The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 17, 1904, Image 3

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    . 1 .MHmku
1 SiCi
See them. Wear them.
Appreciate them.
Ilaviilg bwn'iippointotl tSt'lling Agtnits for the famous
In Hood River For Sale in
I E il l
'?' it r .('. a'
"I I
Made Bradley Logger
Ch a pest and
Selling Agents
More than 31,750 Rre
Have boon filled in our Laboratory. The reason
' for this large prescription business is found in the
service we give, The best materials obtainable "
and moderate charges are the things that have
brought us the patronage of the public and the
confidence of the physicians.
Let us Fill Your Prescriptions.
The irrigation question is now settled and we must get
back to our business. . The settlement of the ditch question
means that crops in the ground will have water, and that
many new fields will be planted, so we are providing our
selves with some seasonable goods. We have
New car Just in
$ 14 per ton; $7.25 a half ton; 75c per 100 pounds.
. Regular price $14.50 a ton; 75c per 300 pounds. '
Tools are aliead. High wheel and first class at the right
prices. We have the. exclusive agency. Come see them.
If your strawberries are not in first-class condition
get some of the No. 4 fertilizer and strengthen them up.
This fertilizer helps the culls grow into good berries. Now
is the time to pply it.
we are stocked with what you need. (Jet the old tools out
and either get new parts where needed, or new tools"
Time is too valuable to spend trying to make an old worn
out tool do your work when the season is short. .
A car of Studebaker wagons now in contains some
special fruit growers' wagons with large size boxes, strong
neat and durable, at the same prices that have been asked
for less desirable styles. Don't fail to call and examine
them when they come in. i
has started up, and we want your orders for berry crates
and fruit boxes. .
tot Reined j. for Constipation.
"The finest remedy for constipation I
ever used is Chaniberlain'sHtomach and
Liver Tablets," says Eli liutler of Krank
ville, N. Y. "They act gently and with
ont any unpleasant effect, and leave the
bowel in a perfectly natural condition."
Sold by all druggists.
Tragedy Averted.
"Ju8t in the nick of time our little boy
was saved," write Mr. W. Watkins of
1'lcasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia bad
played Fad havoc with him, and a terri
ble coufe . set in 1-esidea. Doctors treat
ed him. but, he crew worse every day.
At length we tried Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, and our darling
wag saved. He's now sound and well."
Everybody ought to know, it's the only
sure cure for coughs, colds and all lung
diseases. Guaranteed by Chas. N.Clarke,
druggist. Trice 50c and $1. Trial bot
tles free, '
Proper Treatment of Pneumonia.
Pneumonia is too dangerous a disease
for any one to attempt to doctor himself,
although ha may have the proper rem
edies at hand. A physician should al
ways be called. It should be borne in
mind, however, that, pneumonia alwavs
(i. tt. CItWi4
White Salmon Real Estate
White Salmon, Wash., have sole charge of the sale
of.lots in this growing town. We have a large list
of farm and fruit lands for sale.
Correspi mdence solicited. '
Harness and Saddles,
All Repairing Promptly Attended to
Hood River, Oregon. "
. MAYES BROS., Proprietors.
Dealers in AH Kinds of Fresh, .Cured
and Canned Meats.
Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits.
results from a cold or from an attack of
the grip, and that by giving Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy the threatened at
tack of pneumonia may be warded off.
This remedy is also it&A bjr physicians
in the treatment of pneumojiia. with ttie.
best results. Dr. Wv; Smith- of'San-
ders, Ala., who is also a druggist, says
oi it: "i nave Been selling ,.Uhamperr
Iain's Cough Remedy and prescribing it
in my practice, for the past six years.. :'I
use it in cases of pneumonia and have
always gotten the best results." Sold by
all druggists.
the moral and financial support of all
who wish to benefit their fcllowincn
in the most practical and common
;sens$way. . JH .
The Army aowincritnnRal Wegfc
bf prayer and sf-denttlib t6fVluA;
MaYeh 27 to Atfri7,3, fcncf HiongV daily
practicing self-denial, its members
agree during, this special, week, to da
without all luxuries, and eveti some of
the necessaries of life, Ih order Tb:help
swell the general ;(uiidjln aid of.lhe.
home and foreign lutssioiiar work of
the organization.
v. Our readers will be urgently arrD&nled'
' Organize Rod arid GirriCtitfli"
who believe in fostering and protecting
the game and thh interests of the val
ley met last week at Whitehead's cigar
store and organized the Hood Riv
er Rod and Gun club. .The ' initiation
and membership fee for one year has
been fixed at $2. Some $30 have already
been expended in the purchase of equip
ment and the club now possesses three
clay pigeon traps, which are set up on
the sand bar north of town,' where many
of the members are becoming experts on
the wing shot. The "pigeons" are se
cured at a cost of three-quarters of a
cent, and are ehot at for one cent each,
making this sport an expense to no one
except to him who chooses to shoot.
Contest shoots will be arranged for with
other towns!
It is the intention of the members
to encourage needed legislation
for the protection : of Oregon game
and fish, and in this work they should
have the hearty support of everybody
in the town and valley. Al Whitehead
is president of the club and J. T-Bagley,
secretary and treasurer. The member
ship roll has so far been signed by the
following men :' , "
A Whitehead,"
Kalph Savage,
C E Hemman,
Bert Stranahan,
G (i Bentz, -I)
K Meats, '
Joe Toinpki.i'B, '
8.1 Frank,
fi (J Davidson,
E C Jnrv,
A J Davidson,
C C Dolman, ., .
Joe Votrtj . V,
II F Jochimson,'
H C Wright,
K 1. Davidson,, f
W F Davidson,'
Carlos N Clarko,-
F W Clarke
II M Dukes,
l.pni A lfenderson.J F Walt,
P S Davidson.
Geo T Prather,
Harry DeW.itt, :
James Sttatmhuit,--J
T Uagley,
F II Quin'ii,
I A Cross,
F II HulLon,
E L Smith,
F K Jackson,
I) Melonald, ' '
P F Fonts,
K Chandler,:
O Dethinau,
P. F. Bradford,..-.
(I E Williams, .
Geo I Slocom,
W M Hlewart,
John L. llenderbon,
Frank A Cram.
Money for Koad Iniprovenient.'
H." K, lilm-heiv who scilli-lted sub
scriptions and labor for the 'improver
mentor ttuttpartor t lie county rrmn
running south from the Valley Chris
tian church to lh top of the Slinger-
Uind bill, met with substantial encour
agement.' Following is a list of . the
subscribers and the amounts they -pro--
?ose to give: - ' : ' '
1 E lllocher ...'....$18 00
AC Helms 2 00
Isaac Vanl!lnracom .v 4 00
G E Bowerman ... .., 4 00
James English 10 00
Bert Lane 4 00
R Markley . . . . . 2 50
C Davis .' ........ 6 00
A T Dodge ...... 4 00
James A Cook . , . . , 8 00
D Dodson ... . .; ......... ; ,'.', 8 00
C N Itwreiice. ;...; 4 00
Harry H Bailey. ..........: 2 00
Joseph A Wilson . . . . .5 (K)
Mayes Bros i 2 00
John Lawless ... 8 00
0 B Hartley , ,2 00
Joseph A Knox
M V Udell
C P Richardsou .
W SGribble
B R Tucker
M V Pealer .
1 2' 60
" 2 50
'2 00
.2 00
2 50
10 00
SCopple yv... 8 00
...... t. !..$. .
W J Nichols,-,. , .
LUMCllOlrl, .
R D Smith...
F K Strang
J H Hhoemaker
LD Boyed
Transfer and Livery Co.,,,,;.,,
k arnea w
R Shelley .....................
John Crosby , .
Tmith ...T.vr.;T7::'t"
NW Bone ..v., ....
CD Henrieh ;
M M Mott
Charles S Clarke
F 11 Miller
Davenport Bros . . .
D McDonald
Tlminas Shere. .
F Davenjiort, jr. ..
Butler A Co
S A Knapp.
Frank A Cram
F K Jackson ......
,6 00
8 00
i 00
4 00
I 00
18 00'
4 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
' 1 00
2 50
" 8 00
io oo
2 00
2 00
- 2 00:
2 00
4 00
2 00
4 00
3 00
M M Davenport , 4 00
W A Tbornbury 2 00
Thompson A Jochirasen 2 00
Irort lake Lumber Co ........... ,4 00
Fashion Stable ;. ' 4 00
W M Khrck...V -.r.. : 5 00
C V Murpiiy 4 00
Self-DenUI Effort. ; ' ' -Undoutitedly
no other religUni move
ment since the days of Jottn Wesley,
whosaid "The world is my parish,"
bag taken such hold tinon the m.-isxes
and been auch a factor for good and for
me regeneration or the people as the
Salvation Army. Like their prototype,
the MethiHiists, Ihey were al first inia-
underutood, misrepretiented and p?i-se-
cuiea, mil now xney are uulveryallv re
commendable eft'ort. hose, who re
apt in the habit pf dejiivfug; HioTuwdves
can afford to .do so at tbiatiiue.and
prove wkh-tbe-ftlvatimii8tthat "It
is more blessed to give tlian to receiv. ,
- Arrangements ImVV deen made 'to'
hold Hal vation Army "rviVitI,s at the
United Brethren ehnrcli in IIoikI River,
March 21 and 22(pt 8 p. in., by EiiBigii
William Builusnij and Lieutenant; .Ver
non McManeruy of Tue.Dalh's.j iV,
Paradise Laundry !s '''ig (Jooil .'9;
The Panidissteatiraundry, whioh
opened for business at "Puradisa furm
about six. weeks gyj hiOiad its, i)a
chinery ia perfect woryig order for a
month or more jtn'd is. tnrniJijj! out a
class of work that is not excelled by
the big; laundries of Portland Rieh
ard Fawsettfrom California, an expert
laundrytnali of 17 yeafti' experience,
has been secured by Mr.'C'ole to supers
intend,the business. Mr. Fawsett.t.ook
charge abbutrjhe lirst of Febriiary,'and
r ; , .1..' -: ft'l-'U '':
We invite, those interested h call and examine a ...
Strictly First Glass Shoe
1.' i'. I;
WelQuarantee the Price
and Wearirig Qualities
,u2 &y ' JJf 1 ' . 2SSEO
;c;.i s
o vuttvi '
... " : 1 ,
. .:VMiH' ; ..
'!- - - J.
. ... 'v' f rv ' ....
... - - i '
n-y- (?)
i: (;,Linoleiims Oil Cloths Carpets 'Rugs
15c totrOi.'a.vtl: !) u v' -(inc to f 1:50 per'yd '33c to 50c oor vd ' 35c to 1 1.50 a vd JSOr tn ttft
ye'fve,W)fiigKsb good 'that ' enable the most particular buyer to
select with satisfaetion. . Ie)eated assurances of the fact induces us to publish an invi
tationitvy uisptct biir stoclc NOW. Prices are strictly in line with department store sales
da,y figuresTliegootls ean't'be bought ftyr less.
STEWART, the Home Furnisher.
Dur lieg Ih Kuiltllnfe material, llHrdware, FonelnK, Ncl tins are now errivlnp, and pricing is lar below any figure of past two years.
Stoves, Ranges; Furniture, . Paints, Oils, Glass
Everything for Building and Furnishing the Home
rnnnittff'prtre bn'' h "s Ipg.'ftut writes tha
Buckleii's ArnTc-a Slilvu' Wholly cured it
in five ilaj'fl. ", For Ai leers', wounds, -piles
lt'i th'o'best 'pniv6 "in ihe'-world. Cur.
SurfMiitiied. OnlvliSc.' Bold' by ' Cha o
V. Clarkt', itrng'e'ist.1 '
.1! y, j A Predict ii. 11. '. ,,t
SpriHsr.'-HiH' Fmin.'MarMi 14, 1004. ,
' Editor ' Ijhieler: lkU"siu seenis to bo in
t i-nilIes I Wus born under the Hu.sian
tin?, hut I have none of the liussiiin
blood In Hiy .veins ' I linve no pity for
! the Ktissiniis. Let me ttH.y that, hi nil
the wnns Hnssia bus luid in my' day
site ,vh slow (iihw Hie l.cL'iJinintr. Lmk
liiM;k to t-lie Turkish war. If it hud not
! Iwn nih'., liii(rUiiid. TiirhLsli women
would t-e witln.ut tlie m over their
f:uu tJtdiry. , I h.-ivo. -no jiity for'Kiic
luinj, eilher. ,Al the lime of 1 1 10 Ci ini-
icnii M tir I ran from tha English. Hiif
fia witsai.wiir with. live nalioiis nt Unit
time. Si there will he five engaged
wm ngain'. W'e will see.
.1. 1. IrlU.RTUOM.
Full Line of
' a: c. stater; i
Vice President Karniem; Irrigating Co.
he tells the (ilaoier thut'tiie business is
shaping itself up splendidly.- The Par
adise laundry secured w farce number
of patron's at the outset, and every one
of llieni has found the :ork perfectly
satisfactory . ., ,- -
The fact, that Miv Cole's laundry
turnsout work equal to' that of the
Porthitrd laundries insiire a success ih
his venture here. Aid Tiow'that just
as good and, even bettJ? work can be
done at home, there ie no reason why
Hood River people should. continue to
patronize out of town laundries. It's a
business proposition' ta jmtronize the
Paradise laundry..' If (:his laundry's
work wasn't first . WaV,,; J.U Glacier
wouldn't Bay this.- Oivayo'iir work; to
Mr. Cole and help a home. industry.
.-.About 2,000 have jjoqn' expended in
machinery a.ud fix-turesj-and Mr. I'aw-
settsays In a ery short time the-paradise
laundry will be eX)'e1idinj? f:KK)or
more a monun with Html Kiver people
fortabor, etoAt )iSeirr'the"lnsti'tii-
Thls.-iaiuidi'T viisus no chemicals and
tuakes 4ts wif soap, preferring 10 bay
tne materials Here rather thau ttiesoap
in Portland.. ;.;: v.-
Conecrt a(--(lm .Hurliion I'liiucli.
The Jolly JokerM ComrLCo. will give
an enUittaiouuiiit at ..the Mormon ehuroh
south of town ou,Tn.ur.HlAy night, March
2t, whiph wiU coiimst' of vaudeville
sketches, monologues, lightning changes,
specialty acts, magic and mystery and
character impersonations. Good music
and good seat A good moral entertain
ment. Adniiseion I'w, children 15c.
Inflammatory Kheiiinntism C11111I.
', ., Williani Shaffer, a brakenWin of Den
uison; Ohio, was confined to his bed for
several weeks with inflammatory rheu
matism.' "I used hiany remedies," he
'pays. -'"Firially I sent to -SlcCaw's drug
store for a tjot-tle" of Chamfjerlain's Pain
Halm, at which tiflie I wpjunnhle to use
hand or fdo't; and (n.&iij-. wei-k's time
was able to go tb-'vofkaij happy as a
clam." For sale by 'all druggists.
s , ., . .Piaitoij, ftnd Orgniis.
'-If you are thinking of buying, you cau
save yonrnfafo'to Portland by calling on
Stuart's ' coflSeetiimufy and -oyster par
lors. . Thej-jjKMtt tlwt well':and favor
ably kmjwiv fii;(u,f Al ten.fVi. ii I bcrt , suc Wilev H..AIlon Co. ;-
Qloyesi Shoes, Batsr Balls.
Sua iiii)ijC-in(.'tl- to -'ortlt-r from catalogue, we have
' ' : ' . ' : the Goods. ' ' '
When You Come to Town
Do not fail to get our prices on Groceries, Flour
iiiid Keetl. We have a few Mackintoshes left over
a't.jtss than half- -.price. We -have a good line of
Underwear that can' not be duplicated at the price.
Goods Delivered Free
To Any Part of Town.
bone & Mcdonald
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
- Ticket olfice for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and
have a hak carry you to ami .from the boat landing If you want
a nrsi-ciass rHrnoui can 011 trie
A Comedy by-llim Tafeht. ,.'
White 8almou, Wasll.lurch .13,1904.
Editor Glacier: The'greatest sensation
f the seasoi! is now onij;The people of
western Klickitat county can be con
gratulated on this rare treaLJJiey are
thovV enjoying." Tlie sensation Is a grand
spectacular newspaper duel, repre-,
eating both great expense aijd energy.'
the star actors are tne well known
Goldftidale Sentinel and the White
Salmon Enterprise.' While the latter
has not been before the public so long,
yet. by dramatic critics quite favorably
spoken of. The actors are ably sup
ported by a strong cast of characters,
correspondents and newspaper- Clip
pings. '.The production is a twentieth
century rendering of mud-slinging by
means of printer's ink. The statte set
tings and scenery are up to date in
every respect. " This arrangement lias
t tendency to cast a Spanish bull ring
expectancy over the audience. . -At
their last appearattce'ttieactors received-'
tremendous applauu?. Iloth were
clothed in righteoiw indignation. Each
bad wound around his head a printer's
towel, -with a goose fjnill stuck on one
side as au emblem of his etinseu pro
fession. After the' curtain ..hoy had
whistled for the lime ligifts iA tie turn
ed on, the orchestra struejc tlp,.'-Jheie'll
be a Hot Tim. In the Oi T.iwn T-,
night." . Before the last notes Iih'I
,ced t revertrle-trrmngtr th(""-a'tt
auditorium, Imth ae(or fa.-ed Llttau
dieniH1. Jit he inc !-iUllel wail
fir their cues, thej- rommenrd the
1 rutlti.r & iliHilil rvtJiii-.iT.TiT. IItai-
Without question the most'. beautiful residence
; : Jocatipn in the cit nigh and sightly, no mud
' iia dust. Supplied with the purest spring water.
You are torcli a Ily invited, to come up and in ves
tese;the water' plant, enjoy the fine view
arid have a good drink. No trouble to show
. tots: Always at homei Now is your chance.
av"C.-COB - -.-'; .
We cdny complete aiuek of W.MuKh Orubhtnn Machines, wire ble, roe thurtnere, blocks, root hookti, elc, fur which
we are genyrsl ssenUi for Ortgon and W'whlnirlou, Write Cor ohIbIoku. ;
'O 'i - - '
.y' ': ' . -' ONLY exclusive HarJwars Store in'
: ..: . . the dalles, or.
specteu,ii1 wtieretittlngly appreqiated ) both acted and spoke at the same time,
ana encouragea.aoau Unoiense amount eaeh relv iug on Jti voeahulary tf clt.ii.-e
y means or their simple but fervent ! to musr the audience. Among the
revf vul meetings, their various social j audience was noticed some t-f our liest
itistitutions, such as salvage stores, in- j peopls. Increased interest, as well a
duslrisl homes, workingtiien's hotels, Ui receipU, are rereiii. cj
stum nod reVn hnniw, lalior hurt-au, r A &u "far (ion
"v., ic iwiM4llllll)( immuMS Old . -
ve liN i
the worst am) must d. gnidei men, wo
men ana even children, everywhere.
They are deserving, therefore, of both
P. A. Panforth of I-sGrange, Ga suf.
(ered for six monitli with frightfu.
J T.!T-,', v-c