0 i ;1 HOOD RIVER OLAOIBR, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1004. How We Should Build Roads. The state of Massachusetts expends every year half a million dollars to con struct macadamized roads. It builds 100 miles per year. The cost averages $5,200 per mile. -The expense comes against every inhabitant alike, including those in the cities, although no roads are j' made by the state in the incorporated cities. In this way the city of Boston pays about half of the total expense of all improved, roads; and all the principal highways throughout the commonwealth " are, already macadamized. First the road bed is thrown up, rounded in the centre and ditched at the sides. The "I first layer of stone is in pieces leas than 2 inches and 6 inches deep ; the next iajcr in lean man one men in uianieier and two inches deep ; the third is top screenings. Every course is sprinkled and rolled. The turnprkes are 21 feet wiuu. ine mate issues uonas map run tony years and sell at a premium. A F (idler's Advice to His Son. The Glacier man heard a father say to . . his son: "Don't be a kicker, ine Uood Lord never made but one natural kick' er, indigenous to this fcouutry. which He licensed and empowered to kick, and that is the mule's papa; and my son, you will always nnu the voice ot The kicker cn a par with that ot the pa ternal ancestor ol the donkey. You can bear it several miles farther, but it is not so sweet-toned as the voice of the nightingale The kicker, like his pro- iuiype, is Biiergeuu uiii.v wtwi ma 11104111 and hie heels, and lie U always 'ffrniiiHt.' If it is spraying, he don't think the benefit derived commensurate with the trouble, labor and expense If it is ir rigation, there are numerous and vicious kicks. The leaders in the irrigating concern have a pull, there is favoritism shown to employes and consumers, they will not be able to get the water down in time any way, and will not be able to keep it coming after it does start, and many other kicks of like import. Boy, when you meet a kicker give him all the road and half the gutter. To get him started is worse . than a case of the smallpox and more irritating than the 8even-years-itch. There are few of this genus in Hood River and they are grow ing beautifully less in number. Exper ience is teaching some that the methods of onr successful horticulturists are cor rect, that only by spraying can perfect fruit be grown, and the grower who raises only wormy, gnarly fruit can find no sale at any price. The kickers, too, will learn that the leaders in the irrigat ing scheme are working honestly and faithfully to the very best interest of the. patrons of the ditch. Every dollar and every cent will be carefully expend and accounted for. So, sonny, grab your hoe and agitate the soil in your berry rows or the water will be down here be fore you are ready for it. Slftle Board Horticulture Report. Kural Northwest. s The Oregon State Board of Horticul ture held its regular seini-annaul meet ing in Portland April 12. All mem bers of the board submitted reports. - President Smith in his report called attention to the fart that the fruit har vest of Oregon in KtO.'i proved equal in value to that of any preceding year. The shortage-of the apple crop of Eu rope created the largest export demand from America ever known. The.Bald win apple predominates in this trade and Isew York is emphatically the the Baldwin state. Mr. Smith then discussed power . sprayers and spray formulas. He stat ed that he had experimented with a i - number of summer washes for the aphis and found the following the most v satisfactory; One pound quasst chips; boil two hours; dilute extract to four gallons. One pound whale-oil soap dissolved In four gallons of hot water. Unite the above, making eight gal lons of wash which will kill the aphis . if thoroughly applied. For the codling moth lie hag learned of nothing better than the arsenite of soda. Referring to sale of Infested fruit Mr. Smith said: "It is to tie regretted that our last legislature did not see fit to make an appropriation of 1,500 that we might police our principal towns and prevent that 'flood of diseased and damaged fruit that annually finds its way to all our local markets." For the fourth district Commissioner R. H. Weber reports that last season was a banner year for the fruit grower. Crops were atiove the average and prices ruled well up throughout the season. Asa result numerous young orchards are being phinted this spring, and still greater activity in the horti cultural line is predicted for the future. Mr. Wetter says further: "The prospects of the preseufseason's crop are extremely flattering, so fur as my observations extend and from re ports received from sections where, ow ing to bail conditions of roads and luck of time I have been unable to visit. Peaches, apricots arid nectarines are at this time In full bloom on the lower lands and as the season is well advanc ed, we need liurdly fear any danger from late frosts. "I am pleased to report th it spraying has generally received moreattentlon by the fruit growers than in former years, as a great many of them have come to a full realization of the fact that this is one of the essentials to success in the Industry. Though many orchards were not sprayed owing to the excess ive ruins of the past month, which has practically made it Impossible to get in to the orchards with' tram and wagon, j while jet the trees were dormant. , "Much of my time during the last two months was consumed answering 3uestions fpwnrding a new scale reme y, the formula for which having ap peared in .the January 4ssue of an East ern firm paper, and being lauded us' the prize remedy for combatting the San Jose scale, presumably for its sim plicity In preparation, as eflectiveness does not seem to be considered an es sential to Its make up. This same rem " " edy cajistic soda spray was long ago discarded by ifQituwest fruit growers in favor of the sulphur and lime solu tion, which has since practkially be . come the the standard or scale sprays. "The results obtained in combatting the codling moth were not so flutter ing lat year as In the preceding sea-1 son, as reportedlby a number of exten sive growers. This is probably owing to the rainy spell in Ju ire of list year, Which gave the moth a splendid nppor- tunlty to work, while the man tteliind the ftozzle was waiting for the clouds to roll away, irapationt to get aim; her shot at the enmy. "In conclusion I wish to admonish 0 the fruit grower to be ever up and do ing. The time for activity is ut hand; cultivating, spraying, pruning and thinning the fruit are all matters that need careful attention. The matter of box material should also receive their attention at this time, as the growers in many sections were hampered by a short supply of this kind of materia), . and were greatly inconvenienced on that account in handling some of their - crop last season." ' The Philadelphia Record states a pe culiar fact concerning the oyster. If O laid on its right side it will starve to death, being unable to teed in that position. - Cultivate Kindness. Do a kindness when you can. Do not wait for one that is easier to do than not. If It does cost a little effort to do it.so much the better for you. Let your miud be open to perceive wnat you may do, your nana ready and your heart warm to do it with good will. If you form the habit of daily doing the little kindness that you may, it will bring you daily satisfaction in seeing the comfort and happiness that you have been permitted to bring into the lives of others. It may be that it is a kind word spoken to or for one; it may l the gift of a flower or a book; it may.be but a smile, but given with the heart, it Doth carries and brings a joy. Perhaps you may give a ready hand to help at some task, a homely tusk, it majr be. It might be coiner out of our way few block's on some errand; it may be the giving or tnnugnt or time arm con sideration of plans, ways and means, or some belitfui advice. Whatever the thing to do may be, do it with heart in the doing. Bo glad that you are so blessed us to be aole t,o do a kiud deed. Do not look for gratitude or praise Often it may happen that you get neither. The best reward will be in your own soul. . . ' i .. ,' v : In letting sympathy expand your heart and kindness make it tender, you are fostering a growth or good in your own character. "The kindness that is not done for suke of reward is the truest kindness. It matters little to whom you are Kino. If to a kinsman, you make the tie of relationship stronger and more dear. If to a stranger, it is as if a tie of blood bound him to you. If to the aged, think how gratifying to have added one little moment of pleasure to one's declining years. "The blessing of the aged maketh ricn me soui. Let the kindness be to a child, the sick, a stranger, the poor or the rlch(for the rich also have need of kindness,) to your servant or the one above you in station, or to whomsoever a kindness can be done, each kind deed makes your heart larger, your sympathy broader, your purpose in life greater. Something you may do may seem a very little thing to you, but it may have a fur reaching effect for good that you may not dream of. The kiud word spoken today may seem without result, but often it is found to bring rich fruit in after years. s- You may never know the result of some kindness done, but be sure it is never wholly lost. Though you do not know it, good in some way, somewhere will inevitably come of it. - Even a kiud thought lives forever. Ex. An Interesting Study. The Dalles Chronicle. . John Cradlebaugh has been cogitat ing over the idea advanced by an East ern professor that the study of women's ways anil whims be added to the cur riculum of that institution, and the result is the following, which appears in the Salem Journal: Who would uot study woman's ways, Delightful as the lesson Is Whut charming books of sweet romance, W here letters bine and black-eyed dauce, And every page la but a glance Wheroin Love's ewn confession 1st Who wonfd not study every whim To learn the things that we nave missed, i ub language uiuKiti oy 100c or wrist, Or tempting red lips duly kissed tsy lover simuiy atuiiur Who would not study If he could The world's divinest mystery? What man could ever learn Just why When he would lauuh that she should crv. Or she would smile when he would sigh vuuiranust tiling iu nisiory7 How could be ever hope to learn v uat an tier moocis ana tenses are, Unless, Indeed, he tempted Kate By ask liter her to ooni umite. And read the scheme, perhaps too late, uii learning wiiar expenses are7 Bweet books of poesy and song, rvnre unite ui conirari lies. Whose sentences are but a look That we must learn by hook or crook, Ana navtng learned tnem, Kiss tne booR ttegaruiess oi varieties. Wasco County School Apportionment. Following Is the apportionment of the Siiltool fundi to be received by the various dis tricts oi tne county, mo total amount dis tributed Is K2,5uo, making the per capita S4.&0: Plst. No. Ills. No. 1 ....! dir. Go 2 fists IK) i i,m au 4 Wit M 5 !) Ml 6 8S3 00 7 - 477 01 8 1!W 611 VA (10 Hi &tli 00 m.. 211 60 80 04 50 40 00 41 114 00 42 400 60 44 76 60 44..... 1H4 60 46 ZU 00 4ti 6 60 47 HI 00 4N , .... !07 OO 45 121 60 60 671 60 51 103 60 52 2011 50 5.1 1U1 60 64 , 03 00 66 78 50 b ias oo 57 111 50 68 14S 60 50. 9 00 01 804 60 3 09 00 4 144 00 05 . 211 5U (HI 220 50 67 .. 171 00 OS 10S 00 .., l: 50 70..... 16S 00 72 148 60 73...M. 121 60 74... ............ 108 50 10 . 229 30 . KM 00 . 6,U SO . !l Ml . m oo . HO 00 11 12 1H 14 15 PI.. 17 lSt 60 is. in oo 2tl...... . 1K4 so 1 2511 St) W.. 117 Oil 23 r 121 SO 24 Zsl 00 26 Ift7 AO 26 KM 00 27 229 60 01 60 671 60 lt:6 60 6S At) 1(W 60 ai ,. iii2 oo SI.... IM 00 86 .,.,. 01 60 30 103 ijl) As They See it in Jacksonville. Jacksonville Sentinel. Joseph Olwell of Olwell Bros., the Central Point orchardists, was in Jack sonvillle, Tuesday. Vpeaking of his re cent trip to New York, Mr. Olwell says the liogtie River apples will continue to have a sale at top prices in the best mar kets in the world, New York taking the tipitzsnburgs, for Americans prefer a red apple, while London takes the Newtown the Etiriipi atis preferring the yellow ap ple. In the gieut nmi kets of New York city Mr. Olwell was able to see apples from all sections of the United States, and to learn the preferences of buyers. He found the Rogue Hiver Spitzenburgs and Newtowns not eqaaled by apples of those varieties from any other section except Hood River, which produces as good an apple as this valley, but which does not yield the profit of Rogue Rfvgr, for it costs $o0 an acre each season in that valley for irrigation, and for spray ing and cultivation fully as much as in this valley. The bright color, dvaien polish and perfect shape, size and flavor of the liogne River apples Mr. Olwell found, made1 them sell in preference to all other apples, and at a much higher price. - Tree for Klickitat ia 1903. Klickitat Agriculturist. W. A. Sluman, county fruit inspector for Klickitat and Clark counties, writes nndcr date of March 6;- I have been looking- up the amount of trees" shipped int&Klickitat ounty during the year 1903 and find about 15,000 trees have besn shipped in for planting, that is, dur ing the fall of 1D03. A I was not there in the spring of that year, I raunot tell how many trees were shipped in at that time. I expect to be up in that country ef er a while to see about the spraying of the orchards. - Expert Accountants' Report. ' The Dalles, Oregon, May 4, 1904. To the Honorable County Court .of Wasco County, Oregon, Gentlemen : In submitting the statements, filed herewith, it affords us much pleasure to testify to the evident honesty in ad ministration of your different officials. The discrepancies shown are but the in evitable outcome of a lack of system and Soor method of handling county affairs, lany errors exist in your records, some of them being of considerable moment, the larger portion of which we have cor rected and have provided against their repetitioa in the future. In some in stances it has seemed to us inadvisable, with the concurrence of your honorable court, to po to the depths necessary to bring to light certain matters known to require adjustment and these have been passed. The examination of your rec ords has disclosed the obvious necessity of radical reform in accounting in all your offices. It is an indisputable fact that economy can only be achieved by the rigorous exercise of good system; the thousand and one reasons, existing in substantiation of this assert inn have been given verbally and it apiiears to us unnecessary to go into them further at' this time. Under your instructions we have instituted many changes iu the way of auditing the county accounts which are as they should be, greatly ap preciated by your ofticials who have been quick to see in thein immense aids to economy, simplicity and accuracy .The more complete and safeguard adjuncts to up-to-date accounting will 1h inau gurated at the commencement of your next official term this coming July at which tune your county will m this re smt't be second to none in this country It must be a source of much pride to your Honorable Court know that during your administration the Affairs of the conntv have been brought to a most flourishing -condition, particularly exemplified in your war rant lieing called up to date, the saving oi neavy interest cnarges aiwtns ueiug the first factor in economy. In conclusion, we have to state in a most cordial manner that your present ollicers have in every instance, evinced an earnest desire to have their affairs investigated, and that we have invar iably found them to be open to any sug gestion pointing to improvement. Respectfully submitted, Clark and Buchanan, Public Accountants. STATEMENT OF OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS, WARRANTS AND INTEREST, MAY 1,1904. Outstanding warrants May 1, mi 147,207 12 Interest on same 1,911 99 Total... 49,179 11 Italalance cash in treasury to credit of gen'l fund applica-' ble to redemption at above.. 40,140 70 Less amount erroneously cred ited to gen'l fund belonging to public road fund 2,883 49 Balance 37,203 27 Net indebtedness Ma? 1. 1904 11,915 84 Total 49,179 11 CASH BALANCE HAY 1,1904. Cash on hand $57,512 22 General fund...... 40,140 70 County school fund 5,030 18 Road and bridge fund 148 45 G. A. R. fund 8 99 Special school fund 2,501 48 Special road fund... 227 15 Total 67,512 22 Included in above it $2,883.49 in gen eral fund which was received from state five-per-cent lands and belongs to pub lic road fund. State of Oregon, ( Wasco county, f M We, George P. Clark and George W. Buchanan, being first duly sworn, each for himself, depose and say : That, the above statement of outstanding warrants and interest is correct as shown by the records oi saiti wasco county, state ot Oregon. UEORdg 1. ULARK, Georoe V. Buchanan. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of May, 1904. Georor C. Blaeeley, county judge, Wasco county, Btate of Oregon. Proofs Mast be Made in District. Ottldendale Agriculturist. By a recent decision of the depart ment ot the interior on a case at walla Walla land othce, the local office is sus tained. The case recently decided is that of Nathaniel L. Ward, who made deBert land entry before Commissioner W. B. Presby of Goldendale. The land, situ ated in the eastern part of Klickitat, is in the district controlled by the Walla Walla land othce, but Mr. I'resby'a office is not, and the local authorities refused to accept the entry. The ruling was appealed on the ground that the land commissioner was a state offi cial, but the department quotes the law, which reads: "the moBt accessible otti- in the land district." TUr..lCnnll,l.,n On it...... Pn ,a lately incorporated company building from this city to Dufur, filed, Monday of last week, for record a mortgage with the clerk of this county for5,000,000, to the Washington Trust Co., or Seattle, this mortgage covers all property now in possession of the company, or which may come into its possession by -reason of building said road. As set forth in the document the object ol the company is to construct and operate a line of rail road from a point near The Dalles, Or., southerly to San Francisco, Cal.j and northerly through the state of Washing ton. This is the largest single mortgage ever filed for record in the county clerk's office, and if the object is fully carried out The Dalles will be the terminus oi a very extensive railroad. Chronicle. ' A Great Blessing. One of the frreutest hleaslnira a mnrieat man run wish for is a court, reliahln iu-1 of bowels. If you ate not the huppy possessor of such an outfit you can ireatlv Inmrnve the efllcieiiev uf Ihnae you have by the judicious use of Chain- Denain's Mniiiacn anu . Liver - Tablets. They are pleasant lo take and agree-, able iu effect. For suje by all druggists.' ITImher lnd, Act June 8, 1878.J NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. ; United States l-and Office. The Dalles. OreJ gnn. April 28, 1004. Nntloe Is hereby given iiihl ill cimiffiiuiice Willi me provisions oi me ' et of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of I alifornla, Urexon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to alt the public land stales by act of August 4, 1SV2, the following named persons have filed iu this ofVce their sworn statements, towlt: ' o NELS NELSON, of Rlarkdnck, roUDty of Beltrami, state of Minnesota, sworn statement No. '21 M. filed October i, 1MM, lor the purchase of the K'c of N W and V. of KWk section (, township 2 north, range y east, W. M. ROHKUT W. CALDWELL; of The Dalles, county of Wasco, stale nt Ore gon, sworn ststement r.o. in.ni. niefl Mar IS, lt, for the purchase of the HWJi HWIi sec tion and HKH section , township 2 north, range v mat, W M , That they wilt offer proof Ushow that the land sought Is more vnluahle for Iu timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish thetreiaims tnsata land before the Keglster and Receiver at The Dalles, Urefon, on August II, lwM. iney name as witnesses: August wolden of Bemlojl, Minnesota: Krnar Wiila of Portland, Or.; Uiuia Nelson o( Deffhutea, Or; H W Cur ran of V ten lo, or. J H Hrown, Kalph Jarvls, Charles Jarvis and A L Hoadley or liood River. Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abovewlertcrfbed lands are requested Lo file their claims in this office on or before said 1Mb day of August. I HI Ml. mlt-ly? MICHAEL T.NOLAN, Register. THE ANGfiY TREE. Pfemllar Aatlea ( This Cmrtoaltr of Flaat Life. There U In the wilds of northwestern Idaho a species of the acacia tree which la entitled to be classed as one ot the wondew of plant life. It grows to a height of about eight feet and when full grown closes Its leaves to gether In colls each day at sunset and curls its twigs to the shape of pigtails. After the tree has settled Itself thus for a night's sleep, if touched the whole thing will fluttei; as if agitated or Im patient at being disturbed. The oftener the foliage is molested the more vio lent becomes the shaking of the branches, and at iength the tree emits a nauseating odor, which If Inhaled for a few moments causes a violent, dtoy headache. -- The angry tree, as It has been named, was discovered by travelers, who upon making camp for the night placed one end of a canvas covering over one of the sensitive branches, using It for a support Immediately the tree began to sharply Jerk Its branches. The motion continued, growing more nervous, until at last the slckeatar'odor which it gave ont drove the tired campers to a more friendly location. Curiosity of course prompted an investigation. One of the angry trees was dug up and thrown, to one slde Immediately upon being removed from the ground the tree opened its leaves, its twigs lost their pigtails, and for something over an hour and a -"bo If the outraged branches showed their indignation by a series of quaking, which grew weaker as time passed, finally ceasing' altogether, when the foliage hung limp and withered. The next morning the tree was placed upright in the ground again, a little water was applied to tae roots, and very soon It resumed its normal condition.- Jloston Globe. A GHa-. "What is a grig??, asks a correspond ent who has been worried by the phrase "as happy as a grig." The grig shares with Mark Tapley the honor of being proveroiany nappy. But a lonely ad jective docs not define a substantive. In Yorkshire, we are told, a grig is o young child, happy, we may hope. In Staffordshire it Is a bantam. But in Dutch the "kriek" is a cricket, or grass hopper, a really merry fowl. In Web ster a grig Is the provincial English for an eel. But we cannot accept an eel as. the embodiment of mirth,, and .we put our money on the Dutchman's "kriek." London Chronicle. I'ainsT as Income. No one can use an Income with true economy who does not exert his best Judgment and put forth all the wis dom he possesses to make it fulfill the highest ends of which It Is capa ble In his peculiar circumstances. If it does not make some lives better, fuller and Jiappler; If It does not de velop the body and educate the mind; If it does not promote Industry, hon esty and good will; if, in fact, it does nothing to elevato and Improve man kind, then waste and not economy is shown In Its, management Timber Land, Act .lime S, 187S. NOTICE FOtt PUBLICATION. United States Land office. The Dalles. Oregon, April 28, 11104. Notice Is hereby iven that in compliance with the provisions oft he act of congress of June 8, 1H7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber landsln the Htatea of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, IK'.ta, the following named persons have It led In this oltlce t heir sworn statements, to-wlt: JACOH JMM'KFH HW'KKR: of Hood Hlver, eounly of Wasco, state of Oregon, sworn ststement No. 210II, Hied September 1, 11)118, for the purchase of II, a UL'l XIUM XlL.,y u,ln ,,r,y ui.m. section IB, township 2 north, ranKcDeast.W M PATHICK IIIIRUAN. of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore- Eon, sworn statement No. 1003, filed Novem er If), nun, for the purchase of the HWU HK!4, HK HW4. and Nk section 29, town ship 1 north, range 11 east, W M. i naiiney win oner proor to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or tone than for agricultural nurnowes. and to establish their claims to-midland before t,le Keglstor and Receiver at The Dalles, Or., on July 80, Iskk. i itey name as witnesses: T w Calhreath, n K Ive, B Jarvls and J B Hrown of Hood ...vi.wi, i'idi; n ennui i-, nurau itorinnii, Theodore J Heufert, Hlchard J. Uornmn and William Ketchum oM'he Dalles, Or. Any and all Dersons clalmtnir aiiontv the above-described lands are requested to llle their claims In this nfflc on nr fofore vuiii UUthdayof July, 1H04. ' mtlttvT UtrtlllI.T Mm iu .,..UA. Timber Ind', Act June 8, 1K78.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land nnw Tim nnlles. Oregon, May 2, IWt. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the nrovlslons of the act of congress of June 8, 1H78, entitled - An act tor tne sale ot umber tanas la the states' of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August i, 181)2, Hi i 111-: lit hdhm of The Dalles, county or Wasco, state of Ore gon, has, on July 14, W02, tiled In this office his sworn statement, No S12, for the purchase of the BWVi KWK. WU 8W!i section 82.town- k 1)1 0 1 north, range 11 east, and lot 4 of section 6, township 1 south, range 11 east, W. M., and win oner prooi to snow mat the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber nr amne than f.ir agricultural purposes, and to establish Iris claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on t he Hth day of J uly, IUOI. ne names as witnesses; A K IMKe, William Ketchum. A- C Thomas and F Bnauldluir. all of The Dalles, Or. ' Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to llle meir claims in tins omce on or ucrorc s&ia 8lh day of July, Iwm. nwjy? M1UM AEL T. NOr,AN, Register. ' --.'V,. LIPPIHCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Li mar v . . Tiis Best In Current Literature 12 Complctc Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON. TIM ELY TOPICS $2.60 ptn year ; 28 ct. cor NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPUTE IN ITS I t4j ' 60 YEARS' V EXPERIENCE trade marks -", Designs "MtH CoPvmoHTs. Ac. Anrone sending a sketch and desert nttnn mm ' SfotrtilT ascertain oor opinion- fiee whether an . iaTentton ts firobablr patentable, ('oatmnntca 1 tlonsiitrtctJyeotiadentlsl. lisiultxmkon Fstepta : sent free; Oldest airency for sefsiiinit patent. Patent taken thmnpli Munu A Co. receive ' tsvriol aottu, without elisms. In the Scientific Htnerfcan.. A rutn4nmlf fltntrmf wl wertr-j, !,arirt efr- ; cnlattiD of mnj Mtnernttao tonmal:' Tf-rma, 3 a ffmr; for months, ft flow by all nAwrteaier ' MUNJi & Co.""-New York bmoji OOoa, a t Washington, D, U - Phone 5 1 (J! , .- Lumber Our races Ire Guns Fishing Tackle Camp Outfits Call and sec the new Winchester Aulonintlcil flamoon Poles. 7Rn to jnmv Ntenl ltil I Tunis ,i.. '.. n , rltle, l'arker Smith Hhot (inns; Savage, Marlin and Winchester rules: Snorting rllles. ttotklU. Ammunition lor all anus. Everything for Building: and Furnishing the Home Hardware Stoves Tinware Furniture Linoleum . Carpet3 Paints Oils Glass Building Materials STEWART, the Home Furnisher. Without question the most beautiful residence location in the city. High and sightly, no mud no dust. Supplied with the purest spring water. You are cordially invited to come up and inves- - tigate, see the water plant, enjoy the fine view and have a good drink. No trouble to show lots: Always at home. Now is your chance. 2c.,o; coin - - - . hood river Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the hi me of Orton for Wuhco Courtly. Frank l)avfnirtt plHttiiKf, vh, Frank C. Wilson, d'f. ndant. To Frank (J. Wilwrn, the Uifcndunt above nnmwl: You are hereby r-pqulrfM to apiw.'.r and an swer the complaint filed hk'iIiinL you In tin above entitled null In the above-named court on or before the expiration of six works from the date of the firNt publication of tblH nuni inouf); and you are hereby untitled that If you fall to ho appear and aiiHwer the wild com plaint that Judgment anddiieree will be taken against you for the relief pmyed for In wild complaint, to wit: Judgment for the mnn of WW), with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per ceutperannum from October ti, ltK), and for the further mi in of (M) an attorney' fee in tblH Htilt, and for the eostH and dlMburHements of tills suit, mid a decree t'orecluMtitK the mort gaa mentioned In said complaint, and di recting that the real premlnen tnereln men tinned be Hold on execution, and that the pro ceeds of such Bale be applied In payment of thecostH and expeiiHCH or uucu mile and of this unit, and to the aatlKfactlon of fiuch nam an may be found due the plaintiff In this milt, In eluding the wild attorney'Htee nd 1&M paid by plaintiff for taxea on ald mortgaged prcmlMHft. This ftummona 1 served by publication for six. consecutive weeks In the Hood Hlver Glacier, a newninper of gercm. circulation, published in said Waco comity, pursuant lo an order directing such publication, made by lion. W. L. iiradHhaw, judge of the uhove named court, which ttald order Ih dated on the 2Kth day of March, I'M I, and the date of the tlrm publication hereof In April 7, a7m!2 A. A. 1 AVNE, Atty for Plaintiff. Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate. Notice la hereby given that an execution and order of aale whm IsMied out of the Ctrcu.l .Court of the Male of Oregon for Wasco county on the iHih day of April, P.KM, upon a judg ment and decree given and itde therein on the 15th day of April, IIH1, a. of and for the th day of November, HHfc. in favor of W. it. Wilson and agninst J. K. Friend for tire sum offrtftijO, with Intent thereim from thetifh day of November, mt at. the rid) of 10 per cent per annum, and ftfkjHUoniey's fees, and the furtbur sum of KH.-'-o qpxtt, which said ex ecution and order nf many J dlrecU-d to and fMunmandame lo belt Uh south half of the southwest quartet, the southwest quarter of the southeast qmuiter of. Miction four, and the nori l west onarter of the northeast q u. rter of aectlon nine in Xownsblu one north, rnire 11 eat, in Wi-fl rount Oregon, to satisfy Maid )udghient; therefore in puiuam c of Maid execution and order of sa4e I will, on Baturday, the '2lNt day of May, 11)01, at the. .hour of .o'clock P. M., at the county court house diiitt In Dallej City, in Wawo county, Oregon, -aJl at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand thctands and premise above described for the purjKMKf of satisfying aid Judumentand decree. Ualles City, Or.. 'April i , i OI. K HFXTON, a21m!2 Hherilf of Wasc county, Oregon. Wanted;Fruit Lands ; List your Fruit J.iints with u in the Homewkcrji' (iuile if you want to ell tliHin.bWe ailvertii-e t!te guide in over 225,Easlorn and Mitldle Went papers. rjuj l'vr tlie lluuiem-ekers' Guide. . i-BATCHELOR & BE8NABD 79: Utrat iu- -. - Portland, or f.r r. Dr. M. A. JONES DENTIST otllce In tin allle IllUg. ItlM.Tl I) I Will be In Hood Hlver Fridays and isatnr-days. hingles ood, etc the to (S; Heels. 15c to HO. All that's new In au- . .. .. . ... .. " " .u- tomiitlc Reals. Kly Hooka, 2fie. SBo, Wc and 1 a dotseu. Ish Llues, 2jo to 12.50 each. NORTON & SMITH, Successors to F. L. DAVIDSON & CO. Tinners, Plumbers and Steam Fitters AGENTS FOR Sampson Windmills, Warm Air Furnaces Automatic Spray Pumps. Our Own Make Portable Baths We carry a full line of Tipe Fittings, Garden Hose, Lawn Sprinklers, Hose Nozzles, etc. . At the Hazelwood Parlors SPECIAL FOIt Wednesdays and Sundays. Neapolitan Bricks, Strawberry, Vanilla and Chocolate Flavors. Special attention given to Party Orders and Sunday Dinners. Phone 723. C. T. KAWSON. I HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grpwn on Full Roots. We desire to let our friends and patrons know tlwit for the fall planting we will have and can sup ply in any number Cherry, PearApricot,Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties, of apple- trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen berg and Jonathan apple trees. : -, RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or. S. J. FRANK, -DEALER IN Harness and Saddles, All Repairing Promptly Attended to Hood River, Oregon. Phone 5 1 Lath stoves. SI M nn. !rii hiov u.,,',.i,J HF, VAllip HHIVWI, J'lUlllllltK'SS, The latest In cooking u tense Is and camu conveniences. . Our Own Make F. II. STANTON Lowest o ' 4 t J! I1 it . 1 1 1 ,4 S. .i 'I mi '""-''Uteiai. -taKSsa-asMSkawatv