The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 14, 1904, Image 2

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    "Kood K.ver Slacier.
There if talk that Hood River ihould
have a big Fourth of July celebration
this year. Hood River will have a great
many convention! of one kind and an
other on hand thia summer, and the peo
ple must not undertake to do too much.
The Glacier believe it would be a good
plan to call a public meeting of those
interested in a celebration, talk over
I the cost of this and other eventa to the
i business men of the town, and if suc
cessful, self-sustaining celebration can
be held, let'i have one. Lota of people
could be brought here and they would
leave loti of money. Hood River will
have the Northwest Nurserymens' an
nual meeting the first week in June; the
G. A. R. two weeks later; the biennial
fruit fair and the Oregon Editorial aseo
ciation about the last week In Septem
ber; while $2,000 have already been
, raised for a base ball club. If Hood
River ia to celebrate the Fourth let
those who have to put up . for it meet
and talk the matter over. The Glacier
' will do all it can toward making the
affair a success If undertaken.
The govern mant forestry service lost
an efficient supervisor in the dismissal
of Mr. Isenberg. ' There wai perfect
harmony between him and the aheep
and stock men to whom grazing privil
eges are ganted, a condition unlike the
dissatisfaction in other parts of Oregon
His perfect system of fire patrol saved
thousands of dollars of timber. If the
the government hasn't made a selection
, for iis successor no man better qualified
eiuld be found than Adolph Ascli
off, who waa Mr. Lien berg's chief ranger
last summer, and who has been acting
supervisor the past two months. The
Glacier would be pleased to see the ap
pointment go to Mr. Aschoff.
The directors of the Hood River school
district find that additional room will
be required this fall to accommodate
the children of the school district More
than likely a new school house will have
, to be huilt. The directors are desirous
of securing opinions from the patrons of
the school as to what sort of a building
should be put up, location, etc. The
Glacier will be glad to publish sugges
tions any one has to offer on the matter,
The question cannot be agitated too
toon now, as the annual meeting comes
along In June.
The Wasco county democratic convex
tion, Saturday, couldn't make a better
nomination for school superintendent
than the endorsement of J. T. Nell, the
republican nominee. This is an office
where political beliefs are not the strong'
eat qualifications.
J- J 1
Moitler Items.
Continued from Pg 1 1.
wear a snuie, as the prospects are
. bright for a bountiful harvest in all
C. A. Cramer is down from Baker
City, he wants to lease his ranch on
' Jw osier creek for a term of years.
Odell Notes.
Spring, with all it means, with its
verdure and its ilowers, and its genial,
warm rays of sunshine has suddenly
burst forth upon us like the visit of an
angel, breathing upon us with its soft,
balmy breath, an inspiration that if
cultivated will accomplish wonders. The
book of nature unfolds many wonderfully
mysterious things, that furnish us lea
sous, which if read and understood,
would make us wise unto salvation in
many ways. Coining to Us with its gen
tle touch, wooing and beckoning for
ward and outward to heights not yet at
tained; ever pointing us forward and
not backward. The green hills of pleas-
lire and happiness are not far ahead
could we only understand aright the i
problem of life. To exist. Is I
noming, out io live a Jito he
' coming that of manly men, that finally
leads up to a crown, is well worth the
struggle. Nature furnishes us abundant
lessons that should prompt us to a hiurh-
er and a better lite. Nowhere iu the
.Northwest can be found a nicture in na.
ture that is more uplifting to those who
reau as tnev run than In the
valley of Hood River, with its smiling
nine vaies, surrounded with evergreen
hills, whose summits are pinnacled with
snow-crowned mountains piercing the
heavens; with its crystal springs and
pure, cold streams coursing their way
through the valley, it rounds up a peer
less picture and renders it possible for
many permanent, happy homes.
Professor Thompson and family of
Harrett Sent Sunday at their Willow
Flat ranch. Last Sunday was the be
ginning of the pleasure seekers from
town. There were wheels and horse
men and hacks and buggies passing the
Little White Store to and fro all day
long. The day waa an ideal one and
many took advantage of it for an outing.
Odell and the adjacent country offers
allurements hard to beat. Ice cream
was called for.
Beautiful hyacinths and English vio
lets are now blooming In perfection in the
nower garuon oi the Uttle White Btore,
while the surrounding hills are rich
with the fragrance of wild flowers.
Chris Dethman and family spent
cunuay at vt imam MircK s.
Mr. Clark and family, who recently
came from Kansas, were guests of James
.'.... ... I....
"Kb"1 onu ntiv iaet ciiiuunr.
John K.Roberts is here from Portland
for a three weeks' stay. He is making
goou use oi ins time ana is always wel
come here.
Road district 7, comprising Odell and
going north to the top of the Davidson
mil nau ihe use ot the grader Thursday
and under the supervision of Supervisor
11. u. urocnett, the Uavidson lull is in
'better condition than it has been for
years. 1 he valley needs another grader
and until another one is secured the
work cannot be done as it should be. Jt
Is up to the county to furnish another
Hood River is on the map and should be
i .men care oi. ii not, it might become
necessary to see about organising
county of our own.
' G. J, Edgington, who has a home
stead ou the hills back of Dukes vallev
on the plains of Gillhoold, reports a foot
oi snow on portions of his place. With
i ne thermometer at (Hi here it seems
queer that we are so near the snow line.
Ihe Wren sisters from Portland were
up to their homestead, last week, but in
order to get to it were compelled to wade
through snow a loot deep. They brought
uieir nerve anu weni inrougn,returnlng
Miss Nancy Cooper of The Dalles
also came up to her homestead, last
week, near the Steele place on the Mount
nooa roao. ,
The Odell brothers made their occa
sional trip to Pete Odell 's homestead,
last week.
Work horses are in big demand now.
The work comes all at once in the spring
here, and several teams could easily
find work here.
Mount Hood Notes.
Bprlng has actually come at last.
All lh hayaeed are buiy at work getting
ready t put In their crops and make garden.
Roy llenaon got bark with a team from
bunh gram, where lie went to get a team to
go logging. He report hone very high
prtoed, especially good team. '
Davenport Hro. have about twenty men at
work putting In a dam at tlielr mill and log
ging aim,,
'The Mount Hood boys effected a temporary
organisation loot Hnnday and sent a eballenge
to the (Well nine for a game of baae ball up
here next Hunday, and if they do them uu.
our boy won't look for any more small Hull;
nothing smaller than Hoattl or Han Fran
claco need apply. Will give namea and sta
tion later.
The democratic primary resulted In theae
lecllonof W. 11. liurkee a delegate lo the
county convention. W. H. Durkae wa nom
inated for Justice of the peace and John Hie
for constable.
O. M. Wlshart sold V acres of hi 40 acres
laat Haturday, but we could not learn who
wa the purchaser. George will soon be out
of a ranch at that rale.
Joseph ifolden. when asked about the road
lat Haturday on bl arrival with the mall.
said tbey are One where you can get down to
mem, nut mere are some ,piac altogether
sunken or drowned Iu mud. Never mind,
Joe, they will be better before long.
Belmout Clippings.
Mr. Weld, mother of Mrs. II. F. Barrett, ha
oome back to Hood River to stay during berry
Mis Finagle Phelps will twh a three
month' term of school at Mount Hood.
Mr. I.lnrtae and daughter Olica returned
from Portland, Tueaday, where they ipent
The men who are repairing flume have
bull! a new Upturn In front of M. Jl. Nick
eleen's. L. V. Nealelgh or Harriaorabbl baa sold hi
(arm; consideration ll,JU.
J. B. King haa been plowing some lahd for
Mr. Andrew, near Charle Chandler place.
Mrs. T. Q. Undue of Aalrfrla, who Tlalted
Mr. A. 1). Llndae fur a month, haa returned
to ber home.
Mr, Andrew ex pneta to leave till eek for
bl home In Eaal Urand Fork, Minn.
C. a. Metcalf la erecting a new dwelling.
Little Ruth Nicholson 1 on the sick llt.
Ml Alice Church Is ataylng In town "with
Mr. and Mr. Turner.
Mr. Hohnan. some ladlea and ehlldmn were
out driving on the Belmont road laat Friday
neruooli. In front of M. H. Nlckelaen1
place the ponle became frightened and tart-
ed to run, and had it not been for Mrli
Inenuerg, who caught the borne, there might
have been a aerlou accident. ..
Mr. 8. 8. Noteman haa returned from Pen.
dleton, where he ha been for the pant winter.
Church Notices.
Pins Grave Congregational. Rev. J. I..
Herahner will preach at Pine O rove on Htiu
day afternoon at S:ttll o'clock.
Belmont Chapel. Mundav school at 10 a. m..
followed by claa meeting. League at 1 p, in.,
fnl lowed by preaching at S. Hubleot of league,
la ininainrming power oi unriat," Leader,
rl Blavlock. Excellent mimic will be fur.
nlalied for theae service. Midweek prayer
meeting Thursday eveuliia. at It. All who do
not attend elsewhere are cordially Invited to
the service.
Congregational, Rev. J. I.. Herahner. na-
tor. Preaching ervlct'wlll be conducted
next Hunday at 11 a. in. end. 8 d. m. Hul
Jeot at the morning service will be, "Ha Hu
manity fteapondeu lornrlat? " (J hrlatlan En.
deavor aervloe at 7 p. in. Subject, "How
Chrtat tranalurm Uvea." Hunday school at
HI a.m., with A. 13. Hlaten, uperlntendent.
All are Invited, especially atrangera In our
Bunt 1st Hervloe will be held In (ami I.
chael'a hall, Hunday, AprilcW, al 11 a. m.. by
Rev. D. U Duium.
Valley Christian.-Preaching both morning
ad evening by the paalor. A. II. Caah will
preach at Union church al 11 a. in. Weahould
be glad lo see a large attendance at the Hllile
school next Hunday morning. A. A. beery,
Unitarian. Corner Mate afreet and Park
avenue; W. U. Kllnt. Jr., in In later in charge.
Hunday chool at 1(1. Her vice at II a. m.
Hubjeut of e mon, "The Recent Utteranoe of
t'aniiu lienaon of England,' '
Christian Tabernacle. Sunday nchool In
Carinichael' hall at :U m. in. A. II. Cauli.
Methodist. Preachlno- at It a. m. and 7 n.m
W. V. Kvana, paalor. Habhath acliool al 10
a. m. Kpworlh Leagtis atSi'iu p. in.
United Brethren. Hiituluv ac.hool hl in u rn.
Harmon by paalor at II a. m. and al 7:W p. in.
Junior at 8 p. in.- Henlor I'. K at 7 i in. 'rar
er aud pralae meetlna Weilueail ,v eveninir ut
4-.h ntaniiii evnnguiiaiie aervictia at the Hun
day and Wedneauay evening mi'ctliui. All
invited! A imwIuI Inv l on to the newcom
er in our midst, rl. C. Mlialler, pualor.
l.lllliMruil Mj.rvlenii na.l Hiih.v A n.l I 1
at tiia Advent olumh. Humlay miIkkiI at i
n.i nreacning at 8 n. m. t atechlamiil In.
striictlou next Saturday, 10 a. in. tl. J, Kolb,
Card of lliaulin.
A. E. Lane and ramllv deal re to thank the
Kind menu, anu me Menominee l.ninlier i'n
and their ueonle eaneehillv. for their aaalat.
iiiiiw during the late fatal accident that befell
Mrs. U i: uay al Menominee, April 4.
Advt-rtlHtitl letter List.
April 4, 1004.
Hanley, Mr Mabelte Hrown, E V
Androa, Win Maloue, Thna
Berg, Kdinond, care Mtinlon, John
. Ml Uood Li Co No 1 Hleplieuaou, I) H
April 11, ltinl.
Cooper, M,s l.lssle Oemmll, Orron
H.lUIrt l t.ltiu. I ll.lujl Alk...
Anderon,Aiidera,aan rare Fred Woatell.UT
Rtirne, K A Hmith, lloy R
Cooper, J W Wright, M J
WM. M. Y.VTKH, P. M.
vel (or well ealabhahed liouaa In a low nn,n.
lie, calling on retail merchant and agent.
meal wrritory. Haiary W!0 per week with
penaea additional, all payable In raah each
wee. Money lor eipanae advanced. fol-
tion permauem. iiuaintiaa aiicctiaMrul and
mailing. Manufacturer and Wholesaler.
ii'it. i, unru mwir, ny ininriarn fi., t nieiiifo.
Qo-Cart for Sale.
Cheap. Call at Htewart'a atore, or see
m MHS. A. A. J YNK.
Hay for Sale.
Treiber will Buv
Two or three good rreah eow. Write de
scription aua price to u, J, Trvlber, Hiaid
iviver, KIT. UM
100 Cherry Trees, 2
Itmbert and lllug.
For aale by
Apples of Gold.
old wlien you aull; gold medal when you
exhibit. We have the land; no better In the
vaiiey; wiinin a nine oi me Hnoth orchard,
which took a gold medal al Ruttulo: ill acre
unimproved, $10 per acre. No aaviil. Write
Air team u meet yon, or call at farm 7 mile
1 BJipllC
Teams Wanted.
Apply to Farmer' Irrigating Co.
al4 K. N. I1KNHON, Manager.
A bunch of key attached to a chain. Finder
will pleaa leave at Mount Mood Lumber Co'
tore anu get reward.
VI term or stmmi aut)lt lit mi 4 ntiiM nh ah
ruuai mm, i uiu uruvtj ih'Ihni nnitiw. Call on
Hood Htver, Or,
$1.60 Books for 60c.
at) DODUlar boob A. Mich am " i'iwvi.1 rn. eic,. Riwetun. a I ho. h anm v u
viiMiiiuvrv cncyciuwuiii i ii. Tor net.
'a it. U, WH Ar KKli,
Strawberry Plants.
Flrat-claaa strawberry uliinta tor aale at II Ml
pei i.Ko. m. ti. Kitivt.iJii'.w, lielinotil.
For Rent."
(mod rami bouae. ft mnnu well liuMtbl
n w oiue, one mu a'iin narrett aotiool
ntiuae. fepermonin. aihhv to fratber In.
venimenitAk.orai Ml. Hood notel.
On Oak street.
Hatuniav evenln1. a natr nf
r inner win we rewarded oy leav-
ig t nem at nartmeaa' store.
For Sale.
i Rain wgon and team harnem, all gtiol
uvw, air iu vuvwp. M. Al. MUT1,
I Fred H. Miller I
kWon our Free RouniJ Trip Ticket to
The wheat crop for
customer-) who guessed
Fred II. Miller, 037,545,000 '
William l'log, 031,200,000
Wm. II. Andross, 026,540,000
Isabel IMllings, 049,060,578 .
Perry Chrisman, 054,533,432
We are sorry all our customers could not get a free round trip ticket,
but you have another chance. Here it is:
$12,000 Given Away in Cash!
One Thousand dollars a month to the one making the nearest correct
estimate of the total monthly qash receipts of the St. Louis post office any
month from March, 1904, to February, 1905, inclusive. Prizes awarded:
' To the nearest; f 500 "if '; To the Fifth, $25 ' .'
To the Second, 200 X-' -' ' . To the Sixth, $15
To the Third, $100'
To the Fourth, $50
The above is to be given away by Hamilton & Brown Shoe Co., the lar
gest shoe house in the world. A guess given with every purchase of Ameri
can Lady or American Gentleman shoes. For further particulars call and
get a booklet explaining everything. o
We need more room and have several odds and ends in Jhe shoe line that
we are going to close out. There is nothing wrong with these shoes but the
price, which" is too low.
to our Clothing department we will sell you Saturday only a Boy's Two
Piece Suit, 60c.
East Side Grade Im
Hood River, or. Hid will be received lip to
April HO, mil, at t'lii county clerk a ofllce, The
liullrat, Or,, for the Improvement of the KaHt
Hide wagon road grade, Hood lltver, by grav
eling ald road a illatnnce of ttJtl feet.
l'hma and HptM'ttlcatloiia may be aeen at the
county clerk' ofllee and with County Com
mlaaloner H. J. Ilihliartl, Himd River, Or.
By order of the (,'uiity Court.
Indian Eye" Medicine.
Made of roolNouly. Will cure illaeaaea of
the eye In a abort time and at amall coat. It
cured the eye of MlaaTnriieHelcy, Mr. Hum
phrey, Mm) Mary t'aratena and Mrs. M. H.
Miller. Price tffiu a bottle. Hold by Mrs. K.
( aralena, aoullieuat corner ball ground, Hood
River, Or. WM
8 Acres for Sale.
Rlx wren iet Ut Btrawberrtn( balHnoe In do
ver: fruit for fuiully uh; a-riHin houtte, burn
una other Improvement. mllcK from town
on HflriKnit road, In bout uurt of nlrawlnrry
HtM!llon. ulo li. J, MULiHirttt.
Tuesday night at opera lion, round
, gold
locket, containing abtmo uhotoaof four girt.
Kinder will plcuae return lo thia ottlteor to
r.. it, nrauiuy. B7
For Sale.
One Jersey cow
horaea. a7
and calf and 4 big work
Fine Horse for Sale3.
Norman Htalllon, 4 year old May aft. Per
fectly gentle. Weight IMl. Price ftluO. A
splendid animal. H'or aale by
am ROUT. PRIKND, Moaler, Or.
Dr. M. A.
OIIH'C In dJin
gllle Uldg.
Ilrtnli fllVKM
Wrlll be In lliwid River ITrlH.v. uml Hume.
Wanted, Fruit
List your Fruit Ijtnils with ua in tli
lloniesoekers (lutile if vou want t II
them. We advertise the iniiile in over
a hastern and Middle West paper.
Send for the Homeseukers' Guide.
70 Flral Street
Portland, (a?
Look at This
8 acre lust otitalilo pltv limits: nil
fenwl and unltr the plow $1,250
70aeri's 2 mill's from town; will la;
atild entire or In ainiill lota, Tcrins to
suit nurohiMer. Kerly all umler ctil
livauon; wrrli'S anil luomlow.
3. 40 Boies, IS, miles from city HuiKs
apples, peara ami mearlnw; apple or
rliuriHu full benrliifr; 2si acres of pears
lairo io urns nt iruii; new rutin
house with Imih and pantry ami
large altlc Moored, could be llnMu'il
Into bed rooms. An ideul sum
4. Two 10-iieie tiniMs berry land 3 miles
irom town, mi nmln routl; fvneed and
under t'ultivutlnii. IVIee J00 per mere.
5. 82 acres 1 mile from town, nearly nil
in wrnes. tne oi the txwl tiuys In
uie rniiry ami im niieretl eheap for
short time.
0. 40 acres 4 miles out; nil under culti
vation; consUiiug of npilos, larrin
nnd clover Mntiii
iiw acres a nines nu( ; no Improve
ments; willliesold cheap; is In the
famous apple belt, all under lJone's
dll. h. Investeia will do well to look
this up.
40 acres 4 miles out: all In clover?
under Bone's dllch ; plenty of water.
Will pay IiIr per will of pnrcha
price una year.
House anil 2 lots on the hill.
10. liotiaeand 4 lola neiii' seliool house.
11. 2S0 acres at Trout Like. Fine hsv
and stock farm.
12. 20 acres In Willow Kbit: crotind
ready for trees: small house.
18. t!6 aores 4 miles from town: fina nr.
enarn ana larre new house.
Several deainible residentv lots: aim
house and 2 lots In a dealrable location.
For further Information, see
Hood River, Oregon.
lOO-'i was C'17,821,8-55. Following in a-list of our
in the 000,000,000 class: -
J. A. Thompson, G.'i4,550,000 .
Claude Andrews, G4r,2r,0,000
Fred Games, 647,522,000
J. W. Metcalf, 600,000,000
Mrs. J. E. Hanna, 675,323,005
" ' To the Seventh, $10
. ' , To the 8th to 27th $5 each .
To Introduce You
200,000 Strawberry
Plant for aale at Sl.00 per 1000 on my ranch fi
miles roulli of Hood lltver, Kust Hide, All
plunts grown on new stalk.
a28 M. C THORN.
Cow for Sale.
A No. 1 cow. Inquire of Mr. Owen, on the
old Warren farm at Frank ton. al4
Fornale. Inqntieat the livery t0ble. ni2l.
Fruit Dryer for Sale.
Capacity 10 ton fruit a day. In a fine Irult
country. Hood place to start cannery In con
nection. Will e!l at reaaoiiahle price.
nw PH JiJNtWtJr, Or.
All outstanding warrant held agatnat
Hchool District No. 8 should be presented at
once. Interest will atop after this date, April
7, 1WI4. a7 C. fc. 11KMM AN, Clerk.
Dry Slab Wood
For sale; Vl.ftt a cord, delivered, If taken at
i. i. . .
Charles R. Spencer.
Past time between The Dalle and Portland. Htanier leaves The DaMes Tuesdav
Thursdays and Haturtlays, at 7 a. m.; arriving at Portland at 2 p. m. ' '
leyes Portland Monday, Wednesday aud Friday, at 7 a. m.; arriving
At 1 he Dalle at 3 p. m.
Mopping at Vancouver, Wnahongal Caacade I.ock, Htevenaon, Oaraon. St. Martin'
Uprlngs, CnlHna, White Hahnon. Hood River and Lyle, for both freight and passenger.
Landing at Hie Dulles, f.K)i of Union st; at Portland, foot of Oak st. Capt. K. W. (.eiieml Miinager, Portland. FASHION HTAH1.KH, Agent, Hood River
Get Your Easter Hat.
Of Mme. Abbott, on Hood Itiver Heights, where
she has an elaborate display of the latest designs
brought direct from Eastern wholesalers. Come
arid look over my new stock.
. Now is the Accepted Time.
Get your Spray Material of
And you can depend
wsaatfTi i us fi,, 1 1 ,i , m. i Tit iriaummmmmmmmmimm
R. B. -.BRAGG & CO.
CM o
the Worlds Fain
Bridle Lost.
Prom Mount Hood mail wagon, on March
28, between Vie KashlonHtableundpostomce.
Return to Kaahlon Htable aud receive reward.
Lewis Poultry Yards.
Kggii from heavy laying Black Mlnorcas, tl
per lo, or Ii. j(l per .10.
Jyl RALPH R. 1.KWIB, Belmont
40 Acres for Sale.
Two miles from White Balmon P. (). on
county road:20 in cultivation, aeeded to clover.
wheat and barley: 400 bearing fru II trees; wa-
ww fieiuy-, goou uouae ano uarn. rnce K.iaju.
Horse for Sale.
Mure 6 year old; weight abnnt 1,200.
al F. C. HTOUT. Belmont.
For Sale.
At Little White Htoretl McycrsHpray Pump,
eoinplete nod ready for work; 1 California
Disc Cut Away, Al for orchard cultivation;
t 1'2-lnch Plow; 1 Hubsoll Plow; 1 Double Hliov
el Plow; 1 hand cultivator. Pricea are right
on all ilieae art Idea,
on it being GOOD.
Timber lnd, Act June 1 1878.1
United Btatea Land Office, Th Dalles, Ore
gon. February 4, WW. Notice I hereby given
Ibat in compliance with the provision of the
act of congrea of June 8. '.H7, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber land in the state of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," aa extended to all toe public land
abites by act of A uguat 4, im,
of Centralia, county of Lewla. atale of Wash
ington, ha, on August 22, tiled In thl
office hi sworn statement, No. 21rj, tor the
purcbaaeof the HWJ4 of section No.27,ln town
ship No. t north," range No. V east, W. M., and
will offer proof to bow Ibat the land sought
la more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and toeatabllab bis
claim to said land before Geo. T. Prather,
V. H. Commissioner, at his office at Hood
Hiver, or., on 'Thursday, the 14th day of
April, 1904.
lie name aa witnesses: J. T. Dagley, J. A.
Stranahan, Albert K. Btranahan and W. Bos
Wtnans, all of Hood Hiver, Orron.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said
14th day of April, 1S04.
fllal4 MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Register.
In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon
for Wasco County. .
Frank" Davenport, plaintiff, vs. Frank C.
Wilson, defendant.
To Frank C. Wilson, the defendant above
named: . -
You are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against you In th'
above entitled suit In the above-named court
on or before theexpiratlon of six week from
the date of the first publication nf this sum
mons; and you are hereby notified that If yoa
fail to so appear and answer the aald com
plaint that Judgment and decree will betaken
against you for the relief prayed for In said
complaint, to wit: Judgment for the sum of
2ii0, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from October , 19U0, and for
the further sum of 'i0 as attorney's fees In
this suit, and for the cos la and disbursements
of thl suit, snd a decree foreclosing the mort
gage mentioned In said complaint, and di
recting that the real premises therein men
tioned be sold on execution, and that the pro
ceeds of such aale be applied jo payment or
the coat and expense or such sale and of Ibis
suit, and to the satisfaction nf such sum as
may be found due the plaint iff In this suit, In
cluding the said attorney's fee and 15.50 paid
by plaintiff for taxes on aald mortgaged
This summons Is served by publication for
six consecutive week In lie Hood lllver
Glacier, a newspaper of general circulation,
published In said Wasco county, pursuant lo
an order directing such publication, made by
Hon. W. L. Bradahaw, Judge of the above
named court, which aald order is dated on
the mb day of March, 104, and the diit of
the flral publication hereof Is April 7, im.
a7m)2 A.A.J AYNK, Atty for Platntl .
Notice la hereby given that the survey of
uiwiieiiipo nonnoi range neaat oi Willamette
meridian has been accepted by the Honorable
Commissioner of the General Land Office;
that the plat i f said township will be filed In
the United States Land office at Vancouver,
Washington, on May 25, luoi; and that on and
efter said date the Register and Receiver will
be prepared to receive applications for the
entry of lands embraced In said township,
from qualified applicants, who bave a prefer
ence right, by settlement made urior to lie.
cember !fz, una; the date of the withdrawal of
aaia townsnip, included in a proposed forest
reserve. H. C. PHILLIPS,
Register V. 8. land Office, Vancouver, Wash.
Hated March 24, 1U04.
Public Sale
At my ranch at Blngen, Wash., on Thursday,
April 2d, 1904, and continuing from day today
until sale is completed. Following personal
properly, towlU
12 head of horaea and colts; I heavv 8 skein
wagon, 1 covered back, 1 Racine s seated
hack, 2 buggies, 8 moweia. 1 Oaborne Hay
Rake, 1 Keystone grain drill, 1 12-diso Key
stone harrow and seeder, 1 cultivators, 1 8
horse power, 1 power Jack, 1 cutting box, 1
cider mill; 1 portable blacksmith forge; I flour
chest; 14 kegs nails; 1 lot of fruit crates; the
followlng.dalry implements: 2 DeLavalle sep
arators; i butter workers: 1 churn; 8 doicn
butter tubs; 1 Babcock butter te-ter with
acids; butter moulds, milk cans etc; 1 Ltpht
nlng hay press: 2 seta double harness; 1 road
scraper; 2 hay forks; dozen butter boxes; 2
chandeliers aud lamps, and a large quantity
of farm and household goods too numerous to
be specified.
Terms of Hale Sums under 30, csh; over
that amount, one year's time at 8 per cent,
with not with approved security.
Refreshments on the grounds.
. , A. R. BYRKETT.
R. Adams, Auctioneer.
4 Tracts of Land
for Sale.
AS acres, 10 or 12 cleared and nearly all set to
8 1 ft w twj x x i eft
33 acres. 25 tillable; S aorea cleared; 875 per
acre for tillable part, balance will be donated
w purv-iiaser.
20 acres, partly cleared. 870 ner acre.
15 acrea, all cleared; splendid improvements.
Whole Dlace aet to tmni snrl Htrtu,hii.,Aa
These placrS are located liom one to five
mil s out, under the East Fork Irrigating
w " ui;n. x mo noi a real eBiate agent out i
tanner living 5 miles out and am offcrin
these properties for non-resident friend. 1
you are Interested in any way, don't hesitate
to aak questions. The list mny contain ex
actly whut you want, or your friends who are
coming to nooa ttiver, are looking for. Call
on. write to or phone R. E. HARBIHON,
Phone 8411. Hood River, Or
For Sale.
My residence on Sherman avenue; 8-room
nouae witn oain; lot luuxiriu feet. Price tw.tXIO,
Brick building and lot occupied by R. B.
Bragg ft Co. and post office. Sli.iNXI. Address
U. B. Marshal's office, Portland, Or.
Eggs for Sale.
ronghbred Butrorpington and Buff Leg
15, per setting fl.eo.
35 Acres
s or sale at a bargain; on tbe road to Mount
Hood; giHid apple land; nine, healthy location
for a bouse by the roadside. Inquire on the
preioinea. mti J. r. tl 1 1.1 J-i J KOM
Strawberry Plants.
i nave about 100,000 flrsUclasa strawberry
plant for sale. Also land, from one acre to
For Sale.
Pomona Spray Pump, with barrel, push cart
uu univauinu laua, an in gooa condition.
4-room. house and one lot; now rent for 88 a
month. Price $'X). Inquire at Ulacier office
m oi u. i. mope. git
Bronze Turkey Eggs.
rornaiemng, 10 for 81 .00. For aale by Mr.
i. m. ivmyrain,, oipm place, It. r LI.INO. ii.
480 Acres Timber.
r ' ' .T. . ., uvea
iit.taju.uiiu hi in.miMMH rei. itnmn... nao
LHIVeillHiri B new nil I Nile I sa Hum. .1.
ec.nj uuiii. ummgn tract t-nce sv.uuo cash
Lia'k box 154, Hood River, Or.
Hay for Sale.
House to Rent.
Apply to r& Q. D. WOODWORTH.
All Who are detlnnnnt nn M, r c i
Irrigating Co. Mareh is. liau iii h. i.. ...
Interest at tbe rale of 10 ner pent, ner .nn,,.
aner Maren 15 until paid. By order of dl-
. L. ISYABS. Hec'v.
Horses for Sale.
Five head farm hnnuw wAi.hi. I tiwi in i nut
To Let.
Inquire of ,m31 8.' E. BARTM
r imi r ui inn nuimi in ipi nantra u-
Two girl for honwwork. Apply to
mlO A. R. BYRKETT. Blngen. Waah.
Bicycle for Sale.
Brand new coaster brake R
Wilt sell for IU0. RAY I.MBLEIt.
" R. F. I. No. 5.
Team for Sale
Good well broke team. hnv an hamu.-
tor aale. Pricea very reasonable. 1 mini re at
Ulacier office. -ji
80 Acres
For sale. So the leai lf mill. Inn.l. ft l..
the beat commerclaJ varieties 4 aboil ready
to aeu remainder verv eMiiv rirH.
spring, with sufficient water to Irrigate five
acres of strawberries.- new cttmru h..nuA
and other outbuildings. I'iIcb : cash
tali on or address owner on premises,! mile
out on Kat Side. Thl land laaliaated in the
famous apple bell of Hood River.
a21 L. A.HERM AN. K. F. P. No. .
10 Acres for Sale.
I am offering for gale my 10 acres, wll I in
B roved, 3 miles south of town, on the Mount
ood i road. or particulars, call at my place
K. E. BAflfev. '
Real Estate
For Sale
' - AT ' '
Money to loan. -
Hanna house and lot, $2,000. . '
1. Lots iu Waucoma Park addition
$150. . ,
Corner lot in front of school house
2. Eligible residence lots !n Spangler's
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$125; terms easy, Installment plan.
3. Sixty acres good cultivatable land
on Rock creek, six miles southeast of
Hood River. Price $700. Terms easy.
4. 320 acres of timber land al the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit land;$4000.
8. 160 acref at White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
9. The b-acre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Renshaw place;
all Improved; hew buildings, etc.
160 acres, house and garden patch,
located 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Trice $900. - ,
The Hunt place mile southwest of
town. Houso, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
Rivor Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
Tickets to and from Europe.
PersoiiB desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points iu Europe or South
Africa may secure the same from John
L. Henderson, who is agent for the
Beaver line of steamships.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and after this date, April 9, 1903,
the rates will bo as follows : $10 a day ;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Furnished room to rent.
Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2
story hooeej $1,400.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,600, including 3 lots.
For Sale. 40 acres near Monnt Hood
post office, (rood land $700 cash 30
days, only. J. Leland Henderson.
For Rent For a term of ten years,
the two lots on State street, back of
Bartmess' and the Paris Fair. Rental,
$120 a year for the two,
For Sale The 50 cre strawberry farm
owned by A. E. Lake and others, on
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw-"
berriei in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several' buyers to go in to
gether aud each Becure a part. Must all
be sold at once. Terms half or more cash.
' For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. R. Galligan; 00 acres
30 eleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, small cottage, new
barn ; all fenced. Price $10,000. A
brook runs through ranch. Easy terms;
telephone; rural delivery. Four miles
from Hood River.
Two goat ranches on mountain east
of valley on county road. One, $1,000;
the others $1,200; each has small house,
running water, and is fenced. Terms,
easy. '
Rooms to rent in city.
Unfurnished house to rent,
city. Good for stoie or office.
Center of
Mrs. Clark's acres on the hill for
sale or rent; house $10 a month, with
land $15; selling price $1,500; renter
must take subject to sale.
My own house opposite Savage's hard
ware store, occupied by Mrs. Jayne is
for rent; suitable for office or shop.
The 10 acres owned by H. S. Lewis at
Belmont, improved, with buildings
farm implements, furniture, stock, etc.!
$3,000; the bare place. 2.500: i kisi
or more cash ; balance on time, 0 per ct.
Notary Public and Real Es
tate' Agent.
9llec""n" aua Conveyancing Fire
and Life Insurance In the best companies.
meuograpny and Type Writing.
Oak Ht hood River.
Health Resort
tlon. Central radiation point for Ml. Hood.
Will .' r?Ul "8hln and """ting grounds
Will II t tract lArvA nn rnnaM if... i j
.ndlWttfair. Hce or write W. R. wman on
the prein sea or at Hood River. Or. Fhone 671.
Also, choice fruit lands, lanre or small
A brown ririnh,p.fu.xri nn .
tween Idiewllde cemetery and J. L. Carter
nr.K.f lock"'''-, "lnW please leave at
-: .,.iKr. m rs. u. f. ua K I n .
Shoemaker P. Rocks.
I have thorons'hhnwi iu.nwU..k
ens direct from Xhoemaker farmln Illinois!
tgir for sale st !l.eii per aettina o? l" i",uo",
J UjWRCjAN, Moaler, Or.
Oasoline Ene-ino
For sale cheap; 1 horse power; nearly new
Ml' .i.'
... v. V I ..
I wish to Inform th t nr It. ... m
next to Mctiulre. meat mnrket.atid preiwri-.f
lo do their dremaklng and fine sewing I
have also a few furnished room to rent to de-
. -.. . M ni-u iu (HQ JHCHSnn fell till nr
- situ, k. c. t l.AKK.
Strawberry Plants.
I have for sale one Io2o,oou piirel
Una planta, warranted llrat r,iu7ii. fr,..'7w!?-"
it growth from m
n .,i ., . , " c
n,,,jnK alm ueaiin,
i.v, at my pine Ht
miteo. waali.
To Rent.
I have c.incluried to rent out about ino acres
?.H"i.Jinch ";ttwberrv Hn-,n Pt h l"
n t "" J',r "nv '"ath of time, from
0 to aa yeara. Tht la the he.t atrawberv n,
01 int., Uii.l In the Hood River country and
in ihe early bell. Free water In abunmince.
''"P Of addreT, ne
Blngen, Wash. ra A. IVBYRKEIT
Eggs for Hatching.