The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 14, 1904, Image 1

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v i Ay
t.i 'in, ,n aq
Issued every Thursday by
8. P. BLYTHB SON, PubHahere.
Terme of subscription ll.M year when paid.
m advance.
The pcetoftlce la open dally between lam.
at d 7 p. m.; Sunday mm 12 to 1 o'clock. Mailt
I. r the East close at 12:'J0 a. n. and t p. mi lor
the Weat at7:lua. m. andl:40p.m.
The carrier, on R. V. U. routes No. I and No.
J leave toe poetoHlee at 8:80 daily. Mail learn
For Mt. Hood, dally at U:UU m.i arnvee,
10:211 a. m.
For Chenoweth, Wah., at 7:80 a. m. Tuea
dave, Thursdays end baturdaya; arrival aame
daya at 6 p. m.
For Underwood, Waah.. at 7:80 a. m. Toee
daya, Thursday! and baturdaya; arrlvea aame
daya at 8 p. m. .
For While Salmon, Waah., dally at 2:46 p, m.;
arrlvea at 11 a. m.
For Hood River daily at a. m.i arrive! at
ForHusum, Trent Lake and Guler, Waah.,
daily at 7;H0a. m.i arrlvea at 111 m.
For Olenwood, oilmer and Fulde, Waah.,
dally at 1 :80 a. in. : arrive, at 8 p. m.
ForPinettat and Hnowden, Waah., at 11:80
a. m. Tuesday! and Baturdaya; arrlvea aame
daya, 10:80 a. ro.
For Bin. en, Waah., dally at 4:18 p. m.; ar
rlvea at 8.-46 a. m.
U PENUO. Meeta the Second and Fourth
Frldava of the month. Visitor! cordially wel
comed. F. U. Brouui, Counsellor.
Mine Njelli Cum, Becretary.
J Union No. 142. meeta in Odd Fellowa' hall
aecond and lourth baturdaya in each month,
7 :8U o'clock. K. L. Rood, President.
0. U. Daiin, Secretary.
vrnon htvkr. ('AMP. No. 7.702. M. W. A..
il meeta in K. of P. Hall every Wedneaday
M. M. Ruaaiix, V. C.
Dakik, Clerk.
HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 770, w. O. w., meeta
on first and third Tuesday of each month
In Odd Fallow Hall.
A. C. Btatkn, C. U.
F. H. Blago, Clerk.
WAUCOMA LOIKiE, No. 80, K. of P., meets
in K. of P. Hall every Tuesday night.
In K. of P. Hall ever'
C. H. Jimkinb, 0. C.
C. E. HUM an, K. of R. & 8.
A A meeta second and fourth luesday even-
inaaoreach month. Visitor! cordially wel
comed. Thbkbsk Cartnkh, W. M.
Mas. Maey B. Davidson, becretary.
trnnn river CIRCLE.
No. 624, Women ot
ll U'nndrraft. meeta at K. of P.
Hall on the
first and third Fridays of each month.
Hklen Norton, Guardian Neighbor.
Nellie Hollowell, Clerk.
CAN BY I'OST, No. 16, G. A. R., meeta at A.
O. U. W. Hall, second and fourth baturdaya
of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. H.
member. Invited to meet with us.
H. H. Railey, Commander.
T. J. Cumnwo, Adjutant.
CANBY W. R. C, No. 16, meeta aecond and
fourth Saturday! ol each month in A. O. U.
W. Hall at2 p. m.
Mrs. Alida Shoemakib, President.
Mrs. T. J. Cunninu, Secretary.
Regular meeting aecond and fourth Mon
days of ea.-n mouth. A. J. Uatcuell, C. P.
Bert Emtricam, Bcrlbe. j
TDLEWILD IX)PGE, No. 107, I. O. O. F.. meeta
i in Fraternal Hall, every Thursday night.
J. R. Kais, N. U.
Bert EntbicaK, Secretary.
meet! third Friday night of each month.
O. R. Castneb, H. P.
D. McDonald, Secretary.
COURT HOOD RIVER No. 42, Foreitera ol
America, meeta aecond and fourth Mon
daya in each month in K. of P. Hall.
L: C. Haynes, C. R.
F. C. Brobius, Financial Secretary.
87, 1. O. O. F., meet! Hrst and third Fridays
In month. Francib Morse, N. G.
Thebehe Cabthir, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER LODGE No. 106, A. F. and A.
M., meeta Saturday evening on or before
each full moon. D. McDonald, W. M.
R. B. Savage, Secretary.
OLETA ASSEMBLY No. 108, United Artisan!,
meets first and third Wednendaye. work;
aecond and fourth Wednesdays, aoclal; Artl
aam hall. D. McDonald, M. A.
K. M. McCartv, Secretary.
niVERSIDE LODGE No. 69, A. O. U. W., meets
IV first and third Baturdaya of each month.
E. R. Bradley. Financier. W. B. Shute, W. M
J. O. Haynes, Recorder.
RIVERSIDE LODGE, NO. 40, Degree of Hon
or, A. O. U. W, meet! first and thlrdSatur
daya at 8 p. m. Mrs. Sarah Bbadley, 0. of H.
MiaeCoRA Copple. Recorder.
Mrs. Lucretia r rather, Financier
Office and Pharmacy, Hood River
Heights. Phone, Main 961,
Will Practice in All Courts.
Office with Culbertson & Co.
Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work
Telephonea: Office, 281; reaidence, 94.
Office over Bank Bldg. Hood River, Oregon
Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
Calls promptly answered In town or country.
Telephonea: Residence, 611; Office, 618.
Office over Reed'a Grocery.
j F. WATT, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Telephonea: Office, 281 ; raildence, 288.
For JJ yean a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Haa had many yean experience In
Kel EiUte matter!, aa abstractor, aearcher of
tlUei and agent Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
Abstract Famished. Money Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon.
p C. BROSiUS, M. D.
Tbone Central, or 121.
Office Hoar: 10 to 11 A. M.; J to
and 6 to 7 P. M.
Do a general banking busine
Cornpreheiulve Review of the Import
ant Happening at the Pact Week,
Presented la Condensed Form, Moat
Likely to Prove) Interesting to Our
Many Reader.
Pope Pius ii again reported ill.
Russians have won two small land
A yonng anarchist attempted to as
sassinate Premier Maura, of Spain, at
A work train on the Canadian Pacific
was struck by a land slide near Winne-
peg and a number of men killed.
Cardinal Satolli, with the permission
of the pope, is coming to the United
States. He has no mission and is to
make the lour as private citizen.
The bouse committee on naval affairs
has reported favorably the bill author
izing the presiden, at bis discretion,
to reinstate cadets suspended for haz
ing. The secretary of the interior has is
sued permits for grazing 87,815 sheep
in the northern division and 100,000
sheep in the southern division of the
Cascade forest reserve during the com
ing summer.
A bill has been introduced in the
senate authorizing the secretary of war
to purchase the original manuscript
copy of the order book of General Arth
ur St. Cliai, who was governor of the
Northwest territory and commander of
its military forces during the adminis
trations of Presidents Washington and
The agitation in Spain over France's
acquiring a firm hold on Morocco does
not cause anxiety in trance, as it is
believed the irritation will subside
without straining the relation between
the two countries.
Russia is short of men for her fleets.
Spain is very bitter because of the
Anglo-French treaty.
Easter services in Russia are much
more impressive than usual this year.
Hobson, the hero of the Merrimac,
was defeated for congress in Alabama.
Ice lams in the St. Lawrence river
are flooding many house in Montreal
Russia has demanded that Japanese
instructors with the Chinese army be
The DasBat-e of the Yalu by the Jap
anese will not be strongly opposed by
the Russians.
President Pro Tem Frye, of the sen
ate, and Speaker Cannon, of the house,
have signed the 1905 fair bill.
Colorado militia officers, adjudged in
contempt of court for action In the
strike, declare they will defy the judge.
A battleground has been picked out
by the Russians in the interior of Man
churia, were they propose to slaughter
the Japanese.
Queen Alexandra's persistent urging
makes Britain ready to deal with Rus
sia. Burke Cockran, of New York, says
the house is losing caste and bids it
wake up.
Exiled Colorado miners say they
were subjected to most cruel treatment
by the militia.
The port of Portland drydock is in
Dneition and in a few days the first
vessel can enter.
A leading dignitary in the Church of
England holds that the old testament
is a pack of lies.
That annate has Dassed the 1905 fair
bill in the same form as it came from
rhV- house and the measure is now
ready for the president's signature,
A favorable reoort has been made to
the house on Representative Jones' bill
opening the sui plus lands of the Yaki
ma Indian reservation to seiuenieui.
The Anglo-French colonial treaty has
been signed in London.
Ex-Oueen Isabella, of Spain, grand
mother of Alphonso, Is dead.
Three persons were killed and nine
injured in a tornado in Texas.
MakaroR has engaged the Japanese
fleet off Port Arthur.' No details are
The University of Washington de
feated the Unitersity of Oregon
In de-
bate at Seattle.
Japan has almost completed arrange
ments for landing tioops in the vicin
ity of Port Arthur.
A military expert, in reviewing the
war situation, says Japan is greatly
strengthening her hand by delaying a
general attack. ,
Nearly $2,000,000 is now available
for the Lewis and Clark fair. Many
states have provided exhibits and oth
ers will.
According to the census bureau but
22 states now have less than a mrllion
Inhabitant and 14 exceed two millions.
Denorted Colorado miners returned
to Tellnride, but were met by the mi
litia and made to go again.
The Japanese have crossed the Yalu
and occupy several Important posi
Xouropatkin haa now massed the
force he desired before beginning active
Pacific Mall Liner Wrecked est Salvador
Coast Paiaegrs Saved.
San Francisco, April 14. The
Merchants' Exchange has received a
cablegram stating that the Pacific Mail
steamship company's steamer Colon,
which left this city March 22 for Pan
ama, with a number of passengers and
a cargo of general merchandise to Mexi
can and Central American points, has
been wrecked. The Colon is reported
to have struck on a rock at Punta
Remedios, causing injuries whicb made
it necessary to beach her at Acajutla.
There was a big list of passengers
when the vessel went out of this, har
bor, but most of them were bound for
ports north of Acajutla.
The vessel left Acajutla yesterday
afternoon bound south for Panama, and
she had only sone about 15 miles when
she hit on the rock. The reef where
she struck is considered one of the most
dangerous along the Central American
coast, and many vessels have found
graves on it. According to seafaring
men who know the reef, the steamer
was fortunate in getting afloat after
striking and getting back to the harbor
at Acajutla.
Russians Strongly Fortify a Town la
Manchuria to Oppose Japanese.
Seoul, April 14. Japanese advices
from Northern Corea state that the
Russians have strongly fortified Chiu
Tien Cheng, a walled, town on the
Manchurian side of the Yalu river,
about ten miles north of Antung. It
is estimated that there are 20,000 Rus
sians of all arms at Antung ready to
oppose the Japanese crossing.
Webb Hayes has returned here frofn
a journey to Anju, thence io the Amer
ican mines at Unsan, and thence north
to the Yalu river. He reports that he
received hospital and medical treat
ment from the Japanese, and he com
pliments the equipment of the Japanese
field foices, the effectiveness of their
pontoon bridge at Anju and their trans
port organization.
With the Cabinet He Again Does Over
Chinese Exclusion Matter.
Washington, April 14. Chinese ex
clusion and the probable necessity for
legislative or executive action, in view
of the denunciation by China of the ex
isting treaty, was again today the prin
cipal topic of discussion at the meeting
of the cabinet. The president and his
radvisers considered the subject in all
its Dhases. but reached no definite con
clusion, chiefly perhaps because Attor
ney General Knox has not been able
yet to prepare his opinion as to the
legal status of the matter. As soon as
the attorney general shall have decided
whether, in his opinion; existing leg
islation relative to the exclusion ol Chi
nese will lie valid on the expiration of
the treaty with China, some decisive
steps will be taken. If it should be
determined that the legislation will
lapse with the treaty, theD congress
will provide against a general Chinese
immigration by the insertion in a pend
ing appropriation bill of an amend
ment covering the suoject.
Fulton to Father a Bill of Retaliation
Against British Columbia.
Washington, April 14. Senator Eul
ton is diafting, and will soon intro
duce, a joint resolution authorizing the
president to prohibit the exportation of
freah salmon from Puaet sound and
tributaries during the canning season
This is in the nature of a retaliation to
the action of British Columbia in re
fusing American canneries the right to
purchase fresh British Columbian salm
on. The canning interests oi ineaortn
Pacific coast have protested to Senator
Fulton that, under the existing condi
tions, Canadian canners are buying
laree quantities of Puget sound salmon
canning them and reshipping them to
the United States, while Puget sound
canners are denied the right to pur
chase British Columbia salmon for can
ning purposes.
New Immigration Law Needed.
Washington, April 14. There were
landed at Tacoma, Wash., recently, 60
Filipinos, who were brought to the
United States under contract to take
part in the Philippine islands exhibit
at tne ot. a-uoib ei)uoiwuu. iim.j-
nine of the number were afflicted with
trachoma, a disease of the eye. Un
der a ruling by the attorney general
natives of the Philippines and rorto
Rico are not aliens in the meaning of
the immigration act, and they had to
be admitted. Cozress will be asked
for legislation to meet such cases.
Makaroff Again Puts Out.
St. Petersburg, April 14. The Cos
sack scouts on the banks of the Yalu
river have not reported the appearance
oi the Japanese there. The emperor
received telegram that reported that
all is quiet at Port Arthur; that the
naval squadron is again putting out to
sea. and that vice Admiral Makarofi
haa sent a few torpedo boat destryoers
to explore the coast where some of the
enemy's torpedo boat are believed to
be lurking.
America flutt Pay tor Losa of Ship.
New York, April 14. After long lit
igation it was decided here today by
Judge Adams, in the United States die
trict court that the United States must
pay $203,293 to the owners of the Brit
ish ship Foscolia, which was sunk on
the night of May 18, 4898, by the
United States cruiser Columbia, which
was doing scout duty off the North
American coast on the outlook for' the
Spanish fleet under Admiral Cervera
N New Projects Will Be;; Undertakes -Channel
are Only to Be Maintained
or Restored No Amendment Were
Made - Money 1 Becomes .Immediately
Washington, April 13, The house
today passed the bill reported by the
committee on rivers and harbors appro
priating $3,000,000 for the restoration
or maintenance of channels, or for oth
er river and harbor improvements.
Burton (0.), chairman of the commit
tee, in explaining the bill urged the
adoption of settled principal wCth re
gard to river and harbor work. Bur
gess (Dem., Tex.) and Rsnsdell (Dem.,
La.) favored increases in the appropria.
tion for river and harbor improvement,
the former urging that they should be
doubled and the latter regarding $100,
000,000 as not too much. Quite a
large number of bills of minor import
ance were passed.
-The house then went into committee
of the whole for the consideration of
fie emergency river and harbor bill,
general debate being limited to three
hours. Burton, (O.), in charge of the
bilf, made an explanation of it and
gave a general survey of the subject of
river and harbor improvements. . He
said the amounts expended for this
purpose, when the vast extent of our
waterways was considered, was very
small. The system pursued in the
United States, he thought, contrasted,
most unfavorably with those of foreign
The bill (hen was passed without
amendments. Under its provisions,
the money appropriated becomes imme
diately available, and is to be expend
ed under the direction of the secretary
of war and the supervision of the chief
Qeoloelcal Survey Points Out Need
Orcat Clrcumstractlon.
Washington, April 13. The pro
gress made in the irrigation worn oi
the government is reviewed in a publi
cation issued by the geological suivey,
which points out the necessity for great
caution and conversation in the expan
sion of the reclamation work. It says
that of the irrigation projects favorably
reported in 1903, which included those
on the Truckee river in Nevada, on the
Salt river in Arizona, on Milk river in
Montana, on the Sweetwater river in
Wyoming and on Gunnison river in
Colorado, the Nevada and Arizona pro
jects have been fouud feaBable and con
struction on the engineering works
along the Truckee and Salt rivers has
progressed to a leasonable extent.
The Montana project, however, has
presented unexpected engineering diffi
culties, as well as complications regard
ing water rights, so that progress is
slow. It has been found necessary to
modify the first plans in order to
achieve early results.
Engineering difficulties are encount
ered in the Colorado project. The
amount of arid lands thereby reclama-
ble is lees, too, than was expected.
Secretary Moody Gives House Commit
tee His Reasons.
Washington, April 13. Secretary
Moody is not in favor of the creation of
a general stall in the navy modeled
after the general staff of the organiza
tion in the army. This fact he com
municated to the house committee on
naval affairs today in a hearing granted
him on a bill of his own drafting, ."to
increase the efficiency of the navy."
The secretary explained that this bill
did not really enlarge his present au
thority in the matter of an advisory
board. He now has the right to create
such a board of any number of officers
and continue them on the board for any
length of time. He said a civilian
bad been, and always would be, at the
head of the navy, and it was proper he
should have expert advice, but as he
was responsible to the country he
should be master of the situation. No
board, he said, should be created which
would usurp the powers of the secre
tary. The committee took no action
on the bill.
Navy to Be Seen In Miniature.
An effort is to be made to have the
attractive collection ot United States
battleships in miniature brought to the
Lewis and Clarx exposition. One of
the provisions of the appropriation bill
is to the effect that President Roosevelt
may name any additions he may see fit
to the government exhibit and on the
Strength of this provision President H.
W . Scott, of the lewis and Clark cor
poration, will confer with Mr. Roose
velt with a view to inducing him to
send on the reproduction of the United
States navy.
Sure Japan Lost a Cbance.
Niu Chwang, April 13. The Russian
officers commanding here openly declare
that Japan has lost her chance to capt-
ure this port by failing to assault be-
lore tr e mwieru w m p..
could be mounted, ine aeiensea are
now declared to be ample to insure the
repulse of any force that can be mus
tered by Japan. An excessive rainfall
has flooded the railway and blocked all
of the roads in Southern Manchuria,
leaving the country impassable.
Congress to Be Invited to Fair.
Washington, April 13. Congress haa
been invited to attend the opening of
ii,. tKiiinim Pnrrhaaa nvmaiif Inn on
Saturday, April 30.
Barbara Street Car Overturned
and Five Killed Outright,
Santa Barbara, Cal., April 13. A
street car loaded with passengers re
turning to town from the Old Mission
ran off the track at Garden and Mis
sion streets today and five deaths have
resulted. All of the dead were Santa
Barbara people. Over 20 oi the pas
sengers were injured, many of them
being frightfully mangled. Over half
of the injured bad bones broken about
the body and not a few of them suffered
serious fractures of the skull.
The accident was due to a defect in
the brake apparatus, was as revealed
irom an inspection of the car, after the
accident. While the rear brakes were
tightly set against the wheels, the tor-
ward brakes were of no service because
of the breaking of a part of the gear
ing. The motorman discovered that some
thing was wrong with the car . several
blocks above the point where the acci
dent occurred and endeavored to set
the brakes, but failed to check the
speed of the car. At the intersection
of Gaiden and Mission streets there is a
sharp curve, and the car was moving at
its highest speed down a 6 per cent
grade when the curve was reached.
The car was thrown from the trac
upon its side, the passngors ueing
thrown in evrey direction. One section
of the car was smashed into splinters.
Those who were instantly killed and
many of those who were most seriously
injured were standing upon the guard
rail on the side of the car as it crashed
into the ditch.
As soon as the news of the accident
spread throughout the city every avail
able pbysi Ian was sent to the aid of
the injured and many prominent resi
dents of the city were among those
who aided the suffering and dying. A
majority of the Injured were taken to
the hospital and the remainder were
removed to their homes.
First Shipment Started From St.
burg for the Front.
St. Petersburg, April 13. It is stat
ed that the Russian government has
decided to make an extensive use of
armed automobiles during the coming
campaign In Manchuria. A large
number have recently been imported,
they being the latest product of the se
lect factories in Germany, France and
Rfilolnm. and the first batch will be
sent to the front from Moscow on i
special train today. ,
They are to be manned by experienc
ed officers drawn from the last gradu
ates from the military, and it is expect
ed that thev will be of very great ad
vantage to General Kuzliki, to whom
has been entrusted the making of all of
the arrangements for the trip of the
Baltic fleet to the Far East, has trans
mitted to the czar the prelftainay re
port of what is expected to be accom
plished. He declares that it will be
possible to get the fleet to its destina
tion before the last of August, should
nothing unforseen happen.
Two Rusisan army corps are to be
mobilized during May. One of these
will have headquarters at and will be
drafted from Moscow and the surround
ing towns, while the other will come
from Siberia. The officer who made
this announcement stated that Russia
did not consider herrelf in any danger
from Japan and that therefore she
would not remove any of the troops
along her seaboard where they might
be needed should any other nation have
designs against her.
Convict's Sensational Suicide.
Fresno. Cal.. April 13. Richard
Manoogian today, while waiting the
return of a Jury which had tried him
on the charee of murdering Oscar
Michael here on July 2, 1902, threw
himself from the window of Judge
Austin's courtroom, on the third floor
of the court house building, to the
pavement below, receiving injuries
from which he died. The jury had al
ready pronounced him guilty and would
have given him life Imprisonment
Irrigation In New Mexico.
Washington, April 13. The census
bureau in a preliminary report on, trn
gation in New Mexico in 1902, . shows
254,945 acres ingated Irom an sources.
The number of farms represented was
9.285. and the average cost per lrrigat
ed acre $16.87. The 1,246 irrigation
systems cost, initially for main canals
and ditches and the necessary head
sates, reservoirs, dams, pumping
plants, etc., $4,301,915. The entire
length of main canals and ditches was
22,646 miles, an average lengtn per sys
tem of over two miles.
Senator Quay la Very 111.
New York, April 13. United States
Senator Quay is reported to be ill in
Atlantic City. No one is allowed to
see him and the attending physician
has given strict orders that no verbal
j wOTtaW- into the
or written messages pertaining to poi
, . . The KnlXal it wa, wid
i .,, . .,..,, .nri i for
the present from all care.
He is 71
years old.
Mississippi Tears Out Levee.
Rolling Fork, Miss., April 13. It i
reported tonight that a portion of the
levee at Gales Head has caved in, seri
ously impairing the strength of the
' embankment and causing grave fears of
' a crevasse. Larse forces of men are
' engaged in reinforcing the levee.
Cllne Butte Contains a Mass of Oold
Bearing Rock. I
Bend Cline Butte, 15 miles north I
of Bend, has been found to contain a .
large mass of gold bearing rock.
The .
whole butte is supposed to be
of the
same character and there has been quite
a rush to locate claims there. There is
room, however, for less than a dozen
mining claims on this butte, but a sim
ilar geological formation extends
through a string ot hills to the west
ward and prospecting is in progress
The rock is porphyry and quartizite
and it carries about $4 in gold and a
little silver to the ton, This surface
outcrop Is considered very promising.
The case with which this rock can be
mined gives it value, even at this low
grade. It is estimated that at least
half its value will be profit. The rock
is of the same kind that is found in
the Ochoco mines, northeast of Prine-
This discovery was made by Otto
Retzlaff and C. P. Becker, the latter
having spent a year and a half on the
Yukon, where he became acquainted
with gold mining. Steps are being
taken to develop the Cline Butte claims.
Shown by Annual Report of Insurance
Commissioner Dunbar.
Salem An increase of over 10 por
cent in the fire insurance business, a of 17 per cent in net premi
ums on fire insurance, an increase of
18 per cent in both business and net
premiums in life insurance, and the
withdrawal of all but three surety com
panies, are the most prominent features
of the annual report of Insurance Com
missioner -F. I. Dunbar.
The report covers the year 1903, and
was compiled on April 1, as required
by law. Though the report shows the
healthy industrial growth of the state,
as indicated by the increasing fire in
surance business, it also allows the de
creasing profits caused by unusual fire
losses. In the past five years the
amount of fire risks written per year
has Increased about 50 per cent. In
1899 the total as $04,100,000. In 1903
it as $95,500,000. The net premiums
for 1903 are less than in 1902, or for
any other year since 1898. The fire
losses for 1902 were $059,000 and for
1903 $1,314,000, or an increase of
almost 100 per cent. Seven companies
lost money last year on their insurance
business in Oregon.
Oregon 4 Southeastern to Again Begin
Cottage Grove That the Oregon A
Southeastern railroad may be extended
into virgin timber lands, construction
work is to be renewed after an interval
of four months.
A grading gang will start at once and
a tracklaying gang will follow in a few
days. G. B. llengen, of New York,
manager of the road, says the line will
be extended this season to Warehouse,
ten miles from here. Two miles of
grade are now almost ready for the
Manager Hengen declares that the
depressed lumber situation will not
long continue, and wishes to have the
road extended into new timber belts to
take advantage of a livlier market.
The new electric plant of the Oregon
securities company will be commenced
this week. Manager Hengen says. A
gang is now connecting the machine
drills in the long tunnel. The com
pany expects to strike the Champion
oie chute in about 30 days from this
tunnel, which will be used later for an
electric road frdtn the Champion to the
Mustek mine.
Indiana Have a Whole ITonth.
Pendleton The Umatilla Indiana,
whose diseased cayuses brought the
state veterinarian to the range in
Northern Morrow two weeks ago to in.
spect conditions, will have all this
month to dip their animals and try to
rid them of mange. Vats will be pro
vided at Pendleton by the domestic an
imal commission of the state, and the
Indiana must have their animals here
before May 1. A simillar opportunity
is extended white nien with mangy
horses. The expense of dipping will
be paid by the state.
To Clear Columbia Channel.
The Dalles Major W. C. Langfitt,
engineer in charge, accompanied by
Lieutenant Reea and W. Ii. Morris,
have left on an inspection visit to
Three-Mile rapids, above this city,
where work will commence immediate
ly'.'upon removal ot obstructions in the
Columbia at that point' The contract
for this work, awarded some time since
to Wakefield & Co, of Portland, has
now been approved and operations will
be poshed there at once.
1o Build Levees Along River.
Pendleton County Judge Hartman
and Commissioner Walker are in Walla
Walla to confer with the commissioners
of that county on important improve
ments for the Little Walla Walla river
near Freewater and Milton. Nearly
every season the river has overflowed
its banks and done considerable damage
to fruit and crops. The two counties
will co-operate in the building of the
levees. '
Eastern Oregon 0. A R.
La Grande The Eastern Oregon G.
A. R. encampment, will meet in La
flrarwla thia var for the firat time in
some years on July 1, 2. 3 and 4, and
it will be one of the most rousing cele-
brationi ever held in Eastern Oregon.
State Land Board Pleasel With Farms
on Which Loan la Asked.
Hood River Governor Chamberlain,
Secretary of State Frank Dunbar and
State Treasurer Charles E. Moore, com-
prising the state land board, arrived in
Hood River the first of the week and
were driven over the valley in older
that they might form an opinion of the
Iruit lands upon which the state is to
lend school money to the farmers who
must borrow funds to meet their pay.
menta on stock in the Farmers' irriga
tion company.
All the members ot the board were
very favorably impiessed with what
they saw, and are perfectly satisfied to
loan the Hood River farmers the money
some of them need.
. Five and Seven Cents.
Astoria The Columbia River Fish-
ermen's Protective union has fixed the
opening prices for salmon on the Co
lumbia river for the coming season at
5 cents per pound for fish weighing less
than 25 pounds and 7 cents per pound
for those weighing 25 pounds or over.
This is the same price as last season
for the small fish, but is an advance of
one cent for the large ones. The meet
ing also appointed a committee on the
question of affiliating with the Fisher.
men's Protective union of the Pacific
coast and Alaska.
Colea Hot Spring a Sanitarium.
La Grande Arrangements are being
made for the erection of a sanitarium
at the Coles hot springs at Haines. It
is reported that Dr. May and other
Baker City parties, who have a 42
year lease on the proprety, have en.
tered into a contract with Mr. Snell of
Haines to furnish 250,000 feet of lum
ber for the construction of' the build,
ing. Tliis will make two springs of the
kind in Eastren Oregon, the Hot Lake
having been used for this purpose for
some time.
Columbia Jetty to Be Extended.
Astoria Assistant Engineer Hegardt
states that the replacing of the portion
ot the jetty trestle, which was carried
away by storms last winter, has been
completed and work on the jetty ex
tension will be resumed on April 30.
One thousand tons of rock will then be
received from the Biigby quarry, but
no rock will be received by water from
the Columbia contract company's quary
for some time, as the receiving wharves
at Fort Stevens have been delayed In
Will Vote on Union County Seat.
La Grande The county court ot
Union county has just decided that the
question of relocating the county aeat
from Union to Ia Grande may be voted
upon by the people of the county in
the general election in June. J. D.
Slater, of La Grande, appeared for the
petitioner! and T. H. Crawford, of
Union, for the remonstrators. The
court decided to dismiss the remon-
etrancs and granted the prayer of the
Down a Long Flume.
La Grande The work ot shooting
wood down the flume from Fox hill to
the electric light plant at Oro Dell,
which furnishes the light for La
Grande, began this week. The flume
is two miles long. Six men are em
Wheat Walla Walla, 74c : valley,
83c; bluestem, 81c.
Barley Feed, $23 per ton ; rolled,
Flour Valley, $3.9004.05 per bar
rel; hard wheat straights, $44.25;
clears, $3.854.10; hard wheat pat
ents, $4.404.70; graham, $3.60(34;
whole- wheat, $44.25; rye flour,
Oats No. 1 white, $1.1591.17;
gray, $1.1031.12, per cental.
Millstuffs Bran, $19020 per ton;
middlings, $20.50(127; shorts, $20O
21; chop, $18; linseed, dairy food,
Hay Timothy, $15016 per ton;
clover, $10011; grain, $11012; cheat,
Eggs Oregon ranch, 17)018c.
Butter Sweet cream butter, 30c per
pound; fancy creamery, 25c; choice
creamery, 22K24c; dairy and store,
., Butter Fat Sweet cream, 28c;
sour cream, 26Ju'c.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 130
1 3 e per pound; springs, small, 170
18c; hens, 1Us; turkeys, live, 16
017c; dressed, 1820c; ducks, $809
per dozen; geese, live, 8c per pound.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 12013c;
Young America. 14915c.
Vegetables Turnips, 80o per sack;
carrots, 80c; beets, $1; parsnips, $1;
cabbage, 102c; lettuce, head, 250
40c per dozen; parsley, 25c; tomatoes,
$2.2502.60 per crate; cauliflower, 76c
$1 per dozen; celery, 60 90c;
squash, 2c per pound; cucumbers,
$1.7602 per dozen; asparagus, 8)0
lie; peas, 9c per pound; rhubarb, 70
9c; beans, 10c; onions, Yellow Dan
vers, $202.40 per sack.
Honey $303.60 per case.
Potatoes Fancy, $101.35 per cental;
common, 7090c; new potatoes, SXo
per pound ; sweets, 5c per pound.
Fruits Strawberries, 21c per basket;
apples, fancy Baldwins and Spitzen
bergs, $1.60(32.50 per box; choice, $1
O1.60; cooking, 75c$l.
Hops 1903 crop, 23025c per pound.
Wool Valley, 1617c; Eastern Ore-
gon, 12014c; mohair, 30SS31C per
pound for choice.
J Beef Dressed, 507Xc per pound.
- '- je.