The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 02, 1904, Image 3

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wnuice Lois ior aaie in ;
Riverview Park and Idlewilde Additions
Best improvements are going west, following the easy grades.
Streets are being opened, sidewalks laid and water pipes to furnish
spring water will be put in at once.
Selling Agents.
Dealers in Queensware, Stoneware, Porcelain, China and Glassware,
Lamps and Lamp Supplies, CONFECTIONERY AND NUTS.
Up-to-Date New Line of Glassware Just Received
Hoyal Steel Ware, Pudding Pans, Dish Puns, Berlin Kettles, Lip
Kettles, Sauce Pane, Cofl'ee Pots, Tea Pots, Pie Plates, Cups, etc. '
A complete line of Fishing Tackle, from Bait Hook to Creel. Fruits
in Season; Racine Stocking Feet; AH kinds Sewing Machine Needles.
Phone 351 Geo. F. Coe & Son
Now is the
Prices, lc, c and u each, according
Tools are ahead. High wheel and first class at the right
prices. We have the exclusive agency. Coiue see them.
11 your strawberries are
get some of the No. 4 fertilizer and strengthen" them up.
This fertilizer helps the ciills grow into good berries. Now
is the time to apply it, k :
we are stocked with what you need. Get the old tools out
and either get new parts where needed, or new tools.
Time is too valuable to spend trying to make an old worn
out tool do your work when the season is short.
A car of Studebaker wagons now in contains some
special fruit growers' wagons with large size boxes, strong
neat and durable, at the same prices that have been asked
for less desirable styles.' Don't fail to call and examine
them when they come in.
Livery, Feed
Get your Spray Material of
And you can depend on it being GOOD.
State Aoriccltcral Collkob and Expkrihknt Station., Obk., April 13, 1!K)4.
Mr. Clias. N. Clarke, Hood River, Ore.
Dear Sir The snuinle of white arsenic which you sent nit has been exam
ined and I find tha.t it is exceptionally good. For all practical purposes I would
call it absolutely pure. The chemical analysis shows t hut the sample contains
.08 of one per cent moisture and H9.77 per cent white arsenic. So you see that
the sample is of an exceptionally fine quality. Very truly yours,
v A. L. KXISELY, Chemist.
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
Ticket office for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and
have hack carry you to and from- the boat landing If you want
a first-class turnout call on the v
Rivss' D
To put Iloyt's Patent
Tree Supports on your fruit
trees. The cut shows how
they work. Don't wait until
the trees are broken down or
bent out of shape with heavy
loads of fruit. Put them on
now and save the trees. They
are permanent and stay for
years with a little adjust
ment of the wires. When
you use these supports you
have no props in the way of
cultivators, and they are al
ways there.
not in first-class condition
and Draying.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure It rut-class rigs. Spe
cial attention given to moving Furniture
and Pianos.
We do everything horses can do.
Hood River Strawberries.
If there was nothing to attract atten
tion in Hood Kivcr valley but the straw
berries, there 18 enough interest cen
tered in the growing and harvesting of
uns ueiicious trim to make it worth
going a long journey to nee. It is the
strawberry tlmt has made Hood River
famous, and there in, bo far, but one
variety of the strawberry that can make
any claim to distinction in Hood Kivcr,
that one is the Clark's Seedling. No
other berry has the firmness, hitch col
oring, flavor and shipping qualities that
imH uns variety, tn no other known
location win tins berry reach Mich a
state of excellence as in Hood Kiver.
These are the prime reasons that they
have gained such a reputation for Hood
River. One tliinir that has broiiirht this
about is that they v have been grown
under conditions here which develop
tnese qualities and make for 'is a berry
that is unapproachable. Some day
there may be found a spot on the big
round earth where the eiial to Hood
River berries may lie grown, hut it has
not been discovered as yet.
No one appears able to give a satis
factory reason for this, and it is doubt
less due to several causes. Perhaps the
climate, mild and moist in winter, tem
perate in summer; the sou, rich in iron,
potash, decomposed granite and quartz,
and the location relative to the Colum
bia and the surrounding country, thus
tempering the winter's cold and the
summer's heat 'by the sheltering hills
and the ocean breeze coming up the
Columbia'pastage way to the sea, has
much to do in making this the only
spot on earth where the best commer
cial strawberry that grows can be raised.
Be the causes what they may, no
where but in Hood River valley can
strawberries be raised which will stand
the shipment to such distant points as
Hood Kiver berries. They have been
shipped to New York, Philadelphia,
Hong Kong, China, arriving in good
Neither is there a berry grown in any
other location that will retain its color
after being canned as does the Hood
River berry. Open a can of hereies
grown anywhere but in Hood River and
notice how pale and faded they look.
Place it beside a can of Hood River
berries and note how bright the Color
of the latter, just as if freshly cooked
These properties give Hood River ber
ries a premium far above any berry
irom any country.
There is one thing to be done which
cannot be insisted upon too strongly.
kadi grower should form himself into
a special committee to look after this
one thing. It is the marketing of the
berries. The careless work of market
ing may ruin the profits of a splendid
crop of berries. The berries should
be carefully sorted and graded, then
four and five tier berries separated, no
two grades in the same box. No bruised
berries should be packed. No berries
should be gathered when thu vines are
wet. A little bit of this kind of ship
ping lost hundreds of dollars to the
growers last year. It is hoped that
groweri) w ill be more careful this year.
If we are not careful in the selection
and packing of our berries it will be but
a short time until the reputation of our
berries will be ruined, while if we do
our work properly, pack nothing but
first class berries, in first class shape,
no two grades in the sumo box, it will
not matter what berries we come in
competition with, Hood River berries
will take the top prices.
Horticultural Crop Report.
An act of the legislature of 1 SU5 passed
an act dividing the state into five horti
cultural districts as follows: First dis
trict comprises the counties of Mult
nomah, Clackamas, Yamhill, Washing
ton, Columbia, Clatsop, and Tillamook;
second district, Marion, Polk, Benton,
Lincoln, Linn and Lane; third, Doug
las, Jack on, Klamath, Josephine, Coos,
Curry and Lake; fourth district, Wasco,
Sherman, Morrow, Gilliam and Crook;
fifth district, Unmtilla, Union, Wallowa,
linker, Malheur, Harney and Grant.
President Smith of the state board of
horticulture, has received the following
report from Commissioners Newell and
Carson of the first and third districts,
which show the present condition of
the fruit crop of their districts:
First district, apples, 1(K) per cent;
pears, 100; cherries, 50 to 75; prunes,
Italian, 20, petite,. 100; small fruits, 100.
Second district, apples, f) per cent;
Hood River
Famous Hood River Strawberries
Our charges are the cost of marketing your
Berries, and we ship for you without profit.
The office will be open from Thursday, May 12th, in the afternoons, from 1 p. m. to
4 p. m., until Berries begin to ripen, and after that all day and till night if necessary.
The Secretary will be pleased to furnish any and all infortnation.
Growers can ship with the Union without boing members.
1 o
E. II. HIIEIttRI), Secretary
Phone, Farmers.
pears, 75; peaches, t0; prunes, Italian,
It), petite, 80; small fruits 100.
W e take the liberty also to filch from a
private note in the, report which Presi
dent Smith kindly furnished ns,tho infor
mation that the Portland Rose show
will be held about the 10th of June.
Many of our ladies will he interested in
this event which promises to be one of
unusual excellence this year.
A II lag Tree.
A noted siwarh character. Joe Stu-
high, was in Hood Kiyer, Saturday, and
meeting Hon. E. L. Smith on Oak
street these two old tellicunis enjoyed
a very pleasant visit, recalling davs
when Hood River was younger and
when game and siwaslies were more
plentiful than now. The conversation
was carried on in Chinook and the
reporter was only able to absorb a por
tion of what was said. Joe informed
Mr. Smith of the marriago of his son,
which involved the necessity of his
giving a great potlatoh, a part of which
consisted of 20 horses for the bride. Mr.
Smith remarked that the white men
did not give a potlatch on these occa
sions, to .which Chief Joseph with
twinklingeyes replied: "White man
cuitus. '
They then recounted an incident
which occurred several years ago. when
Joe acted as guide for a party consisting
it Mr. smith, a. U. r-.vans and Robert
Rand, on a tour of discovery and fishing
and hunting, extending for two hundred
miles or more around Mount Adams.
They were in need of fresh meat os they
ibu not nan any game lor some (lavs.
and their rations were becoming rather
monotonous Deans ana bacon and
sometimes biscuits. The horse, too,
which had been assigned to Mr. Smith
was the laziest brute in the entire out
fit, and while Mr. Smith was a good
hand at wielding the ouirt, it became
a tiresome occupation when indulged in
nour alter Hour lor days together; but
ho was obliged to perform this service
in order to keep In sight of the proces
sion. Finally Mr. Smith prevailed on
Chief Joseph to swap horses with him.
Joseph's horse was a skittish half-broken
broncho and required constant watch
ing in order to keep in his company.
Going along a desert place two groiute
arose and flow, a little distance then
alighted within range among Bonie lava
rock on the mountainside. Joseph was
immediately behind Mr. Smith and
being the huntsman for the party,
iinlimbered his double-barreled fowling
piece with a bang, bang, which brought
down both birds. At the first shot Mr.
Smith's charger went straight up into
the air about stecn feet and the next
shot found Mr. Smith on his back on
the ground and his horse away up the
mountainside. Joseph never turned a
feather until he had. walked up and
secured both birds, then, turning and
looking at Mr. Smith he held his sides
with both hands and doubled up and
laughed as no other aborigine was ever
known to do before. The memory still,
after all these years, brought a hearty
laugh from the dusky chief. Hut the
feast on those two grouse, stewed as
they can be only in camp, fully repaid
Mr. Smith lor his fall. They were ac
companied with the. lightest of dump
lings which Mr. Smith made, and. the
whole was cooked in a large camp kettle.
Chief Joseph claims to have hidden
at least half of the supper under his
buckskin hunting shirt.
Our Rand.
The band hoys have received their
new instruments and uniforms and they
are strictly high class, giving our boys
a very natty appearance. Their first
use of the new instruments was made
at the ice cream given in Mrs. Potter'l
grove, an account of which will be found
in the lielmout items. Decoration dav
our boys appeared for the first time in
Hood Kiver, and we are proud of their
performance and appearance.
The boys feel gratelul to our citizens
for the interest manifested by their
going inside their purses and so liber
ally assisting them. About $200 was
donated by the citizens of Hood River
ana the balance or the Dearly $'00 was
put up by the boys to purchase their
fine equipment. And now that onr
boys are m excellent shape for good ser
vice, they should lie remembered when
ever any public demonstration is to be
made and a "sawbuek" or even better
put into the hands of their exchequer.
This will keep their hearts warm toward
us and furnish any amount of ammu
Fruit Growers' Union
Hood River Fruit Growers' Union.
nition (or the wind jammers. In short
it is up to Hood River people to give our
band (toys a hearty support until they
shall have attained a front rank among
the bands of the country.
The new instruments bought by the
band are as follows:
Helicon tuba, Euphonium, French
horn, B flat Cornet ana Trombone, tenor.
Cascade Forest Reserve. '
The Glacier man, on his rambles Sun
day, called on Adolf Aschoff, supervisor
of the northern division of the Cascade
forest reserve. He found Mr. Ashoff in
his den surrounded by maps, blue
prints of locations in the reserve, re
ports from rangers and record books
galore. -
Mr. Aschoff is a very affable, genial
gentleman of culture and refinement,
and the scribe passed several very inter
esting, pleasant and instructive hours
in conversation with him and gained
much valuable information regarding
the work and duties of the forest rang
ers and the plans which Mr. Isenberg
and Mr. Aschoff had jointly perfected
and which were being rapidly executed
up to the time of Mr. Iscuberg's dis
missal. These plans are now being car
ried out as far as possible by his succes
sor, Mr. Ashoff, but no one who is not
familiar with the work which devolves
upon the chief ranger, and who is not
acquainted with the capability, adapt
ability and enthusiasm of Mr. Aschoff
can ever realize what a handicap it puts
upon the supervisor when such a man
is taken from the field and no like man
available to take his place. This is just
what occurred when Mr. isenberg was
removed. And the loss to the depart'
incut will perhaps never he knowu to
any except Mr. Ai hnff and his most
intimate friends. He is a peerless moun
taineer, never so happy as w hen in the
wildest and most rugged of our moun
tain heights, making trails and smooth
ing the wav lor the nature-loving tour
ists of coming centuries to tread, look
ing out ami marking t ho most pictur
esque and suitable locations for hostel
ries.stations and tourist camps, the com
ing years will bring into this, which Mr.
Aschoff justly elaims,is the most beauti
ful spot on earth. Mr. Ashoff is an
enthusiastic lover of nature, has visited
the entire Alpine system as well as all
other places of scenic notoriety in both
the old and the new world and emphat
ically declares that in no other country
has nature wrought with such exquisite
lieauty and wonderful grandeur as in
this Cascade reserve, and it was the iov
of his life that he was placed in a posi
tion which enabled him to explore its
lovliuess and splendor, and to make it
possible tor such as admire the beautiful
in nature to share his delight. He was
tireless in his efforts and regardless of
necessary expense, :ind when the needed
funds were not provided by the govern
ment, as sometimes occurred, he used
his own money ami pushed his work
with persistent and determined energy.
He has camped out for weeks in the
mountains when engaged on some im
portant mission; often without blankets
or tent.through rain andsnjw, drenched
to the skin, never faltering until his
purpose was attained. This was Mr.
Asclioff's own work, it fell to him by
reason of his appointment as chief
ranger, and belonged to no other person.
This reminds the Glacier man of a
libelous statement against, Mr. Isenberg
which appeared in the Orcgoniun a few
days ago. While it was intended as a
compliment to Mr. Aschoff.they curtain
knew very little of the man, for they
could not have given a more direct in
sult than to state that he performed the
duties "which Isenberg was supposed to
have performed." Isenberg had enough
of his own work to do without being
even "supposed" to engage in that of
his chief ranger. If the penny-a-liner
who wrote the statement w ill take the
trouble to inquire into the duties of the
supervisor he will find he has the su
pervision of some 20 rangers w ho are re
quired to keep a daily record of their
doings. They must make a report every
month, giving in detail the contents of
these diaries. These reports are at
times voluminous, and besides these,
special reports are often sent requiring
immediate attention. Questions arise
which require the acumen of a diplomat
to answer. He must pass on all appli
cations fur grazing permits, on applica
tions for free use of timber lands, must
investigate all contest cases, all fraud
ulent land entry cases which originate
in his district, must pass on all rights
of way for roads, railroads, Humes, wa
ter ditches, pipe lines or any other that
may come into his hands, and in all
these cases give his recommendations
with documentary evidence to Bupport
them. All this require extensive cor
respondence. Mr. Isenberg says lie has
written as high as 40 letters in one day,
including instructions to his rangers.
Resides this, he is required togo over
each day's report of every one of hi
rangers and make a recapitulation of
the whole and forward the same to the
department. This surely will show the
ignorance or maliciousness, whichever
it is, that is responsible for the Ore
gonian's dirty fling at Mr. Isenberg. The
work hud been discussed and laid out
by the two gentlemen, each taking that
division of it to which he was best
adapted, that which was most agreeable
to him. Mr. Aschoff had no complaint
to make, on the contrary, he is never
happier than when in his beloved moun
tains, and he fuels keenly the implied
charge that he was being imposed upon.
He has nothing but highest praise of
Mr. Isenberg and his manner of treat
ing his sulxirdiiiates and asserts that he
dislikes to be lied about In any way, but
when the lie is intended to make of him
a cat's paw to detract from one of his
closest friends and fellow workers his
well-earned laurels, he feels hurt and
indignant. If the smart Aleck who
wrote so ghhlv about that of which he
Is either absolutely ignorant or mali
cicusly false in his assertions, thinks
either of the gentlemen had a sinecure
in the place he filled, he can easily be
come converted from his error by a
day's tramp with Mr. Aschoff on the
trail, or a day's work in the office.
Mr. Isenberg had, in connection with
Mr. Aschoff, planned a system of trails
around and through the reserve to facil
itate the mobilization of the rangers and
other available help to fight fires when
they occur. These plans were executed
in part last year, Mr. Ashoff having
made about 40 miles of trail.
That the department made a grave
mistake in removing Mr. Isenberg and
taking Mr. Ashoff out of the field will
be apparent to any one who has enough
interest in the forest reserve to Inquire
into it. The volume of work done at
and during the time specified in the
charges could not have been accom
plished by any other than Mr. Isenberg,
and he in the full use of his faculties.
No lietter working team can be pro
duced in the state for that service than M.
P. Isenberg in the office and Adolf
Aschoff in the field.
About this time one of Belmont's pret
tiest girls came to the door of the super
visor s don and warbled in dulcet tones,
"dinner's ready," and M. P. Isenberg
ushered the Glacier reporter into a feast
fit for the "devil" of any printshop in
America, and although it's nearly a
week since then, it still tastes good.
After lunch, Mr. Aschoff, who is a most
excellent pianist, treated the printer to
some nne selections irom lleethoven
lannliauser ami others. Taken all to
gether, it has been a long time since the
iiiacicr man spent so enjoyable a day.
Local Matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tedvsun returned
luesday from a trip to Portland.
Joe Wilson boarded the noon train
1 uesilay for The Dalles.
Mrs. Eschrieht and daughter of Port
and came up Saturday and snent Sun.
day with her sis er. Mrs. William
Hon. J. N. Tea was in Hood River
last week looking after his interest in
the berry crop and investigating the
waier question.
Will iam Thompson went to Portland
from The Dalles on No. 1, Saturday.
ne nau iH'en in attendance as witness
in the Williams trial.
Miss Ola Norman, who tenrhna in
flood Kiver valley, came tin from that
place yesterday to attend commence
ment exercises. Chronicle.
L. M. Miller of the Wilummetta val
ley, brother of Warren Miller, and who
has been on his hoinestead.was in Hood
Kiver Saturday, on his way home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shoemaker left
Tuesday for their home at Pendleton
after a visit with Mrs. Shoemaker's
parents, Mr. ami Mrs. C. L. Gilbert.
L. N. Blowers, United States denutv
marshal, spent sunday in Hood River
His family returned' with him to Port
land, where they will remain for the
The Echo News savs II. .1. IIihluu-,1 nf
Hood Kiver has bought about 100 acres
of land at lrrigon, a new town which
ias sprung un in Morrow countv within
the past year.
Hood River is nutting on her business
clothes and pushing ui her sleeves
ready for the strawberry campaign.
Our streets are filled With vehicles,
strawberry grabbers anil siwaslies.
The chief clerk of the irovernor of the
namoan islands wroto, recently to A. I.
Mason, of the Fast Side, relative to the
resources and business chances in Hood
River. Hood Kiver has become known
the world over,
A. C. Helms, who has a runch in
Morrow county has been working in the
Mount Hood country and was in Hood
River Saturday. Monday he went to
his ranch near lone. He has 1(H) acres
in wheat and will plow 100 acres more
this fall.
The first half crate of berries was
shipped May 13 last year, and the first
this year went out May 10. The days
and nights are growing warmer, how
ever, and the difference of four days
is likely to be caught up with before
the end of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thornburn Ross were
up from Portland and spent Sunday at
the Country Club Inn. Though resi
dents of Portland a good many years,
this was their first visit to Hood Kiver.
and needless to say they were charmed
with the beauty of the valley.
R. R. Erwin, after spending several
days looking after his landed interests in
Hood Kiver, went on to Portland, Mon
day. Mr. Erwin continues to have
implicit faith in Hood River. He says
a large amount of capital will pour into
the valley this summer.
K. M. Hunt has boon digging o well
for Claude Copplo ut Ruthton and is
having quite a job. Ha struck a fair
vein of water at 20 feet, but not enough
to satisfy Claude, and lie means to- go
to a depth of (10 feet. It is cement
hardpan, which is almost impossible to
either pick or blast out.
Deputy Sheriff Olinger came in from
The l)alles on No. 1, Saturday. He
says the officers expect to take Williams
to Salem today, and they are very un
easy and watchful, as the jail is not
too secure and the temper of the people
none the smoothost. Should Williams
attempt to escape or anything else
should occur to further irritate the
strong feeling against him that is now
being manifested they fear there might
be serious trouble.
Mrs. C. E. Day arrived yesterday
morning from WallaWalla. Mr. Day
has lieen here for a month in the employ
of thu Hood River Electric Light and
Power Co. in the capacity of electrician,
but took a severe cold two weeks ago
which prevented him from working.
With his two children, Zora ami Omar,
he has been camping out on the hill,
and Mrs. Day will join the family here
in their camp until Mr. Day gets around
again, when he will get the family
ocaieu nere ermanently. Mr. Day
has sient a good many years in the
West, principally in Colorado, and savs
he found the best part of the Pacific
coast when he struck Hood River.
The four Hood River ladies who made
an excursion to the Cascades on the
Charles R. Spencer, Tuesday of last
week, were not taken there against their
will a" prisoners of war, hut left their
precious homes with full intent of visit
ing that romantic locality, and there
they safely landed. Hut owing to the
Kegulator tailing to get through the
locks on account of the high water, they
were obliged to wait for the la'te veninir
train, which was no disappointment.
However, they were consoled with their
royal entertainment at the Hotel Colo
nial, a fine new hostelry kept by H. C.
Levy, lately from New York, whose
princely hospitality and elegant ai
partments equal if not surpass any
thing of the kind in Oregon.
Hood River heights is fast Incoming
a city. As one reaches the top of the
hill Gill's big grocery is the first store in
view. Mr. Gill is doing a big business.
He keeps the best of everything in the
grocery line, and conscanentlv pleases
and holds his customers. Across the
street is the pioneer store of the hill,
under the able management of H. M.
Abbott. Mr. .Abbott is not doing so
much in the grocery line, having sold
out nearly all his stock. But he has a
first-class ice cream parlor. Next is a"
new furniture store not yet completed.
And then comes A. L. Carmiehael's dry
goods store, W. G. Godsev's black,
smith's shop, Rowley & Go's drug store,
Holman's meat market, Star boarding
house, J. B. Fk teller's general mer
chandise store, and a barber shop con
ducted by Mr. Beolie. The ladies must
not overlook the fact that at M me Ab
bott's the latest styles in millinery are
to be found.
Mrs. Claud Copplo is visiting at her
old home in Eugene,
Frank Quinn came in on No. 1 Friday
from a trip to The Dalles.
Frank Morton brought iu the first
cherries Friday, selling them at 10 cents
a pound.
A new baby girl arrived at tho homo
of Rev. H. C. Shaffer Wednesday morn
ing of last week. ,
W. F: Laraway, brother-in-law and
W. F. Cooper, nephew of J. B. Hunt,
last week bought 30 acres just north of
thuScaman Cox place on the East Side.
Charles E. Sawyer, representing tho
Timberman, published at Portland,
visited Hood River, Thursday, in the
interest of that publication. Mr. Saw
yer is an old newspaper man of wide
experience and is doing good work in
his new field.
Charles Nolan, who has been work
ing in the Glacier office and E. R. Brad-
ley's Job office for a month, left Sunday
morning for Portland. He will also
visit his brother in Sulom, who is em
ployed on the Statesman in that city.
G. II. Hubbard reports the arrival of
a girl at his home' ami W. F. Gaston a
boy, last Thursday. Both of the new
additions to Hood River are very much
pleased with their environments, and
we welcome them to the mitropolis of
Wasco county.
Mrs. George P. Crowoll presented tho
Glacier office Saturday with a large
boqtiet of roses, no two alike, from her
rose garden, They are the finest speci
mens of their kind, the present editor
ever saw, and makes him ami his family
inure man ever ucngnieu Willi liooil
The W. C. T. U. of Hood River on;an.
ized a Loyal Temperance Legion on May
17, with an enrollment of 45 members
with Miss Wright, superintendent and
Raymond Early, president. The Legion
meets every Tuesday afternoon at 2.
at the U. B. church. A cordial wof
como is extended to all the hoys aud girls.
D. P. Smvthe. democratic pandMaln
for district attorney, came in from The
Dalles on No. 1 fridav to gotacnuaintcd
with Hood River people. Our attorney,
Frank Menefee, is an able prosecutor
and an attorney of experience and Mr,
Smythewill have to look well to his
political fences if he wishes to keep tho
hi lie out.
A. L. Phelps presented the Glacier
wilh the first full box of berries this
season, May Id, mention of which was
verlookud in our last issue. Although
uiitiderably higher uu thun manv of
the early berry fields along the river,
Mr. Phelps grows some very early ber
ries, and there are no better in quality
raised in the valley. Accompanying
the box of berries left on the editor's
table was a beautiful boqtiet of peonies
and white lilacs, which would take the
first prize at any flower show.
C. R. Egbert, nephew of Mr. Eirbert
if Franktou, was severely iniured Mon
day ef last week, while on a round up
alter horses. The horso he was riding
became unmanageable and ran away
uuwn a 'eep mil, mrnwing Mr. JiigDert.
His shouldur wo dislocated and his
arm broken near the shoulder. The
accident happened ubout 20 miles from
Antelope, He was obliged to ride that
distance with a broken arm before sur
gical aid could be secured. The doctor
then insisted that he must go to The
Dalles, where thu X-ray could lie used
in setting the arm and he was placed on
a cot bikI taken by train to that city,
where he was treated and is doiiig
Ral I read Excursion to Siilcin.
Sunday, June 5, 1004, Sunset Lodge
No, l.'lO, Brotherhood of Railroad Train
men, will run their fourth annual excur
sion to Salem.
Sufficient coaches will be furnished to
provide seats for all.
At the Slate Fair grounds a first class
entertainment will be given to amuse
the excursionists, consisting of base
ball, bicycle races, bicycle trick riding
and many other first class attractions.
Program of amusements will he distrib
uted at a later date.
This will lie thu only opportunity of
this nature this season for the people
of Hood River and viciuity to spend a
day of keen and wholesome pleasure.
The committee in charge are careful
and experienced railroad men and will
spare no time or expense to make this
day one long to be remembered. No
liquors sold on trains or at the grounds,
and perfect order will bo maintained.
Lunches and refreshments can ho
procured at the grounds.
Come with us and spend a day of
enjoyment and help us to provide a
fund to care for our sick and disabled
Tickets for sale at O. R. & N. ticket
People may stop off at any point at
which we stop going down.
Apples vs. Sweet Corn.
W. F. Laraway, who with W. F.
Cooper recently purchased 83 acres of
the S. H. Cox farm two miles out on the
East Hide, brought to the Glacier ollice
Monday, a copy of his home piuier. the
Glunwood Opinion, containing the fol
lowing call for sweet corn contracts,
issued by the New Glenwood Canning
"We can take about 100 acres more
Sweet Corn. It' pays better than Field
Corn and is a more certain crop this
year on account of the late Bpring. We
pay 5.00 per ton and 4 to 5 tons' to the
acre is a good crop. Your stalks make
linefeed. Last year we planted as late
as June .mil and got a good crop, i'lease
call and obtain your contract and seed at
at the same time."
The appeal to raise sweet corn at $25
an acre looks odd to Hood Kiver people
who think $100 a small income for straw
berries, ami consider $.100 an aero about
the right profit from an apple orchard.
Mr. Laraway is already a loyal Hood
Riverite, and in his rambles about the
valley has secured some valuable statis
tics showing actual results frm Hood
River strawberries and apple lands.
The following offer a fair sample:
B. H. Tucker, from 7-year-old applo
trees on less than 5 acres, gathered in
1!K)3, 8.V) boxes of Yellow Newton apples,
which he sold at $1 80 a box.
Sears A Porter,from l'.IS trees.on less
than 2 acres, when the trees were seven
vear& old gathered 1,140 lioxes: R-vears-
old, 1,700 boxes ;9-years-old, 2,300 boxes.
Prom Dl 7-year-old lellow Newtown
Pippin trees on less than an acre Sears &
Porter sold $1,375 worth of apples.
These statements make a very favor
able showing between conditions in Iowa
and Hood River. Even a blind man
could see which is the better place.
31 r. l.arawsy is more man pleased at
having located in Hood River. HiB
partner, W. F. Coojier, returned last
week to Iowa to arrange for bringing his
family to Hood River. He is expected
here in about three weeks.