HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY MAY 26, 1004. Ik Famous Hood River Valley. BY CAPT. JAMES P. SHAW. Hood Elver Valley Is a gem all by itself. Itlies In the northwestern part of Wascocounty, 23 miles west of The I tells the county seat, and 66 miles east of Port land, on the line of the O. K.& N. K. R., the valley extending to the Columbia river on the north. This valley has an elevation of 200 feet at Its northern terminus, and 1800 feet io the upper or southern "part. Its width from east to west, is from five to eight miles, and from north to south, 20 miles. The tillable land will reach 50, 000 acres, about one fourth of which is in cultivation. The surface Is generaly rolling, the elevated portions being considered the strongest soil. The valley lies picturesquely envi roned between two mountain ranges that reach a general elevation of 2000 feet above sea level. These ranges are spurs of the Cascades, and are fringed with fir and pine that present a pleasing back-ground. Mount Hood, snow crowned and ever beautiful, forms an impassable barrier to the valley's further progress to the south, while the mighty Columbia stops iU further extension to the north. Hood River, a tortuous and ever rest less stream, its icy waters flowing from lacial caves from under Mount Hood, ivides the valley into Kant and West diuisions. That portion lying eastofthe river being considered bent adapted to the growth of the apple, while the west side is devoted to the raising of the far famed Hood River strawberries. The soil of this side of the river is composed of volcanic auli, thoroughly impregnated with iron oxides and mixed with a large percentage of decomposed sandHtone. When water is once applied to soil of this nature, the fruits grown upon it are as nearly perfect as can le raised in tem perate sones. Water for irrigation pur posesis broughtinto the valley by ditches and flumes, the water beingtukenout of Hood River, supplying the ranchers with water through lateral Humes. The soil on the east side is somewhat varied in its characteristics; being of a more clayey nature in some parts, while in other sec tions the same decomposed granite and volcanic ash is met witii, giving to fruits raised here their superior flavor, color and shipping qualities. It is not alone the chemical elements the soil ofthis section contains that give superiorty to fruits grown upon it, but the climate as well. Clear skies over head and balmy air just when the fruits are ripening perforin no small part in giving to the world the finest apples that grow. The red on a Hood River apple is a deeper red and the yellow on a Kewton is a richer golden color than is found else where. Rub your hand over a Hood River apple, and you obtain a varninh like appearance to the skin that is mar velous. Nowhere else has there been a spot of earth found where the apple, cherry and strawberry are grown that can approch the matchless size, flavor aud color of these fruits as sent out over the country from Hood River. The climate in this little paradise is all that the most critical could wish. Here are no cyclones to carry away our houses, neither do the rigors of winter nor the shifting extren.e.4 of summer prevail. The air comes ladened from the moun tains with sweet smelling fragrance of the fir and pine, giving health to the in n Aimyt n Real Estate Dealers and Auctioneers Have For Sale a few Snaps like the Following: 102 1 acres, 3 miles from town; nil in clover, good 6 room house, barn, sheds, etc., well,' small fruits and fruit trees, a bargain. :.. $1,500 200 10 acres 2 mijes from town, mostly in berries, G-room house, plenty of water, a. snap 2,650 201 10 acres, 3 miles from town, G acres cultivated, 4 acres timber, 2-story 7-room house, 4 inches in free water, a fine buy 2,500 202 10 acres 3 miles from town, 3 acres in berries, 500 " fruit trees, 8-room 2 story house, individual gas , plant,.12 inches of spring water, a beautiful income home 3.500 204 20 a. cleared, fine apple land, good buy...... 1,200 205 12 a. 3 m. from town, finely improved, all kinds of fruit, 400 fruit trees, 3 a. in berries, 4 a. meadow, good house, barn and well, a lovely, home 2,500 The above re only few samples taken from our large lint. We ntsn have trie beat bar gains In city pntierty; give llbeial terms of payment mid Kiisrnntoe titles to all property we ell; attend suction stiles anywbere In ilie stat; we make quick sales on a small margin. bone & Mcdonald Carry a full line of Groceries, Flour and Feed, Shovels, Spades, Axes, Saws, etc. ' . The Fishing Season Is here, and so are we with a full line of first class Tackle. Come and see us before buying. Goods Delivered Free To Any Part of Town. bone & Mcdonald WHY KlNLOCH PASTEilOEAL ROUSE PAINT ThapnpoMeCEOTMPstatlstaProtoct sad Saatifr -Tn... all to the lli) of pslnf bKiaH It is th Mader, vh naoOsro. tht holds h pigments ftKs tir Mint) to the rartsosi nd only hm th oil Iwf this blwUnf qislltr throacn Its 4to lntiTrtsl bT MMpberl. lnM snoald tbo tooxMd irr partMM of '" mmTbT u pit-ont u dMMsmtiT. sad prosorvMiw ta prologs the uts of tbo oil by pro- Absoltst cortalntr of tKo SMsrlty of the Iintl oil eonoutatso T?oooncd b tbo oo of adalur.au or obosp tblnnors." tfao liurab'llty of the whole paint ia dimlnUIsod. Yon hsT tHis absolute cortaiaty the .njJitr of ik. oil In torn Point pot b T(u7bouM wlwn rtm bay KialocM Paint, bscsuss you bar ! oil Mpsr. Ztmlr nd ttvo mr point this oboolutely oonoin dosoMUtr or tuiimr "u. ul Uon for (olloo rfpropor proportion, nil tbo plunenu. tntin oolots, turps" ond dirors ore cround tofotbor ggd, oold yea rood far too admixture of tbo pars row oil b jmntv. Those facts alono tnaka "KialoeH" tho ideal paiatt bm mom thin rarsiuoo of dnmbUUy IMUk o pnwnnl knowlodro of tbo parley of tbo oil, 1. tbo '" tkrt VboTyon hoy two soUon. of tbo ordinory roody-ssiiod point-tbo rdy for ibo broob oonYoy thosoay--liod point prloo lor Ibo ono e a thoroin, MtrdlMS lOfiM " 7.Z S ltoB times Imora Una tor Ho frosh pnr.oUlBylosold.stersb.rrol. Ws inrrw oorsoopondoaos from Hum who moo or boy Utraoo Mat. WHEREVER WE HAVE NO AGENT, YOUR OWN DEALER WiU 8ET KINLOOM" FOR VOO. IF SHOWN THIS AO., BY WRITING OlREOT TO . - K'HLOOH PAINT COMPANY, ST. LOUIS. MO.' THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE. t Sou BT 8. E. BARTMESS, Hood Rivkb, Orbck. habitants as it spreads over the valley. While this is not a damp climate, the precipitation is sufficient for most pur poses. . The weather bureau report for last year 1903 was 41 inches. Fine fir timber abounds io the upper valley, sufficient to supply the inhabi tants tor many years to come. Gushing springs come from the foot-hills supply ing the deliriously clear cool water; this is especially true of the upper valley Here too, the soil is of the very best, and some of the best apples come from around the base of Mount Hood. Unim proved lands in the upper valley sell to day at prices ravging from 1 1 2 to (25 per acre, while improved ranches in the lower valley, that are planted to fruit and partially or wholly in bearing, command good prices, ranging up to (400 per acre. Hood River will ship this season 240 car loads of strawberries that averages to the grower f 1.75 per crate. An acre will yield, when properly cultivated, as much as 200 crates of berries. The cost per crate for cultivation is reckoned at 80 cents. Apples do much tatter. A seven-year-old tree will yield from three to five boxes of merchantable fruit, and at nine years as much as 20 boxes. There are orchards in the valley that will yield 25 boxes per tree this season. Eighty trees are generally planted to the acre. A 10 acre tract, therefore,' will have 800 trees, and at seven years old will yield three boxen to the tree or 2400 boxes, and at eight years five boxes to the tree or 4000 boxes. At nine years old these same trees, if they have been well taken care of, can reasonably beexpected to give to the fortunate owner from 8000 to 16,000 boxes of spples.i t they are of the leading varieties, tliey will sell for f 1.50 per box. The entire crop of Newtowlis andSpitz enbergs of this season's' crop sold at $1.80 to (2 25, while the growers got 85 cents for their Ben Da vises. , The City of Hood River is a picturesque little town of 1400 inhabitants. It lies nestled along the south bank of the match less Columbia River, on the line of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, 66 miles east of Portland, at a point on the west bank of Hood River, where that turbulent stream empties its waters into the Columbia. The river itself is a marvel of wonder and beauty from its source to where it mingle its crystal waters with those of the Columbia, and together they flow peacefully on to the sea. The eity is regularly laid out ; has wide streets that are lined with oak trees a species of that tree peculiar to the Pacific Coast with their wide spreading branches under whose ample and Invit ing foliage restful moments may be en joyed on a summer day. On the south is a rise of 200 feet. Fringed along the gently sloping sides of this hill and facing the city and the Columbia, are groves of small oaks and pines, and hidden away among these are some of Hood River's beautiful homes. To the north, across the Columbia River, In the Stateof Washington, stands Mount Adamsreeplendent in Its beauty of perpetual snow, its hoary head pierc ing the sky at an elevation of 12,240 feet above sea level. Just at the foot of the city, its waters flowing westerly is the broad expanse of the Columbia, its busy mart of steam and sail passing in pano ramic view before the beholder. n ttaat n CANTATA OF QUEEN ESTHER. Musical and Spectacular Cantata to be Given at the Opera House Under the Auspices of the Congregational Church. A fit The musical and gpecta?ular cantata of "Queen Esther" will be iriven at the opera house, Hood River, Monday and Tuesday, May 30 and 31, under the auspice8 of the Congregational church, assisted by many citizens. The production" will be under the" management of A. II. Newton, mimical director and costumer, who has spent considerable time and pains to drill the local talent for this 8Uerb production. There will be 125 performers. The fine oriental costumes gild splendor to the scene, and the event promises to be a very brilliant affair. Reserved seats are now on sale at Clark's drug store. Ad mission 60c and 35c, children 25c. The following is the caste of characters: CAST OF CHARACTERS. Esther, the Queen Mrs. A. A. Jayne Ahasuerus, the King J. E. Dunbar Hainan A. H. Newton Monlecai... L. Henderson Mordccai's sister Miss C. Copplo Zereeh Mm. Margaret Reid Beggar M. V. Dukes Prophetess'. ..Misses M. Raker, N. Clark Median Princess Miss Oora Copple To Prevent the Spread of Fruit Penis, The supervisors of San Bernardino county, California, are drafting and ex pect to ass a very Btrong ordinance for preventing the spread of fruit pest. 8o binding is the ordinance that a sev ere penalty is proposed for the removal of boxes, ladders, fruit tools or mater ials of any kind pertaining to fruit growing, from one horticultural district to another without notifying the horti cultral commission 24 hours at least before such removal. The ordinance also prescribes that importers of trees and vines must first secure a license from the horticultural commission be fore shipping in any foreign stock, and it is further provided that the importer must furnish a bond in the sum of $5,- 000 to guard against the importation of any infected vine or tree. So Circus or Tin Memorial. War veterans have delivered an ulti matum to the Seattle city authorities:If thecircusis permitted to show on Memo rial day there will be no public observ ance of the day in honor of the country's war dead. The incongruity of red lem onade, peanuts and clowns taking an equal place on this great day with all that tbe soldiers hold dear, will not be tolerated, they say Hair Man Still Lives. A person v ho is only half alive to the world and tociety will not succeed in business. He should go to Williams' Pharmacy and geteome Palnio Tablets. They are guaranteed for all weakness. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DfDartment of tha Interior. Lund Office at The lislles, Onfron, Muy Mil, I'.KH.-Nollco Is nereuy given mai me lonowinK namoa seiner has tiled notliw of bis Intention to make com- munition In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Geo. T. Prut her, V. H. Commissioner at his office at Hood River, Oregon, fin June 2SUh, 1904, vis: UHjitrittl J, tllUlWtilOfl, II. E. No. 11. 203, P. O. Hood River. Oroiron. for the NE 8KW K'4 tib'M snd Lot 1 of Sec tion 6. Tt. 1 Norm. Kanire 10. K and Hi'M HVM Section Hi, Tp. 2 North, Range 10 K, W. M. He names tne roiiowing wunewesto prove his continuous residence mmn and cultiva tion of said laud, vl.: Hurry Dodsun, J. Kesel, Josepn Knox, ueorge a. wriKin, an ot Hooa River, OreKfin. mWtU . MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Land, Act June S. 1878.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Btnte I .and office. The Dnlleo. Oregon, April is, HIW. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ot the act of congress of June H, 1K7H, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In theHtatesof California, Oregon, Nevudu and Washington Territory ," as extended to all the public land slates by actor August 4, IHM, the following named perMins have tiled in this otllce their sworn statements, Uvwtt: JACOB JOHKPH HKCKKR; of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Oregon, swurn stsieinent No. riled HepUiinber 1, IsksM, for the purchase of the HKU NW!4, NKW HW and W HVM section , township i north, range 9east,W M PATRiCK ttORMAN, of The Dalles, county of Waw-o, state of Ore gon, srorn sluleinent No. lr)06, fljed Novem ber IS. 1H02, for the purchase of the SWJ HK, KK!4 8W. and fi SW section W, town ship 1 north, range II east, W M. l h at they will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or Mone limn for xgricultural purposes, and to establish their cluims to said land before the Reglsler and Receiver at The Dulles, Or., on Ju'y 30, IWM. They name as witnesses: T W Calbreath, R K Love, R Jarvls and J R brown of Hood River, On Mary A Seufert, Harah Oorman, Theodore J Heuferl, Richard J. Uorman-and William Kelchum of The Halle, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or before said Sunday of July, 1H04. nilJy7 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. (Timber lnd. Act June S, 1K78, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. . Cnlted States Ijnd Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Mav 2, 1U04. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, ls;s, entitled "An act for the sale of Umber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land slates by set or August 4, lfttt, KoHKKt ROSrl, of The Dalles, county of Wasco. Wat of Ore gon, has, on July 14, 12. filed In this office his sworn statement, No SI2, (or the purchase of the KW! N W, WH MWV4 section M.town shlp 1 north, range 11 east, and lot 4 of section 6, township 1 south, range 11 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for lis timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to sain land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on the Sth day of July, IWM. He names s witnesses: A K Lake, William Ketchum, A C Thomas and F K Kpauliiing, all of Tbe Dalles, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe above-deecrlbed lands are requested (o Ale their claims In this office on or before said Sib day of July, lisM. mA)y7 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. Persian Princess Mrs. Eva Clarke Serilie Mrs. Herbert Entrican Hegai Clarence Copple Hiirh Priest Charles Black Herald 1 George Slocoui Harbanah 1 Cup Bearers.. .Grace Prather, Ida Brace maids or HONOR. Ida Brace, Grace Prather, Pearl Bradley. Frances Bragg, Mignon Abbott, Virifie Crome. Nettie Abbott, Nellie Sonifer. Ollie Bturgis, Catherine Wehr, Anna Jackson, Blanche Blowers, Edith Cook, Ruth Righy, Nettie Peugh.Gwyn- olyn Dicken. qukkn'i royal guards. Ethel Entrican, Nellie Clarke, Rule Blagg, Mrs. Clarke, Marcel ine Cross, Ilia Rood, Blanche Blowers, Nettie Ab bott. Leila Hershner, Marione Baker, Cora Peugh, Cora Copple, Bertha Sun derland, Anna Alonr, unie Pturgia. kino's royal quakds. Herbert Entrican, Mell Foley, Homer Wood, Mayor Dano, ill Baker, Clar enco Copple, Harold Hershnerj Elwood Luekey, Arthur Cunning, hstee lirosraa. 100 Cherry Trees, Lambert and King. ni5 ITnr anle hv frank Stanton. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon for Wasco County. Frank Davenport, plaintiff, vs. Frank O. W son. defendant. To Frank C. Wilson, the defendant above named: You are hereby required to appearand an swer the comofainl filed against vou in lh' above entitled salt in the above-named court on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons; ana you are nereny nntineo. tnat u you rail to so auneur and answer the said com plaint that Judgment and decree will betaken against you for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to wit: Judgment for the sum of $2iil), with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from October t, 1WK), and for the further sum of M as attorney's fees In this suit, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit, snd a decree foreclosing the mort gage mentioned In said complaint, and di recting that the real premises therein men tioned be sold on execution, and that the pro ceeds of such sale be applied In payment of the costs and expenses of such sale and ofthis suit, and to the satisfaction of such sum as may be found due the plaintiff In this suit, In cluding the said attorney's fee and n.ao paid by plaintiff for taxes on said mortgaged premises. This summons Is served by publication for six consecutive weeks In the Hood River Glacier, a newspaper of general circulation, published In said Wascocounty, pursuant to an order directing such publication, made by Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the above named court, which said order Is dated on the 2Kt h day of March, 1004, and the date of the first publication hereof la April 7, 1WH. a?ml2 A. A. JAYNE, Atty for Plaintiff. ITImber l.and, Act June 8, IS78.1 NOTICE KOH PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, April 2H, IWM. Notice la hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands In the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," s extended to all the public land stutes by act of August 4, 1893, the following named persons have filed in this office their sworn statements, towlt: NELS NELSON, of Mock duck, county of Beltrami, state of Minnesota, sworn statement No. 21 M, filed Octotier S, ma, tor the purchase of the K'A of N W'4 snd Vy, or HWW section , township 2 north, range It east, W. M. ROBERT W. CALDWM,L; of The Dalles, county of Wasco, stateof Ore gon, sworn slstement No. 1HI. filed May IS, 1113, for the purchase of the HWU BWW sec tion 25 and HV.yt HVM section 2(1, township 2 north, range 9 east, w M That they will offer proof to show thatthe land sought Is more valuable for 1U timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their ciaitns to said land before the KeglKlor and Receiver at Tha Dalles, Oregon, on August II, 1U04. They name as witnesses: August Wolden of RemiriJI, Minnesota; Ernar Wllla of Porlland, Or.: Louis Nelson of Deschutes, or; 1 W Cur ran of V lento, Or: J B Brown, Ralph Jarvls, Charles Jarvls and A L Hoadley of Hood River, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 14th dav of August, IWM. mlUjy; MICHAEL T.NOLAN, Register. Stages to Cloud Cap Jnn. Ticket office (or the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and have a hack carry you to and from the boat landing If you want a first-clasa tnrnont call on the HOOD RIVER TANSFER AND LIVERY CO NEW DEPARTURES Anticipating your needa' I laid in a fctoek of Spring goods. The largest line of Matting and Carpets in the city. You may need a Ilange or Cook utove. I have them. February is our winter month. I have Heaters. Have you that tired fwling? I have Rockers that will give you rest. Everything in the Furniture line to meet all conditions. And lowest prices guaranteed. Listen! We are here for our share of the business. Come and see us. We will show you how it is done. Will give you the key to the first move a square deal. Your money is just as good as your neighbor's, and will buy as much as his money. Full line of Building material that .will be sold at Bed Ilock prices. Look it over. Undertaker and Embalmer Phone 5 1 Lumber W Our Prices Guns Fishing Tackle Camp Outfits Call and see the new Winchester Automatic I Bamboo Poles, 7ric to tJ0,00; Rtoel Rods, ti I Tent, Awnings, Wagon Covers, Camp rille. Parker A Hmllh Hliol Onus; Havage, U S; Reels, Ifa: to 10. All that's new In an- stoves, fl.M up. Camp HUives, Hammocks. Marlln and Winchester rules; MKrtlng rifles, I tomellc Reels. Ely Hooka, 'ic, Ufie, firto and HI The latest In cooking utensuls and camp f2to&'K). Ammunition for all arms. adosen. Fish Linus, Vti to 2.fiueiu!h. conveniences. Everything for Building and Furnishing the Home Hardware Stoves Tinware Furniture Linoleum Carpets Faints Oils Glass Building Materials STEWART, the Home Furnisher. Without question the most beautiful residence location in the city. High and sightly, no mud no dust. Supplied with the purest spring water. You are cordially invited to come up and inves tigate, see the water plant, enjoy the fine view and have a good drink. No trouble to show lots: Always at home. Now is your chance. C. COB - - - - . HOOD KIVEB 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ji a Tnof Marks Dcion r'r?t1 Copyright Ac. Anyone lending gketr h and description may quickly Moertaln our opinion free whether an Invention ! probably patentable. Communica tions strictly eonBdentiaX Handbook on Patent lent free. Oldest aiiency for eoarlnirpateiiti. Patent! taken through Mucn A Co. receira tptcial notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handmmely (II n at rated weekly. J.nrffest. cir culation of any acientlfln Journal. Terms, $3 year: four montua, $L Bold by all newadealera. MUNN4Co.S6,l"Mi"NewYprk Brsuck Offltw, Ot I St, Washington, D.C. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Lisrary Thr Best In Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON JIM ELY TOPICS $2.60 per year; 25 era. a copv NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY WUMRIR COMPLETE IN ITSELr saeassanaBCBRn SB it hingles ood, etc Ire the NORTON Successors to F. L, Sanitary Tinners and We have the only complete found in the City. WE ALSO CARUY A FULL LINE OF Garden Hose, Sheet Rubber Packing:, Hoze Nozzles, Lawn Sprinklers AGENTS FOK Sampson Windmill and Boynton Warm Air Furnace and "Auto Spray" Automanticc Spray Pump. the Hazel wood Parlors special fou Wednesdays and Sundays. Neapolitan Bricks, Strawberry, Vanilla and Chocolate Flavors. Special attention given to Party Orders and Sunday Dinners. Phone 723. C. T. RAWBON. HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting we will have and can sup ply in any number Cherry, Pea r,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or. S. J. FRANK, DEALER IN Harness and Saddles, All Repairing Promptly Attended to Hood River, Oregon. Phone 5 1 Lath CO. & SMITH, DAVIDSON & CO. Plumbing: Steam Fitters line of Pipe Fittings to be I F. II. STANTON