The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 17, 1904, Image 1

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    Hinies 0 H, OILS.elry hull
J turned every Thursday bjr
S. P. BLVTHB SON, Publishers.
Terms of subscription 81.50 t year when paid
Hi suvnuce.
The prstofllee ti open dally between 8 a
ai d 7 p. m. ; Huuiiay rom 12 to 1 o'clock. Mails
li r the Kant clone at M::iua. m. and p. m; for
the west t 7:loa. m. and 1:40p.m.
The carriers on K. K. D. routes No. 1 and No.
2 leave the postortice at 8:30 dally. Mall leavei
for Mt. Hood, dally at 12 w m.; arnrea,
U:2i a. m.
For C'henoweth. Wanh.. at 7:110 a. m. Tiles-
davs, Thursdays and Baturdays; arrive! aame
uavi ai o p. m,
(or 1'nuerwnoil. Wajth.. at 7:80 . m Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays! arrive aame
dava at p. in.
f or White Salmon, Wash., daily at 2:46 p, m.;
arrive, ai ii a. m.
For Hood River dally at a. m.; arrives at
:w p. in.
Km Husiim, Trout Lake and Oular, Wash,
dally at 7:30 a. m arrives at M m.
For Ulenwoofl, Gilmer and Kulda, Wash.,
daily at 7:a a. m.; arrives at 6 p m.
Fori'ineflat and Hnowden, Wash., at 11:80
a. m. Tuesdaya and Saturdays; arrivea same
uays, w:m a. m.
For Bin en, Wash., dally at 4:46 p. m.; ar
rives at 8:46 a. m.
V rr.N ui.). Meets the second and Fourth
tndays of the month. Visitors cordially wet
corned. F. U. Baosiua, Counsellor.
Mies Kiu.ii Clabk, Secretary.
Union No. 142. meets in Odd Fellows' hall
aecond and fourth (Saturdays in each month,
cnjo cioca. a. riooD, rreaiaent.
C. U. Dak m, Secretary.
Jt HONOR, A. O. V. W. -Meets Brut and
third Saturdays at 8 P. M.
Kati M. Fridirick, C. of H.
Mibs Aknii Smith, Recorder.
HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A.,
meets in K. of P. Hall every Wednesday
night M. M. Kubheu., V. C.
C.U.Dakik, Clerk.
TJOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 770, W. O. W., meets
" on nrst ana tnird Tuesday oi eacn month
in Odd Fellow Hall. A. C. Statin, C. U.
F. 11. Klaho, Clerk.'
WA1HOMA LOIKiE, No. so, K. of P., meets
In K. of P. Hall every Tuesday night.
C. H. Jknkinh, C. C.
C. E. Hkhman, K. of R. & S.
meets second and fourth 'luesday even
ings of each month. Visitors cordially wel
comed. Therim Cartnib, W. M.
HI us. Mary I). Daviunom, Secretary.
HOOD KIVF.R CIRCLE, No. 624. Women of
Woodcraft, meeta at K. of P. Hall on the
first and third Fritlaya of each month. Norton, (iuardlan Neighbor.
Nelui Hollowell. Clerk.
CANBY rORT, No. IB, O. A. R., meeta at A.
O. U. W. Hall, second and fourth Saturdays
of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All O. A. R.
members invited to meet with ua.
H. H. Bailey, Commander.
T. J. Ct'NNINO, Adjutant.
CANBY W. R. C, No. IB, meets second and
fourth Saturdays of each month in A. O. U.
W. Hall at 2 p. m.
Mrs. Alwa Shoemaker, Prealdent.
Mrs. T.J. cunninu, Secretary.
KeKtilar meeting second and fourth Mon
days of eai'h month. A. J. Oatchell, C. P.
Bkrt Entrican, Scribe.
DLEWILI) LOIH1K. No. 107, I. O. O. F., meeta
In Fraternal Hall, every Thursday niirht.
J. R. Knits, N. G.
Bert Entrican, Secretary.
meets tntrd rrmay nignt ot eacn montn.
O. R. Castner, 11. P.
McDonal , Secretary. ,
COURT HOOD RIVER No. 42, Foresters of
America, meeta second and fourth Mon
days in each month in a,, of P. Hall.
L. C. Haynis, C. R.
F. C. B komi's, Financial Secretary.
87, 1. O. O. V., meeta first and third Fridays
In each month. Francis Morhk, N. U.
Therksr Caktner, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER LODGE No. 105, A. F. and A.
M., meets Saturday evening on or before
each full inoon. ('. 0. Thomhics, W. M.
R. B. Savaoe, Secretary.
OI.KTA ASSEMBLY No. 108, United Artisans,
meets tir.-t and third Wednesdays, work;
second and fourth Wednesdays, social; Arti
sans hall. F. C. BRoeius, M. A.
E. H. McCarty, Secretary.
R"IVEltSIDK LODGE No. 68, A. O. IT. W., meets
first and third Saturdava of each month.
E. R. Financier. W. B. SllfTK, W. M
J. O. Haynes, Recorder.
Office and Pharmacy, Hood River
Heights, l'hone, Main 961.
Will Practice in All Courts.
Office with Culbertson & Co.
fj H. J EN KISS, D. M. D.
Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work.
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, M.
Office over Bank Bldg. Hood River, Oregon
Bucceaaor to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
Calls promptly answered In town or ooamtry,
Day or Night.
Telephones: Residence, 611; Office, 61S.
Office over Reed's Grocery.
F. WATT, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 288.
For 28 vrars a resident ol Oregon and Wash
ington. Has had many years esperlence In
keal Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of
titles and aaeut. Satisfaction luaraateed or
ro charire.
Abstract Furnished. Money Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon.
p C. BROSiUS, M. rx
Fbone Central, or 121.
Offce Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.; J to S
and 6 to 7 P. M.
gl'TLKR A CO.,
a general banking baainw.
Comprehensive Review of toe Import
ant Happening of the Past Week,
Presented In Condensed Form, Most
Likely to Prove Interesting to Our
Many Reader.
Russians do not DroDose to evacuate
n . ..x . . . i
ron Artnur.
Senator Tillman of South Carolina.
is much improved.
Tbe house has amtin had the Brlctow
postal jeport op tor discussion '
Japan believes the Rtisiniin tWt io
left Port Arthur for Vladivostok.
Postmaster General Pavnn in anfFnr.
ing from a severe attack of gout and is
very weak.
Large subecrintiona to the Rnaainn
war fuhd are pouring in from all parts
of the empire.
One of the Chicago carbarn murder
ers has confessed to two more crimes
in which he killed four men.
The report of the Japanese command
ing the last attack on Port Arthur says
that place was badly damaged.
Two men, who claim to have been
witnesses against the anarchists in the
trial of the assassin of the late Presi
uem MoMniey, cave been annovins
Mis. McKinley by desiring an audience
with her.
The house committee on military
affairs has agreed on four sited for
military camp grounds and authoiized
a favorable report for their purchase.
The California site is in San Luis Obis
po county ami comprises 22,000 acres,
at a cost of $500,000.
The nomination of General Leonard
Wood is before the senate.
Admiral Makaroff proposes to fiaht
the enemy on the high seas.
Ex-Senator Rawlins denies that he
is a Mormon, or is affiliated with them
in any way.
The military affairs committee pro
poses the puichase of a protectoi type
of toipedo boat.
Canada says any proposals for joint
legislation must hereafter come from
tbe United States.
Non-Mormons of Salt Lake have
launched a party and call upon Utah
to wipe out polygamy.
The supreme court of the United
States has decided by a majority of one
that the great railway merger is illegal.
Russian subjects respond to the pol
icy of the czar in giving out all the war
news by showing the utmost confi
dence in the ability of the army and
General Miles has written to pro
hibitionists who suggest that be be
come the Prohibitionist candidate for
president that he is in the hands of
his friends.
America and France are likely to act
as peacemakers later on.
Russians believe that the numerous
bombardments show Port Arthur to be
Postmaster Fisher, of Hastings, Neb.,
denies that be paid Senator Dietrich
for his appointment.
Japanese claim to have captured
Poit Arthur, but the report it denied
in Russian official circles.
Admiral Togo's report of tbe last
bombardment of Port Arthur claims
the Russians were worsted.
Northwest representatives aj e not dis
turbed by the Bristow report and will
keep on asking for postal increases.
Secretary Coitelyou Bays that the
present laws can reach the trusts. Bet
ter enforcement is all that is needed.
Ex-Judge Hilee, of Utah, says Smoot
could not have been elected had he not
been an apostle and the church so de
President Elliott, of the Noithern
Pacific, announces that settlers In the
overlap ' district can retain their
Minister Kurino says Japan has no
thought of annexing Core.
Prominent Gentiles of Salt Lake will
organize an anti-Mormon party.
Martial law has been abolished at
Telluride, Col. The military protec
tion has cost (600,000.
Tbe Japanese fleet has again bom
barded Port Arthur, but at too long a
range to effect any damage.
Bristow has again been assailed in
the house for postal report and an in
vestigation has been ordered.
Witnesses before the senate) commit
tee say Dietrich sold the Hastings,
Neb., pofltoffice appointment fir 2,
500. Admiral Makaroff has cleared the
entrance to Port Arthur and is determ
ined to go out after the enemy with
his big (hip.
Ex-United States Dfctrict Attorney
Critchlow declares the Mormon church
exerts its power in baianees circlet as
well as in politics.
Military experts decnue Japan's de
lay in moving the main body of her
army is due to fear of encountering the
IaUivostok squaoron.
The race riot at Springfield. Ohio is
in check.
The electric road to connect Iloqui
am and Aberdeen will toon be com
Any That Is Enacted Now Will Be ol
Preliminary Nature.
Washington, March 17. Whatever
legislation may be enacted at the pres
ent session telating to the Panama
canal will be largely preliminary in
character. The president has discussed
the matter with members of congress
and with such members of the lsthmi
an canal comm:ssion as are in the city,
but it is understood that no definite de
oision yet has been resched as to what
are the precise needs of legislation on
the subject.
General Davis called attention to the
provisions for executive regulationscon
tained in the bill providing for the con
struction ot the canal and suggested
that they were ample to cover all needs
in the direction of governing the canal
Suggesting the machinery for the
government of the zone, he mentioned
the appointment of a governor or per
fect chosen from the commission. In
addition there should be a secretary of
state, an attorney general, treasurer,
sanitarian, superintendent of schools,
justices of the peace, police judge and
three judges of courts of the first in
stance. j-i - ' , - i
The woik of sanitation would cost
(500,000 the first year and the polic
ing of the zone would necessitate the
expenditure of (300,000 a year. Aut
onomy foi the people of the zone Gen
eral Davis believed to be a thing for
distant consideration. The nature of
the work would attract the rougher or
criminal elapses. The total cost of ad
ministering the government after pre
liminary expenditures bad been met
would amount to (1,000,000, accord
ing to the belief of General Davis.
Japanese are Ready to Begin Their For-
ward Movement.
WeillaiWei, March 17. The ex-
tensive forward movement on 'the part
of tbe Japanese army may be expected
to be begun at once.
The Haimun has encountered very
little ice and in skirting the coast line,
it is clear they are nearly clear, and
that nothing now stands in the way of
the Japanese transport fleets proceeding
to the landing places selected in the
northern part of Corca.
The fact that the Japanese nave re
called all correspondents from the bead-
quarters of the army at Ping Yang also
indicates an important movement is
contemplated. The Japanese com
manding general, Baron Hasegawa,
who, with the imperial guards, will
take the lead in the movement against
the Russians north of the Yalu river,
is strongly opposed to permitting any
correspondents to accompany his col
umn until after the hrst land battle
has been fought, and it is known he
has succeeded in winning over to hts
way of thinking the members of the
General Hasegawa was chief aid to
Field Marshal Oyama during the opera
tions which resulted in the capture of
Fort Arthur by the Japanese in 1894,
and is expected to strike quickly and
effectively against the Russians.
Japan Wants to Secure Qood Horses
the At my.
Vancouver, B. C, March 17. Ten
thousand horses for the Japanese army
will be purchased within the next ten
months in Eastern Oregon and Wash
ington. The contract for the supply of
these remounts has been awarded to
Dr. Armstrong, of Nelson, B. C,
through the consulate in this city.
The agreement specifies that 1,000 ani
mals per month be delivered, and this
will make ten months before its expir
ation. The price is not mentioned,
but it is needless to state the quality
of the horses will be of the best; in
fact, the announremenl has been made
here that none other will be accepted.
3ome of the horses will be procured
from the ranches near Kamloops,, B.
C, and other points in the interior of
the province, but by far the greater ma
jority will be purchased from the
breeders in Eastern Oregon and Wash
ington, where the stiain is better, and
w here good horses have been bred with
great care for many years past.
Statehood Bill Completed.
Washington, March 17. The state
hood problem today was taken up by
the subcommottee of the house commit
tee on territories, recently appointed to
draft statehood bills for Arizona and
New Mexico and Oklahoma and the In
dian Territory. The bill making a
state of the first two named was practi
cally completed. Th difficulty of ad
justing the taxation and other ques
tions with regard o the admission of
Oklahoma and the Indian Territory as
a state are the next to be taken
Do Not Believe Report.
Paris, March 17. The St Petersburg
correspondent of the Echo de Paris says
that rumors to tbe enect that the
Vladivostok and Tort Arthur squad
rons have been united are received with
increduilty by tbe general staff. The
correspondent believes the rumors are
probably due to Vice Admiral Maka
roff's frequent sorties. He esys Gener
al Zilinaky is now Viceroy Alexieff's
chief of staff and is acting under his
Colombia May Yet Fight.
Taris, March 17. The Paris edition
of the New York Herald publishes a
letter from Dr. Jorge Holguin, ex-min
ister of foreign affairs in Cloombia,
and now financial agent of the Colombi
an government, denying that Colombian
has withdrawn its suit against the Pan
ama canal company, ot has recalled the
troop sent against the republic of Pan
Massachusetts and New York Will Be In
the Front Row Formw Seta Aside
$25,000 Empire Stat Is Expected
to Make Fully a Liberal an Appro
' prlatlon a Massachusetts.
Washington, March 16 .-Massachusetts
and New York are to be among
the foremost exhibitors at the Lewis
and Clark exposition next year. This
assurance has been given Sy'ecial Com
missioner Mclsaac, of Portland, who
appeared before the legislatures of
these two states and appealed to them
for liberal appropriations for transport'
ing their St. Louis exhibits to Port
land next year. More than all other
Eastern states, these two have a direct
interest in the Pacific coast and Orient
al markets, and the members of both
legislatures readily realized the import
ance of having complete exhibits at
Portland. By a special message of the
governor tbe Massachusetts legislature
has been called on to appropriate (25,
000 for making a Bay State exhibit at
Portland, and after conference with the
leaders at Albany, Mr. Mclsaac expects
equally as large an appropriation for
the New York exhibit.
Mr. Mclsaac has been assured that
Rhode Island and New Jersey will be
duly represented at Portland. An ap'
propriation sufficient to transfer their
St. Louis exhibits will be made.
Tomorrow Mr. Mclsaars will appear
before the Maryland legislature and
will then start west. He will be at
Columbus, Ohio, for a week. From
that city he will go to Kentucky, Iowa
and Mississippi. The Virginia legis
lature, which has just adjourned,
adopted resolutions indorsing the expo
sition in strong terms.
Admiral Makaroff Blocks the Channel
at Port Arthur.
Niu Chwang, March 16. After the
removal of the battleship Retvizan,
four Russian steamers, the Harbin, the
Hailar, tbe Ninguntaand the Sungari,
were anchored at the mouth of the en
trance of Port Arthur in proper posi
tions and sunk, leaving only a small
channel available, Vice Admiral Maka
roff having previously, ordered the
whole" fleet to remain outsidj with
steam up, economy in coal being un
This dispatch is on "Russian infor
mation," and is of the first importance,
confirming the idea that Vice Admiral
Makaroff will adopt the offensive and
make a desperate effort to bnng togeth
er Russia's scattered naval forces, or
endeavor to inflict damage upon the
Japanese navy.
The sinking of the ships was to pre
vent the ingress of Japanese torpedo
boat destroyers, as was done at Wei
Hai Wei during the Chino-Japanese
Parties In the House Declare
Friendship For It.
Washington, March 16. Leigslation
for the District of Columbia and the
postoffice appropriation bill occupied
the attention of the house today. The
rural free delivery service received
most attention. Speakers of both par
ties took tbe credit for its inauguration
and declared their friendship for it.
The bill was considered in committee
of the whole. Monn (Dem. Tenn.),
the ranking minority member of tBe
postoffice committee, reviewed the
action of the committee in bringing the
report before the house, and said the
committee was not authorized to sit in
judgment and could not have made any
change in the report as submitted to
the committee. -
At 5:05 the house adjourned until
Attempted to Reicue.
Tokio, March 16. A supplementary
report has been received from Admiral
Togo, concerning the effort made by the
crews of the Japanese torpedo boat de
stroyers" in action off Port Arthur on
the 10th inst., to rescue the crews of
the disabled Russian torpedo boat-destroyers.
Captain Shojiro Asia, com
manding tbe flotilla of torpedo boat de
stroyers, states that the Japanese would
have been able to rescue many more of
the enemy but for the deadly fire of the
shore batteries and the close approach
of the Russian cruiser Novik.
Chamberlain as Leader.
London, March 16. In the lobby of
the house of commons tonight there
was much comment on the unexpected
ly early departure from Egypt on his
return to London of Joseph Chamber
lain. The Chamberlain section of par
liament, glorying in their triumph of
March 9, already predicts that if the
Unionists are defeated in the general
election, Chamberlain, and not Balfour,
will be the leader of the opposition in
the next parliament.
(treat Profit for 5teamer Line. '
Hamburg, March 16. The anahial
report of the Hamburg-A merican steam
ship company, published today, shows
a net profit of (5,500,000 for the year.
The tonnage of the ships owned by the
company is 1,727,948, the largest in
the world, and exceeding the entire
tonnage of most countries, and the
average age of the vessels is only six
years snd seven months. The report
declares the company receive no sub
sidit from the state.
Russia, In Meantime, Expect Makaroff
to Fight Hard on Sea.
Yinkow, March 16. The local Rus
sian authorities are 'apparently in
censed and manifestly much annoyed
at the solicitous inquiries of the com
manders of foreign gunboats regarding
the projected blocking of the Liao river
before the arrivat of the Japanese,
which latter event is regarded as fore
gone conclusion.- Although the block
ing of the Liao and also the defense of
the settlement and native town are re
garded as unattainable, it is certain
that an uunimportant disposition of
guns and the arrangement of a defense
plan have already been made. The ar
rival of General Kendravovitch, a few
days ago, however, arrested the, ar
rangements and threatened Co cause
the abandonment of tbe original Inten
tion. The highest Russian opinion obtain
able at Port Arthur and Niu Chwang
admits the government intention to
fall back indefinitely, until the mobil
ization of 300,000 torops lor the as
saulting and opposition of the Japan
ese, and probably 200,000 more to op
pose the Chinese.
The same opinion asserts that Vice
Admiral Makaroff will fight hard. He
is determined to weaken the enemy at
any cost, and make the operation of
the Baltic sea fleet in the Far East
feasible, though it may be necessary to
fight without the Pallada, Czarevitch
and Retvizan, which it is admitted
cannot be fully repaired within six
months. On account of the uncertain
ty of the success of the scheme of con
structing a dock in which to repair the
Czarevitch and Retvizan, naval experts
allow a year for the work.
Kouropatkln Say th Power Have
Agreed to Keep Britain' Hand Off.
Paris, March 16 The St. Peters
burg correspondent of the Echo de
Paris says that the czar's refusal, fol
lowing General Kouropatkin's advice,
to permit Prince Louis Napoleon to go
to the Far East, is much commented
The correspondent sajs that six new
torpedo boats have been sent out of the
Newsky yards, and- that ten others,
modeled after the French torpedo boat
Cyclone, are being completed, and
probably will be sent by railway to
Port Arthur.
In the oourse of his conversations in
the train, while traveling from Mos
cow, according to tins correspondent,
General Kouropatkin repeated his de
sire that peace should be signed only
in Tokio. The general said that
France, Germany and Austria have
agreed with Russia to prevent Great
Britain intervening with another Berlin
treaty, adding:
We will never permit Great Brit
ain to interfere for the purpose of de
priving us of the fruits of a dearly
bought victory. Corea shall be Rus
Britlsh Press Now Unable to Put
vostok Fleet Elsewhere. -
London, March 16. It is a subject
of increasing remark and conjecture in
the press that nothing has- been heard
of the Vladivostok squadron, and it is
beginning to be believed it is really in
side the harbor of Vladivostok. '
The correpsondent of the Morning
Post at Tokio throws light upon Jap
an's financial intentions, and says it is
estimated that Japan will be able to
maintain a war for 18 month without
borrowing abroad. Tbe policy is tore-
tain tbe gold in Japan, and it is be
lieved it will not be necessary to spend
abroad more than one-eighth of the
cost of the war, this expenditure being
chiefly on coal, cordite and steel.
It may be remarked that the British
newspapers all regard Vice Admiral To
go's report that he haa laid mines at
Port Arthur as a mere bluff, and they
say such a feat would be impossible un
der fire.
Chinese Rushing to Border.
Paris, March 16 The Temps corres
pondent at Niu Chwang telegraphs:
"I have just returned here from a tout
along the Manchurian frontier. The
trains are crowded with Chinese sol
diers, numbering upwards of 21,000,
on their way to garrison the border.
A Japanese attack is expected here as
soon as a thaw occurs.;' Tbe corres
pondent of the Temps at St. Petersburg
says: ice Japanese nave inus lar
captured seven Russian merchant
ships, whose commander did not know
war had begun." . f
To Improve Three Oregoa Harbor.
Washington, March 16. Senator
Fulton today offered three amendments
to the sundry civil bill, making appro
priations a followt : To continue tne
improvement of the entrance to Tilla
mook bay, (500,000; to further im
prove the channel over the bar at Ya-
quinab'ay, (250,000; to improve the
mouth of the Siuslaw liver, IIUU.UUU.
These amendment are intended to pro
vide funds for carriyng on work during
tne fiscal year.
. i .
For Assembly HaB at Cbcmawa.
Washington. March 16. Senator
Mitchell today introduced an amend
ment to the Indian' appropriation bill
carrying (18,000 to erect a brick assem
bly ball at the Chemawa Indian school.
Factory Under Construction -Mills
Rushed With Orders.
North Bend Construction work will
begin at once on a box factory hereto
manufacture 15,000,000 feet of spruce
timber per year into boxes. The plant
is being installed by San Francisco cap
italists. It will cost (5.500 and em
ploy, 75 men. The product will be
- . m
shipped to- California and Eastern
markets in the form of shooks.
George L. Bickel, of Portland, and
E. J Seeley, of Albany, have begun
work en a condensed milk plant, the
building to be 70x90 feet, and will in
stall their own can making machinery.
Forty people will be employed. The
owners expect to double the capacity
of the factory whenever the milk sup
ply will warrant the step. At present
they have 85,000 pounds per day en
gaged, with a vast extent of fertile
dairy lands yet to be heard from. The
sites for both these industries have
been donated by L. J. Simpson, and in
each instance the enterprising citizens
of the town have subscribed a handsome
cash subsidy.
Mill No. 1 of the Simpson lumber
company now has on hand for imme
diate delivery orders for 60 business
and residence buildings, all of the bet
ter class, many of them 1 1 cost several
thousand dollars each. Plans are now
being prepared for a modern hotel
building three stories in he.'ght and to
contain 80 roouis. Construction will
begin on this at an early date. The
large lumber mills of the Simpson lum
ber company are running full blast and
although their capacity has been large
ly increased, they are still unable to
fill orders as fast as received.
The North Bend woolen mills and
the sash and door factory are also in
full operation and the pay roll com
bined is over (25,000 per month. A
foundry and machine shop is now be
ing erected am' will be an up-to-date
plant in every respect. Machinery is
ordered and now on the way, and the
company expects to be ready for busi
ness within 60 days.
Plant I Up-to-Dat in Every Particular
A Credit to the Town.
La Grand.) The new creamery at
Haines is now practically completed
and in running order, and is without
doubt one of the best eqiupped institu
tions of its kind in Eastern Oregon.
The main building is 24x40 feet, and
built in a substanial manner. A good
sized engine room adjoins the building
on the north side and a refrigerator
8x14 feet is being constructed in one
corner for storing butter ' in warm
The capacity of this plant will be
1,000 pounds of high grade butter per
day, but is not running at its full ca
pacity at present. The operation of
the plant is under the management of
E. D. Severance, and W. J. Harlow
has charge of the butter making. The
machinery is all up-to-date and they
have a lO-horsepower boiler, a Victor
combined churn and worker with a ca
pacity of 600 pounds of butter at one
Echo Beets Mature Early.
Echo The preparation of ground for
the planting of beets by the Amalga
mated sugar company is well under
way here and planting will all be over
here before work is begun in the Grand
Rorrae valley. The company is anxi
ous to get in a large crop here, for they
say that beets will mature here from
two to three weeks earlier than at La
Grande, and this will enable them to
run the sugar factory there just that
much longer each year. They offer
the same price here for beets as they
pay at the factory.
Co-Operative Creamery That Pay.
Oregon City The year 1903 was a
prosperous one for the Clear Creek
creamery company, a co-operative but
ter making institution that is located
on the Clackamas river a few miles
from this city. In the 12 months this
plant manufactured 41,261 pounds of
butter. This pioduct netted the pat
rons an average for the year of 29 cent
per pound for his butter at the cream
ery or 26 cents when his cream was
called for. The cost of making the but
ter was 1 cents per pound. Tbe
business is increasing. .
Move for Electric Road.
Forest Grove At a meeting of the
citizens of this place here a proposition
was presented by Messrs. Heidel, Pew
ell and Shute, of Hillsboro, to suheidize
the West Side electric road from Port
land to Forest Grove to the -extent of
(100,000, (25,000 to be raised at Hills
boro and (25,000 here and in this vi
cinity, and the balance In Portland.
A committee wa appoipted .' to look
after Forest Grove' interests, and ap
point solicitor.
Opinio ea Inheritance-Tax Law,
Salem Attorney Generl Crawford
has rendred an opinion at tbe request
of State Treasurer Moore, in which he
holds that, under the inheritance tax
law personal property existing outside
the state, is subject to the tax th same
as other property of the estate.
Article Filed With the Secretary of
State at Salem.
Salem Articles of incorporation
were filed in the office of the secretary
of state last week as follows: r
Crayne-Lisle irrigation
Pendleton, (5,000.
Leona Mills lumber company, Leona,
Douglas county, ( 100,000,
The Modern confectionery company,
Portland, (25,000. ,
Merchants' loan and trust company,
Portland. (5,000.
Prosper canning company, Prosper,
(10,000. Purpose, to can fish.
Reckard A Co., Portland, (10,000.
Object, to deal in bicycless.
Peg Leg minHig and milling com
pany, Portland, (100,000.
Portland safe and lock company,
Portland, (2,500; supplemental arti
cles changing the name to Portland safe
The Medford furniture company,
Medford, (15,000.
Laselle Brothers 4 Co., Albany.
Pacific Coast advertising company.
Portland, (10,000.
Washington county publishing com-
pany,'rorest drove, (2,500.
Pacific States mercantile company,
San Francisco, (5,000.
Greenback gold mining company.
Arizona, (1,000,000.
To Manufacture Fruit Ladder.
Oregon City A visitor from Colo
rado has called on the Oregon City
board of trade with a proposal to in
stall in this city a plant for the manu
facture of fruit ladders, fruit presses
and other horticultural apparatus. The
local commercial organization has the
matter under consideration and will
strive to secure the industry for this
city. No bonus or other consideration
is asked by the promoter of the plant,
who is favorably impressed with this
place as a desirable location for such
Fish Exhibit for St. Louis Fair. .
Astoria Superintendent Nick Han
sen, of the Chinook hatchery, has com
pleted and shipped a unique exhibit
for the fisheries department at the St.
Louis fair. It consists of a series - of
glass tubes in which have been placed
salmon eggs and small fry, no arranged
as to show the different stages of the
eggs during the hatching period, and of
the fry from the time they emerge from
the egg until they are ready to be
turned into the river.
Cold-Storage Plant for Ashland.
Ashland A company of which F. L.
Nelson and Fred M. Carter, late of the
electric light company, will be In con
tiol, has perfected all arrangements for
establishing an ice plant and cold stor
age warehouse in Ashland and expects
to have it in operation within aix
Polk Land Brings (50 an Acre
Independence M. W. Mix, of this
place, purchased 71 acies of land lying
three miles north of Independence from
Mr. Leeson at (50 per acre. The prop
erty is a very desirable small farm,
and is all in cultivation.
Wheat Walla Walla, 75c;
stem, 7980t ; valley, 8081c.
Barley Feed, (2122 per
brewing, (22; rolled, (24(125.
Flour Valley, (3.90(33.95 per bar
rel; bard wheat straights, (4(34.20;
clears, (3.854; hard wheat patents,
(4.40(34.60; graham, (3.60(93.90
whole wheat, (3.654.05; rye floor,
Oats No. 1 white, (1.151.17tf;
gray, (1. 10(31.15 per cental.
Millstuffs Bran, (1819 per ton;
middlings, (24.6026; shorts, 19020;
chop, (18; linseed, dairy food, (19.
Hay Timothy, (57 per ton; clov
er, (11012; grain, (1213; cheat,
Vegetables Turnips, 80c per sack;
carrots, 80c; beets, (1; parsnips, (1;
cabbage, l2c; red cabbage, 2c;
lettuce, head, 2540c per dozen; hot
house, (2 per box; parsley, per dozen,
25c; tomatoes, (1. 6001.75 per crate;
cauliflower, 75c(l per dozen; celery,
65c 80c per dozen; squash, lKcper
pound; cucumbers, (1.75(3(2.25 per
dozen; asparagus, 5c; pea, 9c per
pound; onions, lellow Denver, (29
2.36 per sack.
Honey (33.50'per case.
Potatoes Fancy, 90c(l per cen
tal; common, 60(g 80c, growers' price;
new potatoes, 3t'c per pound; sweets,
5c per pound.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 15c
Butter Sweet cream butter, 30c per
pound; fancy creamery. 27c; choice
creamery, 25c; dairy and store, nomi
nal. Butter Fat Sweet cream, 28)sc;
sour cream, 26 c.
"PoultryChickens, mixed, 12013c
per pound; spring, small, 15S16c;
hens, UQlZXc; turkeys, live, 16016c
per pound; dressed, 18(820 ; ducks, (8
0 9 per dozen; getse, live, 8c per
Cheese Full, cream twins, 13014c;
Young America, 15c.
Beef Dressed, 607'c per pound;
mutton, dressed, 607c per pound;
veal, dreeoed, 88e per pound; pork,
dreeted, 707Hc per pound.
Hop Choice, 253 2fc per pound;
prime, Hc025c.
Wool Valley, 1718c; Eastern Oro
gon',,120l5c; mohair, 320 36c.