The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 28, 1904, Image 2

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"Kood River Glacier.
The report that another newspaper
is about to be started Id Hood River
was In circulation last week. A rumor
of this kind has bobbed up aeml-occa-alonally
for tbe past two yean. The
Glacier waa Informed of the rumor
Thursday evening by a merchant and
good advertiser, who had been asked
. if be would take advertising apace in
the proposed new paper. ' Tbe mer
chant declined, laying the Glacier wa
good enough advertising medium for
bin). A Glacier man traced the rumor
to Its source and found there waa noth
ing in it, usual. Probably half a
dozen men in Hood River would like
to aee another newspaper established,
but neither of tbe half dozen men
would be willing to put up the cash
necessary to keep a paper going. Mer
chants and other business men who
advertise do not want another paper.
They know that It would double their
advertising expense without the addi
tional compensation. They know tbe
Glacier is read by every family
in Hood River that reads a paper.
aiiu wiey anow mat a new jmper
could not hope to get the same num
ber of rubsoribers for years, and that
those II did get would be readers of the
Glacier, So there could be no excuse
to advertise in two home papers, es
pecially none to advertise In the one
that had its circulation to get. Tbe
policy of the Glacier has always been
to treat all alike, to make friends, to
publish as good a paper as our Income
will allow, and to grow belter with
the Increase of patronage. The Glacier
lias nothing to fear from competition
so long as It adheres to this policy.
The New Clothing Store
Toll the story of 1 ho
are offering during the Grand Opening. This
Great 1 0 Days Sale
is Still On, and means a great saving to the oconomica
buyers. Give us a trial and
$151, $12,50, $10.00, $7.50, $6.00, iOltO $100
Men's, Women's and
$3.50, $2.95,
down to 95c
$4.50, $3.50, $2.50, $1.50, $1.00,
down to 75c.
$3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50,
down to 95c.
Men's Summer Negligee Shirts
$1.50, $1.25, $1.00, 75c,
down to 25c.
Yours to Please,
Location, next door to Glacier Office,
Competition might help tbe Glacier,
hut it would not help the merchant
who might feel compelled to give it
advertising. There is no more need of
another newspaper in Hood River than
there is of another banking Institution.
At the meeting of the general commit
tee of the G. A. R. encampment, Satur
day, Hon. E. Li. Smith suggested that
Hood River should iiave a large hall
suitable fo accommodate large gather
ings such as will assemble when the en
campment comes here, and which could
also be. used for our biennial fruit fain
He believes a building of this kind
could yet be erected in time for the en
campment. The suggestion was heart
ily favored by all present. Leslie Dut
ler said the bank of Hood River would
start a subscription for a convention
hall at $100. The cost of putting up
the big tent for the horticultural fair
is becoming too great About 11,000
feet of lumber is required, and at the
present price of lumber the cost, with
labor added, is considerable The cost
of a building similar to the one at Glad
stone Park, with open sides, would not
be great. The sides could be inclosed
with canvass or kept open to suit the
weather. It is hoped this proposition
will be agitated and given due consider
ation. With a suitable building Hood
River would become a favorite conven
tion town.
The delegation at Washington has
recommended the appointment of J. II,
McGreerof Antelope as supervisor of
the north division of the Cascade forest
reserve. John Combs, previously en
dorsed, asked to have his name with
drawn.' M. V. Rand of Univreity Park was a
visitor in Hood River for several clays
last week. Mart thinks our town bus
improved wonderfully since he was a
resident here.
our reliable goods will do the
Children's Shoes
$2.45, $1.50,
One Price to All.
We have a full and complete line of Ladies' Muslin Underwear, including
Shirts, Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covers,
Chemise, etc.
Ladies' Knit Corset Covers ." $ .25
Infants' Soft Soled Shoos, good quality , .25
Pit or Flinch ' .40
Panic .38
Ladies' Black Silk Underskirts, worth $5.00,
our price : . . , , 4.00
Crashed Leather Bolts " .30
Boys' Straw Hats OS
Ladies' Hose, per pair 5c to .75
Berries for the Veteran.
Portland Oregonlan. '
Captain James P. Sliuw. chtrirman of
the general committee In ehariieor the
arrangements for the encampment of
the Oregon department of lliu G. A. It
lo I) held hi Hood Hiver June 15, 10
and 17, bus recently been to Hood Riv
er lo see what the townsiieohle are
willing to do, mid his Investigations
nave caused the following circular let
ter to lie sent to every punt in the state:
The 2.'!d biiiiuhI encampment G.A. II ,
will he held at Hood River, Wednesday.
Thursday and Friday, June IS, 111 and
17. IIiIb tlxt'ultie date right In the
midst, und In the height of our straw
berry season, therefore we can promise
an uinple supply of that luscious berry,
of which God might have inude a bet
ter, out did n't.
Comeand abide with us a spell, com
rades, and we will feiiat you on big red
The local committee having the ar
rangements for the care and entertain
ment of those of our com null's who
may attend the encampment requests
thutyou furnish the number who will
eome frdm your post, and how many
will oe uccompniiied hy their wives.
Hotel accommodations In Hood River
at present are somewhat limited, but
patriotic citizens will open their houses
for your accommodation, und the com
mittee bus arranged to furnish tents,
which will be supplied with straw.
wood and water free of charge. Com
rades, however, will lie rermested to
bring along llitir blankets, etc. Four
people can occupy eiich tent with com
fort. Hotel-charges will be $1 and $2 per
in V . stepping accommodations In pri
vate families fur two persons 50 cents
per night. All men Is from 10 cenls to
Si cents. The Information asked for
should be as accurate as possible, and
furnished at us early a date us the fuels
may be had.
Adrires ail eomiuioatMna to, X. J.
Cunning, Secretary,
J ah. P. HllAW,
Chairman Gen. Committee.
, T. J. Cl'NSINO,
Secretury Gen. Committee.
Encampment Preparation. -Canby
post, O. A. K., held an interest
ing meeting (Saturday. More than half
the total membership was in attendance.
Ways and means for taking care of the
state encampment, June 16, 10 and 17,
wero fully discussed.
The sub-committee on grounds for the
encampment reported that three differ
ent spots had been- offered to the cont'
mittee K, L. Smith's blocks on the hi
the oak grove near Country Club Inn
in Idlewildo addition and the walnut
grove in Riverview Park addition. The
latter spot was tendered by R. R. Krwin
and accepted. It is located at the west
end ot Mate street, opposite the water
ing trough, in a grove ot oak and wainu
trees, and is an Ideal spot (or a Camping
ground. Here the tents loaned hy the
-state will he set up, and those of our
visitors who come prepared with bedding
can enjoy camp me lo tlieir Heart s con
tent, l'lmitv of pure sprinur water will
he piped to the grounds from the spring
close by, and every detail looked alter
to make the campers comfortable.
1 he management ol the opera house
have kindly tendered the use of the
lower and upper halls for the use of the
encampment uining the three days' set
sion. the lower hall will bo used for
the session of the encampment and the
large hall upstairs will be used by the
W. K. C. for the same purpose. The
ladies of the G. A. K. will meet in Odd
Fellows hall, the use of which has been
kindly tendered bv the I. 0. O. F. free
ol charge.
The opera house is also given free of
charge for the memorial services to be
held Sunday, Slav 29.
The big tent .belomrina to the Hood
Kiver horticultural society will be set
up, but the location has not vet beefl
decided noon, ft is proposed to pur
chase more ouuvas for an extension to
the tent, or else use the whole ot it for
covering and board up the sides. It ii
expected that 2,000 people will be in at
tendance at the camp hres held in the
leni on me eveninus of the hrst and
second days ol the encampment.
The band boys have asked the post if
thore would be any objection to their
using we opera house to put a patriotic
play on the boards during one of the
evenings oi the encampment. The post
voted that there would tie no objection,
ami criuay evening, June 17, was se
lected as most suitable for the nlav
ine oanu nor a propose to give all wear
ing the badge of the Grand Arniv. V
K. C. and Ladles of the G. A. H. iron
admission on that nijjht. The foiloHing
night they will repent the play and
charge admission to all.
It is the intention of the general com
mittee t-i bar out all outside shows and
all schemes for tleecimr the unwarv.
The city council will (masked to ro-nii-
erale in this. No concessions whatever
will be granted on the camp grounds to
any parties not residents of Hood River.
lhe general committee will hold meet
ings every Saturday, at 4 o'clock, in the
parlors of the bank. All G. A. R mem
bers on committees, and all citizens
knowing theinselve? to be on thewnprnl
or sub committees, are invited to attend
these meetings.
ine n nance committee will begin the
ork of soliciting subscriptions this
eek. Bo be prepared to give liberally,
ou can not give in a better cause. The
encampment is going to be a drawing
card for Hood River. It will be big
ad, and we must treat our visitors well
Men's Gingham Jumpers '. $ .40
Men's Gingham Bib Overalls, 5 pockets only 60
Children's Shoes, sizes 2 to 8, all solid leather. . . .50
Ladies' Lace Trimmed Summer Weight Knit
Drawers 20c, 25c and .50
Ladies' Knee-length Summer Weight Union Suits
best grade... .50
Boys' Suits , .50
800 Matches 05
that- they may go to their homes with
the impression tha Hood River is all
right. Tbe flounce committee has also
been instructed to find out how many
visitors can be furnished with board and
lodifinir. or lodging without, board, at
the houses they will call. Hotels and
boarding houses will be tilled up first,
and then the private houses will be
called upon to care for as many as they
can accommodate. Families having
spare beds or accommodations for any
number of the visitors can save the com
mittee calling at their houses by leaving
word with uny member of the commit'
tee. .
The Jiew Pension Order.
The pension bureau is now sending
out the following letter; explanatory of
its Interpretation ot the new order:
"In response to your attached com
munication, you are advised that under
the provisions ol section 2 of the act of
June 27, 1890, as amended by the act of
May U, 1900, any otlicer or enlisted man
who served 90 days or more in the army
or navy of the United States during the
late war of the rebellion and received an
honorable discharge therefrom, may be
entitled to a pension as such, provided
he is now or may hereafter be suffering
from any mental or physical disability
or disabilities of a permanent character,
not the result of his own vicious habits,
which so incapacitates him from the per
formance of manual labor as to render
him unable to cam a support.
"In the adjudication of valid claims
under said acts, it is taken and consid
ered as an evidential fact, if the contrary
does not appear and if all other legal re
quirements are properly met, that when
a claimant has passed the age of 02 years
he shall be regarded as disabled one-half
in ability to perform manual labor and
may be entitled to the minimum rating
of $0 per month ; after 05 years of age, to
$H per month J after 68 years of age, to
$10 a month ; ai)d after 70 years of age,
to the maximum' rating of (112 per month.
A declaration Bta'ing that the claimant
is 02 years of age ; 05 years ; 08 years, or
70 years, as the case may he, is a suffi
cient allegation in cases ot this kind,
even it no other disabling cause is set
forth, but in all cases the exact date of
birth should be stated.
"Allowances under said act at a high
er rate, pot exceeding $12 per month,
win continue to be made as heretofore
where disabilities other than age show a
condition ot mammy to perform manual
labor, but in no case can pension exceed
(12 per month, which is the maximum
rate of invalid pension provided for in
said acts and is not subject to increase
lor any cause.
"Ibis ruling will tako effect April 13,
1904, and shall not be deemed retroact
ive. The former rules of the bureau
fixing the minimum and maximum at
05 and 75 years respectively are accord
ingly mod i tied as above.
"Pensions granted under -the'. provi
sions of section 2 of the act of Juno 27,
1890, as amended, whether affected by
the late ruling or not, are not in addi
tion to pension allowed under any other
law, as the law prohibits the payment
of more than one pension to a person for
the same period."
This settles one point, about which
there has been some anxious question
ing: the amount of proof that would be
required for age. Tliis says that a mere
statement as to age, accompanied by
exact date of, is all that will be required.
In his letter to the senate secretary
Hitchcock inclosed a letter from Acting
Commissioner of Pensions Davenport, in
which it was altirmed that Commission- j
Spring Millinery
1 have just received another invoice of fine millinery from an Eastern
market,' Inch I am showing at prices to suit all Ladies will find
me prepared to create any and all designs in Ladies,' Misses' and
L- V . ,","eHdSear- ,8w my Pecial deBins Lace, Babv Hats,
Jolded Unffon, lorpedo Toques, Flat Iron Turbies, the Triconie and
many oiers too numerous to mention. New Veilings, new Ribbons.
' - Mme ABBOTT.
Charles R. Spencer.
.Ar .asrjs !r u",d M - .; -.v.,.
ijiiMiinir at The ivh pa. fct or I nlon .t.
HiK-mvr, liinenil Manager, Portland.
Now is the Accepted Time.
your Spray Material of
And you can depend on it being GOOD.
Never Undersold.
er- Ware's order does not enlarge but
simply construes the act of June 27,
1890, and its amendments, and cloees as
"The amount the order will increase
pensionsnnnuallv, and particularly when
the same shall become fully operative,
can be only roughly estimated. There
are supposed to be living today about
o,uuu ex-union soldiers ot the civil
war. Of these are pensioned under the
act ol July 14, 1 NIC, known as the gen
eral law, about 205,000, and under the
act ot June 27. 1890, about 428,000, ag
gregating 093,000, which, deducted from
the whole number of survivors, leaves
182,0(10 who have not applied for pen
sion., To state definitely how many of
this number tailed to serve the 91) days
ana receive nnai honorable discharge, is
impossible. One-fourth seems a fair es
timate and reduces the number to 136,500
to eay that 75,000 of these have reached
the age of 02 and will apply seems a
reasonable estimate. If these 75,000 are
all placed on the roll at $0 a month or
$72 a year, the output for pensions will
be increased o,4Ul),UUO annually.
"The pension roll is diminishing rap
idly, owing to deaths of beneficiaries;
and in all probability this decrease will
unset any gains caused bv claims of sol
diers to have reached the age ol 65 and
At a special meeting-of StanBbury post
Ligouia, Ind , a resolution was adopted
to the effect that the new order of Com
missioner Ware was not acceptable as a
substitute for a Bervice pension, espec
ially ii it was intended lo prevent lur
tlier legislation. The roster of the post
shows 176 members, of whom only two
would be benefitted by the new order.
Sciatic Heli ii mat is in Cured,
"I have been subject to sciatic rheu
matism for years,",say8 K. H. Waldron,
of Wilton Junction, Iowa. My joints
were stiff and gave me much pain and
discomfort. My joints would crack
when I straightened up. J used Cham
berlain's Pain Halm and have been
thoroughly cured. Have not had a
pain or ache from the old trouble for
many months. It is certainly a most
wonderful liniment." For ealo by all
For Rent.
Hoarding house for rent. All furnished.
Girl Wanted.
Wanted snood girl for geneitnl housework
Apply In Frank R. Davenport lit olllce of
Chop House.
Meals on nhort order at nil hours. Open day
"K"i v a, in. uillll 1 J, in.
Proprietors. n
List your rruit Lands with us in the
Homeseelters' Ouirle if you-want to sell
them. We advertise the trnido in nvr
zza eastern and. Middle West papers.
oeiiu tor tue lionieeeeaers uuiue.
7 First SI reel
Portland, Or
' . -.'."T-
Mint nf kulrBt ,.( k- u.'
FASHION HTAHI.KS, Agent, Hood Kiver!
In the Circuit Court of tbe HUte of Oregon
for W unco County. ,
Prank Davenport, plaintiff, vs. Frank C.
Wii,ii. defendant.
To Frank U Wilson, the defendant above
named: '
You are hereby required to appearand an
swer tbe complaint died against you lattw
above entitled suit In the above-named court
on or before the expiration or six weeas iroin
the daw of the first publication of tbia aum
moni; and you are hereby nollfled that If you
fail to so appear and answer the snjd com
plaint that Judgment and decree will be taken
jumiriKt vou fur the relief nraved for4n aald
coniplalut, to wit: Judgment for the aum of
KM), with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum iroin uciooera, iww, unu iur
the further sum of tfiO aa attorney's feea In
this suit, and for the coat and disbursement
f this suit, and a decree foreclosing- the mort
gage mentioned In said complaint, and di
recting that the real premises therein men
tioned be sold on execution, and that the pro
ceeds of such sale be applied In payment of
me costs ana expenses ol suco saie ana oi win
suit, and to the satisfaction of such sum as
may no lounci aue ine piawtin in ti.ia lint, in
cluding tha aald attorney's fee and Sf.oO paid
by plaintiff for taxea on aald mortgaged
This summons la served bypnbllcatlon fori
six consecutive weeks id ine unoa mver
Glacier, a newspaper of general circulation,
published In aald Wasco county, pursuant to
an order directing auch publication, made by
Hod. W. I.. Bradshaw, Judge of tlu) above-
named court, which said order la dated on
the 2Htb day of March, i'.M, and the date of
the It rat publication hereof la April 7, IMH..
a7inl'j A. A. J AYNE, Atly for Plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale of Real
Notice la hereby given that an execution
and order of sale was iteued out of the Aircult
Court of the state of Oregon for Wasco county
on the lHth day of April, l'JU4, npon Judg
ment ana aecree given ana luaaeitnerein on
the lotll day of April, as of und for the
tlth day of November. 1IXW, In favor of W. H.
Wilson and against J. K. Krlend for tSe aum, wltb Interest thereon from the 6th
day of November, l'.HKt, at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum, ana Sio attorney s tees, ana
tbe further sum of S17.SU costs, which said ex
ecution and order of sale la directed to and
commands mo to aeir the south half of the
southwest quarter, tbe southwest quarter of
the southeast quarter of section four, and tiie
northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of
section nine in township one norm, range
11 east, In Wasco county, Oregon, to satisfy
said Judgment;.therefore. In pursuance of said
execution and order of sale I will, on
Saturday, the 21st day ot May, 1U0I,
at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M.. at the count v
court bouse doar In Dulles City, In Wasco
county, uregon, sen at puouc ancjiontolhe
highest bidder for cash In hand the lands and
premises above described for the purpose of
MuiiHiying saiu juugineni ann uecree.
Dalles City, Or., April 1H, im.
a21mlil Bherlffof Wasco county, Oregon.
4 Tract? of Land
for Sale.
66 acres. 10 or 12 cleared and nearly all set to
US acres. 25 tillable; 2 acres cleared; ITS per
cm wr biimuie pari, uuiauce win ne uonareu
w purcuaser. ,
20 acres, partly cleared, S70 per acre.
15 acres, all cleared; splendid improvements.
Whole place set to trees and strawberrlpa.
These place, are located Horn one lo five
mil a out, under the East Fork Irrigating
iu m uitcu. i am noi a rem esiuiti agent nut a
anner living a nines out una am ottur'ng
these properties for non-resident friends, ft
you are interested In any way, don t beaitnt
to asa questions, me 1st mav con la In ex.
aclly what you want, or your friends who are
coming to
nooa Kiver, are looking for.
to or phone
Hood River, Or
Phone H46.
For Sale.
Mv residence on Bherman avenue tmnm
honse with bath; lot 100x150 feet. Prlce2,0(.
or ck nulla nf nna lot onctimed nv h. h
Bragg A Co. and post ollice. i-i.OflO. Address
U101 lj. W. tllAIWKK.-),
, IT. 8. Marshal's office, Portland, Or.
East Side Grade Im
Hood River, o. Bids will be received np to
April ao, 11104, at Pie county clerk s omce, The
Dalles, Or., for the Improvement of the F.m
Side wagon mad grade, Hood Kiver, by grav
eling said road a distance of 4220 feet
Plans and aoeciflcaltons mav be seen at. the
county clerk's office and with County Cora-
iiiinniuut-r n.. .,. niuimru, nooa ntver, or.
dj urut-r ot tnp vouniy IvOliri.
Dr. fA. A.
Office In Lan
gllle Bldg.
ITrwtTt RivrD
Will be In Hood River PVIrinva iinrl Mulnr.
10 Acres for Sale,,
I am offering for sale inv 10 acres, well Im.
B roved, Smiles south of town, on the Mount
ood road. For particulars, cat I at my place.
F. E. BA
Lewis Poultry Yard.
hViri flftm hMVV luvinir Ul.intr UlnA.. l
per U, or $i,50 pet ii),
Marshal's Notice.
The common council have ordered a .iito-
WHlk bllllt on the BOUth-Ririe of Mhermun .
eiiue, iroin me earn Blue or parR street, the en
tire length, and the street line has been estab-
nsiieu mr sunie. rroperty owners affected
are hereby notified that this walk must be In
ujuuei. U. M. I KAliF.Y,
. a'28 City Marshal
Private School..
Mra Margaret Reld and Miss Cora" Con
will open a private school, May 16, to continue
Sweeka All gradea, including kindergarten
work Pupils who fail in their coming exam-
nintuiii l-nu nvHil lliemscivesoi tniS OIBKirttl-
nlty to take a revjew and make their grades
ror promotion to the next higher class Tui
tion K per month For further particulars in-
iuin;i mn nem ur miss IXippie
An embroidered silk muffler, wklch owner
can have-by calling at Glacier office and nv.
2ac for this notice
For Sale.
1 Spalding hack, llngle buggy, 1 set single
,,....a. j ,u Su,nj comuuon. w i u iraue
for potatoes. N. M. ABBOTT STOKE.
Buff Lesrhorn Ea-a-s.
Thoroughbred buir Leghorn egg; 15c per
selling. . ml-J . K A.FRAN
Bids Wanted.
Sealed btda wntAi hw- muv tia
for buildtntr a realtience. Pinna Mni
catlouu will be lound at office of PratheT In-
Hay for Sale.
Cows For Sale.
Good milk cowa for aaie, Inonlreof
Six acres ALL N Ki'.RRik'ji
from town. Early ground. Tm.'n..'. ?
estimated at Sill i-ruto. l.,.i,:, '""I1
Inquire of
. 21 t
Go-Cart for Saltv
Cheap. Call at Stewart's store, or see
m5 MRU. A. A. JAYNE.
200,000 Strawberry
Plant for sale at Jl.00 per kM) on m v raScI
nuiea oianooi hoim Kiver.
East Hide. All
pianu grown on new stalk
100 Cherry Trees,
Lambert and Blng. For aale by
Apples of Gold.
Uold wheu you eell: rold in,i.i u i.
exhibit. We have the land: no better GS in
valley; within, mile of the Booth orchard,
which took a irold medal at HultHlo; uo acrei
unimproved, 8-10 per acre. No aifent. Write
for team In meet voo. or call ui t,
"' Iim-U!rs son icrms on Mm.ll,.
For Sale.
izaereaor rood annle lnn.1 a mil. ......
rods from Pine Umvi school
or address v. WINi'H Kl.i. " "
,no Hood I River, Or.
$1.50 Books for 50c.
20 Donalar hooka .!, BB .... . .
Haruni,''ete..alceach. Aim. 8 larga vol
Lhamber' Encyclopedia at $1.50 for set.
For Sale.
a.wt,1or,L:fe'crlte,,ra WoK
Real Estate
AT .
Money to loan. '
Hanna bouse and tot, 2,0U0.
1. Lota in Waucoma Park addition
$160. '
Corner lot in front of school house
$300. - .
2. Eligible residence lots in Spaflgler'i
subdivision, sear cannon bouse; only
tl25 ; terms easy, installment plan.
3. Sixty acres good cultivatable land
on Rock creek, six miles southeast of
Hood River. Price $700. " Terms easy.
4. " 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; 160 acres good fruit land;$4O0O.
8. 160 acres at White Salmon ; fine
timber land $10 an acre. ' '
9. The o-acre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Renshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc,
160 acres, house and garden patch,
located 10 miles south of The
Dalles. . Known as the Woodman
.place. Price t'JOO.
For Sale
The Hunt place mile southwettt of
town. ' Uoso, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450;
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to . the Hood
Rivor Tow n site company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
Tickets to and from Europ.
Persons desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points in Europe or South
Africa may secure the same from John
L. Henderson, who is agent for the
Beaver line of steamships.
First-class Surveying Outfit ,
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-clast
transits and solar, attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre,
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
in all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and after this date, April 9, 1903,
the rates will be as follows: $10 a day j
Lot corners established for $6 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Furnished room to rent.
Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2
story kouse; $1,400,
For Sale Residence on State street at
had of Front; $-',500, including 3 lots.
For Sale. 40 acres near Monijt Hood
post office. Good laml 7fin rahan
days, only. J. Leland Henderson.
Townsite lots 50 advanmnach nn an1
after May 1, 1904. N. C. Evans, trustee ;
John Leland Henderson, secretary.
Kor Rent For a term nf ton
the two lots on State street, hack nf
Bartmess' and the Paris Fair. Pnntnl
$120 a year for the two,
For Sale The 50 afcre strawhRrrw form
owned by A. E, Lake and others, on
west side, t'rice $14,000. All in straw
berries in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several bn vers to Oil in
gether and each secure a part. Must all
ooiu at oce. ierms halt or more cash.
For Sale The Henderson rannh for
merly owned bv J. R. Galliuan
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy ; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, small cottage, new
barn; all fenced. Price $10,000. A
brook runs through ranch. Easy terms;
telephone; rural delivery. Four miles
from Hood River.
Two Boat ranchna All atinn nfnin nna
uimiuiu caffs
of valley on county road. Que, $1,000:
in omers i,zuu; each has small house,
running water, and is fenced. Terms,
easy. " .
Rooms to rent in city. - .
, Unfurnished house to rent. Center of
city. Good for stoie or office.
Mrs. Claris 1)4 acres on the liill for
sale or rent; house $10 a month, with
land $15; selling price $1,500; renter
must take subject to sale.
My own house opposite Savage's hard:
ware store, occupied by Mrs. Jayne, is
for rent; suitable for office or shop.
.The 10 acres' owned by H. S. Lewis at
Belmont, improved, with buildings,
.oro!L"Ilfllemein8' '"'niture; stock, etc.,
$o,U00; the tare place, $2,500; $1,500
or more cash ; balance on time, 6 per ct.
Notary Public and Real Es
tate Agent.
nffVf"' ?ollectln nI Conveyancing. Fire
and Life Insurance in the best companies.
Stenography and Type Writing-.
Oak HU, Hood Rivar.
Shoemaker P. Rocks.
I hnve thoromrhhmrl Plnm.,11. 1. , .
t?.?'.ret f""'. Shoemaker farm m IlUnoii
" ramieinimi per setting of IS.
Vy MUMUAN, Mosler, Or.
Fruit Dryer for Sale.
Capacity 10 tons frulta dv in . m ......
nl!.'!,ry- ,(.MMd Rlttoe to Btttrt eannery In con
nection. Will sell at reasonable nrloa
Drv Slab .Wood
'or sale; 1340 a cord, delivered, lf0 taken at
Indian Eye Medicine.
thiltt if.r0f"..'!Ty- Wlj'e disease of
JZS ?Jn " SK"' lme t small cost. It
Svlh5'l,' MifsTursleSeley, Mrs.Hnm
Li !Z i- M.,ry t'r'"n nd Mrs. M. E.
Miller. Price iw a botile. Hold by Mrs E
ynjoutheat corner ball ground, Hood
8 Acres for Sale.
and o.her Improvements. iH mllZm towS
on Hc inont road. In beat fart of atmwbV"
"fc"""' , a-JH fj. m ULK I .VS.
JT,' . y n,Rhtt "Pen! house, round eold
FrnactMH'n,ln, U"np Photoa'of iur g
rinder'wlll u ease mtnm i,,hi. ?. ..
E R. Bradley.
For Salrv
Cine Jersey co- and ealf and 4 bl work
n. KAKl LEY.
Fine Horse fnr Salo
Norman atalllon. i years old May K Per
tryyne. Welisht Wflu. Price Sua A
plendld animal. For sale bv
tWBT. FRIEND. Mosler, Or.
, Horses for Sale.
F m To LetT" "