The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 12, 1904, Image 2

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    'Hood River Slacier.
THURSDAY, MAY 1?, 1904.
, 8TATK.
For Bupreme Judge,
For Dairy and Food Commissioner,
For Congressman, Second District.
For Circuit Judge, Seventh District,
For State Henalor,
For Representatives,
. . A. A. JAYNK.
WASOO county.
For Prosecuting Attorney,
For County Judge,
For County Clark.
For Sheriff,
For Treasurer,
. , M. X. DON NELL.
For Assessor,
For Commissioner,
For School Superintendent,
For Surveyor,
K. 8. GORDON. '
For J nut Ice of the Peace.
For Coroner.
The Republican ticket that will be
found at the head of thii column com
mends itself to the voter of Hood River
and Wasco county. It ii a strong ticket,
worthy of your support and should be
elected by a good majority.
It took the court 14 year to decide
that Portland had no authority to order
improvement on Twefth street in that
city, the case being settled Saturday.
This almost parallels some of therenords
of old Spain, where some of her suspects
were acquitted years after they had died
of long confinement In her prisons. Our
government is progressing, especially
the Judiciary department.
The fiellingham (Wash.) Daily
Reveille is accompanied this week by a
finely Illustrated booklet setting forth
the beauties and commercial advantages'
of that portion of the Sound. Well
ington owes much of her development
to judicious advertising. - Seattle has
become great through vigorous, push'
ing advertising on the part of the rail
Mads entering that territory, aided by
well-directed efforts on the part of
, live business men. So thoroughly and
systematic has this been done, that a
large portion of the East regard Seattle
as a second Chicago, and Portland as a
country village. Excursion tickets ate
the same price from the East to any
part of the Pacific coast north of tlio
California line. It la perhaps snfrt to
say that 90 per cent of the tickets sold
have their destination marked Seattle.
Many of those reaching there remain.
The exposition at Portland next year
will do much to draw the attention of
the East to Oregon, the best state on
the Pacific coast, and Oregon advertis
ing, thus given a fair start, should not
only keep para with our sister state on
the north but should keep in the lead.
The meeting called Saturday evening
for the purpose of reorganising the Has
salo Club should be attended by every
business man and citizen of Hood River
who are interested in advancing the wel
fare of our city. There Is nothing more
helpful to a city than a business men's
club. Matters of public interest can be
taken up by such an organisation com
posed of the business men and citizens
of the city and discussed thoroughly and
Intelligently. Recommendations to the
city authorities from such a body would
carry weight, and needed reforms and
improvements would lie much more
. readily obtained. What is everybody's
business is nobody's business, , and
while individual citizens may see the
need of certain improvements or of cor
recting existing evils, and such ideas
meet with general approval, yet It Is no
body's especial business to take the nec
essary steps to bring about the desired
result. We are reaching the stage of
passing from the country village to a
city of considerable commercial import'
ance, New conditions are constantly
arising which must be met. Those who
must pay for these improvements can
properly discuss them before a business
men's club. The common council is the
official executive elected by the people
to make improvements and govern the
city. They would welcome suggestions
from a representative body of cltixeni
who elected them to office. Such a club
would also be a great help in providing
ways and means for taking care of and
properly entertaining the numerous con
ventions that visit Hood River, and see
that Jewry visitor on his return home
carried with him such favorable opin
ions that he would be a walking adver
tisement of' the beauties and advantages
of this far-famed valley. Let us have a
live business men's club.
The Dteaniboat war between the Reg
ulator line and the Captain Spencer ia
being watched with a good deal uf
intercut all along the river. While the
nympathiea of the public aeem to be
largely in favor of the Bienccr on ac
, count of her plucky fight against oddx,
yet the Regulator line haa many warm
frienda in Hood River. The claim of
the Regulator people that they own the
upper river, on account of their having
built up a trade in the course of the
long time when they were practically
without competition, doet not meet
with the approval of the majority of the
patron. Yet the rival boats will be
left to fight it out among themaelvea.
The Regulator linu lucceeded in consid
erably harassing their rival this week,
and won the races. While the 8)encer
proved to be the faster boat last season,
and is still regarded by many to be the
best, still the Regulator boat has made
the best showing recently. No small
part-of this credit is due to Captain Bid
Scammon, an old Hood River boy, who
by his clever maneuvers out-classed the
Spencer boat. In the intcres' of com
merce, it is to be hoped thi.t I ,. lines
of boats will continue to ply between
The Dalles and Portland. We have
only one railroad, and the bouts afford
some conietition and help keep down
freight rates. If there is nor enough
business for both boats, shipjierH should
route lees by the railroads and give
more freight to the water lines. While
the wharfage facilities at Hood River
at low water make it inconvenient to
use the boats to good advantage, jer
haps if sufficient bunlness was guaran
teed, the boat lines could afford to
provide wharfage close in.
Apple growers Meet.
The Apple Growers' Union of Hood
River held their first annual meeting
Monday, ami it was an enthusiastic
gathering of tome of the best apple
growers of the valley. - The Union or
ganized late last season, almost too late
lor effective work. It was fortunate in
securing J. A. Wilson for Manager and
Hhipping Agent. Joe is a rustier and
accomplished niucn goixi tor me mem-
btrs of the Union and Is well deserving
of the vote of thanks which was so
heartily voted him at the meeting Mon-
lnv nniht.
Until the Union was organized fl .25
to (1.50 was the best offer that could be
obtained for Iilgn class ruewtnwn aim
8i)itzenbcru. and Ben Davis apples
could not be sold at any price whatever.
Ah soon as it became known that the
farmers had organised, bids began to
come in and the price was forced up un
til a few days later the entire crop of
Newtown and 8pitxenberg4 of the
Union were sold to the Davids-n Fruit
Co., for the fancy price of 2 for New
towns and $1 80 for Spitzeiibergs; and
also, 3H0 boxes of Ben Davis apple at Hoc
per box. In trie mean tune one or two
cars of Ben Davis were sold to purtieB
for Alaska shipment at $1 per box, and
Baldwins at (1.60.
The Davidson deal was the largest one
bv far ever before made in tiie apple
market of Hood River and reached the
nice rkure of (20,000. Down in the
Rogue river country where they have
no organization of growers they sold
many of their high grade Newtowns tit
H5c. ml the fact that Hood River apple
growers had organized, demanded and
obtained a fair price for their fruit, was
a revelation to apple grower and took
first page place on the big dailies of the
couutrv. The total number of boxes
shipped by the Union last year was
17.120 and the sales reach (21,2(15.01
In the organization of a body of
men in any vocation, there is bound to
be more or less friction, thedificrence of
opinion, and this instance is no excep
tion to the rule, but all thinu coic
sldered the results were very gratifying
to the Union.
There were many very valuable les
sons learned and the experiences of this
first year s bumness cannot but ue ol
jreat advantage to the Union. Home
of these lessons may be enumerated
viz: the importance ol careful picking,
select in il and handling, the necessity
or umlorm grading anil packing, tne
liicnt to be derived irom a uttmiiiiU
kno-lvliie of the market supply and
demanl, and after all, these conditions
haver been met successfully, as our
f rowers have now learned by experience
iow to do. The one other vital ques
tion remains, that of manager ami ship
ping agent. . 1 he man to lie selected to
handle this season's crop should be
man of known ability in this line, one
who is up-to-date, and who is in toucl
with the market to which our apples
go. Also one wno couia uevote ins
entire attention to the shipping of the
fruit when it i ready lor market, Mr,
Wilson made a most excellent record
the past season and the lilacii r 1 1 linn
et no reason why lie is not the Uv-i
available as his successor.
Only half of the growers in the valley
belong to the Union. This is where the
growers make a mistake, Those to
whose interests It is best to have no
Union, use every effort to break the
nreHtiue uaiued by the Union. After
the Union sold last year, these parties
offered au advance of 2"e per box for
Nawtowns and told members of the
Union that if they had not sold to the
Union they would have received the
same figures. While it wits apparent
to a casual observer that it was due to
the organization and to it alone that the
hiith price was reached. Growers
should not let the sophistry of the ene
mies of the Union keep them from
joining in an organized effort to secure
the prices the quality oi their irmt
merits instead of being obliged to
accept the mere cost of production, and
permitting middle men to take the
Colonel 8. F, Blythe and daughter
Clara departed on the midi,ii:ht tram,
Thursday night, for St. Louis, where
they wilt attend the exposition. They
will be a brent two or three weeks, but
will return ill time for the G, A. K. en
campnient. The colonel stepped i ff
a brinkly as he did when he went South
in 1801. He anticipates a pleasanter
tune, However, man uu experiunceu on
his earlier trip. And that reminds in
of a story told illimtrating the great
ability sometimes diHiilHyed by the
colonel on a forced march. If memory
is not at fault ft was on the nm tlav
battle at Unit Run, and the Johnnies
having flanked the bovs in blue, were
pressing them hard. Finally the line
broke and the panic-stricken soldiers
made their best efforts to pans the rebels
before being surrounded. The coionel liiul
a down hill run from the start. He hud
proceeded but a short distance, leading
his comrades by several lengths, when
a frightened rabbit started out of the
grass at bis feet and nin straight awny
Ill iroiH oi iiiiii. uu inn uu niiiiosi
stemiint on the little animal at every
lump. Finally the colonel could stand
it no longer and yelled to the scared
cotton-tail: "Hun, you little bob-tailed
ensi if you can, and if you can't, get out
of the way and let a fellow run that can,
I'm In a hurry." Hood River wishes
Mr. Itlythe and Clara a pleasant trip
and sale return.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Laraway of Glen
wood, Unaccompanied by W. F, Cooper
and Mr. and Mrs. Cove, arrived in Hood
River April 80. Messrs. Cooper and
Cove are sons-in-law of Mr. I.araway
Mra. Laraway is a sister to our painter
and decorator, J. 11. Hunt. Mr. and
Mrs. Laraway visited Hood River two
years ago and were very favorably im
pressed with our town at that time.
They were surprised to see the wonder
ful progress that has been made since
they were here. The other gen
tlemen are here for the first time.
They will all look the valley over and if
they find anything that suits them will
locate here permanently. Mr. Laraway
is a jeweler, Mr. Cooper conducted a
fpneral merchandise establishment in
owa, while Mr. Cove was a plain farm
er, of which are the salt of the earth.
The Glacier welcomes them to Hood
River. They are the kind of people we
want in Hood River, and feel sure they
will stay with us.
Maves Bros, will lie found in their
new quarters, next to BartmexM fnrni
ture store, recently occupied by Ktew
n One Price to All.
We have a full and complete line of
Men's and Boys' Shirts, 22c and up.
Men's Drew Shirts at prices that defy
Hhirts, worth 75 cents... 60c
Shirts, worth $ .00...60 to 75c
t Shirts, worth $1.25 $1.25
On Saturdavmorninp -
.NETS, worth 25c, for 10c
We are agent lor the" NEW IDEA PAPER
and onlv successful paper pattern.;' There are no better patterns mane a any pi ice.
art'H confectionery, after tomorrow.
Their new quarters will lie fitted np in
good Hliape and tney win ne realty i
serve their -customers with their uhiuiI
promptness with everything in the line
of fresh meats, fish, green vegetables,
miter, eggs, etc.
In another column w ill lie found a
nice writeup of Hood River by a repre
sentative of the Dalit; Mountaineer.
It was verv uriicefullv done and will be
highly appreciated by our reader.
Mrs. L. T. BraiiB of Cofax. Wash., has
been visiting her brother-in-law, R. B.
Brarnr and family, the past two weeks.
Hhe returned home Tuesday,
A. W. Ricirs of Canbv. Or.,arrived last
week and alter a few days' visit with his
brother, G. W Riggs went to visit his
son- in- law, Mr. lies of Mount Hood.
Mrs. W. W. Treat was severely burned
A Dr. 25. bv the explosion of aiioil stove,
and had a very narrow escape from death.
She was moved to Kt. Vincent hospital
and is doing nicely"
m. M. Yntincr and little daughter, La-
velle. of Etikii n i and Mrs. Howes of
Port and are visum.' at. tne nome oi snr
and Mrs. Claude Cnpuh-.- Mr. Young is
a brother of Mrs. Copple.
J. M. Bmead, who spent the winter
in the southern naVt of the state is in
tlm vallev sliakin:' hand with his
friends. Mr, Sinead made a fine record
tiickinii lierries last year, and the grow'
er that secures his services will be get
ting a "good thing
Jjavid Eccles. Judtre Pee II. II. Spen
cer. and W. H. Eccles came in from the
East on No, 1, Wednesday. These gon
tlemen are all interested in the Mount
Hood Lumber Co., and are inspecting
the work done by that liee hive of t
lumber industry.
The Ialles people who visited Hood
River Sunday were euprised to note the
advancement that has been made in that
city during the past year. The place
looks as if it has almost doubled in size
within a vear, and the class of buildings
'li it have" been built bespeak prosperity thrill. 1 lie memoers oi me unit
iHim wore exceptionally well pleased
ith the treatment receive at the hands
d their competitors. Mountaineer.
Mrs, M. Tivrisi and Mrs. E. L. Ferry,
oinremo ornaniserH ol the order o:
Modern Foresters, are in the city this
week for the purpose of organizing a
local lodge of that order. His not an
insurance order, but one that gives sick
laments only, and the plan is an excel
lent one.
J. H. Finney, until recently manager
of the 1'ortlaud branch of the American
Tpve Foundry, accompanied by his wife
and daughter, visited Hood Hiver
Tuesday and took a ride over the
valley. He was delighted with the
country, and will make an investment
here later. Mr. l'inney goe to New
York City this month to take charge
ot that branch ol the auove company.
A. C. Tifts, who is employed on the
Mount Hood hotel, in atepping down
from his work Monday evening, set his
foot on the business eiid of a big nail
that was sticking up through a board
The nail penetrated the flesh quite
deeply, making a puinlul wound, Mr.
Uifts'still keeps at work, but goes with
a "tint wheel, us a train man would say
Home of the citizens along the state
road are complaining about certain per
sons using t he publichigh way and private
property alongside to dump their gar
hage. They do not want to make any
one trouble and take this method uf re
(iie(tine those who have been in the
hiiliit of doing this to kindly haul the
garbage to the eity garbage dump and
thus save themselves trouble and ex
A lady whose name we were not able
to learn, and who haa lieen employed as
assistant cook at the hoarding house of
the Mount Hood Lumlatr Co., met with
a painful accident a few day ago. She
went to the river for a pail of water and
stepped on a stone w hich rolled under
her foot, throwing her to the ground
with such force that her arm wis bra
ken. Surgical aid was procured and
the unfortiiqate lady ia doing as well as
could be expected.
Our country correspondence Is very
short this week, which we regret very
much. We consider our correspondence
from the different sections df.the coun
try on both sides of the Columbia one
of the most interesting features of the
Glacier, ami deire each one of the old
correspondents ot the paper to consider
this a personal invitation to continue
this valued service until we have had
the pleasure of meeting etch one in
person. When in Hood River, be sure
to call at the Glacier ollice. We wish
to meet ami become acquainted with
every one of our patrons, and particu
larly our correspondents.
Once upon a time two women wert
talking over their troubles, and while
one was telling her tale of woe tht
other was rery impatient to tell hers.
Finally, after several unsuccessful
attempts, the second woman managed
to tell her story, and as she had the
last say she Improved very much on
the tale of the first woman. In conse
quence of which the first speaker was
made quite unhappy.
Moral. Some women are mora
wretched than others because the oth
ers have more troubles than they bare.
Kew York Herald.
Men's heavy black Overalls, dou
ble front, pnly 65c
Men's blue Overalls, full copper
.riveted, large sizes, only 45c
Boys' Overalls 25c
ouly. wewill sell LADIES'
. - , ,
each, only one bonnet to eacn. customer.
Water and Light Notice
All water and llifht bills inuat be paid at the
company's ofllc each month In advance, on
or before the 10th day of the nioplli. No col
lector will be sent om nereHiier. in n u
where bills are not promptly paid when due,
the aervlcea will be discontinued until all ar
reurHges are paid.
By John Lelaud Henderson, Manager.
Mfilf Fight Fish Wheel.
Edward Rosenberg, coast organizer
for the fishermen's and sailors' union
has returned from Oregon City where
lie attended the state gathering of the
Federationof Labor. Mr. Rosenberg
report that the federation put itself on
record against stationary fish gear, flav
ins adonted the following resolutions:
' Whereat, Hie uoiumuianversaiiiiun
fishery industry is one of the principal
industries of the state of Oregon : and
Whereas, Nealect on the part of the
Oregon legislature to enact measurer
prohibiting the use ot traps anu nsn
wheel threatens to ruin this industry,
thus seriously affecting the people of
our state: and,
"Whereas. Fishermen and scientists
agree that, if the salmon industry is to
be preserved, the salmon must tie given
a chance to spawn, which chance is in
many cases taken away through tlshing
near the spawning grounds or at narrow
places where the salmon must pass to
reach such spawning grounds; there
fore, be It
"Resolved by the Oregon State Fed
eration of Lalior, in annual session
assembled, at Oregon City, Ore., May
3, 11)04. That the executive council
hereby stands instructed to work at the
coming session of the state legislature
for the abolition of traps and fish
wheels and for the prohibition of the
catching of talmom near the spawning
grounds or at narrow up-river points,
and be it further
"ItesoLved, That the delegate elected
to represent the state federation at the
convention of the American federation
of Labor, to be held November next at
San Francisco, introduce and urge the
adoption of resolutions instructing' the
executive council of the American Fed
eration of Labor to secure from con
gress such federal aid as is needed to
protect the salmon industry of this
state; and further
"Resolved, That the secretary of the
Federation hereby stands instructed to
forward copies of these resolutions to
the governor of this state and to the
representative of Oregon in congress.
urging their support to the preserva
tion of the salmon industry through the
passage of measures referred to in these
Mr. Rosenberir says that the Eraser
river' stock of salmon has been almost
depleted through the operation of fixed
gear, and that fully 75 per cent of the
hatchery output has been eliminatt-d
through this class of gear. At the
spawning ground there are few ftsh
from which to take eggs, and the plants
nave been unable to operate until after
the traps and wheels have finished
operations, lie regards the action of
the. Oregon Federation of labor a a
long step in the right direction. Asto-
' Circuit Court Jurors.
Following is a list of the jurors drawn
for the May term of the circuit court
which convenes on the Kith.
w.Ij. amierpiNii, i'oix Utitler, Alex
Stranahan, Dulur; L. H. Searst Ralph
W . Noyes, J. R. Dovle, Endersbv ; Jo
seph A. Wilson, C. K. Copple, V. H.
Button, Jasper Wickham, J. R. Crosby,
O. H. Khoades, A. J. Friedlv, Allien
Graham, C. H. Stroab, Hood River;
w. n. iitvior, Hugh rarmer, .ft. A
Grittin, The Dalles; Alliert McOlurr,
Emil Mertx, Victor; R.I). Pitcher, Tvgh;
V II L'! 111, 1 .1 f
n, a. i'.rMiw, n.ji. .loniivon, Witintc:
James A. Nicholsen, J. M. Mann, W.H.
Odell, Boyd; Win. Frizxell, Cascade
Locks; W. L. Hendrix, Kingley;0. P.
welssrg, Ytupmctt ia; -I'eter Kisch, IS an
sene; W. W. Nesson, Mount llood.
Mountaineer. Irrigation Scheme.
Ontario, Or., May 10. The Malhenr
irrgation project, lor which the govern
ment ha appropriated 2,000,000, is about
20 miles above Nale. The dam will lie
across the Malheur river, aliout 20
miles above that place, where the -river
uascs through a narrow canon, and will
form a lake 15 mile long and six miles
wide at the widest point and 100 feet
deep at the deepest place. This lake
will cover allot what is known as the
Harper ranch and a large area besides,
and will contain a 200,000 acre sheet of
water. At the point where the dam will
be constructed is sufficient sandstone in
tr.a canyon to construct the dam, which
will lie lbO feet high. This propoted
lake will lie sufficient to store up the en
tire flow of the Malheur river for one
Two canals will be taken out at this
dam, one on either side of the river. The
one on the south side will pass over the
foot-hills above and toutn of Vale, run
ning easterr from that point to within
five and one-half mile of Ontario,
thence south to the Owyhee river, cov
ering all the land now under the Owy
hee, Nevada and Snake river canals, lie
sides valuble bench land above these. n
The E w.irth League of the M. E.
church w ill celebrate H Ibth annivera
sary May 15. A special programme is
bing prepared. Everybody who does
not worship elsewhere is invited to this
r i
Never Undersold.
1 . i
PATTERN, the original!
X la a Nallra of the Wibarii VsMvv
In Indiana.
"A great many people contend that
blue grass was first found In Ken
tucky," said an eminent Indiana geolo
gist, "but this is not so. Blue grass
Is a native of the Wabash valley, la
Indiana. It was found by William
Henry Harrison's troops during that
solemn march to Tippecanoe In 1811.
Harrison gathered a small army at
Ohio Falls and started north. At Vln
cennes the gallant heroes realised that
they could not go 200 miles up the
Wabash without feed for their horses.
General Harrison had Um cribs of
corn at Terre Haute and persuaded the
men to go on. As they came on with
hungry horses and scant feed they
found the ground covered with blue
"Six miles west of Newport, on the
Collett farm, was found a bountiful
supply of blue grass. Some places in
the bottom It was growing three feet
high, and such feed had never been
heard of by the Kentucky soldier. At
State Line City more blue grass was
found, and from there to Tippecanoe
the whole line of march was covered
with blue grass.
"The seed was carried back to Ken
tucky and sown there, but they could
not make It thrive alone in the warm
soil, and It had to be sown with oats
and rye. Mr. Sandusky told me In an
early day that no blue grass grew In
Kentucky until after It was Imported
from Indiana. Tom Downing of Terre
Haute was an ardent admirer of Hen'
ry Clay and once went to visit him at
his home near Ashland, Ky. After
seeing the fine farm well set In' blue
grass Downing suggested that Mr.
Clay let him have somfi of the seed to
take back to Indiana.
"Tom, don't make a fool of your
self,' sold Clay. The grandslre of
Kentucky blue grass Is growing
around your house and In the fence
corners of your fields. Wo got the
seed from Terre Haute and the mid
dle Wabash and after a bard struggle
got It to grow here In Its present lux
urlousuess.' "Indianapolis Journal.
Thcr Dtanlar Mora Pnr ACaatlea
Than Any 0hr Animal.
A wild beast tamer of long experi
ence tells some Interesting things of
the affection of animals for their
young. He bad an elephant once, he
says, who did all In her power to spoil
her young one. She fussed over It and
cuddled It up so that when the time
came for it to leave the cage It was
simply unmanageable. When one of
the men made a bold move toward the
baby he was promptly butted la the
stomach and bowled over In a peculiar
way which the youngster bad of ex
pressing his feelings toward those
whom he disliked. At last by a ruse
the mother and son were separated.
But there was no such thing a keep
ing them apart The baby rubbed the
skin off Its forehead and trunk trying
to get through the bars, and both
walled so long and plteously that the
keeper was obliged to put the to
gether again.
A shy baby camel that passe4
through the bands of this same trainer
refused to look upon the world except
from its favorite station between Its
mother's legs. The mother, too, wouM
show her displeasure at any effort to
ward Intimacy by spitting, violently at
every one In sight.
The kangaroo also Is very fond of
her offspring an'd will patiently carry
It about long after It Is ready to nan On
Its own account.
But for a display of pur affection.
the mother monkey beats any other
animal, and when thero Is an addition
to the family circle there Is general fe
Jolclng. A baby monkey sticks fast by
its mother, and, asleep or awake, it
seems always in her thoughts.
riepartment oflbe Interior, iJind Office at
t Iialk'S, Oregon. May 111, lHiH.-Nsllce Is
hereby given that the roilowing-ni'tned set
ler has It led notice of his Intention to make
final proof in support of hts claim, and tfcat
ild pioofwlll he made before (leo. i. Prat her.
U. S, Oimmisstoner at his office at Hood
itlver, Oregon, June 2Ulh, lo, vis:
f Hood River. Oregon. II. K. No !, for the
8VV SWSKec. 8, WNWiiSee, 1'andSEU
N Kl Sec IS. To. 1 N.. ft. II K.. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
ate continuous residence noon and cultiva
tion of said, land, vis: Kmll D. West, 1. H.
Koirers. John West, Kliarph C. Rogers, all of
Hood River, Oregon.
1H1U-JJ3 .MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Reg later,
Milk or Cream.
Anyone wanting milk or ream, 'phone DM.
Practical Irrigator
and farmer dealres a situation ithlils funnily
on a farm.
Adores L. roenot. Hood River
For Sale.
On thoroughbred Jersey boll calf two
leoas old.HFNRi' AVERY.E ggermout. 6MI
. Wanted.
Two sboala weighing about 30 to o pounds
o jcb. A. OSTKAW ut.a.
Near M. K, cuuren, Beirnoni. ,
For Sale.
One Jersey tow and calf and 4 , bl work
orneft. 7 O. B. HAKlbM.
To Let.
Four office rooms to let, centrally located.
Inaulreof m81 S. E. BARTMEHS,
At the Glacier office, a boy to learn the
printer's trade . .
Drv Slab Wood
for sale: 18.50 a cord, delivered, If Uken at
once. . DAVENrxmr bbub. lbh w.
Lewis Poultry Yards.
Eg from hear laying Black Minorca, f 1
Private School. .
. Vn VmrrArvt Held and Mlm Cora Cop
will open a private acbool. May 18, to continue
week All grade, mourning cinaergarien
work rupll. wno tail in inevconuug eauui'
limn, ,n pun avail tliemaelvea of tlila opportu
nity to take a review and make Ibeir grades
lor promotion 10 we next uiguer cuuw tui
tion per montb For farther particulam ln
quire of Mra Held or Minn Popple
For Sale.
1 Rpaldlng back, 1 tingle baggy, 1 act tingle
harnexa. All la good condition. Will trade
for potatoea,
Buff Leghorn Eggs;
Thoroughbred Bun Leghorn eggx; 7ne per
aettlng. mil E A. KRAI4Z.
Hay for Sale.
Cows Tor Sale.
Good milk cow foraale, Inquire of
100 Cherry Trees,
Lambert and Blng. For aale by
Ad pies of Gold.
Uold wheu vou sell: cold medal when yon
exhibit. We have the land; no better In the
valley; within a mile of the Booth urcbara,
which took a sold medal at Buffalo; SO acres
unimproved, W0 per acre. No. agent. Write
for team tn meet you, or call al farm 7 miles
out. Full particular and terms on applica
tion. Dill TKUX BHfcl.LfcT.
$1.60 Books for 50c.
30 popular books, euch m uCrli.B," "David
narum." etc.. ai auc eacn. aibo. o mrva vuis.
Chamber' fcncyciopeuiu ai yy.w ror net.
mo ri. j. otiAr r r,rv,
For Sale.
8V Bain waiion and team harness, all rood
a new, lor aaie cneap, m. m. iuu.
Gasoline Engine
For wte cheap: 1 bone power; nearly new.
u i' rvw
Dressmaking:. -
I wish to Inform the ladle of Hood River
that I am located Id ttie jackaon Duuaine,
next to MeOuIre meat market,and prepared
to do their dreimmaklnar and fine aewtne. I
have alao a few mroiabed rooms to rent to de
sirable parties. MKS. K. V. ULAKa,
For aale. Inquire at the livery stable. m24
Sing; Lee Laundry
Is now oiiened and aollclta the patronage of
the public. Button hewed on and rips re
paired. Give me a trial and be convinced of
satitmiciury service, rormeny lue jtev laun
dry. Just west of Uoow A Upson' blacksmith
Cows for Sale.
Uood fresh cows. Price 3ft up.
nil MILTON r-EALKK, K. F. P. No. I.
35 Acres
for sale at a bargain; on the road to Mount
Hood; good apple land; nice, healthy location
for a bouse by the roadside, Inquire on the
premises. ma J. f.,
Plymouth Rock Eggs
tl .00 per setting of IS Phone
Girl Wanted.
Wanted a good girl for general housework.
Apply toi ran a K. iiavenpouatnmneor
Milk for Sale
In any quantity, by 1). J. Trelber, on Twin
Oaks farm.
To Contractors.
All contractors desiring tn enter bids on
plans for my bouse can do so by calling at
my office any time between April 2 and &
Fresh Cow for Sale.
By Con
opposite Franktoa school
Seed Potatoes For Sale
Between two and three tons of seed l
standard varieties, for sale. MRS. WM
ota toes
Dried Prunes.
I have about WO pounds of nice dried prune
ror sale at rranaion. -in
Booms to Bent.
Two furnished rooms to rent. Apply
Phone, Main TIB. 66-4U
Cows for Sale.
i yon
Binges, Wash,
Notice to Water Con
sumers. -
AoDltcatlon must be made at the office
the Hood River Electric Light. Power an
Water Co. before any IrrlgMing ia done.
use Irons living west or rourtn street
water from 2 to 5 D. in. and from 7 to 10
night. Those living eaA of Fourth street will
use the water from 5 to II a. m.
m7 Manager.
All m ascription to the ) lacier due May I
1M, are payable to A. D. Moe. All accoaass
due oa advertising at same data will be col
lected by a r. Blylbe Hon.
Bids Wanted.
Bids will be receive up, sa d tatcltullaw
naturday, May zi.-ibm, oy acaooi ait tn no.
1. Crasser. Kir the bnlldlni of aa addition
10x22 feel to school bonce. Also bids r
painting old and new bailiUasja, to be com
nleted bv Aiiirnst 'ML 1H4. Pittas aad socclS-
cations can be sees at residence of dark. By
order oi uie Board.
. J. I. MILLER, Clerk.
Dated April 27, ISM. ml
First-class table board, (4.00
Hansberry place, ou tbe bill.
at the
E.W. CftOM.
L&dit' Suits-
I have a few pieces of English Worsteds
which I will mane Into ladles' suit at rea
sonable prloes. Also sample of summer
good Call and see them.
. 6-5 tf. JANE OOATES.
A child' parasol, and left at this office.
Owner can have same by proving property
and paying for this notice.
For Sale.
Jersey cow and calf Sir sele, PrloetW. Ap
ply to MRS. O. ii. ROBERTS, J'J
Poultry For Sale.
I have 12 hens and a rooster, all pure blood
ed ButrCncblna. Will sell the entire lot for
Jli. Worth Ml. ii HH& 0. U. ROBERTS.
New No. 6 Kemtngton
Typewriter for sale, or will rent al SI p, r
month. O lacier offlea, Jd
This I to publicly certify and declare, tha
I, or we. the anderslgned, do apologise aid
beg pardon of all eucerned In certain sIm te
rn nils we recently made In tbe Ttctntty cm -earning
Mr. W. Sear. MRS. LENZ.
Real Estate
For Sale
. AT
Money to. loan. ,
Banna house and lot, $2,000.
1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
150. -
Corner lot in front of school house
300. . .. .,..
2. Eligible residence lot in epangier s
subdivision, near cannon house ; only
$125 ; terms easy, installment plan.
3. Sixty acres Rood cultivatable land
on Bock creek, six miles southeast of
Uood River., Pf'ce 1700. lerma easy.
4. 820 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood Eiver, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; loo acres good iruit land;-wuu.
8. iou acres at n nite eaimon; one
timber land ; $10 an acre.
9. The b-acre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Renshaw place ; .
all improved; new buildings, etc.
160 acres, house and garden patch.
located 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Trice $900. .
The Hunt place mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
mvsr xownsiu) company, oi wuiuii com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
Tickets to and from Europe.
Person desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points iu Europe or South
Africa may secure the same Irom John
L. Henderson, who is agent for the
Beaver line of steamships.
First-class Surveying Outfit .
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds ol surveying and platting.
trom and after this date, April 9, 1903,
the rates will be as follower' $10 a day;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Furnished room to rent. '
Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2-
story house: $1,400.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For 8ale. 40 acre near Monnt Hood
post office. Good land $700 cash 30
days, only. J. Leland Henderson.
Townsite lots $50 advance each on and
after May 1, 1904. N. C. Evans, trustee ;
John Leland Henderson, secretary.
For Rent For a term of ten years,
the two lots on State street,' back of
Bartmess' and the Paris Fair. Rental,
$120 a year for the two,
For Sale The 50 acre strawberry farm
owned by A. E. Lake and others, on
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw
berries in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several buyers to go in to
gether and each secure a part. Must all
be sold at once. Terms half or more cash.
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. R. Galligan ; 60 acres
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy ; well irrigated ;large
2-etory mansion, small cottage, new
barn; all fenced. Price $10,000. A
brook runs through ranch. Easy terms;
telephone; rural delivery. Four miles
from Hood River.
Two goat ranches tin mountain east
of valley on county road. One, $1,000;
the others,$l,200; each has small house,
running water, and is fenced. Terms,
Rooms to rent in city. .
Unfurnished house to rent. Center of
city. Good for etoie or office. .
Mrs. Clark's acres on the hill for
sale or rent; house $10 a month, with
land $15; selling price $1,500; renter
must take subject to sale.
My own house opposite Savage's hard
ware store, occupied by Mr. Jayne, is
for rent; suitable for oiGce or shop.
The 10 acres owned by H. S. Lewis at
Belmont, improved, with buildings,
farm implements, furniture, stock, etc.,
$3,000; the bare place, $2,500; $1,500
or more cash ; balance on time, 6 per ct.
4 Tracts of Land
for Sale.
6S acres. 10 or 12 cleared and nearly all set to
US seres. 2ji tillable; t acres cleared; 175 per
acre for tillable part, balance will be donated
to purchaser.
20 acres, partly cleared, 70 per acre.
15 acres, all cleared; splendid Improvement. -Whole
place set to trees and strawberries,
Tbase places are located Irom one to five
mil s out, under the East Kork Irrigating
Oo's ditch. I am not a real estate agent but a
former living 6 miles out and am offering
these properties for non-resident friends. If
you are interested in any way, don't besltato
to ask ejuestiona. Tbe list may contain ex
actly what you want, or your friends wbo are
coming to Hood River, are looking for. Call
on, write to or phone K. E. HARBISON,
FhoueiHa. HoodBiver.Or
10 Acres for Sale!
I am offering for sale my 10 acres, well 1m-
B roved, Z miles' south of town, on the Mount
Igori road. Kor particulars, call at my place.
aMlf F. E. BAILEY.
Hix acre ALL IN BERRIES, one nrlle
from town. Early ground. This year' crop
estimated at UI orates. Inquire of.
.For Sale.
12 acres of good apple lard 4 mile oat; 40
rods from l'ine Orove school bouse. Call on
or address V, WINt'HEIJ
n l Hood River, Or.
480 Acres Timber.
I5.OW.0O0 t'
ni,0u0,(ioo feet atumpage, near
Davenport's new
nnort s new mill site. I At mime al
mill site. Log flume
ready built h rough tract. Price I i.OJtwfioiri.
Luck box 1M, Hood River, Or. ml
For Sale.
& acrei in Frank urn district. For terms, Ii
quire rn premise
Notary Public and Real Es
" tate Agent.
Loans, Collection and Conveyancing. Flrf
and Life Insurance in the bent companies.
Stenography and Typa Writing. -oak
Bk, Hood River. -