food Iver Slacier. THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1904. National Hank for Hood River. Hood Hlver Is to have national bank. Monday evenlns's Portland Journal printed a dlpatch from Washington stating that the application 01 r w muisey or r-oruana, j i; Alnswnrlh, R Smith, K H Stanley and W H Kennedy to organize the Klrst National Hank of Hood Hlver, dr., with ti,ut0 capital, wan ppjnuveu ujf inv comptroller 01 uie currency, Will liuild Department Store. F. A. Cram, the U-to-dnt merchant, an. iMMMirn in uia dik an limi ne will sbortly ae. curs ground and erect a modern department tore which ssooa mver will ue proua or. Drowning of Kenneth Baker. Kenneth, the 14-year-old ion of Mr. and Mra. W. J. Baker, wai drowned Monday evening in the high tr siougn just ueiow me uepot. llie Hid den shock of this accident seemed par ticularly rad and heart-rending to the community in which hi parent, broth er and sisters are so well and favorably known. The newt wai an auful blow to his mother, ill in bed at the time. Master Kenneth appeared a particular ly bright boy and made fast friends with whomsoever he met. The grief stricken family have most truly theftym pathy of friends and neighbors. Kvery possible effort was made to restore the boy's life after the recovery of his body from the cold waters of the slough, but the earnest workers could not combat with that which was to be. The boy disappeared in the water shortly after half past S in the even ing. He was recovered after being in the water possibly 25 minutes, and the uoctor wno worked with the little fel low did not give up until 8 o'clock that night. in company with hit older brother, Willie, Howard Hartley and Harold Hershner, Kenneth was assisting in bringing home the cows. He was riding horseback.and wading out Into the water thenimal became tangled in the brush, stumbled and threw the little fellow from his back Into 12 feet of water, less than 25 feet from the shore. The boys on the bank called for help.but with the loud barking ol a dog their cries of dis tress went unheeded for some time. Maltie Dukes was among Hie Bret Uyeach the scene. He attempted to wade out with a horse but found this impossible, the brush and fallen logs barring his passage. As quickly asjinrnan Effort would per- init, Maltie Dukes, Winfleld dinger, J. R. Nickelsen and II. C. Rakestraw secured a row boat from Hood river 400 yards away, dragged it into the slough, and with loggers' pike-toles began search ing for the body. In the meantime David Flumming had put out on a raft and was making heroic efforts to reach the boy. (Several times he fell under the icy water, but didn't cease until he assisted Maltie Dukes and Winfleld dinger in bringing Jthe body to the sur face. , Drs. Watt and Dum bio were on the bank, ami with every assistance thev worked like Trojans. The father stood by almost beside himself with grief. After a half-hour's work the boy was re moved up town, where Dr. flrosiui lent his aid. But the cold waters of the Columbia had claimed another victim. The funeral services of Kenneth were held at Artisan hall, Tuesday ,at 3 o'clock, Rev. J. L. Hershner, pastor of the Con gregational church conducted the servi ces, offering brief remarks which were befitting the sad occasion. The public school adjourned to attend the services, and most of the pupils from the different rooms, with their teachers were present. The pupils of Mrs. Reid'a room, in which Kenneth was a student, stood about his casket and at the conclusion of the minister's remarks, sang the hymn: "Nearer Mv God to Thee." Each pupil of the pub lic school deposited beautiful floral offering on his silent form as they marched by his casket. The pall bear ers were chosen from Kenneth's large circle of associates, and were: Willie Chandler, Harold Hershner, Howard Hartley, Ksty Urosius, Freddie Hell, Harry Rood, Gay Cramer and Carl Fil singer. , The pu nils of Mrs. Ro d's room will oiners marcneu wiin trie large prot-es- sion mat louoweu ail mat was mor a of Kenneth to Idlewilde cemetery, where ne was mm to rest In a beautifu v hite draped grave.amid a rich profu sion ot flowers. Kenneth Dunlin Baker was born 'in Hood River. March 30. 181)1. He nos- sessed many winning qualities, being always cheerful of disposition, helpful In spirit, bis life giving promise of great activity anu ii-iiiuinuss. ue was a mem ber of Mrs. II. F. Davu eon's class of hoys in the Congregational Sunday school, who will grieve the absence of their pupil and associate as they meet from time to time. Kenneth's desk In Mrs. Reid's room has been appropriately draped by his teacher and his schoolmates and will remain draped until the clone of school. Ladies' Crushed Leather . Belts Wo liavo.jmytliing you want in the line of a belt, including doth, leather patent leather, gimp and crushed leather in all colore. t - A Few of Our Regular Prices: 'S 1 pint pieced cups, each .02.' gC 9 Aluminum pie places .12c Men's Linen Colors, each. 05c Men's Hats o r.... .50c (iood assortment cotton cholly, per yard ... , .05c Apron Gingham, per yard 05c Cloth Fins, per dozen . 01c Men's Box, per pr , . . .05c Men's Suspenders . .. ,10c Good grade Calico, per yard 05c Men's first class heavy weight overalls. . .60c Boys Straw Hats -. ,05c Globe Clothing Co. W (Lin Mtjpday, at m., ' Thin atoro will take its firet step. It ih n great estab lishment now, but it shall be even greater in the future. We have perfect confidence in the decision the people of noou inver anu vicinity win render when they Uiseove mat me vumes we quote iw real and the prices actual Nothing in merchandise will bo offered here unless it hu tlw stamp of qualify and newness and low priced news on ire every ieatu re. a Declaration of Fair Treatment is not amiss hero, and we promise that this store's acliiev ments will possess as their fundamental elements sterling honesty and a broad policy of "fair play" in every solita ry transaction. We are hem to stay, to grow with the town and become linked with its rapid strides of ad vancement. Let n&t a Single Soul Escape is tho mandate we have issued, and it means that tin worm s uesti mercnanuiso uows here lor your favor at prices without precedent or parallel in tht annals of trade "Tne Early Bird 1 cm know the rest so please snop here in mo morning, n possible, m order to avoid the afternoon and evening crowd. Head on. Clothing Ladies' Skirts 0 The saint; kind you pay elsewhere five and six dollars for we are now sell ing for f .'J.2."). Cay and see for yourself. Shoes Shoes We, have more slioes and sell more shoes than any other firm in town. The reason is plain.' We" a re agents for the best factories in the world and nre selling their goods on a very 'low margin. With this combination you are sure toet the best shoes for the least money, v . Next Saturday', while they Inst, we will give to each family buying apair of Hamilton & Brown shoes a 20x30 BEAUTIFUL LITHOGRAPH FREE. Two Little I.nilios Entertain. tine of the most ploaaitnt and enjoyable llt tlo parties that. hits liit.CV transpired was that of a birthday given by Krunels rusttier and Marl Whltiiini Whitehead, at th home of Mrs. Charles t.-fisltier. The Utile ladles eehs lirated their llllh birthday, both being the mine day, the sixth of April, lino little gen tleniHn on being asked when he returned home what, they hud to eat, replied: "We had cuke with white stuff on It and cold mush.1' Another Utile one wild they had enke wllh csndlea burning in them and Jack r'rost in illaliea. After Hie 111 Me lolks had a hearty play they were called to the dining nniin where Mm. Castiicr and Mrs. Whitehead nerved Ice ereiim and cake. Those present were: KrntiH 1 'lighter, Marl Wiiltniar Whitehead, llnyd Jenkins, Beryl Clarke, Ir ma YateH, Miirv ftllnver, I.ulu i'rnther, Klla, Kihel and Cllllord Mellonald, Florence and Kdward t'aMtner, t-lande liavldMin, I-win and tliirold Itiilley, AtfticH iVarkhiiin, Vale Me t'arlhy, Wlliim TIioiiihoii. KrancU Itatebam, .vlarKtierlle llccx. Laura KhiiiI. MHrlnn Itand, Clam Hand, Helen huvldwin, Kva Yalea, Klorence HroHluM, Hulpli (laiiKer. I.ticlle Mcars, Ituth NIcketKcn, j-lthel Kitrrler, Oay. lord ' Melualf, Velma KIcliHrdKon, Helen Hparifir. Paul Newton, Knthryn linker, Ana nine Chipping, Oertrude Moore from White Halmon. The hontetiH' received muy beau tiful present; IMeil In Hcmd River, Hunday, April 17, 11104, Wat- ml Mi ter J., Iiilant mm of Mr Mn, fled tnontha. in. J. W. Uyrd- a. The axwirlnienla are Is the beat that can be For men and bnyi larae and tho stock unugnu Men u line black Clay Worntod Bulla, lU) til everyone; value 116; 7 (1" oKinlns sale, T '" Men s tne t neniit Miilta, aiiiKle ureaaien aaca; regular value (is; uneuingaaie, Men's Imnorted Clay Wonted Unit Inall aliea.l-JU valuea; oeiillia 4 Men's C'aaalmere Hulls, very paiwrna; a 9 opening sale men acnttnn Hocks, llKhtcnlorii'lUc value- ). dlirlha thin ouenlna aale " Men's good Humainders for everv-dav work; a renular Attn kind; during this opening sale only 'L Men's Huiipemlers, icgradtt:durliigthla o1. o-ienlng aaie t't Men's Negligee Hhlrla, 75c value; during 1 thlHoneiilmr iukl xtt ''S5).45 Men's alandard brands Collars, sold all .)-., over 1 for D6c; during I bin tale a for Hats. Hulls, very popular .i.T.T... "m m v"ry ln","l ' 10 value to go Men's illno Worsted Nulla, a ve Men'i shades. Men's black, soil broad lulin hat, VMPV hIvObI. .....I .U.....I..M .I.,- lee auinnier .ulU etrm eW. tr . "vl"r';' '' value Ut.Uk for the onenlna aala T. WO " '": n-KUiar w val Young Men's 5-piece Hulls In &y neat shades In Chevolt, worth $1 I fT 17.50; nr Ui opening aale fO.'tO Young Men's black Clay Wonted Hulla,alMta 16 to w, regular S1-.0U K i- vhIhh ilurlnii the iiim.ii Hit. iimIh vriJ.itl Little Uenn? 4-plM Hnlu at prices far muri tneiiNuaiciutt; prioeaare 01 a r 1. ji.. n . ue; dnrl na Id la great inr aa le'F Men's suit Orako, a very giaid hat In mack, caalor and gray, H.m val- (It l tr. ue; only .. Men's Hat, soft, black, 'brown and cantor, Fedoras, the new.HtvIe, broad brim, '4 rolled, finished edge; a f.1 value; during llii. 4.) An ale only f-SUO Men's light colored Hat In a broad brim; a very good every day hat; regular value tte.U); during Ihla 1 .) Shoes Shoes 14, 13.50, tftdU, and down U Men's Pants The aaaortment Is coinnlete and Drleea to sale only suit everybody, without hurting ySur purse. CVinnn Men's Hue Caaatmere INints, dark 011003 'tlrn; 'If '2 4;i HhiMia for nil. Our hnnienae line of Hhoea, u n-J iuo; oinuuig pric wiiK li conalata of iiien'a, ladlea, chlldren'i Men's gray checkered I'anU.all wool, and Infanta' ahtaw, In prh-ea to reach even very good knock-about uunta; 1 ul body, and we guarantee each and every pair, regular price siUiO; opening sale V ' " "ot aatlafactory. we gladly make It Men'. Cotton Workllla lanl. regular !-. fx Wltla.ut.any guarrellllg. It.&O kind, at the onenlng sale 0t" Mvn' Viet K Id Hhoea In a very good Men s black. txnton i-nnia, a 11.7a value; make argiaal every-day latnta; du- (l"w, ring opening sale .'ue Men's extra fancy Woraled fanta lu latest ahadea; regular ili.fiu value; 'l r i for Ihlsopenlng aaleonly 4ptl.tfr Men's Furnishings. Men's (iolf Ovei-Hhlrt, In a very neat atrlpe; a regular 1S0 value; during 4 rr( tula opeulug NaleonLv Men'a extra tine black and white stripe Working Hhlrta; regular 7Se value: 4 during opening aale Men's black shirts, made of heavy dril ling', gtaai mr ouuiiair wora; sola oc everywhere for MKi; during the open- 'ill., sale only . Sililrta, well made O valuea; during and erfect fit; ll.l this sale Men's light weight Underwear for sum mer, in ribbed; leather, the lateat totvextemlcil sole, military heel; regular H,n) .) ( kind; during thla 0Mnlng aale )!') Men's Itox CnlfHhoea. In a lllom-her . cut; a very dreaav !hm', u value; i during thioHnlng anle Tr Men's Veloura Call'HhiH-. made of a very choice atock and well riii. lahed; tiiaatyear well; regulnr value HMK opening aale Men's every day Working Hhoe, made or good beavy h-aiher, rlv- eieo aeama; n..i values; oih-ii ing price Men's Shoes, regular Nap toe, war- ranted solid; regular price til.f); it.) 1 during oMnlng aale V" 1 Men's heavy Working Hhoea, wllh buckle, made of heavy oil grain alock. itiiiihlA aiil.,- nwi,)u. ,.i .111 . value: during the ooenlmr aale 'iT 1 . ) Men's Shoe, extra flnedreaaahoea In vlcl kid or velora calr. reaular t ill nn value; for the opening aale jr.WW Laity's Hhoea In Vlcl Kid, patent tip, fair play stock, a very nice and eaay at reel hoe; regular M value; 1 j" n f2.!).1 Horn. In Hood Blver, Or., Hunday, Arll l7, IBM, to Mr. and Mrs. T. V. JoIiiimii), a sou. In Hood River valley, Kast, Hide, April 14, I1KI4, to Mr. and Mra. V. WJnehell, a daughter. Mrs. Kdward lllylhe Is vlalllng In I'orllaud. Mra. J. T. Neffof The Uullea la the gueat of Mra. H. K. lllylhe. Mrs. Alton Cunning haa been Buffering dur Ing the week with a severe of the tooth ache. At. the renucMt of the people of Mertoinlnce, hv. J. 4 lii'iYhncr tvlll prencli ut the Colum bia actual! houiaa next Hunday at H p. m. The Hiiae Hull Hovs of Keliuont. will give a bull ut J. (). Kaslimia'aHnturiliiv, April :J, for the benefit of the hall l.lim. Huliiember the date and give the boya a boost. A meeting of the W. C. T. tr. Is hereby called to he held at the lecture room of the t'. 11. church on Tueadny, April 2)1 ill 2:KI p.m. A full allvndiincc dealrml. MKH. Dell. I A M. COON, President. Karl Hartineaa la up on bis homeatend above Critpiier. Karl la pulling In his lime clearing land, planting trees mill putting In garden and ol her cropa that will help to keep the wolf from hlHctihlu door. Hherllt Hexton luia turned over to the trs-J iirui mi. ittsi collection iiitiue previous 10 i.ue date when 1in;i itixea I tune delliiiient, Hinountliifllolil.Sl.l.ii'.whlchhrouitlit the total amount collected up to the splendid sum of si;ra, ni..iii. rurnnicie. ; , Mra. Harry lhiltey, who has been sick for some tune, :a stilt contincd to her bed. She luia had ecvcml operailoua performed, but the doctors any she Is now on the way to recovery. Her husband In tHkinncitreof his sick wife gave hla strain a setback and la "till nnflt for aork of any kind. Mrs. Anion Billings of Mount stood Is home from a visit to The Dalles. Read the Davidson Fruit Co. 'a ad every week. You will see something new and prof itable. Cliiircli Notltn. Mount HAod School House. Rev. vV". I IHIIInger will preach at 11 a. 111. Sunday, Aprils. I ltclinnnt Chapel.-unday school at, 10 a. m. League at 7; aubjact, "L'hrlatian Kducallon In MlHslonary Uiuda." leader. Mrs. Alfred Moorman. Taunt'liing at S, All who do not attend elsewhere are cordially Invited to wor sliliiwlth us. Excellent music Is prepared for each aorvlce. Valley Chrljtlan. Preaching at II a. m. and It p. in. "What the Valley Christian Church Hianda For; has It a right to exislT" is the morning topic. This will be explained by chart, Kvenlng snhleet. "The FrultlessTree.' The pastor Will preach In Citrmlchael's ball at ::! p. 111. A. A. ileery, pastor. Unitarian). Corner State street and Park avenue; W. O. Kllot, Jr., minister In charge. Sunday school at 10. Borvi at II a. m. The church will be dedicated with Appropri ate ceremonies. Kev. T. L. Kllot. 1). 1).. 111 In- Ister emeritus of the church of Our Father, roriianu, win preacu ine sermon, ttev. w.u. fcilot, Jr., will ssaiat in the service, . . Congregatlonaf. Hev. J. I.. Hershner, pas- vor. i-reaciiiug aerviuca win ue coniiuclea next sundiiy at 11 a. ni. and 8 d. m. K.n deavor w-rvlce at 7 p. m. Hundny school at in a. 111., wiin a. I;, siaien, superintendent. All are Invited, -eapeoially strangers In our IllUlHl. Christian Tabernacle. Sunday school In Ciirmlclinel'a luill at 2:110 p. m. A. 11. Cash, superiuieuueni. Methodist. Preaching at II a. in. and 7 D.m. W. C, Kvans, pastor. Satibath school at 10 a. 111. r.jwoiiii ijeagucjto:au p. 111. Uniteit Itrethren. Sunday school ai, 10 a.m. Hcrnifin by pastor at 11 a. m. and at 7:30 p. m. Junior at. p. m. Senior C. K. at 7 p. in. Pray er and praise meeting Wednesday evening at 7:;!0. Hiwctnl evanaullavle awvtcea at. the Sun day and WoaiiiMilav evening meetings. All iiiviu-ii: a apei iiii invitation to the newcoiU' era In our mldat. 11. C. Shaffer, pastor. Go-Cart for Sale. Cheap. Call at Stewart's store, or see mS MRS. A. A. JAYNE. 200,000 Strawberry Plants for sale at 91.00 toer liKW nn my ranch S miles -011111 or Hood Klver, Kaat Hide. All plants grown on new stalk. 2H M. h. THORN. Treiber will Buv Two or three good freah cows. Write de scription ana price to u. J, Treiber, Hood Kiver, or. . m24 100 Cherry Trees, Lambert and Blug, m For saw? b- FRANK STANTON. The city council ol Dtifur is planning for the fcruction of g a-story. 20x40, city lmll. . Ask to see the new at Knapp's. ' Bhirt Waist Hat WAN ri-.D-FA ITII FUL PK11MON TO TRA vel for well ealnul.hi'il houae In a few con 11 tles, culling on retail merchant and agents, iiiical territory. Salary fJO per week with ex pensea nddlllonul, all iayable In cash each week. Money lor expenaea advanced, ifosl tlon permanent. Ituslneaa successful and mailing. Miinufiu-lurera and Wholesalers, I'ept. I, third floor, H.14 HenrtHirn St., Chicago Apples of Gold. Gold when yon sell; gold medal when yon exhibit. We have the land; no better In the vaiiey; wiwun a mile or the Hnotti orchard which took a gold medal at llulhilo; W acres unimproved, 40 per acre. No agent. Write for team to meat you, or call at farm 7 miles out. Full particulars and terms nn applica tion. al4 TROy SHKLLEY. Teams Wanted. Apply to Farmers' Irrigating Co. J14 E. N. BKNSON, Mafiager, Lost. A bunch of keya attached to a chain. Kinder will please leave at Mount Hood Lumber Co's store ana get reward. For Sale. 12 acre! of good apple land 4 miles ont; 40 iwn uoifi rum urove Bcnooi nouse. uuii on oraaureas- V. WINCHEIjl,, m Hiod River, Or. $1.60 Books for 60c. ai popular books, such as "Crisis," "David ttarum, etc., at 00c each. Also, S large vols. vunmiwri cncyciopeaia at s&au ror set. m5 H. C. SHAFFER, For Rent. Hood farm houae, 9 rooms, well located, West side, one mile south Harrett school iiouae. super month. Apply to Prather It Veatment Co., or at M Hood hotel. 2 HENRY T. WILLIAMS. For Sale. $K Rain wagon and team harness, all rood aa uew, tor saie cneap. m. M. mutt. mo 40 Acres for Sale. Two miles from White Salmon P. ). on county mad;20 In cultivation, seeded to clover, wneai ana Dariey: wu Dearing null trees; wa ter plenty; good house and barn. Price Si.raJO. a-'t PETER (IROHHONtl. Stockholders Meeting. Theiewlll bea inci ting of the stockholders of the Hiaid River Hum-Hull Association, Fri day evening, at 7 o closk, at theolllce of John U-iiind Henderson, for the puriaise of eltccu Ing orgniilr.iitlon of the corporation, Allaub HiTlhera to the capititl slock are urged to be Urckcut. ity order ol the lucorKirators. CM AS. T. EARLY,' tl. E. WILLIAMS, FRANK A. CHAM. All Stockholdera lllllsl call at. Mr. Mender. noli a ottli-e and sign Ihe alock book and waiver 01 nonce. To Contractors. Ml contractors desiring to enter bids on plans for my house can do so by calling at my oitice any time Uctween April Zuuid '-'x. c. II. JENKINS. Marshal's Notice. All persona owulna dons must imv their license by May I. o. M. Fit A LEY, City Marshal. Smith & Galli&an ' Are propiiBiilIng ai,(im Newtown Pippin and Spllaeiiburg nursery trees for fall dellverv. All Inula unil clous Inken tioin healthyaiid tested lives. Hiaid River tiliinters should re- aerve their orders. Two Horse Collars. Shipped by Ihe Iti-guliiior line, were left at H. w. vt an s aiore ny niisiaKe. owner callund oH-nlng sale price d; regular 7So value: 4 during the opening sale only -', Men's llalhrlggan Underwear, $1J1 val- I -., ue; at this oa?nlng sale ouly -.'L lioys' Fleeced Linen Underwear In shlrlaonly; a big bargain at 50c each; 1 C Udy'a nongola Kid Hhia. iwtent tip. uunug una opening aaie only " high heel, heavy sole; i 76 value; 1 t Men'a (Villon Sock, iwn lar Air i klnH il- for Uie ooeulna aale T'-t.' during thla sale 6 for -,Jt Lady-aShoe In adongola pollli, -at-ft 1 00 Men's fancy black Hocks; regular lie () enl llpjtlvalue; tSiroia-nlngaale T ' grade; during this sale "V. Lady's Patent Colt Shoe, high heel, Men's White Handkerchiefs, soft finish, ) very styllsh'ahoe; W..'l value; du- - 100 value; during thlsopeuingaaleouly ''L during this owning aale r ' OakStreet, next door to Glacier Office I mitl imy Inr UiIm nottre. Thv wnr iinnlKiuMt 10 H. M. vViiflt'rNiui. Sherifl's Sale of Real Estate. Notice la hereby given thai an execution and order of sale whs IsmiciI out of ttie Circuit Hirt of Ihe state ofOlciroll for Wasco coimlr 011 Ihe llllh dn.v of April, liHil, uimiii a la)!ii- nicllt and decri'e ulvcii ami fiimlc ihi.,-,.1 i, helMh day of April, lwnaa of and for then 111 nay 01 November, nn. n favor of w. 11 Wilson and iiualnst J. E. Friend tor the sum 01 Si.'H.'-ti, with interest thereon from the til li day of November, iMM, nt the rote of 10 per cent s-r aniiuin, and ST.'i atloinev a lees, niul ic niriiu-r sum ol S7.,ai costs, w 1 ch H.11J1 c edition mid onler of siile la directed to and couiuiHlids me to sell the south half of I lie southwot iiuiiter, the southwest uiirterof he southeast iiiutrterol section fmiO. hiu! the northwest 011:11 ter of the noitlieast oinirtcrof 'lion nine In IowuhIiIo one north, rtinue. east. In Wasco o.;ul v. (ireuon. to aald JuilKinent: tliereioiv. in pniMiiilwe of said xecuilou and older ol sale I will, 011 Kalnrday, thc.'lsl day ot May, inch, t the hour of 2 o'clock P. ,M.. at the conniv court home ibmr In Oulies fnv, in Wasco county, Oregon, sell at pulillc ain llon lo the highest bidder for cash In liiind the lauds and premises iilsiv, dcscilbcd for the purHise of MinsiifiiK muo jiiou iiieni anu tuvrte. Dalles l ily, t)r April hi, l-.mi. F. C. SEXTON, ailnit-J Hherllt' of Wasco count v, Oregon aturday, Apr. Will be Opening day for the C.Z6 ream Iwood I CfSl arlops Summons. In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregoi for Wasco County. Frank Davenport, plaintiff, vs. Frank C Wilson, defendant. To Frank C. Wilson, the defendant above nantQd: You are hereby required to appear and an swer tbe complaint filed ngalnal yoj, InOh ibove entitled suit In the alsive named courl on or ta?fore the expiration of six weeks from tbe date of the first publication of this sum mons; and you are hereby notified tbat If you fall to so appear and answer the said com plaint that Judgmeut and decree will e taken against you for the relief prayed for in said complaint, Ut wit: Judgment for the sum ot 2ii0, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 pel cent per annum from October t, ItfK), and for the further snra of 4V0 as attorney's fees In this suit, and for the coats and disbursement of this suit, snd a decree foreclosing tbe mort gage mentioned In said complaint, and di recting that the real premises therein men tioned be sold on execution, and that the pro ceeds of such sale be applied In payment ol UieooeteiMcd expenses of such sale and of this suit, ana to the satisfaction of such sum as may be found due the plaintiff In this suit, In cluding the ssOd atupney's fee and 6..i0 paid by plaintiff for taxes on said mortgaged premises. This summons Is served by publication for six consecutive weeks lo the flood River Olacler, a newspaper of general circulation, published In said Wasco county, pursuant to an order directing such publication, made by Hon. w. T. israusnaw, judge 01 tne aoove natned court, which said order la dated on the 2rflh day of March, I'.KH, and the date ol tbe first publication hereof Is April 7, IU04. a7ml2 A. A. JAYNE, Atty for Plaintiff. Real Estate Bargains. LIST 'OF LANDS For Sale AND .. Public Sale At my ranch at Blngen. Wash., on Thursday. April 28, 1104, and continuing from day today until sale Is completed. Following personal property, towlt: 12 head of horses and colts; 1 heavy 8 skein wagon, 1 covered back, 1 Racine 8 seated hack, i buggies, II mowers, 1 Osborne Hay Rake, 1 Keystone grain drill; 1 14-dlsc Key stone harrow and seeder. cultivators, 1 8 horae power, 1 power Jack, 1 cutting box, I cider mill; 1 portable blacksmith forge; 1 flour sliest; 14 kegs nails; 1 lot of fruit crates; the following dairy Implements: 2 Delaivelle sep arators; 2 butter workers: 1 f hum; 8 dozen butter tubs; 1 Babcock butter te-ter with acldB; butter moulds, milk cans etc; 1 Light ning hay press: i sets double harness; 1 road scraper: 2 nay forks; doseu butter boxes; 2 chandeilers and lamps, and a large Quantity of farm and household goods too numerous to ne specinea. Terms of Hale Hums under $30, cssh; over mat amount, one year s time at s per cent, wun note won approveo aecuruy. Refreshments on the grounds. A. R. BYRKETT. R. Adams, Auctioneer. 4 Tracts of Land for Sale. (16 acres. 10 or 12 cleared and nearly all set lo strawberries. 88 acres, 2f tillable; 2 acres cleared; 175 per acre ror 111 laoie part, ua lance will oeaonuted to purchaser. 20 acres, partly cleared, fro per acre. 15 acres, all cleared; splendid improvements. Whole blace set to trees and strawberries:. These places are located bom one to Ave mil-s out, under the East Fork Irrigating Co's ditch, I am not a real estate agent but a tanner living 0 miles out ana am otlur'n these properties for non-resident friends. 1 you are Interested In any way, don't hesitate to ask questions. The list may contain ex actly what you want, or your friends who are coming 10 Hood Klver, are looking for. Call on, write to or phone K. E. HARBISON, Phone 84ti. Hood River, Or For Sale. My residence on Sherman avenue: s-room nouse with bath; Jot lOUxljO feet. Price fi.OilO. Brick building and lot occupied by R. B. Bragg A Co. and poat office, tti.(iot). Address mill L. N. BLOWERS, U. 8. Marshal's office, Portland, Or, East Side Grade Im provement, Hood River, or. Bids will be received nn to April 80, 1901, at fie county clerk's office, The Dalles, Or., for the Improvement of the Kast siue wagou roau graue, noou tuver, by graV' cling said road a distance of 4220 feet. Plans and specifications may be seen at the county ciera s omce ana wttn county Com missioner n. j. muoaru, noon ntver, or. By order of the County Const.. Dr. M. A JONES DENTIST Office In Lan gilleBldg. ttnin Rivna Will be In Hood River KYIrinvu MnH Mamr. -! W ! . - - 35 Acres for sale at ft bargain; on the road to Mount tiooa: gooa bud e land: n ce. bea thv Unaiion for a house by the roadside. Inquire on the piciiiineB. mz-i J. r. flllilJiTKUM. Strawberry .Plants. I have about lOO.flnn tlratlnjia itr.uhMiv plants for safe. Also land, from one acre to 1, on easy terms. E. C. ROOERS. Horses for Sale. r tve need farm hnrapA u-oiirht 1 nm tn 1 xw To Let. Four office rooma to let Inquire of ni31 8. centrslly located. E. BAKTMEHS, Wanted. Two girls for housework. Apply to mlO A. R. BYRKETT, Blngen. Wash, Bicycle for Sale. . . Brand new coaster brake Kamhlerf cnat. am. will sell for . RAY IMBLER. M R. F. 1). No. 2. Team for Sale. GSXld Well broke team, hnvav and hintiM, for sale. Prices very reasonable, luaulre at Glacier office. H21 fee Cirnni will bo Nerved FREE between the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock p. in. Everybody is invited. WHITEHEAD & SHEETS, Props. Spring Millinery 1 have just received another invoice ol fine millinery from an Eastern inurket, wtiii-h I am showittg at prices to suit all Ladies will find me prepared to croar any and all designs in Ladies,' Misses' and ('liiidreti'a lieadwear. See my special designs in Lace, Babv Hats, Folded Chiffon, Torpedo Toques. Flat Iron Turbies, the Tricorne and ninjiy others too numerotiB to mention. New Veilings, new Ribbons. Mme ABBOTT. STEAMER Charles R. Spencer. THE DALLES TRANSPORTATION CO. Fast time between The Dalles and Portland. Steamer hves The HaHes Tuesdavs 1 and Satunlays, at 7 a. in.; arriving at Portland at 2 p. m. ' lleinrnlng, leaves Portland Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7 a. m.; arriving at I he I in I h a at S p. m. 8 snipping at Vancouver. Washouaral. Cascade Iwka, steven-mn, Orson, St. Martin's Sprltic Collins, While Salmon, Hood River and I ..vie. for both freight and passengers Landiin; at The Oallca, foot of Cnlon si; at Portland, foot of Oak st Capt E w" Sneiu-er. ilenerkl Manager. Portland. FASH ll IN ST Itl.KS Apnt H,J,,l m...' 80 Acres For sale. 60 thc-beat of annle Innd'AnAt in the best commercial varieties; 4 about ready lo set: remainder verv easilv cipnrp. iu. springs, with sufficient water to Irrigate five acres of strawberries: new cnttnirn h.umo hum and other outbuildings. Price H.iKH cash. Call on or address owner nn aremlses, 1 miles out on East Hide. This land iasltuated in the lamoua appie oeitor nisio Klver. a'l L. A. HERMAN. R.F.D. No. 1 10 Acres for Sale. I am offering for sale mv 10 acres, well I proved, S miles south of town, on the Moon iiuou ruau. ror particulars, call at nw place. r. P.. HA1LE alltf Wanted.Fruit Lands List yotir Fruit Lands with us in the Hoim'seekers' titiidu it rou want to sell them. We advertise the guide in over 225 Faslern and Middle West natiera. Send lor the lliniiesoekersiuide. T. LET US SPRAY i Now is the Accepted Time. Get. you r, Spray Material of Lewis Poultry Yards Eggs froia heavy laying hlack Minorca, tl Jyl RALPH REWMBelmont Horse for Sale. Mare 8 -ears old; weight about Lam. 2.' F. C. STOUT. Belmont. Lost. " AcpNsteel beaded chaHslne purse, contain Finder will iiIhiw Uv. .i iiiuu. office and receive rewnrd. Wanted. IB strawberry packers. Call on or write gJ AI FRANZ, Hood River, Or. a21 For Sale. 1 BoBldlng hack, 1 single buggy, 1 net single harness. All In good condition. Will trade " J M' -aooui i HIORE, Buff Leerhorn Etre-s. -...I s "' "".'I 8norn vac per '""g- ml2 E A. FRANZ. Bids Wanted. sealed Olds wanted b Mhv 9 a,, .w.,, ....... for bulldina- a resldenn.. Pi .h ,. cations will be found at Office of Prather In vestment ''oniiisn v. 4 First Street I'orllui.d, or CLARKE J Well Drivine. nIhiiiPr'Pare?o!do we" drivluon topftr :"-'- v nimu uepin oi water. "i" j puuip io renu " a M. HUNT. Hay for Sale. l-OST LAKE LUMBER CO. Cows For Sale. Good milk cows for sale, Inqulreof rf.lEK MOHR. THE DRUGGIST, And you can depend on it being GOOD. LAND FOR SALE. Six acres ALL IV hvpriu j . .. from town. Early gpiMtnd. This 'year's emu estimated at sou crates. Imiuireof P lii" FRANK BLAOtl. For Sale. At I Rile White store:l MeyersSpray ronvi eimiplete and ready for work; 1 California' 'f,l,Ll..Aw"y' Al " culMvaOon" 1 la-Inch Plow ; 1 1 Snbaoll P,ow; I Double limy'. n all these artk-les. Prices are ilgbt FOR RENT AT THE EMPORIUM. Money to loan. Hanna house and lot., (2,000. 1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition $150. Corner lot in front of school house $300. 2. Eligible residence lots in Bpangler'i subdivision, near cannon house; only $125 ; terms easy, installment plan. 3. Sixty acres good cultivatable land on Rock creek, six miles southeast of Hood River. Price $700. Terms easy. . 4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls nf Hood River, belonging to Ueorge E. Forsyth j 160 acres good frtrtt land;$4000. 8. 160 acres at VVliite Sal mon : fine timber land ; $10 an acre. . 9. The b-acre place in Crapper neigh borhopd, known as the Renshaw place; all improved; nev buildings, etc. 100 acres, house and garden patch, located 10 miles south of The Dalles. Known as the Woodman place. Trice f 900. The Hunt place mile southwest of town. House, barn, mostly in strawber ries and other fruits. Price, $1450. The new company now ofers for sale lots formerly belonging to the Hood River Townsite company, of which com pany John Leland Henderson is secre tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer. Installment plan. Tickets to and from Europe. Persons desiring to purchase tickets to or from any points in Europe or South Africa may secure the sane from John L. Henderson, who is agent for the Beaver line of steamships. First-class Surveying Outfit At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. From and after this date, April 9, 1903, the rates will be as follows: $10 a day ; Lot corners established for $5 a lot; two contiguous for one owner, the same price. Furnished room to rent. Lot 4, block 9, HuH's addition, fine 2 story house; $1,400. For Sale Residence on State street at head of Kront; $2,500, includint 3 lots. For Sale. 40 acres near Monnt Hood post office. Good land $700 cash-30 days, only. J. Leland Henderson. l'or Rent For a term of ten years, the two lots on State street, back of Hartmess' and the Paris Fair. Rental $120 a year for the two, For Sale The 50 acre strawberry farm owned by A. E. Lake and others, on west side. Price $14,000. All in straw berries in their prime. A good oppor tunity for several bn gether and each secure a part. Must all ue soiu at once, i erms half or more cash. For Sale The Henderson ranch, for m'y owned by J. It. Galligan; (10 acres 30 cleared: orchard : mroojlu..;,... clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large 2-story mansion, small cottage new barn; all fenced. Price $10,000. A brook runs through ranch. Easy terms: telephone : rural rieliverv Kr.,,. from Hood Rivjer. Two coat ranch fifl fill ITiniinfoin nn a., t of valley on county road. One, $1,000; the others $1,200; each has small houte riinriing water, and is fenced. Terms, easy. ' Rooms to rent in city. Unfurnished house to rent. city. Good for Btoie or office. Mrs. Clark's IM acres on tho Mil f. sale or rent; house $10 month, with land $15; selling price $1,500; renter must take subject to sale. My own house oiit)08iteSBvnoo't,h0,L ware store, occupied by Mrs. Jayne is for rent; suitable for office or aliop. The 10 acres owned by H. S. Lewis at Belmont, iinnroved. with h,iii,t;.. iorm imPIement8, furniture, stockretc ' o,ow; tne Dare place," $2,500; $l,5w) or more cash ; balance on time, 6 per ct. Center of A. W. ONTHANK, Notary Public and Ileal Es tate Agent. Ixians, Collections and Conveyancing, Fire and Life insurance in the best companies. Stenography and Type Writing. Oak SL, Hood River. . Shoemaker P. Rocks. I have thoroiltrhhred Plvn, inth ui. .i.ub ens direct from shoemaker farm in llllimi. r is. Mother, Or, Ior &JMeat I on per aetilne of IS. " To Rent. I have concluded t r..,. , n, - . , iMyJ!S?ct ;,ritbrry land, In patches lo sii I leasees, and for any length of time, from 10 to ao years. Thla Is the beat strawberry and fnThTearrv!, "'J "i "I Call upon me at my ranch, or address me ai MMKen, wam. rjj , R. BYHKKTT " Fruit Dryer for Sale. Capacity 10 tons fruit a da v. In . m country, (tood place to start cannerv In mm. nection. Will sell at reasonable nrW - HKNjjlNUHKN. Mosler. Or." Dry Slab Wood For sale: 3..i0 a cord, delivered if i.i,.. once. da VEX WKfJIHOS I jtk c6. Indian Eve Medinfi Made of r(Mt riv urm .n the eve, In a short r me . : ?! cured the eyes of MiKsVuraleSeley. .Mrs.Hmn. It m7 i ,.Hry -" snd Mrs. M. K. Miller. Pn-e 'ic a Kotiia u..i.i ,i Riwu"; 8011 COrner bafonl. liooU tl 0 8 Acres for Sale. KIX RCre St td lrflW7lior-ria Ul i . and other tmiiri.votnpntu n- .n. I " " on IMtnon, road In best'jSrt 'J; Lost. T'WTldaV Itlvht At ntiar. KK. Bradley: """' "mceor to n " For Sale. ,?r!.Jeley ,' and 4 bir work "I H. HARTLEY. vFine Horse for Sale. Nornmn stallion, 4 yean, old May Zt. 1 fe,Mly eentle. WelKnt M. pX 1 Pki. Price $.1)0, A r " m u i ilia i. ror Kale hv KOBT.KRIE.VD, M osier, Or,