The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 10, 1904, Image 5

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Always up to Date, Announces the Arrival of
Laces, Embroideries
. rr -
underwear, innnmns
uilt Buttons, iuuuii5
And new goods of all descriptions
coming daily. We will be ready for
Easter with some rousing surprises.
Will be found in this immense collection of new wearing apparel at prices
than inferior goods are offered elsewhere.
ace Cur
per cent Less
Than our regular Low Price.
50c curtains for
'nrfnuia for fiOn to $12.50 per pair.
75c curtains for 00c; 1 curtains for 80c; 1.50 curtains for $1.20, and so on.
- Yours truly, FRANK A. CRAM.
Kant bound
No. Chicago Special, 1 1 :4S a. m.
No. 4, Spokane Flyer, 10:10 p. in.
No. 6, Mall mid Kxpresa, 10:50 p. in.
No. 21, Way Freight, 12:10 p. m.
No. 22. Fast Freight, 4:20 a. m.
West bound
No. 1, Portland Special. 3:03 p. m.
No. a, Port land Flyer, 5:112 a. m.
No. 5, Mall and Kxpresa, ti:2B a. m.
No. 2.1, Way Freight, :2" a. m.
No. 21, Font Freight, 6:4-) p. m.
For bargains in Silverware, see Clarke,
the jeweler.
Carrier serves oysterB, meals, etc., at
any old hour.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
Oysters served any style at Stuart's
confectionery and oyster parlors.
We carry a full line of groceries, flour
and feed. Jione k McDonald.
Don't miss a good T bone at Stuart's
confectionery and oyster parlors. 35c.
Clarke, the jeweler, guarantees all
watch, clock and jewelry repair work.
For spring wagons, buggies, harrows,
cultivators, pumps, etc., go to McDon
ald & Henrich.
We invite the public to come in and
get our meat prices. We are selling
boiling meats at bed rock prices. Maybs
We are still selling our home made
lard as cheap as other lard can be bought
and we guarantee every bucket. 10s,
f 1.45 ; 5s, 75c; 3s, 45c. Mayks Bhos.
Rnu-lev it Co.. druizirists. now have a
new and complete line of drugs, drug
gist sundries, stationery, paints.oils, var-
niahes,etc, ana coruiauy invite me nv
ronage of the public.
A second hand genuine Singer sewing
machine, eood as new, with all attach
innr.tH. at "half nrice : also some other
household goods, cheap. See H F Dav
idson. Mayes Bros.' meat market gives notice
that all orders for morning delivery
must bo in by 10:45 o'clock. The after
noon delivery will be taken off at 4:30.
Orders at McGuire Bros.'meat market
for morning delivery must be in by
10:45 o'clock. Hereafter, in the after
noon, the wagon will be taken off at
4:H0. MdJiHKK Bros.
Don't raise cull strawberries, but
force them into large sized fruit by an
application of No. 4 fertilizer to be had
at tho Davidson Fruit Co. Strong in
potash and nitrogen. It pays well and
should be applied as early as possible
after February 1.
See the colored folks
house Friday evening.
Wood dealers in The Dalles advertise
te deliver tir wood at $4 a cord.
Islio Butler was in The Dalles Sun
day to attend the funeral of llliam
Mr. and Mrs. I-ee Evans of Mosier
visited Mr. and Mrs.W. U. Davis and J.
W. Davis last week.
J. W. Cowherd, janitor of the Park
street si'hool, made a business trip to
The Dulles, Thursday.
- C A. Dano and family from Minne
apolis are new residents in Hood Kiver,
and have rooms in ll.M.Huxley'ehouse.
Mrs. P. T. rardellian, general organ
izer for the Women of Woodcraft, visit
ed Hood Kiver circle, No. 5-4, Friday
night, and as-isted in the social programme.
Ttatnnwrinil entertainment (liven
by the teachers and pupils of the public
school at K. of P. hall Saturday even
in,, una orpt miecesB in every way.
The patrons and friends of the school
were out in great numuers.aiiu unccu.ov.
as if no one in town, or the school dis
trict, for that matter, was missing from
the tables and the entertainment that
followed. The neat sum realized, u,
proves that about all were there. Miss
Minnie Schungel and her able corps of
teachers are to be congratulated upon
their ability toenterUin.The programme
tmm tlm "irrand oneninB'1 to the babel
of recitations, was vociferously applaud
ed in every act
Rev. Clarence H. Lake of The Dalles
has accepted a call to the St. George s
Episcopal churcn, oi noseuurg, w suc
ceed Rev. John Dawson, recently trans
ferred to East Portland. Key. Lake win
assume, May 1, the rectorate ot this
mission, which also includes Oakland
and Cottage Groye. Rev. Lake is 32
years old. He is an taai grauuaie ui
Ya e, and from the Berkeley Divinity
school of 1898. Although a young man,
he is highly spoken of lis a successful min
iutur Uhu. I.ka is unmarried. His
mnthnr and sister will reside with him.
Chronicle. 1
n w! Mnmhv of Dukes valley was a
iw at t.h Glacier ollico Saturday
He reports the roads in bad shape, and
think that now the water question
seems to be settled for Hood River val
ley, our citizens should turn their at
tention to the roads for their better
ment. He thinks the rock cruBher
owned by the county could be put to
good use in Hood River, where we have
so much good material for road building.
The Women of Woodcraft had a very
pleasant gathering at their social and
entertainment, Friday night. An ex
cellent nroirramme was rendered, one
special feature of which was the quar
tette from the glee club. After the pro
orummo " baskets and enough lunch
was sold to satisfy the appetites of
about 85 people. They all enjoyed
tliom(1 VPS and felt like saving, "We
won't go home till morning."
fl. L. Carroll of Mosier was in town
TimraHau H came down to auver
tise his tine seed potatoes, grown wim-
not rr nation. He Has the norm roie
q " --
nntntn. which takes t he uiace ui wic
Burbank seedling, that for vears has
in-iLt iin aa t i,h heat late Dotato in the
mnrkt. Mr. Carroll savs Mosier real
patntn i reailv sale. Two deeds to acre'
ago property were made in Mosier last
Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Jones and two
,-liil,lri.n. former residents of Hood Uiv-
re, arrived Saturday from Chicago.where
th.-u have been makinif their home for
Dr. Jones was in the
.hmtistrv business here and in Portland
Ho was greatly surprised to see the
rhaniws nd improvements made in
Hood River Bince he knew the place.
Mis B'ss Isenbers. teacher at the
fnlnmhia school. Menominee, was coiv
finpd to her room bv sickness all last
u'i.k. Her ulace as teacher was cred
ilably filled by Miss Lula Absten of the
trankton school.
Jim Daniiille returned, Sunday, from
Portland, wliere he snent the winter in
the gay metropolis. Like, all the rest of
ns, Jim can't stay long away from Hood
Water Meeting. A water meeting will
be held at the Harrett school house,
Thursday evening, March 10. All in
terested are ri'o, nested to at lend.
The Portland Journal lias the follow
ing in reference to the C. R.Spencer:
"Captain Spencer sayB his namesako,
the C. R. Spencer, will be ready to go
back on The Dalles run by ie last of
this month. ' Unless forced to do so?
says tho captain, '1 will not cut rates.
They are low enough as they stand. But
if the other side introduces a slashing
game I will meet them at every turn,
even if I should have to carry passen
gers at 10 cents a liead. Passenger fares
on the Willamette and Columbia are
already too low. By water the distance
from Portland to The Dalles is 119 miles
and the fare is only 1.59. Between
Victoria and Vancouver, B. C, it is only
80 miles, but the passenger rates on
steamboats are $2.50. And, moreover,
operating expenses are not so high up
there aa here.' "
The county court has been engaged
roost of the time the pa'st week audit
ing bills against the county. Two roads
from Hood River were disposed of. The
Lee Morse road was declared a public
highwav and was ordered opened, while
the petftion for the Cooper road at Mount
Hood was disallowed, the remonstrance
showing a greater number of signatures
than the petition. The court ordered
license issued to T. W. Badder to sell
liquors in less quantities than one gal
lon at Cascade Locks. Commissioner
Hibbard says several corrections were
made in property descriptions on tax
list for Hood River people, and that a
number of Wcsco county citizens were
before the tard with a complaint on
taxes. The board meets again this
Alfred Wood of Qdell was in town
Monday for the first time this winter.
He brouaht in his son Clinton of Mosier,
who spent Sunday with tbe folks at
home. Mr. Wood savs the roads are in
the worst condition this winter he has
ever seen them. He fays the wood
haulers are to blame for the bad roads.
Instead of hauling in the early fall,
when the roads are solid, and one horse
can draw as much as four now, they
put on bie loads and four horses, and
going down hill, put on the brake, which
drags and scrapes gullies in the road,
makinir them in nt condition ior wash
outs. Mr. Wood has some excellent
bargains in land for sale, which ho will
advertise when the roaus get petier.
Rev. W. G. Eliot, lr.. minister in
charge of the Unitarian church, has in
terested the young men of Hood River
in Sunday evenine meetings. These
tratherini'B are of an informal .social char
acter, at winch, unuer ine leauersmp oi
Mr. Eliot, important and timely themes
of religious thought and practical life
are discussed. The first meeting of the
series, last Sunday. Mr. Eliot says more 1
than met his expectations, ihose who
attended spoke very highly of Mr.
Eliot's address on the subject, "belf-
develonment and Success." These meet
ings will begin promptly at 7:30 and
close as punctually at ine bup-
IiiflammatorylUheiimntlsm Cured.
William Shaffer, a brakeman of Den
nison, Ohiowas confined to his bed for
several weeks with inflammatory rheu
matism. "I used many remedies," he
says. "Finally I sent to McOaw's drug
store for a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, at which time I was unable to use
hand or foot, and in one week's time
was able to go to work as happy as a
clam." For sale bv all druggists,
o :
, It Saved His Leg.
P. A. Dauforth of LaGrange, Ga., suf
fered for six months with a frightful
running sore on his leg, but writes that
Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it
in five days. For ulcers, wounds, piles,
it's the beet salve in the world. Cure
guaranteed. Only li5c. , Sold by Chas.
N. Clarke, druggist.
Pianos and Organs.
If you are thinking of buying, you can
save your fare to Portland by calling on
Stuart's confectionary and oyster par
lors. They sell for that well and favor
ably known firm, Allen & Gilbert, suc
cessors to Wiley B. Allen Co.
The Order of Washington meets Sat
urday evening, March 12, with special
work on the programme. All members
requested to come and bring lunches.
Saturday, March 19, 1904
Our Millinery stock this seasou easily surpass
es in styles and variety anything; ever shown in
Hood River. Everything has been selected with
the utmost care. We select nothing simply be
cause of cheapness. Correct Styles and Qual
ity first, then the all-important point of
Low Prices.
We extend to every lady a most cordial invita
tion to be present at this opening. Remember the
date Saturday, March 19.
April Designs Are Now In.
The Roval
This was designed to be the best s
hoe in the famous
family of Shoes,
men and women,
The ROYAL BLUE SHOE is a delight for
It is the King of Shoes. It is the shoe for
With our Sanq
at usual prices.
J. R. Phillips, who is in charge of
Davenport's wood camp back of the old
York place, was in town Monday. Mr.
Phillips owns a tract off the York place
and says with seven others of his neigh
bors he will have an irrigation system
springs These farmers have bought Jct for discussion Sunday mghtis: Bus
iAn nf imn nine to renlace the old mess and Profesional Ethics.
flume, and expect to have plenty of A man was heard to remark in an tip
,,.oior thia vBQf Thnoo interested in town Btore. the other day, that he was
the enterprise are: J. J. Jordan, John charged a nickel for an extra copy of the
M;tl,ull T R .Inrdan. Frank Dftven- Glacier at this office. He thought we
h 'a M.mro Alhnrt Rrnnka. Will ouirht to have civen it to him and said
G. MacRae and J. R. Phillips. Mr. "Oh, that's all right. . Take it along and
piMiim.v. iH.pnmmnnitv in ranidlv call airain." The Glacier is made for threa hnimea havini? been sale. Every copy costs labor and money
k;it hi iinfor w R. .Tnrdan. John We cannot afford to give them away. A
Mitchell and Albert Brooks. About 15 person would not think of going into the
men are now at the wood camp, and cigar manufactory down the street and
have 1,000 cords of wood ready to flume asking for a cigar without expecting to
nt pay for it. He wouldn't say : "Give me
. J. R. Steele of the Mount Hood dh, J"' t!ih? "Kti'o 2
trici was a v s.un- m f,-' CU8tomer. The Glacier doesn't send , "t, " li the Rnaulrfine Place at Frank-
moving to hU n'eT place bough ol u sample copies unless paid for at five ton. sprayed and trimmed his trees
t , ,r . r, o ' tm , cents a copy. nmwd nf to Hov e. and as a result, had
gZtd nt secU on? eT Is co A special meeting of the Hood River fine crop ;of a, pies, which netW him
siderable inouirv for land in the district, prohibition alliance will be held in the f.'.'5. Mr. Calkins' success with fruit
v. i.mi,.roti,,n , nlnnn M. E. church. Monaar vening, March
.v..i s M.,t Hnn,l oottlof ii 21 . hpiri n ni nir at 8 o'clock . An interest'
Mint IS UrUllllOCU, ITIUUUU lwu bvwv..u --, --o - n ,
-ill ho uiilina ti Hivida nn their places ing programme will be rendered and
and part with what land they have to a cordial invitation is ext uided to
J .t m,Lroiomni,lpriinn mm- every one to lie present. Admission
i. i ion,i i.. ilia lnwnr free. If vou are a believer in prohibi
UniOU Willi UIICCO 1UI ... w.w ' i
..n.. Tu.,a.n..ini ilnrvl Riupr tion manifest it bv vour presence and
vllviH onndidered bv many as our approval at this meeting, and if you are
hBt. annle land for the reason that the "ferninst" prohibition come and enjoy
codlin moth never affects the apple the programme any way,
there. It is well known that the clover M
Price $3.50.
Oach pair warranted from Selz to us; each pair warranted from us to you.
run no risk in wearing a Selz Shoe, for if they go wrong we make them right.
We Will Still Continue
e Muslin Underwear for the present week, and then we shall sell
Corset Covers from 10c to 2; Skirts from UOc to 3.50; night
dresses from .'He to $2.00; Drawers irom inc to
Why don't you buy vour" Groceries hero? Ye can save you money and put
the goods at your own door without extra cost, We are here to please, and
goods must be satisfactory to you.
Free Delivery Phone 581
Ed Calkins shipped the last of his fine
Newtown apples Tuesday. Kd sayp he
has made big interest on his investment
had beeu a prominent worker in the
First Methodist church of The Dalles as
deacon and elder Hesides a widow,
Mr. Michell left four daughters.
Thf. Rrhnol census in Farrett district
shows the total number of school cnnu
rn tn t. 20H. the same as last year.
Pmnkinn district isoes over 200 this
vpnr mil kini? it. same as Barrett, a sec
ond-class district.
Wnllnce Husbands of Mosier was
. .. ... 1 TV. II. v ..-no
visitor in Itoou liiver iui-miut. h
nn hi ivav to Portland, where he went
in tiiiri'lmse a wood saw outfit tor niaK
inu wood and clearing land on his
at Mosier
Mrs. J. W. Rigbv is in Walla W alia,
is securing audits lor tl
u i.r,. ...;,! u.ntA noin t.; - u?. .ht hunt mmnanv elie rehreseins. .urs
HUI I UI1E ICrio UUfc DWIUi ni '-v- . u . I l lUMT I.WII VHH TH HVU IIIN IIHltlltTIB I r j
ast Thursday as an assistant to W. K.
Mathews. Sunday. Mr. Blowers stopped
off at Hood River while on his wav to
Baker Citv in an official capacity. Law
rence will be missed this year in the
field of local politics, where his valuable
services helped to mane nir. wiiubiiisohi
an Oregon congressman.
Judue Prather limns with a cane be
cause of a crushed little toe. It all
A large assort
ment of vege
table andilow
r seeds, onion
sets, grass seed
rremiums with your
purch isej.
TION We carry 10
and 12 gage
shot shells; 22, FQH
jr.. ;u. :.",
44 and 45 cal-j
ibn cartridges!
Cleaning rods, j
gnmiline, etc. ;
I M 'v-TJr MS Ms ii
should be a good example to others.
Mr. and Mrs. Murk Thomas returned
from their visit to Rock Island, Saturday.
Mr. Thomas savs there will be a big im
migration to the Northwest this year.
The past winter was a corker U de
grees below zero was the average at Rock
Island foithe month of February.
Frank McFarlandt agency director of
tlm Provident Havings F.ifo Co., with
P. Isenbere. suspended supervisor i,u,imiUrtcrs in Portland, is in the val-
there is a crop that can't be beaten in of the north half of the Cascade forest iey, looking after his property here. He
any country. . reserve, has been notified by the de- aaj the honor of being the first man to
I,. N. Rlnwer.. is now a United States " " .?..-T; l. Perpuai v a.ei . .Biu ... .
, mrshl. having been sworn in Wm m u'".K"VBr m,' k ,' 'T.!:'":v ers' irrigating ka.
. ..... ins case, inis peases mr. ibchucik,
who believes it will strengthen matters
for him. Washington dispatches an
nounce that the Oreiron delegation has
decided upon John Combs of l'rineville
as successor to Mr. isenDorg in case m
his removal.
The Oreconian's special correspond
ent at Washington wired that paper last
week, that when Mr. Williamson con-
flmlnrl hia maiden in the house
happened because Bob Erwin brought nt representatives, his colleaeues crowd-
down his chair abruptly from a reclin- ej ar0und to shake his hand. It may
inu nnHitinn.anu the luuee s loot was in I ho ctoteH that, when Air Williamson
the way. He didn't know before he had completed his campaign speech in Hood wliere she
ruver iwu years ago ms nmci.c.o " r; ' . .i. : .i.u
...:.iT .i .i,ii, i,a h,l Ii trhv pvneets to remain at work in the
nanus wuii mcuieeives w v. nun no - -i .
I ... ....... nniint.11 ti.r QniTie Itllhl.
. ... ,i nni. i .
Colonel Harrison, an oiu nowsun wr . . . , r- , i: : i ...:n
niii. uhnnernnll knew W. r. Andrews ot h.ast urana roms, A Christian jn aeavor u... , ou. .... ...
r J ... ,: i : n,l pi,.. . i,,,r,erintnrl
I ; I M . . I n . ,Un I. anIA n.TtA I .1111111.. Ill UUVU HITOI w V. ( ' ' - '
I IT... n ... mab nn I LI1B Dl ailLl Uu OI UUUlc trees Ull ...a iu
liiesuay. vuiuun ..a,.... " - - , .. ,liat,iM. hnimht
a tour of the coast. Me is an oiu soiuier ""-T ' iii ., m,
and served in the Hth Illinois. of L. N. Blowers last sun uner Mr.
Aiiurews fciniiHo iiuuu iv.vci .o m. 1.&..V.
Hyman Zabludwisky, who carries Or- At hie home the thermometer went
eeonians for Slocom, has been provided down to 47 decrees below zero this win-
with a whistle, which ne is gupposea v ter and the ice was three feet thicK,
while at Hood River our lowest was 11
decrees above.
o . . . .1
Joseph JS. davenport, toreman oi ine
Davennort mill at Mount Hood, was in
town durine the week. He says when
he left Mou nt Hood, last Saturday, the
snow was three feet deep at the mi
At one time this winter the snow broke
in the roof of the saw mill, but the dam
age to the machinery was slight. The
mill will start up as soon as the repairs
have been made, ,u
Hugh Gourlay, representing the Mc-
Minnville Home Mutual Fire insurance
Co.. was in Hood River Saturday. Sir.
Gourlav tellB the Glacier he will be a
candidate uetore ine repuoncan conven
tion for county assessor. Mr. Gourlay
held the office 14 years ago. It is un
derstood that C. L. Schmidt is also out
for the same office.
A. Lindaes, who has a place at Bel
mont, where his family resides, is a
millwright unit works at Astoria. H
JiUggV whips, has been visiting his family during the
Woxea' county's republican central
committee met at The Dulles, Tuesday,
ami decided on Tuesday, March Tl, as
the date for the county convention, and
Wednesday, March 10, for the primaries.
The convention will consist of 10
delegate chosen by the several pre
cincts of the county, the representation
of each precinct ill said convention be-
l ng us follows:
Antelope f
blow every time he leaves a paper. If
von don't hear the whistle notify Slo
Mr. and Mrs. T. Steinhilber left Mon.
dav for a few weeks' stay in Portland.
Mrs. Steinhilber savs ehe expects j'et to
see Mr. Steinhilber buy another apple
ranch in Hood River.
Don't fail to hear the Pastime Quar
tette at the Minstrel, Friday night, who
will render some of their fayorite negro
Mrs. Truman Butler is in Icompton,
Kansas, on a visit with her parents.She
expects to be ahsent several months.
Seventeen colored people in the com
pany at the opera house Friday evening.
Mrs. F.. W. Jones of Portland is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. H. I.. Humble.
S. Dav
Unite. Oven
Itiililwin 11
Hovd 2
I'ulumhia 3
Monier 8
Mountain 2
Nancene 1!
(ink drove 4
RiiniNey 4
Shanlko 5
South Hood Ilivcr... 4
Vleiilo a
Went Dalles 7
West Hood River... 7
be held at the residence of .Mr. ami .Mrs
S. F. P.lvthe. Monday evenine, .uarcn
14. Come one, come all and have
cents' worth in a good time.
a It Stokes, member ot the Calkins
Newspaper syndicate, publishers of that
handsome, farm journal. Orchard and
Hnnw. is in Hood River in the interest
of his paper.
The ladies aid society of the Congre
uatioim church will meet rriuay niter
noon nf this weeK w un -ur. i
son, jr.
Miss Well Woodwortli returned
. i ...i
meek irom roruauu, Hiieic bog
been for the past two months.
Will in m Oraer of Chenoweth and H.
Powers of Trout Lake were in Hood
River yesterday.
Mrs. F.dward Blvthe and son Robert
are home from a three weeks' visit in
The woman's alliance will meet with
Mrs. J. F. Watt, Friday afternoon.
Miss Mary Wolfard of White Salmon
is visiting friends in Hood River.
Sprinc has come! The frogs sing
nightly to beat the band.
Tom Wickens returned, yesterday,
from the Puget sound country.
halters, rope
ties, cinches,
circingles, feed
bags, spurs.etc
SPRING Long anil short handled shovels,
i . a.. . i r.,n L-iiiib- trnnt ni n unv niki
HVUies, etc., mwf i mi iwim.-, - j
potato hooks, spading forks, garden forks, grub
bin" hoes, axes; ax. sledge, hoe and shovel handles,
bnvk saws; cross-cut saw handles, pruning shears,
chalk lines, hammers, saws, hatchets little prices.
You'll soon
need them.
gloves, our 2."c
glove. We sell
matches, laun
dry soap.stove
polish, etc.
The Little Store with Little Prices
past week and returned to Astoria, yes
terday, tie Das onereu nis Place nere
for sale and will move to Astoria.
The minister paused as he was about
to mve out the text for his Sunday ser
mon "Snner little children to come
unto me." while the prattle of a one
year-old youngster seemed directed at
him, and Btrong inclination to titter
was suppressed by the audience.
J. W. Anderson went to Portland one
day last week to have a wen removed
from over his eye. The operation w.i
successfully performed and he returned
the same dav feeling none the worse f. r
the surgeon's carving of his phiz.
The Catholic services advertised to be
held at the home of Mrs. John Mohr,
on the East Side, next Sunday, have
been postpoued on account of the illnet"
of the ptiest.who is sick with pneumonia
at h'.e borne in ibe Dalle. J
R. R. Erwin returned, last week, j
from a trip to Los Angeles and other Upteiinim
Mintivl Concert.
The Hood River comet hand will give
their minstrel concert at theopera houe
on Fridav evening, March 11, l'.K!4. Sev
enteen colored artists compose the com
pany. Reserved seats &c, general ad
inisii.m 2"c, children 15c. Reserved
seats at Clarke's You'll have to hurry.
Kust IIhIIis
Knst Hood Itiver
KlKlit Mile
The apportionment was made by giv
ing eiich precinct 1 deleicate at large,
one for each 20 votes for supreme judge,
and fraction thereof over It).
The hours and places for holding the
Hood River priinuiies have been Uxed
ns follows:
Fast Hood River O d Kand bund
ing, z p. m.
West Hood Kiver Lily nan, z p. ni.
South Hood River Rurrett school
house, 7 p. in.
Hnl. lain (iribble's hall. 2 P. ni.
Commissioner Hibbard held the
iimw of .1. II. Shoemaker for South
Hood River precinct"; John Lelaud
HeiiilerMmi represented East Hood RlV
pr; Charles T. Early was proxy for L.N.
Hlowem of West Hood River; and Geo.
Wishart represented Baldwin.
An Afternoon at Euchre.
Mrs. T. S. Davidson, sr.. and Mrs. Ar
thur Davidson entertained last Thursday
afternoon at euchre, when the spaciouB
parlors of the handsome Davidson resi
dence on Uat street was a scene oi splen
dor and feminine gaiety. Seven tables
were occupied by the players, and when
the score cards were counted it was
found that the prizes had been won by
Mrs. Carlton H. Y'aiighan and Mrs. A.
Price. At 5 o'clock the hostesses served
a dainty luncheon, in which they were
assisted by Miss Jackson and Miss Cra
mer. The invited guests were; Mrs Itrosius,
Mrs Canlield. Mrs Humble, Mrs Thomp
son, Mrs C H Rone, Mrs N W Bone, Mrs
L Clarke. Mrs C Clarke, Mrs Graham,
Mrs Price, Mrs H F Davidson, Mrs
Vaiwhun. Mrs Stewart. Mrs Watt, Mrs
Smith, Mrs Savage, lira 14 savage, .urs
Crowell, Mrs Wythe. Mrs Cram, Mrs
Ferguson, Mrs t Davidson, Jlrs r Dav
idson, Mrs Early, Mrs Williams, Mrs
Young, Miss Hoadley, Miss Wythe, Miss
Cotton, Miss Groves, Miss Smith, Miss
Cramer, Miss Jackson, Miss Roberts.
little purse. The way she done It she put -some
numbers In a little basket and passed
tliem around, each taking a number. Then
another Musket containing little purses, each
nnrun Imvliiu a number like the one hi our
hand. And when we found the game number
as In our hand we ?ot the purse. Bhe served
a dainty lun.'h. We all had a delightful time.
The ones present were: Helen Davidson, May
Miller, Palmu Hagen, Mary Treiber, hslher
Husbands. Myrtle Howe.
Myrtle Howk.
Hood River, Or., March 5, 1IKM. Dear Mlsa
Hlytlie: 1 will write and tell you how much I
enjoyed being at your home yesterday. I
had Just a lovely time. I liked the songs you
played very niueh. And most of all I think
that cuckoo was so pretty. I had never seen
a cuckoo in a clock before. From yoursctiolar,
May O.
Hood River, March 5, Miss Blythe en
tertained her Sunday school class on Satur
day afternoon, me aiiornoon passed away
quickly with music and recttuttons and candy
inaKing. Al 4 ocioca uiiniiy
were served. Those present were: Myrtle
Howe. Ho en Davidson. Mary Traitor. 1'alina
Hagen, May Miller, Ksther Husbands.
bflllKK nuauAflun,
A Party. Last Saturday afternoon, March
there was a party given by Miss Clara
Hlytlie to her Sunday school class of six llrla.
Those present were: Ksther Husbands, May
Mitler, Myrtle Howe, Helen Davidson, Mary
Treilier.l'alniaHagcn. They had refreshment,
music, singing and speaking. All tnose uiai
were present reported a tine time. They said
tliey enjoyea inosi oi an me nuie cuckoo uiru
that sung the hour of time Id the cuckoo
clock. Palm a Haukn.
Mlssflara Hlvthe had her Sunday school
class at her house Saturday afternoon, from 2
o'clock nntll 5. There were six of us. we
sang aongs and recited pieces. T hen we went
and made windy, after which we had a nice
lunch. She presented each of ns Willi a utile
coin purse. Hki.k.n Davidson.
On the afternoon of March 5. six little girls
met at the homeof Miss Clara Hlytlie, their
Sunday school teacher. We spent a very
pleasant nine maaing canuy ami teiiiug bm
rles, after which was served a nice little lunch.
It was a nappy lime we snan love 10 remem
ber. MARY Theiukk.
Sew Today.
Ice cream at Carriers.
Minstrel Friday evening at the opera
Found Children's hose and left at
Glacier office for owner.
Found Lady's left-hand heavy cotton
glove and left at this office for owner.
Death of William Michell.
William Michell, a pioneer of Toe
Dalles, died at his residence in that eiiv,
Mi. reh 3. after a prolonired illness, ..l
lieart disease. He had been in fuiliiii.'
health shout four iiioirths.
Mr. Michell w as a native of Fnifluiid
where lie was born August 2".), IMiS.and
came to America w hile boy, sett ling
at Dodgeville, Wis. May 30, l'.l, he
was married to Mis' Sarah Wei's of
Mineral Point, Wis., and wiih b.-r
isme lo Oreg-m in ltt, taking up bis
residence t The Dalit, where he h.;d
iuce rexi.led. Mr. .Michell was n ron-
uieinlier of the community
Sunday-School Class Afternoon.
Miss Clara Wythe gave a party to her
Sunday school diss Saturday after
noon. Her class in the Congregational
Sunday whool is composed of eight
little misses ranging in age from 9 to
in T'.ip teacher asked the class toeach
write u n the purt v for the Glacier, and
tle best written account, after a de
cision by three disinterested persons,
she promised would be published. Two
of Hie girls were alisent Nellie Hickox
being iek, and Celia Hemerel having
a previous engagement. Those present
ail furnished write-ups, nnd all being
rr,.,l f,,r mich was decided
&II deserved publication. And here
Clmrcli Notices.
Episcopal. Bishop Morris will hold
service. Sundav, March 13, at 11a. m.,
with holy communion and sermon.
Methodist. Preaching every Sabbath
at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath school,
10 a.m. Epworth League, h:,i0 p. m.
AH cordially invited. W.C.E vans, pastor.
Christian Tabernacle. Services at
Carmichael'g hall. Sunday school every
Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Preaching by
Rev. A. A. Beery, every 2d and 4th Sun
day immediately following Sunday
school. All are given a kindly invita
tion. A. B. Cash, Superintendent.
Unitarian. Corner of State street and
Tark avenue. W.O.EIiot.jr., minister in
charge, Sunday school and adult class
at 10 a. m. Service at 11 a. m. Sub
ject of sermon: "Man and Man," being
second in a series upon the human fami
ly, l oung men s meeting at 7 :d0 p. m.
Subject: "Business and Professional
Congregational. The pastor, Rev. J.
E. Hershner will conduct preaching ser
vices with worship nett Sunday at 11 a.
m., and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday school at
10 a. m. with A. C. Staten, superintend
ejit. C. E. service at 0:30 Miss Clara
lilythe will lead this service. The pub
lic is cordially invited to attend these
Valley Christian. Morning subject!
"Is Water What Hood River alley
Most Needs?" Evening service; En
deavor topic :"IK-tructive Appetites"
a temperance lesson. The pastor will
continue the? service with an address
upon: "How Would Local Option Do?"
An invitation is extended to all. A. A.
Beery, pastor.
United Brethren. Sunday school at
10 a.m. (Sermon by pastor at 11 a. m.
and at 7:30 p. in Junior at 3 p. m.
I Senior C. E. at 7 p. m. Prayer and
parts of California. He savs that in al: and Held rMonr. oi iru-i mr iu..
his travels be found no place that offer t,vesrs, servim: asc county as treas
better inducement than Hood Kiver tojurer f-r two sucevive terms, elected
howeseekers. ly l" republicans. For ) years he
Ibev follow:
Miss C!r Blythe entertained herSundsy praise meeting Wednesday evening at
. rn.m t until A fell. K..H I1H inUMiC' ' ' . .....
scboil cl
the i.mno. Thin we made candy. She
pill ariine p.'annU In the middleoflhe table
and we all gathered around and she!U:d from
that pile, while she prepared the sweet part of
the candy, tacli pupil a preoeiued with a
services at
the Sunday and Wednesday evening
meetings. All invited. A spwial invi
tation to the new-comers in our midst.
U. C. Shaffer, paitor.