Q ft O a Sscond Cousin Scircih K T VWM,UH V,'v,', " ? r run Avrnon or "aimb jvoee. sriNsreK" "unit urn unar, etc.. trc. QiawgtccooqaraWMi'ooooaowwr CHAPTER XXVI. (Contlnwd.) Thi eras tbe van whom shs bad Men t her father's house, who had lodged with thtm at tht button factory, and of Whom aba had caught glimpse even at . Sedga lllll. Tota and John Jennings wart In tbt main thoroughfara of Hoi bona, both interested la tbt shops, whan ka touched Tota on tha arm. "Don't you know ma?' ba aaked In husky role. .. Tota gave a llttlt ecream, and clung . mora closely to John Jennings. "Oht don't let bim taka ma away!" aha cried at once. "I don't want to taka you away, Bee alt I only want to aak yon how you are, after all these months," laid Tbotnaa Eattbell, offering a Tory dirty band to the child to shake. "Come, you let her alone, will you?" aald John Jennlnga aharply. John did not admire tha looka of tha man who bad forced himself upon tha notice of Iteu ben'a adopted child; John held Tota In trust, and waa watchful of hie charge. Tha man before him waa a forlorn sped' men of humanity, ragged and dirty. John did not know Thomae Eaatbell at Drat aipht, but ba waa judge of dlsreputs fclllty ha had aeen ao much of It In Hope afreet he bad become ao dlsroput able himself. "I bare aa much right to the child aa ron Bare," aaid Tom In aurly tone, "or aa your maater baa, for tha matter of that Tha child's ahtola, and - yon know It." "I don't know It" "And Ita father wilt coma to claim It precloua quick, tootea if bt don't and you can tell Mr. Culwlck, too, direckly rod get home. Bay Tom Esstbell told him ao or Vlzzobinl. You ought to know Vlxzoblnl of tha Saxe-Qotha." "Too are Thomna Eaatball, then"' "Yea, and I don't cart who knowa It. Yon can give tne In charge If you likt aay for colulng laat year I ahall do It myself in an hour or two, If you don't I hut a tha workua, and H'a awful cold uralila tha prison. Where's Sally V fYmip alatfkr An mm amaariT" ''Yea, of eourte I do," anawered Tins; "aha ain't at-8etee Hill." "Never mind where aha la." "Oh, I don't mind. She won't help me I'm her only brother, and etarring In tht streets. But yon can take my compliments to her, Mr. Jtmnlnga, and I'm to ba heard of at the 'Magpie.' " Iteubcu waa bard at Trumpet work when John Jennlnga and Tota arrived borne with tht ntwa of their nutetinar with Thomaa Eaatbell. He waa working agalnat time somewhat, but he net hla pen aside to liaten to John Jeanlnit' recital and Tota' acared Interpellations, baying particular attention to Mr. lCaut bell'a Information that tht child would be fetched away presently by her father. "And bt aaid that Barah might hear f him at tht 'Magplef " "Yea," anawered John Jennlnga. "John," ht aald suddenly, "yon must .take a letter to Surah at once.'' "Very well, Mr. Beuben." "Don't aay anything of your meeting With her brother." "Truat mt for that," aild Jobs know ingly. "She la not strong enough for any frtab trouble," aaid Iteuhen, aa he drew a aheet of note paper toward him and wrote very reluctantly an scue for not belnu able to let her aa ht bad promised. He alleg ed no reaaon ht would explain 'whim ht saw her, ht aaid and ht re-read tbt It tier aomewhat critics!! after ha hud nnwnea tne writing or it It waa a brief epiatle; ht ahould set her to-morrow, he hoped, and that would bt time tnough for explanation of hia breach of promiae. Sarah trusted him Implicitly, and would know that only bnalnesa of Importance could keep him from her. Sht did not expect a loug letter from him, and a heap of rtaaona, at that buay hour of tht day. Let tht letter go. In the evening, somewhat late, Reuben Culwlck, not too fashionably attired, waa t tht "Magpie." It waa eight o'clock tr later, when Thomas Eaatbell's pock marked coutnenance peered round one of tha swing doors. The "Magpls" waa Tom's forlorn hope, ne had sent message to bit slater, and she might at tend to it. Who knows Ht caught sight of Reuben Culwlck, and his Drat Impulse was to back Into the street Then bt wavered; and whllt ht was hesitating Reuben came from tha public house and confronted him. "You need not run away, Tom East bell," said Reuben. "I haven't dona yon any harm," ht returned; "I haven't done, nobody any harm nerer. All that you bivt heard bout me baa been a pack of Ilea. I've , been as honest aa I could be, and this Is what comes of It. I'm hard up I'm starving, Mr. Culwlck, I baveu't totted food to-day." "Where art your frlendtr "They turned ma out of their hontt. They said I waa a blundering fool. One ef them kicked me, laat time I tsw him." "The Captain r Tom Eaatbell laughed aardonlcally. "No, he can't kirk. He broke both bla legs in tht country, jumping from a window of tha button factory to get out of tht way of tha police. Hi can only wear ana cute mt now. ' "la thia Kdward reterson tht father er rue little girl yon met this morning?" ne aaya be la. lit give me money to take rare of her altogether. But It wasn't enough, so I lost her,'.' said Tom coolly "or rather," ha added, Interpret ing Reuben'a look of disgust correctly, "my old woman lout her. It waa her fault. She never had a mite of feeling in her for anybody aave bertelf." "And I found the child when tht waa lost."- - "And then Feteraon tnmed up, and stormed and raved at me, till I told him where the child was, and he stolt it from you back again. He waa fond of that child when ha waa In a good temper, which watn't often thongh." "Hia wife la she deed?" "Long ago, he tells me." "Where is Edward IVteraoa nowT "In Worcester Mitcheton's place, near tbt river and you can put tht bobbies on to him, if they're not taking care of him already. Ht baa treated me bad enough." "Who ia with hlrat" "An old aweeCheart, who will marry him when hla lege get better." "Ia it Mary Holland T" "That a her name. Tht woman who was at Sedge Hill. You know her well enough." "And aha la with Edward Fetereon at Worcester r "Yet." Reuben Culwlck waited for no further news: ht had learned more than ht had anticipated; bt thought ht aaw all very clearly to tht end now, and where hia duty lay. Ht darted from tht friendly theltar of tht "Magpie," and hurried into Hoi born, and from Holborn through tun dry back turnings Into Drury Lane, Whert Bt net Joan Jennings, whs passed uCi V great deal of hli time walking no and down tha atreet la which Beuben Culwlck Maided. "John," aald ba, aelzlng him by tha arm, "yon mint go to your aieter'a house. Find Sarah EaatbelL Tall her I hara discovered that Mlaa Holland la in Wor cester, that I have left London In aearrh of bar, and to and all euapenee at once her suspense aa well aa name. I hope to be back on Monday." "la that lir "Yea. Now ba off at once." Reuben hurried to hla lodgings, beg ged bla landlady, to ba careful of Tota till bla return, looked In at Tota aleepiug calmly In her little crib, stooped over her and kiaaed her. without awakening her, and than hurried away to tha rail way atatlon, In tha hope of catching a night mail that ahould carry bim nn a portion of hla journey toward Worces ter. CHAPTER XXVII. Reuben 'Culwlck was In tht loyal city tarly tht next dry. Tht cathedral bells wert ringing when ht waa aearchlng In Mitcheton's plact for Edwsrd Peterson. The msn who had leaped from tht top window of tht button factory and broken both his legs waa not difficult to find tht inhabitants of Mitcheton's place knew all about him. who ht waa and where ba waa, and tha country nollce bad been watching for bla convaleacenct for weeka past In order to conduct bim to soft quarters. Edward Peterson waa too III to ba removed at preaant Indwd, of lata days tht police hsd not been vliti isnt, a turn lor tht worst having taken plact In tht alck man's condition, and It being toiersbly certain that ht was drift Ing from tht laws sf his country In un dua batte. Reuben understood tht .position before he bod reached the house a policeman on duty in tht street gave him the full est particulars It waa tbt back room of tlie drat floor to which he had been directed, and where he knocked toftly for admlttanca. Some one crossed the room lightly, opened the door, and looked hard at bim, with the color flickering laiuuy on ner cneens. It was Mary Hol land, pale and thin, who faced bim on tne landing , place. "You have found me at laat, thenT ahe Inquired. They did not ahake hands the shadow of the psst mistrust was still between them, and there waa no getting from It in the P. ret moments of their meetliiir. "You know that we have been searc Ing for you advertising for yonf said iteuoen. "Yes; but I did not care to answer ret," she replied. "You are attending upon Edward Pa. ttraonr "My husband yes." "Your husband!" repeated Iteub. alowly. He Is wholly friendless now he terribly alone and at the laat I have found the courage to do my dutv." he earn. "Then the little girl Tota " "Ia mine. It was bis promise thst I should have the child back it wat tht revelation that abt lived that kent me allent when my tuaplclona might havt given a cltw to tht truths which per plrxed you. To hsvt betrayed him at that bitter Dour waa to kill mr llttll rlrl. Ht swore It and I knew how desperate man ne waa, yeara ago," ahe added. sadly. "When he flrst came to Sedge Hill I wrote, wsrnlng you of dhnaer out not Knowing wnat tne danger was which threatened Barah Eaatbell." "I see," murmured Reuben Culwlck. "I wss a woman In the toils, and knew not what to do," she continued. "When Sarah had disappeared, be said she should return in safety to Sedgt Hill if I would keep my peact and I waa forc ed to truat him. Ah, alrl do not blame mt too harahly It waa my child's life, my child s happiness agslnst Ssrh Knit bell's, and I acted like a mother, In the ont hopt of clasping her to my heart I could not havt brought your coutln hack had I owned that man for mv but. band I waa lu tha dark with you and my lime ttcttii uvea." "And yoa lovt this msn?" Sht anawered: "Ht killed my love yeara ago. I do my duty In calm ap athy, that la all. Yeara ago ht was my hero, Ht wse honett then, and I waa very young," ahe aald. "We were mar rled aecretly. When be grew tired of me, when he went wrong, he abandoned me without remorae, and took my child with him, In a aplrit of revenge that nearly broke my heart My marriage and that child'a birth were not known to the world I found at Worcester although your mother alwaya doubted me. I tried hard to live apart .from the paet, when I believed my llttlt girl wat dead, but It all came back last autumn. This." she added, almoat bitterly, "ia ttrange time tor explanation." "I have not corns for explanation I have no right to demand It," aaid Rtu ben; "but let me ask If my fsther knew of your marriage to Edward Peterson T "I dared not tell him. I waa very poor l waa aione in toe world, without a friend, and he had confidence In me, and liked me tor my dead father's aake. Would he hare wished you to marry me had he dreamed or tnlsT" abe added, with an impressive geature toward tht door of tht sick room. "Why did ht with this marriact " aald. tteuoen. "Ht told mt on tbt day be died lhat he had ruined my father deceived him in some wsy of business and got rich by hia disgrace," ahe aald. "Heaven knowe if thia were true, or the winder inga of a demented mind. It la beyntid our gurating at and belonga not to our pretent lives." "Mary Holland. It 'waa true." aald Reuben, solemnly; "l brine a uroof of It In his atonement reparation." "Impossible." "He baa left yoif all hla mogey." There waa wild scream an awful yell from the room which Mary Hol laud, or, rather, Mary reteraon. had quitted, and Mary ran back Into the chamber, followed by Reuben In his hstte to be of asaistance to the affright ed woman. , It waa only cry of deliuht Caotaln Peterson had heard all the news. Is It all truer he gasped forth, turn ing to Reuben at if to a friend on whom, iu thia crisis of his life, he miaht relv. "All the money Is left to Hol land," anawered Reuben. "How la It how is It thst that thia can her' ha inquired, catching at Reu ben'a hand and claaping It With his trem bling angers; "yon see how excited I am, but I can bear good newt. Oood newt will tavt mt yet please heaven." "There has been discovered another will, signed by my father the day before hla death. In It my father bequeathe the whole of hla property to hla faithful friend and housekeeper, Msry Holland.",. "Thafe my wife," at Id Peterson,1 qalcklyi "don't forget she's my wife. XV t were legally married yeara ape, epon my eoui, l swear it it a eaauy proved isn't It eaally proved. Maryt Tell bim i iutft. thM 'appealed to; "I am not Mary Holland." Oh, that makes nS difference," cried Peterson; "you were Mary Holland, you have alwaya been known by that name to old Culwlck, and It's your money i kribw law enough for that All yours agd all your husband's why, lt'a aa clear aa daylight This bl-ings tne bsck to life! Where Is the will?' "I have brought It with me." "Give it to me," sold Peterson; "It isn't ssfe In other hands. I I will keep it till I'm stronger." "Let bim bsve it," said the wife, care lessly; "it will calm him, and rvat la ntceseary." "I would prefer your tsklng It Mrs. Peterson," said Reuben, producing tbe will; "better still to leave it with t trust worthy solicitor to act upon. There will be ne opposition to It in any wsy fsoni Sarah Eaatbell." ' ' "It will be safe enough In my bus- band's Keeping," laid Mary, with itrnngt listleaanesa. - . Reuben gave ber the. will, and ahe eroased with It to her husband's side and placed It In bis hands, which with great difficulty began to unfold the paper on which Simon Culwlck s last testament waa written. I I thtll.be glad when Pm better." Edward Peterson whispered at lsst; "you can put It under my plllow-rnow." ' And tbe child? aaked Reuben, curi ously. A geature, quick and deprecatory, from Mary Holland came too late to arreat tbe question, or to check the excitement of the prostrste vagabond.- who half raised himself In bed id bis vehemence. "I'll never see the child egsin I'd rather die than tee her. She shall never be more than tbe beggar's brat alia ia!" he ahouted. "What haa ahe doner "She turned against her own father when there wta a chance of Making money, It waa ahe, that cursed child, who betrsyed me." The color vanished from bla face again, and once more tbe leaden hue auffused It, and the eyes closed, aa by the pres sure of the hand of duath Itself upon them, Mary wae at his side, when life seemed coming alowly back again, the said to Reuben 1 "Leave me now. Yon aee what he la what be has ever been. I would pre fer to be alone-to the end." Reuben passed from the room and left the dying man to hla atrange wife's care. He had done hia duty, he had sur rendered his father's will Into tht hanjs of those It waa to benefit, and It' had been coldly, almoat nnthankfully receiv ed. Let him get back to Sarah Eaatbell and to the brighter life wherein she moved. (To be continued.) BORE TEN TONS OF FRUIT. Kno'rmoae Product of the Famone Bante Harbara Grapevine. The largest grapevine In tbe world was one growing at Santa Barbara, Cal. There Is no record of Ita age at tbe time It withered and died a few years ago, but from events connected with the family upon whose ground It grew It was believed to be 75 or 100 yean old. Tbe measurement of Its trunk Is given as three feet ten Inches In circumference and the arbor was about seventy-five feet square. . Its death was believed to be premature, the result of changing tbe course of a small stream that bad flowed near Its roots. But another vine nearby, a cutting from the original, had attained to near ly this size, so that Santa Barbara could still boast of having "the biggest grape vine In tbe world. In 1809 this viue succumbed to 'a disease of tbe roots, perhaps Invited by age, and Its body now rests In the Santa Barbara Cham' ber of Commerce. Its regular trunk at tained a girth of four feet four Inches at eighteen Inches above the ground or five feet, seven Inches at forty-two inches, and Its maximum yield waa four tons In a season. It wag believed to be seventy-five years old. In the Carplnterla valley, a few miles further from tbe city, a third vine haa surpassed both of the others In size. It was planted In 1842 by Joaquin Lugo De Ayala and has, therefore, Just com pleted Its three-s"ore years. The flrst election In Santa Barbara county under American rule was held benenth rts ample shade. This latest candidate for the world record Is double from the surface of the ground up; the two parts are knit together In a Davld-and-Jona than like embrace to a height of about Ave feet seven Inches, where they se-p arate Into huge branches, tbe largest having a circumference of three feet. Six Inches above the ground the vine measures eight feet five and one-half Inches In circumference and It covers an area of 115 feet square (the whole back yard), sixty posts supporting the framework. The owner says that, were provision made, It would spread over a great surface, but It Is pruned every year. Fabulous tales are told of tbe grapes this vine produces. That It did actually yield ten tons In a recent sea son seems to be authentic. An effort waa made to secure a part of the original Monteclto vine taken to Ohio after tbe centennial for the Sonta Barbara exhibition at the world's fair, but terms could not be made with the owner. At the time of tbe suc ceeding midwinter fair at San Francis- co an offer of $1,000 for the Carplnterla vine was refused else Its lease of life would have been cut short Had a Fuel Supply. Tbe 7-year-old grandson of William Dudley Foulke, tbe Civil Service Com missioner, went with bis grandmother the Senate to hear Senator Till man's speech. Tbry had fine seats In the front of the member's gallery, atnd the little chap made a brave show In his velvet suit and long curly hair. He listened Intently, but didn't make out much of It until Senator Tillman re frfl-ed, with much emphasis, to "an thracite coal." Then he piped up Joy ously, so be was heard all over the chamber: o "We've got some; we've got some." NeP York World. Kxtremelv Improbable, "Another thing about these apples," the dealer said, opening the barrelfor his Inspection, "Is that If yoa put them In a cool place they will keep all win ter." . I am quite positive they won't" said the customer, wbo happened) to be tbe father of a half grown boy, "but 11 Uke tram," Even one desire, tn Jin wf knt ' " O'" """ " 1 so one would be old. 8wlft I UNDER THE SUN. The men who have gone before at Have sung the songs we sing; The words of our clamoroua chorus. They were beard of the ancient King. The chords of the lrre that thrill na. They were struck in the years gone by, And the arrows of death that kill us Are found where our fatfaera lie. The vanity sung of the Preacher Is vanity atill go-day; The rooau of the stricken creature Hat rung In tht woods alway. But tfit aongt art worth resinginf With the change of no single note. And the spoken words are ringing As they rang in the years remote. There la no new road to follow, Lore! Nor need there ever be. For the pld, with Its hill and hollow, Lovtl Is enough for yoo and mt. --Ceutury. 1 44"Hi....iii,t,tiA. . .......... i SfflSMir Willi CnaHE tall, beautifully formed girl II settled ber broad shoulders more " comfortably against the sun warmed rock behind her and glanced rather contemptuously at the mall, wvii-auii man uesiue uer. "I'm sure I sever could endure a man wbo was not physically brave and strong1," she said, with the Irrita bility of a woman wbo Is conscious of an inconsistency in herself. She waa provoked to find herself liking this I t tie man with hla charming converse tional powers. "And bow about mental and moral courage?" he questioned. Secondary consideration to me," she answered, curtly. "How you must admire Mr. Dent, cur young football enthusiast," he said. I do," she said, rising and going out to the farthest Jut of the rock on which they sat "How slippery this seaweed is," she called over her shoulder, and then with a little acream she slipped into the deep water around the rock. "Ob! Mr. Kendon," she cried, "please help me, It's so deep here." The young man remained where be was. "I happen to know, Miss Drew, that you can swim like a fish, and I am too dry to care to Uke another dip.' She let herself sink once, and then the big form of Mr. Dent, In Immacu late white suit, rounded a corner of tbe rock. He saw her rise and he dashed Into the water and bore ber to tbe rock. She turned with her bead erect and walked with Mm toward tha hotel. Dick Kendon noticed a freezing tern perature around Miss Drew the rest of tbe dny, but next afternoon, regardless of Mr. Dent's hints at the danger of ber running ber own automobile, she commanded Mr. Kendon to take the place at her side. They drove through the parkway, and, coming to a fountain, Edith Drew requested ber companion to get her a drink. Ue was rinsing the cup when four rowdies of tbe Sunday afternoon type came up to the water. "Gee, fellers, see the little dude!" cried the largest one. Mr. Ken3on con tinned to rinse tbe cup without a glance at tbein. "Oh! see the strawberry blonde in the automobile! Say, Willie boy, where did your flame buy her hair bleach T I want to try some myself, and I like tbe color of ber paint, too." Dick Kendon's eyes blazed. "You dirty, lying dogs," he cried. "If I bad a gun I'd shoot you all as If you were lot of mongrel curs." The big bully stepped toward him with doubled flat and Dick threw tbe contents of the dipper full In bis face, "Consider that I,bave struck you In the face," he cried, flaming with anger. "I would not really soil my bands on you." And Derore tne roway couiu nit him, be dashed for a near-ny elm tree, and was ud and out on tbe furthest point of a small Umb with the agility " I "Oo." he called to Edith, "go home quickly; I'm safe here, tht Umb won t bear two. With a quick turn of the automobile Edith rode straight for the men who were hunting vainly for stones on the smooth gravel road, and knocked one fellow to one side. Tbe others started to run and she chased them f u 1 speed with the machine almost on them until they disappeared, leaping over the flower beds and bushes. Then she re turned to the young man dangling from the elm. "No, Indeed,"; he answered. "I'm aware that my position Is elevated, but It la ridiculous, and a woman tlo. s not forgive that In a man. I shall wait until you go." , "I shall not go," she replied. "You must," he said. "I shall take tbe next train for the city and the epi sode of our acquaintance will ba ended. "But," and here his voice shook, "by heaven, you shall know that I loved you, and If I didn't know you despised me, I would show you that a little man's love can be as great as a big one's." Dick," be heard from below, "I think physical courage Is a secondary consideration, and Pm sure discretion Is tbe better part of valor. If you'll come down now I'll try to give you a little of a big girl's lore!" Indianap olis Sun. . COST OF NAVAL BATTLE." Five Minutes FlithtlnaT Requires aa Ex penditure of $70,000 oa Una Ship. "From Tuesday to Sunday," Victor ITngo wrote in his diary on Jan. 3, 1871, "the Prussians burled 25.000 pro jectiles at us. It required 20 railway trucks .to transport them. Each shot cost 00 francs; total, 1.500,006 franca. Tbe damage to the forts is estimated at 1,400 francs. About ten men bare been killed. Each of our dead cost be rnsslans 150,000 francs." This extract says London Tit-Bits, gives one an excellent idea of the cost nd ineffectiveness of big-gun work 03 land Sggeneratlon ago. when It took an average of 2,500 projectiles, costing iraoca, 10 kiii ji single man 1 and to Inflict 1pm than tfl wnrtH a Z - ... :. aamage on tne enemy s rortificatlons. But Ume has changed since then, BATTLE SHIP MISSOURI, EXPLODED, trtU Tbe battleship Missouri, on which nine officer and men, baa been In commission only since last autumn, ber official trip taking place Oct 21. She la a sister ship of the Ohio and the new Maine. Her displacement is 12,300 tons. She Is heavily armored, and her armament Is in proportion, being four 12-Inch guns, sixteen 6-inch guns and a number of smaller weapons. The Missouri also has two submerged torpedo tubes. Her complement is B51 officers and men. She Is commanded by Captain William S. Cowles, a brother-in-law of President Roosevelt Re cently the Missouri, owing to her defective steering gear, narrowlv eseaned sinking the Illinois. ' and munitions with them, and the great guns of to-day, on the sea at any rate, give a vastly different account of themselves. During the recent war between America and Spain it will be recalled that the Brooklyn poured such a deadly deluge of projectiles Into the Spanish warship Vlscaya that wlihln five minutes tbe latter lay at the bot tom of the sea a rent and battered Jumble of scrap iron. In all tbe Brooklyn fired 018 shells at tbe Vascaya and the bill of destruc tion read thus; To 141 8-lnch shells, at 30 each, 7,050; to 65 6-lnch shells, at 21 each, 1,3G5; to 12 6-pounder shells, at 1 each, 12; to 400 1-pound shells, at 12 shillings 0 pence each, 2j0. Thus the five minutes firing cost the United States 8,077, and during each minute of the duel the Brooklyn hurled 123 pro utiles at her enemy at a cost of 1,735. If we add to this the cost of the Vlscaya's answering fire we see that the fight between the two ships could scarcely have cost less than 3,000 a minute, or at the rate of 180,- OOO an hour. We must remember, too, that on neither ship would it be possi ble to use all the available guns at once; so that there is still a large mar gin for Increased expenditure when a man-of-war is In a position to use her fighting powers to the utmost But let us take one of our own first- class battleships, the London, and esl mate tbe cost of five minutes' fighting, assuming that she could use all of her forty-six guns throughout. The London's four 12-lnch guns, which, by the way, cost no less than 220,000, Are armor-plerclng shells weighing 850 pounds each at the rate of two a minute, each pro ectlie, with Its cordite charge of 107 H pounds, costing 80. Thus In five minutes' lighting these four destruction-dealing FIELD MARSHAL MAROULS ----- OKANU One of the most remarkable) men Aritonlo Yamagata, commander In chief of the Japanese army, under whose direction the land forces of the Mikado are preparing for a deadly grapple with Russia. Statesman, diplonAt, soldier, organlxer, reformer, he has been variously alled the Japanese Moltke. the Bismarck of Jnnun th. Grant of Japan and the Napoleon of Japan. In local conflicts In the Mikado'a empire and In the Chlno-JnKinesa ir nf i.u ha in r..s. - ... military jjnen envy, and now at theVooned age of 71 he again takes no the baton to win. if possible; more enduring renown in a triumph over the legions or The Csar. - . . .. ""i"" mRHi ursi won distinction in tne war or 1SGS, called "the war of the restoration." which rrsnltml In th anrthma nf (Kb t. .- the placing of the present Mikado. Muteuhito, on the throne. ON WHICH A GIN KILLING TWENTY-NINE MEN 1 r . Uw-"' :U "'"'IU. V?1 'V ' V - a turret gun exploded, killing twenty- monsters would hurl at the enemy forty projectiles weighing more than eighteen tons and costing 3 2:0. Each six-Inch gun, of which she has twelve, costing 3,750 each, throws shells of 100 pounds weight, costing f 14 apiece, and In five minutes of rapid and continuous firing these guns would pour Into the enemy's ships a burrl-1 cane of projectiles weighing twenty two tons, at a cost of 6,(588. So far we have only accounted for sixteen out of the forty-six guns. The London twelve-pounders number sixteen and cost 555 each; from the mouths of these guns no fewer than 000 shells could be poured in five min utes, representing nine tons of metal and a cost of 2.880. Each of the half-dozen three-pound ers has a firing capacity of thirty gneiis a minute, so that In a five min utes' fight they alone would send 900 worth of metal into the enemy's side while the eight maxims would send out a storm of death-dealing bullets welsh ing more than six hundredweight and costing 140. Thus, In five minutes' fighting, using all her forty-six guns, the London would vomit forth over fifty tons of pro ectlles and the cost of this barking wouia worn out to more than 14,000. Thin Enough lor tbe Purnoee. Friend Your picture of the wood nymph Is Indeed beautiful. But what did tbe model wear to create that gauze effect? Artist Oh, she wss wrapped In boarding house blanket Philadelphi Press. Dispelling the Illusion. Mrs. Goodheart Oh, Henry! when gave that tramp a piece of pie he was so grateful that there were actually tears in nis voice. Her Husband Nonsense! That was only his mouth watering. Judge. YAMAGATA - - ULU 5ULUILK W JAPAN. of the axe la Field Marah.t xfAni. ..... - 1 1. iPCfl D PDni'CI I ULU UIIUMLLL, rflneeetMW te C. L. Smith. Oldest KtublUhed Hotue in the valley. . DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, . Flour and Feed, etc. Th. is old-established house will con tinue to pay cash for all its goods; it pays no rent; it employs s clerk, but does not have to divide with a partner. All jjiviHends are made with customers in the way of reasonable prices. Lumber Wood, Posts, Etc. Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. Have opened an office in Hood River. Call and get prices and leave orders, winch will be promptly filled. D ELIGHTFUL ROUTB AYMUHT KIDK 1ZZY IK AGS KKi CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY flee Nature In all hit glorious beauty, and then the acme of man's handiwork. The Hret ia found along , he line of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, the lat ter at ihe St. Louis Fair. our trip will be one of pleagure make the most of It. For information and Illustrated lit erature write W. C HcBRBE, Gen. Atf., Portland, Oreron gON TON BARBER SHOP L. C. HAYNE8, Poor. The place to get an easy ihave, an up-to-date hair cut, and to enjoy the luxury of a eoreelala bath tub. flj E. WELCH, THE VETERINARY SURGEON. Raa returned to Hood River and it prepared to do any work In the veterinary line. He can be found by calling at or phoning to Clark.'a drug itore. TBE NEW FEED BTORE, On the Mount Hood road, south of town, keept eonitantlyon hand the beat quality of Groceries-, Hay, Grain and Feed at luwest prtcet. D. P. LAMAR, Proprietor. UREKA MEAT MARKET McGUIRE BROS., Props. Dealers in Fresh and Cured Heata, Lard, Poultry, Fruits and Vegetable. FREE DELIVERY. PHONE U Oregon Snoir Line and union Pacific ft. C3 0 Sarin 1 tlH SCHEDULES ., PertlanS, Or. "1IT1 Chicago gait Lek., Dnver, 'J0p.sa, Portland Ft Worth.Omaha, Bpaclal Xanana city, 81. l;aea. m. LoulaXhlcagoand via uL HnnUnfton. " Atlantis It. Paul Fast Han. Mats., Express Ills p.m. via Puntlngtoa. St real Atlantis Ixjirsas. fiats, as, faat Mall KK p. BV poaana 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No Change Of Cart. lowest Kate. Quickest Time. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE IT BOSS PORTLAND. 1 l lM.av All lilirng datea IAsk subject to change For Saa Ftanelies Cailsvsry I days Datly Cetv-ala Hirst l-OSa.. tarardar T litorfa and War M:S . Landing. asavaa-a-wat-a w -mmm-mmm.... O S:4e m. WtHaaMtte Km. l:M,a. . Moo., Wad. Tne Thau andFrL Salem, Indenen- Sat danea, Corrallta and waf landing. V :0Sa. m. Taahtalnvat. 4:SSm.v tvea,. Thar. " Un- WA kaaSu. Or iron City, Dayton aadPrL and way lanilfng L-lPrta Seat Iher. Lv.LewM. a. m. S:Oaa.a. Dally aio.pl RiparU at Lawlatoa Dailr ae.al ialunlajr Irlda. A. t, CRAIQ, eerirar Afeat. Portland, Or J. EWSAIBD, Apat, Hood River.