The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 21, 1904, Image 4

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With the Best selected Line of Sum
mer Goods ever Displayed in
Hood River.
Our Line of
Ladies' Muslin
Gowns, Skirts,
Corset Covers
and Summer
Underwear is
simply eleganti
and going at
prices which
cannot fail to
fjive you mon
ey. They an
of sple n d i d
tistically pat
terned and
daintily finish
ed. Come in
and examine
our immense
line while you
.have a chance
to .make an
early purchase
The pricings
are very low.
VV e n a v v.
French .Dip,
l'ompado u r
Side and Back
Combs at low
est prices. Our
Aien s new sum
mer hats have
just arrived,
and aro all of
the very latest
styles, with
prjces to suit
tho customer.
The celebrated
Donghw Shoe
has no equal
for stylo and
durab 1 1 it y .
And ours are
made on hup,
of tin I it it
in 1 m ab p p
ular f o v m i.
Douglas shoes
will wear well.
i lit 1 1
. Fill Pa
WHEN yoif want any 1 lung in good
high grade Stationery; . when you
want anything in Books, standard
or fiction; when you want anything in
Card-Games-oar'ays the latest; when you
want anything in Office Supplies, Legal
Blanks, etc., you can't miss it by going to
C- oT v
I wisii id state to the general
prepared to test your eve and oflt
iiiuv win overcome an amniona or itUriiintiHin, nettr-iuirttxIneHg and
weak eyes that the best ocuicllst can help, Try the glass I sell
I have given (his subject very close study and can tell you by
examination lust what kind of glasses your eyes require. Kyes test
ed free and all glasses told with guarantee to tit your eves with es
pecially ground glasses, If youreyes trouble you and cause headache
or throbbing pains with blurring vision wheu readlngg or doing tine
work requiring dose and steady observation, come in and let me ex
amine your eyes Ky means dnf the perfected American Optical Tester
anil secure relief and comfort by the tiac of properly-fitted kWh
Livery, Feed
Harness and Saddles,
All Repairing Promptly Attended to
Hood River, Oregon.
is Here
so is
Our Beauti
ful Shirt Waist
Pongee, piped
in Blue Silk
and trimmed
with turquois
buttons; Bat
iste, trimmed
with Clnney
insertion; Mer
cerized, trim
med with fng
otintr; India
t r i ni-
med with Lace
and Medallion.
Customers aro
buying them
up rapidly, be
cause the price
like the goods
is all right.
Give us a call
and see , for
your sell tnat
tins is true.
We have the
very best
table linen and
Nap kins to
match which
we aro selling
at B e d r o c k
prices; and
lower grades
at prices cor-
- responding ly
We also have
tho gen uine
Damask and
I luck Towels.
Also nice line
of Crash Tow
eling. These goods
will bear in
spection. Do
not fail to give
us a call.
Una the Finest Display of
YYuxnies.iwinionu ami uoiu mnrs
Cut Glassware, etc., in town.
All work neatly and correctly done,
especially fine Watch Repairing
and ikIJiixIIdk. Ki'iiNoimlile prlc.
Do your Eyes
Trouble You?
puhllo that I 0111
vim with
and Draying;.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure 11 rst-cluss rigs. Spe-
cial attention given to moving Furniture
and Pianos.
We do everything horses can do.
mm mm in.
Mr. and Mm. Tunlt Hrytlnff are both nick
at the H'ht l Halinon hot!,
(.!. A. FwiirBon of Trout wiu in town
MlNHKMtfCobMniinroienwwood U vlsll
iMItw M inula Wyers,
tubfrn:t wrh hr Tuimrtny on hi way
to Portland. Mr. Cox lia been viewing some
(imrwr land on theTnml like roml.
White KhImioii In to huve a brum band In
the nt'Hr fulure, but there will have to lie
nm fund ranted to help buy Instruments.
'1 he bund boy will give a ball on the even
ing of April tfu for thin purpotw. Every one la
Invited to come and Ikmi uie online alun,
(Jlen Kahrlck wan tn White Halinon Mon
day. He appear a fat and aauny an usual,
In fact Hood itlver aeviiig to fwrev with htm.
iuy U, Crow hatt the foundation t milt for
his oottfiife on Jewett aveneue.
IU-rt Wilwtn went to The Dalles hospital
'or medical treatment.
iMn't fort(it alHHit the braxa band. Ojme to
the band bull and help the boya a Ion.
The hcIiooI entertainment and baaket aoclal
which occurred Monday ovenlntc waa a auo
phhh aoclally and flnHnnlally.
ty and nnHnniaiiy. i ne leaenera or
thfiWihiKif had arranged a K(kkI
and the children all did well, evervlxttly en-
J..yi-iJ Hie drill, "liulrli Hirulloim. 'hy nix IIU
lie KlrlM iirtHHu hh dutcti KlrlN. An the little
U)1n did mi well und were m pretty. After tha
tt ourrunune whm ended the ImxkeU wi re m.
with Mr. (Jondon hh auetloneur they found
ready Mule. The provecdfi ure U te lined In
riirnUhliiir the new nchuol house. fet re
celpta were M.ilO
At the April meeting of the cotnniis
iiners of Klickitat county the petition
of J. C'laterbos and others asking for a
('utility road beginning at the bridge
b cross White Hulmon river on the
Wright road running up this stream on
the weet side of the river to the Byrkstt
road, was ordered placed in the hands of
the county surveyor, who will make
eMiiuination and if necessary make a
mirvey of the proponed road and report
his doings and liiidiiii to. the board
at the next regular Hcenion.
J. IS. Til lot wn of Portland, being the
lowest bidder, ho wan awarded the con
tiui't for building the White Salmon and
Klickitat briiios for the Rum of $l,tlt)2.
In the matter of the road connecting
White Haiuion and I.yle petitioned for
by V. M. Atwood and others, it was
ordered evtablished according to the
report of the surveyor and opened to the
llaintt District.
Owing to absefiee the past week we
have not been able to outlier in ' much
news and llrayford says the club only
met onij night w bile we were away, and
the only btieineBs trmiHHUted wits the
sampling of a new supply of dried herring.
He hits charged up ('oiigreHxman Wil
liamson and Mr. Moody the price of a
box each. The club will eat, no matter
who has to pay for it.
Wliile in Portland, last week, we dis
covered that the Journal had been swip
ing some ot our iiarrett thunder. Now,
we do not object to small country papers
like the Journal increasing their circula
tion by occasionally piililihliiiig an inter
esting item even if it isn't original, but if
we are compelled to furnish all that is in
leresting In the Journal we would like
litem to give its credit for a part of it at
11. J. Cole of Michigan, Vho last week
bought three acres from H. A. Skinner,
Intends to build a liouee night away and
move on the place at once. We extend
to Comrade Cole the right hand of fel
lowship, but we warn him that there
isn't a chance in the world of eye-balling
a thing in this com isuiuity,
Copple & lloolo want all the potatoes
and apples in this valley. Pee them be
fore you sen.
Roll a Phelps met with quite a mis
fortune, last Saturday, in the loss of a
line horse that he had just purchased.
It was picketed out on the graHB along
the creek ajid by some means got en-
tunilieit in tne rope anil tumbled over
the bank into the creek and the rope
held the horse's head under the water
until drowned. Holla Iwa .the sympa
thy of his neighbors and gets a grain of
consolation in the fact that the roads are
about dry and walking js pretty good
just now.
Carrie Copple, who has been teaching
school in the Willamette valley, became
so ill that she was compelled Jo give up
her school, Her sister Cora went after
and brought her home. Miss Copplo's
many friends deeply sympathize with
her and trust she may soon regain her
I believe we once before remarked:
"Ureat is Iiarrett." Koine of the other
sections are trying to lay some claims to
a saying of this character, hut we say to
them, brothers rove"onr rights before
making any claims. Almost every week
we prove and prove again the justness
and consistency of our claims to the ex
clusive use of this title. This week we
prove the extraordinary intelligence of
our people when we chronicle the fact
that one of Ihirrett's citizens captured
tlie prize ottered by tho Paris Fair of a
round trip excursion ticket to the
World's fair to the person guessing the
nearest to the correct tmmberof bushels
of wheat raised in the United States
last yean Fred Miller will go to Ht.
Louis, so we prove our right to again de
clare Great is Iiarrett.
We noticed Copple & lloolo out, in this
section, lust week, showing tho beauties
of the country to a load of Eastern
Holla Phelps is making ariaugeucnt
to go out on the range attain this spring
We do not know who will secure the ap
pointment to the position made vacant
by the unjust dismissal of Pete lseu
berg, but whoever he may bo, he would
show wisdom by retaining Mr. Phelps
in his position, us no better or more
trustworthy man could be picked up in
Wasco county. 0
We have jimt It anted that Mr. Hishop
lias arranged to settle Mr. ltray ford's
account against Mr. Williamson lor the
box of herring eaten by Ahe club and
Isenherg savs he will pay Mr. Moody's
bill. This being settled there will bo
another meeting of the club at the usual
time. All but lieortte are expected to
bring corkscrews with them, as as inter
esting meeting will be held. We hope
to see all the members present.
The growers are very busy now hoeing
straw berries, and as the prospect of a
big crop fiicreasea w ith the favorable
weather we are having, ISarrett looks
forward to much Improvement in lie
fall. Most of our benplu are here to
stay anil uteir only use ol the money a
good crop alnavs hriims is to expend it
in malum; their aireadv k-autiful homes
more attractive.
We have mentioned several times
that Iiarrett was always provided witli
talent oi an kiiiiiihhi cmiio supply any
call on short notice;. This time it is the
I'mon church, for whom A. IS. Casli of
this district preached last Siyuluy, ami
trout our know ledge ol hi in we know it
was both agreeable and acceptable to
the church organization,
the road past the Iiarrett school hon
lias necome a iitvorite drive w ay lor
Hood Uiver people, especially on Sun
day afternoons. In one hour hot Sun-
lay we counted 3 vehicles and ten
bicycle pass the corner onoosilo the
school house, and over half of them
were from the tow n of Hood River.
vwniK to tne cnance oi sentiment in
Whe Fast as to democratic presidential
candidates, T. A. Kcavis hasHirdered
new supply of eggs guaranteed to hatch
arker roosters, tie lias found that
ns Hearst eggs, like their illustrious ( !l
prototype, good enonizli as fees, but not
worth a snap to hatch.
Mr. and Mrs. Bond and Miss Nellie
Brown from Minnesota are visiting the
family of W. F. Smith. Thev all ex-
res themselves as perfectly delighted
ith Barrett and its climate. Mr. Bond
has been a sufferer for years with the
asthma nd the chanize from blizzard-
stricken Minnesota to the balmy breezes
ol Oregon has already worked a change
for the better in his health. . We gladly
welcome Mr. Bond and his' family and
friends to the healthiest snot on earth.
We desire to call the tenior editor's
attention to the fact that ages sgo the
church in this district was called Con
gregational, but since the new organiza
tion which originated some ten years
since, this church has been known as
the Vallev Christian church. Of course
we know that under some political dis
pensations it takes about ten years to
wake up to the realization of passing
events, but we were in holies that as
constant association with, and connec-
usually works miracles, that it would
In this case, at leadt, open the eyes of
the senior editor to the fact thai time
and events are passing and those who
know us today may not recognize us to
morrow and therefore even in opposi
tion to the traditions of his party he
should admit that congregational
does not spell Valley Christian. We
trust he will graciously correct the ef-
ror made in last week's Glacier.
The solemn and beautiful rite of
baptism wsb administered at the Valley
Christian church on last Sunday even
ing, Kev. A. A.' Beery officiating. Sev
eral young people were buried in bap
tism and arose to a newness of life.
There wae a large audience in attend
ance and all realized the joyfulness of a
young life dedicated to the service of the
Master. Alter the service was concilia
ed the audience gathered in the church
and a very interesting endeavor ser
vice was ably led by Mrs. A. A. Oatchel,
which was followed by an. interesting
sermon bv the pastor.
Arthur Hhere, who is working in the
ollice of the Portland Journal, spent
eundav with his family in this district,
returning to Portland, Monday. Arthur
becomes more and more infatuated with
Barrett every visit he makes.
II. V, Steward and family are think
ing of moving to Hood River and open
ing a boarding house. We trust they
will continue to think, as we do not
w ish to lose such pleasant people, but if
they conclude to go we can say to those
of Hood River who board, that our loss
will be their gain by a very large major
Uy, as Mrs. Steward is considered one
of Barrett's very best housekeepers, and
those who succeed in securing board at
hotel Steward will -be very fortunate
i ndeed. We wish we were not quite so
well known; we might to get a
week or .twos' eatin! ourselves, but,
"alas it cannot be.".
Unless some unforeseen misfortune
befall it the hay crop of this valley ie
going to be a wonderful one this season.
The grass is now very thrifty and from
six to ten inches hiirh. exceedinulv well
ttooled out and a very rich color. Unless
all signs fail live tons per acre will be a
very small yield.
Charles Chandler has his new house
about completed and it is a daisy. Any
one ought to be contented with such a
home as his. His crops all look as if
they meant to still further increase his
satisfaction, and they will undoubtedly
increase his already growing bank ac
count. .
Belmont Clippings.
Mr. and Mrs, Levi Tyler have moved
into one of the new cottages at planer B.
The 8th grade at Frankton ha"4 taken
final examination.
Mrs. Anna Weld has gone to Frank
win to take charge of the culinary de
partment of Robert Rand's new hotel.
J. 1). King sold his team to Mr. An
rows of Mount Hood.
A valuable horse ' belonging to Mr.
Phelps strangled to death one day last
Rev. W. L. Dillinger and family at
tended the M. K. conferepce a't Uoldeu
dttle. The question has been asked, "Is
there a law against the killing of rob
ins In Oregon." Please answer in the
ti lacier. .
(Yes, there is a law against killing any
of the song birds in Oregon, and the
penalty is a severe one. We hope no one
in Hood River valley, especially, will be
so thoughtless and indifferent to the
welfare of himself and his neigh
bors as to kill a robin. Of all the birds
in Oregon we have not one that is so
beneficial 4o the fruit grower as the rob
in. vTliey live on insects exclusively un
til berries ripen. The writur has seen
as many as 60 at one time going up and
down Ins berry rows every now and
again diving Into a hill and picking up
some insect that has been taking more
or less strength from the plant. He has
also sat for more than an hour at a time
during the brooding season and observed
one pair of robins bring in as many as
:tl) insects to the nest inside of the hour.
When we know that they thus live and
labor from their earliest advent In the
spring exclusively for our good, is it not,
to say the very least, brutally ungrateful
to take violently that life simply be
cause the protectorof our crops desires
a few berries or cherries bb a relish or
variety in his diet? Surely no one but
an ignorant or a maliciously evil mind
ed, cruel and stingy individual could be
guilty of such breach of tha law ol
t ho state and the unwritten laws ol
common humanity, and if such an in
dividual does exist in all our valley, he
w ho can produce e .ideuce that will con
vicC ly in of the crime of shooting any of
our song Dirus should report to the sec
relary of the Hood Rive gun club with
the facts so that they can prosecute the
oitcnuer. -e.d.J
.Hosier Items.
Last Wednesday, K.A.tlihlwrt turned
over the agency ol the O. R. & N. to W.
C. Sprinkle for 30 days, and hied away
to his ranch on Pine Flat, Wash.
Surveyor Unit was down from The
1'aJles, Friday and Saturday, running
MiD-dfvision lines for parties on Littte
Mosier creek
Fred Wilson paid a visit to his ranch
last Sunday,
J. N. Mosier, S.D.Fisher, Lark Lamb
and W. T. McClure were passengers to
The Dalles on iNo 1, Saturday last.
J. M. Carroll took a trip to Sherman
county last week to bring back . his and
ins urotner iicorgo's horses from winter
pasture, and had the misfortune to have
one ol the best animals take sick?just be
f.ffe he reached The Dalles, and before
he could secure the attendance of a vet
irinary the animal died.
.Mrs. Lena Smith gave party to a se
lect few, Saturday evening, in honor of
her guest, Mrs. W. C. Cook.
Mrs. Klnier Root, after spending the
winter wun ner mother in Los Angeles,
returned on No. 1, Monday.
Mr. Morris, the U. B. Minister from
Mood Kiver, held Servians in school
house 52, Sunday morning. Rev. Stark
held cervices in iho evening at the same
A. M. Roop, the socialist candidate
lor county assessor, can give you the
orthodox candidate shake. Try him.
the teachcPof district 52 savs she Is
greatly taxed for room for her pupils;
sure proof that Mosier is growing and
must have a larger school building, and
when our town buildino
should be erected near the station. We
have no doubt that the entemrisim?
owners of the townsite will donate a
suitable site for such a purpose.
We learn the directors of district -11
have been unable to secure a teacher for
the spring term.
J. r. Bailey has disposed of part of
hi property in Tillamook county. Mr.
Railev savs this country suits him all
right, and he and family are a valuable
addition to the cnmmuuity.
On account of No. 1 being late last
Saturday, A. P. Bateham and daughter,
and two gentlemen friends from Port
land, made the trip overland to Hood
Notes from Underwood.
S f Freeman spent the day at Underwood,
Bert Veatch spent a few days In The Dalles
last week.
Mrs uiwMi has returned to her ranch (Oak
CIINh) at Underwood.
Mr and Mrs Will Olsen of Will Salmon
falls have a tine little girt
Kills Hult hui rented a parlor Robert Cllne's
fsrm for unother year.
Willie Kellendunlt la Improving mine from
1 severe break big out on M lace. H was
caused by razor poison.
We have Just learned of the death of Mrs
Ham Keith of Vancouver, mother of Mm.
(Jbarlea Thornton, ttlte lell a babe but three
day old.
Herman Buehe ban retnrned to Underwood
Dd Is dlKKliis" a we" eu the ranch of Ills Uls
ter, M l Freda Huche. r
The steamer ban been unable to land at Un
derwood on aeeimnt of the Menominee Co'a
boom. How can a company beao teltlnh and
Your contained story whs sadly mtjted Inst
week. But your correspondent waa probably
more fortunate than other Wlacler readers.
The bundle of paper yon sent over waa wrap
ped in a Ullllam county paper of Condon,
containing the chapters that should have ap
peared In the (llaeler. We think we reeog
nlie the paper's editor as an old Washlngton
lan friend.
B K Fuller and son of Chenowlth passed
til rough to Hood River last Thursday.
My vertical writing must have been mis
read iHHt week, as It waa Mr and Mra Hue
l.UHk who have a little girl Instead of Theo
Professor C H Ciomwall Is planting out 100
more apple trees' .
Mount Hood 'Notes.
C. R. Monroe met his little girl at Hood
River last Monday omorulng and brought her
out here the same day. He has made arrange
ments to have her stop with Mrs. Douglas
Klgg. ' .
E. N. Benson Is rustling teams this week to
haul lumber to the head of the flume of the
Farmers' Irrigating Co. He haa three or four
teams to be'ln hauling flgiilavaty.
J. M. Lens, our road supervisor, Is dslng
some good work on the roads. Now It Is up
to the people to go on theoad and do their
work when called on, for the supervisor can
not make roada unless we get In and help:
and It won't oolne amiss If e all get hi and
donate two or three days ajilece.
Mrs. D. H. Cooper and Mrs. Wlshartwill
start within the next few days for HcoVand.
They expect to be gone about six months,
fleorge Wlshart has purchased John ar.
Koonlz' Interest In the Mount Hood saw mill.
The company now consist of A. M. Kelly
and tleorge Wlsliart. Tney will put in a top
saw anu a new carriage ana can nanaie any
logs that come along after Uie new machinery
la put in.
W. A. Offleld made the trip to Mount Hood
last week, lie reports 10 to lr reel of snow
near Cloud Cap Inn. He will slat t out Willi
bis bear traps tills week.
The Mount Hood Lumber Co. lost their new
gate In the Kust Fork dam. It broke In two,
not being strong enough to withstand the
pressure of the Hood.
The ball game played at Mount Hood April
17 resulted U to a In favor ol Mount Hood.
Following were the players; ,
Mack Bnsh 1 8 Billy F.hruk
Barney Cooper .B b Ham Hllllman
Avers 2 b Arthur Heard
J B sjehafer a. a.- John Mohr
Roy Hanson ... r. f. Otto sXhrck
Win." Fdlek c. f dure Crockett
Elmer Urlhble I. f. fete Lenz
Waller Gregory c Henry Hleverkropp
Hootl...j p l'eter Monr
Heore R
Mount lkd 4 0 0 1 0 4 2 8 0-14
Odell 1 40000000-5
Sciatic 8elsniiatis Cared.
"I have been subject 'to sciatic rheu
matism for years," says h. 11. Waldron,
of Wilton Junction, Iowa. My joiuts
were stiff and gave me much pain and
discomfort. My' joints would crack
when I straightened up. I used Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and have been
thoroughly cured. Have not had a
pain or ache from the old trouble for
many months. It is certainly a most
wonderful liniment." For sale by all
E. R. Bradley
prices aiways nuts
We are her to do your work today
tomorrow and every other day, and
our money (what little we have)
la spent In Hood River. We want
your work and can do It neatfy and
' Is
Mill t i-i ai ,
Corner Slate street
Parndlne avenne.
Rules, II to SI. 60
Hpeelnl rates to
boarderv, Mlt', I). O. KNTK1CAN, Prop.
Of 25 years' experience. Will tur-
nish plans and specifications for all
kinds of bulitii)fs. Strictly up to dnte,
Located at Hood River.
and Builders
Hooct River, Or.
Estimates furnished on all kinds of work
Plinniw Arnold, Main St.
1 ilUW. Frederick, Main JOfi.
& Builders.
W. i a'" "-j
Real Estate Dealers and
. Auctioneers,.
HavQ For Sale a few Snaps like the Following:
1027 acit'Sj 3 miles ff-om town; all in clover, good G
room house, barn, sheds, etc., well, small fruits and
fruit trees, a bargain.! $1,500
200 10 acres 2 miles from town, mostly in berries, G-room
house, plenty of water, a snap 2,650
201 10 acres, ii miles from town, G acres cultivated, tt
acres timber, 2-story 7-room house, 4 inches in
free water, a fine buy.....' , 2,500
202 10 acres 3 miles from town, 3 acres in berries, 500
fruit trees, 8-room ,2 story house, individual gas
plant, 12 inches of spring water, a beautiful income
home... 3.500
204 20 a. cleared, fine apple land,gootf buy ....1,200 '
205 12 a. 3 m. from town, finely improved, all kinds of
fruit, 400 fruit trees, 3 a. in berries, 4 a. meadow,
good house, barn and well, a lovely home 2,500
The above are only a few Hampton taken from our large Hat We also have the best bar
gain! In city property; give liberal lernm of payment and guarantee titles to all property we
sell; attend anetlon Hien anywhere In the wtate; we make lylck meleMon a mnall margin.
bone McDonald
Carry a full line of Groceries, Flour and Feed,
Shovels, Spades, Axes, Saws, etc. "
Tk FUhtag Season .
1 lkpre, and so are we with a fulUineof first- .
clas Tackle. Come and nee s before buying.
(Joodt Delivered free
To Any Part of Town.
bone & Mcdonald
lIJ!!lilAaJlJ. ,llWr" iff .JljM-VuJULLiJl
Did not carry Multnomah, but that cut no ice
with C. A. Morgan A Co.. who 1)0 JAItRY the
FINEST line of
Cigars, Tobacco, Smok
ers Supplies, etc.,
in Hoo'd River. Remember that we also carry
everything needed in base ball goods
Headquarters (or hifih grade Crockery, Qneensware, Glassware,
Lamps and Lamp Supplies, Confectionery, Nuts and Fruits,
Fresh Roasted Peanuts,
Blank Boohs, Stationery and School Books. A good assortment of
Fishing Tackle
and Hotioiift, Split Bamboo Iteds and Cane Poles; foys and Gaines
Flinch ind Pit. -
Boys and Girls goon the run
To purutiaa their pMnuta from Coe & Son;
For fine and sweet are their meal.
for quality and quantity
Phone 361
Special attention given to care of horses' feet and
shoeing. Also preairing wagons and ferriages.
are manufactured by us. We 'make repairs for all
kinds of grubbing machines. We carry on hand
Iron, Coal, Steel and all sizes and kinds of Wheels and axles.
MAYES BROS., Proprietors.
Dealers in All .Kinds of Fresh, Cured
and Canned Meats.
Headquarters for Vegetables and Fru its.
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
Ticket office or the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and
have a hack carry you to and from the boat landing If you want
a first-class turnout call on the ,
Anticipating your needs I laid in a stock of Spring
goods. The largest line of Matting and Carpets in
the city. You may need a Range or Cook stoe. K
have them. February is our winter month. I have
Heaters. Have you that tire4 feeling? I have
Rockers that will give you rest. Everything in the
Furniture line to meet all conditions.' And lowest
prices guaranteed. Listen! We are here for our
share of the business. Come and see us. We will
show yoo how it is done. Will give you the key
to the first move a square deal. Your money is
just us good as your neighbor's, and will buv as
much as his money. Full line of Building material
that will be sold at Bed Bock prices. Look it over.
Undertaker and Embalmer
can't be brat.
Give us a Call