The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 24, 1904, Image 3

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f i
apest ana. oesx Lm
In Hood River For Sale in
Selling Agents
A large and enthusiastic water meet
ing was held at the Harrctt school house
on last Friday evening to hoar the read
ing of the report of W. 11. lioole on the
irrigation law of the state of Oregon.
Mr. iloole read a miosis of the law
and then answered ' all (mentions, and
from the fact that he was asked over a
hundred, it mnv he taken aa a fact that
the people here are alive to the necessi
ty of securing a bountiful supply of wa
ter hereafter. The meeting was so well
pleased with the law and what tlioy be
lieve they can accomplish therefrom
that they instructed Mr. lioole to ask
the Ulacier to publish his report as
made at this meeting, so that all por
tions of the valley can be informed on
the subject with a view of co-operating
and extending the system all over the
valley. A committee consisting of Mes
srs. Shoemaker, Nicholson ana
were appointed to interview all persons
interested and report at a future meet
ing to be called when the committee
was ready to report.
Following is the report of Mr. lioole:
An act providing for the formation of
i-.;..,..;.,,, .(iuiriftj in the stateof Oregon:
That when 50 or a majority of holders
of titles to lands surceptioie io irrigation
.!-;.. n nrnvirln for irrigation,
they may organize an irrigation district
in the lollowing manner:
o.....,iM.,,T o' uptitiiin signed bv the
above numbered holders Ql titles to
lands, and trie title 10 uie mim m "
,i hir Hid pnimlizcil assessment
roll next preceding the presentation of
.i.:..L ;ilAn ol.iill lip
trie petition, wmui ro"""" , c
presented to the county court In which
the land is, located.
The said petition shall set forth and
particularly describe the proposed
boundaries and ask that the same be
organized into an irrigation district. A
good and sufficient bond must accom
pany the petition to be approved by the
couutv court; bond must be for double
the sum of the probauie cosis 01 util
izing the said district; bondsmen to pay
the costs if the district fails to be organ
ized. . .
Petition must be presented at a regu
lar meeting m the court, or at a special
meeting called for that purpose, and
notice of presentation must be published
for four weeks in a newspaper published
in the county.
The court can change the boundaries
if it deem proper No land can
be included in the district that will not
kntiotit h. irfwratfnn AIPAnr fin Tn flu.
UCUIll. l'T IMIgHHUU ........ - - - - - r
plication to the court by the owner
The court shall divide the district in
t 4ia tiuluinna nf an near enuftl B1B6
aa nnaoihlu a tA nilTIlVlAr thfttTI IrOHl On6
to five inclusive, and one director who is
a freeholder, an elector and a resident
within the said division, shall be elected
in each division; or on a mapruy peu
tl.ti .liruntni-H niQV tlH pIpplPll ftt l&rtfO.
The general election laws of the state
to oovern all elections held under this
V,i ntltpp lifitript. nan lip Allowed to
nmaniva ailit tt include IU1V of the SaU16
txml without the consent of the board
On the second Tuesday in January,
after organization, there shall be
elected an assessor or collector
hi,, I a trpiiunrpr fur A term Ot tWO
years. The above elected board to meet
on the nrst luesday in renruary aim
nromiizp plpi't nrexident from their
lie.r and annoint a secretary, and
thev shall adout bvlaws and rules.
a 1 1 wQtur ninuL ftp. (liHtnuuieu uiruui'
immillv nimn a ratio of w hat his assess
ment bears to the sum assessed upon
the district, but any owner may assign
iunt.,1. fur anv ruin vciir.
All mppt.iiitfH of the board must be
mill) n
Ttiii Knar1 nf ,lirpr-tnrn is vested bv
law with the right to enter upon any
land to make surveys and to secure land
either by purchase or condemnation. In
of uurchaains the land the bonda
of the district may be taken at par
r,.lami,otiAii rf limit all fill hfl TlfO
ceeded with under the general laws of
the state in conueninaiiou jirucccuuigo.
li,,n,1o niiiil rnrrv hv A maioritv vote.
All lands to be assessed in proportion
.-. t,..n,.tlt tn lia dpi-ivPft.
Bonds are made payable in money of
tlip TTnitpil teuton and in the 6eries aB
fillnwfl '
At the expiration of 11 years 5' per t u'lwtla nnmltor ti hnndfl.
V'CllU V T HJ-V ' -
At the expiration ol VZ years o per
cent of whole number of bonds.
At tlip p mi ration of 13 vears 7 per
cent of whole number of bonds.
At the expiration of 14 years per
cent of whole number of bondr.
At the expiration of 15 years 9 per
,i..t tA n.twilp niimhprnf hnnds.
At the expiration of 16 years 10 per
mill nF u li, nnniher of bonds.
At the expiration of 17 years 11 per
cent ot-whoie numoer oi oonus.
At the expiration of 18 years 13 per
Mn( svf aiKnta nlimher of bonds.
bcukui n hv.w
At the expiration of 19 years io per
cent of whole number of bonds.
At ti,o pvnirotinn of 20 vears 16 per
cent of whole uumber of bonds.
Tntmat at sir npr ppnr, rter annum.
1IIVCIUDV v d. -" " T 1
navnh n oPTin an inittil v. January auu
""'j- . . . i
Bonds to be issued in sums oi not less
than $100 nor more than 500 each.
I.. co ,,f rli.icit the AHRpssor is eniDOW
knA t lfit,u uBiuiacmiinl: in it.
1,1,1 I U , 1, . J ww..""
- . 1 . 'I,
fana a ninar. rip DI11IL DV CUUlluuli uu
mnil atvprtiup (fir hldH.
iajhiu I,,,, --
In order to complete ditch, board may
contract nn indebtedness of 2,000 and
;..r..,. totif ufirrfintfl. to be TQ-
1 CO 11C DCVCll J'l vvim
deemed out of tirat payment of water
1ircv.lUlO wmj'v-ii w r
flowing to the full capacity of the canal
during uie season.
The taxes on account of the ditch be-
,) n tl.p lRili nf Xnvi'mber and,ia laiFvatiip mnr ninnnavin ihs-
a i c paauio iMu,w.v, ; , .
cemljer each ycar.and if not paid on that
date a penalty of five per cent is added.
JJelinquen list ib puuiiuiicu
15th of January each year and if not
paid before three weeks, enough of the
land will be sold to pay the taxes due
with costs.
ti.p land sold can be redeemed any
time inside of 12 months.
v ..m..nun aim hn levieu in excess
nfenoutzhto uav current expenses and
honds until tan years
than oh pi i vonr in flaauiun
t, aJ nnrrant- AtriPllRRS. there
,yt 1 11 cov miu v v -
shall be enough larger assessment levied
to tane up me dohus uecunmig uuc i.
year. ,
Board snail nave power w u "j
Dt.oom n( nmtpr Btrpnt. road, ditch or
flume, or any state land in building the
Tho hnarH hna t.llfi nOW6r tO C8U SDO
A,-ni Ai.t;r.n in unfa mnrp bonds if thev
llal cloi.wwii w - - -
h.,,i u i,o..o not pnnnuh to cotnolete
the ditch. Takes majority to carry the
More than 31,750 Pre
iravo luvn filled in our Laboratory. The reason
f,. liivop mscrintion buwness is found in the
Horvice wo give, The best materials obtainable
n,wi nwvlornt,' chart's are the things that have
brought us the patronage of the public and the
confidence of the physicians.
Let us Fill Your Prescriptions.
The irrigation question is now settled ami we must get
i lit n ii.u I filin.,ir, of t he ditch question
ZZZ mna wil. hnvo water,, ami that
im .uis y-y i ,v..i....i o rnvidinr onr-
n-iiuiy new fields will ie piiimt-u, p. - - i
helves with some seasoiuiuu- w. - -
New car Just in
Wo are closing it out at V per ton, or 70c a
Tools are nh-ad. High wheel and first ssatine i g. t
-es We have the exclusive agency. Come see them.
if vmir strawberri.'s are not in first-hiss condition
t "oi oftl X . 4 f-rtilizer antl strengthen them up.
Thi "rtilia-i- lulps the culls grow into Now
is the time to apply it.
we arstocked with what you nml. the old tools out
we an MtHK or new tools.
TtalualVio Ip-d trying to inalce an old worn
out tool do vour work when the season is short.
,..,r of Stu.h'lKiker wagons now in contains some
: , wagons with large size boxes, strong
5: SS .... a,. cxanw
them when they come in.
ha. started up, and we want your orders for berry mites
Knhseriliera lo Base Hall Stock.
7 a ta mi
Lelana Hen
derson of Hood Kiver trustee for us and
in our names to acquire, purcnase
l,l,l f,,i- iia Biibieet to our
order, of and from E. C. Mooney and
Jessie K. fliooney, uusuanu mm
three acres oi grounu, us iicnuj bhv
..a nruiailila 111 Int. 9 flpnlion 35. town-
ship3 north, range 10 east, W. 51., in
Wasco county, uregou, ouuuucu
by the Belmont county road and east
by the Tucker county road, situate just
outside the corporate limits of the city
i tjIuop thr th nriee of 2,0.)0
cash, to be paid to the said E.C.Mooney
j ' i .. 1,4 . .uiqa m-inn their
ana wne, uy ouiu nuoiv, --
conveying the said land to our said
trustee for our use and benefit, by good
and sufficient warranty deed, free from
all Incumbrance; and we severally
agree to, and with the f aid trustee, pay
tlie sums set opposite i numo, ...
eush on demand of said trustee.
Dated Hood Kiver, aiarcn , inn. ,
ti nr (im aimvp is to obtain
ground suitable for buse ball park, anrt
each subsHTiher will understand that it
is not a douation, as he will be issued
stock in line wun uis uubiiu".
r V1 III
Charles worse............. t
Davenport BroB. Lumber Co li w
.r. IT I I.. 15 1MI
niOUIH 1100(1 .uuiuer -
IT II Pnnlua IW W
C A Bell
Charles T Early w w
John Leland Henderson 60 00
Mayes Bros 10 J
O B Hartley W (W
Chas ClurKe "
W II Allen 25 00
Charles Miller Q0
WSloat - "
.in Hunt 50 00
C E Hayward -Jj W
A Whiteliead. ; "
Klmer Band 00
Harry DeWitt 25 Ot)
I,ost Lake Lumber Co 1"' 011
Transfer and Livery Co 100 00
SFKouts 60JW
(ieo 1 Sloeotn l
E Chandler J" "
KKErwIn ' Jfj
McUuire Bros ' "V
1 E Cameron u J
f V TCuuliv 10 00
J S Booth 6 0
C A Morgan & Co 00 A ('rum 50-4)0
S A Kmlpp 20 00
L C Haynes ,
ii K Williams 2o 00
Tompkins Wright - 25 00
E R Bradley , '
V..i Uriiu-urr. 25 00
W II H'ibeitsoii 10 0t)
JJI.uckey 5 00
F C Itrosius -"
Frank Ellison ,)0
F E Jiii-kson -9
W ) Ah A Co 25 00
Wright & Co 25 00
N C Evans 10 00
I I Mnrridilll . 1(H) 00
C E Markhum 25 00
FaMiion Stable 100 00
Tragedy Averted.
"Just in the nick of time onrlittle boy
was saved," writes Mrs. W. Watkins of
1'leatant City, Oluo. Tneunionia nau
nlaved sad havoc with him, and a terri-
. . . . .i i- . ....
ble cough set in i-esines. uociors urai
ed him, but he grew worse every day.
At length we irieo in. iving a
covery lor Consumption, and our darling
was saved. He's now sound and well."
Everybody ought to know, it's the only
snre cure" lor coughs, colds and all lung
diseases. Guaranteed by Chas. S.Clarke,
druggist. 1'rjce otic dj fl. inai urn-
ties Iree,
ki -n,..,!,. Ttr V. J. Smith of San
ders, Ala., who is also a druggist, says
of it: "I have been selling Chamber
lain's Cough KemeJy aim preserving n
in my practice for the past six years. I
use it in cases of pneumonia and have
alwavs eotten me uoskromms. -v
all druggists Sit jj-
Turning out 1,500 Crates a Day.
wifl in mnnlnves and a nav-roll of
$75 a day, times are lively these days
with the Davidson nut vo. ine vx
laMnrv ia ennstatitlv buzxini; away.turii-
ing out 1,500 crates a day. There are
now over Zo,uuu compieieu ermeo ciuivi
: ,i;.,.ani ii,oi.iil.mio,.a Store room
will soon be at a premium, and it is im
perative that the farmers begin hauling
n,.l Ilia nvulaa aa nnnn na nnKH! hie. Should
UUl fcll .ivw - I .
r, Gr.a Joltint thnHH DflW Oil 1 1 ft l1 (1 . it
would be a serious calamity for Hood
Kiver. l ney couia not va repinwu m
time, nor could they be secured out of
town. , .
Mr. Davidson showed a Glacier man
about the factory and buildings Satur
day. A new wrinkle in the manufac
ture of hallocks which appeared to be a
good thing to the newspaper man was
s,i ii, at ilia i.rfitiiH nre now boiled
UIO mv v...v v.vw ... - - - t
and steamed belore tieing sowed iip.iiiib
toughens the wood fibers and reduces to
a minimum the loss through breakage
when the hallocks are sewed up. It
produces a neater box, and insures bet
ter satisfaction to the strawberry
The larch lumber used in the manu
facture of the berry crates, Mr. David
son says, is secured this year at home
from the Mount Hood Lumber Co. For
Yinrlo nil hn material had to be im-
nnrtwd. This is no small item towards
Lotion, lYinnav in hnmn circulation. Mr
The Davidson Fruit Co. expects to have
orders tor xuu,uai crams hub wimvh.
a n ounla inii-p vint'unr taetorv is ne
Fruit Co. W.ll.
,,;,,;,, ;u ilm wihtI in this line, and
maoliinery lias oeen iiisiuiieii mi uumuf,
out live barrels of vini-gar a day. The
n,,uuu Id n i m n-oVHIlien t Oil the
old method.and cider can now be turned
to vinegar in a day. in tlie uasemeni
of the warehouxe are fmir large vats of
2,8t0 gallon capacity. This vinegar
plant will be a great thing for Hood
Kiver fruit growers, as it will enable
them to dispose of all cull apples at a
profit. The vinegar goes through b fil
larino amt diatilliiiir liroccFH v hich rc-
moves nil impuiitief fnun lh apple
jaice and produces clear, pure vinegar.
TI,p vulurle and iini)lemeiit business
of the Davidson Fruit Co. is growing
rapidly. From the carload ot wagons o
that famous make, Studebaker, several
have nlreadv been made and another
shipment of buggies is expected later.
The sale in this department last year
amounted to f4,ouo or f.,iw.
When asked concerning tlie outlook
for a Btrawberry market this year, Mr.
Davidson appeared very sanguine, and
assured the Glacier man that there
would be a greater demand than ever
for Hood River fruit. Larger orders
than ever are already coming in. air.
Davidson expects a 50 per cent increase
: i,o Miinni iliia wnr. The nlunts he
ill mo iii'i'".
savs are in splendid condition, and tlie
" . i , 1 AVinlll
crop snouiu De a large ouc.
1,000 acres will be in bearing this year,
and the total shipments should loot up
150,000 crates. With more berries.niore
carload shipments can be made. The
O. R. & N. Co. has agreed to furnish
plenty of cars, so a repetition of last
year's car shortage is not looked for. If
the quality of the fruit continues good
there will be no fear for good prices.
Probably early high prices will not be
so big this season, .but Mr. Davidson
hopes to make more sales at an average
price higher man last seasun, mm i""
make it a much more proti table year
for the farmers.
See them. Wear them.
Appreciate them.
Having been appointed Selling Agents for the famous
Hand Made Bradley Logger
We invite those interested to call and examine a
Strictly First Class Shoe
We Quarantee the Price
and Wearing Qualities
Mattings Linoleums Oil Cloths Carpets Rugs
a. ,., . . i s av. m.r v.l 35c to 11.50 a yd 50c to $10
15c to 50c a vd uoe io per yu , ovv w w j - , i
,. ' i i . :,. n iw,,;,!. ihni m;ihlo tliit most Daiticular buyer to
W e iUV hliowni" tr!st)rLiiifiiin in 1 1' - vv.... i.. vv - , v , .
select with satisfaction. Repeated assurances of the tact induces m to publish an m .-
. . , , i- -iw ..,.;,.il,-in Him witli ilemirtineiit, store Silles
tat ion to inspect our stock sy . i nii cm- mhuV m ...... i
J 1 -it 1 l.i f....l.w,.l
day figures. J no goods can r ne oougut mi ie..
STEWART, the Home Furnisher.
H,r lines in r.ull.ling materia.., i-Vnoln,, X-U.nK arc now arriving .and pricing U tar below any ngure of pant two year..
Stoves, Ranges Furniture, Paints, Oils, tfiass
Everything for Building and Furnishing the Home
the first to throw the ftone of malice
when failure settles its cloud upon our
lu'ad. The one ahtolutely uu-llisli
friend Unit mini can have in this selfish
world, the one that never deserts him,
the one that never proves ungrateful or
treacherous, is his dotf. A man's dog
stands hy him in prosperity and in pov
ahI lr iii Iwm lili nml iii sickness. lie
ni., in
will sleep on me com (1,"lllui "
the wintry winds hlow and the enow
drives fiercely, if only he may he near
l.i ninulrir'u U 1 1 1 1 1 1 Will lUSS tllO
inn iii,,.!,,, t
hHiid that has no food to oiler; he will
liek tlie wounds and sores that come in
encounter with the roughness of the
world, lie guards the sleep ot his
pauper master as if he were a prinee.
When all other friends desert, ho re
mains. When riches take wings and
reputation falls to pieces, he is as con
stant in his love as the arm in its jour
ney through the heavens. If fortune
drives the master forth nn outcast in
the world, friendless and homeless, the
faithful dog asks no higher-privilege
than that of accompanying him, to
auard against danger, to light against
.,.., i-u Ami whim the last scene
of all comes, mid death takes the mas
ter in his embrace, and his body is laid
away in tlie cold ground, no matter it
all other friends pursue their way, there
by the graveside will tlie noble dog be
found, his head between his paws, his
eves sad but open in alert watebfui
........ r.iu.fiil nml true oven ill death.
lire:-, iiuuiiu. .." - - ,
"Then Vest sat down. He had spoken
:., ., i.. ..,,.,. m 1 1 hi hi 1 a eestuie. He
III It lun .w.v. ...... c . i f
miiileno reference to the evidence of
the merits ol the case, luicuuu o-
ished, judge and jury were wiping
their eyes. The jury tiled out, nut soon
entered with a verdict in favor of the
plaintiff for foOO. He had ,,,or
i. it iu ovon aniil that sonic of the
jurors wanted lo hang the dctem.ant.
Full Line of
Base Ball Supplies
Gloves, Shoes, Bats, Balls.
You don't need to order from catalogue, we have
the (ioods.
When You Come to Town
Do not rail to get our price on Groceries, Flour
and Feed. We have a lew Mackintoshes left over
at less than half price. We have a good line of
Underwear that can not be duplicated at the price.
Goods Delivered Free
To Any Part of Town.
bone & McDonald
llcst Itemed)' for uMiyali.
"The finest remedy for constipation I
ever ned is Chttmberlain'BSloni;ieh and
Liver Tablets," pays Eli iimlcrof l'rank
ville N. Y. "Tliey act gently and with
out any unpleasant ctlcet, a m ieac u.
bowels in aperieeuy naiuruicuuuiuuu.
Sold bv all (1nii"'i"t.
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
Ticket oflicc for tl Regulator Line of Steamera-Telephone and
have a hack carry you to and from the boat landing If you want
o (irut.,.lnuj turnout rail on tho
riWr Treatment of I'neBiiionla.
rneumoni too dangerous a disease
or anv one to attempt to doctor himself,
ithoo'tih he may have the protvr rem
edied at hand. A physician ehuld nl-
mav be called. It should r Dome in ,
mind, however, that pneumor, y alwayaj
result from a cold or from an ittaok of j
the grip, and that by giving Chamber-1
lain a t ough ItcnieUy tlie inreait-nea a
Uck of pneumonia may be warded off.
Thia remetly ia also used by physiciana
in the treatmeut of jmeunionia with the
A Tribute to Hosts.
Hood River, March 15, 1904. Editor
Glacier: Some evil-minded miscreant
In the shape of a (log poisoner vimhi-u
Paradise farm on tlie night of March
12, sneaking like a midnight assassin
around the house, and gave to my lit
tle pet collie, Topsy, a deadly dose.
What object the wretch could have lit
torturing to death an iunocent little
j ...i. nuiu fault mold he said to
be watchfulness of her master's prem-
ise8 for sue was noi vieioua "u,"
1.1.,.. l.,-irriiiri.lulluihlc to Hie. TO
take the life of my poor little dog, to
kill her so cruelly, so wickedly, so in
humanly, filled me with grief and sor
row. Some of tlie human specie are
utterly devoid of all sympathy towards
j i. .,i.i,.,1j nml linve no ConiPl'c-
iiuiuu wiiii""." - .
hension of the sorrow an act of this
kind occasions to a person of fine sensi
bilize! anil liuinane ieeiini:s. mel
lowing is from the Nashville American:
"Oueof the most eloquent tributes
ever paid to the dog was delivered by
Seuator Vest of Missouri some years
ago. He was attending court in a
country town, and while waiting for
.i... iriui nf ruse in which he was in
terested, he was urged by the attorneys
in a dog case to ueip ineiu. ne -
iaid a lee oi vy me
.J.iiiiinna ovillPDW W1W ill t fOU VJ0el
Ui show that the defendant had i-hot
the dog in malice, wmle otlierevnieni-e
wput in show that the dog had attack
ed the defendaut Vest took no part
in the trial and was not disposeu io
sneak. Tho attorneys, however, urged
him to make a speech, else their client
would not thiuK ne nati earned ira ;
Iking thus urged, he arose, scanned
the face of each juryman for a moment,
and aaid: '
" Hienilenien of the Jury: The -st ,
friend a roan has in the world may ,
tuin against him and become his en-j
emy. His sou or daughter that he has ,
reared with h-viug care may prove tin-,
grateful. Tho who are neant ond
dearest to us, those whom we trust with
our happinws and our good name nia
i mi torn to their faith. Hie
money that a man has he may ie.
It Hie awav from him, perhaps w hen
he needs It most. A mail s reputation
may lie sacrificed lu a moment f id
considered action. The people who are
prouetofall on their knees to do us
, honor when success is with us may t
wHUixut mstion.the most beautiful residence
location in the city. High and sightly, no mud
no dust. Supplied with the purest spring water. -You
are cordially invited to come up and inves
tigate, see the water plant, enjoy the fine view
and have a good drink. No trouble to show
lots: Always at home. Now is your chance.
. C, COS - HOOD grgEES
,Ve(lllv41wl konv.M.M,hlnSM.,,. wire cable, rope formers, block., root bopk,, etc., for which
ON'LY exclusive Hardware Store in
I No. Z