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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1904)
-II I ' . aw . W V 3r ar j j -e - er a w i - i- Second Gousin arah $ ' er me author or XJ JC- -"dune JVD6C spinster," "urn katb kirm." wfa kl ere, ere. JtC m , W CHAPTER XII. The reputed wealth of Simon Culwick of Sedge Hill, Worcester, his position in the county or his opinion of himself, did not exercise any restraint upon the Deculiarities of the young womr.n who confronted him; who leaned across the ta ble, and unceremoniously snatched from his hands the painting that she hud plac ed between thein. There was no respect for persons in the mind of Lucy Jennings, specially when her blood was up. "What do you mean by nothing of the sort 7" she exclaimed, and at the ominous flashing of her eyes Simon Culwick's low er Jaw dropped; "haven't you come in all humility, and kindness, and Christian charity to this bouse?" "Certainly not," said Mr. Culwick, making a stand for it. "Sit down, please, while I talk to you," said Lucy very feverishly, and at the young woman's excitement Mr. Culwick glared in mute amazement. "Have you ever thought what is to become of you, old man, when you are closer to the grave than you are now? When you are dying, and all your prido and wealth are not worth that," she continued, with a quick snap of her fingers so close to his face that he winced and drew back his head with alacrity. "i"ou yon wretched woman.'" cried Mr. Culwick, finding breath to reply, and clutching the arms of the chair with both hands, and shaking them in his rage, "how dare you speak to me? "Do jou know that thut I have never been talk ed to in this way in my life that this is an unwarrantable liberty from one in your position?" "I don't enre for your position," cri.'d Lucy Jennings; "I wouldn't change my position for yours for twice your monoy for fifty times all that you have hoard ed together, and hardened your soul with. What are you 'but a selfish old sinner, who broke his wife's heart, and turned an only son out of doors, and who must tand before his God aye, sooner than he tbiuks, perhaps," she added, with an angry bang upon the table that shook the whole house, and took Mr. Jennings downstairs with a headlong plunge, un der the impression that his stock had ex ploded "to answer for both crimes?" "Look here,", shouted Simon Culwick, "I have had enough of this." "You will hear me out," said Lucy, backing against the door with her chair, as he rose from his sent; "you have tome of your own free will to thin hnnse, where no one is likely to be afraid, of you. You are here boasting of your want of u flec tion, bragging of the possibility of wound ing one afresh whose life you have al ready darkened, and 1 will tell you what Is to become of you hereafter." lou are a tntintie. 1011 re raving mad," said Simon Culwick, dropping into his seat again. "I have no more to say," she exclaim ed. "Now think of it, nnd do your duty, 1 1 have done mine, before it is too late." There was a slamming of the door, and he opened his eyes to find that his tor mentor had gone. He rose at once, nnd took his hat. "What a horrible creature," he mut tered; "I will not stop another moment." He was half way toward the door when the picture attracted his attention again, and he stopped. It was his ruling pas ion; success in business, present power, future happiness, were not upon his mind now in any great degree. He went back to the picture, and knit ted his brows at it, as a man might do Intently puzzled with a problem of more than ordinary difficulty; he took It to the window; he placed it on the table, r.nd hid himself in the curtain folds, behind the light to gaze at it; he put his bat cn the floor, and sat down with the picture In front of him, and began rubbing it carefully with the palm of his hand; finally he thrust his hands into his pock ets, and stared at it, forgetful of time end place, and of the .main object of bis visit. He was a man possessed of one idea. There were feet ascending the stairs now, lightly and springily. There was a voice he should have recollected as be longing to old days. It was only when the handle turned sharply, and the door opened, thnt he awoke to the conscious ness of where he was, and what lignre had come into the room from the world thnt was so different to his own. "Father," said Reuben Cyjwick, ns he advanced toward him. "You have come to see me, and I am glad." "You haven't much to be glad about at present," replied the father; "I was in the neighborhood, and I thought that I would call and sec where you were lodg ing, and what you were doing. 1 Lnren't come from Worcester expressly to tee you." "It does not matter; pray don't apolo gue," snid Reuben lightly, as lie took his seat at the desk, opened it, ami glanc ed carelessly at the letters and papers which had arrived. "I have been thinking a great deal about you lately; you hue bothered me." "Indeed!" "You came to Sedgn Hill you were the first to write to me the first to uinke advances. And although calling on me only proved that you were as obstinate as ever that we should never get on," he continued "still I accepted it. as an apology. And it struck mo that there was some amount of respect for me in your heart, possibly some regret for all that has parted us." "Well?" "You remember what we quarreled about ?" "Perfectly." "I wanted you to marry Miss Hol land." "Yea." "That is tiie girl whom you saw at my house Inst Ma v." "Yes." "Then," he aanl, after a strange fight ing with his breath, "marry her now, mid I'll forget everything." Reuben was prepared for many strange reasons for his father's pri-fcnce In I lone street, but this one took bin completely off his guard. He sat back and glared at his father. "Yon don't answer nie," said Simon Culwick, in his old sullen and aggrieved tone of roiiv. "I must decline to marry the lady." "You you fool!" blurted forth the father. Simon Culwick rose, buttoned up his coat, and set bis hat firmly on bis head. "(Joed morning to ynn." "One moment. Is Miss Holland aware of your proposition?" "Certainly not." "I am very glad of it" "1 don't see anything to be (lad of," id Mr. Culwick, as he walked towird the door, where he paused, and looked at the pUture. "I had forgotten that," he muttered, as he returned to the table, and where Reuben waa standing the instant afterward with the picture in his hand. "You will pardon me, but Mr. Jeu Dings will nit sell thia portrait," Hp "He ling already " . "Mr. Jennings will not aell it, I aamtre yon," said Reuben, with great urbanity of manner, aa he bowed once more to hut father, with the picture pressed to his breast. Mr. Culwick, senior, descended the Btairs with extreme care, and passed through the parlor and shop without be stowing any further attention -upon Mr. Jennings or Sarah Euatbell. Standing at the shop door was Lucy Jennings. She stood aside and as she passed her, she said in a low tone: "Try to remember how close you may be to your grave, before you leave this house as wicked a man as you entered it." lie glared at her defiantly; his lingers even closed upon the stick, as if the Idea of striking her with it had suggested itself, then he stopped and put his face close to hers, eagerly and confidentially. "A ten-pound note for that picture, and I'll take it away with me." "You will take nothing away with you but our contempt," snid Lucy, banging the door behind him, and slitting Mm out in the front garden, down which he proceeded slowly. He turned In the direction of the Cam berwell New Road, but altered his mind, and passing the house again, looking rip at the window of the first floor, and even hesitated, as If the Idea of re-entering hud struck him; then he went on to Wal worth 'Road, where he lost himself. He gave up asking the way to London Bridge nflcr a while, and looked on In a purpose less fashion that was new to hiin, until he found himself standing by a lamp post in a crowded thoroughfare, thinking of his son1, and then of his dead wife which was very strange indeed ana" then of Mary Holland, down in Worcester shire He stepped into the road and made for the opposite side of the way. There were wagons and omnibuses and carts coming in all' directions, and their driv ers shouted it him, mid foot passengers screamed wildly at the danger which he had not seen for himself. His giddiness overmastered him, and he fell amid clat tering, stumbling iron hoofs, and whirl ing, grinding wheels, and it waa beyond mini's help to save him. CHAPTER XIII. Mrs. Eastbeil waited very patiently for the return of her granddaughter to the almshouses. She was very happy in her nest, Bhe said. Sarah wrote her letters; Miss Holland read them to her; every body was kind, and her granddaughter would soon be home again. What was there to disturb her old head in any way? She was well In health, too, and wonder fully strong.- Suddenly the visits of Mary Holland nbruptly ceased, although a message was sent to the old lady that Mrs. Mugg.T. hlge'i niece had been telegraphed for to London, and would return in a few days. The niece would take that opportunity of calling upon Sarah Eastbeil, and bring back to Worcester all the news possi bly Miss Eastbeil herself, if she was strong enough to leave. How long Mary Holland waa away Mr. Eastbeil did not know, one day being very much like another, and time passed away amoothly and easily with this complacent specimen of age, and then, one afternoon, when the kettle was singing on the handful of fire which Mrs. Muggeridge had made, Mary Holland came softly into the room, and atood by the bedside of the woman. "I have returned," she aald; and the evelashes of the listener quivered at the voice. "Thank you, child," was the answer, as the thin yellow hand crept from be neath the sheets to welcome her. "Have you brought Sarah with you?" "She will be in Worcester to-morrow." "Now that's good hearing! Is that aH you have to tell me?" "Oh, no I have brought a great deal of news with me good and bad. I am afraid that you must have them both to gether, for they both affect you, Mrs. Eastbeil." "Go on, girl; let us have them in the lump, then. But," she added, quickly, "is it anything to do with Sarah?" "It concerns yourself most of all. Can you feel what trimming is on my sleeve?" "Yes," said Mrs. Eastbeil, "crape! You have lost some one?" "I have lost one who was kinder to me than to any living soul. I shall be r.o richer for his death. I never expected anything. It was on the condition that I should never touch a halfpenny of his money that 1 became the keeper of his house, the watcher of his lonely lite. His father and mine had been great friond-i, but they had quarreled at last, as every body quarreled with this man." "You must mean my brother Simon?" "Yes." was the reply. "Is he really dead?" she asked in a whisper. "Yes; he was run over In the streets, and he died in the hospital next day." "Poor Simon; I fancied that I should outlive him, old as I waa, though I didn't think he would go off in a hurry like this. I have been waiting years for him, mak ing sure that he would come hpre nunc day, and say, 'Sister, I'm sorry thnt we ever had any words, and there's an end to it;' and instead of this, there's an end of him! Well, he was a good man, with a will of his own, like the rest of the family. " Mrs. Ensttiell hud certainly received bad news with composure, as nge will do very often, but still Mary Holland was astoTiished at her equanimity. "Yon are not shocked?" she asked wonderingly. "I am too near the end myself, child, to lie surprised at Simon's starting be fore me the right way, too, for he was an honest, straightforward fellow, wasn't be? And Reulien roines back to his rights at last, and all's well." "All is not well with Reuben Culwick, so far as his rights are concerned ,His father has cut him out of his wHI, as he sa-d that he would." Mary explained still further, "and as I knew that he would." "Then who has got the money?" The young woman's hand touched the dry and withered one lying close to her own. "You have," said Mary Holland, after a moment's silence. "What'a that yon tay? who's got the money? mer" she screamed forth. "Yes, you are the heiress," said Mary Holland, somewhat satirically. "How much money la there?" aha ask ed, so keenly that Mary almost fancied that the old woman was peering at her from nnder her sealed lids. "More than yoa will know what to do with." "Not more than I can take care of," he added, with one of her lew chuckle of satisfaction. "For jronraelf, and for tho who come after you," aald Mary, in a low, thought ful ton. "tea; but I most enjoy myself first. I haven't had much pleasure In my life, stuck, here like a Guy Foi, goodnesi knows!" "What do you think of doing?" asked Mary Holland. "I shall fake possession to-uight," aald the old lady; "I must get to Sedge Hill; I shall be able to welcome my granddaugh- I ter to her new home then. I am strong enough, if somebody will only dress me, and send for a conveyance. Why should 1 stop? Haven't I had enough of this prison and this poverty? I can't live here any longer." Mary Holland thought It would have been wiser to have brought her new at an earlier hour then. Sha endeavored to persuade Mr. Eastbeil to rest till the next day, but the old lady wa obsti nate and not to be turned from her in tentions. Mary Holland gave her tea, but al though she went from the room, she did not proceed in search of a conveyance to Sedge Hill, but entrusted that commis sion to the old lady next door. She won dered if the old woman' strength would last to Sedge Hill, or if the reaction would come and leave her prostrate. . She wa not prepared for thl sudden awak ening to a new life; it bewildered her, shrewd little woman though he wa in many thing. She had wished to break the new to Mrs. Eastbeil, and the task bad been intrusted to her accordingly, but had It been dona wisely, and was this a wise step, on the part of Mrs. Eastbeil, to leave St. Oswald' in ungrateful haste? "What a time the cab ia!" aald Sarah Eastbeil suddenly. "In your happier state apart from this life, you will not forget the man whose place you take, whose home Is yours, whose father set him aside without fair cause," urged Mary. "This isn't a time to worry me about him. I have no fault to find with Reu ben he' an excellent young man but that's no reason why I should talk of him to-night." "He is poor." "I dare say he is," waa the reply, "but I must think of my own family first. I can't be bothered with nephew just now." Mr. Muggeridge' head peered round the door, "The cab' come," he said; "de jou think you can walk to the outer gate, Mrs. Eastbelir "I could walk a mile. There' a teapot of mine on the hob, and it draws beauti fully. Take It, tea and all, and don't forget me. Good-by. How very glad I am to get away from here! Thl way?" "Yes, thl way," said Mary. "The night'a cold, and though I am not used to night air.'I can go through it to my new house and my new life as brisk ly as you can. What a change for me and Sally!" "And for more than you two," added Mary Holland. (To be continued.) A PIGSTY READING-ROOM. Unlqn Institution Started by English Colliers and Forjremen. A reading-room and library that can exist In complete independence and probable ignorance that any such per son as Mr. Carnegie ever lived Ii auffi cently unique to command attention. One such not only exists but flourishes In a pigsty in Hartshay, a little Derby shire hamlet, and its beginning and its present condition have been re cently described in Country Life. Up to 1894 the men the sober-minded ones had no other meeting-place In Hartshay after the day's work was done than the bridge over the Crom ford and Derby Canal. There they smoked, read the evening paper aloud, and talked over current events. This was not a bad rallying place when the weather was warm and fair, but in the winter it was not quite as pleas ant. Then, when It rained or was very cold, they walked down the tow path and held their meetings under the bridge. In the autumn of that year one of the members of the little assembly came into undisputed possession of a pigsty, the former occupants of which had been converted Into pork. The new owner furnished It with a- few boxes for seats, and Invited his mates to make it their winter headquarters. They jumped at the chance, and thenceforth met nightly In the pigsty. It was the rudest hovel, barely six feet square, and without windows, so candles were necessary day and night To enter, It was necessary to crawl through the low door on hands and knees. Nevertheless, the former hab itues of the canal bridge promptly con-' stltuted themselves a society, and J drew up rules for the government of Lower Hartshay Reading Room. New members should be proposed and seconded, and pay an entrance fee ' of sixpence. Twopence a week should be paid for the purchase of a news-1 paper and the provision of candles. Two nights were set apart for reading I aloud. Members were required to clean out the room once a week. Gam-1 bling was prohibited; also the Intro duction of alcoholic liquors. And rule eleven ran: "Members are requested to swear as little ns possible." j Soon a rough table was added: a daily and a weekly newspaper were taken lu, and In addition to the few books that the members owned, a number were contrlbutfd by outsiders. I'lve nights in the week reading, smoking, games and social intercourse were In order, .but Wednesday and Frl day evenings were devoted to reading aloud by the best scholar, and tire first two liooks thus read were Car-1 lyle's "French Revolution" and Gib bon's "Decline aud Fall of the Ro man Empire." When there were twenty or more I members they decided to tale the ad joining pigsty. A full-sized door was I put In; a skylight placed In the roof;, rough woodcu benches added; also a I battered and smoking stove; fne walls were whitewashed and book-shelves put up. All the work was done by the ' members. j Thanks to good financial manage-1 tuent, the shelves are now laden with , books; otherwise the pigsty library ' has uot been further Improved. Nor 1 Is there need of finer surroundings; 1 the men are the thing. Derbyshire collier and forgernen who read Gib-1 bon and Carlyle by the light of tallow i candles In a pigsty six by atx can af-' ford to do without modern refine- j ments and Improvement. Indeed. ' their sturdy figures would look out of 1 place in some modern reading rooms. He that fancies himself very enlight ened, because be sees the deficiencies of other, may be very Ignorant, be- cs'ise be na nut ftudu-d Wr eo. J wer. MOTHER'S My mother's hands are soft and white, ur fingers long to see, And oh, she docs so much with them, for all the house and met At morning, mother's fingers lace my shoes and comb my hair, And feel my apron over well, to find a tiny tear,. They bring my bowl of mush and milk, they hold my two" cheeks so, Quite cool and soft and loving-wise, when out to play I go. Then all day long they sweep and dust, and bake and sew and ny. My fingers do not know the way, no matter how they try. And when the day is over quite, they help me Into bed, And smooth the sheets and pillows down, and stroke my sleepy head. -Farm and Home. ' ' I CONCERNING TIIE OPPOSITION p ONFOTJXD.tue girl! Where on if earth did she ever get such ideas? - Have a cigar, Ted." Ttuudore Lord lighted the proffered weed nnd smoked thoughtfully for sev eral minutes. "You have me there, Judge," he said at length. "Possibly from some of this latter-day literature. It seems to me as if I had read something similar." , "Very possibly," said Judge Martin, frowning. "You say she thinks the af fair too cut and dried?" Lord smiled. She doeHn't express herself in Just those terms. She says everything is too obvious," said he. Judge Martin snorted in disgust. "Too obvious! 'Too obvious! What in the world does she expect or want? I uon't care if she is my daughter, Ted, I do think women folks nowadays get the wildest notions in their beads." ."She says," Lord continued, "Jt has been too glaringly apparent how ev erything would turn out. She can't re memtJer the day, she claims, when It wasn't obvious that she would some day marry the nice little boy who lived across the street. She presumes, too, that it was Just as obvious to the nice little boy thut he would some day marry Judge Martin's daughter. Now, she says, it is obvious to everybody that we were made for each other. In fact, things have been bo terribly ob vious from the very beginning that she fears we don't know our own minds, and perhaps later we may find we have made a great mistake." Judge Martin ran his fingers ner vously through his bushy white hair. "I always thought she was the most sensible girl In the world," said he. "She is," said Lord quickly. "There may be reason In what she says." "I know she thinks the world of you, no matter what she says," said the Judge stoutly. "Fve had the temerity to think that myself," said Lord, "aud I've tried to think this state of mind is merely tem porary with her." He blew smoke rings thoughtfully. "Perhaps If -I went away this win ter," he continued, "it might help mat ters. There's the trip to California, .you know. I might take that." "Nonsense!" the Judge exploded. "You can't leave your practice here. And you can't afford it, either. You'il need all your money for your house. The trouble Is, Ted, this affair of yours has been altogether too smooth. It needs opposition to stir it Into healthy life. I believe a little touch of ro mantic opposition would work won ders with Elizabeth." "I'm Inclined to think you're right," said lord slowly. The Judge brought hla fist down on the library table with a bang. "Confound It!" he said, his eyes twinkling. "I don't want you for a son-in-law. I've never thought cf ouch a thing. Marry my daughter Eliza beth? Never, my presumptuous, young friend. See the point, Ted?" Lord sprang to his feet "Judge," he said, "you're thor oughbred." The Judge was evidently well pleased with himself. "Somewhat better than California, I fancy," he drawled. "Infinitely," the young man said with enthusiasm. "Come around to-morrow at 3," said the Judge. "Elizabeth will be here then. Oh, I'll sit you beautifully. Take another cigar with you." "To-morrow at 3, then," said Lord, picking up his overcoat The Judge nodded aud dropped one eyelid deliberately. ' The following afternoon at 3 o'clock Theodore lArd and the Judge were again seated In the library. They looked nervously at each other, as con spirators have looked at each other for all time. They even grinned at each other a bit sheepih!y. "Hush!" said the Judge. "She will be coming down the stairs In a mo ment When I speak loud you do It too.. There, that's herdoor, now. She's coming." Then, with a sudden change of tone: "No, sir, I most as suredly do not propose to hand my daughter to you. It Is the hebjht of presumption to suppose that I would be willing to do any such thing. Nev er!" The Judge voice quite shook with fury. "I scarcely expected you to fly into a rage, sir, merely because I come tt you and ask fur your daughter's band in Honorable marriage.' "lou dit's't. ehr The spasmodic J THERE, YOU ARE MISTAKEN." HANDS. anger of the Judge's voice was beau tifully done. "I confess I expected quite a differ ent reception," said Lord. "May I ask," said the Judge, hotly, "on what such expectation was based?" "I thought you knew, sir," Lord said calmly, "of my honest affection for Ei'.zabeth. I thought thai would be very apparent even to you. Indeed, your actions have led me to believe your consent would be freely given." "Young man," sneered the Judge, "I like your nerve! Your supposition that I would give my consent for Elizabeth to mnrry a penniless young saw-bones is quite on a par with your other men tal processes." "I'll admit my practice and Income are neither very amazing," said Lord with some heat, "but I think you'll find them sufficient to warrant the re quest I have made; besides which, I have health and ambition and no in tention to stagnate." "Your practice and your Income, in deed! I like that. I've taken the trouble to find out a little about your practice aud your income, which you're so free in alluding to, and all I have to say is that If you had as much of either of them as you have of amazing nerve you'd be the richest doctor in the country. But I prefer something a little better for my daugh ter than slow starvation. The upshot of the whole matter would be that you'd be coming home to me and I'd have to keep you both." "What you say is insulting in the extreme," said Lord. "But I must re member that you are an old man and you are Elizabeth's father. Therefore I will pass your insults by. What I want to know is, do you flatly refuse your consent?" "How many times must I tell you so?" the Judge howled. "Then it is only fair to you to say I shall try to win her affections with out that consent" said Lord angrily. "Do so, by all means," roared -the Judge. 'I can tell you now she doesn't care a snap of her fingers about you." The portieres were flung violently apart and Elizabeth, white but with proudly lifted head and flashing eyes, stood before them. "There you are mistaken," she said in a shaken voice, looking unflinching ly at her father. For a moment there was silence; then the Judge turned to Lord. "Leave the house," he bellowed. "Father!" said Elizabeth. "Leave the house before I throw you out," said the Judge. Elizabeth walked over to Lord and put her hand in his. 'You may throw me out too," she said quietly. The Judge turned away, ostensibly to control his wrath. "Keep the young Idiot if you want him," he said; "I'm going to the club." Late that evening Lord found the Judge In his favorite corner at the club. The Judge grinned as he came up. "How about the opposition, eh? Have a cigar, Teddy." Flttsburg Ga zette. A SAFE DIET RULE. Eat the Fumllest Amount of Food that Will 'reserve Goad Health. How shall one determine how much food to eat? Too much mystery hus been thrown upon this subject. Let your sensations decide. It must be kept in mind that the entire function of digestion and assimilation is car ried on without conscious supervision or concurrence. It should be entirely uufelt and unknown, excepting by .the feeling of bien-etre which accompan ies and follows its normal accomplish ment Ssitiety is bad. It Implies a sensation of fullness in the region of the stomach, and that means that too much food bus been taken. The exact correspondence, In a healthy animal, between the appetite and the amount of food required is extraordinary. As a rule, the meal, unless eaten very slowly, should cease before the appe tite is entirely satisfied, because a lit tle time is required for the outlying organs and tissues to feel the effects of the food that has been Ingested, if too little has been taken, it is easy enough to make It up at the next meal, and the appetite will be only the better and the food more grate ful. No one was ever sorry for having voluntarily, eaten too little, while millions every day repent having eaten too much. It has been said that the great lesson homeopathy taught th-3 world was this: That whereas physi cians had been in the habit of giving the patient the largest dose be could stand, they have been led to aee that their purpose was better subserved by giving blm the smallest doee that would produce the desired effect And so it Is with food. Instead of eating, as most people unfortunately do, as much aa they can. they should eat the smallest amount that will keep them in good health. Century. An ardent lover is pleasanter In a book than in real life. In real life. If bis sweetheart doesn't love him hard enough, he is liable to shoot her. A grfat many people "speak tt "wanting to-d what' right" a U taer have a monopoly pt (ha dlr, OOME8T1C STRATEGY. Mrs. Aiken Knew Her Husband Had Mailed Her Letters. Mrs. Aiken's husband was one of the ten or fifteen million men who forget to mail letters, concerning whom the annals of humor contain thousands of Jokes. He was not a bad case, for he did not always forget, and when he did, he remembered again within two days. Mrs. Alkeu was not a bad case, either, for she did not scold her hus band. Wheu she had an especially import ant letter to mail, she either went out to the corner herself and slipped it Into the box, or lay in wait for the postman on his early morning round. One day she was not feeling well, and several invitations to dinner for the following week were due to be mailed at once So she entrusted them to Mr. Aiken, who made the usual promises. She followed him to the dining room door, saying impressively, "Letters! Letters! Now don't forget! Letters! Look me lu the eyes and say it after me." "If you hypnotize me I shall forget everything. All right. Letters! Let ters! L-e-t-t-e-r-s!" He kissed her, j shoved the handful of envelopes Into his pocket and went out 1 He did keep the letters on his mind I all the way down-town In the car. Al though two men stopped him before he got to his desk, yet he kept his hand on the bulging pocket. He unlocked , his desk with the other hand, and be fore he allowed himself to look at his ' morning's mall he put his wife's letters Into the mall basket and called the olllce boy. j "There," he said to himself, "those , will go to the post an hour before the ollice mall. I guess I can remember a few things once in a while." Ills sense of virtue abode wrth him all the morning and all the afternoon. On his way home at night he thought of a few fneetlous remarks to make to a woman who had so little confidence in her husband's memory that she must go through a burlesque dramatic per formance after breakfast to Impressa small matter on his mind. As he opened the front door he saw her coming down the stairs. j "Well, my dear, I suppose, you are I going to ask me whether I mailed your letters?" "Oh, no, dear. I know you mailed them." "Now, there Is confidence!" said Mr. Aiken, with genial Irony. "Not confidence at all, darling, but knowledge. If you had looked you would have seen that among the let ters was a postal card addressed to myself. It came on the last delivery this afternoon." TRY TO SUPPRESS MALARIA. Austrian Government Is Endeavor tn( to Stamp Out the Disorder. As is well known, the greatest scourge of Austria is malarial fevers. They carry off thousands of human beings annually and thus far no effec tive preventives have been discovered. United States Consul Hossfeld, at Trieste, has made a report to the State department in regard to the steps be ing taken in that country for the sup pression of the malady. According to his report, a Vienna manufacturer, Leopold Kupelwieser, prompted by the result of Professor Koch's investiga tions relating to Intermittent fever, has placed at Dr. Koch's disposal the Island of Brloni (situated west of the peninsula of Istria and about sixty miles south of Trieste) to enable him to continue there his Investigations. Jhe experiments which Dr. Koch had made In Africa convinced him that malaria could be stamped out In many places where It now prevails, and that where it was possible to isolate such a place the task would be comparatively easy. It is now well known that the microbe of malaria is conveyed from one per son to another by the sting of a species of mosquito. As these Insects cannot fly very far, an accession of Infected mosquitoes from the mainland seemed to be uut of the question, and it was hoped that by curing the sick during the cold season and then waging energetic warfare against the conveyer of the microbe the disease could be permanently ban ished from the island. Dr. Koch there fore accepted the offer made to him by Mr. Kupelwieser,. aud intrusted Professor Frosch and Dr. Blundau, of Berlin, with this mission.. Their re markable success led the Austrian gov ernment to make an attempt to exter minate malaria on the coast of Istria by Professor Koch's method. It caus ed three malaria stations to be estab lished and detailed physicians, furnish ed with the finest microscopical instru ments, to these stations. The physi cians examine the blood of all persons suffering from malnria and subject all suspicious cases to a systematic course of treatment. Quinine in tab lets or capsules is furnished to patients free of cost at public expense. If the work of these stations should be at tended with success it is also proposed to establish similar stations in all those districts of Istria and Dalmatia in fested with malaria, for the purpose of removing this great evil. Moderation In Exercise. The Jnpanese use practically no gymnasium apparatus, yet they show greater excellence of strength aud en durance than do any other people in the world. While some of their exer cises may seem violent, they take them with great moderation. At the out set of a course in JiuJItsu the student 1 rarely upon the floot more than half an honr'-and three quarters- of this time Is devoted to walking and breathing between exercises. As the student becomes more proficient, he spends three quarters of an hour on the floor, and then an hour, and so on, by degrees, until he Is able to give two hours a day to the work Yet three quarters of his time, or near ly that amount, Is spent In walking back and forth aud In breathing. St Nicholas. 6tatae fbr the frirat Volunteer. A atatoe of Colonel JoHias It. King of St. Paul, ald to be the first vo'.uu-j teer In the civil war, will surmount the monument to be erected lu Sum mit park, St. TauL When a Ueiumn iwenj. he hua t a mile t do it lu. GEO. P. CROWELL, Successor to E. L. Smith, Oldest EatablUhed House in the valley DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, and Feed, etc. Uiis old-established lionse will con tinue to pay cash for all its goods; it pays no rent; it employs a cierk, but does not have to divide with a partner. All dividends are made with customer in the way of reasonable prices. Lumber Wood, Posts, Etc. Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. Have opened an oflicc in Hood River. Call nnd get prices and leave orders, which will be promptly filled. ' THE GLACIER Published Every Thursday $1.50 A YEAR. Advertising, 50 cents per inch, single column, per month; one-half inch or le?s, 25 cents. Heading notices, 6 cents a line each insertion. THE GLACIER prints all the local news fit to print. When you see it in THE GLACIER you may know that others see it. B OX TON BAHBEH SHOP I.. C. HAYNES, Pkop. The place to get an easy shave, an up-to-date haircut, and to enjoy the luxury of a porcelain lath tub. i K. WELCH, THE VETERINARY SURGEON'. Has returned to Hood River and Is prepared to do any work in the veterinary line. He can be found by calling at or phoning to Clarke's &rg store. . 'THE NEW FEED STORE, On the Mount Hood road, south of town, keep constantly on hand the bent quality of Groceries, Hay, tirain and Keed at lowest prices. D. I. LAM Alt, Proprietor. J7UKEKA MEAT MARKET, Mctil'IKE PROS., Pro,. realura In Kreih and Cured Meats, Lard, Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. FREE DELIVERY. PHONE 35 OREGON Ssioir um AND Union Pacific Dinar TIME SCHEDULES Portland. Or. Oilcajfo iFnU l.ivke, Denver, Portland I Ft. Vtorlh.Omaha, Special I Kansas City, St. t;2UR. m. I I.O!ll,(JllK'.OH.Illl via LaoL Huntington. 4:30 p.m. At'antle Ex pres. 8:15 p.m. via Huntington. St. Paul Faat Mail. 10 -JO St. Taut FM Mull t;'m p. m. via Epokina Atlantic Express. 7:86a. m. 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No Change Of Cars. Ixiwest Rules. ' Quickest Tim. OCEAN AND RIVER.SCHEDULE ritOX POKTLAMU. t 0 p.m. All tilling dates 8:00 p. m. suujtcl hi change For San Francisco bail every 8 daya Dally Fi. Sunday t in p. m. t-aturday It.W) p. in. Cslumbla Rlr 8ttaRart. 8)0 p. m. Ex. Suuday To Aatoria and -Way j uuminga. 1 C:4fa.m WMIaaittn) rllrw. I Hon., Wed. I p. ra. Tuea , Thu., hat. aud fti. Balem, Indenen- aenee, l orvallls aud a laudiogs.j Vooe m. S , Thnf Vaaaill Hirer. 4:80 B. m. Hon., Wad, aud Bat Oregon City, Dayton ! and Frk j and a) lauding!. I 1T'(1J,'" J " ! r,iy JiS'pt Riparia to Ltwuion Lv.LaaMatoa ft uu a. m. Daily exoapt Friday. aturday A. L. CRAia, Ceaeral Paaaesf er agent Portl4 0r, A. . HOAB, Jgcat, Hoo Blvar. IIP a