The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 24, 1904, Image 6

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S Second Cousin aran $
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CHAPTEll XVI. (Continued.)
Thomai Eastbell was not prepared for
his sister's firmness. She was rigbt; she
was changed. This was not the woman
of two years ago, who had som hopes
of him, and whom he had talked over
more than once who had been afraid of
him, and had not been altogether wanting
In affection for him; this was some one
whom he had scarcely expected to find
at Sedge Hill.
"You would ruin me If you could,
then," he said; "you would stand between
me and my share of the good luck which
has come to the old woman. Jtou woum
live on rich as a Jew, and leave me to
starve, or steal to go to the workus, or
the prison."
"I think that possibly I am In the
way," said the gentleman by the fire
place, Intruding upon the conversation for
the first time; "you and your brother can
arrange this little matter so much bet
ter without me, Miss Eastbell."
Tom's friend rose and went softly out
of the room, and through the open bsy
wlndow, into the night air, where be
was lost to view.
"Will you tell me who that Is?" said
Sarah, pointing to the window through
which Captain Teterson had disappear
ed. "A naval officer merchant service,
Tom explained; "an Intimate friend of
mine a regular swell."
. "The last time I saw him, It was In
Potter's Court," said Sarah Eastbell do
dBively; "he came in and out of No. 2
at uncertain hours of the night, and gave
directions to men who were his brothers,
and who seemed of a lower position than
himself. He took away with him, I re
member also, packages of bad money. He
was a captain then, but It was of a gang
of coiners!"
Thomas Eastbell sat back In his chair,
and glared at his sister. Sarah looked
"Ton want money, I suppose?" she
"Who doesn't?" be added, with a short,
harp laugh.
"How much will satisfy you, and take
you from this house?"
"Grandmother does not want to part
with me," he said; "but If you and I are
not likely to agree, and matters can bo
arranged, a good round sum annual
payable in advance, and my name down.
In the will for a fair share."
"That cannot be."
"Then give me a lump sum now, and
have done with me. I'll go abroad I'll
take another name I'll do anything.'
"I have money of my own. I must
arrange with you, and spare that poor
old woman. Ah, Tom I" she said, sadly,
"let her think the best of you till the last.
I act for grandmother in my own name,
and for everything. So It is in my power
to help you a little, but you must not be
too extortionate. I hold the money
grandmother holds the money In trukt
for others."
"You don't mean "
"Never mind what I mean," said
Sarah; "all my meanings belong to the
future, when I may be no richer than I
am when I shall have nothing to do
with this house."
"But grandmother"
"Leaves all to me trusts to my judg
ment In everything. By making me your
enemy, Tom, you make yourself a beg
gar." She could not Impress this fact too
strongly upon a gentleman of Mr. Thom
as Eastbell's turn of mind, and he sat
with his hands clutching his knees, per
plexed at last by the problem which she
had set him to solve. He did not know
that she had risen till her hand fell light
ly on his shoulder and then he started, as
at the touch of a police officer.
"Make up your mind to go away, and
go away soon before grandmother has
time to guess what you are, and what
your life has been. To-morrow the next
day at the farthest."
"It's hard. It's beastly unfair," he
muttered as Sarah left him with another
warning of the evils of delay. He reflect
ed on the matter after she had gone;
If Sarah were perplexed what to do,
equally was he perplexed now as to the
right course to pursue. A false step might
ruin every chance that he had. He had
come for money, but he did not know
what to ask, or how much money was
at his sister's disposal.
Captain Tetersou came back into the
room, and shut and fastened the bay
window carefully after him, as though he
were nervous about thieves. Having se
cured the bolts to his satisfaction, he ad
vanced softly toward his friend.
"How have you got on with her, Tom?"
he asked in a low tone, as he dropped
Into his old place by the mantelpiece.
"She remembers you at No. 2 Totter's
Court, old fellow. She can swear to you
In any court of justice in the world."
"It's awkward," said Captain I'eter
on thoughtfully. "What did you tell
me that this girl was weak and nervous
for, and that she and her grandmother
were only living together? Didu't Mary
Holland count for anything?"
' "I thought that you would be glad to
ee her again," suid his companion with
short laugh.
"I am not afraid of her," said the oth
er, "but I don't make out your sister ex
actly. She's dangerous. She would not
stand nice about blowing up the whole
thing, I can see. How long does she give
yon to clear out ?"
i "Till to-morrow night or the day af
.er that."
"What we make up our minds to do,
Tom, must be done quickly," he said.
"You had better leave all this In my
hands. If you don't leave It to rue I
hall cut the whole business to-morrow."
Tom Eastbell left the whole manage
ment of his affairs to Captain I'eterson
Sarah Eastbell spent the next hour
with her grandmother, who had been led
to her room during the conference in
the great picture gallery. The old lady
hud left word that she wlnhed to see
Strah directly that she was disengaged,
and our heroine had proceeded nptairs
upon receiving the message, and found
Mrs. Eastbell in bed, lying there rigid
and sallow, as in the old almshouse days.
The maid In attendance upon Mrs. East
bell quitted the room as Sarah entered
softly, but not so softly as to escape the
quick ears of the grandmother.
"Sally what a dreadful time you have
beenT said Mrs. Eastbell.
"I have been talking' to Tom."
"You will have yean to talk to him
I may be only with you a few more days.
It's awfully tiring, this up and down
stairs business. Not half as comforts'))
as at St. Oawsld's after alL I wish that
1 had never left the place."
"Yon are tired to-night, and despon
dent, that's all. Will you try and rrst
"Hest In this house. Sally" cried the
old lady Ironically, "there isn't much
Laaif of that, with people tearing up
and down stairs at all hours, and the
servants banging shutters and locking
doors as If we were In a prison. Somebody
came Into my room last night, blunder
lug, but I could not find out who It was."
"Into your room?" asked Sarah, very
anxiously now, "where was Hartley?"
"I packed her off two days ago. She
snorted In her sleep like a horse. I want
rest, child, not the noise of a steam en
gine In my ears."
"You are too old to rest alone you
cannot lock your door even," said Sarah.
"I must come back as In the old days,
grandmamma, If you send Hnrtley nway.
Why shouldn't I have my little crib in one
cdrner of this great room, as when you
and I were sharing life together in St.
Oswald's ?"
"You're mighty anxious about me,"
said Mrs. Eastbell fretfully, "and yet
you have flounced yourself off for three
days, and without rhyme or reason."
"I was anxious about Keulien Culwick
I could not rest longer without seeing
him. He is very poor, grandmother,"
said Sarah; "he has been very unlucky
In life. I found him in a back room in
Drnry Lane a half-starved, haggard
looking man, borne down by the disap
pointments of his life. This was Reu
ben Culwick in whose house w are
who was once our friend when we were
poor and low who saved me when I had
not power to help myself. This Is the
man forever foremost In my thoughts.
Why should I hide It from myself or
She buried her head In the bedclothes,
and the shriveled hand stole forth and
rested on the flowing mass of raven hair
"Don't go on so, Sally I won't forget
him. I promised long ago that I would
never forget Reuben Culwick, didn't 1?
I'll keep my word. As soon as ever I
am strong enough the will we talked
about shall be prepared."
Sarah passed from the room, and stood
reflecting on . the sheep's-skin mat out
side the door. A woman passing In the
distance attracted her attention, and
seemed to shape her motives, for she
beckoned to her cautiously, and even went
a few steps toward her.
"You should not have left your mistress
whilst I was away," Sarah said reproach
fully; "she is too old to be left. Watch
this room till I return, and see that no
one disturbs my grandmother by passing
noisily along the corridor."
Sarah left Misa Hartley to marvel a
little at the Instructions which she bad
received, and went thoughtfully down
stairs, pausing now and then to consider
the new position of affairs. She passed
Into the garden. She was hot and fever
ish, and the night was close. In the cool
fresh air she might be able to shape out
a better, clearer course, if the current of
events should Jurn against her and her
project for Tom's departure from Sedge
Hill. She had grown very much afraid
of him, of late days; she had lost every
atom of confidence; and the man whom
he had brought Into the house had been
a well-known character in rotter' Court,
for whom the police had made inquiries
during her short stay there.
She had left the house some hundred
yards when footsteps on the gravel path
arrested her attention, and checked her
further progress. They were coming
slowly toward her' and she shrank at
once into the shadow of the trees, with
the Instinct to be unperceived and watch
ful. Trouble had come thickly In her
way, and she must fight against it as best
she might.
There were two persons advancing In
her direction who could they be, nt that
hour of the night, but Thomas Eastbell
and Peterson, plotting together against
the peace of Sedge Hill ? They were soon
close upon her; they could have heard
her loud breathing had they listened; but
they were deep in conversation, and un
mindful of a watcher. The path was
broad and white, and their figures were
easily distinguishable, striking at Sarah
Eastbell's heart with a new surprise and
an awful sense of treachery. They were
those of Captain Peterson and Mary
Holland! the former talking in a low
and energetic manner; the other listening
with her gate directed to the ground, and
with her hands clasped on the bosom of
her dress. There was a light gauze scarf
on Mary Holland's head, and the ends
fluttered in the night breeze as she pass
ed by. There was not a word which
Sarah could catch at it was a new phase
of mystery for which she was not pie
pared, which seemed to place her very
much alone in the world after the dis
covery. When they were In advance of her,
Sarah stole from her hiding place and
proceeded In their direction, keeping to
the shadow of the trees. She paused
before entering upon the broad and open
space of ground In front of the house
where they were standing, and where
Captain Peterson was still debating with
the silent woman still looking on the
ground. She watched them separate
without a glance toward each other, the
man entering the picture gallery through
the bay-window, and Mary Holland pro
ceeding to the French window of the
drawing room.
Surah followed her, still clinging to the
shadow. She reached the drawing room
to find the blinds drawn before the win
dows, and the windows closed. As she
paused to consider her next step, the
shadow of Mary Holland was throwu up
on the blind a strange appealing phan
tom, with Its hands upraised as if in sup
plication. Sarah's hand shook the window frame.
There was another pause, and then the
blind was snatched hastily aside, and
Mary's face was pressed against the in
ner aide of the glass.
"Who's there?"
"Let me In. It is I Sarah," replied
our heroine.
Mary Holland unfastened the window
and admitted her. Both women looked
keenly at each other and both were very
Mary Holland walked slowly from ths
w indow, which she had unlocked to admit
Sarah Eastbell, and sat down In the arm
chair by the fire. There was a painful si
lence, each young woman waiting for the
other to speak, and each on guard.
It was Mary Holland who began at
"I had no idea that yoa were In the
garden, Sarah," she said slowly; "were
you not afraid of catching cold, at this
late hour of tha night T'
"Weren't too?" wis the quick re
Joinder. "I wanted fresh air," said Mary,
speaking slowly; "I had been In attend
ance upon your grandmother all day, and
she has been mor than ordinarily exact
ing. Rut yoa have been traveling, and
were fatigued."
"I was fatigued." said Sarah Eastbell,
"until I reached this house and found It
full of change and you changed with
all the rest."
"I have not changed In any on de
salt Vary Holland, clasping her
hands suddenly together; "I am tha Bam
woman that I bar aver been."
"My friend and hers?" said Sarah
"Yes," answered Mary, and she met
na-ain the steady caza of her Inquirer. It
was a pale, pensive face," with a clear
' outlook from the full gray eyes, and one
! could scarcely doubt the truth upon it
even then.
"But " began Sarah, hesitatingly,
when the other Interrupted her.
"But I am a young woman with more
secrets than one upon my mind, and tbey
have come more closely to me of lata
days. And now I am mora helpless than
I thought I was," she aaid.
Sarah EaBtbell drew a chair toward
her, and sat down by tha side of Mary
"Mary," she said tetchlly, "I hate peo
ple with secrets, and there is enough mys
tery about this life without your adding
to it. Will you trust ma, or will you
"My child, I am five or six years older
than you. Why, I have scarcely learned
to trust myself yet! When I have full
confidence in Mary Holland, I may put
faith implicit faith In Sarah Eastbell,"
she said, In those old crisp tones of voice
that had given character to her before
this; "but loving and respecting her genu
ine nature as I do, still I must keep my
troubles to myself."
"You have nothing to tell me, then?"
"Not yet. Only this," said Mary, look
ing up again; "I will ask for the old confi
dence, which appears to be sinking away
without any power of mine to stop It.
These are strange times, and I mmt ba
strange with them. Bear with me, Sarah
"I am alone In this house, where there
are many enemies now," aald Sarah;
"why should I trust you any longer? You
know what my brother la you can guess
what his companion Is likely to be. And
yet you and that man were whispering
together In the garden for half an hour
to-night. You two are soon friends. Has
Captain Peterson fallen In love with
"On the contrary, I thnk Captan Pe
terson detests me very cordially."
"You know that he Is a villain then I
that two years ago he was la league
with coiners that I knew him by sight
in Potter's Court that his presence here
means danger to honest people?"
"Honest people can surely take cars
of themselves against such petty knavery
as his, and his friend's," said Mary, al
most contemptuously; "I have warned
him that we are on our guard In this
"Will they defy me and remain?" was
the rejoinder.
"For a while, perhaps until they are
weary of a life that is unsuited to them,
or until your grandmother know the
truth of your brother's rascality, with
which she should have been acquainted
long since."
"I could not see this day., I wanted to
keep her heart light to tha last," mur
mured Sarah; "and now my falsehood
turns upon myself, and puts that poor
weak life in danger too. For they would
be glad of her death," she said In an ex
cited whisper. "I read it In their faces.
I cannot trust them or you. I am alone
now awfully alone!"
(To ba continued.)
This Tropic Fruit Growing- la Favor
with Northern Public
The Spnulsh name for this Is a g un
cut e (corrupted, like our word from
the Aztec, ahuncati). The name "alli
gator" 'is a rough corruption from the
above and ought to be frowned out of
use. -
It has much the shape of a large
sized bell or pound pear and weighs
from a pound to two pounds. In the
center is a large busklike core, Inclos
ing the seed. Between this core and
the skin Is the meat, which when ripe,
Is of a rich, creamy yellow and tastes
as much like beef marrow as one thing
can be compared to another. It is
sometimes eaten with a dressing of
salt, pepper and oil, but Is generally
used as a basis of a salad.
When cut open the core drops out
and It is seen that there is a double
lining, resembling a thin, brown leaf
or Bkln, between the meat and the In
terior core. One of the linings clings
to the. meat and the other to the core.
The lining being removed from the
meat and the outer skin of the pear
cut off, the fruit is treated the same as
the meat of chicken or lobster designed
for salad. A ripe avocado pear costing
40 cents will make as much salad as a
good-sized lobster or a chicken and is
much cheaper.
The use of this fruit Is not confined
to the natives of the West Indies and
South American countries, but Is grow
ing In favor with Americans who have
au opportunity to taste It. Twenty
years ago there were not more than
100 of them consumed in New York
City during the season, while at pres
ent the sales of one firm alone average
from 300 to 600 every week of the sea
son, which lasts from about June 1 to
Nov. 1.
There Is one curious feature about
the avocado pear, says the Jackson
ville Times-Union, with which proba
bly few of those who have eaten It are
familiar. The seeds, mixed in a Jelly
like substance, are contained within
the Core. If the core is split open and
a pen or sharp pointed stick dipped Into
this Jelly-like mass, using the half of
the core as a cup and stirring the
seeds and Jelly together, the compound
can be used as an indelible Ink. Tha
mark made by It Is at first of a dirty
cream color, but becomes darker with
time, finally assuming a deep salmon
hue, and there la no known add which
will remove it.
Feminine Financier.
Grocer Well, little girL what can I
do for you this morning?
Little Girl Mother sent me to get
change for a dollar and said to toll
you she would give you the dollar to
morrow. Obliging;.
Mistress (to new cook)-And remem
ber, Jane, we breakfast every morning
at 7 o'clock.
Jane All right, ma'am. An' If I'm
not down In time you needn't wait on
As Bngarestad.
Rlggs It strikes me that the fool
killer is neglecting his business.
Dlggs He's kept pretty busy, I sup
pose, but yoa might send him your ad
dree. Self-laudation abounds among tha
unpolished; but nothing can stamp a
man mora sharply as Ill-bred.-Bux-ton.
Common sense ts Instinct, and
enough of It is genlus.-H. II. Sbaw.
f 177;- "
Cabrlel it
To-day vra ars far removed, from fear of heat,
of cold, or of wild animals. We hare caps,
coats, bouses and firearms. The most poverty
stricken among us Is Infinitely better protected
from all danger than was the most powerful
ruler of ancient day. Nevertheless we possibly
are become only the more fearful. How often
In a train we hear a corpulent man about: "Cloee
that door. Don't you feel the draft?" The tone
la tutu of a person terrified by tha
danger. Our own epoch i not content, however, with fear
ing Illness alone; It fears life also. How many despairing
Individuals we find in every class! How many tragedies
find their origin solely In the dlsguat felt for life Itself!
How many suicides are "due to the dread of a struggle!
And how many unfortunates there are who, feeling re
pugnance at this brutal manner of solving the problem,
seek In another way to forget their sad fate.. And forget
fulness In the majority of cases Is found In the laboring
classes In Inebriety. It Is not to wine or alcohol, how
ever, that the wealthy classes have recourse In order to
forget their troubles. Generally subject to heart weak
ness, the members of our high society are sentenced by
their physicians to a regime of water. They are the vic
tims of their parents and of their ancestors, who have left
them bodies charred by too abundant feeding, and blood
burnt out by too long continued diet of truffles. Thus It
happens that they generally demand of the druggist poisons
which will stupefy them or enable them to avoid pain.
Monsieur fears a touch of toothache quick, bring cocaine.
Madame feels a suggestion of headache get some cere
brine or antlpyrlne.
Only the roar of a cannon or tha declaration of a war
Is needed to cause the fear of living to give place to the
fear of dying. Then, as of old, the fear of death takes
possession of humanity. Brothers, relatives and friends
are being killed. Mankind, for a few weeks or a few
months trembles as did the man of ancient time. The
crisis of madness ends, civilization takes up tts work.
Then the weakening processes begin again, the races con
tinue to grow old, and man, pursued by fear of suffering,
takes recourse to theory and to science, and yet In spite
of all he does or thinks, fear lives on undestroyed, hidden
and Inaccessible.
Although no value could possibly
attach to any opinion of mine upon
technical military problems, at the
present Juncture I venture to recall
the incidents and pictures of a memor
able day which I passed In the com
pany of his Imperial Majesty tha Em
peror of Japan, with his military staff,
and some 35,000 troops detailed for the
annual maneuvers. Never can I forget
tha glory of that early dawn, along the
ridge of the southern hills, which
sweep through all the length of coast, from Kamekura and
lovely Enoshlma, over tha foot of splendid and stately Fuji
Yama to Gotemba, Olso and Nara Itself. We were ad
vancing up the steep paths, many thousand strong horse,
foot and artillery but chiefly foot, to hold the long Wdge
against some detested enemy deploying in the vast flats to
the eastward and southward. Right ahead of us, In the
center of the position, not far away, was a breakfast table
roughly improvised out of four ammunition boxes, and
over these thrown a richly embroidered tablecloth of silk
purple in color, with golden klku the Imperial chrysanthe
mum worked by hand upon it, the only touch of anything
like luxury visible throughout the vast martial display.
Though the sun was yet hardly high enough to touch the
snow upon Fuji Yama with saffron and rose, his Imperial
Majesty was there drinking tea from a small silver cup.
The young sovereign was held, as one might easily see,
I hear bar rocking tha baby
Her room is just next to mine
And I fancy I feel tha dimpled arms
That round her nck entwine,
As she rocks and rocks tha baby,
Jn tha room just next to mine.
I hear her rocking ths baby
Each day when tha twilight comes,
And I know there's a world of blessing
and lova
In the "baby bye" sha hums.
I can see the restless fingers
Playing with "mamma's rings,"
And the sweet little smiling, pouting
That to her In kissing cliugs.
As she rocks and sings to tha baby,
And dreams as sha rocks and sings.
I hear her rocking the baby,
Slower and slower now,
And I know she Is leaving her good
night kiss
On its eyes and cheeks and brow.
From her rocking, rocking, rocking,
I wonder would sha start.
Could she know, through tha wall be
tween us,
She wns rooking on my heart?
While my empty arms are aching
For a form they may not press,
And my emptier heart is breaking
In its desolate loneliness.
I list to the rocking, rocking.
In the room just next to ruin,
And breathe a tear In silence
At a mother's broken shrine.
For the woman who rocks the baby
In the room just next to mine.
Philadelphia Telegraph.
rttlfMl miHvtHtlHtlf
Sp OM knew Uttle about tha theatrf
II cal section of the great city, but,
latterly, ha had been reading a
good deal of It, and felt that he was
not wholly unversed in Its geography,
Inhabitants and customs.
Ever since Edith Blythe bad left
Stautonvllle to go on the stage, Tom
bad been a subscriber to and a devoted
reader of all the dramatic and semi
dramatic newspapers on which he
could lay a hand.
ftnea In a while, far down tha street,
ba would spy soma one, who by tha
poise of her bead or the manner In
which aha walked, made him think for
a moineut that she was Edith, but each
time ba waa disappointed.
Bat at last aha came, caught In the
eddy of the crowd, and waa almost
past him before ha could reach her
They bad luncheon together; not at
na of tha big restaurants full of peo
ple who laughed too loudly and looked
as though fhey were all meta and
woman accustomed to eating and
drinking too much, bat at a quiet place
on tha avenue, which Tout bad discov
ered daring previous visits.
And at tha luncheon they talked
talked of Staontonvllle, where nothing
aeenjed to occur.
La Rockttoucauli.
tight of some great
I can only recollect.
have the honor to
By Sir Edwin Arnold.
em woman, how
will wash, what
pay Its devoirs to
that it will differ
gowned, colffured,
who takes (or thinks
dally and nightly
cialist, whose cult
"I've been away for four years,"
said Edith,- with half a sigh, "but I
don't Imagine that I should find the
place changed so much after all, should
"Changed," replied Tom, with his
hearty laugh, "nothing ever changes in
"You have not, at any rate."
"I have not changed In any particu
lar, I hope."
"Not in anything, Tom?"
Edith was not looking a', him as she
asked this last question, but out of the
window. Tha question was innocent
enough In Its wording, but there was a
llttla half minor cadence In her voice
as she asked It that lent significance to
the words.
"Not In anything," he answered,
very soberly.
"I take the Stauntonvllle Clarion,
Tom, and I have always been expect
ing to read that you were married.
Haven't you found the right woman
"You know that I found the right
woman long ago, Edith, and I am still
waiting for her. I will always be
waiting for her."
"So. Stauntonvllle and you never
change! I have been living in a world
of constant change for so long that It
seems strange to think of people who
do not change."
There was the same dreamy, half
minor cadence In her voice, as of one
w'ho was Indulging in retrospection and
saw a pleasant, if not regrettable,
"But you, Edith, In your world of
constant change, have also remained
unchanged. You are what you were
before Just Edith. And you know
you are the only woman I ever loved
or ever could love. Are you still de
termined to make a career for your
self upon the stage? I take It that you
have been fairly successful, but do you
never think It might have been better
to have chosen the other life? You
know It Is not too lata I art Always
waiting for you."
"I have been fairly successful," she
replied, "and when I met you I was
Just coming from rehearsal. I have
been engaged to play the second role
In the company of Miss , the star.
And It begins to look as though suc
cess were not far ahead of me.
"But do you know that when I was
engaged, Mlsa asked me to lunch
eon with her and had a long talk with
me. It seems that sha took soma sort
of a fancy to me and was Instrumental
In obtaining the engagement for me.
"She asked me If I bad fully deter
mined to make the stage my Ufa. work.
and when I answered In tha affirmative
she sighed. Then sha went on to tell
me Just whit the life. In all Its drudg
ery. Its uncertainty and Its destruction
of noma tlea meant.
"Sha aaked ma if I bad ever been
la well, I mean I told her about you.
She asked all aorta of questions about
yon. and then then sha but yoa don't J
know her, so why should yoa b Inter
ested in what she said?"
"Why should I ba Interested? Go
in supreme reverence by all around, but a reverence which
had In It passionate and unchanging affection as well au
custom. In Japan national loyalty has not as yet divided
Itself from the actual worship given to the dynasty whose
origin loses itself, in the thoughts of forty-five millions of
homogeneous people, amid the mysteries of the Invisible.
Time was, of course and only a few years ago when such
a proximity as ours to that divinely descended personage
would have been impossible, incredible, madly presumptu
ous. Three times afterwards even I myself had the privl
lege of respectfully watching from near at hand the dark,
serious, unchunging, introspective countenance of him upon
whom is focused the absolute devotion of the Japanese peo
ple, In a manner not only unparalleled elsewhere, but hardly
even comprehended. It Is this traditional sentiment of the
wonderful nation which Is the mightiest of all her forces,
and which will bring her In honor and triumph out of all
I shall not attempt to dwell upon what I have seen and
heard personally of his Imperial majesty. Other pens may
dare to make him Into paragraphs. Whenever I saw that
silent potentate I was set thinking of the ancient legends,
and of the sun goddess, and of Avaloklteswara. Now that
It is still with something like awe, as
well as with profound respect and sympathy, that I recall
the steadfast brows and the stern, sad lips of his Imperial
Majesty Mutsuhlto whose Order of the Rising Sun I
bear, and of whom I am the humble
servant and well wisher believing, as I do, that In his
august hands Providence has placed the duty and the glory
of Unking forever together the East and tha West In a
union which onca appeared impossible.
By Hrt, Desmond Humphrey ("Rita").
, There never was an age when woman's vanity
was so Impressed upon the public mind and so
paramount In her own. She seems
to rule the press by her unqualified defects and
her need of curing them. She la apparently
wTongly made to begin with. That is a good
sendoff for tha corset manufacturer and sn ail.
vertisement for senseless Idiots who write of
sixteen Inch waists as a desirable possession.. Has
sheva good skin It must be creamed and massaged and
electrified In order to keep it in condition. Hag she a bad
one? Then she is more to be pitied, for every Journal
she takes up offers her a remedy. Is she too slender? Lo!
there appeals to her the Inventor of anatomical develop
ment Is she stout? Are there not delectable tablets, and
wondrous unguents for reducing Inartistic measurements
to due proportion? Has she no color, or too much Reme
dies for both defects flare before her sight In the columns
of any feminine or unfemlnlna weekly that covers the
bounteous book stalls! Does the shape of her nose, or the
color of her hair, or the mole upon her chin offend her?
She need no longer fear to "cast out," or remove, or have
removed, any such personal unslghtllness. The handmaids
of Vanity stand on every side. Is not this tha age of the
worship of the beautiful?
It Is an appalling thought, when one looks at the mod
-much Is real and how much art? What
will take off, and what sort of face will
Morpheus? It Is only to be expected
materially from that of the beautifully
tinted, massaged and artificial beauty
she does) twenty years off her age by
service at the temple of the beauty spe
she has built up and whose comfortable
Income she supplies.
There Is but one efficient method of preserving the skin
preventing wrinkles, and defying gray hairs. The woman
who would defy the ravages of time must never shed a
tear, never worry over anything In life, and never lov
or consider any human creature but herself! Thus will
she achieve perennial youth and be able to smile defiance
at beauty doctors and their nostrums. For, however ex
cellent a cure may be, prevention Is a million times better.
tight on and tell ma what she said.
What did she advise you to do?"
"Sha said that success, even success
like hers and you know that she is
one of the most popular actresses In
the country was not worth the price
one paid for It. That any woman had
better marry and settle down In In a
village like Stauntonvllle than ever
achieve stardom. In short, she advised
me to marry you."
Tom leaned suddenly across the ta
ble and took Edith's hand. Ha utterly
forgot that they were In a public res
Fortunately they were cut off from
the general view by a bank of palms,
and their waiter, discretion personified,
promptly retired when he saw that his
presence was not wanted.
"And you are going to marry me,
Edith r
"I have a very high opinion of Miss
K , and attach much weight to her
opinion," she replied, demurely. "But
are you sure you still want me?"
"I told you that thtngs neverchanged
In Stauntonvllle. You must go back
with me to the world where things
never change. Just send Miss K a
little note to the effect that you have
taken her advice; it Is only a few
blocks to "The little church around the
corner," and we can leave for Staun
tonvllle this afternoon." Indianapolis
Early Precocity of Great Men.
The young Mozart was seated In his
cradle, composing a scherzo In B minor
for the left band.
"What doest thou, meln Ileber kind?'
Inquired the coming maestro's mother,
In very fair south Germanese.
Tha child wonder waved hex aside
with his chubby Hist
"Mutter." he said In vexed though
prattling tones, "you baf Interrupted
da flow of chenlous. I waa chust hold
ing a austainet seventh, sostenut cum
largo, ven you proke in upon me mlt
your Idle lnqulrtngs." He paused and
rested his bulbous bead on hi tiny
hand. 'I cannot take cop my work
again yet I am not In da humorlngs
for It Vara is my bottler'
"It Is vanning in da ofen,' replied
his doting parent 'I will prlng It so
And as she stamped heavily from
tha room tha child artist puckered his
tiny lips and skilfully whistled, for tha
first time in public, a wooden shoe
march that was In perfect. rhythm with
his maternal parent's ponderous foot
step. Saving Bank Laws.
It la anticipated that several of tha
Southern State will soon pass savings
bank laws similar to those of New
York and the New England States.
First of American Strike.
Thre hundred shoemakers who
truck for hlghr wages In Philadel
phia la 1878 wer th first worklnjmen
to adopt such tactics In this country.
A man moat b might; crooked
the dart to ft Into th peoitentUr.
i Successor to E. L. Smith,
istablithed House in itio valley
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Flour and Feed, etc.
Th Is old-established house will con
tinue to pay cash for all its gooila; it
pays no rent; it employs a clerk, but
does not have to divide with a partner.
All dividends are made with cuetomeri
in the way of reasonable prices.
Posts, Etc.
Davenport Bros.
Lumber Co.
Have opened an office in Hood River.
Call and get prices and leave orders,
which will be promptly filled.
Published Every Thursday
$1.60 A YEAR.
Advertising, 50 cents per inch, single
column, per month; one-half inch or
lt'FH, 25 cents. Reading notices, 5 cents
a line each insertion.
THE GLACIER prints all the local
news fit to print.
When you see it in THE GLACIER
you may know that others see it.
I,. C. HAYNES, Prop.
The place to get sn easy shave, an up-to-date
hair cut, and to enjoy the luxury of a porcelain
bath tub.
Jlfl E. WELCH,
Has returned to Hood River and is prepared
to do any work in the veterinary line. He can
be found by calling at or phoning to Clarke's
drug store.
On the Mount Hood road, south of town,
keeps constantly on hand the best quality of
(iroceries, Hay, Ciraiu and Feed at lowest
D. F. LAMAR, Proprietor.
Pesters in Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard,
Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables.
Shot line
Union Pacific
i Mo
Chicago Salt Lake, Denver, 4:90 p. a.
Portland Ft. Worth.Omaha,
Special KansH City, St.
I:) a. m. Louls.Chicagoand
via East.
itlantla St. Paul Fast Mall. 10:30a.m.
:U p.n.
tPaal Atlantic Kxpreu. 7;Ua. as.
fast Mill
tiOO p. as.
No Change of Cars.
Lowest Rat, Quickest Tim.
1 1 all sailing dates,
subject to Changs
Tor Saa Franclsc
UTrj I days
Dally Cshmkla ttlvsr 100 p.m.
Is. Sunday giMuawa. fx. Sunday
Saturday T Astoria to Way
M.W . av. Landings.
:4tauaa. WIIIssmH Rlfr. i 5 m.
andrit. Raltm, Indepsn- iat.
dene, CorrtUla
ud way landings.
1:a-sa. TassMN River. 4 )m.
f .. Thai. Hon.. W4.
tM, Oregon City, Dayton aai frt
aid way landings.
"ofafm1 Utk -T LwUt
Daily lett BlparU U Uwlston Dai" 'ims
iuuruf j j ttlaj.
ral Paanngw Agent, FartisM, 0t.
A. a. aoAB, t . mi.