The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 31, 1904, Image 2

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    g& jver Slacier,
The Grand Army Encampment.
The Btate encaiupjuent of the Grand
Army of. the Republic, to be held in
Hood River, June 15, If) and 17, given
every promise of being the largest gath
ering of old soldiers and their friendn
ever held In the state. The Womeu's
Relief Corps and the Ladles of the
G. A. It. will also be in session during
the three diiys the old soldiers will hold
forth. These couventious will be held
at a time when our strawberry harvest
U under full headway, and our visitors
will have a chance to see the output of
our berry fields loaded on the ears for
shipment to distant markets, to see the
stream of wagons employed in the
work of hauling the berries to the sta
tion, the army of pickers at work in
the fields and the puckers in the park
lug houses, the numerous Indians that
come from the reservations to help
gather the harvest, the picturesque
groups ot these people from the plains
in their gaudy dress and trappings, all
of which will be sights worth seeing.
But the most important to Hood River
will be the chance it will give outsid
era to note the productiveness of our
soil, the value of our ciops and the
justification for the prices obtained for
Hood River real estate. These gather
ings will be a great advertisement for
Hood River. Some of the people who
attend these conventions may be hi'
duced to locate permanently with us.
All who come will talk of Hood River
when they return to their homes. And
all who come will spend their money
with us while here.
The general committee from Canby
post and the relief corps have held sev
eral business sessions and outlined con
side-ruble work that will be ueccessary
to accommodate and Interest the peo
ple who come to the conventions. The
work of the committee has reached
point where the members find it nec
essary to call upon the citizens of Hood
River to co-operate, and to this end the
mayor has been asked to call a public
meeting. The mayor cheerfully grant
ed the request, and Saturday evening,
April 2, he fixed upon as the date. The
business men and citizens generally of
Hood River requested the holding of
tlie encampment here, and to them
more than to the members of Canby
post and relief corps belongs the honor
of providing entertainment and ex
tending a welcome to the old soldiers
and their friends. And there is no fear
that any one will lack In patriotism or
home pride when called upon to act.
Home White Salmon residents are
afraid that the Northern Pacific overlap
claims will interfere with their land
titles in Klickitat county, but according
to the Portland Journal the holdings in
volved lie in Clark county, with some
lands in Cowlitz and a very small quan
tity in Skamania county.
It is significant that Wasco county
sends an uninstructed delegation to
the republican state and congressional
conventions.' Other Eastern Oregon
counties, it is noticed, have done like
wise. Looks as if the "cow counties"
could give Multnomah pointers on
clean politics
. It's a cold day when Hood. River
doesn't get a nominee for presidential
March came in like a lion. Did any
one see it go out like a lamb?
The Wasco Legislative Ticket.
Antelope Herald.
The nomination of Hon. N. Whealdon
for the state senate and J. N. Burgees
and A. A. Jayne for the lower house of
the state legislature will meet with gen
eral approval throughout the county,
and will add strength to the republican
ticket. Mr. Whealdon represented this
legislative district in the legislature of
1903, whore he was an active member,
ever watchful of the interests of Eastern
Oregon, and recognized as one of the
strongest members trom this portion of
the state. His promotion to the senate
will be a deserved recognition of his able
services to lus constituents.
Mr. Burgess, who was also a member
of that legislature, was characterized as
one of the most popular members of that
body. As a member from Multnomah
put it: "You alwavs know where to
find him, and can rely upon him." He
was attentive to his duties as a legisla
tor, quirk to discover the merits or de
merits of a measure, and faithful to his
convictions. His nomination is a source
of gratification to his friends, who de
sired to see him returned to the legis
lature. Mr. Jayne, who was formerly a 'resi
dent of '1 he Dalles and who served four
vears as prosecuting attorney for this
district, is now practicing law at Hood
River. He is an able lawyer, and will
doubtless give a good account of him
self among the lawmakers of the state.
The Candidate and the Editor.
A good story curues in from White
Salmon, where, so the Glacier is told,
politics is warming up and a red hot
local campaign is on. A certain promi
nent citizen of the city on the bluff an
nounced himself several months ago as
a candidate for the nomination of couniy
commissioner. The local paper spoke a
good word in his favor, but after a visit
to ttoldenuale there appeared an article
advocating the re-election of the present
oiticials, legislative and county. Satur
day last, eo the report goes, Mr. Candi
date walked up to the newspaper ollice,
and calling the editor out on the porch
wanted to know why in thunder (or
words to that eflect) the paper was sup
porting Dymond, the present commis
sioner. "And are you going to run.
too?" tremblingly imiuired the would
be ring master of White Salmon poli
tics. "Yes," bluntly retorted the can
didate, "but I don't want any more of
your d support; stop my paper!" The
editor returned to his sanctum, puzzled
to know what would turn up next in
White Salmon politic.
(Jives Facts About Advertising.
Everv man or woman who ia now ad
vertising or intending to advertise,
should send ten cents for copy of
White's Sayings published at (Seattle,
Wah.. at II per year.
This paper gives practical hint about
advertising systems, advertising illus
trations, writing advertisements and
suggests methods to get more business
at less expense.
It give the advertising rate of all
the leading publications and in man)
other ways is Worth the $d per year.
A paid up subscriber may ask all the
questions he desires about business and
advertising memoes ana receive cuuu
deutial replies. One department for
hustlers tells you now to start in uuoi
nessor yourself and be independent.
Bend ten cents today, u you are ru-
vrt h nir or exoect to advertise, u
White's Sayings, Seattle, Wash.
White Salmon Primaries, April 2.
Special to the U lacier.
GoluYndale, March 30. The Klickitat
county republican central committee
at a meeting Saturday decided to hold
the primaries on Saturday, April 2.
Delegates have been apportioned to
the precincts of western Klickitat county
as follows :
whii.Hi.imnn 4 I Cimu Prairie 8
Timber Valley . S Hunum 2
Trout iae - i nyrei -
Leslie Butler for Presidential Elector.
Special to the Glacier.
Portland, March 30. The state pro
hibition convention today nominated
state and congressional tickets, as fol
lows :
Conoressmen First district, R. W.
Kelsy oi Newberg; Second district, II.
W. Stone of Multnomah county.
Supreme Judge C. J. Bright ol Sher
man county.
Dairy and Food Commissioner Ira
W. Berry of Umatilla county.
Presidential Electors I. H. Ames,
W. H. Almore, Leslie Butler, I. S. Me
Dnniel. The convention was called to order
Tuesday morning by State Chairman I:
(. Amos, and organization was perfect
ed with Leslie Butler chairman, and
Professor Henrv Sheak. secretary.
The prohibition state alliance officers
were elected as follows: J P Newell,
Portland, president; E R Bradley, Hood
River, first vice president; S U Downs,
Portland, second vice president; F B
Rutherford. McMinnville, third vice
president; F McKerclier.Portland.trea
Wasco county delegates present: R B
Hood, The Dalles; L Butler, Fred Dielz,
J H Feak. F C Sherrieb.O L Htranahan,
M D Odell, Ueorge Wilson, E R Bradley,
Hood Kiver.
Democratic Primaries April 9.
The Wasco county democratic pri
maries for the election of delegates to
the county convention will be held on
Saturday, April . ine couniy con
vent ion will be held at The Dalles Sat
urday, April 10, and will consist of .1)0
delegates, apportioned as ioiiows;
Antelope 8
Mosier 2
HKKe uvea i
Baldwin 1
Blgelow 7
Uoyd 1
Columbia it
Deschutes 1
Duftir 8
East Dalles 7
East Hood River 6
Eight Mile 1
Kails 1
Klngsley ...... 4
Oak Urove...
.... 2
Mouth Hood River...
Tygh ....
Went Dalles 9
West Hood River..
Socialist Comity Ticket.
The socialist party met in convention
at The Dalles last Saturday and placed
the following ticket in nomination :
State Senator J W Elton.
Representatives Frank Leiplein, and
U W liar zee.
County Judge Thomas Gray.
Sheriff Jack McHailey.
Clerk H E Brown.
Commissioner J T Taylor.
School Superintendent E J Middle-
Surveyor Fred Btischner.
Assessor A N Roope.
Treasurer G F Arnold.
Coroner J B Palmer.
Tomorrow is April Fools' day.
C. Mickelsen of Ilnsum was in Hood
River yesterday.
The ladies of Belmont church set an
excellent lunch at Booth's yesterday.
Bear in mind the date of the public
meeting April 2.
Copple & Hoole will sell your proper
ty no matter where it is. Try them.
It looks as if March were going out
like a lamb, alter all its bluster and
roar the whole month through. Thurs
day morning finds a balmy soring dav
with an all-blue sky overhead, a decided
relief trom the wind, snow and rain ex
perienced during the week. This will
give the grass a chance to grow, and the
fields to dry for the plow. Spring work
of all kinds has been delayed, and it
will keep the farmers hustling from now
on to get ready for a record-breaker ber
ry crop.
At Mount Hood, Or., March 17, 1904
to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kelly, a son.
Children Mutt Attend School.
The following is the Oregon law in re
lation to child labor and school attend
ro child under the age of 14 years
shall be employed in any work or form
for wages or other compensation to
whomsoever payable, during the hours
when the public schools of the town, ilia
trict or city, in which he or she resides,
are in eeeaiou.
Attendance at school shall be compnl
sory upon a child under 14 years during
Look at This
1. 5 acres just ouUi'de city llnilta; all
fenced and under the plow . . . .f 1,250
2. 70 acres 2 miles from town; will be
sold entire or In small lota. Terms to
suit purchaser. Nearly all under cul
tivatiou; bernet aud meadow.
3. 40 acres, miles from city limits
apples, pears and meadow: apple or
chard in full bearing: 2" acres of peam
bore la tons or iruit; new e-room
house with bath and pantry and
large attic floored, could be finished
into bed rooms. An Ideal summer
4. Two 10-acre tracts berry land 3 miles
from town, on main mad; fenced and
under cultivation. Trice $200 per acre
5. 33 acres 1 mile from town, nearly all
in berries, une or the beot buys in
the valley and Is offered cheap for a
snort time.
6. 40 acres 4 miles out; all under cult!
vation ; consisting of apple, berries
and clover $8,000
7. 150 acres S miles out; no Improve
ments; will l told cheap; is In the
famous apple belt, all under lione
'ditch, lnveotera will do well to look
this up.
S. 40 acres 4 miles out: all in clover
under Bone's ditch; plenty of water.
Will pay big per cent of purchase
price this year.
Several desirable residence lota; also,
house and 2 lots in a desirable location
For further Information, see
Hood River, Oregon.
Keen Ud the Quality. Keep
THE m8 and downs of life are daily illustrated in our business. In buy
ing we keep up the standard of excellence by always getting the best
values for the least money; in selling, we keep the prices down to the low
water mark, a practice which is making us so many good friends in the
community. We've been hammering into your heads right along that we
sell goods cheaper than any other house in town, and that it is simply a
waste of good money to pay more for anything than you will here.
Just received, a line of Ladies' EXTRA SIZES, and Misses' Walking
Skirts. Large fancy Handkerchiefs for Kimonas and Sofa Pillow tops, etc.;
price 10c; 3 for 25c. New Ginghams, Dimities, Percales, etc.
Our line of Boys' Clothing is complete. We have a nice line and the price
cannot be matched. Ladies' Shirt Waists of all kinds and descriptions. .
Any New Idea Pattern, 10c
th m-hnla of the school term In the city
or town in which the child resides. At
tendance at pchool shall be compulsory
uvhhi a child under 15 years of ai;e
who is not employed in any juwiui ui.
Cattle drowers' Convention.
Tlmm will 1 a convention of the cat
tle growers of Oregon held in Portland,
April 10, beuinuinK at tu a. in., aim con
tinuing in the evening. The people in
terested in. this industry are earnestly
requested to be present, as subjects will
be discussed of the greatest importance
to all cattle men. The meeting will lie
held at the Auditorium, between Tay
lor and Salmon on Third street.
GRANT MAYS, Secretary.
Addition to the Rand Fund.
Amount reported $313 00
R F Romero 2 00
J H Gill , 2""
VKGill I"?
HM Abbott 160
A L Carmichael 1 00
Total t320 50
Advertised Letter List.
March 14, 1904.
Sparks, Mra A Kelley, J L
Adams, w u reisou, v
Benson, FE Newby, Emmar A 2
Carson, J Koblnson, fat ,
Conln, Mr Ross, E E
Elliott, Chas
March 21, 1904.
Bennett. Mr Mattle 3 Demston, W K
Erlksen, Miss Elvira
Haynes, Edward
Johnson, N A
Reynolds, OeoO
Twitchell, W J
Williams, Harrison
I'aullln, Mrs Berth a
Walton, Miss Hutu
Hen net I . J
Boiie, Ml ho
March 28, 1904.
Bennett, Mrs Mattle Kidder, A B
Matthews, Mrs Geo
Hmlth, Mrs Oeo H
fort, a r
Robinson, BB
Wilt, Bolver
Kisentiart, w J
Gill, J K
Best Remedy for -Constipation.
"The finest remedy for constipation I
ever used is Chamberlain's Stomach and
LiverTablets," says Elt Butler of trank
ville, N. Y. "Thev act gently and with-
For Sale.
My residence on Sherman (ivenue: 8-roni
house with bath; lot lOOxloU feet. Price 12,000.
Brick building and lot occupied by K. H.
BraKg & Co. and pojt ollice. fti.ilOO. Address
T 1 XT III , ,uf
lll.ll u, . oiajti r,i,
U. 8. Marshal's office, Portland, Or.
Public Sale
At my ranch at Blngen, Wash., on Thursday,
April 28, 1904, and continuing from day today
until sale Is completed. Following personal
property, town:
12 head of horses and colts; 1 heavy 3 skein
wagon. 1 covered hack, 1 Racine 8 seated
hack, 2 baggies, 3 moweis, 1 Osborne Hsy
Rake. 1 Keystone grain drill, 1 12-dlsc Key
stone harrow and seeder, 2 cultivators, 1 8-
horse Dower. 1 power laok. 1 cuttinir box. 1
elder mill; 1 portable blacksmith forge; 1 Hour
cnest; 14 Begs nans; 1 lot oi mill crates; the
following dairy implements: 2 Delvelle sep
arators; z muter workers; i churn; s dozen
butter tubs: 1 Hubcock butter te-ter with
acids; butter moulds, milk cans etc; 1 Light
ning hay press: 2 sets double harness: 1 road
scraper 2 hay forks; dozen butter boxes; 2
chandeliers and lamps, and a large quantity
of farm and household goods too numerous to
oe specinea.
Terms of Hale Sums under $.'. cash: over
that amount, one year'a time at 8 per ceut,
witn note witn approved security,
Refresbinenta on the grounds.
R. Adams, Auctioneer.
Health Resort
le. Large new building nnderconstruo-
lentra ranmtton doiih for Alt. Haul.
Lost Lake, trout fishing and hunting grouiids
Will attract large patronage from Portland
and 190A fair. : Kee or wrlle W. R. Wlnans on
the premises or at Hand River, Or. Phone 071.
Also, choice fmtt lands, large or small tracts.
While it Lasts.
I have ftr Nil Iniye and it mull tract Im
proved and unimproved, $25 an acre up. Also,
guod buMnetw propositions. I can locate some
good hometUeadit. Hee me In town or at the
illiof Hood river. W.R.WIN AN8, phone ffi.
McDonald &Henrich
Plows, Harrows,
Buggies, Spring
Or anything else in Farm
Implement line.
Anil gootls the bent money
can buv.
J. R.
tural 1
Corner 4th and Columbia Streets
out any unpleasant effect, and leave the
bowels in a perfectly natural condition,"
Sold by all druggist. .
vel for well established house in a few coun
ties, calling on retail mercnanis anu agents.
Local territory. Halary SW per week with ex
pense additional, all payable In cash each
week. Money lor eipehses advanced. Post-
tlon permanent. Business successful and
rushing. Manufacturers ana wnoiesaiers,
liept. 1, intra noor. vh iiearoorn ot., i,iim-hh,j.
Dry Slab Wood
For sale; 13.60 a cord, delivered, If taken at
once. davknpokt niton, i.ntv w.
40 Acres for Sale.
Tin mllea from White Balmon P.-0. on
county road;20 In cultivation, seeded to clover,
wneat ana uariey: .uu ueanug nun. uto, wa
ter plenty; good house and barn. Price 92,500.
Horse for Sale. '
Mare 0 years old; weight about 1,200.
a21 . K. C. HTOUT. Belmont.
For Rent.
I will rent my garden patch In town for the
season of 1904; cash rent or on shares. Call on
me at my residence, corner Klver ana Irving
streeus, ai n. j . m ,
For Sale.
At Little White Store: 1 MeveraSpray Pump,
complete and ready for work; 1 California
lilsc uut Away, ai xororciiara cultivation;
1 112-lnch Plow: 1 Subsoil Plow: 1 Double Shov
el Plow; 1- band cultivator. Prices are right
on all these articles,
Bicycle for Sale.
Brand new coaster brake Rambler; cost $10;
will sell for $ 0. RAY IMBLKR,
mil R. F. D. No. 2.
Team for Sale.
Good well broke team, buggy and harness
for sale. Price very reasonable. luqulre at
Olacler office. a21
Bronze Turkey Eggs.
For batching, 10 for 1.00. For sale by Mrs.
A. J. Kmersou, Slpma place, R. F. D. No. 2.
Top Grafting.
To all whom It may concern: The nnder
algned did a lot of top graRlng for Hood River
orchardtats last spring. If any of his work
was not satisfactory, he axks that be be noti
fied through the post office at Hood River,
and he will make It satisfactory. Or If any
one wishes any work doue In his line, to no
tify him in the same way.
87 J. W. K1RKWOOD.
80 Acres
For sale. 60 the best of apple land; 6 set to
the best commercial varieties; i about ready
to set; remainder very easily oleared; two
springs, with sufficient water to irrigate five
acres of strawberries; uew cottage house, barn
and other outbuildings. Price (11,000 cash.
Call on or address owner on premises, 4 miles
out on Kant Side. This land Is situated In the
famous apple bell of Hood River,
a21 L. A, HERMAN, R. F. D. No. 1.
10 Acres for Sale.
I am ottering for sale my 10 acres, well Im
proved, S miles south of town, on the Mount
Hood road. For particulars, call at my place.
al4tf P. E. BAILEY.
Notice is hereby given that the survey of
townships north of range 8 east oi wmameue
meridian lias been accepted by the Honorable
Commissioner of the General Land Office;
that the plat - f said township will be died in
the United Slates Land office at Vancouver,
Washington, on May 25, 1U01: and that on and
rfler said date the Register and Receiver will
be prepared to receive applications for the
entry of lands embraced In aald township,
from qualified applicants, who have a prefer
ence right, by settlement made prior to De
cember 27, ltut!, the date of the withdrawal of
sid township, Included In a proposed forest
reserve. H. C. PHILLIPS,
Register IT. 8. Land Office, Vancouver, Wash,
listed March 24, 1W14.
Get Your Easter Hat.
Of Mine. Abbott, on Hood River Heights, where
she has an elaborate display of the latest designs
brought direct from Eastern wholesalers. Come
and look over my new stock.
Lots of Fun
Everybody Plays It
Best Ever
Get them at
and agricul
Down the Price.
Effsrs for Hatching:.
I have Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching: 75
cts a setting. MRS. J. H. BHOKMAKKU,
Cow for Sale.
A No. 1 cow. Inquire of Mra. Owen, on the
old Warren farm at t-ranKum. an
For sale. Inqul e at the livery stables. in24
4-ronm house and one lot: now rents for 88 a
month. Price (SOD. Inquire at O lacier office
or of 1). I. stone. ai
Any quantity. Leave orders at Carrier s
estaurant or call on D. J. Trelber. nm
Between post ottlce and Booth's store, lady's
small purse coiuaining riuuer win
p lease leave at U lacier office.
480 Acres Timber.
lfi.000.000 to 18,00fl,0IX feet stnmpage, near
Davenport's new mill site. Log Hume at
ready built through tract Price Jti.OOO cash,
Lock box :io7, Hood River, Or.
Hay for Sale.
2 or 3 Fresh Cows
For sale at Riverside Farm, 3 miles west of
town, Shorthorns and Jerseys.
a7 J. W. MORTON.
For Sale.
A 200-egg incubator and brooder.
House to Rent.
Apply to PS O. D. WOOUWOKTH.
Clover Hay for Sale.
First class, 8 miles from town on Mount
Hood road. Inquire FRED BAILEY,
a7 R. F. D. No. 1.
Cow for Sale.
Fresh, three-quarters Jersey; 4 years old.
Price JoO. A o. 1 cow. J . u. bouus,
a7 R. F. D. No. 1.
Seed Potatoes.
Early Rose. For sale at 91.0U a saekdeliv-
ercd anywhere In town, or at my place at Bel-
liltUINU r IVAiN
8 Acres for Sale.
81 x acres set to straw berries, balance In clo
ver; fruit for family use; 3-room house, barn
and other Improveinenta. 1 mi lea from town
on Keimont roaa, in oest pari or airawnerry
section. ni:n u. j. mui.m.mi.
All who are delinuuent on stock of Farmers'
Irrigating Co. March 15, 1904, will be charged
Interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum
after March l.i until pam. iiy order oi ai-
rectors. N. C. KVANs, Hec'y.
Buff Leghorn Eggs.
Thoroughbred Huff Leghorn eggs: 75 cents
per setting; mill E. A. FRAN..
To rent a small house In or near Hood
River. Address box !, Arlington, Or. m:ll
Horses for Sale.
Five head farm horses, weight l.HK) to 1,200.
Terms. TRANSr Kit AMD i.ivkuy W
Hltuatlon to work on a ranch. Apply b
letter to m: C. L. MORRIS, Hood River.
To Let.
Fonr office rooms to let, centrally located
I n q ulre of mat a. i-.. iiabhuwi.
Two girls for housework. Apply to
mlO A. R. BYRKETT, Itlngen, Wash.
Hood River
rTI..,!.... In.l Aft .lima X. 1H7H.
United Btate Land Office, Tlie Dulles, Ore
... ......... IUU N.iil. n In fil l I'll V KlVel
that In coin pilnni-e with tlie provisions of Mi
tel of congress of June S, 17H, entitled "Ai
act for the sale or limner miius in in --
California, Oregon, Nevada and Wasliliigtor
Territory, " as extended mail the public ln
itates by act of August (lllo n
named persons have tiled In tills ollice tliei
sworn staU-ments, to wll:
of Wavnoka, couniy of Woods, territory o
Oklahoma, sworn statement No. mill, lilt
Iunc4, lwtl, for the pun-haw the Vt Hr-'t
iWKNKJ'.iuiilBKJi NWj section 18, town
ship 1 uortli, range 11 east, W. M.
of Hood River, county of Wasco, slate of Ore
on, sworn statement No. l'Jil, tiled June A
l!KW, for the, purchase of tlio KV.V, section Sn.
township 1 north, range 8, W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that tin
land sought is more valuable for Its Umber oi
.uwetlmii for agricultural purposes, and t(
establish their claims to said land la-fore Geo
T i'ratlier, V. H. Commissioner, at Hood Klv
.... rw...... r,n Uedneuriuv. Anrll 1:1. 11104. .
They name as witnesses: Gilford I). Woods
worm, Minion r. toy aim y. n- -
Hood River, Oregon; ncri i,. wooiie.v aim
bert M. Caldwell of Wavnoka, Oklahoma
u It Volile and William A. Kbv of Hood Riv
er, Oregon; John A. Thompson, William
Thompson, Edmond C. Miller, Warren C'oopei
,l v.yiu u'liimia of Hi aid Klver. Oregon; Ar
ehie C. French and Arthur H. i-'rench ol
Waynoka, Oklahoma.
amv uni ui nprsons clalminir adversely th1
alM,vM.rif,u-rihl lands are reoliested to flit
their claims In tills office on or before said
lath day of April, 1WM.
f4H7 MIl'HAKLT. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1H7H.1
United States Land Offleo. The Dalles
Oregon, Dec. 21, HUM. Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance wun tne provisions in tin
act of congress of June 8. 1K7H, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the Hlatcs ol
California, Oregon, Nevada aud Washington
Territory, as extended to all the puuiic. lano
states by act of August 4, IHVi, the billowing
named persons have II led In this ollice then
sworn statements, to-wlt:
of 2.15 Yamhill street, I'ortland, county ol
Multnomah, stuteof Oregon. vorn statement
No. Kill, tiled June is, 190.1, for the purchase ol
theHK HWK, HV'A fcK i section 20, NKJi
N W and N W'4 NK'-i -ecllou 2, township 2
north, range 9 east, '.V M.
of Vlento, county of Wasco, slate of Oregon,
sworn statement Ho. 2IM. tiled Mepteniber 21,
HUB, lor the purcnuse ol ine w;i ww?4 si:u
Wk HWVi section a, townslilu 2 north, range V
east, W. M.
Of Hood River, county ol amw, state of Ore-
inn, sworn statement ino. ana, rueu juiy l.i,
11011, for the purchase of the loui H, 10, U and
12 section 81, township 1 north. rnngeUeast
of Hood River, couniy ol Wasco, state of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. 2UI, filed July 27,
1103, for the purchase ol IiiIh 4, 5 and 9 section
31, township 1 north, range 9 cunt, W. M.
the land sought Is more valuable for its tim
ber or atone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish their claims tu sulci laud be
fore Oeo. T. i'ratlier. U. H. Commissioner, at
Hood River, Oregon, on Monday, April 11,11104.
They name as witnesses: William F. Rand
of Hood, River, Oregon: Oill'ord D. Wood
worth, Lewis K. Morse, Phoebe K Morse and
Mary F. Morse of Hood River, Oregon: Samuel
Woodward and Theodore Glazer of Cascade
Locks, Oregon: Millard F. Bird of Hood Riv
er, Oregon; Fremont FosU-r of Hood River
Oregon; Chester Custuer, Frank 11. Button,
Charles L. Morse of Hood River, Oregon;
Louis K. Morse or Hood River, Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
anove-aescrioeu minis are requested to tile
their claims In this ollice on or before said
Uth day of April, WM.
f4a7 MICHAEL T.NOLAN, Register.
Tlmber Land, Act June 3, 1K7H.J
United mates Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Dec. 14, 1003. Notice is hereby given
that In com pllance With the provisions of the
acioi congress oi June , 1H78, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In tlie states of
Calltornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all themiblic land
9tatesby act of August 4, 1KF2, the following
nuiueu persons nave n ica in tills ollice their
sworu statements, to-wit;
of Hood River, county of Waseo, slate of Ore
gon, sworu statement No. 1915 filed June 4,
i;u.i, ior tne purcuase oi ine r,f4 section
townsuip i norm, range easi, w. M.
Of Waynoka, county of Woods, territory of
uKiauonia,sworu siHiemeiii o.iS7s, tiled 31uy
SW, and lot 3 of section lit, township 1 north,
range 11 east, v . m.
ofWaynoka, county of Woods, territory
Oklahoma, sworn statement No. 1M72, filed
May a, liw.i, ior me purchase of the WW sec
tion 34, township I uorth, range 9 east, W. M.
of Waynoka, county of Woods, territory of
Oklahoma, sworn statement No. lOOii, filed
June 2, 1908, forthe purchase of the W'2 NE'4
andKUNW section 30, towushlp 1 north,
range 11 east. V. M .
That they will otter proof to show that tlie
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than tor agricultural purposes, audio
establish their claims to said land before
Oeo. r. Pralher, U. H. Commissioner; at Hood
River. Oregon, on Tuesday. Ainil 12. 1901.
They name as witnesses: Gilford D. Wood
worm and Roy N. Wood worth of Hood River,
Oregon: Edmond C. Miller and Warren Corni
er ol Ml. Hood, Oregon; Archie C. French, Bert
I.. woouey and Arthur C. French of Waynn-
kii, uKiutionia; urren ai mer, oi nood uiver,
Oregon; Ralph Flench and Albert M. Cald
well of Waynoka, OklaliomajEdinond C. Mil
ler of Hood River. Oreiron.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
auove-iu-scrioea utnus lire requested, to nte
uieir claims in tins omoe on or belore said
I2tn day or April, 1(MU.
Ha7 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register,
(Timber Land, Act June 3, 187S.1
United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, f eoruary , ihh. nonce is hereby given
mat in compliance wun me provisions of the
act of congress of June 3. 1878. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to sll the public land
stales uy ai-t ui miuusi i, inu,
of Centralia, county of Lewis, stale of Wash
Ingtou, has, on August 22, limn, tiled in this
ollice his sworn statement, No. 2102, for the
pUlfllHHCOI IIICOW4 Ol SI-CUOIl 0.27,lll lOWIl-
shlp No. 2 north, range No. 9 east, W. M., and
will oiler proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Ita timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ins
claim to said land before (Jeo. T. Prather,
u.o. loiinmsHiuiier, at ins omce at Jlood
River, or., ou Thursday, tlie 14th day ol
April, 1904.
He names as witnesses: J. T. Bagley, J. A.
Stranahan, Albert K. Htranahan and W. Ross
Winans, all of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-descrilK-d lauds are rciiuesled to file
their claims In this omce on or before said
Mill tiay or April, 1004.
flla!4 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Horse for Sale.
A gentle mare, for sale by
a7 OEO. W. HANDERH, Odell.
Eggs for Sale.
Thoroughbred tiurfOrpington and Hull' Leg
horn, 15, mt setting Sl.OO.
aulj MRU. ANNA ANDERSON. Ilelnionl.
Lewis Poultry Yards.
Kggs from thoroughbred Huff Orplnguins
anu iwaca juinorcas, ffi oo per senine.
' Seed Potatoes.
Ol the rortfi Pole vnrlty, smooth nn1
white; similar to Burba nk. Frio 91 25 per 100
i. . u. hi .tiiwmt. me mr irrmg on quantity.
35 Acres
' or sale at a bargain: on the rod to Monnt
IIismI; good opple land: nice, henlthv location
for a house by Hie roadside. Inquire on the
premise". nui J. r. II 1 1 .1-1 111 I M .
Strawberry Plants.
I hsv ahnut Mt.tW hrst-olawi strawtx-rrv
plants for l. Also laud, from one acra lo
.mo. on easy icrtna. Kl MiKIC-H.
Ee-gs for Hatching.
White PingUM-nmb lhorns, Jl for setting
t . my a i,
m il K. K. h. So. 1
Strawberry Plants.
I have about m.lliO rlrst-rlssa nlant rrr
spring setting that 1 wilt m-ll for t:2o per l.uxi
ai my place. K. Mll.I.KK,
JP R. V. I). .No. 2.
For Sale.
Pomona Spray Pump. '
and ralvun.aed Uuk, all
in 17
' 'th bsrrei. pnh curt
u goou ronuit,.n
R. 51. HUM.
. Cow for Sale.
A pnrc bred Jersey. Irlr. I'll
ml7 It. K. II AHHIiX, phone !l.
Fruit Farm for Sale.
Twenty acre frail lartn. IS miles from Whit.
Salniim. 2 aiilna rroin Hoo.i Klver- 4 am -of
sirawlx-rriM In taring; s acn-n - r?-d r--eni-y
etmrmt; lfi frnil ln ( ,,( ,,'r al,
Hunts, Ihhw', barn. clili k-Mi Ihmsu wt,-r nn
Pla.-, culd b bI f. irrigation. I tur
H.rt); will lake part In Iradr.
"' R- r lfcl-H, While Salmon.
Real Estate
For Sale
Money to loan.
Ilanna house and lot, f'2,000.
1. Lots in Waucoma Tark mUlition
Corner lot in front of school house
2. Eligible remdenue lots in Spangler'a
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$125; terms easy, installment plan.
3. Sixty acres good cultivatablo land
on Hock creek, six miles southeast of
Hood River, Trice fdw. lernis easy.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George K.
Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit land;$4000.
8. luu acres at lute ealmon; tine
timber land; $10 an acre.
9. The n acre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Renshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc. ....
UK) acres, house and garden patch,
located 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Price $1)00.
The Hunt place mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
River Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
Tickets lo and from Europe.
Persons desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points in Europe or South
Africa may secure the same from John
L. Henderson, who is agent for the
Beaver line of steamships.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and after this date, April 9, VMl,
the rateB will he as follows : $10 a day ;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price. .
Furnished room to rent.
Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2
story house; $1,800.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale. 40 acres near Monnt Hood
post office, (iood land $700 cash 30
days, only. J. Leland Henderson.
For Rent For a term of ten years,
the two lots on State street, back of
Bartmess' and the Paris F'air. Rental,
$120 a year for the two,
FVir Sale The 50 acre strawberry furm
owned by A. Ii. Lake and others, on
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw
berries in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several buyers to go in to
gether and each secure a part. Must all
be sold at once. Terms half or more cush.
F'or Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. R. Galligan; 00 acres
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, small cottage, new
barn; all fenced. Price $10,000. A
brook runs through ranch. Fasy terms;
telephone; rural delivery. Four miles
from Hood River.
Two goat ranches on mountain east
of valley on county road. One, $1,000;
the others $1,200; each has small house,
running water, and is fenced. Terms,
Rooms to rent in city.
Unfurnished house to rent. Center of
city. Good for stoie or ollice.
Mrs. Clark's acres on the hill for
sale or rent; house $10 a month, with
land $15; selling price $1,500; renter
must take subject to sale.
My own house opposite Savage's hard
ware store, occupied by Mrs. Jayne, is
for rent; snitabie for office or shop.
The 10 acres owned by II. S. Lewis at
Belmont, improved, with buildings,
farm implements, furniture, stock, etc.,
$3,000; the bare place, $2,500; $1,500
or more cash ; balance on time, 0 per ct.
Notary Public and Ileal Es
tate Agent.
lxmns, Collections and f'onvevsnclng. Klre
anil Life Insurance In the best i-oni pan lea.
stenography and Tvpe Writing.
oak .si., IfiKid River.
4 Tracts of Land
for Sale.
tfi acres. 10 or 12 cleared and nearly all set lo
m seres. 2 tillable; 2 acres clesred; t7'i is-r
acre for tillable part, balance will be donated
to purchaser.
2n acres, psrtty cleared, 70 ier acre.
1 acres, all cleared; splendid linproveinents.
W hole place set to trees and straw berries.
These places arc located tiom one to five
mil s out, under the Knst Kork Irrigating
t a h ditch. 1 am not a real istnte agent but a
rarnier living 5 miles out and am olh r-nif
thme properties for non-resident rrlcnds. If
you are Intercsied In any way. don't hc-iiato
to ask tmesil.ins. The list may contain ii
acily what you want, or vour frien-ls who me
I'oioin-j in HimhI Kivei, are looking for. ( all
on. writetoorplionu R. K HAHHIsilS,
-'."""''L Ji'(l River, Or
Gasoline Engine
V or snle cheap; 2 horse ; nearly new.
H. t' (XiK.
Early Garden Plants.
Lm'" ,,i""e'.'.r ,w," Bho,,t '" middle of
Pr." or nrt ' May. early varieties of hmiato,
eai.'iage and celerv pinnts
J-' T Hi WCALKIXa, R. F. I). 2.
I wish to Inform th Indies of ifood River
.. . "w be Jackson building,
next to Mct.iitrca m. at market.nnd prepaml
o-.o their inl and line sewn, I
have . f,.. fur,,!.,,, n,,,,, ,
sr; b r part tea. M lb K. ('.CLARK.
Strawberry Plants.
I hnvc for sale one to 2ri.n pun risri Seeii
lii p.aut. warranted nm irn,wi, fr..,..
r. "ir"n5 nd '"'". "t my pl,-e at
IC in It K KIT.
To Rent.
I bve roneluilnt l
or n.y ranch. Ilrank.,,, i,..i i..
i m i 7-. 1 h.'" '" '"' b s' '":wa-rrv and
r.ll n...H . " -'- hi aouu-iance.
B'ngen,Wasb. 124 A. Ik BVRKKTT,