soi !&ver Slacier. THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1904. The Wasco county democratic prima ries will be held next Saturday, April 9, and the county convention April 1(1. Every democrat in Hood River ahould attend the primaries, a they cannot hope for reinforcement! from the repub licans, and they will need the assistance of all of the faithful in Hood River to elect delegate to the county conven tion. Democrat are greatly iu the mi nority in Wasco county, and have been for yean, but the party has held and till holdi some of the moat important county offices. The democratic party is also in the minority in the state, but Oregon has democratic governor. Lit tle things, even as small as. the demo-e-atic vote of Hood River, are sometimes not to be despised. For the benefit of its White Salmon readers the Glacier made inquiry of II. C. Phillips, register of the United States land office at Vancouver, concerning the extent of the Northern Pacific overlap land grant, whether or not they affected any property in Klickitat county. Mr. Phillips kindly replied by inclosing copy of a map showing the territory em braced in the overlap of the Northern Pacific railway company. As was stated last week, the only counties affected are Lewis, Clark and a very small por tion of Western Skamania. The people of White Salmon may rest assured the "overlap" does not affect their titles. Malcolm A. Moody will go to the district convention with a majority nt the Eastern Oregon delegates demand ing that he be named for congress from the second district. It remains to be iseij whether Multnomah county will tand true to the principle tbat Eastern Oregon shall select her congressman. Down In the First district Young Harris Is making; a brilliant fight for the congressional nomination. Oregon couldn't send two abler men to Wash Ington than Malcolm A. Moody and Lawrence T, Harris, Let Multnomah of Mr. FurnlHh. remember the fate They Take a Fall Out of Bro. Harlan. White Kalmon, April 4. Saturday aiiernoon tne mute Kalmon primaries became a part of our local his tory. 1'elegates to the countv con vention to be held at Ooldendale, April v, were cuosen oy tne loiiowing vote: H CI Cook J H Kgan Frank (Jrosbong,. T Wyers, r Thomas Harlan.. v it Mixtra.. Scattering Total vote cunt The ticket favorable to J, P. Egan'a cantunacy lor tne omce oi county com' missioner was overwhelmingly elected The slight variation In the vote for the four delegates elected i accounted for by very slight accidents; for instance, some one voteu uiark instead of Conk but the captain didn't need it. White Salmon has no Clark, If some good man of that name will locate here the vote will be hrre for him on hi arrival. Then three voters got T. Wyers. sr. and T. Wyers, Jr., jumbled up, and Uncle Tunis is shy three votes intended for him, but with a great plenty to spare. One gallant voter tossed his vote as a boqutit to one of our White Salmon matrons who if legally qualified would in every other respect have been a credit to the delegation. Editor Harlan and 0. D. Moore have constituted the opposition to Mr. Egan and about all there was of it, as the vote indicates. The editor started out as a populist of the malignant kind. Then he sidled up to socialism and says yet that theoretically it is divine "just lovely" -but isn't yet practical (for newspaper with land olllce printing to do), then he declared himself fearlessly independent; next he declared that in connection with hi practice in the su preme court of the United States he would find a few moments if possible to . oovoie to president itooaevelt, ttius as suring the latter' election next fall. Then we find him denouncing "The Uoulendale Ring," and warning voters against all men in authority. He gave nt names at all and felt that it would fit anybody and nobody equally well, and it sounded vigorous, well, "sumpin' drapped" and Thomas wont to Uolden- dale, snuggled down into the political basket of the men he had denounced the men who had decided to walk him Spanish out of the land ofllee patronage, and on returning iinme he advised all voters to support Mr. Diamond for countv commissioner, niter having prom ised Mr. Kgan hi support. Head thia: UHWRITTKH LAW, Tba unwritten law of conventions la that If a man in omce inowa Honesty and efllclency, in ine service wnion ne la giving mat a seo nnd nomination belongs to him If he want IU Never a breath of suspicion attached to either Mr. Coale or Mr. Dymond, Iu their . omciai wora. WhlteHalmon.a place of public Importance, haa not had It share of public attention. This la no person 'a fault In fact It la not a fault, It is a ciroumsiaiica, aim it cams aa tnougn we would have to wall for a change of circum stance before we can enjoy any substantial political advantages. If we cannot secure caitnty commissioner; this time It will not be because we have not i candidate eminently nu en for It but aa a iim'ler of nubile luatloe to the nraaant Incum. bent If he has a desire to ruu agalu. Enter. priae, mar. in, iwt. The "circumstances " referred to are not known to this community, and if Mr. Harlan means his own surrender at Ooldendale, that in no way affects any one except nimseii. ins promise to serve his captors does not concern us. Vola against the ring candidates at the prl martea for delegates to thecounty convention. They will cleau us out, If we doot clean them out. Enterprise, tuar. xo, iwn. Editor Harlan didn't attend the pri manes, tie remarked that it was no use. the ring would run it. no's the ring, Bro. Harlan, the Oil or the 3 who . voted anti-Egan? Has lute Salmon voted unanimously for "ring" rule, or did your side win without giving you more man votes aner you naa Dogged to be sent as a delegate? Let the people know in your next issue, u you are i manly man, who constitute th- "Uol deudale ring." Name' them or .admit that you have no moral courage. You say they are scalawags, now tell us who they Bre. Have they offices? What offices? You threw Mr. Egan down to save yourself, and crawled into some body' political basket. This communi ty has refused to let you go as a dele gate because In attacking our own oiti sens you have uttered falsehoods and did not have the moral courage to ad mit that your charge was libelous when the facts were before you, and in attack ing citizens of Ooldendale you lacked moral courage to give a single name or any means of identification, and then after surrendering to those same men you return to this community to ask that you be sent as a delegate to a coun ty convention. Saturday's vote was your answer 8 votes out of 081 An effort was made to inject issues in- to the primaries that didn't belong there and it had iu effect. An active sop- porter of outside candidates and outside Interests tried to msk the cost office an issue and sconred the hills and valleys oaca oi uk. una raui Revere of Kevo lutionary day his horse was flecked with foam. He talked "forninst" Eiian, and on national issues be be sought the honest farmer to droD the plow in the field and flv to the town to save the country from Egan and Wolf ard and everybody else except Editor uartaii. vv ell. they drotiued their tilow shares, put their cuitans in the stables, witn the harness on, and came to town and every mother's son of them voted for the t.gan delegates. l. U. Moore, the local Dolitical iockev for Mr. Diamond, received 3 votes as a delegate. Mr. Diamond it is un derstood is a worthy citizen. If Mr. Diamond is as wise as he is virtuous, be will realise the feelings of the man who said, "I can take care of my ene mies, but mar a kind overrul'mr Provi dence deliver me from my friends!" 1 lie .ntcrrrlsetavs "a second nomina tion belongs to Mr. Diamond, if he wants it." Is that the remiblicaniam of Lincoln? What office belongs to any man? No. Bro. Harlan, vou are certain ly off your trolley. That's a measly reason for deserting your home candi date. Thia community ha ex Dressed itself to the contrary, and vou are left astride of a rock amidatream. You can appreciate the old verae: Twaa ever thus from boyhood's hour, I've Been my foadest hopes expire. I f a'er 1 hut a piece of bread Particularly long and wide 'Twas aura to fallupon the fiooi Aod alwaya oo the buttered aide. SEYMOUR W. CONDON. Married. In The Del lee. AnrllS. HUM. William Vniiar and Miaa Llule qnlnn, botb ot Fine Grove, Hood Hlver. Born. In Hood River. March V lura Ln M .nrt Mrs. L. K. Htnltb, a It)-pound sou. Card of Thanks. Arnold and Arthur Podd wish In thank the Odd Kellowa' lodge and the Foresters of America fur their many kindnesses during lhaslcknasa and death of their brother Fan I, who died In 1'ortlend March 17. The parenia of the young man, who reside In Michigan, also extend their thanke to these lodge. The ladlea of Belmont church deelra to thank Major Booth for hla klndneaa In allow Ing them the use ol hla intra oo their aala day, the lady elerka and those who ao generously patronised the aUireon that day. Church Notices, Unitarian. Corner Htate street and Park avenue; W.U. Kllot, Jr., minister In charge. Hnnday school at 10:80, Hervloe at 11 a. in. Hev. W. K. Hmall of the Unlveraallsl cburch, Portland, will preach. All welcome. Lutheran. Hervloe next Hnnday, April 10, atHolman'a hall, 11a.m. All not worship ing elsewhere are eordlally invited. Cate chetical Instruction neit Haturday morning an uiv auvviii. unurcn. u. j. jtotu, pallor. Congregational. Rev. J. I,. Hershner. naa tor, Preaching services will be conducted next Holiday at II a. m. and I p. in. Good music will ne rendered tiv the choir at both morning and evening services. Topics of ser mons will lie: At morning service, "The char acter or ennst:" at evening aervloa, "The mis sion or Light." The public, especially stran gcra, are Invited to attend. ttunday school at iu a. hi. u. a. meeting at i p. m. Catholic Rev. Rather flemarala nf The Dalles will hold services at the residence of mra. jonn Motir, nasi aids, Sunday, April it), law, ai. ,u;iv. Kplsoopal.-Rev. 0. A. Lake will preach at II and at 6 o'clock. Holy communion and oapusin at morning service, Christian Tabernacle. - Hnnday school in Carmlchaera hall at 'l:U p. ni. A. B, Cash, euptiriuu-iiueill. Methodist Preaching at II a. m. and 7 n.m. W. 0. Kvnns, piniuir. Hahbath school at 10 a. in. r-pwortn Lougiie at :U0 p. m. vauey cnriaiian.-Preschlng at 11 a. re. lopio, "Hassuti and Meelbah." Y. P. H. C. B. media at 7 p. m. Preaching at I. Toplo, "The Redemption of Man." If you want a good ervioe, iry ui gwgooa out or lb A. A. Beery pastor. United Brethren.-Hunday school at 10 a.m. Hermon by paatur at II a. ni. and at 7:80 p. in. Junior at a p. ni, HenlorC. U. at 7 p. m. Pray er and praise meeting Wednesday evening at 7:H0. Hneclal evansullstlo services at the Kim. Cay and Wedneaduy evening meetings. All Invited: A S)eclal Invitation to the newooui era In our midst. U. V. Hhatt'ur, pastor. WANfM) KAITHKUL PKRHON TOTRA vel for well established bonne In a few coun ties, calling oo retail merchants and agenta. local territory. Halary S-Jtl per wi-ck with ex- Summons. In the Circuit Court of tba Htate of Oregon for Wasco County. Frank Puvenimrt, plaintiff, vs. Prank 0. Wilson, defendant. To Krank C. Wilson, the defendant above named: You are hereby required to appearand an swer the complaint died against you In tie above entitled suit In the above-named court on or before the aspiration of six weeks from the dale of tha Hrst publication of this summons-, and you are hrrehy noUHed that If you fall to so appear and answer the said com plaint that Judgment snd decree will be taken against you Air the relief prayed Air In aald complaint, to wit: Judgment for the sum of fM, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from October, W00, and Air the further sum of SM aa attorney'a fees In this suit, and Air the coats and disbursements oi tins sun. snu a decree nmiciosing the mort gage mentioned In said complaint, and di recting that the real premises therein men. tlonea he sold on execution, and that the pro ceeds of such sale be applied In payment of theoosts and exienses of such sale and of this suit, and tu the satisfaction of such sum aa may be round due the plaintiff In thlaault, In cluding the aald attorney's A and paid by plaintiff fur tains ou aald mortgaged premises. This summons Is served by publication for six consecutive weeks Iu the Hood Klver Ulitcler, a newspaper of general circulation published In said Wasco county, pursuant to an order directing audi publication, made by lion, W. U Uradshaw, Judge of the above named court, which said order Is dated on the 2Mb day of March, ltSM, and the date of the nrst publication hereof Is April 7, lUWt. a7mia A.A.JAYNK, Attyfor Plaintiff. Look at This List. 1. 6 acre Just oubiltls city limits; all fenced and under the plow . , . .$1.2fi0 2. 70 acres mile from town; will lie sold entire or tn small lola. Term to suit purchaser. Nearly all undor cul tlvatlou; trrles and meadow. 3. 40 acres, 1 uilles from city IIhiIIh; apples, peara and meadow; apple or chard in full bearhiK;2tf acres of pear uore is mils or rrun; new a-room house with bath and pantry and lure attic floored, could be finished Into bed mollis. An Ideal summer hotel. 4. Two 10-acre tracts berry land 3 miles from town, on main road; fenced and under cultivation, price IIXH) per aore. S. ML' acre 1 mile from town, nearly all In berries. One of the beat buys In the valley and Is tillered cheap for a snort tune. 6. 40 acres 4 miles nut; all under culti vation; eotislellng of apples, berries and clover 16,000 7. 130 acres 3 miles nut; no Improve ments; will I sold cheap; is in the famous apple belt, nil under liono's ditch. Investers will do well to look this up. 8. 40acrea4 miles out; all In clover; under Bone's dilch; plenty of water. III pay hlf per cent of purchase price tnia year. House and 2 lots on the hill, 10. ilouae and 4 lots near school house 11. 280 acres at Trout Lake. Fine hay anu siock. rarm. 12. 20 acres In Willow Flat; ground ready for treea; small house. IS. 65 acres 4 miles from town; Sue or chard and lanre new house. Several desirable residence lots: ilso. house and 2 lots In a desirable location. For further Information, see W. J. BAKER, Hood River, Oregon. Men's Gloves AVe have the largent and best w;lected stock of Men's and Boys' Gloves . in town. All the good things at less money than you can buy the trash. Men's Clothing We now have a line of Men's Clothing. It is not the largest line in town but at the prices we are going to sell them at and the quality and style of the goods will make them ready sellers. We are satisfied this .department will grow and soon become one of our leading departments. Boys' Clothing In our Boys' Clothing department we have a line of Boys' Suits that are well made from this season's latest fabrics not too light nor too heavy just right. Our price per suit, $1.50. Ladies' Shirt Waists In our line of Ladies' Shirt Waists this season we have a much nicer line than ever before. Iirices never trtre so low, regardless of 15c cotton. Muslin Underwear Our line of Ladies' and Misses Muslin Underwear is full and complete, em bracing all that is desirable in Corset Covers, Skirts, Drawers, Gowns, etc. penses additional, all payable In casb each week. Money for cinemas advanced. Posi tion permanent. Buslneaa Buoccanful and rushing. Manufacturera and Wholesalers. liept. 1, third floor, Hm Dearhtirn Ht.. Chlcairo. Indian Eve Medicine. Made of roots only. Will cure diseases of the eve In a abort time and at small oust. It cured the eye of MlasTurslebMey, Mrs.Hum- phrey, Mra. Mary (Jarstena and Mrs. M, K. Miller, frlne ZSo a bottle. Hold by Mrs. K. ('aratena, southeast corner ball ground, Hood River, Or. ; n'JH 8 Acres for Sale. Hli acres set to strawberries, balance In clo ver: fruit for family use; S-room house, barn and other Improvements. miles from town on Helinoot road, in best part of strawberry section. L. J. MULKINH. Lost. Tuesday night at opera house, round, gold locket, containing stamp photos of four girla. Kinder will please return to this olllce or to B. K. Bradley. a7 For Sale. One Jersey oow and calf and 4 big work horses. a7 o. is. ii Anvil,, i , Lost. A brown double-faced shawl on road be tween ldlewllde cemetery and J. L. Carter's by way of Tucker's. Kinder please leave al Braggra store and oblige Mrs. C. P. Dakln. Strawberry Plants. rst-class strawberry plants tor sale at f 1.5 First-class per 1,000. M. 11. NiUMUJHf.N, iieimont. Lewis Poultry Yards. Kgga from heavy laying Black Minorca, fl per 16, or 1.M per Ml. Jyl " R A 1.111 B. I.KWIB, Belmont. Shoemaker P. Rocks. I have thoroughbred Plymouth Rock chick ens direct from Hhoemaker farm In Illinois. eggs for sate at si.mi per setting i IK, aJS U. 1). MOKliAN, Mosler, Or. Fine Horse for Sale. Norman stallion, 4 years old May lift. Per fectly gentle. Weight MOD. I'r'.oe 1.100. A splendid animal. For sale by aat KOHT. KR1KND, Mosler, Or. Fruit Dryer for Sale. Capacity 10 tons fruit a day. In a fine fruit country. Hood plwe to start cannery In con nection. Will sell at reasonable price. miS P. HKNN1NUHKN, Mosler, Or. Notice. All outstanding warrants held agslnst Hchool District No. 8 should be presented at once. Interest will stop after this date, April 7, USX. a7 0. E. HKMMAN, Clerk. Bridle Lost. Prom Mount Hood mall wagon, on March iH, between the Kashlon Htable snd post olltce. Return to Kashlon suable and receive reward. 200,000 Strawberry Planta Air sale at 11.(10 per KMX) on my ranch fi miles louth of Hood Klver, East Bide. All planta grown on new stalk. a M. L. THORN. Dr. M. A. JONES DENTIST Oftloe In Lao- Notice. Notice la hereby given that the enrvey of uiwiinuipo iiorviioi range a east oi Willamette mertuian naa oeen accepted ny thellonomlile Commissioner of the General tand Olllce; that the plat if aald township will bellied In the United Wales l,and Oltli-e at Vancouver, Washington, on May its, lt(: and that on and ener said dale the Keglsterand Receiver will be prepared to receive applications for the entry oi lanna emtiracea in said township. rroin qualified applicants, who have a prefer ence right, tvv settlement made nrlor to lie. cemberif7, 1WU, the date of the withdrawal of aula towuslilp, included In a proposed forest reserve. it. u. I H ILLUU, Register IT. H. tand Ottlce, Vanoouver, Wash irieu marcu x, iwit, For Sale. My residence on (Sherman avenue; S-ronm nottue with tiatli; lot lOUxlW Met. l'rlce Hrlck building- and lot occupied bv H. 11. uragg A Co. and post ottli-e, H,ii. Address ni3l II 1.. N. lUAIWKltH, U. B. Marshal's office, Portland. Or, Public Sale At my ranch at Hlngen, Wash., on Thnraday, April 2S, MM, and continuing from day today mini eaie ia mnipieicu, rouowing peraonal proic'iy, mwm 12 head of horses and colts; 1 heavy akoln wagon, 1 covered hack, 1 Racine 8 seated hack, bnggtea, mowers, 1 Osborne Hay Raka, 1 Keystone grain drill, 1 li-disc Key stone hsrmw and seeder, 2 cultivators, 1 8- norse power, power laca, l cutting boi, 1 cider mill; 1 portable blacksmith forge; 1 flour chest; 14 kegs nails; I lot of fruit crates; the following dairy Implements: 1 OelJivelle sen. arauirs; 3 butter workers; 1 churn; S doaen muter iuds: I Hancock but r tester with acids; butter mnulils. milk cans etc; 1 Light ling hay press: t seu double hsmess: I rond scraier; Jhaylrks; (linen butter boxes; 1 coauoviierB aim lanitis, ana a large quantity of hinn snd bousehohi gimds too numerous lb be specified. ivrmaoi Haie-atims under ., cash; over hat amount, one vear's time at S iwir cent. with note with approved security. neirvaiiiueuie oo tne grounus. . , A. R. UYRKKTT. R. Adsms, Auctioneer, MOUNTAIN Health, Resort For sale. Irge new building tinder const ruc tion. Central radiation point for Mt. Hood, IrfMt take, trout Ashing and hnnting grounds Will attract lanre natronaire from iWilh,i and 1IMI fttlr. Mee or write W. R. Wlnans on the premises or at Hood River. Or. I'hone 971. Also, choice fruit lands, large or small tract. GET THF BEST t While it Lasts. I have mr sale large and small tracts lm. proved and unlmnroved. t&an acre nn AU, gisid business propositions. lean kicatesome gixd boniestenls. Mee me In town or at the falls of Hood river. W.R.WIN AN8, phone 971, 10 Acres for Sale. I am offering for sale my 10 acres, well lm- Braved, S miles south of town, on the Mount ood road, For particulars, calUt my place. amr r. k. hailh. Dry Slab Wood For aale; 13.50 a cord, delivered, If taken at once. DAVKNPOHT BHOH. LHn CO. 40 Acres for Sale. Two miles from White Kalmon Y. O. on county rosd;i In cultivat ion, seeded to clover, wheat and barley; 4110 bearing fruit trees: wa ter plenty; gooa nouse ana narn. rnce sahuu. ail l'ETEH OlttXUUNG. Horse for Sale. Mare years old: weight abnnt l.ano. al V. C. HTOUT. Belmont. For Rent. I will rent my garden pstcb In town for the season of 1V04; cauh rent or on shares. Call on meat my residence, comer River and Irving streets. a21 H. J, BYRKETT. For Sale. At Llttls White Htnre: 1 M.-versSnrav Pnmp. complete and ready for work; 1 California 1)1 so Cut Away, Al for orchard cultivation; 1 M-lnch Plow: 1 Hubaoll Plow: 1 Double Hhov- el Plow; 1 band cultivator. Prices are right on an mese articles, Bicycle for Sale. Brand new coaster brake Rambler; cost H0; sin sen ior ssi. hai iffitibba, m81 R. P. D. No. 2. Team for Sale. Good well broke team, buggy and harness for stile. Prices very reasonable. Inquire at uiacier omce. 80 Acres For tale. 50 the best of apple land; 8 aet to the best commercial varieties: 4 about readv to set; remainder very easily cleared; two springs, with aufllcient water to Irrigate Ave acres ot sirawnernes; new cottage nouse. barn and other outbuildings. Price ttl.iKU cash. Call on or address owner on premises, 4 miles out on Kast Hide. This land lssltuatd In the famous apple belt or Hood Klver. a'Jl L. A. I1KIIM AN, R. K. D. No. 1 Top Grafting:. To all whom It may concern: The under signed did a lot of top grafting for Hood Klver orcbardtsls last spring. If any of his work was not satisfactory, he asks I lint he be notl- River. and he will make It satisfactory. Or If any one wishes any work done In hla line, to no tify Dim in tne same way. aT .1. w. KIRKWfWin Orcbardlstsof Hood River are perfectly sat isfied with the work and bope Mr. Klrkwood win Tviiinui wini tin. Get Your Easter Hat. Of Mme. Abbott, on Hood River Heights, where she has an elaborate display of the latest designs brought direct from Eastern wholesalers. Come and look over my new stock. Mme ABBOTT. PIT Lots of Fun FLINCH Everybody Plays It PANIC Best Ever TRIX Something New Get them at WI CHASE, Sanborn's HEALTH T BZGJU-D&f' vyr END ISrW THE' t A R. B. BRAGG & CO. FAIR Bronze Turkey Eggs. For hatching. 10 for 1.0t). For sale by Mr A. J. Emerson, Hlpnia place, R. F. I). No. Cow for Sale. A No. 1 cow. Inquire of Mrs. Owen, on the old warren rorm at r ransuin. an FIR STOVE WOOD For Bale. Inqulie at the livery stables. m24, Milk. Any quantity. Leave orders at Carrier' eataurant or call on D. J. Trelber. mH 480 Acres Timber. 15.000.00l to 18.00n.0DO feet atumpaRe, r Davenport'a new mill site. Ug flume al ready built through tract Price 6,uu0 cash Lock box 3fi7, Hood Klver, Or. Hay for Sale. alt B. F. HHOKMAKKR. 9. nr 3 Prfish finws For aale at Riverside Farm, 8 miles west of uiwu. Biioriuorus auu jeroevn. a7 J. W. MORTON. For Sale. A 200-egg Incubator and brooder. a7 V. WINCH ELL. House to Rent. Apply to t& Q. D. WOODWORTH. Clover Hay for Sale. First class, 3 miles Irom town on Mount Hood road. Inquire FRED H AILEY, a7 B. F. D.No.l, Cow for Sale. Fresh, three-quartera Jersey; 4 years old, privet). AJNo. icow. J.c. BOUtiM, a7 It. F. 1). No. 1. Seed Potatoes. Early Rosa. For sale at Sl.00 a sack deliv ered anywhere In town, or at my place st Hel mnnt. a7 nnunu rMra. Notice. All who are delinquent on Block of Farmers' irrigating ( o. niarcn in, l'.n, win oecnurgea interest at tne rate oi iu per cent per annum auer murcn 1,1 until rani, ny oraer oi ai rectors. N.C. EVANH, Hec y. Horses for Sale. Five head farm horses, weight 1.100 to 1.200. Terms. tkanhfkh AND I.IVEKY CO To Let. Fonr office rooms to let, centrally locnted Inquire of mHl H. E. BAKTMESM, Wanted. Two girls for housework. Apply to mil) A. R. HYBKKTT, Hlnir'n. Wah. SLOCOM'S CHASE ft SANBORNS TEA IS fvQURStl (Timber I-and. Act June , 1HTS.1 yOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United Btates I And Office. The Dallea, Ore.. December 21, Wo. Notice I" hereby given that In compliance with the provisions or tbe act of ivinirrnui of June 1L 1STS. entitled "AO act for the Hale of Umber lands In the slate ol lifornia. Oregon, .Nevada and vt aimingim Territory." as extended to all the public land stausby ni-lof August 4, IKlfi, the followtng- asnipd Demons nave niea iniuuumraui"' sworn statenientH, Ut wtl: AUtKKT M. CAI.I'WKI.L, of Waynoka, county of WikkIs, territory ol Oklahoma, sworn statement jo. i"". une 1, lata, for the purchase o. the w4 Wi KKkand HK'4 NWS section IS, town p 1 nortb. range II east. v . y. WILLIAM THOMPSON. of Hood River, county of Wasco, stateof Ore gon, sworu statement lo. ivz. uieu juuo , row, usr the pnrctiase or tne nr. seciiou ou, . ' , . ' t. ....... l' Vi township 1 north, range 9 east, w That, thpv will offer lroor Ul ml land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or alone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to said land before tiro. T. Frather, II. H. Commissioner, at Hood Riv er, Oregon, on Wednesday, April 13, WW. iney name aa witnesses: Minora i- wo"u worlh, Hiinon F. Eby and Archie C. French of Hood River, Oregon; Mert U Woollev and Al bert M. laldwell of Waynoka, tiglahoma; M R Noble and William A. fcby of Hood Riv er, Oregon; John A. Thompson, William Thompson, Edmund C. Miller, Warren Cooper and Kve winnna or HikmI Klver. Oregon. Ar chie C. French and Arthur R. French of W aynoka, Oklahoma. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file tneir claims In this omce on or neiore saiu llitb day of April, 1WM. I4S MltHAEJ. l. IilL.AI-l. rvegmuii. Timber ljind, Act June 8, 18TH.1 NOTIUK FOK PUBLICATION. United Htstes lnd Office. The Dalles, Dreeon. Dec. 21. Not ice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1M7N, entitled "An act lor tne sale or tun tier moils id tne niawaoi California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states bv act of Auvust 4. 1KD2. the following namea persons nave n tea in tnia omce uieir sworn siaiemenu, to-wii: JAM KM A. CLEMKNHON. of 218 Yamhill street. Portland, county of Mu tnomHli. state or Oregon, sworn statement No. 1W4, It led June 13, 1WH, lor the purchase of tnewr.y. h;i, swy. section a, NWV( and N ' NV sectlou ), township 2 nortn. range a east, si. PHILIP U. WARKKN. of Vlento, county of Wasco, ftate of Oregon, sworn siau-meni o. -fira. men riepiemoer 21, 1HU3. lor tne purcuase 01 ine vv nw ana WUHWW section 9, township 2 north, range 9 si. w. ai. MARY F. MORHE. of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 2U18, Hied July 13, IlioH. for the purclmse of the Iota s. 10. 11 and 12 section 31,townahipl north, range Oeastw.u. PHOEUE E. MOIWE. 01 tiooa Klver, conuty or wasco, slate or Ore gon, sworn siHtenieni io. mu. niea July i. lliulj, for the purchase of lots 4, 5 and 9 section Ai. townsiiip 1 norm, rungc a east, w. At. f hat they will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to said laud be fore Oeo. T. Pruther. U. H. Commissioner, al Hood River, Oregon, on Monday, April 11.1901. They name as witne-wex: William F. Rand of Hood River, Oregon; Gilford I). Wood worth, Itfwls E. Morse, Phoebe E. Morse and Mary F. Morse of Hood Hiver, Oregon: Hamuel Woodward and Theodore Cilazer of Cascade Locks, Oregon; Millard F. Hird of Hood Klv er, Oregon; Fremont Foster of Hood River, uregon; i nester castuer, f rank H. Button. Charles L. Morse of Hood River, Oregon: Louis E. Morse of Hood River. Oregon. Any and all peinons claiming adversely the auove-ucHcnueu lauus are requested to nie their claims In this ottlce on or before aald Uth day of April, WW. Ma7 m h;h a el T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1H78.I NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dallea, Ore gon, Dec. 14, 1903. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1H78, entitled "Anact for the sale of timber lands in the states ol uaniornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all the public laud slates by act of August 4, 1MU, the following .icucu hc'ii'iib uave meu in inis omce mei sworn statements, 10-wll; RUY N. WOODWORTH of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore- gnu, mvorii aiaieiiieni aa 1910, nied June! 1903. for the purchase of the HK section 34. Hinusuipi uuilu, riiuge v earn, w. M, ARCHIE C. FRENCH, oiwaynoka, county of Woods, territory of uKiaiioma.sworn statement N0.I8TH, tiled May 27, W03, for the purchase of the aV,H WS4, V. SWVi, and lot 3 ol section 19, townshtpl north, rauge 11 easi. w . ivi . BERT L. WOOLLEY. ofWaynoka, county of Woods, territory of en,,,,, BLnilIieill i O. ISlZ, U Wtl May 25, 1903, for the purchase of the H WW sec- 11.11m , mu m. ntllgC H CUSl, Vl . Al snniuit a. f KciNCH, of W aynoka, county of Wisids, territory uaianoma. SWOrn Ktatemenl N 1110.; tii.l J une 2, 1903 for the purchase or the Wl2 N Kk uudKMWij section 30, township 1 north, range 11 east. W. M. 1 hat tliey will otfer proof lo show that the lund sought In more valuable for I In timber or stone thau lor agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to said land before i,r A u- B- commissioner; nt Hood wii-Kwn. uii l uesuuy, Ainu li MH. They name as wltnexxeie fiiir, ,r,i 11 uw worlli and Roy N. Wooilworthoi n.w.n ui,. Oregon: F.dmond C. Miller and Warren Cooiv erot Ml. Hood, Oregon; Archie C. French, Hcrt I 7,t , u Ar,"ur t;. t rench of Wayno- , niineu miner, 01 Mood Klver, Oregon; Ralph French and Albert M. Cald well of Waynoka, OklahomajEdmoud C. Mil ler of Hood Klver. Ownn Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 12th day of April, 1904. nai MICHAEL T. NOLAN. Reflate- ITImber Land. Act .Tnn n iuru i NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, February 4, 1904. Notice la herein, that In compliance with the provisions of the ..i.iniiii june 8. .878, entitled "An et for the sale of timber lands in the statesof -""". "leaiiu, cevaua ana Washington lerrltory," as extended to all the public land KMILLoYim zikot i'ij of Centralla, oouniyof Levis. stjuenr wh liigton. bas, on August 22, lt3, tiled In this ortlce his sworn statement, No. 2102 for the Ii i.. !. "toiiou o.z,tn lown- sl p No. 2 north, range No. 9 east, W. M and will oiler proor to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Ita timber or stone than . . . ul. pnrnosea, ana to establish h ciaim 10 sain lund before Oeo. T. Prather juimissioner, at his olllce at Hood AnrTriiu' 0n TtmredhJ'. th Nth day of He names as wltneHneu t t r . Stranahan Albert K. Htranaitan and W. Ross Wlnans, all of Hood River, Oregon .cutis nit requested w me j?T clB""; ln thlsofflcon or before said ui nprii. huh. fllal4 MlCljAEL T. NOLAN, Register. Horse for Sale. A gentle mare, for sale by ?2 UKO. W. SANDERS, Odell Effes for Salfi. Thomtighbred HnlJOrplngton and Buff Leg. horn, 15, per setting $1,00. 8 anil MRS. ANSA ANDERSON. Belmont. 35 Acres rorsaieaia Dargnin; on tha road to Mount iioou; good spple land; nice, healthy location loranouseDy the roadside. Inquire on the " J. 1. Ill L.1.S1 ROM. Strawberrv Plants. I have alsiut HiO.OOO llrsUlass .imwhum plants for sale. Also laud, from one acre to !?l?!i,5l:Ml c. KOtiEIts. For Sale. IVimnna Spray I'timp, with barrel, pnsh cs wi... Ki,niiix.eU miia, an in goon condition. Jl R. M. HUNT. Cow for Sale. A pure bred Jersev. frlceXift. ml? lEJlRjysoNjjhone 84B. Eggs for Hatching. I have f lymoulh Ri-k eggs fur hau-nlng-e's a setting. MRS..I. H. SHoF.MAKKR FOR SALE, 4-room house snd one lot; now rents for ss tuontii rrlceMiO. Iniiuro at Olaelerofl ce or of D, i. c-uiiie. Mi LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library The" Best In Current Literatura 12 Comulctc Novel Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 per year; 25 ct. a cory NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUM1ER COMPLETE IN ITSELF Real Estate Bargains. LIST OF LANDS For Sale AND FORIRENT AT THE EMPORIUM. Money to loan. Hanna bouse and lot, $2,000. 1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition $150. Corner lot in front of school nouse $300. 2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler' subdivision, near cannon house; only $125; terms easy, installment plan. 3. Sixty acres good cultivatable land on Kot-k creek, six miles southeast of Hood River. I'rice $700. 'lermg easy, 4. 320 acres of timber land at the fall of Hood Kiver, belonging to George E. Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit land;$4000. 8. 100 acres at White Salmon; fine timber land; $10 an acre. 9. The b-acre place in (Jrapper neigh- . borhood, known as the Renahaw place; all improved ; new buildings, etc. 160 acres, house and garden patch, located 10 miles south of The Dalles. Known as the Woodman place. Trice 1900. The Hunt place m'e southwest of town. Houwt, barn, mostly in strawber ries and other fruits. Price, $1450. The new company now offers for sale lots formerly belonging to the Hood Bivor Towneito company, of which com pany John Lei and Henderson is secre tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer. Installment plan. Tickets to and from Europe. Persons desiring to purchase tickets to or from any points iu Europe or South Alrica may secure the same irom John L. Henderson, who is agent for the Beaver line of steamships. First-class Surveying Outfit At the Emporium are kept 2 first-claBS transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, iB pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. from and after this flute, April 9, W03, the rates will be as follows: $10 a day j Lot corners established for $5 a lot; two contiguous for one owner, the same price. Furnished room to rent. Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2- story house: f 1,400. For Sale Residence on State af reet at head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots. For Sale. 40 acres near Monnt Hood poBt office. Good land $700 cash 30 days, only. J. Leland Henderson. For Rent For a term of ten years, the two lotB on State street, back of Bartmess' and the Paris Fair. Rental, $120 a year for the two, For Sale The 60 acre strawberry farm owned by A: E. Lake and others, on west side. Price $14,000. All in straw berries in their prime. A good oppor tunity for Beveral buyers to go in to gether and each secure a part. Must all be sold at once. Terms half or more cash. For Sale The Henderson ranch, for merly owned by J. R. Galligan; 60 acres 30 cleared; orchard; strawberries; clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large 2-story mansion, small cottnge, new barn ; all fenced. Price $10,000. A brook runs through ranch. Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery. Four miles from Hood River. Two goat ranches on mountain east of valley on county road. One, $1,000; the others $1,200; each has small house, running water, and is fenced. Terms, easy, Rooms to rent in city. Unfurnished house to rent. Center of city. Good for stote or office. Mrs. Clark's acres on the hill for sale or rent; house $10 a month, with land $15; Belling price $1,500; renter must take subject to sale. My own house opposite Savage's hard ware store, occupied by Mrs. Jayne is for rent; suitable for office or shop. The 10 acres owned by H. S. Lewis at Iieimont, improved, with buildings. imJ,n1,Icm.ent8' ,urniture, stock, etc., $J,000; the bare place, $2,500; $1,500 or more cash ; balance on time, 6 per ct. A. W. ONTHANK, Notary Public and Real Es tate Ap-ent. Loans, Loans, Collections and Conveyancing. Fire d Life Insurance tn the hei ,.......' " an Stenography and Type Writing. Oak St., lfiiod River. 4 Tracts of Land for Sale. stfawbetr,rie0r U nd nettrl' " ' acres 2S tillable; 2 acres ctared; $75 per to A.rchaseHrWe P""' btt""'ce ' be'donaUd acres, partly cleared, ST0 per acre K. acres, all cleared; splendid Impro'vemeut ThJLP.Te "6l 10 lr,ee anrt "rswberr These places are located horn one to five i.01!'1 '.'n,1er lhe "'ork Irrigating l o s ditch. I am not a real estate agent but I farmer living 6 miles out and am orTe?i5 these properties for non-resident friends if youarelutrwled In any way. donThesTtate to ask questions. The list riiiy contain jS acily what you want, or your friends who am coming to Hood River, are looking for cU Gasoline Ena-inA For sale cheap; 2', horse power! nearly new . H. C. COK. Early Garden Plants. ArrMorflwtorM i-aliliage and celerv phmm iiiaio, t-! TJ!L,.!'iAJ1N5iR- p. n. a. Dressmaking I wish to Inform the ladles of iTood River that am .4ed in the Jackson building n-Tt 10 , ruulre's meat markei.und iirepareii '"i - to their il iv-mi liking and fine sewing I hn-e i!-o j. f-w furnished rooms to rent ti de !l:,h. imrtles. M HH. K. 0. CI.AKK. Strawberry Plants I hai sn ie one to jim.uuu pure Cti ilants, wnrninted first growth fi srg Meed- llni; fr,.. ...... linn,. ""Ug and healthv flt nil' llniu a H-tr.- 5.?; '. A- K. BVRK Erf. To Rent. ve occluded to rent out about Ml) acrea ..... ...iii-ii, s.i-Bwoerry land. In patches to and for any length of time, from i '.fli '-iin. r;il lube best strawberry and jo -iim., kind in the Hood River eoiintrv and n he early belt. Kree water In abumiance. (all upon i me at mv ranch, or address me i Blngen.Wash. hi A. R, BYRKEfl t