The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 28, 1904, Image 3

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Phone 5 1
Phone 5 1
If you want' to 'bujld a home don't wait until after
prices have advanced, but go at once and see the
Do it MOW!-
Selling Agents for RIVERVJEW PARK and Idlewilde Ad
ditions in Hood' River. Prices will advance inside
of 30 days without further notice. Better Buy now
Dr. Adams Dlhcoyers Hand's Resort.
Hood River, April 24, 1!)04. Editor
Glacier: My time Is ho much taken up
with home affairs that I seldom go out
to- observe the astonishing improve
ments that are being mde all through
the valley. The fact is I should hard
ly know, if not from the Information I
get from the Glacier, hut what Hood
Kiver was yet a ''howling wilderness"
us it was when I settled here in 1876.
But the Glacier has not told all. Its
Argus eyes have overlooked a spot that
did me more good to see than any spot
I ever gazed at during a two-years'
tramp through North America, Central
America, South America and the Sand
wich Islands. That spot, sacred to
a poet, a lover of the grand
and beautiful, lies about two
miles from Hood Kiver depot, down
the Columbia river. When I came
here it was claimed and occupied by
John Dye, a white man' who with a
squaw held the .place in joint occu
pancy, and among the rocks the squaw'
managed to raise cn mi if h garden veg-
etables to partially subsist on after
washing their "muckaruuck" down
with copious draughts of whisky. As
lonu s the whisky lasted, John and
his squaw were oblivious to all other
eanniy events aim my Buuriug
ing embrace in their blankets, not car
ing a cent how the world wagged out
Hide of t heir little cloth-covered heaven.
John's squaw was once the mistress of
Fhll Sheridan, who immortalized niro
selfinthe civil war. By this squaw
Sheridan had a daughter. Tbisdaugh
ter married a half-breed named Olney,
a relative of Judge Olney, who died at
Astoria in 188, if I remember rightly.
Sheridan's daughter was an exception
ally good looking woman. She was
proud of bei yg the "daughter of a big
chief," andNher mother was equally
proud. After Sheridan left her,
he told me she had -lived with
four or five white men before she fell
In with Iye, who seemed to be just the
affinity she had looked for, as he was
willing to spend all his earnings for
whisky. Dye and Jiis squaw left and
Now is the Time
To put HoytV Patent
Tree Supj torts on your fruit
trees; The cut shows how
they work. Don't wait until
the trees are broken down or
bent out of shape with heavy
loads of f riiit. Put them on
now and save the trees. They
are permanent and stay for
years with a -little adjust
ment of the wires. When
you use these supports you
have no props iu the way of
cultivators; and they are al
ways there.
Tools'are ahead. High wheel and first class at the right
prices. We have the exclusive agency. Come see them.
If your strawberries are not in first-class condition
get some of the No. 4 fertilizer and strengthen them up.
This fertilizer helps the culls grow into good berries. Now
is the time to apply it.
we are stocked with what you need. Get the old tools out
and either get- new parts where needed, or new tools.
Time is too valuable to spend trying to make an old worn
out tool do vtmr work when the season is short.
Prices, lc, lc aim a: eacU, according
A car of Studebajicr wagons now iu .contains some
special fruit growers' wagons with large size boxes, strong
neat and durable, at the same prices that have Ueu asked
for less desirable styles. Don't fail to call and examine
them when they come in.'
More than 31,750 Pre
Have been filled in our Laboratory. The reason .
for this large prescription business is found in the
service we give, The best materials obtainable
8 and moderate charges areothe things that have
brought lis the patronage of the public and the o
confidence of the physicians. -
Let us Fill Your Prescriptions.
G. (J. CROW.
White Salmon 0Real Estate
Dealers. 9
White Salmon, Wash., have sole charge of the sale
of lots in this growing town. We have a large list -"of
farm and fruit lands for-sale.
Correspondence solicited.
the place fell Into the hands of W. J.
Camphell. He put up a shack and
lived in it till he sold out. The house
is all removed hut the chimney, made
of nieces of rock, which 1 am told Mrs,
Camphell and the children built while
Mr. Campbell was sick I told Bob
Hand to let it stand. Let no impious
band defile a-single stone ia it. Let it
stand for posterity to gaze at it as a
sacred monument of pioneer times. I
still remember when, in 1809, Wendell
Phillips showed me the place where
Daniel Webster's house once stood. I
told Mr. Phillips the man who tote
that house down ought to be hung. I
think Bob Hand has poetry enough in
his soul to let no vandal disturb one of
its stones. Down oomesJ'atton creek,
where we used to go fishing for trout--a
good sized stream, which goes rush
ing and roaring down a perpendicular
rocky precipice a hundred feet or more.
Uncle Bob has built a hotel on its very
verge. One can sit on his porch, see
the waters go roaring over the falls
and feel Its cool, refreshing influence.
He cau look down and see the
railroad cars dragged by the
iron horse and carrying its precious
freight of human life up and down the
river several times a day. He also has
a clear view of the Columbia river for
15 or more miles, where steamers, load
ed with freight and passengers, are
constantly disturbing the waters
where rolls me Oregon." one to ap
preciate ttie place ought to visit it.
The land will not admit of a garden
equal to the Homeric gardens of Al
cinous,' but the Homeric gardens lacked
the grand scenery and waterfall tne
god of Nature has reserved for the vis
itors who resort to Uncle lfoo's. lie
hasspent'ten thousand dollars in im
provements aud expects to spend five
thousand more. He expects to rim no
cheap John house, but such a place as
poets and rellned people will enjoy
and are able to pay for. -A man who
spends money freely to improve, adorn
and beautify the lountry is a useful
citisen aud ought to have the credit
due him. W..L. Adams.
Host Paper in Oregon.
Mrs. Elsie Bartholomew of Bissells,
Ohio, forwarded the Glacier the price
of a subscription aud says her family
eipects to come to Hood Kiver soon.
Continuing, Mrs. Bartholomew says:
"We would like to rent a piuce tor one
year ou share. Mr. liartholoroew does
not want to sell his farm here in Ohio
until be has tried it a year in Oregon.
I was there last year and worked for
Mr. Jenkins in strawberry time and
liked Hood River very much. Perhaps
through your paper we shall get a
chance to rent or oversee aotne farm. -
We can give many recommendation it
necessary. Jour paper is me wst l
have ever received froai Oregon : you
give to much Information of the doing
in flood Kiver and surrounding coun
try." .
Che-ter Shut is up and around town,
lookinii about as well as ever. He was
operated on for appendicitis about three
weeks ago and list made a rapid re
N.W. Pike of Maplaton, low,. was a
visitor in Hood Kiver Friday. Mr. Pike
it interested in the Mapleton bank of
Mapletin. He is an old neighbor of
the Plog brothers, Charles and Louis.
He thinks we have a tine country.
BobtM-4 (be rve.
' A startlinc incident it narrated by
John Oliver oi I'hiladetuhia, as follows:
I was in an awful condition. My siin
was almost yellow,.eyei sunken,, tongue
coated, pain continually in back and
lid?, no appetite, tjrowuig weaker day
by dav. Three pnysieians Had given nie
up. Then i wat advised to nse Kleetric
Milters; to my yrvat Joy, the first bottle
mule a drckUtt improvement. I con
tinued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well atiaa.I know they robbed
the grave of another victim." No one
ahmilrl fail in trv them. Onlv RA fnntR
guaranteed, at Chas. N. Clarke's drug
sioro. -
A Thoughtful Man.
M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind.
knew what to do in the' hour of need
His wife had such an unusual case of
McDonald aHenrich
Dealers Id-
Wagons -70 years test.
Brooms the very best
I'lows, Harrows, etc.
Cultivators, Spray and Well Pumps
Wind Mills, Gasoline Eng's
Champion Mowers, Rakes, Oil and
Extras, Hardware, Fishing Tackle,
Barb Wire.
Hercules Stump Powder.
Wilbur Stock
Dear Sir: We have pleasure In advising you
that a full line or Wilbur's Htwk hood and
Kiirm Hii'lnliin Is for sale by !-. W. Han
dors, Hood Ktver, Or. Any favora you can
show cwr agency either by purclittHlng your
supplies there or sending your neighbors there
for Wilbur's stork J'ood or Wilbur's House
find Barn Remedies, will be highly appreciat
ed by both our agent and oui-wlves. If you
are uaoble U supply your want at our agency
write uh at once auu we snail see uiai. you gei
what you want. Thanking you for past
favors and wishing you a suoceastul season,
we remain, yours truly,
My New Im
plement Warehouse
I about completed, and iu it will he
found a full line of Vehicle and Farm
Machinery; including Hushford, Har
rison, Wilbure, OM Hickory, Colum
bian and Kli Wayoavs, Michigan Farm
Truck with steel wheels, J. L. Clark,
Milburn, and Parry Spring Wagons
and Buggies, Champion Carts, Syra
cuse Steel aud Chilled Plows, Spring
Tooth, Spike-Tooth and Disc Harrow;
Shovel Plows, Shovel Point, Spring
Tooth and Spike Tooth Cultivators;
Deering Mowers and Hay Rakes;
Lightning Hay frens, Hay Carriers,
Forks and Pulleys; Fan Mills, Cider
Mills, Wind Mills, Pumps, Tanks and
Towers; Bacon, Steel Age and Iron Age
Garden Tools, Canal and Garden Ba r
rows; Buckeye Waahlng Machines and
Churns; Wire Fencing; Greet) Bone
and Feed Cutters; ltoad, Wheel and
Drag Scraper; horse power self-feed
Drag Saw; Monarch, Pioneer and Lit
tle Giant Stump Pullers; double power
Pulleys and Take-up; also full fine of
eitra Horse Hoe attachments, Shovel
Blade arid Weeder.
Double Crank and Economy BoWtor
Spring; Wheels, Post and Sbaw;Siu
gletrees, Doubletree and Neck Yokes,
Seat Cushions, Buggy Top and Dashes,
Boots and Storm A (irons, lp Robes,
etc., etc. Having 1mm! 14 years' eiper
ienoe in this city rvfssirinf Wagons and
Machinery white ft the Blacksmith
Business, I knofverv weak point on
a Wagon c Farm implement, and
shaH try to carry, f lade of Wagons
aud Implements a mvmt perfect as they
make litem. Yow are cordially In-,
vited to call and eaamine the same.
Soliciting a share of your patronage, I
am, yours for Higti Grada Imple
ments at Prices that are Right.
ir. 4th pnf! OnlnmWn.
i .U I'f
Hood liivpr.
Agents for
Gasoline Engines, Warm Air Fur-
naces, Windmills, Pumps,
Gas Plants, Wire Cable, Ladders,
and the
Faultless Stump Puller
Garden Hose, Lawn Sprinklers, Hose Nozzles, etc.
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we will have and can sup-
nlv in anv number
Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen
berg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or.
Woodp etc
Our Prices Ire the
Btomach ami liver troulilo physicians
could not help her. lie thought of and
tried Dr. Kind's New Life Pills and sl'e
got relief at once and was finally cured.
Only 25c. at Chas.N. Clarke's drugstore.
Best Cough Medicine for Children.
When vou buy a couch medicine for
small children you want one in which
yon can place implicit-confidence. You
want one that not only relieves but cures.
You want one that is unquestionably
harmless. You want one that is pleas-
ant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Hem-
I edy meets all these conditions. There
is not hint; so good for the coughs and
coUU incident to childhood. It i also a
certain preventive and cure .for croup,
and there is no dinner whatever from
: whooping cough whn it is iiiven. It
has been used in many epidemics of that
diBeaso with perfect sucews. Fo tale
by all druggists.
Saturday was a red letter day at the
Glacier olllco. The senior editor. wai at
hub of Wasco county attending the
democratic county convention; the jun
ior editor was in attendance at. an alum
ni banquet of the State University,
held in the Hotel Portland, In the hub
of the Pacific Northwest, ajid this left
the devil alone in his glory, moa
arch ef all he surveyed, in Hood River,
tho hub of the universe, And the sans
day it rained;
"I have used Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets with most satisfac
tory results,". says Mrs. F. L. Phlps,
Houston, Texas. For indigosti6n, bil
iousoess and constipation the tablsts
are most excellent. Sold by all druggjsU.
Ro'sl Tailor suits at Knnpri's.
Guns Fishing Tackle Camp Outfits
full anil .im tl.a UNiifliaului 1 nttumill. I It.itilu.n U..L.. n ftuliui. Bliul All W.,.n. . n.n r&
iu ..... t. in. i.i'n.i .....r.i.i.i.. . i. . ...... . inv., t if... in ntwi IWU., fl I 4 Ulll '1 IT uuiif , (uiin Wl I ni" V nnv p
rltlu. l'ttikcr A Smith shot Hunt; Kiivnsn, to K; Kiwis, llu to U). All Unit's new In ail-1 stoves, 11. SO up. Osmp HIovim, llmnr.,.
Marlin and Wlnclmster rilliw Hnortlnu: rllli-ii. tomiitlo Keels. Flv Hooks. !&. 60c and SI I The InUwt la oooklnx ulonxuls mid ctua
f2 to H0. Ammunition for all tiniiH. ft down. KIbIi LIium, i'io to $2.50 ttacli, I conveniences.
Everything for Building and Furnishing the Home
Hardware Stoves Tinware Furniture linoleum
Carpets Faints Oils Glass Building Materials
STEWART, the Home Furnisher.
Without question the most beautiful residence
location in the city. High and sightly, no mud
no dust. Supplied with the purest spring water.
You are cordially invited to come up and inves
tigate, see the water plant, enjoy the fine view "
and have a good drink. No trouble to show
lots: Always at home. Now is your chance.
- I K
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V 5 -
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M i .
Reglnter No. 88,372.
Seat Brown, 15 1-4 Hands High? Weight 1160 Pounds.
By Altago 9320, son of Altamont, 3100.
a'lTAGO Sire of Flora i, 2.21; Hugo, 2:22),;
Winella, 2:28' ; Altouette, 2:20; Ida Mac, 2:30, dam
of Altena, 2:21; all irotters.
First dam. Badie B. 2 :28U, by Rockwood 1467.
Second dam, Gray Maid, by Brigham Young, son
ol Win thorp Knox.
Third dam, Nellie, by Black Stranger.
., i,.it,.n,.. (n,i.n. T.,dlvi .nil Wixlnnsdavs at Ward & Robertson's barn. The
titililS Will mUKe II1B BCB"M1 H uu,.,., V " ,
Dalles, Oregon ; Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday at Frank Button' place, Hood River, Oregon.
TERMS: $15, with return privileges, payable at end of season; to insure, T20, payable when mare if known to be
wilb ,oal T. J. SEUFERT, 216 West Third St., The Dalles.