The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 24, 1904, Image 2

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    3(oodlftver Slacier.
. Forest Grove hasaciviciniprovement
society, which held its annual meeting
repent ly. Our old-time friend, Colouel
Harry Hnynes, wus re-elected president
of the society. A report from the sec
retary called attention to the vastly
Improved appearance of the city since
the society was organised two years
ago. Much of it was due to the influ
ence of the society. Old barns and
fences had heen removed, houses paint
ed, lawns improved, the cows shut up,
and the general appearauce of the city
made fur more attractive. Hood River
needs to organize a society to work on
similar lines. A society of this char
acter can help the city council in many
ways, and it is not too late to organize
fur effective work in time to clean up
before the grand rush of visitors comes
next summer.
The University o! Oregon Bulletin No.
3 is just out. Its leading article is enti
tled "Water Power on the McKenzie
River," and contains a full report of the
hydrographic survey conducted last sum
mer by the engineering department of
the university. The opening paragraph
of the report set forth the policy of the
university in undertaking the task o(
gathering accurate and impartial data
respecting the undeveloped industrial
resources of the state. This survey
marks the beginning of that policy, and
it is expected that work of this kind will
be continued from year to year, as the
funds permit.
; The city of Hood River pays a mar
shal and street commissioner 50 a
month, yet people of the town must
wade, the crosswalks ankle deep in
The Sunday Journal Is a wlnuer. If
Bucweuiug issues i-uiuiuue tuts puce set
.. J!.. t - . ! il. .
by the initial number success for the
venture is assured.
"Siilu-criber'' Answered.
White Sulmon, Wash., March 21,
1904. Editor Glacier: Several articles
anne:ired in vour nanerfrom "Suharrih.
er," While Halmon, all concerning our
school bonds anu concomitant troubles.
Now, I do not come with a chip upon
my snnuiuer, or i uo noi wish toquar
. rel willi the invisible and unknown.
Hay, Mr. Snlwcrlber, I have your two
articles before me. In your last effort
you cliaiiensre anybody to prove the
untruth of anything that you have
bi. jhh, reaiiy, l aon t see that you
have saiii anything. Your article is
full of wild assertions and private opin
ions, to winch you have a perfect right
nut winch quickly pale Into Insignifi
cance when confronted with facts and
figures which you have not attempted
to furnish, and which I shall not at
tempt in the absence of official records.
That's a queer statement of yours
where you soy there were 60 who voted
for bonds who do not own 50 acres of
land In White Salmon. Do you mean
50 Meres apiece? If so, I plead trulltv.
for I only own 10 acres, and tbat is 5
acres more than I farm. The 5 acres
lying Idle are a good deal like a good
many acres represented by the opposi
tion to school bonds not even irood
grazing land and assessed at about 50
cents ho acre.
Since when does it require so many
acres of a property qualification to en
title one to citizenship and a vote? Or
is this only a new innovation la White
Further, you say others did not live
In White baliunu at all; when wechal
le Hired their votes thev swore them In.
I administered the oath to the voters
that were required to iro to that ex
treme. D. D. McClure and wife were
put to this trouble. They are people
most uigniy respected ny their neigh
bors and friends and who have owned
their home among us going on three
years. Mr. McClure has improved his
place at a great expense and spends his
time here superintending the farm
when physically able to do so. Mrs
McClure still conducts her business in
Portland, but with an eye single to a
comfortable home on their furm In the
near future. Now, HuNcriher. had vou
n better right to vote here than they?
i uouut it.
Mrs. Mary Purser and her son Fred
voted here, over which there was a
good deal ol fuss iniide, as they live out
side i ne aiHinci hi present, but they
own tneir iiome here ana never OKI ex
ercise their citizenship anywhere else
You go on to say "it is too bad the
laws ure so we can have debts voted on
us by such people." For those who are
aciiuuinlea with the parties vlllitied in
your article no defense is necessary, but
to the stranger and the public generally
I will say in vindication of the aliove
named parties (and about none others
was there any question, as I was on the
election board and know whereof I
speak) that they are all law-abiding
hon'jr-.ble and very highly respected
taxpaying citizens.
Our school bonds were sold to the
state, which Is the best evidence possi
ble thai the whole proceedings were
regular and proper. We pay interest
at the rate nt 4 per cent per annum;
- bonds redeemable on ana after one
year. This seems to give almost uni
versal satisfaction, and everybody is
happy at the prospect of having two
comtortaDie ana commodious school
rooms ready for our fall school. Yours
for a long pull, a strong pull and a pull
ail together. a. v. ZtKiLEK.
Church Sellers.
Methodist. Preaching every Sabbath
at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath school,
Hi a.m. r.pwort n league, 0:30 p. m.
All coruiaiiy invited, vt .U.r-vans, pastor
Christian Tabernacle. Services at
Carmichael'a hall. Sunday school every
Sunday at 2:30 p. ni. Preaching by
Rev. A. A. Beery, every 2d and 4th Sun
day immediately following Sunday
i I in !
mriiuui. aii iv given auiuiy llivua-
Hon. A. u. Cash, superintendent.
Congregational. Rev. J.L. Herehner,
pastor. Services with worship at 11- a
in. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school at 10
a. ni., with A.u.Maten, superintendent
Subject o( morning service, "The Help
fulness ot Helping." The chorus choir
con.posed o( young people will sing at
the evening service. Christian Endeav
or at 6:30 p. in., led by Mr. Staten.
United Brethren. Sunday school at
10 a. in. rsermon by pastor at II a. m
and at 7 :30 p. in Junior at 3 p. m
Senior C. E. at 7 p. m. Praver and
praise meeting Wednesday evening at
7:3U. t-Kcial evangelistic services at
the Sunday and Wednesday eveuing
meetings. All invited. A special invi
tation to the new-comers in our midst.
H. C. Shaffer, pastor.
Valley Christian. Preachii at 11 a.
m. Subject: "lhe Spiritual House.
K veiling service begins at 7 o clock.
Fpecial programme by the Endeavorerg
Topic: ' Our Own Country." The pat .
tor w ill address the meeting upon the
"Young Wen of Our Country." A cor
dial invitation to all. A A Beery, pastor-
Lutheran. Services, Sunday, March
27, at Advent church, valley. Sunday
school at 2, preaching at 3 p in. Cate
chismal instruction, Saturday, at 10 a
m. H J Koltj, pastor.
Unitarian. Corner State street and
Park avenue, W. O. Eliot, jr., minister
in charge. Sunday school and adult
class at 10 a. m. Service at 11 a. ni.
Subjett of sermon: "Man and Church,
or the Cost of Progress." Before the
iiormnn- "Wo Ui.lipve in Immortality."
Men's meeting at 7:30 p m. Subject:
'The Keligion of a tientieman." .
Wan mnntv runublicans have placed
before the voters the following ticket:
For State Senator
N. WHEALDON, The Dalles.
For Representatives
J. ix. bukukss, Anieiope.
A. A. JAYNE, Hood River.
For Judge
A. E. LAKE, The Dalies.
For Clerk
For Sheriff
F. C. SEXTON, The Dalles.
For Assessor
For Superintendent Public Instruction
JUSTUS T. JSErr, The Uailes.
For Treasurer
M. Z. DON NELL, The Dalles.
For Surveyor
F. 8. GORDON, Wamic.
For Coroner
C. N. BURGET. The Dalles.
For Justice of the Peace (Hood River)
For Constable (Hood Rive)
E. 8. OL1NGEK.
The delegates to the state and con
gressional conventions are: T H John
ston, H C Rooper, William Reese, J E
Kennedy, J V Johnson, t n Button, &
L Smith, J H Worsley, F H Hendricks,
A E Lake, A S Roberts, Henry L Kuck.
H. L. Kuck was re-elected chairman
of the Wasco county central committee.
John Iceland Henderson was re-elected
committeeman from Eat-t Hood River
precinct; E. Ixicke was made commit
teeman lor west Hood Kiver, ana u. n.
Castner for South Hood River.
A convention "where harmony and
good-fellowship prevailed as was mani
fest In the gathering of Wasco county
republicans at The Dalles, Tuesday of
this week, hasn't been heard of in this
neck of the woods for lo, these many
campaigns. While many of the nomi
nations were made by acclaniraation,
there was no "slate." Many of the of
fices had been practically conceded to
some of the candidates by virtue of
eminent flitness long before the con
vention took place, while wherever it
was necessary to determine upon can
didates the result lett no 111 feeling.
Hood River asked for nothing but a
member of the legislature, and for this
position, Hon. A. A. Jayne has been
uaiued. The uomiuation was entirely
unsolicited by Mr. Jayne, but the
enthusiasm manifested when his name
was presented to the convention shows
he is not a stranger among Wasco
county republicans.
Ten o'clock was the hour set for open
ing the convention, but the delegates
slowly wended their way toward the
court house, stood in groups on the side
walk, discussing the weather and the
1 . 1 7. In. ..rt L.f . T
canuiuaies, anu ii was iu:cu ueiore a.u.
Kuck, chairman of tliu county central
committee, rapped tor order and an
nounced that the convention would be
in order. Within 20 minutes all prelim
inary work had been accomplished and
the delegates were again on the ktreets.
Max Vogt, secretary of the county
central committee, received the creden
tials from the delegates. Albert S. Rob
erts of irevitt precinct was named (or
. . I f L. T HFL . .1 J
temporary cnairman Dy in. noeaiuon.
The secretary was instructed to cast tiie
ballot ot the convention lor temporary
chairman, as was done for each officer
of the morning organization.
Mr. Whealuon was appointed by
Chairman Kuck to conduct Mr. Roberts
to the chair. Whealdon called for an
assistant, and Frank Button was ap
pointed for this duty. The escorting
function was performed with much dig
nity, while a good-natured laugh and
generous applause spread among the
delegates. Mr. Roberts thanked the
delegates for the honor conferred upon
him, pulled from his pocket a copy of
Roberts' rules of order and proceeded
with the order of business at hand.'
11. R. Hendricks of Cascade Locks
named Howard Isenberg for temporary
secretary. Later, George Cooper of East
Dalles was made assistant secretary.
Motions were made for the customary
committees, ' and Chairman Roberts
named the following:
Credential M Mt-Innis, W J David
son, William Rees, O R Wood, Chris
Permanent Organization and Order of
Business J H Worsley, J K Woodcock,
J N Burgess, C 11 Southern, 51 Water
man. Resolutions T II Johnston, C L Phil
lips, C O Roberts, H W French, HC
The afternoon session convened at
2:30. Secretary Isenberg read the re
ports as submitted by the various com
mittees, which reports were adopted as
read. Twelve delegates to the state and
congressional conventions were named.
when nominations were in order for
members of the legislature and the va
rious county offices. T. H. Johnston of
Dnfur named N. Whealdon of The
Dalles for state Senator; H C Rooper of
Antelope presented the name ol J pi
Burgess, and E. N. Wythe of Hood
River that of A. A. Jayne for represent
atives. The nominations were all made
by acclamation. The nominees came
lorward altir urgent requests and deliv
ered themselves of felicitous speeches.
John Leland Henderson of Hood Riv
er, with a few short and well worded re
marks, named his friend A. E. Lake for
county judge. In less than 60 seconds
Mr. Lake was thanking the convention
for the nomination.
When it came to clerk, Glen Allen of
The Dalles named Simeon Bolton. Mil
ton Anderson of Dufur immediately se
cured the floor to say that if things con
tinued as they were going, it would look
too much like a cut-and-dried affair. He
also believed the people ol Mosier de
served some recognition, so he pot for
ward the name ol Alexander btewart
for clerk. When a ballot had been
taken, 99 of the votes were for Bolton
and 8 for Stewart.
The nomination for sheriff was now in
order, and here came the first real con
test of the convention. F. C. Sexton.
the present incumbent, was named, as
was Levy Chrisman, both of The Dalles.
A ballot was taken, with 58 votes for
Sexton and 48 for Chrisman.
It required two ballot to decide for
assessor. A. C. Moad offered the name
IP -
One Price to all.
New Shirt Waists
New Spring line of Ladies Shirt Waists just arrived. We .have every
thing new and nice for the season; at any price you want, from 25c up.
Shirt Waist Suits
For Spring, in Lawn, Percale and Linen. Buy one now while you can
get what you want.
Washable Skirts
Just received, in Duck, Covert cloths and Mercerized goods.
Fine Lawn Kimonas, trimmed in solid color; price, 65c. ;
voTir aA ata nrriinw dailv. We haven't the room to
show these goods to advantage. What we lack in room and
comfort for our customers, we make up in price. O
of Asa J. Stogsilill of Tygh ; G. J. Oess-
liriK nominated Hugh Uourlay ; r.Kircn
lieimer presented C. L. Siihmidt, and
I). J. Cooper Charlie E. Haight. The
first ballot resulted: Rtoesdill, 49;
Hchmidt, 26; Uourlay, 25; Haight, 4.
(iourlay and Haight withdrew, and an
other ballot gave the nomination to Mr.
J. T. Neff was placed in nomination
for school superintendent by A.E. Lake.
O. J. Gessling moved that the secretary
cast the ballot, and the motion prevailed
M. Z. Donnell went sailing through to
the nomination for treasurer.
Dufur and Kingsley both had nom
inees for commissioner, C. H. Stoughton
and Charles Fralev. On a single ballot
Dufur woo out by U to 30.
F. 8. Gordon went in for surveyor by
"Dad" Butts and C. N. Bnrget were
in the race for coroner, It was neck
and neck until the last vote was counted,
when Burget won by 3 votes. In his
speech of acceptance the young man
thanked the 51 who voted for him, but
missed a good chance to say he would
be glad to "sit" on the other 49.
Excitement was dying out by this
time, and the delegates were filing out
of the court room. Members of the
county central committee and precinct
officers were named, and in a few min
utes later the republican county conven
tion for 1904 had adjourned sine die.
We, the republicans of Wasco county,
in convention assembled, do hereby un
qualifiedly endorse the virile and cour
ageous administration of Theodore Roose
velt, whose splendid devotion to the
ideals of Western endeavor and progress
has elevated the tone of our entire na
tional life and created an executive pol
icy remarkable for its probity, manly
self-reliance and unswerving adherence
to the highest standards of good citizen
ship; and in pledging our allegiance as
representatives of the West, we espe
cinlly commend the president for his
firm insistence upon the policy of the
reclamation of the millions of acres of
arid lands in the Western states; for his
appreciation and encouragement of the
rapidly-developing commerce between
the Pacific coast and our Philippine pos
sessions, and for the unequivocal Btand
he has taken in support of all the great
enterprises in which the West has a
vital interest. And be it further
Resolved, 'That this convention, act
ing as it has in entire' harmony on all
matters that have come before it for de
liberation and action, voluntarily refrains
from giving specific instructions to the
delegates chosen to represent this coun
ty in the state and congressional con
ventions. This action is taken in order
to give eiprespion to our belief that the
delegation chosen, in exercising their
own individual judgment, will not fail
to reflect the sentiment of the party by
their action in both the state and con
gressional conventions.
Letter to Farmers' Irrigating Co.
To the Stockholders of the Farmers'
Irrigatirt Co. Gentlemen: I wish to
thank you for your appreciation of my
services rendered you while one of your
committee I present to the Farmers'
Irrigating Co., my time and mouey spent
while advancing the interests of said
company, knowing that at this time any
money or time donated to the Farmers'
Irrigating Co., will certainly be appre
ciated. I wish to thank F. W. Angus,
Roy Smith, Mark Davenport, H. E.
Blocher, C. E. Markhani, Milt Pealer,
Howard Pealer, and Frank Pealer, for
their services rendered while limiting
for me on February 7, 1904, when Char
ley Reed and I inspected the Valley Im
provement Co's. flume. I wish to thank
Mrs. Ida Crapper, Miss Pearl Crapper,
Mrs. Howard Pealer for their kindness
toward my wife and family, whale the
search party was hunting for me. Yours
sincerely, FRED E. BAILEY.
The state prohibition convention will
be held in Portland March 29 and 30,
and a rate on the railroad of mroaird
Health Resort
For ule. LaiT-e new building under construc
tion. Central radiation point for Mt. Hood,
Lost Lake, trout dshing and hunting grounds
Will attract large patronage from Portland
and 18US fair. tee or write W. R. Wlnaos on
the premlMwor t Hood River. Or. Phone 971.
Also, choice fruit lands, large or small tracts.
H Bmr in .
While it Las
I have for sale lanre and amsll tracts Im
proved and unimproved, tUSan acre up. Also,
good business propositions. I ran locate some
good homesteads. Nee me In town or at the
falls of Hood river. W R.WIN A XH, phone
ehicles and aaricu
Comer 4th and Columbia Streets
one-third fare lias been secured for those
who are in attendance. Tickets will be
accepted from Monday preceding until
Friday following. At the time of this
convention a state alliance will be form
ed, and each local alliance is entitled to
three delegates at this meeting and an
additional delegate for each 15 or por
tion thereof over 30 members. It is re
quested that the entire number of del
egates elected to attend the state con
vention be present, as important mat
ters relative to the local option law will
come up for consideration and action.
F. B. Barnes returned last week and
is makiug an effort to pay his debts.
Hay for Sale.
10 Acres for Sale.
I am ottering for sale my 10 acres, well Im
proved, 8 miles south of town, on the Mount
Hood road. Kor particulars, callal my place.
al4tf F. K. BAILEY.
Eggs for Hatching.
cU a setting. MKH. J. H. HHOEMAKEK.
Cow for Sale.
A No. 1 cow. Inquire of Mrs. Owen, on the
old Warren farm at Kranktnn. aU
For sale. Inqul e at the livery stables. ni2t.
4-room house and one lot; now rents for J8 a
month. Price (MX). Inquire at Olacieroltlce
or of D. I. Stone. I4
Any quantity. Ieave orders at Carrier s
restaurant or call on D. J. Tretuer. m'U
Between postorilee ar-d Booth's Rtoro,lafly's
small purse containing 81.30. Kinder will
please leave at Olscier otllce.
480 Acres Timber.
15.000,000 to 18,0011,000 feet stnmpnise, near
Davenport's new mill site. Log flume al
ready built through tract Price fi,000 cash,
tioek box 537, Hood River, Or.
2 or 3 Fresh Cows
For sale at Riverside Farm, 8 miles west of
town. Bhortuoms and Jerseys.
a7 J. W. MORTON.
For Sale.
A 200-egg Incubator and brooder.
House for Rent.
Inquire at office of Prather Investment Co.
Clover Hay for Sale.
First class, 8 miles lrom town on Mount
Hood road. Inquire FRED BAILEY,
a7 R.F. D. No. 1.
Cow for Sale.
Fresh, three-quarters Jersey; 4 years old.
Price M. A No. 1 cow. J.C. BOUtJH,
a7 - R. F. I. No. 1.
Several pairs new pan In. Owner can have
name by proving property and paying ile for
this notice. Inquire of Tell Blount and Kent
isboemaker.- mar!7
Seed Potatoes.
KarlyRose. For sale at 1.00 a sack dellv
tsvd anywhere In lown, or t my place at Bel
mont. tt7 BRUNO FRANZ.
8 Acres for Sale.
Kit acres set to strawberries, balance In clo
wr: fruit for family use; S-room house, burn
nixl other Improvements. yt miles from lown
im Helmontroad. In best part of strawberry
wtlon. mm L. .1. MULK1NK.
In Stuart's Confectionery
19, and continuing until further notice, l win place on ens
play a full line of the latest designs in Easter millinery,
tSpecial designs made to order
Lots of Fun
Everybody Flays It
Best Ever
Something New
Get them at
Never Undersold.
in mho rioiinmient on stock of Farmers'
Irrigating Co. March 15, 1U04, will be charged
Interest at me raw oi m per ceui hi uum'
ancr March IS until paid, ny oroer oi ui
rectors. n . u. t.v akw, nec y,
For Sale.
Tent. 12 oz. 12x10. S'i feet wall, with tin sew
ed on for 6-Inch stove pipe. Price $10. In use
one season. In good conuiiion.
m!7 MllH. I). EVERHART.
Buff Leghorn Eggs.
Thoromrhbred lint!' Leghorn egg; 7.) cents
per setting. mill E. A. FRANZ.
To rent a small house In or near Hood
River. Address box KKi. Arlington, Or. m8l
Horses for Sale.
Five head farm horses, weight l.HK) to 1.200.
Seed Potatoes.
ft ll.n MnHh I..1a VlirlPtV RtllllOth flllll
while; similar to Bnrbank. Frlce 81 25 per 100
f. o. b. at Mosier. w rite lor terms on quunuiy
m31 U. L. L ARtvJLLi, Mosier, ur.
Hituatlon to work on a ranch. Apply by
letter to m3l C. L. MOKK1S, Hood Kiver.
To Let.
Four office rooms to let, centrally located,
Inquire of mm . hakim
Go-cart for Sale.
A go-cart in good condition, for sah cheap,
Inquire at Martiiiess store, or oi
m 10 MRS. C. K. HEM MAN.
Two girls for housework. Apply to
mlO A. R. BYRKETT, Hingen, Wash.
Eggs for Hatching.
White Single-comb Leghorns, 81 for setting
of 15. V. C. BROCK,
R. F. D. No. 1.
St.rflwhfirrv Plants.
spring setllnt that' 1 will sell for $1.2.1 per 1,000
r 1. ...... (ill mm Ortit-flnMa nlmila from
at my place. C. E. M I LLr.K,
null R- F. I). No. 2.
Cows for Sale.
I will sell two of my three cows; one n jer
sey, now fresh, ana ineomer iwo will oe iresn
Apr,! lo. uaii on or write hi
iii24 JOHN HAKEL, Hood River, Or.
Wood for Sale.
We have ISO cords of oak wood, one mile
west of Odel I school house. Also, for sale or
trade, a inch truck and stake bed.
m24 NEFF BROS., phone 979, Hood River
Furnished room wanted by young married
couple for light honse-keeping. inquire oi
Pekin Duck Eggs
75 cts for a setting of 10.
ni24 E. 1). CALKINS, R. F. T). No. 2.
Will move Monday to the room next Mo
Hulre's meat market, where patrons will find
them after that (late.
Rooms to Rent.
Neatly furnished rooms to rent with or
Without Doara. AIW, llieaisseiveu.
mi4 In Langllle building;
For Sale.
Pomona Spiny Pump, with barrel, push cart
and galvanized tana, an iu goou muuuiuu,
in 17 R. M. HUNT.
Cow for Sale.
A pure bred Jersey. Prlcp 150.
n 1 17 K. E. HARHIsuS, phone iHfi.
store, commencing March
to raatcn master suits.
Hood River
rmi .,-.- r ...! l.d InnA It. 1K7M.1
........... r i ........ Th rallies. Ore..
Uniieu rIHWJ lUU win- v, . , '
December 21, 1WM. - Notice l hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of tin
act of congreasof June S, 1HTS, entitled Ah
act for the sale of timber lands In the Wat o
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory." as extended to nil the public land
. . . -" . - , ,.., ,',.ll,,uiiiir.
suites oy acioi noaum i, .".iT.
named persons have filed in this olllec theli
sworiislsteinenls, to wll: ,
m ,r .... ...... ..r W.U..IW i.-rrtlnrv ol
Oklahoma, sworn stutenn-ul t-o. ;Vf'.j "!
.111116 4, WI.S, tonne uun-uaseu. me H7jn..;f
8W"K NKand WK! NWfc section 18, towu
ship 1 norlli, range It enst, W. M.
of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, sworn BlKtemeut No. HM, filed Juue .
l!HM. for the purchase of the KKH section It),
' ..... J:..-.i. a ...u u M
That lliey will offer proof to show that the
i i .. i. .... luuhlo fur iiu flintier nr
stone than for aKrlctutural purposes, and to
. .,... .. .,....1.1 I,..l,.r. 1.4,
eSiaUHSIl MH-ir CIHIIUB WW" in..-. v .w.
n ii IT U i ..,iuuin.r ill lliMIll ItiV-
er, Oregon.' on Wednesday, April lit, 1IW4.
ineynaine a wiuirsiw. wm'.iu
worth, Hlmon K. Kby and ArchleO. French ol
Hood Kiver, Oregon; Herl I Woolley ana Al
bert M. Caldwell of Waynoka, Oklahoma;
M R Noble and William A. Eby of Hood Kiv
er. Oregon: John A. Thompson, William
1 1 II II 1 1 ism 1. rjuiiiimu .v. ... , ... ... --.,- -
and Kve Wlnans of Hood Kiver, Oregon; Ar
chie VJ. r rencn anu nruiur xv. j-ii-m.ii
Ally HIIU ail perfiuis uiiiiiiiib .....
aoove-tiescriDeu tanas are rcquesieu m mr
their claims In this ollloe on or before said
1.1U1 uay ui ajii ii, imn.
1411 MlVJIlftX-li l. nuijni, tvi-Kiwn;i.
Timber Land, Act Junes. 1K7K.1
United Btates ljind Office The Dalles,
Orwron. Dec. 21. 11103. Notice Is hereby srlven
that in compliance wun the provisions oi ine
act of congress of June 8, 1K78, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands iu the Htate ot
California, Ori-Kon, Nevada and WaHliliiKton
Territory," as extended to all the public laud
states by act of August 4. 1S02, the IoIIowIiik
named persons haA-e tiled In this office tlieir
sworn staiemenw, to-wu:
of 235 Yamhill street, Portland, county ol
MUltnomsh, slate or Oregon, sworn statement
No. 1944, tiled June lit, liKW, lor the purchase ol
IheHE SWji, HW'W hli section 120, N KJi
NWand NW(4 NF.'4 section 20, township 2
norm, range eaai, ,y M.
of V'lento, counly of Wasco, stale of Oregon
sworn statement No. 21:13. filed September 21
1003. lor the purchase of the V'1. NWii ami
Wk 8Wi4 section , township 2 north, range II
east, w . M.
of Hood River, county of Wasi o, state of Ore
gon, Bworn statement ivo. aiix, nu-u July 13,
iH03, for the purchase of the lou 8, 10, 11 and
12 section ai, township 1 north, range Oeast w.M
of Hood River, county ol Wusco, stnte of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. 2u73. tiled Jul v 27.
1003, for the purchase of lots 4, 5 and 9 section
3j. lowusiupi norm, range u east, w. M.
That they wlli oiler proof to show thai
me iana sougnt is more vhickuho lor its ttm
beror stone than for agricultural uur Doses,
and to establish their cluiius lo said laud bo-
fore Oeo. I. Prather. U. S. Commissioner, al
Hood River, Oregon, on Monday, April 11,1001.
Tliey name as witnesses: William F. Rand
of Hood Kiver, Oregon: (Jilford II. Wood-
worth, Lewis E. Morse, Phoebe E. Morse and
Mary F. Morse of Hood River, Oregon; .Samuel
Woodward and Theodora (ilazer of Cas-ude
Locks, Oregon; Millard F. Bird of Hood Riv
er, uregon; ereinoiit foster ol Hood Kiver,
uregon; Chester uasmer, Krank II. Hutton
l liKrles L. Morse of Hood River, Oregon
Louis E. Morse of Hood River. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
tneir claims in ims ouice on or oeiore said
lit ii aay oi April, nM.
n7 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
ITlmber Land, Act June 3, 187H.)
United States Ijtnd Office. The Dulles. Ore.
gon, Dec. 14, una. Notice Is hereby inven
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of J une H, 1K7H, entitled "An acl
for the sale of timber lands in the states ol
caiiiornia, uregon, Nevada and Washington
territory." as extended to all the niihlin Tiuul
states by act of August 4, 1K02, the following
iimiicu iiriBulis IIHVU II leu in in is onice tneir
sworn siatemenis, uvwll:
of Hood River, county of Wusco, state of Ore
gon, sworn siuieniem jo. iui;, riled June4
11103, for the purchase of the SE section 31
bvwiiauil l liwi ill, luilgu il t-HM,, W . Al,
of Waynoka, county of Woods, territory of
uHitiuoiiia,Bworu statement wo.intk, riled May
27, 11HI3, for the purchase ot the SEN WX, EU
nun u,i a ill neciiuu J'J, UlWllbllipi llorill
range II east, W. M.
ofWsynoka, county of Woods, territory of
wiwuiiwmn, HHVIIII nuilVllieill 1 U. II ICU
May 25, 1WI3, for the purchase of the Is sec-
nou iH, lownsiup 1 norm, ranges east, VV.1
of Wsynoka, county of Woods, territory of
uKiiuumin, sworn suiiemeni nn, lyimi, nied
J une 2, HHI3, for the purchase of the W N EJ4
nii,iD7,im miciioii ou, iownsnip i norm
range 11 east. W. M.
That they will oiler proof lo show that the
land sought is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agrlculiuml purposes, and to
enuionsii ineir cinims lo sain land belore
Geo. T. I'rather, U. M. Coiiunissloner; at Hood
River. Oregon, on Tuesday, Apill 12, l'.HM.
They name as wl messes: Oill'ord D. Wood
worth and Roy N. Wood worth ot Hisid River,
Oregon: Edmund C. Miller and Warrju Coop
er of Mt. Hood, Oregon; Archie C. Freiich.Ht-rl
L. WtMilley and Arthur ('. French of Wavno
k, Oklahoma; Warren Miller, ol Hood River,
Oregon; Ralph French and Albert M. Uild
well ot Waynoka, Okliilioina;Edmond C. Mil
ler of Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims Iu Hits office on or before said
12th day of April, loin.
Ha7 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1K78.1
United States Land Office, The Dulles, Ore
gon, February 4, loot. Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of Lie
act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the stutesol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
slates by act of A ugusl 4, 1802,
of Centralla, counly of Lewis, slate of Wash
ington, has, on August 22, 1008, tiled In this
office his sworn statement, No. 2102, for the
purchase of IheSW' of sectlou No.27,iu town
ship No. 2 north, range No. 9 east, W. M , and
will otter proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for lis timber or alone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim lo said land before Oeo. T. I'rather,
U. H. Commissioner, at his office at ltisd
River, Or., on Thursday, the 11th day of
Aliin, mi-t.
lie names as witnesses: J. T. Ilagley, J. A.
Stranahan, Albert K. Stranahan aud W. Ross
Wlnans, all of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
ineir ciniiu in miKoinceoa or oeiore said
Hth day of April, MH.
fllal4 MICHAEL T.NOLAN. Register.
. Horse for Sale.
A gentle mare, for sule by
a' GEO. W. SANDERS, Odell.
Eggs for Sale.
Thoroughbred Kuirorplngton and ButT Leg
horn, 15, a-r setting tl.OO.
au 11 M Its. ANNA A N PERSON. Ilel mon t.
Gasoline Engine
For sale cheap; P horse power; nearly new.
f H. C. COE.
Lewis Poultry Yards.
Eire from thoroughbred Huff Orpingtons
and 1 1 lark Minorca,! lOrer setting.
Jyl RALI'H LEWIS, Helmont.
Early Garden Plants.
I will have nr gale, about the middle of
April or Bret of May, curly varieties of tomato,
cabbage and celerv plants.
fii THUS. CALKINS, R. F. D. 2.
To Rent.
I have concluded to rent out about 100 acre
of my ranch, strawberry laud, In patches to
u 1 1 lessees, and for any length of time, from
10 Ui SO years. This Is the best strawberry and
tomato land In the Hood River country and
111 the early belt. Free water In abundance.
Call UMin tne at mv ranch, oraddrens me at
Hingen. Wash. f25 A. It HYHKETT.
House to Rent.
Apply lo f tl. 1). WOODWOHTH.
35 Acres
Kormleata bargain: on the ro.d to Mount
Hood: good spple land: ni"e, healthy location
for a house by the roadside. Inquire on the
premise. niJ4 J. F. Hll.lTKuM.
Strawberry Plants
I hftTft Bhont I 'Mi. IWO rat clax utrnwh
plnnlii fur nalrt. Aim land,
.jtW, on uy lernia.
fmm one fr to
Fruit Farm for Sale.
Twenty acre fruit larm. lUmtleafrom White
Salmon. 2 miles from Hood River: 4 aevs
of strawberries In lienrlng; 8 aere cleared. ret
ey clearing; U,i fruit trees set out of '!
kinds, houie. harn. rhli-ken houe. water ni
rlsce, miiirt be ued for Irrigation. True
.i,Ul; will lake part In trade.
m 'I R. FIELD, White Salmon.
Real Estate
For Sale
Money to loan.
Ilanna house .and lot, $2,000.
1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
Corner lot in front of school house
2. Eligible residence lots in Spaiiglor's
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$125; terms easy, installment plan.
3. Seven and one-half acres, mostly
set to fruit cherries, strawberries',
peaches and grapes. New 9-rooni house.
Hater piped to house and grounds. Ev
erything on the place in first class order.
Trice $3,000. Terms to suit.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood Kiver, belonging to George K.
Forsyth; 100 acres good fruit land;$4WK).
8. 100 acres at White Salmon; tine
timber land; $10 an acre.
100 acres, house and garden patch,
iieu ted 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Trice 1900.
The Hunt plate mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Trice, $1450.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
ltiver Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
Tickets to and from Europe.
Persons desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points in Europe or South
Africa may secure the same from John
L. Henderson, who is agent for the
Beaver lins of steamships.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and after this date, April 9, 1003,
the rates will be as follow s : $10 a day ;
Lot comers established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Furnished room to rent.
Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2
story house: $1,800.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, inclmling 3 lots.
For Sule. 40 acres near Mount Hood
poet office. Good land $700 cash 30
daye, only. J. Leland Henderson.
For Rent For a term of ten years,
the two lots on State street, back of
Bartmess' and the Paris Fair. Rental,
$120 a year for the two,
For Sale The 50 acre strawberry farm
owiied by A. E. Lake and others, on
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw
berries in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several buyere to go in to
gether and each secure a part. Must all
bo sold at once. Terms half or more cash.
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. R. Galligan; 00 acres
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, small cottage, new
barn ; all fenced. Price $10,000. A
brook runs through ranch. Easy terms;
telephone; rural delivery. Four miles
from Hood River.
Two goat ranches on mountain east
of alley on county road. One, $1,000;
the. others $1,200; each has Bmall house,
running water, and is fenced. Terms,
Rooms to rent in city.
Unfurnished house to rent. Center of
city. (Jood for stoie or office.
Mrs. Clark's 1S' acres on the hill for
sale or rent; house $10 a month, with
land $15; selling price $1,500; renter
must take subject to sale.
My own house oppotite Savage's hard
ware store, occupied by Mrs. Jayne, is
for rent; suitable for office or shop.
The 10 acres owned by II. S. Lewis at
Belmont, improved, with buildings,
farm implements, furniture, stock, etc.,
$3,000; the bare place, $2,500; $1,500
or more cash ; balance on time, t per ct.
Notary Public mid Ileal Es
tate Agent.
Loana, Collections and Conveyancing. Fire
and Life Insurance In the best companies.
Stenography and Typ Writing.
Onk Kt., Hood River.
Notice of Final Settle
ment. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned
haa tiled her final account as AdinlnlMratrlx
of the estate of Oeorge Hooth, deceased, In I lie
county court of the mate of Oregon for Wasco
county, and that the court has fixed Friday
the Zith day of March, null, at the hour of 11)
o'clock of sain day as the lime and the county
courtroom In the court house at The Dalles
or., as the place, for hearing objections to
said final account and for the settlement
Dated this 24lh day oi Fchrunrv, 1'jdl
. ALICE Hooi if,
r2-"2 ; Administratrix.
4 Tracts of Land
for Sale.
liTi HCI-ffi tft i.r l-J l..UMU ., .. .1 , .. . . .
ir . k. i " nearly an ei TO
m seres, to tillable; 2 acres cleared- 7.i per
ere for tillable part, balance will be donated
to purchaser.
3i acres, psrtty cleared, J:o per acre
l.i acres. allcleared;spwndid Improvements.
Vi hole plnoe set lo trees and strawberries,
lliese places are located In. mi one to five
mil mil, under the East Fork Irrigating
(os ditch. I am not real estate agent but a
farmer living 6 lull. out and am otr.-riiig
these properties fur uon-resldent friends. If
you ara interested in any way. don't hesitate
to ask nnesilona. The list may contain x-
' i. " "'"".or your irienda who are
mm nir l ll.wwl liivA. ... .. ..
... . . , n, ,k mic mr. fall
on. wnie Mor phone K. E. HAKKIsoN
Hood III vi r. ( ir
I With to inr.irm !. IU,U rr , r.,
,. , , , ; - ."-.i". i iimsi ivivcr
Hint I am li-al.-d In the Jackson building,
.... . . . lnll maraetwind prepared
lo ' their dressmaking and tine sen ilis I
h ie :i!-ii a f. w luriii.1,. ,1 ... .. ....
siml.-e mrtte. V I1M K i i a w u-
, Strawberry Plants.
1 '"ef.M-saleoneio2iiiim)p1Ire(-Hr,(iw..
I 'is plants, warranted flrsl, fr..m
p ants, strong ,I)(t healthy, at my plsce at
lliug. n. W an. A. It. B . klv EXT.