The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 12, 1904, Image 1

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2sO. 52,
Issued every Thursday by
ARTHUR D. HOB, Pubasner.
1 enne of subscription 1.M a year when paid
In advance.
The pcstofflee It open daily between I a
at d 7 p. m. ; Sunday rom 12 to 1 o'clock. Malli
' VJ 'JS ut cluM ' H: nit P. ; or
ins nest at:iu a. m. and 1:40p.m.
. The carrier, on R. r. U. routos No. t aad No.
3 leave the poetoftlr at 8 :80 dally. Uatl leave.
ror i uooa, aally at l?:W m.j am
:: a m.
Fur Chcnoweth. Wah at T-tft a m fnu
rjai , Ti nradays and baturdaya; arrive, aarxii
p. pi.
For Underwood. Vuk . At ? Bn a M T,....
days, Thuradaya and Saturday.; arrive, earn
day. at p. m.
For White Salmon, Week., dally at t-M p, at
arrives at 11 a. m. r
Fr Hood River daily at a. a.; arrive, at
i:iop. m.
For Hisnm, Trout Lake and Oalar, Waak
dally at 7: a. m.; arrive, at 1- at.
For Olenwood, Winter and FulAa, Waak.
daily eU :80 a. m.; arrives at i . .
- for Fine Mat and Bnowdea, Waak., at 11:80
i m- Ju,?,d4J" nl Brdar; arrive tarn
uiib, iu:wa. m.
For Bin en, Waak., daily at 4:tl . it.; nr
rive, at 8:46 a. ro.
w rumu. Meeti me ncoona ana rourtk
Frldaviol the month. Visitors cordially wel-
wiiibu. p. u. brosiu, ujunsellor.
ku NiixiB Class:, Secretary.
Union No. 1. meeu In Odd Fellow.' ball
eecona ana lourta Saturday, in eaek mouta,
a. u nuoD, r real dent.
C. U. Dakix, Secretary.
TJOOD RIVER CAMP. No. 7.702. M. W. A
meets in &C. of K Hall vr W.itnA..
. c.u.
M. M. Kvmiu, V. C.
Dkih, Clerk.
HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 770, W. O. W., meet!
on first and tbtrd Tueiday oleack montk
In Odd Fellow Hall. A, C. Btatzk, C. C.
r. a. cauu, nera.
In K. of P. Hall Tiiaa
of P.. meets
inK.oIP. Hall ever-
Tuesday night.
C. H. J IN KINS, C, C.
C. E. HiMMAir, K. of R. 6 8.
A a meet, second and fourth Tuesday even
Ingsof each month. Visitor cordially wel
coined. Tmircsx CtSTitia, W. M.
At kb. Mart B. Davidson, Secretary.
f Trmn nivrn rtopi 9
No. SS4 Women of
. of P. Hall on tava
A! Woodftratt. mmi, . a nf P
nrst ana tnira rriaays ot eaca month.
Hki.en Norton. Guardian Neighbor.
Nillii HoixowiLk Clerk.
CAN BY POST, No. 16, O. A. R., meets at A.
O. U. W. Hall, second and fourth Saturdays
of each month at J o'clock p. m. All 0. A. It.
members Invited to meet with us.
. H. H. Baiuy, Commander.
T. J. Ct'WNIrlQ, Adjutant.
CANBYW.R. C., No. 16, meets second and
fourth Saturdays of each month In A. 0. U.
W. Hall at t p. m.
Mrs. Allot Bhoehakm, President, .
MM. T. J. CUKKlMd, Secretary.
EDEN ENCAMPMENT, No. 48, I.O. 0. F.,
Kegular meeting second and fourth Mon
days of each month. A. I. Gatchbu,. 0. P.
Hurt Emtricam, Scribe.
TDLEWILD LODGE. No. 107, I. O. 0. F.. meets
in Fraternal Han, every Thursday night.
t. R. Km, K. Q.
Bert Ehtricak, Secretary.
tTArtn DTVra rlt i wr 17 1, v a, n . m
meet third Friday nig4it of each mohUi.
U. A. CASTMSa, H. p.
D. McDonald, Secretary.
"OURT HOOD RIVER No. 42. Foresters of
v America, meets second and fourth Mon
days in each month in K. of P. Hall.
L. C. Hayxm, C. M.
F. C. Brosius, Financial Secreury.
87. 1. 0. O. F., meet first and third Fridays
In each month. Francis Mobj, N. O.
iHKHBsa UABTnaa, secretary.
O00 D RIVER LODGE No. 106. A. F. aad A.
fl M., meets Saturday evening on or before
tacn lull moon. 11. Mcdonald, W, .
R. B. Savaoi, Secretary.
OLETA ASSEMBLY No. 108, United Artisans,
meets flrt and third Wednesdays, work;
second ana fourth Wednesdays, social ; Artl
sans hall. D. McDonald, M. a.
E. M. McCabtt, Secretary.
RIVERSIDE LODGE No. 68, A. O. U. W.,me
first and third Saturdays of each month.
S. R. Bbadlky. Financier. W. B. ISHUTa, W. M,
J. u. jaAYNsa, iiccoraer.
RIVERSIDE LODGE, NO. 40, Degree of Hon
or, A. O. C. W, meets first and third Satur
days at 8 p. m. Mas. Saah Brahliy, C. of H,
Mis Cora Copflc, Recorder.
Mb. LOcaniA FhATHaa, Flnaatiar
and Pharmacy, Hood
Phone, Maiu (Ml,
Will Practic in All CorU.
Office with Geo. D. Culberteea A Ca. CalbM
Uons, Abstract, Settlement EetaMf.
SaaclaUat a Crowa aad Mdaa Vesk,
Telephone: Oflea, tM; seetitaea, sa.
Office over Bank Bldf. Bead liver, Onsjoa
lacoeaiar ta C. L t, 8hea.
Callt preeaptly answered la taeya af
aar or mgni.
Telephones: Residence, 611; 04kee, u.
0a over Reed's OraMw).
J F. WATT, M. B.
Phytic!) ird SurgMn.
Telepkoaes: Oeaaa, H;
. . XARY PUBU0 Md RIai.
For 21 year a reMdent of Qragon and Vaak
fntton. Ha had many years experlano ta
Real Estat mattara, as abstractor, searcher of
title and af eut satiafasUoa aaiaraaawd or
ne chaxg.
Abftraets Fornlshed. Mdtaer Lotuied.
Hood Elver, Oregon.
p C. BR0SIU8, If. D.
'Phona OwSul, ojlJL,
Office Hoars: 10 to 11 A. f to I
andjp7P. AL
o BANKcna.
Do t lensrsi btULkiag baintM.
Cmarlreii9rve Review at Mat tupi-
' ant Hafuroaagi at tka Pate V
sVtJBBtae! la CanrbMratrA Fena, JRejal
UMhr ta Pra-ra hitetaa Our
Many naadtNW. .
In battle at Ktrola tlie British
killed 200 TbibetRRi.
.The government fundi lor the Lewis
and Clark sfir sre now available.
The Rtttsjans have re-wstablisbed rail
way and telegraph conmunietioijwith
i urt Artuur. .
Senator Mitchell has been asked to
name a successor to Postmaster Ban.
croft, at Portland.
r,rneat Mooley, lamona as a pro
moter, has been srrested In Loudon on
a charge of conspiracy to defraud.
Cotton has been declared a contra
band of . war on account of its bsinc
used in the manufacture of .high e
A Russian aeneral took over a half
million dollars of Red Cross money
ana lost It gambling. The dowager
empress made good the sum to the so
The government will not take up the
Malheur, Oregon, irrigation project if
there is any dispute over water rights,
in which' event it may turn to the
Umatilla scheme.
Russian authorities at Niu Chwang
for a time refused to allow United
States Consul Miller to cable the con
ditions there to Minister' Conger at
Pekin. A strongly worded protest se
cured the transmission of the message.
Russia is rapidly evacuating Niu
Viceroy Alexieff has transferred his
headquaiters to Harbin.
Turkey is negotiating with Chile
for the purchase of two cruisers.
Brazil and Peru ' will settle their
troubles without resorting to arrhB.
Another 100,000 men are on the way I
to Manchuria to reinforce General
The secretary of the interior has set
aside (2,000,000 for the Malheur, Ore
gon, irrigation project.
Russian authorities deny that there
is aa unusual amount of sickness
among the troops in Manchuira.
Twenty thousand Japanese soldiers
volunteered to man the fireships that
blockaded the Port Arthur entrance.
Information is given by a merchant
who left Port Arthur recently that the
warships there have only enough coal
for six weeks.
Japanese commanders declare that
Instead of 32,000 men at Port Arthur
there are only 8,000, and instead of be'
ing provisioned for a year the fortress
contains supplies for but a -. three
months' siege.
Present indications point to a long
war between Russia and Japan.
Russia will have a large exhibit at
the St. Louis fair in short time.
The latest Japanese victory gives her
control of much valuable territory.
There will be small crops of apricots
and prunes in California this year.
France believes that the supreme
struggle will come soon at Mukden.
It is reported that Viceroy Alexieff
Is to be succeeded by Grand Duke
Jobs Mitchell advocates a trade
agreement as the solution of the strike
Admiral Togo' reports that bis cas
ualties attending the bottling np of
Port Arthur were large. ,
Russia relies oh wireless teles raphy
and carrier pigeons to maintain com
munication with Port Arthur.
A noted Chinese revolatioaists is
supposed to be in Saa Francises to ia
eite the natives there to revolt.
The St. Louis fair remains elosnd on
Sandays .except to those who hold
passes aad. these are not allowsd ia any
of the buildings. . i
Brazil and P ar again, ia dispute
At least 20 people' wees killed in the
cyclone, which swept over Motthwest
Whole sections of the government
food exhibit at St. Louis have been
stolen. Superintendent Bruner has
issued a warning that the food should
aot be eaten, as a majority of the
things have been poisoned for preserva
tion. At the Chinese building ivory
inlaid in wall was removed and the
depression filled with plaster of paris.
During the retreat on the Yalu a
body of Russians mistook a smsll force
ofth eir own men for tbe enemy and
180 were killed or wounded before tbe
error was discovered.
The national 1905 fair board will
meet at once to decide on buildings, so
the strchitcet can begin to prepare the
The Japanese fired on the train tak
ing Viceroy Alexieff and staff from Port
Arthrn, but tha distance was too great
to be effective. .
A Japanese dispatch say they have
captured Teng Wang Cheng after fierce
flghting and that tha loess on both ,
idea were heavy. j
Canal Position Olvta to Joha
P. VVallace:
Chicago, May 12. John F. Wallace,
general manager of the Illinois Central
railroad, will be chief engineer of the
Panama canal. ' After having the offer
under advisement for some time, he
today wired Admiral Walker, chair
nM of the commission, his acceptance.
Tha position will pay A25,00O per year.
Mr. Wallace will leave for Washing
ton to enter upon his new duties) early
neat month.
During the recent trip of the Psna-
ma canal commissioners to the isthmus,
one of the subjects of discussion w
the appointment of the chief enginee
It was agreed by everyone that the
man selected must possess exceptions
qttaHftcationa ! must be not only
engineer, but an administrator and ex
ecutive; must liave mature judgment
and yet energy of accomplishment, and
must be well and favorably known,
a very great measure of the success
the commission would depend upon the
cnief engineer.
While the committee was at sea
tha way to the isthmus, a letter
written to Mr. Wallace asking him
meet the members in Mew York on
theii return and talk over the matter,
Subsequently there was correspondence
with Btuyveeant Fish, president of the
Illinois uentrai, wno thus spoke
Mr. Wallace: ,
mere is no professional engineer
in my acquaintance who, I think, has,
in a higher degree than Mr, Wallace,
the special '"ommorcial and diplomatic
tact which i conceive will be required
He not only has commercial sense
knows the value of money, but also has
very tare capacity in dealing with
men, whether tbey be above him, his
peers, or under him. It goes without
saying that he is upright."
Russtaas Overtake at Mae Tleag
Pass and Defeated.
lokio, May 12. Admiral logo re-
ports that since the tun ol May many
explosions have been heard coming
fiom the Vicinity of Port Arthur, but
their cause has not been ascertained
The Impression here is that the Rus
sians, despairing of their ability to de
fend Port Arthur, are destroying their
ships before leaving tbe place.
Paris, May 12. The Matin's St.
Petersburg correspondent says it is per'
siBtently rumored that there has been
a big fight near Mao Tien Ling pass
between the Russians and General
Kuroki's army. The Russians, he
says lost heavily. Lieutenant General
Zassalitch was among the killed.
Another Japanese Victory.
London, May 12. The Daily Chron
icle's coneepondent at Shan Hal Kwan
says the Japanese first anny from tbe
Yalu river is already threatening the
Russian position at Haicheng. The
second army, marching in three divis
ions in order to co-operate with General
Kuroki, has defeated the Russians
near Wafungtien with great loss, the
correspondent says. He adds that the
Japanese artillery was splendidly
The Daily Chronicle notes that there
are two Wafungtiens, one on the rail
road north of Port Arthur. 20 miles
from Pitsewo, and the other 40 miles
west of Kaiping, on the road to Feng
Wang Utieng.
the Yalu DM Nat Take
Feng Wang Cheng.
Tokio, May 12. It appears that the
capture of Feng Wang Cheng was
effected not by the troops which fought
on the Yalu, but by a mixed brigade
under Major General Saesaki, which,
by marching eastward on April 20,
ciossed the Yalu at Changseng and
moved on Feng Wang Cheng by a
mountain road.
The sole object cf the Japanese for
eign loan is to secure a gold currency
system and to maintain the converti
bility of notes. The loan will not be
need to finance the war. and therefore
the entire proceeds will be kept as a
currency reserve, probably in London.
Jafan Bankeg Jakni arias Boat.
Newport Hews, Va., May 12. From
a reliable soarce comes the infoimation
that a contract has been awarded the
Newport News Shipbuilding company
for tbe construction of foar submarine
boats destined for service with the Jap
anese navy ia the Far East. Shipyard
officials here refuse to confirm or deny
the report, but it is believed here that
the yard has teen rushing woii on
warships contracted for ia an indirect
way lor tbe mikado t government for
some time past.
Protest ta tbe Powsa.
8t. Petersburg, May 12. Russia has
protested to the poweis, signatory oi
The Hague arid Geneva conventions,
against the action of the Japanese in
firing on tke Red Cross trains from
Port Arthur, May 6, when of 200 sick
and wounded, two were struck by the
Japanese bullets. The general staff is
authority for the statement that the
health of the Russian troops is excep
tionally good, considering the filthy
Chinese hovels along the line of march.
Says Transport Were Sunk.
Paris, May 12 According to the St.
Petersburg correspondent of the Mat fa,
a high official of the naval general
staff, declares that the entrance to Port
Arthur ia still free, and that the squad-
ron went out on May 9 aa far as pitee-
wo, where the torpedo boat sank a
number of Japanese transports.
Qaeellsw BaglMS Ustd tor Paaalaf ta
Caste Oregon.
Salter City A novel plan in this
section is being adopted her to reclaim
the ' arid lands lying a tew miles east
of town. .
A few weeks ago W. J. Patterson and
associates sold 780 acres of this land to
Wisconsin men, who -mmeuiaiy t
gan clearing it of sage brash. Whea
this was completed a steam plow run
by a traction engine placed ia op
eration and a large fart of the land
prepared for seeding. Wells have been
sunk to water and pamps will be in
stalled to be operated by gasoline en
gines. Tbe wells are so situated that
a large area can be e&vered by water.
Mr. Patterson is placing under culti
vation a large tract of land in a similar
manner, except that instead of gasoline
engines be has installed motors and
will run bis pumps by electric power,
His land is on the line between this
city and the Cyclone mine. Mr. Pat
terson estimates that each pump will
irrigate 80 acres. His plant will begin
full operation next week. He thinks
the cost of power will not exceed that
of keeping up irrigating ditches.
There is a large body of rich land ly
ing east of town which is practically
useless without water on the surface.
Water can be obtained in quantities by
sinking from 15 to 40 feet.
Should this venture prove a success
from a financial standpoint, it is ex
pected thousands of acres will be re
claimed in this way when the large
electric power plant on Eagle creek
shall have been completed.
C. J. Mlllls Views the Range In Bastcra
Oregon Counties.
La Grande C. J. Millie, livestock
agent for the O. R. A N., has returned
from an extended tour to the interior of
Oregon, where he covered a vast csope
of country, including Grant, Harney
and Crook counties, and was compelled
to make the trip incomplete on account
of bad roads, as they are impassable in
many places on account of spring wash
outs and many bridges are swept away.
Air. Willis reporn ttiat stock pros
pects are very good all through Eastern
Oregon and he thinks there will be the
beBt range this year tor. many years
past. The spring tains and -freshets
have done the work fur the range, even
though they have swept away bridges
and ruined many roads, and he also
thinks that the hay crop will be ahead
ct any lor many years.
But the prices of stock are not the
best now, though a change is being
looked for soon. There is an overplus
throughout the country, too many stock
everywhere. Oregon has a good range
and this is established for the present
year, and tbe stockmen wi'l be able to
hold the stock for better prices.
As soon as the roads will permit, Mr
Millls will complete the trip through
the Interior.
Coming Events.
Grand lodges I. O. 0. F. and Rebek
aha, Astoria, May 17-19.
Farmers institute, Pendleton, May
State Grange, Corvallls, begins May
Intertsate oratorical contest, Port
land, May 27.
Eastern Oregon high school oratori
cal contest and track meet, La Grande,
May 28.
Umatilla Pioneers' reunion, Pendle
ton, June 2-4.
General election, June 8
Annual reunion, Department of Ore
gon, U. a. K., tiood Kiver, June 15-17.
Linn county Pioneer aesoclation re
union, Brownsville, June 22-24.
Northwest sportsmen a tournament,
Pendleton, June 24-26.
Pioneer association reunion, Portland,
une 25.
Western division State Teachers' as
sociation, Portland, June 29 to July 1.
Eastern Oregon G. A. S. encamp
ment, La Grande, July 1-4.
kHrtofl far On and Salt,
Independence A new corporation
has been formed for the purpose of de
veloping the oil and salt prospects on
tha B. F. Whiteaker farm near this
place with a capital stock of $100,000.
Development wss begun on this prop
erty more than a year ago. A well
was sunk over 900 feet and work
topped for lack 'of better machinery.
New machinery will now be put on the
grounds and the work pushed. Betides
the oil indication discovered so far the
water flowing from the borings made 1
strongly impregnated with salt.
Plaaj Needle Plant fftevesx .
Grants Pass The machinery of the
Pine Needle company was taken from
the old factory at Grant Pas laat
week and shipped to La Grande, where
new company with a capitalization of
lOO.OQO will operate. - The new com
pany in under tbe control of Turner
Oliver, of La Grande. Considerable
stock has been sold at La Grande. Tbe
company baa control of a100-acre site
and plans to put up a factory of 2,600
pounds per day.
Union Sawallts to Start.
La Grande Tbe Casey sawmill at
Hilgard, Or., a few mile from thi cioy
will start its summer run in a few days.
The mill will cut 3,000,000 feet of lum
ber this season. The Perry mill will
soon start on it run. Thso water in
the Grand Rnnde haa been in fine shape
for the bringing down ot log and all
the mill In Eastern Oregon will cut
large amount of logs thi aummer.
tirade la Higher aad the lextnre
Than Uaaal.
Pendleton Sheep shearing la about
half over, taking Umatilla county as a
whole, and the results of shearing so
far have justified early expectations of
what the clip would be. The grade Is
,hibr, the texture finer. What is
lout in Weight became the ella U
cleaner this spring Is nearly compen
sated, fxf the greater length of strands
and will, probably be more than con
pens ted by the improved price it will
obtain over dirty wool.
With one exception, only a few small
clips, trifling in comparison with the en
tire output, have been sold. Most of
them belonged to smaller sheepmen in
the sand district, who needed the
money or were scared into letting go by
pessimistic talk of buyers. By these
iroro v to 1Z cents was realised
The outlook for good prices keeps
up to the mark, and 1 can see nothing
in the situation in the United States.
or in the world, for that matter, which
would justify a prediction of a market
at all weak," said J. H. Ginn, secre
tary of the Oregon Woolgrowera' as
sociation. "In fact, I believe sales
days will see prices a shade better
than were received last year. Grow
ers (horrid hold their clip until the
sales, and I think none of them will be
sorry for It."
Creamery Runs at Top Limit.
Oregon City The Clear Creek cream
ery, located near this city, and operated
by the farmers on a co-operative basis,
is being run to its full capacity, 600
pounds of butter being churned in a
single day this week. Several new
cream rcutes are being established and
the output of the plant is beng in
creased weekly. Many Clackamas
county farmers have been taken In dur
ing the last two weeks by a fakir who
is traveling through the interior ot the
county selling a recipe by which It is
claimed that butter can be made in a
few minutes and at the same time de
odorize cream. For each recipe the
smooth-tongued salosman collects 5,
Land Business Slacken.
The Dalles A report of the business
transacted and the cash receipts of the
United States land office at this place
bowed a slackening of the rush which
has continued in this office for the past
two years, in which tbe working force
of the office has been taxed to its ut
most in order to keep abreast of the
current werk. For the month of April
87 original homesteads, 14 final home
steads and 55 final timber and stone
proofs are reported, the cash receipts
being $24,342.27; total cash receipt,
fee and commissions $26,467.95.
Chilly Weather Timely. 1
Pendleton Chilly weather which has
prevailed for a eek in Umatilla coun
ty ia welcomed by moat ranchers
through the -county because it I pre
venting what promised to be a too rank
growth of wheat. Fall grain in the
county is well advanced. The hot
weather and generally fine condition of
the ground, caused a rapid shooting up
which threatened to run the crop to a
strong growth of straw. This is very
opportunely checked.
Wheat Walla Walla, 73 74c: blue-
stem, 84c; Valley, 85c.
Barley Feed,! 23.60 per ton: rolled.
Flour Valley, $3.9034.05 per bar
rel; hard, wheat straights, $4(94.25;
clears, $3.8534.10; hard wheat pat
ents, $4.400 4.70; graham. $3.60(94;
whole wheat, $404.25; rye flour,
Oats No. 1 white. $1.17);91.20:
gray, $1.12H91.15 per cental.
Millstuffs Bran, $19 20 per ton;
middlings, $25.500 27; shorts, $20A
21; chop, $18; linseed, dairy food. $19.
Uay Timothy, $15018 per ton
clover, $10011; grain, $11(812; cheat,' i
Vegetables Turnips, 80o per sack :
carrots, 80c; beet, $1; parsnips. $1:1
cabbage, 22e; red cabbage, 2Jc; I
lettuce, head, 25 40c per dos.; caull-
flower, $2; celery, 7500c; cucumbers.
. . . - ' '
$1.76; aaparagUB, $1.20; peas. 405c ,
per pound; rhubarb, 3c; beam, green,
16c; wax, 20c; onion, Yellow Dan-
vers, $2.5003 per sack.
Honey $308.60 per case.
-. I . h a V A .
r out toes fancy, i..zotsi.ou per
.cental; common, 11(91.25; new pota
toes, Bt(i4c(lper pound; sweets, 6c per
'Fraita Strawberries, $2 per crate;
apples, fancy , Baldwin and Spitzen
bergs, $L60O2.60 per box; choice, $1
01.60; eooking, 75311.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 18c per dozen,
Butter Fancy creamery, 17HO20c;
store, UK012KC
Butter Fat Sweet cream, 19021c,
sour cream, 19c.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, lCVsO
13c per pound; spring, imall, 180
20c; bena, 13(3 He; turkeys, live, 16
017c; dressed, 18c; .ducks. $708 per '
dozen; geese, live, stgsc per pound.
Cheese Full cream, twins,
stock, 12 X (9 13e; old stock, 10c;
Young America, 14c.
Hop 1903 crop, 23 O 25c per
Wool Valley, 160 1 7c ; Eastern Ore-'
gon 11014c;
monair, sue per pound
for choice.
Beef Dressed, 508c per pound.
Mutton Dressed, 607)rper pound;
spring lambs, 12c per pound.
Veal Dressed, 607)c per pound.
Pork Dressed, 7 8c.
Geological Survey to Search for New De
posit In Far North.
Washington, May 11. The first field
party of the United States, geological
survey to leave Washington this year
is, aa usual, tha Alaskan contingent.
During the past winter congress in
creased its appropriation for Alaskan
work from ItiO.OOO to $80,000, which is
about 1 per cent ot the annual output
of that territory. Nine parties will be
engaged there during the coming season
in topographic and geologic work. Be
sides these, three aubparties, which
may be counted as otishoots of tbe larg
er ones, will take up special work, so
tnat ttw number ot aarveg ivMMga.
tiom on foot in Alaska during the Bum
mer will be 13, as against 7 of last
ifie geologic work ol the last season
in Southeastern Alaska will be cob tin-
tied by Messrs. C. W. and F. W,
Wright. As this is the only note
worthy lode mining district of Alaska.
and aa its rich deposits of gold, silver
and copper are only partiatlly devel
oped, a study of its resources Is likely
to be of vital interest to tha prospector
and investor. The work will begin
with a reconnaissance across the islands
flora Taku Inlet to Sitka. An exami
cation of the mining district about Sit
ka will follow, together with a itudy
of the coal deposits of Admiralty
Island, with Wrangell as a base. F.
W. Wiight will then studv tbe local.
geology and mineral deposits, while C,
W. Wright connects the geology of the
Juneau district, the work of Dr. A. C.
Spencer in 1903, with that of the
Ketchikan district, the work of Alired
U. Brooks in 1901. If the time per-
mits, some ot the copper and gold
mine of Prince of Wales Island will be
Peravlan Legation Complaint of Att'todt
of Her Neighbor.
Washington, May 11. In view of the
statement made by the Brazilian lega
tion defining Brazil's position in the
boundary dispute with Peru, the Peru
vian legation today made a counter
statement to tne following effect;
"Peru has never admitted in Brazil
any right whatsoever to the territory
actually in dispute. The treaty of 1851
contains no recognition in Brazil rights
as alleged by tha Brazilian legation.
The treaty is one of ami? f and com
merce and made no referoi'.Se af to the
territory now in dispute.
"According to late reports It would
seem that the government of Brazil, in
Stead of framing its policy in accord
ance with the provisions of it consti
tution, which provides tor the settle
ment of international disputes by arbi
tration, assumed a hostile attitude and
has taken steps by no means conductive
to the peace solution it has pledged it
self to seek.
"The Brazilian legation' statement
that Peru took advatage of Brazil'
trouble with Bolivia to send military
forces to the headwater of the rivers
Yuroa and Peru i unwarranted, and a
a Peruvian population always has ex
isted there as well aa small gairtaon to
preserve order. Feru today i desirous
of resorting to arbitration, without de
manding previous conditions, unneces
sary to governments really wishing to
reach a prompt, just and pacific settle
ment of their differences. This she rsn
offer a the best proof ot her good faith
and fraternal aentimente towards ber
sister republic."
Monday's Fight -at Ftng Wang Cheng
Resulted la 1,000 Casualties.
Tokio, Msy 11. Last Friday, after
sharp cavalry skirmishes at Erbtaitsn,
Santaisu and other places, a detachment
of infantry, belonging to General Kuro
ki ' army took Feng Wang Cheng.
The Russians, before retiring, ex
ploded the magazine, but left large
quantities of hospital (tores, which are
being used by the Japanese hospital.
Refugee from tbe wood and email
village are surrendering.
The Russian buried many of their
Natives in the vicinity of Feng Wang
Cheng say that last Monday the Rus
sian carried about 800 wounded
throu8b ,ht P1" ndthat their casu
antes probably were above s,uuo.
AI-Ki Asnere M Alaska.
Port Townsend, Wssb., May 11.
oteamer cottage City, arriving waay
'ron A!i.ka, reports speeking the
. at frl l i tr ! . l 1
earner ai-jvi asnore in menzie oay,
where she grounded while northbound,
heavily laden with freight. Tbe Cot
tage City could render no assistance to
the stranded vessel, and it ia the opin
ion of Captain Wallace that her cargo
will have to be lightered before tha ves
sel can be flrated. The AI-KI lies In a
protected position, and ia in no danger
unless an unusual storm should
Keep Up Their Spirits. .
Mukden, Msy 11. The spirits of the
troops here are not depressed because of
tbe fighting on the Yalu and the invest
ment of Port Arthur and vicinity are
awaiting an opportunity to meet the in
vader. Wounded from the Yalu are
passing through Mukden on every tsain
on the way to Harbin.
I he last oaa-
aenirer train from Port Arthur before
th fine wa cut arrived today. The
newTwoodwork of the coachea are Jrtarked
with bullets.
Murdered by Mexican Bandit.
Oaxaca, Mexico, May 11. Otbon
Qulnjano, the paymaster of the Nation-
al railroad of Tenauntepec, waa assault
ed ty five bandit between Palo Mares
and Paso de Buqnej. One btfilet went
through hi body and hi head waa cut
almost in two with a mschette. II
died of bis wounds. The bandit got
away with between $2,000 and $3,000.
Waa a Welsh Boy Who Rose Front Poor
Farm to Palace Won Fame la Wild
et Afrlca-Rescutd Dr. Livingsta
ad Relieved Emln Pasha When Ha
Waa Psansd la by Hostile NaUvea.
London, May 11. Sit Henry M.
Stanley, the famous African explorer,
died at t o'clock this morning from an
attaHt of pleurisy, which developed
about two week ago. Bfnce Sunday
he ha been in a semi-consciou condi
tion, and while the doctor had no hope
of his recovery, they did not exnect tha
end to come so toon, , Heart tronola
complicated the case, however, and
their famous patient droimed offalmnal
before they knew it.
Probably no man in recent vears ha
been more worthy of the title "self
made man" than Stanlev. who rnaa
from poorhouse to Dalace entlml
through his strength of character and
determination to be a man of mark.
He waa born at Denbigh, Wales. He
was placed in a poorhouse at the ace of
3, and remained there 10 yesrs, until
he had acquired an education. Ha
sailed as cabin boy on a ship to New
Orleans whsn 15, and was adopted by a
merchant there whose family nam of
Stanley he assumed instead of his own
of John Rowlands. He enlisted in the
Confederate army a a yduth, waa capt-
turea ana eniistea in the federal army.
ue went to i urkey at the close of the
war a a newspaper correspondent, and
later accompanied the British army
through the Abyssinian war as the cor.
retpondent of the New York Herald.
He was sent by that paper to Africa to
find Dr. Livingstone, who had been lost
in the Congo region for two year. Ha
accomplished the task and wa honored
by England and the Royal Geographical
society for his clover work.
lie went back a second time, and so
ured Information about Central Africa
which waa badly needed bv chartc-
graphers. Coming back to civilization
be was decorated by numerous French
and British science societies. He went
back a third time and established trad
ing Buttons along tha Congo from it
mouth to Stanley Pool. He led the ex
pedition which relieved Emln FaBha.
governor of Equatorial Africa, who wa
penned in ny bostUes.
Mr. Stanley married Miss Dorothy
Tennant on July 12, 1800,- in West
minster Abbey, lie was elected to
parliament from the Lambeth distrt,
and until taken with his last Illness
had been active in the English political
Kouropatkin WIU Retire to Mukden or
Even to Harbin.
Paris, May 11. The correspondent
at St. Petersburg, of the Echo dc Paris,
General Kouropatkin ha ordered
general retreat, and no doubt intend
to avoid a battle until he baa sufficient
force. He actually baa at hi disposal
not more than 160.000 men, exclusive
of the garrison at Port Arthur, which
consists of 30,000, and the ganiton at
niu unwang ol 10,000.
A general, who know the secret of
the mobilization, tell me that the last
1,000 men making the required 600..
000 men will leave Kasan July 21,
"We will be very sick 11 the railroad
I not working well.
London Believes He Will Overtake tha
Ruealana Soon.
London, Msy 11. In the absence of
further stirring news from the seat of
war, the London newspapers are dis
cussing the probable course of events.
Th balance of opinion incline to tb
belief that General Kuroki will succeed
in overtaking the Russian between
Feng Wang Cheng and Liao Yang, and
will com pie him to fight at disad
vantage. It ia argued that it will be impossi
ble for General Kouropatkin. depend
ing upon a slender line of railway and
with bia army encumbered with bag
gage, to make hi retirement speedy
enough to enable him to choose hi
own battleground.
American Sh! Oo.
Washington, May 11. Orders were
cabled today to Rear Admiral Cooper,
commanding the Asiatic fleet, to send
two warahipa to Chefoo, where they
will be held in readiness to proceed to
Niu Chwang, a day's sail. Thi I in
view of the possibility that Chinese
bandits will attempt to pillage Niu
Chwang in the interval between the
Russians', expected evacuation of the
city, and tho Japanese occupation of
it. Tbe warships will not be sent to
Niu Chwang unless United State Con
sul Miller asks for them.
So Much Qalned by tbe Russians.
St. Petersburg, May 11. General
Kouropatki ia under no obligation to
hold Laio Yang, but haa the consent of
the Russian general staff to retire so
far into Manchuria aa the exigencies of
the situation may warrant. It I eon
sidered by tbe general staff that tb
greater distance General Kouropatkin
places between himself and th enemy
increase the difficulties of tho Japan-
Russia Places Order for Rifles.
Paris, May 11. It i learned that
the Russian government hs placed an
order for 200,000 Lebel rifle, the same
to be delivered in St. Petersburg at the
rate ol 50,000 a week.