The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 28, 1904, Image 4

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: '. '
i .M
i !
O 1
is Here
And soeis
With the Best selected Line of Sum
mer Goods ever Displayed in
Hood River.
Our Line of
Ladies' Muslin
Gowns, Skirts,
Corset Covers
and Summer
Underwear is
simply elegant
and going at
prices which
cannot fail to
save vou mon
vy, ; They orei
of splen d i d
Our Beauti
ful Shirt Waist
Pongee, pjped
in Blue 'Silk
and trimmed
with turquoisj
buttons; .Bat
iste, trimmed
with Cluney
insertion; Mer
cerized, trim
.med with fag
material, ar
tistically pat
terned and
daintily finish-,
ed. Come in
and examine
our- immense
line while you
have a. chance
to make an
early purchase
The pricings
are very low.
Linen t r i m-
med with Lace
and Medallion. -Customers
buying them
up rapidly, be
cause the price
like the goods
is all riant.
Give us a call
and see for
your "self that
this is true.
We h a ve
French Dip,
I'ompado u r
Side and Back
Combs at low
est prices. Our
Men's new sum
nier hats have
just arrived,
and are all of
the very latest
the customer.
The celebrated
Douglas Shoe
has no equal
for stylo and
durab i 1 i t y .
And ours are
mmJoon lasts
of the lafcufc
ami nnst pop
ular form s.
Douglas shoes
will wear well.
styles, with
prices w buiti
U 1
We have the
very best
If table linen and
PA. XT If. A.
II iap k i il s u)
match .which
we are selling
at B e d r o c k
prices; and
lower grades
at prices cor
responding 1 y
We also have
the gen u i n e
Damask and
Iluck Towels.
Also niceline
of Crash Tow
These ffoods
will boar in
spection. Do
not fail toe-ive
us a call.
WHEN yon want anything in .good
' high grade Stationery; when you
want anything in Books) standard
or fiction; when you want anything in
'Card-Games always the latest; when you
want anything in Office Supplies, Legal
Blanks, etc., you can't miss it by going to
Has the Finest .Display of
Watches, Diamond and Gold Kings,
Cut Glassware, etc., in town.
All work neatly and correctly done,
especially fine Watch Repairing
and adjusting. Keutioimble priot's.
Do your Eycf
Trouble You?
" " ; ..... , i' u " i iu v i iw x niii
..... iTcuvmn nu biiiuuoiis i augmaiiHm, near-aiKtcdnone and
weak eyes that the bent ocolollrt oan help. Try the ulna 1 wll
I have given this subject very close study and can tell you by
examination Just what kind of gUgees your eyes require. Kyes leaf
ed free and all glasses sold with a guarantee to lit your eves with es
pecially ground glasses. If youreyes trouble you and cause headache
or throbbing pains with blurring vision wheu readings or doing tine
work requiring close and steady olwervation, come In and let me ex-
am ue your eyes by means of the perfected American Optical Tester
and ne-iire relief and comfort by the use of properly-Hited pines
Livery, Feed and Draying.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure partlts can secure drst-cluss ris. Spe
, clal atlentiou given to moving Furniture
and Pianos.
We do everything horses can do.
Harness and Saddles,
All Repairing Promptly Attended to
Hood River, Oregon.
Barrett Dixtrnt.
What's the matter with that pesky
old ground hog? We thought Bishop
did him up, but this cold spell contra
dicts that fairy etorv. he told us about
p he made, or cleo the meeting o
a couple ol young damsels on Uie moun
the trip he
or else the meeting of
by the choir 1f the Valley Christian
Church next Sunday at the morning
tain had some extraordinary effect on
Thomas, Hr.'s, imagination, eh?
Mrs. M. S. Dunn had the misfortune
to step on a nail, and it being harder
than her foot, she declines to do any pe
destrianisra for some time.
Mrs. John A. .Wilson visited with her
daughters at The Dailes last week, re
turning on Saturday?
W. K. Hoole, of Copple & Hoole, has
been appointed notary public by Gov.
Chamberlain, and is now prepared to
execute all kinds of legal documents,
take acknowledgements, etc. Dot he
gives duo noticeiliat he does not issue
marriage licenses
Kay Imbler, who has been sojourning
in the state of Washington for several
days, has returned with a peculiar bloom
upon his cheeks. He hays, however,
that It is nothing tftit is catching-mile;!
you come into personal (Contact with
some one affecteil.with the same disease.
Two ladies of this district had a vicious
battle with a turkc gobbler one daj
last week. The gobbler objected to the
ladies visiting his mistress, and having
o watchdog to guafd the house, Mr.
Gobbler took the duty on himself. One
the ladies was armed with an umbrel
la and a 0. A. 11. sandwich. Her first
attempt to use the umbrella, however,
proved disastrous. The gobbler ducked
and the lady missing tiie resistance she
expected, was precipitated several feet
beyond the equilibrium line. Dropping
turCi, A. K. sandwich on the off side,
she restored her equipoise, anil adroitly
sjde-steppod in time to avoid ft vicious
lunge of her antagonist, ho, before he
could recover his velocity, run hea'd on
against the andwieli, which tin zed him
and set him wobhlijig. He got his
second wind, however, before the lady
could pursue her advantage, and came
again with both .feet, attempting a
kuoek-out blow, but the lady was equal
to the occasion, and will) Wh hands
clutching the umbrella, she dealt Mr. 0.
a blow iu tiie solar plexus which caused
the stars to shine to the extent that he
discovered the G, A. It. sandwich.
Thinking it a toothsome morsel, and be
ing in need of refreshments, he at once
proceeded to get outside of it. This
sto( ped the battle. Itesult: Ono dis
qualified gobbler, two very much fright
ened ladies ant a boy up a tree. We
wouldn't tell the ladies' names for the
world. .
There will be special music rendered
service. ie would advise all lovers of
good music to be present and enjoy a
'Mrs. Thos. liishop left last Tuesday
for a week's vmit with friends in Sher
man county.
Lovers of good music enjoyed 'a rare
treat at both morning aild evening ser
vices nt the" Valley Christian Church
last Sunday. At the morning service
Mrs, T. A. Heavis reuulcd a large urtdi
ence with a delightful rendition of that
beautiful contralto soo: "Not Ashamed
of Josus." At the evening service Mrs.
T. A, lteavls and Mrs. E. E. ltegister
favored the congretftition with n duett,
entitled, "Angels Dear tlio News to
Mother." Mrs. Riester also sang a
sweet solo, entitled, "Cast Thy Dread
Upon the Waters." These two ladies,
assisted by the .balance of Hie choir of
this church, are making a reputation
that is drawing people from all over the
valley to the Sunday services.
The club's debts all being settled,
quits an animated meeting wus held at
the comers hist Saturday night. If cork
screws are any evidence of democracy,
then the entire club are democrats, for
even George maintains tst he has a
right to priug an instrument of that na
ture when the club holds an executive
session. Star-gazing was the main fea
ture of the evening,
J. H, LiBter, secretary nf the Oregon
Christian association, with headquarters
al Eugene, was a visitor and preached
for the congregation at the Valley Chris
tian church last Sunday. We learn that
he intends to buy property in this dis
trict ad at o distant date become a
permanent resident hero. Mr. Lister
is one of those men w horn it is a pleas
tire to have for a neighbor; and we glad
ly welcome him to our midst.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Chirk and son,
Newton, Jr., anno up from. Cascade
fcks, accompanied by Miss Jeannetto
Clark, of I'ortlAnd, Air'. Clark and Miss
Jetnnne going to their claims in this
valley and Mrs. Chirk and son spending
week visiting with Miss Jones at Camp
Lookout. Newton, Jr., is a ' distin
guished visitor, owing to the fact that
he is a great-grandson of Mr. Clark, of,
Lewis and I lurk lainu. iNewton is a
bright little fellow, but ho says with
much emphasis that he doe? not care to
have anything to'do with live gobblers.
Head ones are good wiongh for him.
They all express great surprise and ad
miration for 'the great improvements in
the liarrett district since their last visit
Hev: A. A. Heery, of the Valley Chris
tian church, preached an eloquent ser
mon last Sunday night upon the subject,
"What the Valley Christian Church
Stands For." Mr. Heery huntlUd his
topic in such an able manner that it be
came apparent to his audience that he
had his heart In his work. He demon
strated his position by a chart that
clearly established his ideas to the en
tire eausiacuon oi an i in men Be huui
Miss Grace Wilson is confined to the
house with measles. Her large number
ot mends sympathize with her ana trust
that site may soon recover her usual
good health. o
Do not forget the special service at
uie cnurcn in tins district next ounuay.
The young ladies have the right of way
and the subject will be, "Character
Building." li,vsrvbodv invited.
Mrs. j. H. Shoemaker presented us
with a beautiful sample of apples of the
Ben Davis variety, some of which meas
ured izyt inMces in circumference, ana
are in tine condition at this late day in
the spring. This demonstrates that J.
H. can raj so something besides prize-
wiiimiig riymouin hock cnicKeus. me
apples are on exhibition at our office in
town. It will pay you to take a look at
At a meeting of the nrhool board, held
at the school limine last Friday flight, it
was decided to pay off f-WU ol ttie obli
gations of the district, which reduces
the indebtedness to $050, and part of
this will be paid this year. This speaks
well for the management of the affairs
of the district by the present fxiard. It
was also decided to have at least eight
months school nxt session.
Any one having a desirable home and
wishing to take a couple of lady board
ers can make arrangements by calling at
my otHce in the eify, W, R.
Ioroy Dart fca rented six acres on
the east side ef the A. Ingalls place and
thereby becomes one ol us. We extend
you a cordial welcome, Brother Dart,
and give you an invitation to join the
club. -i . '.
Ed I)re-ke made his usual Sunday pil
grimage to Barrett. Ed is always wel
come, even if he should come over Bat
unlay evening and stay the balance of
the week. j
S. W. Arnold sold his place of 15 acres
to Mr. Bond, from Minnesota. Consid
eration, $1,750, Mr. Bond has secured
a bargain in this property, and one that
will increase mpidly in value. We wel-
mime Mr. Monti to Barrett, and predict
for him a proiperous futare.
Dukes -Valley Items.
The warm, days have brought oul
our digger squirrels, and the rattlers
may lie seen at the den. (j A. elanton
umi W. Massey went to the den and
killed ten thcothcr day.
W, U. Dodson and family have left
our valley and are much missed; but
Dukes Valley's loss will be Bartou's
Noah Stutts has leased William Dod-
son's place for one year (jnd is making
it ins home..
Abe Hlults Is on his homestead after
nn absence of about 18 months. His
brother went to Haleiu and got him.
He seems to he much improved iu
. We understand C. R. Bone Is to go to
work on the' ditch soon. We would
be glad to hear of his going to work
soon, us H looks m though we would
want wuler If the warm weather continues.
Xlur Sunday school was small last
Kuuday. Jt us nil turn out next Sun
day. As the weather is good now
there is no resxon why we cannot have
n good ttuncHv si tiool. Kev. David
Morris was out and preached to us al
a o'clock, m comes on the -'d and4tu
Sundays now. Mr. Morris is -a good
talker. 1-et every one come lo hear
linn. ' ' ; '
Dulles vfillcv is bavins' immecntiiiter.
lull purHre; av out under
the iiutfie ot ymrif to get a crowd. Then
Owy play n few fiues and then turn
it into a regular uld fashioned dance.
Why not call it s dance at the start,
and then those who do not want to
dance will Hot git to hinder those who
enjoy the sport?
There was a surprise 'arty at Mr.
Miwsey'g a short time ago, but the sur
prise was on ttte wrong party.
Strawberrfe a Willow; Flab look
flue, but Dulles valley has no berries to
bonst of. '
east HwnI Kotos.
Hon. I). R. Cooper and James Wish
art were in Portland, Monday, where
they.purchftiMttl tickets for Mrs. Cooper
and Mrs. Wishatt to make their trip to
Si'olluiul tam miU start lrnm Ul
Kiver, April IX nd will be gone about
three inontks. Tlwir many friends wish
mem a pleasant voyage and safe return.
lfllwrt. 1 MUM ant, I loaf Matnatr
40, acres of his lorn to W. S. Tower,'
irom Bouinera uregon. me price re
ceived was :V, The land lies sttong the
river and is a4I tvit.ttm t&nrl
K. TlimftftU. 4Mfei,rnuil Knndu f..m
Oregon City, where he spent the last
inreo mon ins.
The dam of the Davenport Bros.
i.umuer i-ompauy, on .uraham creek,
was finished Saturday, and the men and
teams pulled eut for l'arkertown.
Mr. and Mn. Robert Leasure left,
Tuesday, for Moatesano, Wash., where
tney win visit, with an aunt of Mr
Leusnre. . .
William Kdiefc is hauling lumber for
uie farmers' irrigating (Jo. lie is haul
ing to the head oi tiie Hume and from
there it will be floated to where needed.
Hazelwood Parlors
Wednesdays and Sundays.
Neapolitan Bricks, Strawberry, Vanilla and
Uliocolate Flavors.
Hpociiil ntft'iitton jiivtMi to Party Orders and Sunday
Dinners, riionc 7'2:.
y-f Olympic Patent
Family Flour
(nowpn this market to stv)
is j?uarnnteed, nnd will make a greater
liuuimyot netter tmiulthan any other
Hour costing as much or more money,
than Olympic.
Mr. .1. H. Kami is "ivimr awav Olvm-
t)iC FlOUr. at his ntnrn. iwMvinnino-
1 lmrsday. May We take this means to introduce the
popur Olympic Fiour to the Hood lliver housewife,
and Mr. Kami will he pleased to have von mil nn him nnd
get a chance on a :0-lh. sack of Olympic with any pur
chase you make in eitfter the (irocerv or Dry Goods departments.
The Portland Flourinc: Mills Co.
Makers of Olympic Cake and Pastry Flour,
viyiupiu runcaae xiour,
Olympic Wheat Hearfs-a-Mush.
Everybody is busy with spring work.
There is a great scarcity of teams, which
is hindering the work.
Belmont Clippings.
Miss Bess Isenberg has gone on a
pleasure trip to California.
Hum Kelly Is building a barn on bis
farm at Hardscrabble.
Mrs. Joseph Frazier, sr., was a guest
of Mrs. M.H. Nickelsen, Tuesday.
Miss Alice Church lias returned borne
from Turner.
A crowd of young folks gathered at
tbe home of Mrs. M. 11. Nickelsen, Fri
day evening. Tbe evening was spent
in playing games ana pniung tarry.
Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf and Mildred
were visitor on the East Side Sunday.
Singr Lee Laundry
U now npeuud and solicit the pat run age of
the public. BuUorifl sewed on and rips re
paired. Give me a trial and be convinced of
iwtiHiaciory service, rormeny xoeivee laun
dry, Jim went of Know A Upfton'a blacksmith
hop. .
Cows for Sale.
tlnod fresh tows. Prlw S35 np.
ml9 Ml LTUN PE ALEK. F. D. Ko. 1.
Fresh Cow for Sale.
By Con lU'pp, oppoHile Frankton school
nouse. rmv
480 Acres Timber.
15,000,000 to 1,000,M)0 feet stampuce, near
Iven port's now mill site. Log flume al
ready built 'hningli trscu Price tHQUOrauih.
Lock boa l.'.l, lionet KIvit, Or. ml
To Contractors.
All contractors desiring to enter bids on
plans for my house can do so by calling si
my oniee any nine Deiween Airu ana a.
35 Acres
Kor sale at a bnrsuln; on the road to Mount
Hood: good apple lund; nice, healthy location
for a house by the roadNtde. Inquire ou the
premistw. mm j. r. jniLijHi mm
In atrawbeiry packers. Va on or write
K. A. FRANZ, Hood Klver, Or.
Kiiccessori to E. E. Savage's Sons,
Hardware Tinware,
Stoves, PaintsOils
Builders' Material
Estiiuates furnltthed lo Contractors.
Oliver Chilled Plows.
E. 1.' Bradley
We are here to do your work today
tomorrow and every other day, and
our money (what little we have)
is event in Hood River. We want
your work and can do it neatly and
wr)'rirVni,iiiMnii'iw.' Mitis ti.i i tfJ
'Hm wmmm rjttwf fwnwjt t
'I'll i i n
Corner State street and Paradise avenue
Rutea, fl to Sl.GO a duy. Hpinl rates to
bonrdcin. ' Mlja. I). O. KNTH1CAN, Prop.
Of 25 years' experience. Will fur
nish plans and specifications for all
kinilfl of buildings. Strictly up to date.
Located at Hood River.
and Builders
Hood River, Or. .
Estimates furnished on all kinds of work
Phnniw Arnold, Main tH.
1 UUIH fr. Kredcrlck, Main .'
& Builders.
and Builders
and Builder.
Plans and Estimates Fprmshrd
Uo. Application. dl
Real Estate Dealers and
0 Auctioneers
Have For Sale a few Snaps like the Following:
102 7 acres, 3 miles from town; all in clover, good 6
room house, barn, sheds, etc., well, small fruits and
fruit trees, a bargain... $1,500
200 lOacres 2 miles from town, mostly in berries, G-room
house, plenty of water, a, snap:.... 2,650
201 10 acres, 3 miles from towp, 6 acres cultivated, 4
acres timber, 2-story 7-room house, 4 inches in
free water, a fine buy........................ 2,500
202 10 acres 3 miles from town,- 5 acres in berries, 500
"fruit trees, 8-room .2 story house, individual gas
plant, 12 inches of spring water, a beautiful income
home..; 3.500
204 20 a. cleared, fine apple land, good buy.. .1,200
205 12 a. 3 m. from town, finely improved, all kinds of
fruit, 400 fruit trees, S a. in berries, 4 a. meadow,
. good house, barn and well, a lovely home...'.. ....2,500
The above are only a few samples taken from our large tut. We also have the best bar
gains an city propealy; give liueial terms of payment and guarantee titles to all property we
sell; nttwd auction nalea anywhere In the state; we make quirk wales on a small margin.
bone & Mcdonald
Carry a full line of Groceries, Flour and Feed,
Shovels," Spades, AxesSaws, etc. ,
Tb riaiuas 0aos
Is hereand so are we with a full line of first
class Tackle. Come and see us before buying.
Goods Delivers! Free
To Any Part of Town.
bone & Mcdonald
Did not carry Multnomah, but that cuts no ice
with C. A'. Morgan k Co., who DO OA Kit Y the
FINEST line of '
Cigars, Tobacco, Smok
ers Supplies, etc.,
in Hood Kiver. Kemember that we also carry
everything needed in base ball goods.
Headquarters for high (Trade Crockery, Qneensware, Glassware,
Lamps and Laaip Supplies, Confectionery, Nuts and Fruits,
Fresh Roasted Peanuts,
Blank Books, Stationery and School Books. A good assortment of
Fishing Tackle
and Notions, Split Bamboo Rods and Cane Poles ; Toys and Gaines
Flinch t.nd Pit.
Boya-and Girla go on, the rnn
To pureliae their peanut from Coe A Hon;
For flna and awevt are their met.
For quality and quantity can't be beat. .
Phone 351
Oive lis a Call
. Special attention given to carts of horses' feet and .
shoeing. Also preairing wagons and carriages.
are manufactured by us. We make repairs for all
kinds of grubbing machines. We carry on. hand
Iron, Coal, Steel and all sizes and kinds of Wheels and axle.
HAYES BI103 Proprietor.
Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh. Cured
and Canned Meats.
Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits.
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
Ticket office for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and
thave a hack caft-y you to and from the bojat landing If you want
a'nrst-class turnout call on the
...... A
Anticipating your needs 9 laid in a stock of Sprint
goods. The largest line of Matting and Carpets in " .
the city. You may need a Itange or Cookfctove. I
have them. February is our winter month. I have
Heaters. Have you that tired feeling? I have
Ilockers that wifl give you rest. Everything in the
Furniture line to meet all conditions. Andlowest
prices guaranteed. Listen! We are. here for our
share of the business. Come and see us. We will
show you how it is done. .Will give yOU tjle jev
to the first move a square deal. Your" money fs
justasgood as your neighbor's, and will buy as -much
as his money. Full line of Ihiilding material
that will be sold at Bed Hock prices. Look it over.
Undertaker and Embalmer