The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 28, 1904, Image 5

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cowsiiTOBwcMiBf iBwSjca,iniuja.
a certain distinction which
if M&j
A Full Line of Buttrick Patterns in stock.
East bound
No. 2, Chicago Special, 11:48 a. m.
No. 4, Spokane Flyer, 10:10 p. m.
No. , Mall and Express, 10:50 p. m.
No. 24, Way Freight, 12:10 p. m.
No. 22. Fast Freight,.) a. m.
West bound
No. 1, Portland Special, 8:03 p. m.
No. 8, Portland Klyer, 6:32 a. m.
No. 5, Mull and Express, 6:25 a. m.
No. 23, Way Freight, IW5 a. ni.
No. ssl, Fast Freight, 5:45 p. ra.
Wanted Potatoes. H.M.ABBOTT.
For bargains in Silverware, gee Clarke,
the jeweler.
Swetland's ice cream at Tompkins &
Use Williams' anti-septio hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
We carry a full line of groceries, flour
and feed. Bone & McDonald.
Onion seta at cost at W.Haynes &Uo.,
successors to Ralph Savage.
Clarke, the jeweler, guarantees all
watch, clock and jewelry repair work.
We have a few pairs of old stock shoes
left, 50c to 11 per pair. Bone &
With the warm weather has come
Swetland's famous ice cream at Tomp
kins & Jochimsen's.
Best ice cream made in the North
west Swetland's . For sale atTompkin's
& Jochimsen's ice cream parlors.
Those elegant lots in Coe's addition
are going fast. Prices on all lots in this
addition ill be advanced frj0 March 1.
We invite the public to come in and
Set our meut prices. We are selling
oiling meats at bed rock prices. Mayes
When you need a good diamond atthe
Jo vest pofsible figure, quality and size
guaranteed by the cutter, call on Clarke,
the jeweler. - ' .
One hundred dollars to ,r0Q to place
on long or short term loans, $m or
addre"ss Burnetto E. Duncan, I rood
River, Or. '
We are still Belling our home made
lard as cheap as other lard can4e bought
and we guarantee every bucket. 10s,
1.45; 5s, 75c; 3f, 45c. Mayhb Bkos.
McMonnld & Henricli have a maga
line built and a cur of powder on the
wad, and will be ready soon to fill or
ders at any time.
Buy Benicia steel 11JLLSIDE PLOW
of the Dxvidson Fruit Co. They are all
right on level as well as hillside ground.
Ho ridges nor dead' furrows, and cost no
more than au ordinary plow.
Mayes Bros.' meat market gives nptice
that all orders for nrorning delivery
must be in by 10 :45 o'clock. The after
noon delivery will be taken off at 4:30.
t Mayes Bros.
Baldwin addition to Hood River, a new
and very sightly location for homes on
Hood River Heights, now offered for
sale on easy terms of purchase at mod
erate prices by Geo. D.Culbertson & Co.
Orders at McGuire Bros.'meat market
for morning delivery must, be in by
10:45 o'efootc. Hereafter, in the after
noon, thtf wagonvill be taken (iff at
4:30. McGoikb Bbos.
Don't raie cull strawberries, but
force them into large sized fruit by an
application of No. 4 fertriizer to be had
at the Davidson Fruit Co. Strong in
potash and nitrogen. It pays well and
should be applied as early as possible
after February 1.
Men's Collars.
New skapes in
Corlies Coon Collars,
, 2 for 25c
Men's Hosiery.
25c Quality , lisle
finish fancy hose,
20c pair.
Men's Handker
chief's. Good quality lawn
hemstitched, plain
and fancy borders,
o 10 cents.
Crockery i
enps, saucers, njates,l
platters, vegetable
dishes, wash bowleg
fid pitchers, slop
jars, etc., in tne fan
cy white ware, at
campers' knives, pocket axes, watch charm knives, safety
shears, rcissors, etc., at CUT PRICES. if
lines, fly Jinoks, snell
spears, hsh baskets,
The Little Store with Little Prices
Continues to put Clothing
in the hands , of wearers at
Manufacturers' Cost,
and hundreds of well pleased
customers gladly say to their
friends that OUR offerings
are the kind they can per
sonally recommend.
Our stock is large and well
selected, bought for cash m
the world's best' markets,
and every suit carries with it
adds worth and .character to
Lace Curtains.
. : ,
Ruffled Net Curtains
New Patterns, V.
Catchy Effects,
Latest Styles',
All go at a great reduction
- this week. .
Yours truly,
The Oregon Fire Relief Association
hag now in force 16,000,000 of insurance
in 30,000 separate risks. This is several
million's more than is carried in the state
by the largest of 55 old line companies ope
rating here, and that.notwithstaridingthe
fact that the association takes no busi
ness risks, The Average cost per annum
for insurance in this association, during
the nearly ten years of its existence,
has been less than half the colt in stan
dard companies, anfl always on the easi
est possible method of payment. It has
thus saved to its members, during the
12 months of 1003 alone, the enormous
sum of. 1118,030.50, while during the
same time it paid ISO losses and had cash
left In its treasury nearly sufficient to
pay ISO more. For further particu
lars address Hugh Gourlay, general
agent for Wasco and Sherman counties,
The Dalles. " tf.
A tract of 27j acres of excellent apple
land, about all tillable, four acres in
cultivation, 130 appto tree, three years
old, some small fruit, 3-room house, and
well, under irrigation, situated on main
road 2 miles from Hood River. Price,
2300; easy terms. ' Geo. D. Cnlbert-
If Hoyt's patent tree supports had
been on the. fruit trees of the valley
when the heavy snow fell early iMt fall,
thousands of dollars would have been
saved to the fruit arowera of the vallev.
Don't overlook it this time. For sale
by Davidson Fruit Co.
Ask your grocer for Olyiapic flour.
It will make more loaves of bread and
every loaf will be" whiter and larger than
any other flour can make. Olympic pan-,
cake flour. Use it for the best pancakes,
Detter than the nomemaae ma.
Remember Rowley A Co., the drug
gists at Hood JHiver Heights, when in
need of paints, oils, wall paper and
spraying material.
The place to get your garden hose, lawn
sprinklers and hose.nozzles is at F. L.
Davidson & Co's. They keep a full line.
Those wishing relief from distressing
eye symptonis,headache8,etc., would do
well to call upon Dr. Rowley, the occu
list. If you need garden hose, lawn sprink
lers, hose nozzles and other flitting! yon
will find them at p. L. Davidson Co.
For hoes, rakes, shovels and Planet
Junior goods. Cheapest place in town
is McDonald & Henrich's.
Fish hooks, 2,700 of them, three miles
of line and bamboo poles 24 feet long at
McDonald & Henrich's.
The latest orchard cultivator ia the
extension Acme harrow; at them at
McDonald & Henrich's.
The neatest spring tooth harrow 12
teeth just the right, size at McDonald
& Henrich's.
Bone & .McDonald have
ooffee line in town and their
the finest
pricea are
List your property with Cop pie k
Hoole if you want to make ajquiik sale.
Do your eyes need attention? If to,
call On Clarke, the jeweler and optician.
Auction sales attended and prompt re
turns made, by Copple & Hoole.
Ralph R. Lewis has egyt for
on exhibition at Crowell'a store.
Bone & McDonald have' one ton of
Early Rose potatoes foe seed.
Bone & McDonald nave one M.
T. coffee barrels for sale.
Spray pumps and 1,000 feet of hoes at
McDonald & Henrich's.
Pocket knives, good ones from 5c to 11.50.
FISHING TACKLE Sulit bamboo rods, trunk rods,
hooRs, spoon hooksApinners, bait boxes, fly books, fish. Down in Arkausaw,
etc. Ul firucfcS. s
every wearer's appearance.
, emu m tarn t
Rowley & Co. carry afull line of floor
paints and varnishes.
Call on the real estate firm of Copple
nooie lor Dargaint.
For first class fishing tackle go to
Bone McDonald.
Guy Wood worth it eipected home,
this week, from fasadena, Cal.
Miss Emma Mickeleon of Hnsum,
Wash., wai visiting frienda in Hood
Kiver last week.
A. E. Wells of the East Side, having
about recovered from a gathering in his
ear that wai very painful and had to be
lanced in three places, it now attacked
with catarrh ia hit hand, which will
lay him off from work for lome time.
He had been working on the road under
Supervisor Lae, and the catarrh ii
caused by a bruise cm the hand.
City Marshal Fraley ii looking after
the cleansing of the streets and back
yards and there ii a marked improve
ment in all direction!. Old eyesores
are fast disappearing, and the city mar
ihal ii to be commended for his good
work. Let no guilty man escape.
A. D. Mot, recently from Grand
Forks, N. I)., ia here to make hit home
iu Hood River. His family at present
are in Portland, but he haa rented n
bouse of Captain Ci, and as soon ai
bis household goods arrive, will move
in. Mr. Moe le a practical printer. He is
looking for piece of iiood River laud
suitable far apple culture.
W. C. Adami, working for the Mount
Hood Lumber Co., met with a serioui
accident last week. He was working at
one of the lumber camps 18 miles up
Hood river, and in moving the log
he was handling another log wai struck
by it in such a way that it caught hit
leg, breaking both bones midway be
tween the knee and tins ankle. He wai
a good employe and had worked for the
company the past two yean. He wai
taken to hie home at The Dal lei.
The Glacier man in going to and fro
on tlie face of the earth met Ed Mayes,
who remarked: "Yes, we have notice
to vacate, and ttiere's going to be a two
story brick put up on this corner right
away. We don't know where we will
locate juit yet have two or three places
in view;" and Ed automatically kicked
a dog out from behind the counter as
tie tied up two bits' worth of womer
wurst for a customer.
E. W. Croae and family, roni Grand
Forks, N. D., are neweoiwers in Hood
River. They are oocunvlna- anart-
mesits in the bouse rewntly vacated by
Attorney Jayne and family, on Third
street.' nr. vrom was In tite hotel bus
iness In Uraitd Forks, lie left Grand
Forks, April 18, at which time there
waa three faet-of snoer n tli vrttund.
He was unfortunate In bis buainne
venture and cornea tore iu search, of
Arthur Lofta, a newcomer, ia buildins
a neat cottage in Idlewilde.on the north
side of the rund a few rods west Of Para
dise farm cottage. He tough; two lots
there for i25 each and has a very
skjhtly location. Josepli Ifewerel is do
ing the work in the erection of the
building.Mr. Lofts came from Z.ondnn.
England, It months ago. Me spent the
winter in the Dakotas and found that
he did not want :o wake permanent
settlement there, but came on till he
found a more congenial climate. His
wife and.two children arrived in Hood
River Wednesday morning. - ,
Straw Nat
ht boy girls, 'men
and women.
10c to 3Sc.
snit cases, shawl
strap, Innch baskets
wood plates, paper
napkins, etc., for
picnics or traveling.
A Good Chance
(o save 35c on Uolf
Shirts, pretty pat
terns, usual dollar
grade, 65 cents.
Huntinz knives.
razors, I X L razors,
Moonlight, Missouri
Mule March. Rom
cane Dole. ret-lnJUn Ya,,kni;irl
25c per cokv.
3. M. Confer is a newcomer, com par
lively, to Hood River, who blesses the
day he heard of Hood River. He came
from Missouri, looking for a climate
that would benefit his heallit. He hap
pened to be in Sherman county, in
1902, and picking np a copy of the Gls
cier containing the announcement of
oar biennial fruit fair to be held that
year, he came down to see it. It didn't
take him long to make up hie mind
that Hood River was good enough for
him. He went back to Missouri and
soon returned with hie fsmily and pur
chased the neat cottage and lot on River
street of 8. M. Arnold. His health is
irreatlv improved, and he ia 6nlv sorrv
he didn't come to Hood River years ago.
Mr. uonior iocataig iiere was tne means
of bringing six or seven families of his
old neighbor who also are glad they
came. Four o five othtir families will
follow sooner or later. Mr. Confer is
one of our most rexpected citizens and
we want more like Ifim.
Miss Alice M. Ball of The Dalles will
be in this city Saturday, April 30,
for the purpose of teaching instrumental
music. Miss Ball comes to Hood River
highly recommended and will not tmly
render valuable aid to the community
as a teacher, but also aa an able musi
cian, being at present a member of Birg
felds orchestra and also being experi
enced in church playing and recital work.
She Is at present teacher of a large class
of pupila in The Dalles,- but her werk
for the past few years having been very
confining, she has decided to come to
Hood River a day of each week and
while here to have her time pleasant' y
einpioyeu witn ner promotional wora
Prosecuting Attorney Frank Menefee
with sheriff Sexton were down from
The Dalles, Friday, and accompanied by
uepuiv oneriii uunger ana Bert btraua
han, they went to the Mount Hood set
tlement to gather evidence in the Ni r
man Williams murder case. Several
witnesses were interviewed, bits of evi
dence gathered of such a nature whic
cannot Lw made oublic lust now. Know
still lies in the woods, which mad
it imposBiDie to examine the nremises
oi tne nomesteaa where the murder i:
supposed to have been committed. Mon
day, May 23, is the date set for the tria
of Williams. To a Glacier reporter Mr.
meneiee saiu mere would be some verv
eensauonai ieatures developed in tli
prosecution of the case. "
The Hazlewood ice cream rrlor made
a decided hit on their opening day, last
Saturday. Ice cream was given away to
all who came between the hours of 2
and 5 pi m. Twenty gallons of crtam
were given out and about w people
were served, tvery one was loud
in praise of the excellent uaalitv of
Hazlewood ice cream. "The beet ever,"
was heard many times. Messrs. White
head & Sheets know how tor advertise
and a successful season is assured them.
Canny W. K. C. is havin full attend
ance at its meetings and cordiajlly invitea
all ladies interested in the work to join.
The encampment to beheld here in June
promiBei to be a very interesting one
and it will be a credit to any one to be
able to attend the sessions.
J. H. Feak went to Portland yesterday
here ne win niaie his notne la future.
His daughter, Mabel, is already in Port
land, having spent the wiatfr there,
Hood River will be sorry to lose Mr.
reak as a citizen. t
Lcaaoiis in Msata,
Miss Alice M. Ball of tfce Dalles.
teacher of music, haa surd tb use
of a piano and pleasant ajpartmenta at
airs. w. u. unippmg's, vtier thus
wishing to see ber can call or Imvean
uivutiur. Tbe following letters wi
tniroauoc miss Dan to iim hui Kiver
Tbe Dalles, Or., April 11, 104. It Is
ith pleasure that I recommend Mis
Alios Hall as a musician of ability. Iu
years paaea sue na nart wltb ilntr
ed success asa teciif. ' She served one
year as organist for the Congregational
church of this city, and while her work
a such was heavy, she did it to the
satisfaction or an. Those desiring in
struction In piano playing will make
uo mistake in employing her.
1. V. Poling,
Pastor Coflureflajtional Church.
The DalU, Or., April 12, 1904. I
take pleasure in recommending Miss
Alice ilall to any om wishing instruc
tion ou tbe piano at a conscientious
and eooipcumt league.
Wm. Bifild.
Unitarian Clan Ifc4icate4.
The First Unitarian church of Hood
River was dedicated tost Sunday, witb
practically not a do4lr of indebtedness
against the pretty llttte building erect
ed last sum liter at tlx corner of (State
street and Park arena. W. O. Eliot,
jr., minister iu charge, was assisted in
theaerviosa by bis nufaer, Dr. T. L.
Eliot, who delivered the sermon. There
was special muaie by tbe choir, sup
ported by Mine Ahm Smith,; organ
ist; A. P. BatetMHH,' estkiint; Clnmice
Gilbert, violin. Ttoe church lends
itself to -decoration and was- particu
larly beautiful host Sunday with a
profusion of orchard binaMinis. -
Preceding the sermon, Rev. W. G.
Eliot, jr., matte abort speech to the
children of the Sunday school, lai press
ing upon then tbe significance of the
occasion, and urging tbseu to realise a
sense of their poaseaaiott in the new
church. Letters of ooctgratulatlon and
good cheer were read frmi other Uni
tarian churches In tUe Northwest.
Dr. Eliot's sxtdre was a beautiful
appeal for truer appreciation of the
ideal In lire, lie painted out hew hist
ory haa indicated ttta world's greatest
Idealists; applied tbe tixwght to na
tions and cotMouanltiea, and directed
his remarks to tbe little chuertt just
dedicated; "It touat etaud for the Ut
in intellect and worata, and tlterewust
l a ministry of tte member."
Following tbe beuatliciiun tbe dedi
cation prayer was read in " concert by
tbe rniuHTtei: and cowgregatwm.
The programme of the twtler of serv
iae contained the names of Mm itioor
atorsofttte Unitarian society. They
ate: T. J.Cunnitig, F. P. I'rMUy, Mrs.
VV. M. Stewart. The ways mn4 weans
coDBtnittee are . h. Sruitit, T. J. Cun
ning, W, O. filiot, jr. Building com
mittee: J, f. Watt, r. P. yrWny, E. A.
Franz. Architect, W. C. Knighton.
Contractors f the bulbil nf, Frederick
& Arnold. CoaUrastor fc teundation.
Jaaaee McfSain.
Ie t4af.
We carry the largest line of mixed
paint inthe city. W. Hay.nrs & Co.
Did you see that Syracuse Weeder at
Nickelsen'e? Jnst the th'njg for orchard
work. Call and see it.
Smith & Ualligan are propagating
20,000 Newtown Pipptai and tpitzen
berg uuraery trees for fall delivery. All
buds and seions taken from healthy
and tested trues. Hood River planters
should reserve their orders.
Come and let. &s figure with you on
paints. Our Btock of mixed paints is
complete t select frgm in quantities to
suit. We also carry pure linseed oil and
lead at lowest market prices.
W. Havre & Co.
Tbe Davidson Fruit Co. succeeds by
helping people make money, and the
reason why so many do their business
with us is because it actually pays them
to do so. When our servio pleases you
tell your neighbors; that helps ns. If
not, tell os ; we will correct the error and
that helps you.
That plow your neighbor was telling
you about as being the best plow he had
ever used, but could not remember the
name of was a Syracuse. Get them of
J..R. NickeUen.
Cobb Bros., Brokers and auctioneers.
Loans to laboring men. All business
done strictly confidential. If you have
any accounts that you want collo'ted
turn them over to us and we will soon
give you the gold for them. If yon have
anything that you wish sold let us han
dle it for you. Auction sales every Sat
urday eveuing. We store your baggage,
check your parcels and cover same with
insurance if desired. Cobb linos., Sec
ond etreet,Hood River, Ore.
Serious Stomach Trouble Cured.
I was troubled with a distress in my
stomach sour stomach andvomiting spell's
andean truthfully savthatChamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me.
Mrs. T. V. Williams, Laings'burg, Mich.
These tablets are guaranteed to cure
every case of stomach trouble of this char
acter. For sale by all druggists.
Half Man Stlil Lives.
A person who is only half alive to the
world and society will not succeed
in business. He should go to Williams
Pharmacy and get some Palmo Tablets.
They aro guaranteed for all weakness.
J. E.
Ask for Wafer Mystcw Franchise.
At last Tharsdav niuht'a nieetine of
the city council the Hood ltiver Electric
Light and Water Co. presented an ordi
nance asking for a 25-vear franchise for
placing in the town of Hood River a
water system adequate for domestic and
fire protection purposes. The ordinance
stipulated that the water company must
give fiu.twu Donas to insure construction
of the electric system within a specified
time limit. Tin's is known as Ordinance
No. 83. It was read the first time and re
ferred to the committee on fire and
The sewer onestion also bobbed no.
Councilman Prathor, chairman of the
pecial committee on sewers, made his
usual report that a certain San Krancirco
man had not yet given his consent to
the right-of-way for out-let of the sewer
into the Columbia. This brought up
the suggestion, why entend the system
to the Columbia river? The O. R. A N.
as given the council word that if nec
essary tli city may use the right of way
of the railroad company and run the
sewer to a point on Hood River. under
the railroad britlire. Tins seemed to
meet the approval of several members of
the council.
After considerable desultory firin at
tli sewer problem, Councilman Karlv
addressed mine pretty straight remarks
to his fellow council men and gave them
and the public to understand just where
he stood on tlie matter. He declared
the representative cilisensof Hood River
are demanding the immediate construc
tion of a sewer system, and furthermore
they eiipett the present council to put
the system in. tie moved that the
special sewer committee be 'given one
more chance to make a definite and
tangible report, and if they fail in this
the matter shall go into the hands of
another committee. -This motion car
ried. Tlteplatof Galligan'a i'ark addition
to th city of Hood River Was accepted
and riled.
Recorder Kickelson read a communi
cation from Attorney W. T. Hume- in
lik'h he presented a bill of IKM) for ser
vices in the Injunction ea of I). McDon
ald and others vs. T. R. Coon, mevorof
Hood River. The recorder was aiked to
rite Mr. Hume that the council would
be pleased to havo the bill reduced to
'Claims against the citv were ordered
aid as follows:
K. Rand 12.t.
K. Nickdsen, supplies.. 11.00
0411 Holes.
Buy time. th(;e day. kx bus. in write1
N. w. Bone ann family moved today to
their home near Willow Flat for tlismimmer.
ImhI wm:k tuti writer had uusIiikDk on willow
lat' and while thero called at the
lime of N. W. 'Hone. Mr. Boas haa
acres left. 40 of wlileh In Iu a umnK ex
cellent t4ite of cultivation, lie baa rausitly
Bet out OOorSiiO treeii, choice appleti, oa the
mini Miope went oi nm uoime. Air. iione oou
templuteMextenMtve hnprovenienut.and when
hit plaint are carried out he will have one of
the cholceKt ranches in the vallev. HlH or
chard land In a duplicate of Hie will In the
iHniouB rfKitn orcnara. iriere w one .or tne
neHt siiriiiKH on hin place that can be found.
which fnrnlMha qulu a quantity, of water
for Irrlicullon.
Accident!! KHlorA.t)iifl week. K. V. Hhellev
of the Utile WtiiUMiore met with a painful
accident, Monday morning, the result of be-
idk Kicaeu in tne nuje oy a Home, i nia netcM
iiALea inencwiiiK up niMitiana retuiiiea in
h WBior nienilH-r of the hnn becomlnit plow
tMy for three or four dayn.
the team driven by Mr. ('lark, brother of L.
. Clark ol the Hide road, becmriie fi litlit-
ened at a tarkey Kobbler and broke hxme
from the rig. I he driver clung to tnem until
he wa dragged over the daflli board and the
team finally landed in a barbed wire fence at
Frank HUntou'H pace. There wan a lady In
the hack that wan Ifcrowu out and Injured.
Wa InnenHible fir a time. Mr. Hobinaon, the
veterinary who liven on the old Turner place,
bad a boraebadi Injured by barbed wire.
C U. Uone'a flue roadMter waa alao badly
cut up with wire. Thia cloaea the chapter of
accmenui ror tne weea.
Th.M k.. .I.u.l.. uv.lal ln 'ha
Odell achfiol houae, Wedneaday eveiftng. May
B.very laay la invna ui bilug a baaaet ana
ave her ahadow wild. A abort proeramme
will be rendered. I'roceeda for benefit of li
brary fund.
White Salmon Notes.
(lay Drummond wiu In town Hiinday.
Our new barber. Jim. the Jap. dv a "rush-
In" bualneaa laat week.
Mra. John Wyers of Fulda Is v lulling T,
V . " ."..
. but.
Our Ladies'o Shoes
For Warm Days ask to see our special
Fof Men the WALK-OVER, the Standard, the
Unexcelled, the Unappronched Shoe for Men. .
For- Cll ildreil the DIS. TO. No other shoe so good
at the same priee
A new lot of Shirt Waists, Baby Hats for the street,
late Turbans for street and dress wear. Prices on the
-t Latent I lats 50 per cent below Portland .
THE MAN who has worn our clothes rojed not bo told that
we dress you as well as your merchant tailor, for half the
money. We know it, and you should. You take no
chances. Every garment guaranteed as represented or money
back. See our window display of inside finish of coat.
The Kingsbury Hat
has stood the tent and you can
get any Htyte in' our hat depart
ment. We havo made sp'ial ef
fort to get this hat, and now we
know we can please you.
(Wi the Price:
$3.50 to $5.00
is enough to pay for any
That's all. You'll get the
l?st shoe you ever wore.
Wyers and family.
Mrs. R. Heytlni of (lllmi It at the White
cwimon miuii caring km- her Bon Tunis and
wife, who art ah. Taaia lleytlng Ji muih
llr. (harliart, T. Wyera and P. A. Tmna are
palnl log tnelr homes. Xhh) adda to Ute ap-
lir. aud Mra. Mlnavd, Mm. Melra and Mr.
aim Mrs. urooka ot 1'orllauit wer swrntl at
the Jewell farm thia week.
Mra. Je.Ksle Ureen went to fortland Tneaday
on buaineaa.
Mr. and Mra. MeCoy of Vanwmvar are vlalt,
hi( 11. K; Howuwn and liwillr, they bars a
uuia, h nnm mi mua efwt ! ibot
J. W.Kveruart la ecavatla r tbe foanda
tkin of a twu-atory bullUlinouJewottay.ini..
O. J. Heteraon and A. J, JotuMua ware la
from Trout Lake,laat weak.
We underalaud the contract aw hulhlln.
the new achool house haa been let to tver-
nan ana liiianngrani KN' l,li7a.
HcIkmiI cloaea 'rldy. Th avrae attend
ance lor the term wm f oml. ttenuva, Wolfard
ad Ural Urn Condon look tfae lk sraiae ex
amination at th. end of the term,
Don't forget about the band bnya' boo on
Halurday night, nnraed to o toward biiyhaa
lBHtrunienta. lkin't fall to cimie and belli.
Herl NeUai died In TIm) liallea lnu,ltml
TlH-wluy, where h went hit treatment a wwk
ao. Funeral mrvliwa wore held at tli Mel
aou home, Wedimaday, at VI o'ctoc. H
leaves a w mowed mollier. Ihnmi.ll hroih.
era and two alatera, who have the aymwuliy
of every one. Hlnue Ilia f.llwr'a death, Hvrt
naa wmi lite mala alar of the family, and a
btr buy thau Iw wan Ihlaooniuiunitr baa
never anowii.
Hotas from ladrrwood.
Th children are liavlng a iltweof ctilck-
Willie If ellnmk left ktrrlt. Vlnoewt t
filial, forlland. Malurday.
AaaiMir Wllliaiua lux been In thia kownatilf
lur a few days.
B. V. Fuller sad son ofCbewnwltfc wen la
Undurwiwd Momlay.
Ueorae Haudell la aveadliig a lew days
on hla raticto, and la flanllNf awire.
apple tree and maklna olWr iMianiveiHeuta.
The mall carrier waa much aurnrlal on
hla liwt trip to Mud m till! work had hen
done on the Ulieauwlth road, makluf It In
dunseroua to man and kraal.
Cliarlea Hineiikraus of UKierwwxl twd a
narrow ew aia from drownlHf one day laat
wtwk, while croaalnf the ! at M.d Wlver.
Mr, liilolie waa with .hla and fot kliw mtl
none hai mi or Wie (rent ColuiuMa would
have claimed auother victim.
Mr. and Mil. Uoddard, ar., annocuiaHiled
by Mia Klla Lyoaa, leave die rrtlait, WeaV
The HiKncer waa a weleouat vial lor on the
river, Miaiday, on her Hrat. trlb. Hhe aplit ihe
water and ieli theotlwr boat far larlilnd.
A.J. Haynrt received tlx (id avwa, thia
week, of a aamwaaful oiieratlou at Ui (haul
Maanarltain hoklial. l'larllamd.oa UiettiniMof
Hla lavonie oouatn, Miaa laalwH tJavulaaa.
Joha Feuh and (anally nd Mr. Keilry and
family of Cheaowlth ixuMsd thnwak Uaiiar-
wood, nioviuf to l' kertown in Huna Klvet
Mesier tsa,
Nora Htant came dawn from Tlx IMUe.
Hunday, oa a to th home .lk.
A nninber t Iwltealttia aantat May laS
Uig In Moaler and liocS: creeka.
I'ater tadim haa leaaaKl the G.. A. Crane
place, oa Moaier crek for a twrm of yeara.
Villa !a tlte la-it itrawherry raacli In Minet.
being very early, and supplied with lnty of
water from the creek, makea It an Ideal (dace.
We understand Mr. Doom will plant all the
available ground In strawberries.
The funeral of little Haoci Hirudin'. th. oiilv
child of Mr. and Mi. red. fttrarilev, was
held at the realdnace af Mra. M. Muater on
Friday, oonducled by-Kev. .Dattoa. The re
mains were interred in Oa tMive cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McUpcaor are wMb us
again after spending the wiater at Uucoda,
VVaah., where Mr. McUregor lass charge of
the development of a nail nilmng pmpoaltton.
lie reports mat mey nave a vary jud Show
ing for a first claaa uiin. .
w. K. Wattomon of Tacoma.wh haa charge
of the largest bakery iu that town, la apend-i
lug a few days with hts friends, lleunett and
ii. 1'. Hunter la back to Moaier again, bav
ins; been In U Angeloa, Cal. aud Tacoma,
Wash., for some time past.
Messrs. Bennett, Hunter and- Watteraon
expected to aupply the market with cattish
when they ataried for McClure'a lake on Hnn-
nay morning, but were mucb dlaapnilnted,;
me iaae nau uecome a part of tne broad
lumbia and no Hah were to be bad.
Church Notices.
Chrlatlan Tabernacle. Huoday achool In
Carmlchael's ballot iJU . ni. A. B. Cash,
Methodiat t'reaolilng at II a. m. and 7 p.m.
W. C. Kvana, pasUir. Habbatb school at 10
a. m. KpworKi League at 6:au p. m.
United Ilrethrenj-Hunday achool at 10 a.m.
Hermon vy pastor St 11 a. m. and at 7:KI n. in.
Junior at 8 p. ni. Hen lor C. Kjit 7 p. m.Qray
er aud ucalse meeting Wednesday evening at
7::. 8clal evangellatlc services at the Hun
Bay and Wednesday evening meetings. All
invited: A apecial invitation to the newcom
ers in our midst. H. C. rihaila?, pastor.
Baptist Hervleea will be held In Carml
cbael hall, Monday, May 1, st 11 a. m., by Uev.
D. U LlutUm.
Congnatlonal. Rev. J. L. Hershner, pas
tor. Hervlce will be held next Kunday al 11
a. m. and 8 p, tn. HubJecU of general Interest
a .
Ask us for
8el2 Royal Blue
Find the name oa
the sole:
Sals: The :
Sole of Honor
will be presented. Sunday achool at M a. a.,
with A. C. HlaWn, sutwrlntcniKint. Chrlatlaa
Mdeavor aervkw at 7 p. i. Th nablle, (
dally strainers, are Invited to Ihoaa aarvtoM.
l'lne Grove Oongreajatlonal. Kev. i. Iu
Hershner will conduct preachlna arvvica at
fine Urove aext Sunday, at : p. ai.
LutlMwan. Servlon next Suadav, May 1, at
Holman a hall. Hunday achool at'j p. w. lai
vlneaervUws wiUi preaching at 8 p. m. Ow
ec.hlamal inatmcllon at the Advent rtwen
next Halurday, 10 a. m. H. J. Kolk, paauw.
Valley Chrlatlaa.-aunday suhjact, "Traatl
ttuaia vf Hi" K'vealng awvlce sW rmam
women: aubjert, "Character UHlldlng." iZg,
aorvlee llua at 7:J. Hpeoial Hush), a. A.
Uewy, pkausr,.
Oarmlchasil Baal. Me ting rrldar ana skaa
urday alght. iiT. J. 0. Vatieaat.
Helraont 0hawl.-8uday a'k.wl 10 a.
l.worta Ij'Miie at 7 p.m.rblkiwed by anisMsa
liif at i. TouTc of Irfaue: Aiawered rVayem.
Leader, Mr.Ollllua;r. MUlwei-k iimyar mm
lf ouhuratyveJat k. All an cor
dlally Invited to atteud these aurvloe.
UnltarlaB.-CorM Htate atrast and for.
avenue, W. U. Kliot. Ir.. ajlul.r
charm. Huaday aohaol. 10 a.m. Hcrvlcm'Msr
I. at 11 a, ih. An address by Mrs, Mint ii.
Iruiubiill. aacretarr of the anta lx,l
charlllna and efwnotloaas. Hnbjeet: "The r-
lureoioar uniMreB."
Union Kev Trov Hh.ll.v will nraa mi
!!: Quartet a ax, "Hlit wc Mwatly, Mid
nv- i.uueavor eotwwrratloti WMMinai a
111 Hcv Mr illlttou, HatKtit Rllalstw,
'Mra I V IflltatroHl Kroiw ht her IIUU M-tu.
old daughter Mataul to town, Taeaday, loana
doctor. The chlld'a Wfl. k waa Baralyaea
about 18 nioniaa ago, aud she la Botentfre4y
iwivBrwi, jserauaieia weaa ana It will a
necawary to anuly a brace. The child la ota.
erwla healthy and will owWjruw aw aMkv
Of Atchlasa and family, fmai Cklcaan, an
Rewoomera In Hood Mlvev t hey eiawe ki ka.
oate uerBiaiently Mr AUHilaiu ia an old a
dler, having awved la the 14th and H:tlim
noia rttrtntuHis in tue civil war ana later ia
tkM 'Jd United Ittates cavalry
W J Maker haa eome barfalna In real eata'ta
rhlcii will H)Hr tn hla ad next wwvat If
you are hsiklng Kir a location on Improve)
Iaad, don't fall to ace Mr Uakv at his (sOSiat
(Mi Uak slnsst, first dwir wrt of Crowall's
ttisre H ia ad wa lea out this week by mlstak
0 C Mikkelaen, aoclaltst nominee fur
preme Judge, will snoak on theauclullat nun
tsm at th lattter Day Halm's church.
mile rrnm Mood Kiver, Monday evening,
May 2; Hiaid Kiver City, Tueaday evcnlac,
May 3; Moaier, Wedneaday evening, May .
. Hherman Wcward and family arrived la
Hood atlver. Monday, from Moue. Ind. Th.r
com here for a chaiuie ol altinate air the lam
ent oi aarn. w'waru nnanti. if th.y like the
ootuawy titty will locate narmanently.
The time far holding the council of reerarni
tlon with the Fine Urov Cniiirrciratianl
chnrrh has been changed from the 4th of May
ki Wednewlay, Che lull.
in regular monthly meeting or the prohi
bition alliance will be held In the Unite
Hrethren church next Monday evenlna. Mav
3, beginning at 8 o'clock. Jfiverybod' cor
dially Invited to attend.
Mrs AbblaKvaram and her datiahtAi. Un
Ora Htcppe, will arrlva In Hood River licit,
week oa un extended visit, and will ha ilia
gucai of Mr an Mrs T J Cunning.
airs i j uunning and Mra J h, a ana will go
to White Kul mon today to visit Mr and Mrs
Waldo and Mr and Mrs Jewett.
To see plana and prices for advertising on 3
the Hood Kiver base ball fence, call at will.
tarns' drug store.
M Iks Alice Hall will nla v two nlann aolna at
the Unitarian service next Hunday.
(In Hunnvslde farm. Hood River. Anrll :l
1W1I, to Mr aud Mra Koy Wood world, a sou.
In lfHid Klver,Or., April 23, tria Con
pregatlonal parsonage, lay Kev.J.Lllershner,
tobert M. Kent aud Mlsa I'auma Blanche
ltne. Both bride and aroom ant well And
favorably Icnowu In Hood Kiver, and their
large circle or friends unite In extend ins moat
hearty congratulations and their very best
wishes for happiness and success through lite.
At me nome or me nnae a motner, In Hood
Kiver valley, Kant Hide. Monday. Anrll 2t.
1:H, Delhert Handinan and Miss Matilda A
Mohr. Both bride and groom are well kniSvn
In Hood Kiver and receive tbe oongratiatlona
of their numerous friends.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from 200 to $250.
John Lkla.vd Hkndkrhon, Agent.
For Sale.
Two good second hand cook stoves and one
kitchen treasure. Cheap.
I Want Work.
Anything, from a situation In an office or
atore to day a labor. K W CKOHB,
In house formerly occupied by Attorney Jayne
At the Glacier office, a boy to learn the
prlnter'a trade
11.00 per setting of 13