The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 24, 1904, Image 5

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    Now Ready at the Up-to-Date Store of
The new goods were never so rich in appearance and were never so LOW
PHICED as they will be this season at this store. - Our cash system permits us
to take every advantage of the market as we sell for cash we are enabled to
buy With cash, thus insuring our increasing list of customers the best goods
produced for the least possible cost. We own every staple we will require this
this year at prices based on 8c cotton, and no matter who raises prices on these
goods we will not, as we have bought and paid for them at the lowest cash
price, and can sell cotton goods as cheap as most merchants can buy the same
goods for, all remarks to the contrary notwithstanding.
We are going after the biggest year's business we have ever known, and have
the prices to offer as inducement to you to help us swell the grand total.
Our expenses are the lowest that exist. Our goods are all
sold for spot cash. We buy everything for spot cash.
When we sell 12 pairs of shoes we get the money for every pair. Can we sell
the shoes cheaper than the man who sells 12 pairs and gets paid for 10 pairs,
and loses the price of two pairs?
Who pays for the two pairs that some one failed to pay for?
You are all too good business men and women not to know that those wjio
pay for the shoes they get, also pay for .the shoes which some one else got, but
did not pay for. The merchant can't loose it. His business must show interest
on the investment, so he must charge more for goods than the cash store sells
them for. A trial is convincing.
NOTE A complete stock of Butterick Patterns on hand.
All Butterick publications for sale here. Yours Truly,
E wt bound
No. 2, 1,'liicago Hpecial, 11:43 a. m. -No.
4, Hpokane Flyer, 10:10 p. m.
No. tf, Mall and Express, 10:50 p. ra,
. No. 24, Way Freight, 1'2:10 p. in.
No. !a. Fast Freight, 4:20 a. m.
West bound
No. 1, Portland Hpecial, 3:03 p. m.
No. 3, Portland Flyer, 5:32 a. tn.
No. S, Mall and Express, 0:25 a. m.
No. 23, Way Freight, :25 a. m.
No. 21, Fast Freight, 5:45 p. in.
Ice cream at Carriers.
For bargains in Silverware, see Clarke,
the jeweler.
Carrier serves oysters, meals, etc., at
any old hour.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair, tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
Oysters served any style at Stuart's
confectionery and oyster parlors.
We carry a full line of groceries, flour
and feed, Bone & McDonald.
Don't miss a good T bone at Stuart's
confectionery and oyster parlors. 35c.
Clarke, the jeweler, guarantees all
watch, clock and jewelry repair work.
Do your eyes need attention? If so,
call on Clarke, the jeweler and optician.
For spring wagons, buggies, harrows,
cultivators, pumps, etc., go to McDon
ald & Ilenrich.
Bone & McDonald will deliver powder
On Saturday of each week, l'lace your
order with them.
Those elegant lots in Coe's addition
are going fast. Prices on all lots in this
addition will be advanced $50 March 1.
We invite the public to come in and
get our meat prices. We are selling
boiling meats at bed rock prices. Mayks
When you need a good diamond at the
lo vest porsible figure, quality and size
guaranteed by the cutter, call on Clarke,
the jeweler.
We arc still selling our home made
lard as cheap as other lard can be bought
and we guarantee every bucket. 10s,
$1.45; 5s, 75c; 3s, 45c. Maykh Bkos.
Rowley & Co., druggists, now have a
new and complete line of drugs, drug
gist sundries, stationery, paints.oils, var
nishes.etc, and cordially invite the, pat
ronage of the public.
A second hand genuine Singer sewing
machine, good as new, with all attach
ments, at half price; also some other
household goods, cheap. See H F Dav
idson. Ma'es Bros.' nmat market gives notice
that all orders for morning delivery
must be in by 10:45 o'clock. The after
noon delivery will be taken off at 4:30. j
Mayks Bros.
Orders at McGuife Bros.'meat market
for morning delivery must be in by
10:45 o'clock. Hereafter, in the after
noon, tne wagon will be taken off at
4 ;30. Medium Bros.
Don't raise cull strawberries, but
force them into large sized fruit by an
application of No. 4 fertilizer to be had
at the Davidson Fruit Co. Strong in
potash and nitrogen. It pays well and
should be applied as early as possible
ufter February 1.
The Oregon Fire Relief Association
has now in ' force 1 10,000,000 of insurance
in 30,000 separate risks. This is several
millions more than is carried in the state
by the largest of 55 old linecompaniesope
rating here.and that.notwithstauding the
fact that the associatiom takes no busi-.
nesa risks. The average cost per annum
for insurance in this association, during
Hardware j
Tinware J
i : : ,
The Ladies Aid wciety of the Belmont Methodist church will take charge of Booth' department store
Wednesday, March 30, 1904, -
on which d..v theentireprontaof the day's business will be turned over to their joclety. Intelligent young
billies will be in charge oeMlidopartiiieiit, and prompt court,-ou attention will be accorded every purchaser.
A Mid-Day Lunch will be served as only the pood Methodist Indies know how lo prepare, nd at a little price. You'll wear a ainile that
won't come offafter getting your lunch of them.
A Prize of $2 worth of Merchandise
will l given to the owner of the conveyance bringing the greatest number ot persona to thig gale.'
The Little Store with Little Prices
the nearly ten ' years of its existence,
has been less than half the cost in stan
dard companies, and always on the easi
est possible method of payment. It has
thus saved to its members, during the
12 months of 1!K)3 alone, the enormous
sum of 1118,630.50, while during the
same time it paid 180 losses and had cash
left in its treasury nearly sufficient to
pay 180 more. For further particu
lars address Hugh Gourlay, general
agent for Wasco and Sherman counties,
The Dalles. tf:
Buy a Benicia steel HILLSIDE PLOW
of the Davidson Fruit Co. They are all
right on level as well as hillside ground.
No ridges nor dead furrows, and cost no
more than an ordinary plow.
The order of Washington will give a
masquerade ball at Artisan hall Friday
evening, April 1. Masqueraders -50c;
spectators 25c, Four prizes will be given.
For Sale Household goods; cook
stove; lounge; linoleum, etc.
Mrs. J. E. Hanna.
Have you registered?
Homer Davenport, the famous car
toonist, will lecture at The Dalles April
Mrs. U. S. Endersby died at her home
near Wapinitia, March 12, aged 38
Miss Teal returned from Portland
lastSaturday, after a stay of six weeks.
Miss Teal's friends will be sorry to learn
that she is confined to her home on ac
count of acute stomach trouble.
Mrs.Harrell entertained a few friends,
last Tuesday evening in honor of her cous
in, Mr. Marsan, who feft.Thursday.forNez
I'erce, Idaho, where he is engaged in
business. Mr.Marsan was favorably im
pressed with Hood River.though he saw
it at a very poor season. .
The house of Robert Cameron, at
Menominee, took fire, last Friday, from
the chimney and the roof was burned
off before the fire could be subdued. Wa
ter had to be carried in buckets to put
out the fire, and the fire-fighters did
well to save the building. The piano
was badly damaged by the water.
C. Rosenkranz of Underwood, Wash.,
was in v town Saturday. He reported
that two inches of fresh snow fell at his
place on the morning of March 19. The
late spring is hindering work on the
north side of the Columbia as well as on
this side. Recently Mr. Rosenkranz
and Mr. Lnthy put up a railing on the
bridge across the White Salmon river,
making travel over the bridge more safe
than it has been.
Miss Lizzie Roberts has been having
quite a serious experience lately. About
three weeks ago she slipped on an icy
place and severly sprained her leftankle,
tearing the tendons. Hhe went on crutch
es and tier ankle was doing nicely until
one day last week w hen she again slipped
and sprained the same ankle, and now
her condition is worse than at the first.
Her hurt is very painful, and Miss Rob
erts has the sympathy of her many
J. R. Ballard visited an old friend of
his at Hood River last week. He sayB
they tell wonderful tales of what their
fruit growers do up there, and if the
half lie true, then a gold mine is not in
it for value as compared with an apple
orchaid or a Btrawberry tield. One man
with a 30-acre orchard claimed to have
cleared $800 per acre last year. Hood
Riverites thi;ik no land under the sun
can grow such fruit as theirs and they
value it accordingly. Forest Grove
NC y If S U S I II XT7J Ilnming
Miss Ruth Disbrow came down from
Mount Hood, Monday, on her way to
University Park. She has been at the
home of her Bister, Mrs. Allen M ami in,
since January Hi, where she passed
very pleasant time, if they did have lots
ot snow, tier lather, A. is. Disbrow,
has traded Mb place' at University
ram and Don gin 7U acres ot land near
Nashville, Lincoln county, Oregon,
where he will go into the goat business
extensively. His brother, A. L. Dis
brow, will go in partnership with him.
Mr. Disbrow expects to move with his
family to his new home about April 1.
The dinner given by the ladies of the
W. R. C. on Ht. Patrick's day was well
patronized by the good people of Hood
Kiver, and a neat little sum was real
ized that will go toward the fund being
raised for the G.A.R. encampment.Juue
15-17. The dinner was said, by all who
partook of the same, to be the best lay
out served during the season. The la
dies got up a regular conntrv fare din
ner, something that is always relished
by business men in town.
C. P. Ross blowed in from Umatilla.
Monday morning. He came down to put
in a tew hard days work on his place
south of town, where he hopes some day
in the not distant future to make his
home again. He has 10 acres, but he
sometimes thinks that is too much for
one man to own and work and he may
be induced for the right kind of consid
eration to part with several acres.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nickelsen and son
were in Portland Saturday. They were
witnesses to the severe wind storm
that visited Portland on that day, when
top buggies were overturned and signs
and awningB flew around, making it un
safe for pedestrians on the streeets.
Mr. Nickelsen took in the republican
E. C. Mooney was up from Portland,
Monday, to close the deal with the base
ball club for three acres of his land.
Mr. Mooney is employed in the stand
ard box factory, lie hopes that things
may soon take a turn so that he can
move back to Hood River with his
Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Shaw returned,
Monday, from their Eastern trip. They
went as far East as the Atlantic coast.
The doctor's advice to those who desire
to visit in the Fast is not to go in the
wintertime. He says the cold weather
was simply awful.
Some one traded umbrellas with
George Hlocom at the Unitarian church,
Monday evening, leaving a poor one in
its stead. Mr. Slocom would liko to
have his umbrella returned. On the
handle are the initials G. I. S.
Mrs. Harrell is laid up with rheuma
tism, and is hardly able to get about the
house. She says in the future she will
be very careful about lifting bread of
her own making.
Rev. J. T. Merrill will preach at the
U. B. church next Sabbath morning
and evening. The Lord's Supiier will
be administered at the morning service.
A. F. Smith was in town, Monday,
from Pine Flat, Wash. He says there
were three inches of snow fell at his
place on Sunday.
The womans' alliance w ill meet this
week at the home of Mrs. J. F. Watt,
Friday, at 2 o'clock.
Miss Laura Dunne of Portland ar
rived on Tuesday's train and is visiting
Mrs. C. T. Early.
Mrs. W. H. Eccles and daughter of
Ogden are in the citv this week.
Garden Tools
Garden Seeds
8. E. Bartmes went to Portland. Fri
day, to take the excraination before the
state board oi healtn as unaertaker ana
embalmer. He had already two diplo-
mas, but the state required unaexamin
ation.accordine to the new law. Mr,
Bartmess returned home Monday. He
reports heavy wind and rain storms pre'
vailing all the time ne was in me city
At one time his hat blew on and ctisap'
oeared from sight at once. A kind
hearted stranger ran after the hat and
recovered it after a lively chase for
full block. Hats and packages went up
in all directions, causing great sport for
those who could hold their hats on.
Oregon nieht at the Unitarian church
Monday, called out a full house. Re
minisencos of Hood River in 1801, by
Captain Coe; a trip from Portland to
Idaho in 1862. bv Mrs. Jay P. Lucas
early railroading on the O. R. & N., by
W. J. Baker; and pioneer times in Or
egon, bv Caotain J. r. bliaw.were inter
esting throughout. Hon. E. L. Smith's
stories of Indian mythology were not
the least entertaining part of the pro
gramme. The music by Clarence Gil
bert and Miss Anne Smith was excel
The 0. L. & W. Co. made many good
sales during the past week. The one
that pleased us as much as any was the
sale of fifteen acres to W. T. Hibbard,of
Hood River. We mentioned Mr. Hib-
bard's presence in our last issue, and
now he "is oue of us." When the best
and most progressive fruit growers of
that famous town, like the Hibbard's,
cast their lot with us they say, by their
very presence, "Jrngon all right, and
irom such men that speaks volumes.
Irrignn Irrigator. .
C. H. Stanton was up from Viento
Saturday. He says the Oregon Lumber
still have a half dozen men employed at
that place, the planer is run occasion-
ly. Mrs. Stanton's health is poor. She
has been bedfast for several months.
Mr. Stanton expects to move back to
hid ranch in inkes Vallev hmt hh soon
as his wife Is able to stand the trip.
The members and fr-iends of the la-
dies aid society of the Pine Grove Con
gregational church will meet at the res-
ideuce of Mrs T C Hire, Thursday,
March 31, at 2 p in, to effect a new or
ganization of the society. All iirerested
are expected to be prsent.
Mrs. 0. L. Stranahan is in Portland,
whore she went to see her new great
grand-daughter, who came to the home
of her grand-daughter, Mrs. Ethel An
derson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
V. Mooney.
Miss Gladvs Hartley spent the three
days vacation between winter and
spring terms at home, returning to For
est Grove Tuesday morning.
J. Casper Davidson, son of Jesse Dav
idson, arrived here, Sunday, from Ohio,
to make his home with his father .in
the Mount Hood settlements.
First Strawberries. J. J. Turner yes
terday brought in from the nlace he sold
to S. H. Cox a handful of strawberries
in different stages of ripening.
S. E. Bartmess has employed a pro
fessional upholsterer and is now pre
prepared to do all kinds of upholstering
Miss Prudence Patterson of The Dalles
spent Monday in Hood River, the guest
of Mies Hartley.
Mrs. Dr. Fdging'on of Wasco spent
Saturday in Hood River, the guest of
her brother, Colonel Hartley..
Mrs. C. B. Atterbury returned, last
week, from California, w here she spent
the winter.
The Congregational aid society will
meet Friday afternoon of this week with
Mrs. Crowell.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Entertain.
Kckon you'll come
To a ran time altiilr.
At Htuwart'it on Krldny;
, Don't full to be there.
It was a very smart function, and one
of the notable events of the many suc
cessful affairs of the social season this
winter in Hood Kiver. Progressive whist
was the game of the evening, but every
where there were' suggestions of the
coon" and "rag-time." The score cards
were hand painted and cut to represent
slices of ''watermiliuu." As winning
scores were made peanuts were tied to
the card. Deftly draped about the
rooms were large red bandannas. When
the series of games was played, the card
tables were bunched and more bandan
nas appeared, UBed this time for covers.
The refreshments served were delicious.
After luncheon, the prizes were dis
tributed. With three of the ladies it
was a tie for first prize. The draw was
decided by cutting for the highest card,
ana tne award went to Mrs. Edward
Blythe. Mrs. Ralph Savage secured
second prize. With the eternal fitness
of things, the booby award went to Mr.
Blythe. He received a night lamp, with
the injunction to improve each shining
hour in the study of Hoyle.
The drawing room floors were then
cleared and partners selected for a cake
walk. Staid Mr. Jayne couldn't be per
suaded to participate in this event, so
with Mr. blew art he acted as judge of the
finish. Mrs. Chipping wag declared the
best lady dancer, while the cake went
to Mr. Cram and Mrs. Rand. The re
wards were aptly placed.
the enticing strains of a dreamy
waltz were struck up, and dancing con
tinued until the goodnights wero said.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart had done every
thing for the entertainment of their
guests, and the assurance that it had
been a pleasant evening was truly gen-
Those present were: Mr and Mrs A A
Javue, Mr and Mrs Fridav, Dr and Mrs
Dumble Mr and Mrs Graham, Mr and
N W Bone, Mr and Mrs Vaughan, Mr
nd Mrs Jenkins, Mr and Mrs Chandler,
Mr and Mrs Henderson, Mr and Mrs
Savage, Mr and Mrs Chipping, Mr and
Mrs Whitehead, Jlr and Mrs W Blythe,
Mr and Mrs P S Davidson, Mr and Mrs
Arthur Davidson, Mr and Mrs Frank
Davidson, Mr and Mrs Williams, Mr
nd Mrs Early, Mr and Mrs Cram,
Dr and Mrs Watt, Mr and Mrs
Rand, Mr and Mrs Frederick, Mr
and Mrs E L Smith, Mr and Mrs
'larke. Messrs T Butler, A P Batehacv
W Davidson, G I Slocom.
That Rag Carpet Party.
Friday, March 18, was banner day on
the state road. Mrs. Tom Calkins gave
"hen party" at which the chief source
of amusement was sewing carpet rage
and punishing one of the most deliciout
noonday lunches. Ihe ladies report a
delightful time visiting withone another
as they alternately labored and absorbed
the good things from Mrs. CalkinV
well-tilled larder, and they stayed so
late that a howl went np from all the
neglected old men along the state road.
Those present were Mrs. Tom Calkins,
Mrs. K. V. Calkins,Mrs. John Hinrichs,
Mrs Owens, Mr M. R. Noble. Mrs. D.
tlarrabrant, Mrs Sam Koplin, Mrs
Hiscook, Mrs Worlev, Mrs Arnold, Mrs
D N Bycrlee, M R Noble and D C Gar
rabrant. What is harrowing the souls
of the paterfamilias along the state road
s whv it was that those two last named
Id grannies, M. R. and D. C, should
be taken in and jollied op all day and
fed on the fat of the land, while the rest
of ns were turned down, made to tay
at home and wrestle with the rock and
fill op our gastronomic compartments
with liver and cold potatoes. There
as one red e ruing feature, Uncle Ed
Calkins was there to chaperone the gid
dy creatures, otherwise there would ere
. Born.
In Portland, March 20, 1904, to Mr,
and Mrs. Roy Anderson, a daughter.
Sew Today.
Royal Tailor suits at Knapp's.
Knapp's Bnttonless suspenders.
NEW the Buttonless suspenders at
Found W. H. Davis found a pair of
child's shoes and left office.
We are closing out Utah land plaster
at f 13 a ton. Davidson Fhcit Co. tf.
A. J Haynes at Underwood hal sev
eral settings of thoroughbred Buffor
pington eggs for sale at $1 for 15.
Democratic County Convention.
The democratic county central com
mittee met at The Dalles, March 19,
pursuant to the call of Chairman F. A.
Seufert. A call was Issued for a county
convention to be held in The Dalles on
Saturday, April 16.
l lie convention will consist ot w del
egates, the appointment of whom was
based on the vote cast for Ueorge
Chamberlain for governor In 1902, be
ing one delegt',e for each 15 votes cast,
or major fraction thereof. April 9 was
fixed upon as the date for holding the
primaries. J
family of Shoes,
men and women,
pjach pair warranted irom Selz to us; each pair warranted from us to you.
You run no risk in wearing a Selz Shoe, for if they go wrong we make them right.
We Will Still Continue
With our Sample Muslin Underwear for the present week, and then wo shall sell
at usual prices. Corset Covers from 10c to $2; Skirts from Wc to $3.50; night
dresses from 38c to $2.50; Drawers from 18c to $2.
. Why don't you buy your Groceries here? We can save you money and put
the goods at your own door without extra cost. We are here to please, and
goods must be satisfactory to you.
Free Delivery
this have developed a disturbance which
would have made the Kusso-Japanese
operations look like 30 cents.
Miss Xicklason Entertains.
A St. Patrick's day party given by
Miss Eva Nicklason was successfully
carried out and much enjoyed by her
guests. Ihe bouse was decorated with
festoons of green crape paper looped up
with shamrock leaves of green card
board. . Each guest was presented with
a shamrock leaf: those given the ladies
each bearing the title of a book and
those given the gentlemen the name oi
he author. Alter pnrtners for the
evening were found the game of pit
was played. Ihe young people have
become so expert in this game that in
some cases only a fraction of a minute
is required to secure a corner. After
this game was over, a guessing contest
began, each guest representing a book.
Miss biinth with lilacs in her hair rep
resented "Under Ihe Lilacs." Miss
Groves, a "Woman in White." Mr.
DeWitt, an Innocent looking youth
with a broad A pinned to his coat, rep
resented 'Innocents A-broad." Mr.
Fabric, with his feet under a rug and
an embarassed look on his face, was
found to be "Sockless Simpson." Mr.
Slocom walked among the guests with
a Bible in his band, but only a very
few guessed that he represented "The
Christian." The prize, a book bound
in green, fell to Mr. Slocom. Stage
coach and one or two other informal
games gave an appetite for the dainty
lunch which followed. Sandwiches
tied with green ribbon, salad served on
green leaves and a fruit salad tinted
Kreen helped to keep the Suint of the
Emerald Isle in mind.
Those present were: Mrs. ReidJWisses
Quinn, Groves, Cross, Anne Smith,
Jeunie Marden, Hoadley, Ethel Kntri
can, Floiine Shaw, Glen Fabric, George
Slocom, Fred Clarke, Ray Imbler, A P
Bateham, Harry DeWitt, E H Ilurtwig,
Bert Enlric'an, Kelsey, Clarence Gil
bert. .
At Inch noon on Sunday, March
at Kock Haven, the pr
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Booorman
was consummated a very pretty, quiet
wedding, when Miss Lelah A., their eld
est daughter, was wedded with J. W.
Tompkins, the eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. G. B. Tompkins, Rev. R. A. Moon
of Eugene officiating.
The bride was very becomingly attired
in ecru colored silk trimmed with
silk and Battenburg lace, while the
groom wore conventional black. The
bridal couple presented a very pretty
appearance as they entered the room to
the strains of the wedding march played
by Miss Ida Brace, George Boor man
acting as best man and Miss Nora Boor
man as bridesmaid. The minister, who
is a bright young divinity student irom
the divinity school at Eugene, used
the ring ceremony, and although his
6rst experience as a connubial pilot, per
formed his function graceiully and im
pressively. Alter congratulations a de
licious ai J bountiful dinner was served
by Mrs. Boorman assisted by Mrs. J.W.
Sausser, and the remainder of the day
was spent with songs and instrumental
music till night hurried the guests a ay.
Many valuable and useful presents were
made to the happv pair by their friends.
among which were noticed fine sets of
silver knives, forks, spoons, cut glas,
china, a rocking chair for each of them,
and many other articles which will
prove convenient in their new home.
Sir. Boorman also made his daughter a
present of a fine young Jersey cow,
and not to be outdone in generosity, Mr.
Tompkins promptly responded by pre
senting a mate for her to Ward, much
to the surprise and pleasure of the young
people, w ho are thus happily started on
what the Glacier joins with their many
friends in w ishing may prove a long,
peaceful, happy and prosperous life jour
ney. Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins will be
at home in Glenwood, Wash .after April
15, where they will be very glad to en
tertain any of their friends.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W.
Our Easter Offerings.
All the now ami
pattern hats.
Splendid conceptions of the Milliner's art, and
sold at our standard of low prices.
I'eautiful selection of Easter flowers, fruit, gold
and foliage.
Novelties in fancy toned braids, blended rib
bons, chiffons and silks, awaiting your pleasure to
be made up to suit your taste, to match your suit
and to suit your purse.
Sorosis Gloves in white, $1 .
Designs Are Now In.
This was designed to be the best shoe in
It is the King of Shoes. It
Price $3.50.
S. Boorman, Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Tomp
kins, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tompkins, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Sauseer, Mr. anil Mrs.l)
N. Bverlee. Rev. R. A. Moon.T. E.Wick-
ens, Miss Ruth Tompkins, MitB Ida
Brace, Master Theron Sausser, George
Boorman, Miss Kora Boorman, Miss
Effie Boorman, Earnest Boorman, Miss
Edna Boorman, Master Orland Boor
V. 0. W. Shadow Social.
On Tuesday evening, March 29, ' the
Woodmen of the World will give A social
which promiees to be particularly good.
They will spread the tables with all
the good things for which Hood River
is noted, prepared with all the skill that
lms won fame for Hood River ladies;
then the ladles will cast their shadows,
one at a time, on a screen and the gen
tlemen will bid for the shadow, the
successful bidder takes the fair one and
supper for two. There will be games
and music and no limit to the fun. An
invitation is given to all to come, the
gentlemen to speculate with the ' shad
ows of our fair ladies, and the ladies to
put all the wicthery of their charms into
their shadows on the screen. Come
everybody, and bring no refreshments,
the W. O". W. will provide for all. Re
member the date and place March 29,
in Odd Fellows hall.over the Paris Fair.
Great Church Rally.
F'riday evening, March 18, was the
occasion of a delightful social gathering
of the members and friends of the
United Brethren church. About 250
people gathered at the gymnasium
rooms and partook of a bountiful sup
per at 0 o'clock, after which a short
programme was renderedand a general
good time was enjoyed by all. Many
who intended to be present, especially
thowe from the valley, were kept away
on account of the threatened rain.
The ladies' aid society led iu the rally
and deserve great credit for their per
fect arrangements and the complete
success of the evening.
Hon. T. R. Coon read some carefully
prepared statistics concerning the locul
church. Mr. Coon read as follows:
Grace U. B. Church Organized No
vember fi, 1890, with the following
S K Bartmess, class leader; Samuel
Smith, steward ; Elda Burliness, Ella
Smith, J L Zeigler, Ida Zeigler, Alice
Cleaver, Multie Pursier, Maggie Hanna,
Mary Shute, Mattie A Oiler, M P Keff,
Maggie A Keff, l'.liza Oiler total, 14.
Presiding Elders I G Knotts, 90-91;
G Sickafoose, 91-9.1; J R Parker, 93-90;
C C Bell, 90-02 ; J T Merrill, 02 04.
Cluss lenders S E Bartmess, 90-94;
M Willis, 94-96; E W Winans, 90-97;
Mrs Nickelsen, 97-04.
Superintendents Sunday School W
A Mercer, 93; M V Harrison, 93-94 ; F C
Krause, 95 9ti; Mrs E V Miller, 90-97;
Mrs E B Clark, 97 M; S E Bartmess,
S8-C0; J E Hanna, 00 03; Earl Harmless,
Nunilier Members on Roll August 1,
83, 48 ; September 24, 94, 67 ; January 8,
9ti, 80; September 23, 97, 61; June, 00,
58; June, 02, 09; June, 03, 90; March 18,
04, 140.
Pastors C W Wells, 91-93; R E. Kauf
man, 93-94; F C Krause, 94-90; J T Mer
rill, 90 98; Geo McDonald, 99; H K Ben
son, 99-00; H C Shaffer, 00-04.
Church Slew ards Samuel Smith, W
92; J E Hiiuiia. 92 93: Alice Cleavar.
I 93 9."; J E Hanna, 95-9U; Mrs Bartmess,
03; Mrs Oiler, Mrs Merrill, Mrs Nickel
wen, 03 04, :
The ladies' aid society organized Ie
ccmber 10, 1890; Mrs. A. R. Middleton,
president. It now numbers about 30
mem lers and has added a monthly
missionary meeting to its regular week
ly meeting. Mrs. Yates is now lis
The Senior C. E. now lias 54 mem
niber. The Junior C. E. numbers 100
or more.
Uncle Oliver Bartmesa has served as
janitor for eight yeats without charge.
A Correction.
statement appearing
The statement appearing in last
week's paper concerning an entertain
stylish 'Tailor-made and rich
the famous
is a delight for
is the shoe for
Phone 581
ment in the "Mormon" church south
of town was incorrect , so Thomas Chap
man informs the Glacier. The church
building belongs to the reorganized
church of Latter Day Saints, with head
quarters at Lamoui, Iowa. These peo
ple have no connection whatever with
the people of Utah and do not claim
the name Mormon for the church or
Dcnlli of John Floyd Gerdes.
John Floyd Gerdes, sou of Mr. and
Mrs. John H. Gerdes of Hood River, -died
Friday, March 18, 1904. He was
born September 23, 1898. The little fel
low was a bright and lovable boy, and
through his long illness of more than
seven weeks, displayed the same sweet
and cheerful disposition that had made
him a favorite in his home and among
his playmates.
F'uneral services were conducted in
the U. B. church by Rev. J. T. Merrill,
assisted by Rev. H. C. Shaffer, Sunday
afternoon. Interment was made in the
K. of P. cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerdes desire to thank
their friends for their kind assistance
during the sickness and death of their
A precious one from us Is gone,
A voice we hived Is still:
A pliice Is vrchm In our home,
Which never can be tilled.
God In his wisdom has recMlled
The boon his love had given.
And though the body moulders here,
The soul is safe in heaven.
Council Proceedings.
The common council met in regular
session Monday night with Acting May
or J. E. Rand in the chair. Those pres
ent were: Mayor Rand; Conncitmen
Bailey, McDonald, Maves, Prat.her; Re
corder Nickelsen and Marshal Fraley.
Mayes from the committee on streets
and public property reported the condi
tion of the streets to be perhaps the worst
in the history of the city, but could sug
gest no remedy until the weather be
comes more propitious.
Bailey, of the health committee, re
ported an inspection of the city this
week and that he found the sanitary
condition of the municipality much like
that of Havana, Cuba, at the time of
American occupation. He seemed to
think we had too many Queen Anne
fronts with Mary Anne back yards for
a continuous felicitous state of health
in the city, that unless we accomplish a
renovation in certain quarters we are
liable to come up against everything
from measles to bubonic plague during
the heated term approaching. Like
his distinguished comrade from the
street committee, he could see no relief
until after the effects of the vernal equi
nox has worn off of the weather de
partment and Observer Beals begins to
disense sunshine instead of rain.
Ordinance 80, regulating the salary
ot the city marshal passed second read
ing and was unanimously adopted.
Ordinance 81, presented by Council
man McDonald, regulating the closing of
business houses on Sunday, passed lirst
reading and was referred to the iudi
ciaary committee.
I tie following bills were presented
and on motion of Prather were allowed:
Wesley Case.labor $7 80
Mount Hood L.Co.,lumber 3 72
Mount Hood L.Co., lumber 87
K. Butcher.labor 5 80
On motion of McDonald. Cantain A.
S. Blowers was appointed to till the un
expired term of Ex-Maror Coon.
The matter of various persons supply- .
ing the city with gravel from various ex
cavations in the city, which was brought
up, by Councilnien McDonald and Mayes,
and referred to street committee.
. Harry Bailey, mail carrier on R. F. D.
No. 1, is confined to his bed, and the
doctor says he will not be up for another
week. Mr. Bailey sprained the muscles
of his lower abdomen. He had been
complaining of a pain for a month of
more and had been treating himself for
indigestion. His physicians say the
constant strain of bearing on the brake
of his mail wagon helped to bring oft the