The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 12, 1904, Image 5

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Choice Lots for Sale, in V
Riverside Park and Idlewilde Additions
Best improvements are going west, following the easy grades. . .
Streets are being opened; sidewalks laid- and water pipes to furnish
spring water will be put in at once. -
Selling Agents.
Now is the
Prices, o, ie and 2c eacb, according to
Tools are ahead. High wheel and first class at the right
prices. We have the exclusive agency. Come see them.
If your strawberries are not in first-class condition
get some of the No. 4 fertilizer and strengthen them up.
This fertilizer helps the culls grow into good berries. Now
is the time to apply it.
we are stocked with what you need. Get the old tools out
and either get new parts where needed, or new tools.
Time is too valuable to spend trying to make an old worn
out tool do your work when the season is short.
A car of Studebaker wagons now in contains some
special fruit growers' wagons with large size boxes, strong
neat and durable, at the same prices that have been asked
for less desirable styles. Don't fail to call and examine
them when they come in.
Livery, Feed
White Salmon
White Salmon, Wash., have sole charge of the sale
of lots in this growing town. We have a large list
. of farm and fruit lands for sale. ,
Correspondence solicited. ;
If your grocer hasnot got it, insist on his
' getting it for you and keeping it in stock.
The Portland Flouring Mills Co.
Makers of . Olympic Cake and Pastry Flour,
Olympic Pancake Flour,
Olympic Wheat Hearts-a-Mush.
To put Hoyt's Patent
Tree Supports on your fruit
trees. .The cut shows how
they work. Don't wait until
the trees are broken down or
bent out of shapfe with heavy
loads of fruit. Put them on
now and save the trees. They
are permanent and stay for
years with a little adjust
ment of the wires. VVhen
you use these supports you
have no props in the way of
cultivators, and they are al
ways there.
arid Dray ing,
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure first-clus rigs. Spe
cial attention given to moving Furniture
and Pianng.
We do everything horses can do.
Real Estate
Family Flour
next ordering flour, call for
Olympic We guarantee Olympic
Flour to be better jthan any florr lhat
that has ever own made, ana we 'Know
you will get More and t Inter Bread
than ever before. It Ocosts no more
than other brands.
Milwaukee Nurseries.
We will have a large stock of Appte, fowjmm, ftaeh,
Rrtm and rhrv Tri nln Cram 'CamtdK and" Bcfrv Pbntl of all
the leading varieties, Shade
Hedge riants, etc.
All our Treys Are grafted on whole roots, and are strictly first-class and
true in nime. All our Annie Scions are selected from some of the best growing
orchards in Hood River Valley. A larM
enbergs. Special prices made on large
N. B. HARVEY, Prop., Milwaukee, Or.
Aa Open Meeting. . .
M.1 : 1 1 -.I..- . I. M tins.
mere win iw a Hireling ui mo imn-
'i- -i ..t. .1 -: if-. i...
BRIO ciuo ml uieir ruuiua oiiiiiruiiyi
14th at 8 p. in., for the purpose of reor-
in ni,,k.MH.nil llir.
HUI&1U All iiirmuvii mu V....-.0
wishing to join are requested to be
present. By request of many members.
A. O. 0LOWKK8, I rt'BlUUIH.
Sew Schoe4 Mewte Needed.
The mass meeting advertised last
week,- to fce held in the State Street
school house, was fairly well attended,
especially by the "hill" residents. The
meeting was called by the school board
for the purpose of getting expressions of
school patrons in regard to providing for
the rapidly increasing school children.
The schools are now unable to care for
the children, and unless more room is
provided, a large numlier of pupils will
be unable to attend school at the be
ginning of the fall term.
W. J. Baker, president of the school
board, called the meeting to order, Dr.
Dumble secretary. Mr. Baker stated
that the board would be compelled to
provide for additional school facilities
before the bettinninir of the fall term,
and wished to iri't expressions from the.
citizens as to what was uesirett, anu ine
board would act accordingly, it would
require thirty days' notice to vote on
the bonds necessary to be raised to meet
the expense, and something must tte
done at once. He stated that the school
census in 1!WZ was ou, requiring six
teachers. In 1903 the number was 53,
with nine teachers, and the 1904 census
would show about 700 pupils of school
age, requiring twelve teachers to prop
erly care for the, pupils. This would
require at least three more teachers and
three more school rooms. Whether the
board were to provide room only for Im
mediate needs, or anticipate future ne
cessities, would I leff to the eifiaens to
decide. Also as to the site for the new
rooms. The hill district wanted a school
located in that neighborhood, but land
would have to be purchased, while if ad
ditional room wail built ort the grounds
now occupied, it would save expense.
E. L. Smith spoke in favor of pro
viding a new "school liouse on the hill,
large enough to provide what would
probably be the requirements for a num
ber of years, which met with the ap
proval of the hill citizens present, and
met with no opposition.
A C Ul.ttw..Mj aw..ilriij tl.a lwtar.l
stated that the location of a site on the
hill would depend upon whether land
could be purchased at a reasonable price,
or whether some public-spirited citizen
was willing to donate ground, or at least
sell it at a low price, in which case a
much better building could lie built. In
case a suitable location could not be ob
tained at a reasonable figure the board
might be compelled to build on the State
street grounds,, which were large enough
to accomodate another addition to the
present building. This brought the re
tort from O. I.. Stranahan that he did
not know of the people under the hill
ever giving anything for school purposes',
whereupon Mr. Blowers reminded him
that the State street grounds had been
To get the matter properly before the
meeting1, I). McDonald moved that the
board be instructed to select a site on
the hill suitable to the erection of a
4-room school building. This motion
carried without objection, after short
remarks by H. M.. Abbott, E. K. Brad
ley, and others.
Dr. Dumble stated that in his rides
through the country, he often met small
children wading through the mud or
snow, going two miles to school, climb
ing down the bluff and' back again on
their way home. ' He thouirht several
children were kept out of school by their
Hood River
Famous Hood River Strawberries
Our charges are the cost of marketing your
Berries, and we ship for you without profit.
The office will be open from Thursday, May 12th,in the afternoons, from 1 p. m. to
4 p. m., until Berries begin to ripen, and after that aU day and all night if necessary.
The Secretary will be pleased to furnish any and all information.
Growers can ship with the Union without being members. ' '
E. H. SHEPARD, Secretary.
, . - Phone, Farmers.
waaaaaniw mrmw-mw iTrfc '
and Ornamental Trees, Koses,
stock of Yellow ewtowng and HplU-
lots. Send early for price list.
parents on that account, and favored a
building on the "i ill hearer the outlying
district. ; 't.
The question of (laying the bonds,
which may be paid in AugiiHt, or go ten
years more, was discussed, and it was
the opinion that the present rate of in
terest, which is 7 pereent, was too high;
and the bonds ought to be refunded at
least, if they were not paid. Mr. But
ler stated that if the old bonds and the
bonds necessary for the new school were
ut together, it would make asulliciently
arge amount to pet t better rate of in
terest, and it was hie opinion that the
present rate of interest could by reduced
from one to two per cent. The bond
matter will be determined later by the
board, after the question of the new
school is settled. . '
Frost Murtt Prune Taees. -Portland
Italian prunes, homegrown, are likely
to be scarce, and the price high, if the
damage done to them by frost is as severe
as reported. From Clackamas and Yam-,
hill counties come the reports that frost
has almost completely ruined the crop
there. Kejorta from Douglascouuty are
to the effect that the prune crop has been
greatly damaged. The same report has
been received Baker county. Morrow
county promises only, a short crop on
account of frost, and the proBpects in
Josephine county are uncertain. From
the rest of the state the reports we all
favorable (or prunes but some of the
heaviest producing! counties are among
those named. -
Noteverybooy shares trie belief found
ed on the reports that the crop is going
tobeshorttltisyear. George l-ambereou
secretary of the state horticultural com
mission expressed his opinion this morn
ing that the crop of prunes would be all
right, and that the price would not be
prohibitive. From wfiat he hud learned,
the crop, although damaged by frost in
localities, has not been materially affect
The retni'ar weekly crop bulletin
leaned by the local ofiice of the United
States' WeBther Bureau, shows that the
crop in places will be a total failure on
account ot trost.
In a few localities hops have been in
ured by frost, and the vines eory where
lave not done to well as they did the
revious week. The cultivation of the
lopyards for the first time l as been
practically completed, and the hops are
now nearly to the top of the poles, or
twine as the case may be. Gardens are
backward, and some tender verities of
vegetables bave been slightly injured by
frost. Late gardens' and late potatoes
are being planted, and considerable land
is being piepared for torn, but not much
has yet been planted.
CompIInteuts Hoed River.
Last Sunday the writer of this article
visited Hood Kiver valley for the first
time in several year, driving up the
west side of the valley4 ad down on the
east. He was piost agreeably sur
prised at the deveJtipmHit that has
Uen made in fruit culture.
The west part of the valley is devoted
largely to strawberry growing, and
certainly it is carried, on extensively.
Formerly people spoke of Hood River
strawberry patehes, but now they must
call them fields, for it is no uncommon
thing to see tracts of from 20 to 40 acces
planted exclusively to strawberries, and
these fields extent! over a large stretch
of country. At this! season of the year
the strawlterry lein , show , to good
advantage. The vines are thrsfty and
covered with blossoms. 1 and the young
Derries lust beginning' to' set. from
ireseut indications the valley will bar
vest an iminense'erop; of " strawberries
Fruit Growers' Union
and BY
Hood River Fruit Growers' 'Union.
this season. While some fine apple
orehardsaB to be seen on the west side,
the most extensive are to be found on
the east side of the river, where there
are acres and acre! of bearing trees, all
of which are fairly loaded with blossoms
that foretell an almost unlimited crop.
A Striking feature of the entire valley
is the evidence of thrift shown by the
substantial and expensive farm im
provements. The houses are modern
and comfortable, while the outbuildings
and fences are up to date in every re
speet . Much of the valley has been
divided into saiall holdings of from 10
to 40 acres, and on each of these are
most substantial improvements. On
these small tracts of land families are
supported, evidencing the fact that
Hood River valley is capable of sus
tuiuimr a larue . population and ran
probably supiort more people on the
same area than any ' other locality in
the North weBt
The town of Hoixl River shows many
evidences of thrift. Several fireproof
business houses have been built during
the past year, and new residences dot
the town in every part. The Mount
Hoixl hotel is being rebuilt, and when
completed will be a modern hostelry.
S. F. Fonts has liegun excavating for a
brick hotel building, and several other
residents of the place are planning to
put up bricks ths saason.
lruly liotxl Kiver is a prosperous
place and is destined to become one of
the wealthiest sections of Oregon,
Strawberry (n.wrra Notice.
The object of the Uiron is to ship
strawberries at the lowest jiossible cost
and make ttiebest possible returns to
the growers. It is not necessary to be a
member of the Union to sliip'with it.
Old growers' understand the object of
the Union and the secretary will be
pleased to explain to all new coiners,
and give any and all information to any
The Union will make a straightfor
ward - insiK ction and tarries will be
graded without favor. You will receive
the same treatment regardless ot the
size of your field, folor, race or religion.
fcvery grower who ships with the
Union will comes in for its benefits.
Every grower who ships with the
Union will, by the plan adopted by the
board, receive his proportion of the ex
press, high and low price markets,
a Our svsteni is arranged so that every
grower can see the complete returns for
each day, his average price as well as
that of all other growers on the same
day, and all cost of marketing. Each
day's business will be segregated and
the recapitulation will show the whole
day's return in a nut shell so that any
one can understand it perfectly and see
at a glance the gross, the expense and
the net returns.
Our set of books are open for inspec
tion to any .shipper. It is important
that all growers who intend to ship with
the Union will notify the secretary with
out delay, in order that arrangements
can be made in advance for handling the
business in proper shape, so that it can
be done in a systematic way without de
lay and without unneccessary expense.
. The secretary will be at the ollice
along the R. It. track from Monday,
May 13, after 1 p. m., and as soon as the
berries are ripe the oilice will be open
all day.
flease advise imediately It vou intend
to ship with the Union and the number
of crates vou will ship.
Hood River Fruit Growers' Union,
Main 211.
Kadretary E. A- Sliepard's Hume So.
Farmers' 890.
One of the Brightest.
The Hood River lilivcier, one of Ore
gon's' brightest papers, has changed
hands, S. F. Blytho & Son selling out
to Arthur D. Moe. Mr. Moe announces
that the (ilacier will he found in the
republican column. We regret to lose
Editor Blvthe and his son Ned from the
newspaper field, hut feel assured Mr.
Moe will keep uii-the l resent high stand
ard of that pacr. Eugene Register.
One of Eastern Oregon's Rest.
Hood River people in town today tell
us that S. F. Blythe has sold the Hood
River (ilacier to A. D. Moe, who takes
charge this week. For the past twelve
years Mr. Blythe has published the Gla
cier, and all will agree that it is one of
EaHtern Oregon's beHt papers, though the
editor was of the democratic persuasion.
The new proprietor is said to ta a Re
publican. Mr. Blvthe and daughter
liara win leave hooji ior a nuori vimi in
the East and we understand E. N.
Blythe is now assistant local editor on
the Journal. Dalles Chronicle.
Keeps Up the Record.
The Hood River Glacier, lately pur
chased by A. D. , Moe, keeps up the
Blythes' record ol scaring up more ljcal
news than any piper published in a town
of like size in the country. Portland
Bro. 8. F. Blythe and son have sold
the Hood River (ilactea to A. D. Moe.
The Glacier is one of the best week
lies in Eastern Oregon. Wasco News.
- This afternoon Norman Williams was
brought before Judge Bradshaw and
entered a plea -of not guilty to the
Indictment filed liv District Atlornev
Menefee, charging dim with the murder
ol Alma Aeshitt. - Since Williams at
torney, Judge McGinn, was not present,
ttie date of the trial could not ta fixed.
lata A4a IkI kmrlmm Wmm tfca
HplM riakM.
It la doubtful whether protective mint
fcry among anunala la better exempli
fied than In the case of the fUh com
monly known aa the marbled inflar oi
the Sargasso aea (Pteropbrynt hlatrio),
Owing to Ita peculiar structure It la
poor swimmer, and H tl re fore spends
most of lt life moving slowly about
on the bottom among corals, aeaveed,
etc., which these flshea closely resem
ble in color and In outline. They cling,
too, to the floating maaae of aargaa
sura weed with their peculiar Ana, and
the color markings of the fish closely
resemble the weed itself. Mot only does
the weed thua furnish a home for this
species, but the fish actually constructs
a nest from It and therein depoalta ita
eggs. One of these nests, found In con
nection with the Hasaler expedition,
waa described aa consisting of a round
mass of aargaaaum about the aiae of
two flste rolled up together. To all ap
pearances it waa made of nothing but
this gulf weed, the branchea and leaves
of which were, however, evidently knit
together and not merely tangled Into a
roundish mass, for, though tome of the
leaves and branches hung loose from
the neat, it became at once visible that
the bulk of the ball waa held together
by threads trending In every direction
among the seaweed. By close obeervS'
tlon it became apparent that this masi
of seaweed was a nest, the central part
of which waa bound up in the form of
a ball, with several loos branchea ex
tending in various directions. On still
closer examination the nsst abort de
scribed was found to b full of eggs,
which were scattered throughout the
mass. i.-,
Nature has thus afforded a aafa asy
lum for these somewhat helpless fishes,
whose cutaneous filaments, which are
plentifully provided on the belly, around
the mouth and on tn dorsal spine, so
nearly resemble the weed itself that
predaceous fishes doubtless fall to rec
ognize the living animals, and thus the
lutter escape extermination. Scientific
tie regarded children as a nuisance.
Be did all his courting before mar
riage. 1
lie doled out money to bis wife as If
to a beggar.
He nerer had time to go anywhere
with his wife.
He never dreamed that there were
two sides to niarriago.
He nerer dreamed that a wife needs
praise or compliments. ;
He thought his wife should spend all
her time doing housework.
He treated hla wife aa be would not
have dared to treat another woman.
He never dreamed that his wife
needed a vacation, recreation or
He never made concessions to his
wife's judgment, even in unimportant
He thought the marriage vow bad
made him his wife's master Instead of
her partner.
He took all the little attentions lav
lshed on him by bis wife as his by "dl
vine right" and not aa favors. Suc
Plow.ra Fev Laa4a.
In Bcllly and Guernsey the industry
of growing .early Sowers for ths Lon
don market has reached large propor
tions. From the former island as many
as fifty tons of early spring blossoms
are shipped to the mainland In a single
day. The Sower season begins In Jan
uary, when the early varieties are com
ing into bloom. Often, when the weath
er Is cold and cloudy, the buds a. re tar
dy In opening, and it la necessary to re
sort to artificial aid In order that the
watting markets may be supplied. The
flower heads are picked as soon aa one
bud penetrates the calyx and placed in
Jars of water, which are ranged upon
the shelves of a greenhouse kept at a
temperature of 60 to 70 degrees. In a
few hours the backward buds respond
to the genial warmth, spread their pet
als, assume their glowing colors and
are ready for bunching and packing.
Am Aa.odot ( Whlttl.r.
A friend in conversation with Mr.
Whlttter, the poet, remarket that he
was about to contract to furnish a lot
of oak timber for the government gun
boats and asked him If he thought It
was in consistence with the peace doc
trines of the Quaker denomination.
Without saying anything calculated to
decide the Question the two arrived at
their parting place, when Mr. Wbittler,
shaking his friend's hand, said, "Moses,
If thee docs furnish any of that oat
timber thee spoke of, be sure thai it la
all sound."
Daasrviasr ( Pitr.
"There goes Roxham. Every time I
think of that man's financial em bar-'
raasment It makes me yearn to -help
"Financial embarrassment Y' -'
"Yes. He's got so much money ha
doesn't know what to do with if
Catholic Standard and T-lmee.
A TcBiiMrary Ollo.
The Flancae-The idea of his think
ing that hfi Is unworthy of met The
Confidante Yea, but you .needn't ar
gue toe matter with him. He'll dis
cover bis error In time. Brooklyn Ufa.'
"I wonder what Bragg means by Cost
ever talking of his 'social obligations T
"I suppose Be's a member of several
sodal organisations and never pays big
dues." Exchange.
A.B Boaaaatlaal lefcaaM,
"But why did bs marry T i
"Bo as to hava some one to help hlsf
live within bis Income. He coulda'l
do It alone." Chicago Post
Ska Hal Plaraaa HU.
Miss Skremer-Papa aaya If I grra
upmy singing lessons bs'U give me a
pair of diamond earrtaga. Miss Sharps
You've never worn earrings, have
you Miss Skremer No; 111 have to
bare my ears pierced. Miss Sharps
Oh, I see his Ideal He wants to pay
you back In your own coin. Philadel
phia Presso
Tk Raal Taaaarara.
Johnny Pa, the taxpayers are only
the people who own properties, aren't
theyl Pa No, my -aoa. The real tax
payers are the yeopie avke seat ths
properties. PhUadeiphia Ledger.
OU Wtwa rU Tkaat Hu Mrrti
West P sa.
Can a cat really suck the breath of a
We hart always heard that It could.
Away back In early childhood wa dis
tinctly remember frequerit warnings
to look out for the cat Do not allow
the cat to gat Into bed wkh you, esp
dally to get Into bed with the baby, at
It Is liable to suck the baby's breath,
which would cause the baby to die.
Is there any foundation for such a
notion aa this Wa never cld discov
er any real meaning to the belief that
a cat can suck the breath of a child.
Indeed the sentence la totally unintel
ligible. What la meant by sucking the breath 1
It may be true that the cat, attracted '
by the breath of a child who bad re
cently been nueslng, might attempt to
Interfere in some manner with the
child's mouth. In young cats the Im
pulse to nurse might tie excited by the
smell ot the child's breath. It Is bare
ly possible that the cat might be seised
with a desire to bite or to devour the
child's lips or tongue, lured on by the
smell of milk. We are not In a posi
tion to deny these possibilities. Maybe
they are true.
But not any of these suppositions fur
nish a basis for the statement that the
cat Is liable to suck the child's breath.
We have always beard this statement
with a shudder of horror. It aeems to
convey some weird, horrible tragedy
that cm hardly be Imagined. But it la
a mars fancy, the origin of which is
hard to explain.
let we would advise mothers to be
careful about leaving the Infant with
a cat We do not favor the Idea of
cats sleeping with children, nor do we
favor the practice of children playing
with eata, handling them, mopping
them around the floor, fondling them,
dressing them up aa dolls. It la not
good for the cat; It la not good for the
child. Neither cats nor dogs ought to
be treated In this manner. They are
all right In their place, but they are
not fit for playthings.
, If ths superstition that a cat can
suck a child's breath baa operated as
a preventive to mothers allowing their
children to play with cats, It has served
a very good purpose, but such childish
notions are hardly compatible with ma
ture reflection. It la one of the old
wives' fables which may have aerved
a good purpose, but it Is too ridiculous
for repetition. There are other and
better reasons why the cat and baby
should not be left together than the
vague, unintelligible fear that the cat
will suck the child's breath.-Medlcal
The Cm ( CfcU4ia.
It la usually accepted without ques
tion that the modern scientific meth
ods used In the care and bringing up
of infanta tend to Increase the average
duration of human, life. Mr. Charlton
T. Lewis, writing In Harper's Weekly,
presents a different view. When In
fants were treated with lees wisdom,
be points out, the wesker perished and
the stronger survived. When the sick
are cared for so that a large number
recover from disease, it Is Inevitable
that on the average those who are thus
rescued must be weaker than the com
munity to which they are restored.
Thus all these influences, says Mr.
Lewis In conclusion, while saving life,
"tend especially to save Uvea which
rw isnue in greater proportion wan
those which are strong and thua In the
end must lower the vitality of the
great maas of the population."
Maklaai ta Ckaaaaa Bvaa.
la days when tavern brawls in Eng
land were frequent and swords were
out on the slightest provocation com
mon fairness demanded that the blades
of chance combatants should be of
equal length. In a audden affray
there would be no thought of measur
ing swords, so ths authorities took the
matter into their own bands at the
gates of the city of London, where
very gallant waa liable to be chal
lenged, and if the public official found
any blade beyond thirty-six Inches
the smith stood by to snsp off the steel
to the required length. In Queen Elis
abeth's reign this waa the common
Freshly made bread Is more Indi
gestible than stale bread because it Is
mora moist and becomes more solid
In ths mouth; hence more Impenetra
ble to the saliva and the gastric Juices.
For the sama reason bread crust la
more digestible than what la beneath
It being drier. Bread may be unfit
for use from being made of adulterat
ed or too old flour, by turning sour or
developing a bitter taste from the
yeast, from getting moldy and from
Insufficient fermentation In the rising
process, which leavea it too heavy for
the digestive fluids to act well upon.
Bavalaar a faaaklaar.
Mrs. Brown I wss downtown yes
terday. I didn't know but I might
meet you. Mrs. Greene I .was down
town, too, and I'm awfully sorry I
didn't see you. Little "Johnny Greene
Ma, don't you remember we aaw Mrs. ,
Brown's dog snd you said: "Come, let s
hurry away from here. - That old cat
must be somewhere near." What old
cat did you mean, ma
Aa lavMatlaa AaaaaUA.
"No, I never carry my watch when
I go out" ahe said artlessly. "I am su
careless that It wouldn't be safe. Why,
a person could steal anything righ
from under my nose, and I wouldn't
pniss it" Then the young man by her
tilde stole a kiss, and ahe didn't seem
to miss it
The birds' neets used for souds ara
tittle gelatinous things made up princi
pally from the saliva of tluy birds vf
rJ tke Yaaaa- aaa Aataa.
A four-year-old requires 12 hours;
one of 7 years, 11 hours; of 12 yeera,
10 hours, and of 16 or 18, 9 hours. Aft
er that T or 8 hoars is sufficient until
after 00; then the hours should be in
creased gradually with each decade, aa
the man or woman of 80 reqalrea aa
much sleep aa a child of 10. And it
ahould be remembered thst the moet
health glvtpf beauty making ttoej' f
early. Jss . Ji