suit, and to I he satisfaction of aueh aura aa may be found due the plaintiff In this. nil, in cluding the aald attorney s fee and two paid by plalnllir lor taiet oa aald tuorhnred pretnlaea. Thla autnntona la aervea hv nnhllMtl.n mr-oi aua expenaea 01 aucu aaie and of this ill ronaecullve weeks fd the Hatd Klver ul!'.r,,i newspaper of feneral cimilallon, published In aald Waara county, puntuant lo an onler dim-tint anob pabllralion, made by Hon. W. L. Brailahaw, judre of the above """V court, which aald order la dated on t ie Wth day of y.rh, 1SOI, and the dale of the flrat publ S hereof la April 7, tU4. a.ntlj A X.YNK,AHy forPlalnlln. McDonald &Henrich 1 Dealers In FARM MACHINERY, VEHICLES BICYCLES Waooms 70 yeara teat. IicooiKs the very beet 1 lows, narrows, etc Cultivator, Spray and Well Pumpa Wind Mills, Gasoline Eng's Champion Mower, Rakes, Oil and Extras, Hardware, Fishing Tackle. Barb Wire. Hercules Stump Powder, W. HAYNES & CO. Bucceaaora to E, E. Savage's Hon. DSAI.tK" IK Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Paints, Oils AMP A KtlLt, I.1NE or Builders' Material Estimates furnished to Contractors. AdKNTS FOR Oliver Chilled Plows. E. R. Bradley PRINTING 8 HIGH GRADE PAMPHLET AND COMMERCIAL WORK PROMPTLY PERFORMED PUKES ALWAYS RIGHT We are ben to do your work today tomorrow and every other day, and vat money (what little we have) is spent In Hood River. We want your work and can do it neatly and SATISFACTORILY PARADISE HOTEL r ill 11 i ilt. . , Corner Htnte street and Paradise avenue. Ratea, tl to tl.fiO a day. Hpecial r flies lo poarucra. Mttw. 1). o. kwtbicaw, frop. J. F. STRANAHAN, Architect Of 25 years' experience. Will fur nish plant and snecitinationt for all kinds of bmldinpa. Strictly up to date Located at Hood River. J. HEMEREL & SONS, Contractors and Builders Hood River, Or. FREDRICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates furnished on all kinds of work I'honiu' Arnold, Main SH. X 1IU1II W. Frederick, Main 206. BELIEU & REA, Contractors & Builders. SrHLAKS ABD KSTIM ATR8 FlTHNtSRKD-et COX & WALLIN Contractors and Builders Plans and Estimates Fornished. E. A. SOULE, Contractor and Builder. Plans and Estimatks Furnishkd Upon Application. dl MIDWAY Chop House. Meats on short ordor at all hours. Open day and nlKlit, from 6 a. in. unill 1 a. m. PIERSON & COLEMAN Proprietors. mij Wanted. 16 trawbeirr packers. Call on or write Urn K. A. VKANZ. Hood River, Or. Wilbur Stock Food. r a 1 1 - t Pear Sir W have pleasure In advMni yon that full line of Wilbur's Htork Food and KannSpirlalllealaforaale by Ueo. W. Ban dera, Hiaal Klver, Or. Any favivm tou can alMw our afreury either by purrbaalnir your aupplles there or aemitna your neighbors there r Wllhur'a Mock Kcad or Wilbur's House and Barn Kemeillea, will be highly appreciat ed by both our ajreut and ourselvea. if you aw unable to supply your wan la it our a-euoy write us at once aud we shall aee that you (et what yon Want. Thanklnf yon for past ntvoraand wishing you a aucceaaful fmtaoa. we remain, youra truly, WILBUR STOCK FOOD CO. DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS FOR ' . Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS, - OREGON. , BEFORE GOING DOWN TOWN CALL AT j& CARMICHAEL'S j& Special ye ladies' Shirt Waists, 90c to $1. New Goods. Latest Styles and Paterns. Large Stock to select from. Summer Millinery Ladles, I thank you for your liberal patronage during the Spring 8eax;i, which shows me that you appreciate my efforts to secure for you the Latest Desiniig in Millinery. I am still receiving fresh In. voices each week from Eastern markets, from which I shall be pleated to fill jour orders for 8UMM ER MILLI NEK Y. Yours truly, Mme ABBOTT. Milwaukee Nurseries. We will have a large stock of Apple, Pear, Prune, Peach, Plum and Cherry Trees, also Crape, Currants and Berry Plants of all the leading varieties, Shade and Ornamental Trees, Hoses,, Hedge Plants, etc. All our Trees are grafted on whole roots, and are strictly first-class and tru. to name. All our Apple Scions are selected from some of the best growing "orchards in Hood River Valley. A large stock of Yellow Newtowns and Spitz- enbergs. tpeciai prices made on large N. B. HARVEY, Prop., Milwaukee, Or. SNOW & UPSON, General Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers, FINE HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of the Crescent Brand of Tools. Full line of supplies constantly on hand. Best Plow Man in the West. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. J R. NICKELSEN DEALER IN Farm Machinery & Vehicles Including Rushford, Winona, Milburn and Old Hickory VVngons, Clark and Perry Buggies, Lightning Hay Press, AermotorWind Mills, Deering Machinery, Buckeye Pumps, Milwaukee Hay Tools, Champion Carts. A complete line of Syracuse Implements, Hanford's Balwuri of My rrh, Extra Bugery Topa, SeaU, Cushions, Dashes, Poles, Shafts, Singletrees and'Neckyokes, Bolster Springs and Iron Age Garden Tools. Cor. 4th and Columbia Sta., Hood River, Or. M. MANLY. MANLY White Salmon Real Estate Dealers. White Salmon, Wash., have sole charge of the sale of lots in this growing town. We have a large list of farm and fruit lands for sale. Correspondence solicited. ' bone & Mcdonald -Carry a full line of Groceries, Flour and Feed, Shovels, Spades, Axes, Saws, etc. The Fishing Season Is here, and so are we with a full line of first class Tackle. Come and see us before buying. Goods Delivered Free -To Any Part of Town. bone & Mcdonald NEW DEPARTURES Anticipating your needs I laid in a stock of Spring goods. The largest line of Matting and Carpets in the city. 1 ou may need a Range or Cook stove I .have them. February is our winter month. I have Heaters. Have you that tired feeling? I have Rockers that will give you rest. Every thine in the t urmture line to meet all conditions. And lowest prices guaranteed. Listen! We are here for our share of the business. Come and see us We will show you how it is done. Will give von the key to the first move-a square deal. Your money is just as good as your neighbor's, and will buy as much as h.s money. Full line. of Building material that will be sold at Bed Rock" prires. Look it over Undertaker and Embalmer HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS. lots. Send early for price list. & CROW, a. G. CROW.