0 v o 1 v; O' O 0 "IT'S A COLD DAY WHEN WE GET LEFT." vol. xy. HOOD RIVES, OREQON, THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1904. (sh jys J4JJ r : . XO. 51. Ill ' " M HCOD river glacier Issued everv Thursday by ARTHUR 0. MOB. Publl.hr. lerms of subscription Sl.uOe yew Mg pud 111 BUTM1CV. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF HAILS. HOOD RfVER. inepcsiomceiaopeu dally between I a m. id 7 p. m. ; Sunuay rem VI to 1 o'clock. Main f r the East don ii 12:Ju a. m. anu S p. m; lor iub neai ai , :iu a. iq. ana i:up. m. The carrier! on K. F. l. route No. 1 and No. t leave the Dostolfloe a tit: at) dally. Mail leaves for sit. itood, dally at U:W m.; arrive. 10:a. m. For Chenoweth, Waah., at 7:90 a. ra. Tue da s,T ursdayanud Saturday; arrive am day at 6 p. m. rur I'nuerwood, Waah., at 7:30 a. m. Tue daya, Thursday and Saturday; arrive tame day at ( p. m. lot White 8alnun, Wah., dally at 2:41 p, ra.; arrive at 11 a. m. WHITE SALMON. Fr.r Hood River dally at a. m.; arrive at :46 p.m. For Huaum, Trout Lake and Outer, Wub dally at 7 :WI a. rn. ; arrive at la m. For Olenwood, oilmer and Full, Wash,, dally at 7:3ue. m.: amvestfip. m. . . For finerlet and bnowtlen, wast., a 11:80 a. m. Tuesday and Saturday; arrive aame day, 10:Sue. m. For Bin en, Wash., dally at 4:46 p. m.; ar rive at :4f a m. SotlBTIKS OAK GKOVE COUNCIL No. 1, OHDF.R OF PKNDO. Meet the Second and Fourth trldeysof the month. V isitor cordially wel comed. F. U. Huomus, Counsellor, ilibs Nillii Clask, Secretary. ORDER OF WASHINGTON. - Hood River Union No. 142. meet In Odd fellows' hall wcond and lourth Saturday in each month, i :n o ciocx. a. u Koov, rresiueut. C. U. Hum, Secretary. HOOD RIVKR CAMP. No. 7.702. M. W. A meet Ink. ol P. Hall every Wednesday maui At. A. fiUBSaLL, V . V, C. U. DaKW, Clerk. UOOD KIVKK CAM P, Ko. 770, W. O, W., meet on tint and third Tuesday ol each month in uqu reuuw nan, A. u. DTATajl, U. i.. F. H. Blaoo, Clerk. VTTAULOSIA LODGE, No. an, K. ol P., meet -- in a., oi r. nan every iuesciay mint. C. H. JlNKINg, C. C, V. E. X1KMKAH, 1W. Ol H. dt O. HOOD RIVKR CHAPlKR, No. 26, O. E. o. meet ncond and fourth luemiay even Inge of each mouth. Visitor cordially wel coined. Thrreki Cartnxr, W. U. bias. Mart B, Daviwon, Secretary. UOOD RIVER CIRCLE, No. 624. Women of A A Woodcraif. meeia at K. of P. flail on ike nrt and tnf.d rriiiaya of each month. Hklkm Norton, Guardian Neighbor. Kellii Hollowclu clerk. , ("AN BY 108T, No. 16, O. A. R meet at A u. u. w. iiau.secoud and fourth Saturdays of each month at 2 o'clock p. ra. All U. A. it. nieniDeis invited to meet with ua. H. H. Bailiy, Commander. T. J. Cunnino, Adjutant. ' "ANBY W. R. C, No. 6, meet tecond and " lourtn saturoaya of each month in A. O. U W. Hall at 2 p. m. Mrs. Auda Shokiaksb, President. Mas. T. J. cunning, Secretary. EDEN KNl'AM PMENT, No. 48, I. O. O. F.,- - iveguier meauni secona ana rourta Mon day ol eaiih month. A. J. Uatciill, C. P. BkBT ENTHICAK, Scrlb. TDLEWILD LODGE, No. 107. I. 0. O. I, meat In Fraternal Utll, every Thursday nif ht. . J. R. Kan, N. O. fiiBT Entbican, Secretary. H OOD RINKR CHAPTER, No. 7,'lt. A. .. meeu third Friday night of each month. G. K. Castmbb, H. P. D. AIcDonald, Secretary. COURT HOOD RIVER No. 42, Foreater oi America, meeta second and fourth Mon day In eacn month In K. of P. Hall. L. C. Haynm, C. R. F. C. Brosius, Financial Secretary. LAUREL REBEKAH DEGREE LODGE, No. 7, 1. O. O. F., meet tint and third Friday, in each month. Francm Mokhc, N. U. TBBBaitc Castnir, Secretary. HOOD RIVER LODGE No. 10S, A. F. and A. M.. mecta balurdav evenlna on or before ach full moon D. McDonald. W. K. B. Savaoi, Secretary. OLETA ASSEMBLY No. 103, United Arttaena, meeta Mr tend third Wednesday, work; econd and fourth Wednesday, ancial ; Ant an hall. D. McDobald, M. A. t. M. McCartt, Secretary. RIVERSIDE LODGE No. 6, A. 0. U. W. .meet fliat and third Saturday of each month. X. R. Bbaulby, Financier. W. B. hern 1 1, W. M. 1. O. Haynis, Recorder. DIVERS1DE LODGE, NO. 40. Dearee of Hon. av or. A. O U. W. meat firat saa third Satur day at 8 p m. Mr. Hauah KaaBLiY, 0. of M. Alias Cora Copri.a, Recorder. alu. Llicania i batw.sb, riaanaiar iB. W. T. EOWLEY PHYSICIAN, SIRGEOB, OCl'UST Office Hiights. and Pharmacy, Hood Biytr Fliunc, Maiti Ml. j H. 11AHXW1G LAWYER Will Practice In All Court. Office with Geo. D. Culbertton A Co. Collec tion, Abatracn, Sattlemant of Estate. MOOD R1VEU OEEGOH c H. JtMkiNS, D. II. D. DENTIST. raalallat oi Crown md aVl Woafj. Telephones': 0oj, 9M; MaKenea, K. OHca over Bank Bids;. Irood River, Oraann J L.DUA1BLJC, PHYKICIArT ANT) 8URQE05. tucceasor to Da. H, F. Shaw. Calls prom 'tly an.wered In town o oottntry. Dav or Night. Telephone: Residence, 611; Office, S18. Office over Read' Grocery. J T. WATT.M. 1. Physician' nd Surtjon. Telephone: Office, 111; residence, Ml SUROEON O. K. A If. CO. JOHN LKL.ANU UENOEttSOX ATfORNKY-AT LAW. ABSTRACTER. rlf 1AKY PbBLKT and RIAL ESTATK AGENT. For (8 year a resident of Oregon and Waah fnttnn. Has had many years experianoa ia Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of title and ageuk satisfaction guaranteed or Be chare. A A, JAYNE. LAWYER. Abitract FumUhed. Money Loaned. Hood Eiver, Oregon. p C. BROSiUS, M. D. 0 " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'Pbone Central, or 12L Office Hoara: 10 to 11 A. M.; 3 to and 6 to 7 P. M. gUTLEE 4 CO, BANKfcfrlS. o Do general banking baaine. HOOD RIVER. 0BEQOS EVENTS OF THE DAY GATHERED FK0M ALL PARTS OP THE TWO HEMISPHERES. I Comprthe.lv Review ( the Import ut Happening! sf tha Pat Week, Presented la Canes said Farm, Moat Likely to Prevs laterssciag to Oar Many Raettfers. The Japaneae, la reating, burying iti dead and caring for the wounded. A cablegram from Chefoo aaya b Japanese are in pomeMion of Niu Chwang. The Russian louei in tha Yam fieht- ing are est filiated at botvfeen 3,000 and 4,000 men and officera. Flatt will not accept tha chairman abip oi the canal committee but will give way to Mitchell. Russians, on account of reverses in the Far East, are charged with venting their anger on the Jews. General Kouropatkin says the Kut elans retreated from the Yalu in good order, and that it was not a rout. Commercial circlet throughout RuS' sia remain in totally, drareaeed con' dition. Financiers fail to m where any benefit will be derived from the war. It is said many Sent Fa aaachiaist have not respected the strike order and that only 6,000 men are out. Of this number 1,200 are mechlnittt end the othert follow other work. Convicts at the Orawoei pesite-atkry have strnck for better fool. A strike on the fib-ate F railroad has been Inaugurated and 1,000 bmh are out. An Ohio man is oa his' way to Ban Francisco with a wheelbarrow, paying an election bet: The dive who have bwen eaarching for the body of Admiral Makeroat have abandoned their efforts. Baron Hayathi, Japeneaa minister at London, says the mikado's troope will push on to Mukden ead probably to narbifl. Russians will, continue to retire,' at they asy they will not off any serious resistance until the fighting forces get nto Manchuria. The central military edmineitratioa has already dispatched ell suns end ar tillery stores neceeaary lor the rearma ment of the Ruse tan army in tbe tar East. In memory of the first American gov ernment west of the Rocky mountains, many people visited Champoag May ' 2, where 61 years before the Ores on pro visional governmnet was established. Speaking and other eierciees were held. A larger crowd was present than at any time since the annuel eelefcratione baye been held. Russia has iewoed tdr forming e third army corps. The William 0. Whitney maneioa in New York has been sold for f 1, 100,000. In the battle on the Yelu the Japan- ees had 18,000 men and the Rnsslans 30,000. The tremble between the Santo Fs road and ita machiolele ia still far frota Uled. Flane-4 or the go-reniuieut building at the 1905 fair are likely to be delayed slightly. The- laeshef mill of Washington end Orifgon will demand rate te the Mis souri river. Superintendent Pot tar, of the Che onawa maian srconi, own tea ua charges made against hiss. Prince Outomsky of Raseia who to at the Ht. Louis fair says the world does not understand hie country. Russians believe that while the Jap anese are victorious for sue present, Eouropatkin will trap them. A tast train in Missouri was wrecked by running into n open switch. Sight persons were killed and II wounded. J A Japaneas squadron has been sight ed near Vladivostok. It seems probable that ths gold stan dard will be adopted by Panama. The canal commission has about de cided to hare the waterway dug by con tract. Ez-Presdient Kruger, of the Trans vaal, is very weak and constant care is necessary. Chile and Peru are said to b on the verge of war. Massachusetts has appropriated $15,- 000 for the 1905 fair. I Ambassador Casaini ssys of Russia had expected war she'would never have evacuatad China. o Serious chsrges. have been filed against Superintendent Potter, of the Cbemawa Indian schoob The monitor Wyoming and torpedo boat destroyers Preble and Paul Jones will call at Portland on their way north. Russia has nearly completed an ang menu for a French loan of 1150,000.- 000 for three years one which I per cent interest will be paid. The gov ernment will establish a coaling sta tion on the California coast at Cali fornia City, Marin county. Congress has adjourned. The house tendered Speaker Cannon a great ora tion, o The alleged attempts to blow pp Eos- sian warships at Nevesky Is reported to be false. I TOdO AQAIN AT IT. Japanese Make Another Attempt to Close Port Arthur Harbor. Port Arthur, Hay 6. Another da ing attempt was made by the Japanese yesterday morning to block the en trance to Port Arthur. A few minutes before 1 o'clock tbe first shots were Vred, awakening the town with their thunderous noise. Tbe gunboats lying at the mouth of tie harbor joined in the cannonade of the batteries, the fi ing gradually increasing in volume un til there was a continuous crash vreat guns. Some of the enemy's tor pedo boats were discovered, but they were finally swallowed up in the dark ness. and the batteries and warshipi alter 40 minutes activity were again shrouded, in gloom, though the flashing searchlights showed that the military were alive to the warning conveyed the approach of the Japanese ships shortly before 2 o clock a searchlittli played from the ses directly upon the entrance of the harbor, lighting it up to show the way for the trresh.ps The projector moved to the right from Liao Tishan to Golden IlilJ. For quarter of an hour tbe light was watched with curiosity, and .then seC' ond cannonade began, the heaviest fire being directed to the left of Golden Hill, where the fireships were located At about 4 o'clock the batteries ceased firing-, save .for an occasional shot Just about dawn the bark of the rapid Ore guns and the crackling of the mi. trailleuse was beard from Golden Hill Occasionally there was sounds of ex plosions, as of mines going -off. It was the enemy's ship striking on Russian torpedoes. ' The firexhips were ten in number and of about 3,000 tons each. It is re- ported that two Japanese torpedo boats were sunk, the remainder withdrawing n a damaged condition. Eight fire ships were sunk snd very few of their crews were saved. Most of them were killed. TO MARK ALASKAN BOUNDAIV. CiantlNsKMf Is PrsMrlag to Dtxpatch tarveyern. Vancouver, B. C, May 5. W. F. King, Canadian boundary commission- er, is on the way to Vancouver to arrange- for the dispatch of three Cans- an parties of surveyors, who are to work jointly with the American sur veyors in delimiting the Canadian Alaskan boundary under the London award of last year. Two Canadian and Two United Ststs parties will survey the country where the boundary will cross the head waters of the Lynn csnal, Chilkat liver. A joint party will make a survey on the Stikine. This ill delimit the mote important dis tricts through which the boundary Will pass. The total distance to be sur veyed extends about 550 miles from Mount St. Eliss, east and south. Sut it is not the intention to survey the en tire distance, only that portion of the boundary which crosses the rivers, val leys and plateaus where travel and prospecting will be probable. J. J. McArthur is also en route to British Columbia from Ottawa to continue the work of relocating the boundary line between British Columbia and the states of Washington and Idaho. TOtai BtBAKI OUT AOA1M. Ctort4a lettreaA Traffic la Ageto Pre- Ik any 5ua. Buena Vista, Colo., May 5. After an abeyance pf several hours, the storm which has practically suspended rail rand traffic in this section, resumed with added force this afternoon. Six feet of snow has fallea in the moun tains, and while the fall has been heavy in the valleys, only about six inches remains on the ground, .the rest having meltand. Considerable appre hension is felt for the safety of the twin Lakes reservoir, which is report ed to be running full of water. The Colorado Midland railroad has abandoned its tracks in this vicinity snd is using the Rio Grande traces. Ths trains on the latter road are 12 hoars behind the schedule. . The Colo rado Southern has operated ,no trains on t'le Gunnison branch since Mondsy morning on sccouat df deep snow which i piled, high at both openings ef the tunnel. . Rasslatj OJffcae Mas. Paris. May 6. The St. Petersburg correspondent of .the Ecoh de Paris i Genera Kouropatkin, in telegraphing to the emperor, blames Lieutenant General Zassalitcb's obstannry ip refus ing to retreat in time despite the orders he received. The Japanese artillery, the correspondent says, included 18 seige guns which were brought from Yokohama on gunboats and landed on the Corean bank of the Yalu. The long range of these guns enabled the Japanese to silence the Russian batter ies on the opposite ban. Funds lor Oreat Irrigation Work. Washington, May 5. The secretary of the interior has set aside, provision ally, tbe sum of $1,000,000, for the construction of the Path Finder reser voir, on North Platte river, in Wyom ing. The reservoir will be of sufficient capacity to supply alt of the land un der it in Wyoming, but it ia considered necSsssry to increase this area by util ising water in Western Nebraska, where there are large areas of arid and semi arid country. Insurance to Be flTgher. Chicago, May 6. It ha9 been prac tically settled by tbe committee of the Union Fire Insurance association to ad vance premiums in the West at least 20 per cent within a month. By June, it is believed, the insurance rates in Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Salt Lake, San Francicso and other large cities in the West will be increased. VICTORY COMPLETE BATTLE ON YALU PLACES JAPANESE IN ABSOLUTE CONTROL Crossing of Troop, to Itlants Above and Below WIJu Was Only to Conceal the Route ef Their Principal Move- mtnts Their Front Extended lor Twenty Milts. Toklo, May 4. As the details el Sunday's battle and the Japanese vic tory at arms, and msneuvers preceding. come to hand ft is plain that the plans of the Japanese general staff were fol lowed to the minutest detail. The main attack was made by the Japanese ight wing, whih consisted of the Twelfth-division. It crossed the Yalu 13 miles above Wiju at the same point Where the passage of the river was ne gotiated by the Japanese armv of lnva sion in intf. The Guard's division, constitntine tne center, ana un second division. forming the left wing, crossed respect iveiy to ine islands above . and belo (V'iiu. These were feimed advances. designed tocover the main movement. and were to be continued in the event of the success of the contemplated ad vance. Opposite Sukuchin lies Hu- shan island, in the center of which la an eminence called Tiger's hill, which commands Doth sides ot the river, the ellth division, hsvlna efforted lodar ment on the island on Am-il Vr). drova the enemy from the banks, and crossed the main channel of the river the neat day. Meanwhile the Guard and the Second division alsociosscd. their tinea extending nearly to Antung, with the reserves in the center en the main road. Thus, at dawn of Ktv 1. the armv had a front ol 2d miles, with the left near Antung and the right opposite Mako. Yi hen the advance was otifered. the Twelfth division, wsdiaa- the river ith the water waist deep, rushed the enemy's entrenchment, ultimately wintins around toward Chin Tien Cheng, while the Guards and the Sec ond division converged near the same point. Thereupon the Rnstians retired before the fierce Jspanees attack, which was directed from the three point. BfltlTAtw, l AWCfl fttMSBA rswse (awere h Was to DeajM aa to Jaaea'e aMMy. London. Mav 4. Th lata-i. Hi. natch received tWa pnnftrmina 4lva completeness oi Usf Japanese victory on um iaiu river eouiu naraiy nave yen greater satisfaction in Tokio thas I London. Th eilit.nriala In tha morning papers ring with sdmiration at the success of Geneial Kuroki's strategy, in a manner indicating that Greet Britain had keen in considerable doubt a to the .capacity of her ally's troops, when mateliad against the Rus sians, and despite the lack by tbe Jap anese of good cavalrw to follow nn her victory it ie believed that she will ipeedlly drive tbe Kotsians out of Fn Wang Cheng also. The Janananai vu-tna-v iaa ianawl nm. plate surprise in ths European capitals no i eipecea to Ivtxl to difficulty In uau s efforts to raise s loan. AS nX'BOf AtKI", MtttM. He Wires the Cia Hs la Olsd ths Jap- Have Crested ths Yala. Paris. Mav 4. The St. Pfitprnrinro correspondent of the Echo de Paris in a dispatch this morning, says a high officer of the general staff made the fol lowing statement to him: "General Kuropatkin has telegraph- the emperor expressing? satisfaction that the Jauanesa have croaiied tha Yalu, because this lengthens their line ot eperations. wtieress tbe Kussians are approaching their base. "General Koureoatkin will nrohablv allow General Kuroki's 20,000 men to advance and attempt the siege of Port Arthur, but Gejiesl Smyrnoff and Gen eral Rtoeaanl sra Htanaaino nf mliA A. - - 1 w g " " , 000 men under their command so as & A- ll . , - . .. nui id a now uie Japanese to reacn mat place. . Cload,baMt Causes Daeaaa. Florence, Colo., May 4. A cloud burst in tbe Green, Horn range, eight miles south 9t Florence, today caused the Arkansas river to rise between eight and nine feet here in less than an hour. The unexpected rush of water caused great damage. One bridge roes the river and the Santa Fe and Florence A Cripple Creek railroad bridges are in imminent danger. In the northern end of the town the streets have been transformed into rivers, and cellars are being flooded. Business is suspended. Han Plays Havoc With Orchards. Denver, May 4. A heavy storm, con sisting of rain on the plains, and snow in She mountains has prevailed over nearly the entire state today. Consid erable damage to railway property and delay by washouts was caused. No accidents are reported, however. Hail and high winds in certain sections played havoc with orchards and gard- s. The moistuae will prove of incal culable value to the ranges and agri cultural sections. New Rasslaa Battleship Agreaad. St. Petersburg. Msv 4. Th nr Bussian battleship Orel, to which the ln.sning toucLss are being put, ran iground on a sandbar in the Neva yes terday. As difficulty is expected in refloating her, the icebreaker Ermak has been sent from Constadt to aaeiat the tugs in pulling her off. MERVB OP JAPS. Charge Through Water Waist Deep la Fees ol Heavy Firs. Tokio, May 4. The war office hat received a dispatch from General Kur oki, comnianding the Japanese advance, which tells of a complete Japanese victory in the first general engagement on land ef the war. Tbe Russian army of 80,000, which General Kuropatkin boastfully declared would sweep, the Japanese into the tea, is completely routed and waf compelled to retreat in eonfuslen on Feng Huan Cheng. The Russian losses are very heavy, while those of the Japanese are de clared to have been much smallerthan might have been expected, considering that they had to wade the Yalu river in the face of a withering fire from the ftussisns, who were very strongly en trenched. The Russian artillery had been silenced by tha Japanese guns, and they carried the Russian eatrsstrh- ment in a gallant bayonet chart in which the men vied with the officers to be the ftrst to reach ths interior of the Russian position Ths nnquenchabl valor which re sulted in tbe uninterrupted series of victories during ths war with China wss again very much ia evidence. Nothing could stop the troops, who, tired with their long stay ia ths trenches Bear Wiju, wers ansious to show that ths army was fully as abls to bring honor to the mikado's colore as has been the navy. The scenes in Tokio this morning are well nigh indeecribabls. The streets have been filled all night with ansious people waiting to hear the latest nsws from the front. Unfortunately, twyend ths fact that a great Japanese victory has been won. there Is littls elas to be learned. If the war office has received a eomplste report, it is withheld for strategic reasons. BtAOAgflA av navB to rtuHt. Tne TasHath Uva set Are rtas4 as Vary Itasitls. Sofia, May 4. Despite the fact that the Turkiah-Bulgaiian agreement has been d railed into a treaty and sab scribed to by both powers, there .is a owing feeling here that Bulgaria has been deceived by the sultan and his ad visers and that instead of danger hav ing been averted for good and all, the conflict has simply been postponed tor a time. As an indication that this feeling is shared by th higher Bulgar ian officials the following facts may be cited: In the paet it has been customary to grant free leaves of abarnee to officer of the army during the sprint and early summer months and a large num ber of applications are now pending. However, within a short time, several general orders have bran iented by the minister of war, the effect of which ha been to do away with all leaves for the present, while all officers hsv been ordered to bring their commands up to the highest degree of efficiency. This is held by well informed Bul garians to- mean that Bulgaria tnay yet havs to battle to retain, her inde pendence. In conversation . with an Officer of the Rulaerian general staff, whose identity for obvious reasons can not be revealed, the correspot.ck'nt was asenred that it ia generally recognised that war cannot be averted, although postponed for a time by ths new treaty. ftow ta mtaaas Wet tei. Port Arthur, May 4. Detail of the demonstrations off Port Arthur April 27 disclose the ingenuity of tbe Japan ese. Their squadron set afloat a string of connected rsfts carrying burning matter. About 1 :40 in th morning when five miles off shore, the combus tibles were fired, the wind and wave ringing the burning floats toward the harbor. Under cover of this screen of fire eight Japanese torpedo boats, towing a launch filled with mines, slipped around to a spot near where the Petro,- pavovst was sunk, but they were de tected by the Russian searchlights, when the batteries opened fire and drove them off, but not before tlie mines had been placed. The mines have since been des troyed. The Japanese, knowing that the Russian would intercept wirdlws messages, tried a seat trick to deceive and worry Viceroy Alecieff. Fof. sev eral nights in succession they sent by ireless telegraph orders to prepare for landing, to send in fireships, to .at tack with subynarine boats, etc. Swscp Away Oppoajtst. Tokio. Msy 4. After five days of fighting, largely With artillery, the first Japanese army, under General Kourki, has forced a crossing of tbe Yalu river and drove the Russians from Chiu Tien Cheng and the heights on the right bank of the Iho or Aida river, which enters the Yalu from the north I most opposite Wilu. The Japanese tnrnej the left flank of the Russian position,' snd in tbe battle of Sunday they swept away the new front inter posed by the Russians to check their onward movement. . Rulca for Decoration Amended, St. Petersburg, Msy 4. The regula tions prescribing tbe acts for whicn the decoration of the order of St. George shall be conferred will be amended so a to meet the condition jf modern warfare. The present regulations were framed in th area of wooden ships and are hardly possible in tbis dsy of steel ships. Under tbe new arrangements, the entire crew of a torpedo or sub marine vessel sinking an enemy's ship will be decorated. Aatung Burned sad Deserted. Tokio, May 4. The Russians were forced to abandon Antung yesterday. Tbey burned the town and retreated to Fenghuan Cheng. The Japanese now control the estuary of tbe Yalu. HAPPENINGS FROST BLIQHT8 PRUNES. Change of Weather Catches Fruit In Blossom-Pears Also Al feci ad. Albany The prune crop of Lino county will lie almost an entire .failure this year, according Bto an orchardist who was in Albany a few days ago. The fr'ost that visited the valley csme at very inopportune time for the orchards. The cold weather that held on until an almost unprecedented late date for this valley had kept the fruit back until orchardists were confident of escaping the spring frosts that usually catch the fruit in March, if at aU.. But the warm weather during the , first week of April jirotAghi the fruit out rapidly, and when the cold rains came again, fruit of every dewription was in lull blossom. The heavy frost found the fruit in full blossom and did much damage. Tlie prune trees were well loaded 1th blossoms, which had begun to fall A does examination of the trees re veals now that although ths embryo fruit within the bloeeom is gram, yet th fruitstom leading from tfi limb of the tree is turning . yellow. This is said to mean that the fruit will drop from the tree just as soon as ths prune becomes large enough to add, weight to the stem. Tbe dead stem can not bear up any load. The statement of the pruntrgomer is that at least three fourths of the prunes are effected in this way, and that orchardsits will do well to save one-fourth of this year's prune crop. As prunes constitute the greater part of the fruit crop of the county, the loss will fall heavily npon fruitgrowers in this part ot tlie valley. Pears are affected in the same way. The young pears were just beg inning to form when the frost came and were hit just as hard as the prune. Apples are looking well at this time. They were not affected so seriously by tne ate frost, sua lire trees a now covered with blossom that look healthy and give every promise of develonina into fruit of Oregon a usual excellent varieties. This crop will, however, depend largely on the weather during the neat two weeks. Another, frost such as that of recent, date would in jars tbe apple crop. ooto m decay ivt, , Pacas Streak In Ut ' Muse, as fiaatorn Owgaa. Baker City A wonderfully rich strike is said to hav been asstis in the Sonant mine in the Greenhorn dis trict recently. A pocket of very rk'h ore was opened upon the 1200-foot level, out of which lest than five ' tons of ore were taken which is reported to have yielded H4,000 in gold bullion. . It is against the policy of the mine owners to give out any facta shoot rich strikes 6f this nature, and it is only in a roundabout way that anything eea'b learned about ths opening of the pocket; J It is unusual to find such rich pock ets so far below tbe curiae. The old Virtus mine, near this city, has the beet record tor rich pockets, but they have all lvwn found near the surface and uuaally by profesFlofial pcekst hunters, who make it their business to search for these phenomenally rich de. posits. It has always len the theory of en parts that while rich or might ba en countered In the doptlis, that there never would be any "pockets," a the term is usually understood, found be low 500 feet from the surface. . The Bonanza has lieen yielding stead ily for several months, since the new three compartment shsftr was sunk to the 800-foot level, alout a year aao. This strike will encourage deep mining in this part of the slate, something thst has not been attsmptcd until within the past two yean. ay Ply to it teal. La Gntndo Union county is to have arr eatry in the flying machine contest which will take place at tbe St. Louis exposition. For seversl years Grant Key, who lives on Cricket Flat, near Elgin, has been experimenting along the lines of aerial navigation, and now firmly believes he has devsied a plan hereby a journey through the clondsf will be easily made with his apparsWis. He has ordered the engines and is erecting a large shed on tt flat near bis home, where he will assemble the vari ous parts of'tbe machine. Ellis Loins ths Meteorite. Oregon City Tha Jurw in the replev in suit of the Orefon Iron A Steelocom pany vs. Ellis Hughes, for possession of a meteorite discovered near tbis city last winter, foun for the - plainttiff. The property in dispute ia a metallic mass weighing about teno tons, and is the largest meteorite ever found in the United States, while tDere is but one rather in the world of larger sizi. 0This is the secorrj case of the kind ever been tried in the United States.. More Butter From Tlllagiook. Tillamook Tillamook county' out put of dairy products will be much larger this year than formerly, owing to the quantity of excellent grass feed now on the grazing lsnds. Tha late season delayed the grass growth for a time, but the herds snd especially the milch cows are now in good condition. Olft to Willamette University. Salem Banker A. Bush has donated $2,000 to aid in the erection of a building for the medical department of Willamette University. The building will be erected on the university camp us, and when completed will cost $15,-000, HERE IN OREGON NEW BU1LDIN0 FOR PACIFIC. University President Hints of Plans for the Future. Forest Grove President W. N. Fer rln has left for the East on an extended trip in the Interests of the Paciflo Uni versity. He will visit Chicago arid other Eastern cities, and will not re turn before the middle of June. In speaking of his trip President Ferrin said: "We were never more encouraged over the -prospceta of the university thsn at present. Our finances were never in a better condition and every thing indicates an increase, la tha. school's endowment in the neaf fweaie. Although I do not wish to make a eWV nile statement, I believe that we will erect several buildings before loess, We are planning to build one of Uas largest and best etiuinDed armrneinaaai in the Northwest. We also look for ward tn a new science hall and wilt provide a buildinL' for tbe exclaeiy uas of th literary societies and eSsaav indent organisations as soon as MataV ble." Csty ItoB I. L Grand At a special meetina ef ' the city council held in the coaeit chambers for the consideration of the many plans submitted for the 2S,000 city hall, those drawa and adopted fry li. Bauer, a La Grande man, wers lected. The building will be tato stories high, no including ths atosx basement, 83a81 feet. All ths ofRmos ' will consist of-a suite of two rooms. Ths offlers of ths water superintend and city recorder will bs provided with roomy vaults for. the proper protection of records. This will bs on.s of th fines buildings of th kind ia I-eatera. Oregon. Vesass) tmm Sa VeaX Pendleton The sale of th real prop erty of the 0. B. Wade bankrupt estoto was held last week. All the property was sold at figures above the appratssst value. The most important parcel was the Foster ranch, located on' Umatilla) river west of Tseidleion, which was bed in by R. N. Stanflelil, of Echo, for . 700. Its appraised valus was ,. Ths Dixie stock ranch was sold to J. I. McCloud for t-8,05). Ths ' raaeh soaw swto of 2.1,000 arret and is considsst on of the finest in the county. Th city property sold well. Corvallis Ths Corvallis Poultry sa amnation has befen formed and its p pose is to bold a poultry show of etofe- orata character in this town on Dimes Her 8, 9 and 10. ' A committee an permanent organisation and another aa btrship was appointed, and snoth- er masting is to be held in two weeks. Prominent huslneas men and poaltryv men are in the movement, and it ia certain that the coming show will tat tttcceesful in all things. at A Ashland The rainfall for the i at Ashland thus fsr has broken atl res cards and amounts to nearly 25 inch. Th avereae for the past 23 years, as cording to tbe official records of tha weather bureau, is only 14.13 Inches. Wheat WaUa Walla, stem. 81c: valley. 8385c. 73c; blu- Barley Feed, f23.50 perfonj rolled, 24.6025. Flour Valley, $3.9004.05 per bar. red; hard wheat straights, $44.25; clears, 43.85(34.10; hard wheat pfct' ents, 4.404.7D; graham, $3.5034; whole wheal, $44.25; rye flour, $4.50. . Oats No. 1 white, $1.17X1.20; gray, $1.12X61.15 per cental. Mlllstuffs Bran, $19 24 per ton; middlings, $25.6027; shorts, $20(3 21; chop, $18; linseed, dairy food, $19. Hay Timothy, N516 per ton; clover, $10011; grain, $U12; cheat, $11(312. Vegetables Turnips, 86c per sack: carrots, 80c; beets, $1; parsnips, $1; cabbage, 2c, red cabbage, 2c; let tuce, hgad, 2540c per dozen; parsley, 25c; cauliflower, $2 b celery, 7590c; cucumbers, $1.76 per dozen; aspara gus,, $1.25; peas, 405c per pound; rhubarb, Sc; beans, green, 16c; wst, 20c; onions, Yellow Danvers, $2,600 3 per sack. ! Honey $393.50 per case. Potatoes Fancy, $1.2501.60 per cental; common, $101.25; new pota toes, 3X04c per pound; sweets, 5o. Fruits Strawberries, $2.6002.75 per crate; apples, fancy Baldwins and Spitzenbergs, $1.5002.60 per box; choice, $101.50; cooking, 76c3$l. Eggs Oregoncranch, 180l8Jc. Butter Sweet cream butter, 20(9 22 Kc per pound; fancy creamery, 17X (3 20c; dairy and store, nominal. Butter Fat Sweet cream, 10O21c; sour cream, 19c. Poultry Chickens, mixed, ISO 13Ke per pound; springs, small, 20c; hens, lSXOHc; turkeys, live, 16017c; dressed, 18020c; ducks, $809 per dozen; geese, live, 8c per pound. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12013c; Young America, 14015c. Beef Dressed, 607 He per pound. Mutton Dressed, 66i'c per pound; spring lambs, 8c. . Veal Dressed, 607e per pound. Pork Dressed, 708c per pound. Hops 1903 crop, 230 25c per pound. Wool Valley, 16017c; Eastern Ore gon, 11014c; mohair 30O32 ner I pound tor choice. ' Si I f ,4 Wl ! . J i