HOOD KIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1904. McDonald &Henrich Dealers in - FARM MACHINERY, VEHICLES BICYCLES ' Waoons 70 years test. BuotilES the very best Plowa, HarrowH, etc. .aa" Mi. 1 Cultivators, Spray aud Well Pumps Wind."Mill, Gasoline Eng's Champion Mowers, Rakes, Oil and Extras, Hardware, Fishing; Tackle. Barb Wire. Hercules Stump Powder, W. HAYNES & CO. Sneeeaaora to E. E. Savage'a Sons. DEALERS IN Hardware. Tinware. JVIarcbing JUb Grant fOBTr years ago the year of bloody battles opened with campaign In Virginia and Georgia. Grant bad recently been given tbe rank of lieutenant general, witll command of II tbe Federal force. lie personally j conducted tbe Army of tbe Potomac In the march against Richmond through the region went of tbe Rappahannock river known as the Wilderness. In the month of Hay, 1804, over a hundred ac tion! were fought all over tbe theater of war, which resulted Jn lots of life. May 0 was a day of battlea. Tbe battle opened in the wilderness on May 6 with one of the moat re markable atruggle known to the an nnli of war. Writing of tbe battle ground, General Badean says, "One tangled maai of stunted evergreen, dwarf chestnut, oak and hazel, with an undergrowth of low IvHllns' shrubs, making tber forest almost im penetrable." And of the bnttle, "a! wrestle aa blind as at midnight; a gloom that made maneuvers Imprac ticable; Jungle where regiments tumbled on each other and on the en emy by turns, firing sometimes into their own ranks and fculded often on ly by the crackling of the bushes or the cheers and cries that arose from the depths around." The fighting of May 5 In the Wilderness, and, In fact, both days of the battle, was the Brlfidler General Alexander H ay a, V. . V.. morally wounded at the battle of the Wil derness, Vs.. May S, 180. General Heya commanded a brigade In thi Second corpa. He fell In the heat of a atubborn ectlon led by General Han cock on the famoua Urock road. Ased 3. Major General John Sedgwick, U. S. V.. killed by a sharpehooter on the Held of Soottiylva Bla Court House, Va., May 0, 180. General -Sedgwick commanded the Sixth army corpa and waa locating a battery when ha waa struck down. Aged 91. 1W' Y L IA Aif Mi ' '' fol e t$fjnjnEO c. W U RICE Y4 FEDERAL LEASERS KILLED IN THE WILDERNESS CAMPAIGN AGAINST RICHMOND IN 1864. heaviest on the Federal left wing, where the Second corps, led by Gen eral Wlnflcld Bcott Hancock, fought th Confederate right, led by Robert E. Lee In person. General Hancock attempted to transfer his marching columns from the Catharplq road to the Orange plank road, a couple of miles distant and leading In the same , direction. While crossing over the troops were attacked on the marcb j by Confederates and compelled to 1 plunge Into the wilderness to find the ! enemy. The chief leader who fell 1 there was General Alexander Hays, j commanding a brigade. This devoted 1 Ulcer had often ridden In open bat tle, even on the bar slopes of Get tysburg, with bis staff and Bag be-1 bind him, the admiration of two I smiles. He fell at last In a tangled ; wilderness where not even a single regiment could note bis action and de rive Inspiration from his courage and martial enthusiasm. - May 6 found Hancock still battling along tbe plank road. He had carried his right Sank to the road, but every tep of the march was opposed by the Confederates, and the Federals could i only make headway by peuetrutlng the thicket along the route. During the ! nlgbt tbe Confederates had built breastworks of logs. The Federal right twlng was struggling under the same ! difficulties In advancing along the 1 'r-1 nge turnpike, a couple of miles north of tbe plank road. This wing waa coin-1 posed of the Fifth corps nnder Geuer- j GEO. F. COE & SON Headquarters for high grade Crorkerv, Quecnswaro, Glassware, lamps and Lamp Supplies, Confectionery, Nuts and Fruits, Fresh Roasted Peanuts, Blank Books, Stationery and -School Books. A good assortment of Fishing Tackle and Notions, Split Bamboo Kodg and Cane Poles; Tovs and GPmes Flinch and Pit. o Hoys and (Jtrla to on the run To imreliaiw their peanut from Coe A Son; r'ir one una ewm are their For qi Phone 351 for quality aud quantity al G. IC. Warren mid the Klstb under General John Sedgwick. Early on Hip 0th General James 8. WndsWorth, commanding a division of the Fifth corps, was ordered to fuco his com mand by the flunk southward and charge through, to the plank road until he Joined on the rl(,'ht of Huneoek's line. The movement was a forlorn hope. Distances were unknown to tlio Federal leaders, for tho ground hud always been Inside tho Confederate lines and had not been reeonnoltercd. and the officers were without maps or guides. General Wadsworth took his men through tho unknown wilderness with out falling Into ambush, but In the first attack after be formed his Hue ot the plank road be was shot from the saddle Just Us his horso leaped the Confederate breastworks. From the Wilderness battlefield Grant marched the whole army for ward around Lee's flank to Ppottsylva nla Court House, where the fighting was resumed on May 8. The Klxtli corps, nnder General John f-iodgwlok, reached tho field lute on the 8th and early the Otli took tip position for brit tle. One battery of the corps was lo cated In full view of tho Confederate sharpshooters, and every oflioor who showed himself ns a target there wnf hit, Brljadler Gcnernl J a m e a S. Wmls worth. V. i. V mortally wounded at the battle of Wil derness. Vs.. May 6, 18(1. General W ml worth com manded a division In the Fifth corps. He waa hot from his hore while Icadlnfl a charge over the Confeder ate breastworks. Aged 57. aW 1"U w T7" v. Brigadier General James C Rice, U, S. V., mortally wounded at Spolt sylvania Court House, Va., .May 10. 1864. General Rice commanded a brigade In the Fifth corps. He fell, leading his men In the foremost line. In a dnring assault on Lee'a Intrench ments. Aged S3. General Sedgwick was warned of the dungcr of going near the exposed but tery, but In less than an hour after the warning tho general und the oillcor who gave the warning walked out to the battery to get u better alignment for the troops. Booing the ine.i whom they passOd dodging bullets aimed at tho battery, Sedgwick exel.iknod: "What, men! Dodging this way to slnglo bullets? What 'II you do when they open lire along the whole line? I'm ashamed of you. They can't hit an elephant at this distance." ( A few seconds after reaching the i battery the general was 'struck by a bullet under tbe left eye, and lie fell against bis chief of stii"', General M. T. McMahon, carrying him lo the ground with blm. Death was almost Instantaneous. The news spread quickly among the troops, and the whole corps was soon mourning the fall of 1,'nelo Jotm Sedgwick, who was loved by the men for his kindly and genial character. On May 10 two .daring nsw.ult.-t were mado on I.ee's Intrenclunents at Spotts.vlvanla, and the troops led by General Warren and the gallant Colo nel Emory Upton crossed the parapets under a galling fire, only to he' driven bnek with terrible slaughter. Gen eral J. C, lileo, who led Warren's col umn with his brigade, wns mortally wounded. General Klee's death made the fourth In four days of fighting among the Federal leaders. G. L. LAXGDOS. lneKt, cm I be beat. Give us a Call K - ' : " 1 f Kii;-1, .'."' ' jVLit'cbtng ttb Lee JVIarchtng (flub Sherman -" - . ,.r, i j j . . " I' reiilly matters but little to bls , tory just how and by whom th bloody linttlo of the Wilderness was opened forty years ago, hut there was one Incident of that hour which shows how I he wisest experts may gravely miscalculate In war. The Army of tho I'otomnc crossed the Ilapldan river 011 the 1th of May, 1HG1, and , began Us nmivh through the wilderness region by roadi 'eadlpg to v. aid Itlolmiond. Hat tie Wfls not look rl lor by the federal leaders before mhing the North Anna river, many 1 Ti n distant. l.'vt ltobcrt TJ. I.ee saw bis oppor tunity to hold up the Federal march In the v iidorness and deployed his niiny across the roads to dilute the passes toward Hiclnnond. The first firmed clash of the field took pluce on tiie Orange turnpike between the Con-j federates of Kwell's corps and the-l Federals nnder (ieneral O. K. Wnr- ren. Farly in the day. the advanco : Confederate brigade, led !y Opnernl . John 1. Jones, drove In the Federal , vedettes who were guarding Warren's Hank from surprise and saw the great j array of enemies marching confidently j toward' ltlehmotnl, ! Jours reported to his chief what he ! bud discovered and drew his brigade' biu U two miles to the Intersection of a I crossroad with a turnpike, alongj Pritadlcr General John M. Jonrfl. C. 5. A., kiilfd nt the hattle of t - Wll-d.-rncss, M. ... -' 3, lB'j'l. Cenc.-'t Jones coimnamlc a l)i-id;u!! in tweh'- Cor.fi'derjto cort-t and was klllod while roWing the advance of Grant's riiihr-wi.U on tli;-' Orange turnpike. Aed i'i. Lieutenant Gen eral jHnira r.well tlruwn iiluart, C. S. A., m o r t a 1 1 y wounded In ncllon at Yellow Tuvei-n, Va.. May II, loo. Gtthcrat Stuart com mnnUtut tit.- cav alry t'Orrm of Let1' army n ul wii ..hoi I'roin the rt.klule by a hiichcj'mi trooper btlini-JiuJ to Cus ter's brlaUc Aged SI. CONFEDERATE LEADERS KILLED LICHMOND which Warren hoped to puss. Warren attacked Jones with a whole division and threw the Confederate brigade Into confusion, a commander falling In tho encounter. Jones' brigade be longed to the division of (ieneral Kd ward Johnson, who was at hand with the companion brigade, led by General George II. Steuart, the noted .Mary land Confttlcrale, .lohiison re-e.stnb-lihhcd bin line and moved forward, completely checking Warren's march for that day. When news of Warren's experience on the turnpike reached General Meade, the commander of the Army of tho Vulouiae, be exclaimed, "The Con federates have left a division here to fed us, while they concentrate and picpare n position on the North An na!" Warren's whole corps, su)purted by Sedgwick's HlMh corps, was not able to oust the stubborn "division" from lis ground on the turnpike, for not simply a division, but a corps, was planted there, in touch with the re mainder of l ee's army. Whjie Wan'en and l!weM fought for the visiht of way - the Orange turnpike - the Federals under General Hancock and the C'omVdcratci under General I.unu'siroot and Genera! .V. 1". Hill were locked In b'eody encounter on the tirjiu;.' plank road, at the southern ei;ve yit the great wilderness region, l.oii:;.' i reefs corps was the last of the throe ivri'S in I.ee's army to reach the halt!c:U!d, and the troops filtered the f;;ht with enthusiasm, looking for all ImttniilUlilUJJluuiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 1 wr 1 A--K n CENTRAL MARKET HAYES BROS., Proprietors. Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh, Cured and Canned Meats. o Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits. easy triumph that would end In drlv lug the Federals across tbe Rapldan river again before nlgbt. I-ongstreet rode at the head of a odumn which be bad formed to attack Hancock, but was disabled by a painful wound be fore the ball was fairly opened. - Al most at the iSome instants General Micah Jenkins,, who was by tbe side of I.ongstreet,, was killed. Six days after-the deadlock-In the wilderness there'Wos another at Spott sylvanlu Court House, where Lee again blocked the' vyay to Richmond. At Spottsylvania the troops of Hancock, and Ewell were opposed In a struggle for the possession of the key to the field, a sharp, elevated position, fitly called the "Bloody Angle." General Edward Johnson's Confederate divi sion held the front line of tbe angle when Hancock sprung the attack dur ing a fog early on the morning of May 12 and was captured almost entire with Its commander. Other troops ral lied to defend the angle, among them the brigade of General Junius Daniel, who was killed In one of tbe strangest encounters on record. The troops fought all day at arm's length over a Blnglo breastwork. The recital of Inci dents of that fight makes one marvel that warfare could be so terrible. During the afternoon of the 12th a South Carolinian belonging to Orr's Brigadier General Micah Jenklna, C. S. A killed at tha battle of tha Wll dernesa, Va., May 186A Ganaral Jenklna command ell a brigade under Longstreet and wis riding by tha aide of his chief In a charge when ha waa shot from tha saddle. Aged 28. Brigadier Caneral Junius Daniel, C. S. AH killed at tha battle of Spottiyl vanfa Court Houae, May la. 1864. Cen tral Daniel com manded a brigade In Ewell'a Confed erate corpa and fell In defense of the key to Lea's position In tha "Bloody Angle." Aged 5& IN THE CAMPAIGN BEFORE IN 18G4. rifles was seen by b!s comrades to rise deliberately so that the upper half of his person was above tbe parapet, an easy target for tho enemy, oud from this position take deliberate aim, lire and crouch down to reload. He re peated this scores and scores of times. Yankee bullets whizzed around blm, but be seemed to bear a charmed lift). Often he would remain on his feet many minutes, drawing bead and then recovering to wait for better aim. Finally, late In th day, tbe frenzied rltleruan wus seen to draw upon some object, an ottlwr probably, at a dis tance back from the Federal trenches. The chance didn't ult. and he recov ered and stood bolt upright, watching for a better target When at length one appeared, and as ho was about to pull, a Federal bullet pierced his beurt, stretching blm dead In his tracks. Wlille Lee's Infantry waged tierce bnttle ot Spottsylvania his cavalry corps under General J. E. II. Stuart rode on toward Richmond to guard the passes to the Confederate capital from a threatened attack by General Fhil Sheridan's immense cavalcade of troop ers. Sheridan had cut loose from the main Federal army engaged at Spott sylvania and expected to strike Hlch mond before I.etfs slow marching bat talions could come to Its defense. Ull columns were Intercepted by Stuart before reaching the city, and In a stir ring cneouuter at a place known as J'ellow Tavern Stuart was mortally wounded. HUBERT BELL. SHERMAN waa "marching through Georgia" months be fore be started on the famous trip from Atlanta to tbe sea whtcti Is celebrated In tbe. popular war gong. Thla, time "forty years ago the army was on the. northern slope of Pine mountain tolling to break through tbe passes held by General Joseph E. Johnston's Confederate and covered, by his guns. Beyond Fine mountain lay bold Kenesaw, through wblcb the railway passed leading to Atlanta. Tbe actions fought during this stage of Sherman's march were less san guinary, than those taking place In the same period on ' eastern battle fields, but the National cemetery at Marietta, on the southern slopes of Kenesaw, holds the ashes of 10,000 Federal soldiers, who fell from the bullets or disease. Kenesaw and the lesser mountains around it held Sher man's army a month. On tbe 27th of June the heights were stormed, with loss of 2,500 Federal assailants. The operations In front of Kenesaw mountain wore attended -with one of those peculiar war trogedies which carry regret to foes as well as sorrow to friends. After Sherman bad push ed his right and left wings respective ly beyond the line of. Tine mountain it became a question with the Confed erate commander whether he should Brigadier General Daniel McCook, U. . V mortally wounded In tha assault on Kenesaw mountain. Georgia. June 37. 1804. Gen eral McCook com manded a brigade In the Fourteenth eorps. He was a member of the fa mous faintly of lighting McCooka from Ohio. Aged SO. Major General James B. McPher son, U. S. V killed at the battle of Bald Hill, in front of Atlanta, Ga.. July 23. 1004. Gen eral MePliaraon commanded the army of tha Ten nessee under Sher man. He waa ehot while raconnoiter Ing between tha Unas. Aged 56. I Y , WALK6HPjlZ DISTINGUISHED LEASEES KILLED IN TEE MARCH . TO AT. LANTA IN 1864. attempt to hold on to Tine mountain. On tbe morning of June 14 General Johnston, accompanied by General Hardee and General Folk, rode out to tbe front to examine tbe post and de termine upon its fate. After completing tbelr examination and deciding upon the Immediate with drawal of tbe troops tbere the party was fired upon by a Federal battery of Farrott guns stationed about a quarter of a mile distant At tbe third shot a shell struck General Folk in the chest and passed through his body from left to right, killing blm Instantly. General Folk received a military ed ucation and graduated at West Point Early in life he left tbe service for the pulpit In the Protestant Episcopal church and at the outbreak of the war had reached the rank of bishop. Be lieving that his military knowledge would best serve tbe south In that cri sis, he laid aside his robes and entered the army, where his distinguished services won for him advancement to the rank of lieutenant general. j In order to open tbe passes of Ken esaw mountain to his troops Sher man resorted to the doubtful expe dient of direct assault upon the In trenched and well manned lines of his opponent. The attack was made June ST and, as In Pickett's famous charge; at Gettysburg, was preceded by a heavy cannonade. The whole long line of battle advanced, but in front of the Army of the Cumberland, led by the veteran Thomasvtlie flghtliyrwaB the1 J. R. NICKELSEN -DEALER IN Vehicles & Farm Machinery Corner Fourth and Colombia streets, Hood Kiver, - - ... Owgon. ' heaviest, recalling tbe stone wall at Fredericksburg. . Newton's division led I Thomas' attack, and that of Jeff C. Davis followed, making a column sev en lines deep. The two divisions of Newton end Davis were exposed - to the lire of two Confederate divisions of infantry and thirty-two. Held guns for two hours. In places the assailants reached the parapets, where many fell, and some even crossed the trenches and were killed there. The Confederates stated thrit they counted a thousand dead boys In' blue In the line closest to their works. This assault was a bloody failure, but that was not because of want of valor In the troops. Finding themselves In danger of annihilation, yet scorning retreat, they clung to the slight ridges under the enemy's guns. Tbe brigade of General Daniel Mo Cook built a little parapet within seventy-live feet of the works. General McCook was mortally wounded, and his second in command. Colonel O. F. Harmon, also fell. McCook seemed to have a premonition of the carnage to come, for before tbe assault he 're cited to his men tbe lines from "Hora tlus at the Bridge," beginning: Oh, how can men die batter than facing fearful odda For tha glory of their country and tha altara of their gods! - Maior Canaral W. H. T. Walker. C S. Ah killed In tha battle at Deca tur, In front of At lanta, Ga., July 23. 1884. Canaral Wal ker commanded division In Har dee's corpa and fall In a general sortie Igalnat Sherman's advancing Una. Aged A couple of weeks after the storming of Kenesaw, which Johnston finally Abandoned to Sherman, this leader was supplanted In the command by General J. B. Hood, a hero of the bat tlefields of the Potomac. Hood an nounced hie coming by a aeries of sor ties against the foe then closing Ip upon Atlanta. When Sherman beard that Hood was In command of tbe Confederate he warned his generals that hard fighting lay ahead. He knew Hood at West Point and In tbe old ar my and declared that in gaming he "always played the limit" In a brilliant sortie led by Hood on the 22d of July, which Is known as the battle of Bald Hill, General J. B. Mo Pherson, commander of the Army of the Tennessee under Sherman, was killed. During the fight which was going against bis line he rode out with a single aid to order a brigade to fill a gap which If left open would be fatal After making the disposition be start ed to return to the scene of danger, but by tome strange error rode through the gap into unoccupied ground. There be encountered at close range some Tennessee stragglers, one of whom shot him from the saddle. When the soldier learned who his victim waa he regretted that he had not spared his life. Tho same day the Confederate General W. H. T. Walker, command ing one of Hood's divisions, was In stantly killed in a charge against Mc Pherson's left wing. CYHIL F. FOIXIN. X aw w lieutenant Gen- jhcX eral Leonldae Polk. f C . A killed on f -9a. Wna mount, Ceor 1 " Junt 18a- I n. j I during Sherman's 1 tf tfmt& 1 inareh on -Atlanta. I f 'rat General Polk waa s 1 7SV dieHngulehed bfsh- V, Xvtvf ' oe In tha Epla- THV jtf I copal church be- Ta VTJr I for tha war and - V. .J I put off hie rases to fVr f den a martial k cloak. v ' . ISvj Aged 58. - Stoves. Paints. Oils . AND A FOIL MNE OT Builders' Material Estimates furnished to Contractors, AdEKTS Klli f Oliver Chilled Plows. E. R. Bradley PRINTING Q 0 I lJI HIGH GRADE PAMPHLET I J AND COMMERCIAL WORK J PROMPTLY PERFORMED PRKIS ALWAYS BIGHT Wa are hen to do your work today tomorrow and every other day, and our money (what little we have) la apent m Hood River. We want your work and can do it neatly and SATISFACTORILY PARADISE HOTEL 1 0 ' 1- Bw(jaaKar I. IUHB-! . . .. .. ... "V ' I (.'orner Htnte atroet and Pu'mdlMt avenue. RateH, 91 to Si. SO a day. Mprclal rnUrn to buardera. M KH. D. o. KNTKlCA N, Prop. J. F. STRANAHAN, Architect Of 25 years' experience. Will fur nish plans and specifications for all kinds of biiildingB. Strictly up to date. l-incated at Hood Kiver. J. HEMEREL & SONS, Contractors and Builders Hood River. Or. ; FREDRICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates furnished on all kinds of work I'Vinnua- Arnold, Main 81. "-"W. Frederick, Main 80S. BELIEU & REA, Contractors & Builders. S-Plans andJSstijk atks Pitkmishrd-V COX & WALLIiNT Contractors and Builders Plans and Estimates Furnished. E. A.SOULE, Contractor and Builder. Plans and Estimates Furnished Upon Application. dl Wilbur Stock Food. IVar Sir We have pleasure in advlntna; you that a mil line or Wilbur Block Knod and Kurm Snlclnlllni la for wile v ilea. W. Han. . .n, ..I.e., ..1. rtllj IMV.Mn UU CHII how onr ag-ttm'y either by purchasing vour iinlles there or aendlna your neighbors there for Wilbur's Mock Food or Wilbur's House and Barn Remedies, will be highly appreciat ed by bom our acent and ourselves. If you are nimble to aupply your want at our agency write ul once iiucl we shall eee that you get what you want. Thanking you for paat fhvors and wishing you a successful season, wa remain, yours truly, WILBUR- STOCK FOOD CO. 4ula Unul Uua. I f I., r . MIDWAY Chop House. Meals on short order at all boon. Onen d and night, from a. m. until 1a.m. PIERS0N & COLEMAN Proprietors. mi Wanted. HI strawberry parker. Call on or write llim JC A.FKANZ, HoodRlver.Or.