sO 0 O o o o 0 o ' ' ' ' ' rf-' ZZZZZZZ. . ' - ' . .jt-i-. ' . " IVS A COLD DAY WHEN WE GET LEFT.". ... - , . . x VOL. XV. HOOD EIVEE, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1304. XO. 49. J s HOOD RIVER GLACIER Issued everv Thursday by S. P. BLVTHB SON. Publishers. B. F. BLYTHE. K. N, BLYTHE. 1 erms of subscription 11.30 a year whan paid ITl BOVaitCtt. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. HOOD RIVER. The rwstofHce is oiieu dally between Sam at d 7 p. in.; Bunuay 'rom 12 to 1 o'clock. 'Malls I' r the East close at 12:2ua. m. ana 0 p. m; for the West at 7:10 a. m. and 1:40 p. m. The carriers on R. F. i). mules Mo. 1 and No. 3 leave the Dostollice at 8:30 dally. Mall leaves For Mt. Hood, dally at M:ou m.j arrives, 10:2ii a.m. For Chenoweth. Wash., at 7:90 a. m. Tues- dave, Tr ursdaysand Saturdays; arrives same aavs at e p. m. For Underwood. Wash., at 7:80 a. m. Tuee- days, Thursdays and baturdayt; arrive! same aays at op. m. For White Salmon, Wash., daily at J: p, na,; arrives at u a. m. WHTTB- QAT UAV For Hood River dally at a. m. ; arrive! at e:.o p. m. For Husum, Trout Lake and Ouler, Wash., dallv at7:HOa. ni.: arrive, at l'l sou For Ulenwood, Gilmer and Fulda, Wash., dally at 7:Su a. m.; arrives at 6 p. m. ForFinellat and Hnowden, Wash., at 11:30 a. m. Tuesday! and Saturdays; arrive! same aays, iu:ao a. m. For Bin en, Wash., daily at 4:45 p. m.; ar rives at S:4b a. m. gtlCIMTIKt. .AK GROVE COUNCIL No 1, ORDER OF J PISNDO. Meets the Second and Fourth rrldavg of the mouth. Visitors cordially wel comed. F. U. Bhosiui, Counsellor. Milts Nillii CLabk, Secretary. RDEROF WASHINGTON. Hood River Union No. 142. meets in Odd Fellows' hall second and fourth Saturdays in each month, 7 :ao o'clock. K. L. Rood, 1'resldeut. C. U. Uakik, Seoretary. HOOD RIVER CAMF, No. 7,702, M. W. A., meets in K. ol F. Hall every Wednesday night M. M. Kusskll, r. V, C. U. Darin, Clerk. HOOD RIVER CAMP.No. 770, W. O. W., meets on first and third Tuesday of each month In Odd Fellow Hall. A. C. Statin, C. c. F. H. Blaoo, Clerk. WAUL'OMA LODGE, No. 30, k. of P., meets in K. of P. Hall every Tuesday night. 0. II. Jenkins, C. C. C. E. Heiwan, K. of R. A S. HOOD IVER CHAP1ER, No. 26, O. E. 8., meets second and fourth 'lueulay even ings of eack month. Visitors cordially wel comed. TllKKKfE Caktnku, W. M. Mas. Maby B. DavuwoN, Secretary. OOD RIVER CIRCLE, No. 524, Women of Woodcraft, meets at K. of P. Hall on the first and third Fridays of each month. Helen Norton. Uuardlan Neighbor. Nellie Hollowell. Clerk. CANBY 1'OST, No. 16, a. A. R., meets at A. O. U. W. Hall, second and fourth Saturdays of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All (i. A. K. members invited to meet with us. 11. H. Bailey, Commander. l. j. lUNNiNa, Aajuianu "ANBY W. R. C, No. 16, meet! second and V fourth Saturdays of each month in A. 0. U. W. Hall at 2 p.m. Mrs. Ann a Shoemaker, President. Mrs. T.J. cunmnj, Secretary EDEN ENCAMPMENT, No. 48, I. O. O. F., Regular meeting second and fourth Mon days of earn month. A. J. Uatchill, C. P. Bert Entrican, Seribe. IDLEWILD LODGE. No. 107, I. O. O. F., meets In Fraternal Hall, every Thursday night. J. R. Rkks, N. G. Bert Est rican, Secretary. H1 OOD RINER CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M., meets third Friday ntgnt ot eacn montn. u. a. cahtnkk, ii. r. D. McDonald, Secretary. COURT HOOD RIVER No. 42, Foresters of America, meets second and fourth Mon days In each month in K. of P. Hall. L. C. Haynes, C. R. F. C. Brosics, Financial Secretary. LAUREL REBEKAH DECREE LOIKIE, No. 87, 1. O. O. F., meets nrst and third Fridays In each nttinth. Francis Morse, N. G. Therese Castner, Secretary. HOOD RIVER LODGE No. 105, A. F. and' A. M., meets Saturday evening on or before each full moon. D. McDonald, W. M. R. B. Savage, Secretary. OLETA ASSEMBLY No. 103, United Artisans, meets Hrt and third Wednesdays, work; second and fourth Wednesdays, social; Artt sans hall. D. McDonald, M. A. E. M. WcCarty, Secretary. IVER9IDELODGE"No. 68, A. O. U. W., meets first and third Saturdays of each month. E. R. Hraiji-ey, Financier. W. B. SHime, W. M. J. O. Hayneh, Recorder. RIVERSIDE LODGE, NO. 40, Degree of Hon or, A. O. U. W. meets first and third Satur days at 8 p. m. Mrs. Sarah Bradley, O. of 11. Miss Cora Copple. Recorder. Mrs. Lucketia I rather, Financier )R. W. T. ROWLEY PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, OCULIST Office and Pharmacy, Hood River Heights. Phone, Main 961. g II. HARTWIG LAWYER Will Practice in All Courts. Office with Cuifiertson & Co.. HOOD RIVER OREGON Q. H. JENKINS, 1). M. D. DENTIST. - Specialist on Crown and tridga Work. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, M. Office over Bank Bldg. Hood River, Oregon JJ L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. H. F. Shaw. t ails promptly answered In town or oouutry. Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 611 ; Office, 013. Office over Reed's Grocery. J F. WATT, M. a. Physician and Surgeon. Telephones: Office, 281; reiidegoe, 283. BURGEON O. R. A N. CO. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ABSTRACTER, NO TARY PUBLIC and REAL , ESTATK AGENT. For 28 vesrs a resident ol Oreeon and Wash- Irston. Has had many years experience In Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of titles and ageuk bamlaion guaranteed or no charge. - A JAYNE. LAWYER. o Abatracta Furnished. Money Loaned, Hood River, Oregon. V C. BROSiUS, M. D. ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'Pbone Centre!, or 121. Office Honn : 10 to 11 A. M. ; J to 3 and 6 to 7 P. M. gUTLER 4 CO., BANKERS. Do a general banking business. HOOD RIVER, OREGON EVENTS OF THE DAY GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. CompTchciLslv Review of the) Import lint Happenings ol the Pat Week, Presented In Condensed Fotm, Most Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Reader. Another battle is reported raging at Port Arthur. Secretary Shaw aays he will not be-a candidate fur vice president. The body of Admiral Makaroff has been washed ashore with a number of others. Secretary Hay has advised tha 1905 exposition to prepare invitations to foreign countries to participate and he will dispatch them. The house has passed the bill creat ing a state of Arizona and New Mexico under the name of Arizona and one of Oklahoma and Indian Territory under the name of Oklahoma. Oh motion of Senator Fulton, the sen ate has passed Mitchell's bill authoriz ing the citizens of Oregon, Washington and California to cut and remove tim ber on the public domain or mining and domestic purposes. The Japanese are fast preparing to force the Yalu. Russia would make an agreement with Great Britain to gain an outlet to the sea . Neidermier, the Chicago carbarn bandit, made two desperate attempts to end bis life, the first nearly proving successful. The house has passed a bill change the .Washington custom headquarters from Port Townsend to Seattle, despite the protests ot congressmen. The foreign countries represented at the St. Louis fair will be invited by the government tojjtransfer their exhibits to the Lewis and Clark exposition. The conference committee has elimi nated from the military appropriation bill the appropriation of $90,000 for a bridge across the Spokane rivei at Spo kane, Senator Fulton has secured an amendment to the sundry civil bill in creasing the appropriation for roads in Craterlake national park from $3,000 to $4,000. The senate has adopted an amend ment of Senator Mitchell to the emer gency appropriation bill by which the senator expects to Jjave $100,000 al lotted for continuing the improvement at tha mouth of the Columbia river. Chinese and Russian troops nearly clashed in Manchuria. The Grand Ronde valley is a vast lake and thousands of acies of wheat are flooded. o e The Russian press regards the Anlo- Fronch treaty as a hard blow to Ger man prestige. t Italians who had plotted against the life of President JLoubet, of France, have been arrested. Tn a rint between nolice and blue jackets at Fensacola, Fla. one man was shot and our others wounded. A four story hotel at Indianapolis, Ind,; burned and iur a time the lives of more than 300 guests were in peril. Admiral Tot?o savs he Dlaced the mine which,Wew up the Russian war- ihio and tella bow it was done. Rus sians emphatically deny it. President Mover, of the Federation of Miners, declares Governor Peabody, of Colorado, has violated his promise, having agreed not to moleat the miners. Senator Mitchell has introduced amendments to the emergency appro priation bill to continue the improve ment of the Uolumbia ana lower Will amette rivers. A beavv snow has fallen in Northern and Central New York. Altogether 10 Russian vessels have been damaged or lost since the out break of the war. Clan's ham nntiflnrl all nation! that she will regard as spies correspondents using wireless leiegrapny. m Tha Port. Arthur sauadron 'will not again be risked in battle until trels- . i t . r 1 : - a , rorceu oy uie .duimu uto. Japan denies that she has any sub marine boats and says cue Kussian ships were sunk by torpedoes. Carneaie. has created a "fund for heroes." and set aside $5,000,000 Next of kin of those who lose their lives will also benefit. A party of 60 prominent Filipinos has started tor tne St. ladis tair. They will also visit the principal cities of the limited States. The house has passed the Bhiilppine boncPbill to encourage the building of railroads. St. Petersburg has the report that Togo sunk several steamers and closed the entrance to fort Aruur. Haavr rains itonrted all regular through tisffic on the Southern Pacific and O. R. a N., into Portland, leaving the Northern Pacific the only route for Eastern mail. Fr.Mflvnr AmM. of Minnearjolis. has been arrested, charged with having ac cepted a bribe wmie in omce. ' According to latest accounts Russia lost ajout 650 men and officers in the sinking of the battleship and torpedo boat. QUIT. Viceroy Alcxielf Ask the., Cisr to Re "T7 " Him- St Petersburg, April 21. Viceroy Alexieff has applied by telegraph to the emperor to be relieved of his position of viceroy of the Far East. It is ex pected that the request will be irame' diately granted. While no official an nouncement has yet been made, there is every reason to believe that the fore going statement is correct. The inv mediate cause of the viceroy's applica tion is reported to be the appointment of Vice Admiral Skrydloff, one of Ad' miral Alexieff's strongest enemies and sharpest critic, as successor to the late Vice Admiral Makaroff in command of the Russian navy in the Far E8t. The relieving from command of Vice' roy Alexieff would not surprise intelli gent observers of the Far Eastern situ anon, wnc ve laminar wuu uiegrauu al change b. 'be emperor's attitude to ward the i.roy and M. Bezobraoff, whe represented the military advanc ing element, which was anxious that Russia should remain in Manchuria. It was these two men that the Anglo- Japanere entente first lost its friends They believed Great Britain would not go to war and that Japan could not do so. To the indignation of J it pan, they succeeded in turning the policy of the empire from carrying out the treaty for the entire evacuation of Manchuria, pending further demands on China. Bid LOSS BY FIRB. Over $10,000,000 Worth ol Property Destroyed at Toronto. Toronto, Orjt., April 21. Fire swept through a section of Toronto's whole sale business district tonight, causing a loss which will probably reach $10,- 000,000. The fire started in a factory in Wellington street about 9 o clock. In less than an hour the flames had spread from building to building on both sides of the .street until the whole block was a mass of flames, arid the fire was utterly beyond the control of the local department. Arpeals were sect to every surrounding city where fire apparatus could be obtained asking for assistance. Montreal,'' London, Hamilton and Buffalo at once respond ed, but it will be hours before they can be of assistance. It'was believed at 11 o'clock that the fire was under conirol, but a sudden shift in the wind again fanned the flames into a roar and clouds of sparks and burning brands were carried down side streets until three entire blocks were doomed. The firemen were mak ing a gallant fight amid the falling buildings and a mass of tangled wires, but their efforts at midnight seemed to be fruitless. FOR RAILROAD TO ALASKA. V'ctorla Endorses Prelect Which Will Take Trade From Seattle. Victoria, B. C, April 20. John Cain, of Port Angeles, Wash., ad dressed a crowded meeting here last night on the proposed scheme to build a railroad from the south to the north end of Vancouver island, connecting with the Port Angeles line by ferry across the Straits of Fuca and with Alaska at the north end by swift ferry steamers. He guaranteed to start building within 60 days after the sub sidy is settled and complete it within two years. The proposed lute will cost $9,000,- 000. The subsidy asked for is 5,000 acres per mile and $10,000 per mile, 3 per cent inscribed stock of the pro vince, redeemable in 40 years. The meeting eritlorsed the project ami de cided to appeal to the, provincial gov ernment to take immediate . action. The scheme is designed to capture the Alaska trade from the Puget sound cities and San Francisco. Fivori Offensive' Tictks. Paris, April 21.7-The Figaro today publishes an interview with Vice Ad miral Skrydloff, wno is now in St. Pet ersburg. The admiral is qoutedas say ing: "I believe in offensive tactics. It is necessary to push ahead and take the initiative instead of letting the en emy keep us in a state of unrest. It is essential to keep him in a state of un rest. It is necessary to invite a com bat, and take chances Any combatant who awaits his enemy is practically nt his enemy s mercy. But agrgessive- ness does not mean imprudence." Pacific Squadron Sails From Panama. Washington, April 21. The flagship New York and the cruisers) Muj-blehead and Bennington, of the Patifiq, squad ron, , commanded by Rear Admiral Glass, have started from Panama 'on their cruise to the Aleutian Islands by the way of Honolulu. ' They first will proceed up the coast to Acaputt'O, whence they will sail to the Hawaiian islands, a distance of about 3,300 miles. The next run will be from Honolulu to Unalaska, in the Aleutian group, a distance of about 2,000 miles. Russia Only Protecting Herself. St. Petersbuig, April 21. The for eign ollice explains mat tne notice served by Russia regarding newspaper correspondents employing wireless tele graphy is a natural measure of sell pro tection against possible communica tion with the enemy. It would be pos sible from land or sea for correspond' ents using wireless telegraphy to com' municate with the enemy. If an ac tual case should arise, however, it will be Judged on its merits. Denies She Haa a Submarine-Boat. London, April 21 . Captain Kabachi the new Japanese attache, who has ar rived in London from Japan, denies positively that there are any sub marine vessels in the Japanese navy MB WOULD GIVES RUSH0RDERS CZAR WANTS BATTLESHIPS TO JOIN FLEET JULY IS. Naval Strength In Far East Demands In-crease-Port Arthur May Be Cut Ofl Superiority of Japanese on Water OJvcs Them excellent Opportunity to Operate on Lind. Paris, April 20 "The emperor, in receiving a visit from High Admiral Duke Alexis today," says the St. Pet ersburg correspondent it the Echo de Paris, "informed him that he desired the Baltic fleet to be retdy to start ry July 15. Orders accordingly have been sent tq. Cronstadt to bieten the prepar ation of its fleet for sailing on the date mentioned under lieaei Admiral Kojeet venski, unless another admiral, of whom there has beta much tlk shall be selected. "Vice Admiral Doubassoff declined the command f the Black sea fleet. It is probable that Admiral Chnkin, director of the naval academy, will be appointed." MAY CUT OFF POUT ABTHUR. Superiority of Fleet Qlyes the Japanese an Excellent Opportunity. St. Petersburg, April 20. St. Peters burg is flooded with rumors from all directions regaiding the. plans of the Japanese, now that the Russian fleet at Port Arthur is unable longer to menace their troop transports. The Associated Press in a dispatch from Port Arthur gave 20 as the tium- ber of Japanese transports reported as having been seen steaming in the direc tion l Yinkow, the seaport of Niu Chwang. Officials of the general stuff, while having no information in this re spect. would not be surprised if the number should turn out to be correct, or even that a larger number is steam ing there. 14 Vice Admiral Togo s immense super iority enables him to hold the Russian squadron in Port Arthur and Japanese transports, therefore, can safely pass through the straits of Pechili and attempt to land at the head of the Liao Tung gulf, under the guns of the war ships, as did General Shatter's army at IJiaqiiiri, tuba. Should this succeed, the Japanese will be in an excellent position to execute a flank movement on Liao Yang, or cut off Port Arthur, e CONDITIONS IN PORTO II ICO. Governor Hunt Reports America ti Rtp- Idly Oalnjnt Trade. New York, cApril 20. Governor Hunt, of Porto Rico, arrived here today on the steamer Ponce from San Juan. He will reinain in the United States about two weeks. Governor Hunt says he had not heard of his appointment of judge of the Unked States district of Montana and Wyoming, and would say nothing about his intention in regard to the .appointment. He will upend considerable .time 3 in Washington in connection with official duties and eventually will retttrn to Porto Rico at the end of two Weeks. Speaking of, conditions on the island Governor Hunt said: " s ' j "Just at present a strong effort is being made to promote a market in the United States for Porto Rico by prepar ing for" an extensive exhibit at St. Louis. Coffee will be the featura of the island's exhibit because fruits and cotton will be also displayed. Ameri cans are planting oranges quite exten sively. The groves are growing well. Cotton bids fair to be very profitable. Coffee crop will be about normal this year for the first time since the hur ricane, and if a slightly higher price can be had for the crop planters would be able to relieve their estates of part of their old mortgage debts and will be satisfied "It is probable"that the export will exceed the value of itaport by a million dollars. Trade with the United States increases mpidly and will crwitinue to grow as the sugai, fruit and cotton are being grown." America May Step In. Santo Domingo," April 20. United States Minister Powell informed the minister of. foreign affairs today that in the event of any foreign poer attempt ing to force a settlement of the claims of its citisMns, thus excluding the claims of -other nationalities, he would, in tiie name of his government, take immediate charge of all the custom houses of the government, place in each a military guard, and protect the same in the interest of the United States creditors,' basing his action upon the recent decision of The Hague tribunal Japanese Army Pays as It (Joes. Seoul. April 20. A dinpfitxh from Ping Yang, under yesterday's date, re ceived here at 7 o'ejock this morning, says the conutry in the wake of the Japanese army is resuming its normal condition. The majority of the in habitants left their homes before the troops arrived, but are now returning. They have learned that the Japanese soldiers treat the pftiple well,opaying for their supplies, and are under strict discipline. ' Influx of Chines. Victoria, B. C, April 20. One hun dred and twelve Chinese are coming on the Canadian Pacific steamer Empress of- China for this port, according to special cable dispatches to the head quarters of the company. As each Chinese has to pay $500 bead tax, the officials here are puzzled to know what it means. It is surmised that the Em press' crew of Chineso may be wanted ashore, but the officials have no reason 1 for such a step. o RUSSIA IN NEED OF MONEY. Issue ol $200,000,000 Five Per Cent Bond Will Soon Be tade. London, April 20. Reports ate again in circulation here of Russia's uled to raise money. When the war broke out the gold held abroad by the ank of Russia amounted to $87,500,000. Of this amount $50,000,000 has been ex pended t-and therefore, according to these reports, it would cuon be neces sary to have recourse to the gold held in the treasury. According to a tele gram from Brussels printed this morn ing the outcome of the ways and means conference at St. Petersburg will be the issue of $200,000(000 in 5 per cent treasury bonds In Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam, Vice Admiral logo's report is ac cepted here as fully explaining the mys tery of the destruction of the battleship Petropavlovsk and the newrpapers pay warm tribute to the daring wid skill displayed by the Japanese, contrasting these with the apparent lack of fore' sight and vigilence on the part of the Russians. War correspondents arriv ing at Ping Yang report that the roads are in terrible condition, hut that the Japanese troops in marching display splendid endurance. The Daily Mail s Ping tang corres pondent says that the food supplies are being pushed lorth on a gigantic scale. All the preparations prove that the Japanese are In readiness to sustain a prolonged campaign. The corres pondent describes the irresistible cour age shown by the Japanese in the fight ing at Chingju, charging recklessly up hfll in the face of superior numbres. The Daily Chronicle's correspondent at Shan Hai Kwan gives a report that a Japanese fleet of 2H vessels has bem seen escorting 100 transports north of Port Arthur. WILL CAUSE DEBATB. Pension Bill Will Cotte Up leforo the e Senate 1 his Week. Washington, April 20, There will be an effort to keep appropriation bills to the fiont all the time during the present week in the senate, and to this end the sundry civil bill will be taken up first. When it is disposed of the pension appropriation bill will be pre sented, and it is hoped that the bill will in turn be immediately followed by the general deficiency bill. The senate leaders are apprehensive of the effect of the consideration of various bills on the calendar, and aie exercii ing their ingenuity to keep them in the background. There are some features of tne sun dry civil bill which will cause discus sion, and it is believed it will occupy two days. The pension bill usuitlly goes through without debate, but it is probable there will be quite a little dis cussion on the pending bill. If opportunity Is offered, benator Ilan8rough will endeavor to obtain consideration of the Indian agreement bills. Senator Fairbanks also stands ready to seize the first chance that offers to press his bill for a new executive building in Washington. Bl'Q EATS UP WHARF PILINQ. Resembles Water Flea and Works at Edge of Water. Hoquiam, Wash., April 20. Com missioner l. Davis recenny went io Westport and made an examination of the Westport wharf. He finds tha en tire piling oi the wharf practically des troyed by a small bug resembling a water flea. The piling was put in but Ave years ago and now Is ruined and will be replaced for safety. a . Mr. Davis found the bug hard al work. He cuts of) the piles at low water mark, so that 18-inch piling is found to be wRhin a few inches of be ing entirelyscut off. Cedar, which usually is proof against insects, nas no tenror for the bug, and he cuts this faster than fir. If well driven piling is to last but five years, it means some method must be found to save them or an endless ex pense js certain. The insect is known to scientists as the liminolae, and is said to be very destructive to wood of this kind. An effort will be made to find a remedy for he pest. Outlook for Alaska Poor. Washington, April 20.-The, delega tion of influential Alaskans which has been in Washington all winter working in behalf of legislation -is -still hopeful that something will be done, tiut its hopes are growing les strong each day. The delegation said today that the leg islation sought was of the utmost im portance and necessity to Alaslea, and if nothing is done at this session it will probably be two years before the terri tory will De able 10 get anyunng into law owing to the fact that the next ses sion of congress "will be short. Russian Victory Is Denied. St. Petersburg, April 20. The mili tary general staff discredits the story that th0 Russians attacked 12,000 Jap anesetroops at the moment of landing at Yogampho and drove them back to their ships. No affair of that sort haa been reported by General Kouropatkin. It is reported that Vicerofl Alexieff has received formal orders that the fleet must not leave Port Arthur before the arrival of the new commander, Admiral 8krydloff. Japanese Ship Reported Sunk. St. Petersburg, April 20. A dis patch from Port Arthur says several eye witnesses assert that a Japanese cruiser was lost outside Port Arthur during the last bombardment by striking one of its own floating mine. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON INDIANS ON THB MOVE. Roving Portion Beglnj to Leave oRsser vatlon for the Summer. Pendleton The roving portion of tjie Indians on the reservation or those who wintered on the Columbia, is al ready stirring abroad, and making in some cases for the foothill. The tim mering season of the small bands of no mads begins early in April. There are many Indians scattered over the country who do noj cultivate the advantage of tho reservation. The more industrious and loss proud of these red men make money off wool at this season. With a packhorse or two, they wander around the the sheep districts, and while the buck get the living;by hunting and fishing, the squaw pulls or picks up wool wherever she can find it. Bits of fleeces pulled off wool wagons, when the tatter start running, or even wool from sheep which have died on the range all go to make up the sackfullB, which are after ward packed to town for sale. Indians will carry loads like this 100 or 150 milva for eight cents a pound. The migration of the reservation In dian does not take place until May, when hundreds of them go to the moun tains for the summer to spend the seas on hunting and fishing. As summer progresses, he pushes farther and farth er into the hills, not to come back to the reservation until the early snows of autumn drive him, back. LOQUCR LEASES NECANICUM. Clatsop County Court (Jrants Carefully Ouarded Privilege. Astoria The county court has grant ed the petition of C. C. Clarke, the Seaside logger, to lease the portion of the Necanicum river that runs through section 28, township 8 north, range 10 west. The lease is for a r.period of flye years and gives tfvu lessee the right to improve the river channel, to erect and construct such dams, booms, and make such other improvements as may be necessary fcr the purpose of making the stream a public highway for floating logs, timber and lumber. He is also given the fight to collect tolls for the rafting, floating and boom ing of logs, timber or lumber at the rate of 30 cent nor thousand feet. Under the terms of the leaa the lessee is to secure the necessary right-of-way from owner of property along the course of the stream, and he gives a oond in the sum of $2,000 to hold the county of Clatsop harmless of any anel all damages occasioned to any person or to proprety by the use of the stream for floating log. The county? reserves the right to annul the lease without notice, should any of its provisions be violated. e Qrand Ronde Drive Start. La Grande The logs on the Grand Ronde river at Perry have begun to move. 1 be monster drive has started from the headwaters of the stream to ward the mills at Perry. The Grand Ronde Lumber company will s drive about 16,000,000 feet of logs this spring. It will become necessary to build railroads to the vast belt of pine lying on the head of the Grand Ronde river and Meadow creek, a it will be too costly and tedious to haul the logs to the river and depend on the annual drive to supply the mills. Hospital for Chemawa School. Salem Cdngressan Bingcr Hermann has been honored by having bis name bestowed upon the new hospital build ing which is to be erected at Chemawa Indian school this year. An inspector of the department of Indian affair has been here and a site for the new, build' ing was selected. The structure, which will be of brick, and will cost $15,006, will be loctaed on the east side of the Southern Pacific track, -find north of the new school building. It will be known as Hermann hospital. Report From Penitentiary. Superintendent James, of the peni tentiary, has filed his report with the secretary of state covering the quarter ending March 31; The principal fea ture of the report iff the financial state' ment of the institution, which shows that the total expense amount to $20, 305.87. Of this amuont, $1,025.19 is deducted from the betterment fund. There were 314 convict in the prison at the close of the quarter, against 311 at the close of the last quarter, , Factory May Resume Work. Pendletoj Steps are being taken to get the Rigby-Clove combined harvester manufactory and foundry on a solid bgsis again. W. T. Rigby, the princi pal owner, was hard bit by the C. B. Wade failure. T. J. Giesler, a Port land man, is here with the intention of organizing a stock company to operate theeroncern. The fiarvestor manu factured is the invention of Mr. Rigby. Warrant to Bear Six Per Celt. La Grande The county court of Union county has cancelled $27,000 of county warrants, and the list included all warrants that were bearing 8 per cent interest. Hereafter the interest Mharge on county warants will be but 6 per cent. Mucn oi tne time oi the court was devoted to road and school district matters, and at this session the list-of Judge and clerk of election was completed. OOOD WBATHER FOR SHEEP. Eastern Oregon Wool Will Be of Better, Cleaner Quality. I a Grande The sheepmen of Eastern Oregon say that the late spring, which is 30 days behind time, will have a splendid effect upon all of the flock of Eastern Oregon, and the great supply of water now pouring down the hills on every side will insure good pasturage way into the summer, and yesriings this summer will be stionger and fatter . and bring better prices than ever before. Lambing is now at its height, and the increase in the nocks promises to be very large. Wool this year will bo of anueh. flnta- quality and cleaner than last year because the sheep will not have to run in dust - so long before shearing time, which in this part of Eastern Oregon will be about' May 25. and the sheepmen throughout the conn try seem very jubilant. Wool from last year's crop in Eastern Oregon has been sold in Philadelphia within the past week fot 17 cents, and this is a good indication that price this year will go high. STOCK LOSSES REDUCED. Warmer Weather Averted the Danger Threatening the Herds. Pendleton Stock reoorts from lonth. em Umatilla and tTrant countie abow conditions much improved since tha heavy snowstorm of two weeks ago, and stock losses, which threatened for a short tinse to materially thin ont the nenls, have been to a great degree averted. In valleys, where it was pos sible, range stock wna gotten out to where grass could be found, while enough feed was on hand for domestio cattle. In valloys where stock could not bo gotten out to better locations, cattle and sheep went ou short ration for some time, but escaped after nominal loss, as warmer wethef came. Night were not severe after the storm, a con dition which also greatly helped. Sev eral thousand head of sheep and cattle perished, but the loss was probably not over one or two percent above nominal. Stock Escaped Severe Season. Athena Foothill stockman east and southeast of here have not stiBtahied nearly as severe stock losses a waa feared three weeks ago, when a sudden heavy snowfall with severe weather when feed was about run out, caused apprehension that hundreds of good cattlo would be lost. Snow is now out of the lower hills sufficiently to allow grazing, and no more will probably die. A it was, it is said 800 or 300 head, principally old cattle or thole in poorer condition, will cover the loss in tho moiNitain section, Young Trout at Clackamas Hatchery. Oregon City-In the last three month the government hatchery at Oregon City has received 500,000 trout egg from other government station located at Northville, Mich.; Manchester, la, and Leadville, Colo. The eggs, which include the Lake, Rainbow and Eastern brook varieties, have? all hatched otit and will be planted in the mountain streams of this state by July 1. These are the same varieties that have been placed in the Oregon streams. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 75c : bluestem, 82c; valley, 80S81c, export values. Barley l-eed, $13.50 per ton; rolled, )24.5025. Flour Valley, $3.9004.05 oier bar rel; bard wheat straights, $4(34 25; clears, $3.854.10; hard wheat pat ents, $4.404.70; graham, $3.50i4; whole wheat, $44.25;jye flour, $4.50. OatsNo. 1 white, $1.17fc1.20; gray, $!tl.lo per cental. MillstuiTs Bran, $1920 per ton; middlings, $25.5027; shorts, $20(3 21; chop, $18; linseed, dairy food, $19. Hay Timothy, $15016 per ton; clover, $10011; grain, $1112; cheat, $1112. Vcgnatbles Turnips, 80c per sack; carrots, 80c; beets, $1; cabbage, 2c; lettuce, bead, 2540c per dozen; parsley, 25c; cauliflower, $1.75;celory, 60S90c per dozen; squash, 2c per pound; cucumbers, $1.762 per dozen; asparag'is, 8c; peas, 6c per pound; rhubarb, 79c per pound; beans, 10c; onions, Yellow Danvers, $22.40 per sack. Honey $33.50 per case. Potatoes Fancy, $1.20(31.35 pee cental; common, 76c$l; new pota toes, 34c per pound; sweats, 5c per pound. e Fruits Stiawbcrries, $3.75 per crate; apples, fancy Baldwins and Spit zenbergs, $1.60(32.50 per boi; choiee, $1(31.50; cooking, 75c $1. Eggs Oregon ranch, 170 18c. Butter Sweet cream butter, 30c per pound; fancy creamery, 25c; choice creamery, 22)t24c; dairy and store, nominal. Butter Fat Sweet cream, 28 He; sour cream, 26 e. Poultry Chickens, mised, 1313e per pound; springs, small, 20c; hens, 13j14c; turkey, live, 16Si7c; dressed, 18-t20c; ducks, $8(3 9 per doz en; geese, live, 8c per pound. Cheese Full cream, twins, 1213c; Young America, 14 15c. Hops 1903 crop, 2325c per pound. Wool Valley, 1617c; Eastern Ore gon, 12014c; mohair, 3031c per pound for ahoice. Beef Dressed, 57c per pound. Mutton Dressed, 67C per ponnd; spring lambs, 8c. Veal Dressed, 6i7)c per pound. Pork Dressed, 7)8c per pound. . i 1 i i i o 3 i 3 A -:.