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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1904)
Sot Mr. Frank A. Cram, Hood River, Ore. Dear Sir: , - On my return from Hood River after investigating the case against Al Foote and Fred White for larceny in your store, I confronted them with the evidence I had found while down there. They at first strenuously denied the whole affair and sa id there must be some mistake about it. However, J filed an information, and after thinking the matter over until this morning, they seem to have con cluded we had the right ones and entered a plea of guilty before Judge Bradshaw and were sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. Will you kindly advise Mr. Olinger, as he was making some further inquiries which will not now be necessary. You might also, as a matter of news, if you desire, tell the Glacier people about it. This will save the county considerable ; expense, and we will not have to annoy any of you about appearing as wit nesses. Yours very truly. FRANK MENEFEE. O. R. & N. TIME TABLE. East bound No. 2, Chicago Special, 11:43 a. m. No. 4, Hnokime Klyer, 10:10 p. ni. -No. 8, Mall and Ex prow, 10:50 p. in. No. 24, Way Freight, 12:10 p. in. No. 22. Kast Freight, 4:20 a. m. Went bound No. 1, Portland Special. 8:03 p. in. No. 3, Portland Flyer, 5:32 a. m. No. 5, Mall and Express, 6:25 a. m. No. 23, Wav Freight, V:2 a. m. No. 21, Fast Freight. 8:45 P. ru. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. For bargains in Silverware, see Clarke, the jeweler. Carrier serves oysters, meals, etc., at any old hour. Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic ami keep off gray hairs. Oysters served any style at Stuart's confectionery and oyeter parlors We carry a full line of groceries, flour and feed. Bone & McDonald. Don't miss a good T bone at Stuart's confectionery and oyster parlors. 35c, Clarke, the jeweler, guarantees all watch, clock and jewelry repair work. For spring wagons, buggies, harrows, cultivators, pumps, etc., go to McDon ald & ilenrich. Bone & McDonald will deliver powder on Saturday of each week. Place your order with them. Those elegant lots in Coo's addition are going fast. Prices on all lots in this addition will be advanced 50 March 1. We invite the public to come in and get our meat prices. We are selling boiling meats at bed rock prices. Mavks Bros. When you need a good dinmond at the lo vest possible figure, quality and size guaranteed by the cutter, call on Clarke, the jeweler. Girl Wanted A German or Scandi navian girl or woman to do housework. Good wages. A quiet.comfortable home. Inquire at this olfice. We are still selling our home made lard as cheap as other lard can be bought and we guarantee every bucket. 10s, 1.45 j 5s, 75c ; 3s, 45c Mayes Bros. A second hand genuine Singer sewing machine, good as new, with all attach iiwrta at half price : also some other hold codds. cheap. See H F Dav- Mayes Bros. meat market gives notice that all orders ior morning uduvoij must be in by 10:45 o'clock. The, after noon delivery will be taken off at 4:30. Mayks Bros. OrnVrs at MeGuire Bros.'meat market for morning delivery must be in by in -45 o'clock. Hereafter, in the after noon, the wauon will be taken off at a .m McGitirr Bros tw ri cull strawberries, but into larva sized fruit by an application of No. 4 fertilizer to be had at the Davidson Fruit Co. Strong in .f.h nnrl nitrntren. It navs well and should be applied as early as possible after February 1. Miss Clara Blythe is visiting friendi in Portland. Edgar Holinan has bought into pobler business with George Riggs. the Philip Horn was in town from the old York Dlace, Tuesday. He says the now is three feet deep at that place. Mrs. A. L. Jeffrey and two daughters of Missoula, Montana, are visiting her ,.nt in Hood ICiver. Mr. aim Mrs, Jolin I'onanue. inu this week. . t 'pi . will return noinc Is Newest Music for Pi ano: The Gondolier, Soko, Mr. Blackmail, Iiedelia, A Deed of the Pen, Peggy O'Xeil. Kubbers. Plenty of wet muddy weti til ery et. Ladies' riizes.'Oc; chil dren's IWcup. TOWELS MCCALL'S stylish, best A DEPARTMENT STORE IN MINIATURE, Thb Little Store , with Little Prices Two Years. The Dalles, Oregon, March 1, 1904. District Attorney Frank Menefee was down from The Dalles, last week, gath ering evidence against tne men wno broke into rrana a. cram urygmmo Btore two weeks ago, It looks like a clear case of guilt. There were 40 pen nies in Mr. Cram's cash register me night before the robbery. The next morning there was dui one mh . other 39 being found with the rouoers. Mr. Cram feels grateful to Deputy bner iff Olinger for his good work tn round ing up the robbers as he did. The Glacier is pleased-to note that A. W. Onthank, who came here with his family a few months since, and has al ready won the respect and confidence of tho" mmmnnitv. has decided to open ud n real estate ana insurance uusuj - j , , - . , Mr. Onthank has gained an ex- tunoivfi amnaintance with this country and its people, and is prepared to give careful attention to anything in his line. His advertisement will ne louno. in au- other column. v The nunils of the 8th. 9th and 10th grades of the public school will give a sup per at the opera nouse, Beginning i u o'clock, Saturday, March o. Cottee, oysters, salads, sandwiches and cake will De served, cupper m wnw. -ceeds for the benefit of the school library. A short programme consisting of recita tions and music will be rendered during the evening. Grand opening at 7:30. HK Fnnta came no from Portland, Saturday night, returning Monday. Mr. Fouts is taking consiaeraDie interest iu nnlitira and savi things are warming up at. a 1 ve v rate in rortiana. ine Mitchell-Simon hunt is on in says, with things looking very favorable for the Bimon wing, oi me repuuiiuau party. ft. X.. Davidson, of the well-known firm nf Davidson k Co. of Hood River, was in Stevenson Monday exhibiting the model of a stump-pulling macmnewnicn is claimed to be a little the best of any thinoon the market. Stevenson Pio neer. Tim former office of F. B. Barnes has acrain nndercone alteration and improve ment, a nd wil I be ooeu pied by L. C. Hay nes as a barber shop, while the room vacat ep by Mr. Haynes will be occupied by Mr Onthank, the real estate man. C. A. Morgan left Monday night for Grand Forks, B. C, where some of his raining property is promising something good and requires his attention. Char ley Morse has taken Mr. Morgan's place in the cigar store. E. J. Middleswart of Mosier was a visitor in Hood River, Monday. He rerts the deepest snow at Mosier this winter as two feet deep about the same as it was at Hood River. T. J. Cunning, who has been on tlje sick list more or less for the past montn or more came down town, Saturday, for the first time. His friends were glad to see him about Bgain. The W. R. C. will celebrate St. Pat rick's day, March 17, by giving a dinner at their hall in the opera housebuilding. Proceeds will go to the encampnent fund. Mrs. Levy Clarke came np from Hood River on tlie noon train and will spend a week or more as the guest of Mrs. V. H. Groat. Chronicle. Mrs. Alice Booth returned, Monday, from The Dalles, where she visited tor week with the family of her daughter, Mrs. T. L. Roberts. Miss Helen Abslen of Menominee vis ited with Miss Clara Blythe over Sunday. STORE NEWS. GET IN THE HABIT a whole window full to select from Cotton, Linen aud Turkish, white and unbleached, from 5c to 20c. Splendid values. Tow els are something like handkerchiefs, a person can't have too many. DON'T YOU SEED SOME T PATTERNS for March, now fitting and least expensive of any patterns Mrs. D. A. Turner of this city has kindly lent the Glacier an old paper ,the Quincy (111.) Whig-Republican, oi Kentember 24. 18134. Hie lanei on me paper shows it was the property of F. Frost, ir. It is s paper of four pages, eight long columns to the page. The paper is tun oi war news ami uouuuhb tion of the copperheads the democrats, who at that time were supporting Gen eral McClellffn for president against Abraham Lincoln, nominated for a sec ond term. Politics in those days was hot as well as war news. Ex-President Buchanan is referred to as that old blear eyed traitor. The dead rebel General Morgan is spoken of as a thief and a coward. Grant was hammering away on the rebel works at Petersberg and Sherman had but recently taken Atlanta. The draft was being enforced, and a long list of Adams county citizens who had drawn the right to serve in the army was published. The new pharmacy of Rowley & Co. opened for business, last week, on Hood River heights, in a brand new and neat ly fitted building, with a brand new stock of drugs.paints and sundries. Up stairs are the reception,consultation and operating rooms of W. T. Rowley, phy sician, and A. F. Rowley, dentist. Dr. Rowley says he is well satisfied with his prospects in Hood River, but like every one else just now finds money a scarce commodity. James Farley, the merchant at Moon ey's corner, has taken in a partner, J.B. Fletcher, recently from Oswego. Mr. Fletcher's family are living in the Mooney house. Mr. Fletcher was in Portland last week arranging to sell his ranch at Oswego so he might buy prop erty in Hood River. Commissioner Hibbard, while at The Dalles, last week, looked up the law in regard to the paying of road poll taxes. He finds that the road tax must be paid in cash and the supervisor is the collect or. So pay your money to the road supervisor and he will hire the work done and pay cash for labor. Mm nharlie Johnson. Indian sauaw. who does washing for white folks, didn't wash Thursday. . She said: "Me no wash today my daughter, Wasco Jim's wife, catch him girl Daoy." Mme. Abbott is opening out a 300 stock of millinery goods lust received from the East. Mr. Abbott will put in a complete stock of farming imple ments later in the month. Mian Mabel Davis, an experiencd pharmacist of Corvallis, arrived in Hood River, last week, to accept a position with Rowley & Co., druggists. A tornado struck Portland last Friday and wrecked several houses at Mount Tabor. No lives were lost, but several persons were injured. William Micholl. ex-treasurer of Wasco county and an old resident of The Dalles, is seriously ill and not ex pected to recover. Mrs. Warren Miller, who has been sick with grip and pleurisy for the past month, is now mending and will soon be about as usual. Miss Willa Minor of Heppner, who has been the guest of Miss era Jackson for the past two weeks, returned home Monday. Joe Fraiier found a package contain ing two plugs of tobacco .and left the same at this office for the owner. Be sure a 'id see the grand opening at the opera house Saturday evening at7:30. The democratic state convention will meet in Portland, April 11). Got a Cow? ChurnsfJ Milk Crks, Butter Molds, Butter Ladles, Milk Pans, Butter Paper, Etc. Cold Feet. Our Woolen fcocks are a good prevent ive. 25c a pair. ready. The most ever made. The base ball committee has secured an option on three acres of the E. C. ' OOKO fP. Mooney corner ior (iuw. j. u kuui mittees have been appointed to solicit funds as follows: John Castner, O E Markham, Harry Bailey, Chris Deth man, O. C. Dean, Ben Lage; second committee G E Williams, Frank Davidson, J B Hunt, C E Hemman, Joe Tompkins. It is the intention of those interested in base ball to form a joint stock company, with a capitalization of probably 12,500. Everybody will be given a chance to subscribe, and soon as sufficient stock is taken, the Mooney corner will be purchased, fenced and a grandstand erected. There is talk of a base ball league with surrounding towns and indications are that there will be some cracker-jack base ball in Hood River this summer. Wasco county's school exhibit was for warded, Tuesday, to the St. Louis expo sition. There were exhibits of work from the following schools: Frankton, Hood River.Barrett, Mt. Hood, Pine Grove, Mill Creek, The Dalles, Center Ridge, Tygh, Antelope and Columbia. Monday morning Acting School Super intendent Neff received a letter from H. S. Lyman, superintendent of the St. Louis educational exhibit, thanking him for the interest Wasco county took in the matter and informing him that he had sent the papers to the bindery. He also comnlimented the work, saying that it was representative and educa-J tionally instructive anu eiueneni.auuing that he had used practically all of it. Judge A. R. Byrkett of Bingen will market his strawberries this year him self. He was in Seattle last week, where he arranged to ehip hit berries direct to the commission house that has been supplying the Alaska markets the past . i tt in: . I : .. two years wun nwu niver wi i im. The steamboat company will take on his berries at Bingen landing and trans fer them at Portland to Northern raci fic exnress cars bound for Seattle. Mr. Bvrkett shinned over 2,000 crates of strawberries last vear.and as his ground is early he realized big money in the berry business. Saturday he placed an order with the Davidson Fruit Co's. box factory for 2,000 crates. Monday night, Mrs. Brook and Mrs. Lone of Portland and Mrs. V. C. Brock of Hood River organized a lodge of Rath bone Sisters. The chapter starts out with a membership of 82. Follow- inir are the officers chosen: Mrs A Whitehead. M E C of T; Mrs Laura Baldmin, E S of T ; Mrs G W Graham, E J of T : Mrs Jennie Shute. M of R and C; Mrs Bertha Hemman, M of T; Mrs Nellie Davidson. M of F; Mrs Maude ChiDDins. P of of T: Mrs Mattie Mark ham, G of O T; Mrs George T Prather, Past Chief of T. Mr. and Mrs. J J. Turner went to Portland last week to attend the wed dinor of their son. Benjamin T. Turner, who was married to Miss Lena Williams, Wednesday, February 24, 1904. Mr. Turner and bride came to Hood River with his parents and re turned to Portland, Saturday. The bride and groom were handsomely treated bv their friends, whose presents completely furnished nis nouse. mr. Turner is a foreman in the yards of the Jones Lumber Co. - Chester Sears of Winlock, Wash., was in Hood River last week,returning home Monday. His niece, Miss Bessie Van Allen.accompanied him home for a short visit. Mr. Sears lias traded ins town property at Winlock tor timber land in Klitkitat countv. near Lvle. He has a fine farm near winlock and is doing wel . but he can't help hankering alter Hood River, and like all others who go from here, he is pretty sure to come back. Georee Knaon came over the Colu m bin. Tuesday, on his way .to Sherman county, where he has been called by the - ... i i .i n i i.:.. l' ,...v ... : i omciais oi me vuiuuium ouuuici u iau road to resime his work as superintend' ent of the bridge carpenters. Mr. Knapp savs there is lots of water rolling down over the blurt at nis place, ine smaii lake between his place and the Ramsey ranch is overflowing for the first time in wintbi since he has known that section. The Wool Growers' association of An telope and the Stock Growers' associa tion of Crook county have passed reso lutions very complimentary to M P. Isenberir and S. C. Bartrum, affirm- inn their confidence in these officials in th (iiadmri nf their duties as super intendents of the forest reserve, all of which is very gratifying to Mr. Isen- berg. Rev. J. L. Hershner took his little son, Lawrence, to Portland Tuesday morning to get further treatment for him. His case is nroiressing very prom isingly, but the stiffness of bis right hip renuires the attention of a specialist. Miss Lelia Hershner went with her father and brother. H. C. Hardman'of Albany visited his brother W. R. Hardman on Hood River heights a couole weeks ago. Mr. Hard man was pleased with this country, and if he can dispose of his property in the Willamette valley he will return to Hood River and join his brother in the meat business. Mvron Chamnlin of Portland was in Hood River. Saturday, taking orders for a wholesale machinery house. Myron used to live in Hood River years ago but this was his first visit here for seven years, and he was very much surprised at the growth oi the town since men. Supplementary articles of incirpora tion of the Middle Fork Irrigation Com pany of Hood River were filed for record at ine uaues rnuay muruiug. mo cap ital stock of the company is Increased to 118.000 and the ditch enlarged so that the capacity is now 5,000 inches. Next Sunday evening will be-special Christian Endeavor service at the Con gregational church. After the retrular Christian Endeavor service, Miss Clara Blythe will make her report of the state convention recently neia at renuieiuu to which she was a delegate. The family of O. B. Evinger have heen having a seiee of sickness. Mrs. Evinger had recovered sumcientiy irom her sickness to be up again when Mr. Evinger was taken with small box, and had a nretlV serious nuie oi n. ne i now on the road to recovery. Mra.Elmer Rand and Miss Anne Smitli came np from Hood River Saturday, The former returned home Monday and the latter will remain for. a short visit with the Misses Mardec Chron icle. . Mrs Blanche Prather of the East Side vArl a telegram. Monday, convey ins the sad intelligence of the death of her mother, which occurred at Milan Missouri. , The merry hum of the saws at the Davidson Fruit Co's box factory is hear again as they slice the larch timbers in to material ior strawoerry craies an hal locks. The ladies ajd of the Congregational church will meet this ween with Mrs A. B. Canfield, Friday, at 2 o'clock G. A. B. and W. R. C. Canbv post held a spirited sessior Saturday afternoon, which lasted from 2 o'clock until 5. The post has tome good oratorical timber among its mem bera, and these comrades make thing lively at each meeting. The dates for holding the state encampmen called forth a lone discussion. It will be remembered that the post selected the 23d. 24th and 25th of June as the IiiftammatorjIRheuinatisni Cured. William Shaffer, a brakeman of Den- ...nn. I II, in n.aa n,...HnH:1 . ., , a 1 1 IT several weeks with -inflammatory rheu matism. I used many remedies,' ne savs. "Finally I eout to McCaw's drug store for a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, at which time I was unable to use hand or foot, and in one week's time as able to go to work as happy as a clam.'' For sale by all druggists. Tlanos and Organs. If von are thinking of buying, you can save your fare to Portland by calling on Stuart's coufectionery and oyster par lors. They seli for that well and favor ably known firm, Allen & Gilbert, suc cessors to Wiley B. Allen Co. Advertised Letter List. February 29, 1904. Brewer. Mm LC Cal Ives, James Jtu'knon, Mm Andrew Hinllli, LC Nichols, Lizzie Kvimmm, Hvan Burns, Reed While, Wm Lee t WM. m. ui Tin, jr. ui. Leslie Butler and I. C. Nealetgh, ad ministrators of the eftateof JohnSipma, deceased, made final settlement before County Judge Blakeley, and were dis charged Friday, J. P. Cavenaugh and Mr. Tiffts of Pipes & Tiffts represented the heirs. Underwear for the People. I have just purchased a full line of Sample Undermuslins, which I have put on tables for sale at a less price than I can buy it for in dozen lots from the reg ular jobber. If you haven't bought yet you had better look these over before it -is too late. You will find Gowns, Skirts, Corset Covers, Chemise, Drawers, in cambric, Nainsook and muslin; embroidery, laces, Valenciennes and torchon, trimmed in ladies, misses and children. Don't Miss this Chance! New goods are arriving every day. New Clothing, new Shoes, new Laces something new. We are Agents for the Standard Patterns and Publications. Fashion Sheets are always free. Free Delivery dates most suitable for Hood River for the encampment. But the council of administration, through some misunder standing, hxed upon the ittn, iotn ana 17th of June. Some comrades seemed to think the dates set are too early in the season, that the strawberry growers would be too busy at that time to give much attention to the visitors to the en campment, and even some of the com rades mignt oe prevenieu irom aiieuu inir. After the matter of changing the dates had been fully discussed, the adju tant poured oil on the troubled waters by stating tnat tne pnnreu oruero giving the dates of the encampment had been sent out to the three different orders that will hold their conventions here, and it is now too late to change the dates. So the orators subsided. The nost contributed tl to the fund for the benefit of the Hood River band. An interesting part of the proceedings was the recital of each comrade of his experience wnen ne ennstea in ine rrav- .... .. A meeting oi tne executive commuiee in charge of arrangements for the en campment is called to meet Saturday afternoon, March 12, immediately after the closing of the post. The committee from the W. K. C. will meet at tnesame time with the committee from the post. Canbv W. R. C. muntered anew mem ber in the person of Mrs. Bangle, Sat urday. Is It an Electric Railroad! The following item appeared In last Friday's Mountaineer: Yesterday articles were filed with Ine county clerk by Joseph Mauneider, Henrv IS. Lloscn ana ueorge i. rrauier, incorporatng the Hood River Develop ment Co., with a capital of foO.UOO, di vided into shares of $500 each. Ine principal office is to lie located in Hood River, and the busineHS in which the company proposes to enguge is to buy and sell real estate and personal prop erty, bnv. build, own aud operate rail roads.- teleerann ana leiepnone mien, gas and electric pimns, irrigating ditches, etc. The coin puny does not fine itself to Oregon as a field of operations, but will engage in business In any slate in tne union. When a Glacier reorter called at the office of the Prather Investment to for further light on the subject, the udge only smiled and replied: "Oh wait and see." As Mr. Batchelder is secretary of the Portland Street Rail way Co, the organization or the Hood River Development Co. looks very much like a movement for au electric railroad up Hood River valley. The Jlacier hopes there's something in It. Many Will Attend Encampment. Pantnin James P. Shaw returned last Saturday from Oregon City, where he went on invitation to auena a uanquei. of the Commercial club, of whicn or ganisation he was a leading memrjer ior many years, i ne capmin people everywhere inquiring about Hood River, and that about every man he met was planning to visit this city with one or more of the several conventions, en campments and excursions billed for the coming summer and fall. Speaking of the banquet at uregon v,ny, -pmiu Shaw said: Mhebanouet was the outpouring of the business men of the city in a social gathering, with the object of bringing together men of all shades of business throughout the city into one harino nioua gathering to talk over methods of the upbuilding of their city; its civic and sanitary needs, as well as it ethical standing. The meeting was largely at tended and was harmonious through out, lasting until long after the mid night hour. Judging from what I know personally of the character and standing or those present, there will be no lack of pnh in the Falls City." When asked if he thought it would be a irood nlan for the people of Hood River o come together socially, after the man ner of the Oreiron City business men, the cantain replied that he believed it to be productive of much gocd for busi Pnrt of ml JSM DdhUpfC We still have good sizes in first quality iVllDDcriS rubber footwear time to need 'em yet. XS 1ST X" S . ness men in anv community to get to- getherloccasionally and become better acquainted with each other, "lou know all men are better than they, seem, and none of us are as black as we are painted, and by frequent coming together we will find this out. "Hood Uiver can look forward to having the largest meeting of old sold iers that has ever come together in Oregon. I find among all the boys ade- Bire to come to Hood Kiver tnis year ana eat our luscious strawberries. Men who, heretofore have not been in the habit of attending these encampments say that we can look for them this year. Now, in this connection, I believe It would be well if the Glacier would keep reminding the people f the city and valley that they will have to take hold with the Grand Army post and Women's Relief Corps.and help provide entertain ment for these honored guests, who come among them upon their invitation, and who in all probability will never visit Hood River again. There seems to be a fear among some of those I met that Hood River could not take care of all who will come. I assured them that Hood River would take care of that part of the programme, and for them to come and bring all of their friends and relations. Everybody seems to want to come to Hood River at least .once be fore they dioj? An Afternoon With Miss Jackson. One of the most enjoyable events of the season was the alternoon given by Miss, Vera Jackson in honor of Miss Willa Minor of Heppner. The afternoon passed quickly with games, music and recitations. The recitation given by Miss Minor showed much skill in the work. Dainty refreshments were served. Those pres ent were: The Misses Willa Minor, Vera Jackson, Miss Cotton, Miss Shaw, Mias Groves. Miss Davis, Miss Howe, Miss Quinn, Miss Cramer, Miss Fitch, Miss Nicklaeon, Miss Blythe, Mrs C h Hem man, Mrs Arthur Davidson. Hiss lgnez Abbott EntertaiiiN. The home of II. M. Abbott was the scene ot merriment, nisi rnuay even ing, when Misslgnez Abbott entertain ed a few of her friends. Masters Ken ith Abbott and Percival Harrell received the guests as tli"v urrived and conduct ed them to the parlor, where they were met by the fair hostess. Music, songs and the games of whist, pit and flinch were the order of the evening. Miss Mignou Abbott favored the guests with singing and a recitation, and Miss Hansberry and Messrs. Boyed and Betbe sang. At 12 o'clock a dainty lunch was served, after which a few of the young folks had their fortunes told, but owlug to the lateness oi ini;our the fortune-teller run dow n aud could not give them all a peep into the fu ture. It was 1:30 a. ui. when the guests bade their fair hostess adieu and de parted, one and all expressing them selves as having had a most pleasant evening. Those who received invita tions were: Will .Morgan, ir Kowiey, A F Rowley, Mr Btlee, Lou lioyde, Will Ruffner, Clinton Robarge, Clinton Dickey, Earl Robards, Davie Shepler, Alfred Shepler, Tele Blount, Howard Shoemaker, Igne Abbott, Nettie Ab bott, Nettie Harrell, Hattie Hanslierry, Mignon Abbott, Clara Ruffner, Eliza beth Rolmrge, Ethel Robarge, Gwen Dickeu, Eva Strauahan, Virgie Crowe. Hiss Eva Mcklasen Entertains. Mia Eva Nicklason entertained a small parly of friends Saturday evening, Februsrv 27, at the home of her uncle, Henry . Fredericks. After the guests hail assembled, partners for the evening were chosen by matching hearts. Each lady was presented 4 heart upon which was written part of a quotation that w as completed on the heart presented to a gentleman. The rest of the evening the ladies wore their hearts on their sieves. Pit was the game of the evening and the two tables of six each filled the air with the din o( commercial strife. Mis Mar celline Cross secured the first comer and for a lime held the fioor, but .Mr. le Witt proved himself a skillful manipu lator of stock and soon bad the market under bis control, in spite of the des- WALK OVER snrinjr styles are in and un- broken. Better help break them. Krippendorf Dress Shoes for ladies In all the cities you find these two lines in the best stores. ' ' Dist. 76, School Shoos. The people like them or we could not sell so many. Same good Shoe; same low price. Closing; Lines Our clearance prices are att ractive and people have been getting the snaps. But there are' some left. You better look at our prices on what's left in Shoes, Hosiery and white goods for early , spring sewing. Phone 581 perate efforts of Mr. Fabric to break the record. Miss Quinn won the game at the other table in spite of her able compet itors. When the pit game was' closed the company played the old-fashioned game, "My father went to China," a game that has to be seen to be appre ciated, and which was a good prepara tion for the bountiful lunch which fol lowed. Those present were: Mrs. Mar garet Reid, Miss Quinn, Miss Cross, Miss Vera Jackson, Miss Minor; Mias Hoadley, Clarence Gilbert, Fred Clark, George Slocom, Glen Fabric, Mr. De Witt, E. 11. Hartwig, Bart Davidson. A. O. Hershey furnished his team and went with Harry Bailey on his mail route Tuesday. Mr. Hershey says the roads on the route in some places are Bimply horrible, and he doesn't see how Mr. Bailey gets along with the same team every day. He has had to cut out Dukes valley from his route until the roads get better. Some of the patrons thought Mr. Hershey was the prospective new muil carrier, wliicli caused consider able comment as well as fun for the two in the mail wagon. Born. In Hood River, February 25, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. Wasco Jim, a daughter. Sears' Hall. The Hood River cornet band will give a minstrel at Sears' hall Saturday even ing, March 5, 1904, at 8 o'clock. Seven teen members comprise the company, and the entertainment is first class. Concert at Mount Hood. There will be a concert at Mount Hood hall, Friday night, March 11, which will consist of comedies, mono logues, lightning changes and specialty acts; Dutch, Irish and negro comedians; good seats and good music. Concert will begin at 8 o'clock. After the con cert there will be a free dance. Ad mission, 35c ; children 20c. New Today. Rowley & Co., druggists, now have a new and complete line of drugs, drug gist sundries, stationery, paints, oils, var nishes, etc., and cordially invite the pat ronage of the public. The women of Woodcraft, circle No. 524, will give a free entertainment March 4, at the K. of P. hall. Ladies will bring baskets with lunch for two, which will be sold at auction to the h'ghest bidder. Lunch served at 10 o'clock. All are cordially invited by the Committee. The Deep Snow 20 Years Ago. Continued from Page 8. snow drifts and through a terrible wind and snow storm. But on Tuesday morning about 9 o'clock, after receiving a small sandwitch for breakfast, the party commenced stringing out on the trail to the number of about 100 passen gers, leaving behind 15 women and children and some Un men who were too old or crippled to nis lie the trip with safety. All who started with the ex ception ot four, went through to the Cascades the first day without accident, except a few frot4 ears and fingers, four only failed by the way from rheu matism or exhaustion, and were left at farm houses to rest up, and finally came in the next dav. At Cascade Locks all were kindly re ceived and furnished with comfortable lodgings in hotels and at the govern ment quarters. Here we spent a pleas ant Christmas and were invited to tur key dinner at our kind host's, George Gardner's, and the younger portion of the party joined in a dance Christmas night" Another account says: "For the first four days there wasa fair supply of cigars and tobacco, those accustomed to the use of the weed hav ing bought some at The Dalles. Then the stock of the newsboy was drawn on, and the samples of three drummers. On Tuesday there was nothing left to smoke or chew,' and no tobacco wri packed in. It is needless to remark that it was a total abstinence crowd Irom necessity."