HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1004. EMB SATURDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY, March 6, 7 and 8 All 15c, 18c, 20c and 22c Embroideries, Insertions and Beadings. c a New and Beautiful Patterns 1,000 yds to select from Limited to 5 yards of any one Pattern to one cus tomer, but as many differeut patterns aa you like Two to eix inches wide R. B. BRAGG & CO. WAR! We haven't declared war, but we HAVE made our prices so you get your money's worth in Sta tioneiy, Books, Bibles, School and Office Supplies, Pens, Pencils, etc. For the next 10 days, every school boy or girl purchasing a pencil tablet will be given FREE one good lead pencil. Here's Where You Get the War News Oregonlan Telegram GEO. I. SLOCOM, THE ZBOOIKZ C. 3S. TEMPLE, THE JEWELER, I wihu to state to the general prepared to test your eves and tit that will overcome all afilctions weak eyes that the best ocuiclist can help. try the glass 1 sell. I have given this subject very close study and can tell you by examination just what kind of glaasea your eyes require. Eyes test ed free and all glasses sold with a guarantee to tit your eves with es pecially ground glasses. If youreyes trouble you and cause headache or throbbing pains with blurring vision when readiqgg or doing due work requiring close and steady observation, come in mid let me ex amine your eyes by means of the perfected American Optical Tester and secure relief and comfort by the use of properly-fiited glses. PASHIOIT Livery, Feed C. T. RAVVSOK. HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let our friends and patrons know . that for the fall planting we will have and can sup ply in nny number Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or. F. L. DAVIDSON & CO TINNERS AND PLUMBERS, Agents for Gasoline Engines, Warm Air Fur naces, Windmills, Pumps, Gas Plants, Wire Cable, Ladders, and the Faultless Stump Puller 801 DIRT Yard Has the Finest Display 6( Watches, Diamond and Gold Rings, Cut Glassware, etc., in town. All work neatly unci correctly done, especially fine Watch Repairing and adjusting. Reasonable prices. Do your Eyes Trouble You? public that I am vou with glaw of stigmatism, itear-sigtediiess and STABLE and Draying. STRANAHANS & BAGLEY. Horses bought, sold or exchanged. Pleasure parties can secure first-class rigs. Spe cial attention given to moving Furniture and Pianos. We do everything horses can do. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. F. II. STANTON ii A. H. Jewelt was in Goldendale last week on business. . William Coate, W. F. Stadelinan and W. M. Camprleld of Trout Lake were in White Salmon lust week. Fred V. Iialsiger and wife have gone to Portland to attend the funeral of Mr. BulMicer's sinter, Miss ltulaiger.who died in a Portland hospital. J. R. Kankin of Ooldendale visited friends in White Salmon Saturday and Sunday. Joseph Aernl has returned from Port land, where he went to visit his broth er in-law, Samuel Boehl, who has been sick with pneumonia. Maine 4 Bowman will give a dance, Friday evening, March 4, in Lautcrbach ball. - 8. W. Condon is sick with a severe eold. Mrs. A. E. Glass, who has been at the Jewett farm for the past year, has returned to Port land. The people of Pine Flat are planning a new church. Arthur Emmons was in town, Monday, getting subscriptions to help in building the church. Mrs. C. W. Moore came in from Trout Like, Tuesday evening, to help in caring for her son Fred, who is sick at A. R. Byrkelt's. The sick boy is re lated to lie better. Wade Dean, the popular stage driver on the Trout Lake route, was in town Monday night. Notes From Underwood. By the School Children. Tltis is the evening for leap year par tics. What big smiles the young men might to wear. First chance in eight ytarg, Don't refuse, boys, as you may not have another chance for four years. Tomorrow is the first of March. . Wre will not know before this goes to preps bow the old adage will prove about March coming in like a lion or a lamb. This remains to be seen. The attendance in school is on the in crease. Perhaps examination hassome thing to do with it (?). Little Hazel Lyon was absent from school today on account of illness. Frank Larson left this morning for Portland, where he expects to look for work. Amos Underwood is still confined to thu house on account of illness. School election next Saturday at the school house; two directors will be elected. . UiirrotU District. Minstrels, minstrels, niinetrels! The Hood Kivcr cornet hand will give a ftMt-elass minstrel performance at the Barrett school house next Friday even ing, March 4, 1904. We understand there are 17 In the troupeand that each one is a slar in his particular line. We are assured they will give a very amus ing and at the same time moral enter tainment. The proceeds of the show are to be used to assist in providing new instruments tor t lie band. Every body turn out. Admission, 15 and 25c. The Christian Endeavor social on the evening of Washington's birthd iy was held at the home ot Mr. una Mrs. J. N. Bridges, and a large assembly of young people participated. A delightful time was had. Games, conversation and speculation engaged the young people's attention until quito a lute hour, at which time the game of speculation was taken on, and after settling it, all departed for their homes, wishing that all the Christian 'Endeavor entertain ment a might lie held at Zed's home. E. E. Regester has moved into the house on the place of .1. W. Kmmel, de ceased, known as the Jut Hill turin. Frank Davenport's bnllgine made a flying trip through the Barrett district lust Thursday afternoon. Frank timed it just right and arrived in front of the school house just us school was dis missed, and Skinner and the. other kids were as tickled as when they got their first pair of boots with red tops. Ike Nealeigh has entirely recovered from smallpox and was perambulating the streets of Hood River last Katur day. We gave the marshal a tip, but he said he iiad been keeping an eye ot) him all day. The Endeavor society held a taffy pulling, last Friday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie CVppie, and we understand hud a jolly time, which was to be expected from the well known hospitality of the host and hostess. We are not informed how many took tally homo in their pockets, but we learn that several couples on their way homo had their hands stuck together. The Iloosier social should have been called the Barrett Iloosier social, as Barrett was in evidence in all parts of tne nouse. a. is. Uusii gave the ora tion, E. E. Regester was secretary and poet. George Wilson was t lie com edian, while three-fourths of the music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Regester and A. B. Cash, and the tables were crowded by Barrett lloosiers who had been fasting for the past two weeks In anticipation. The president of the ladies' aid so ciety has given notice that at their next meeting, to be held Thursday, March 3, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Garner, an important matter will be brought up, and that all the ladies can have their say on the subject. The president did not state the length of tne session, uut we presume It would be as well for those who attend to take their blankets, n sack of flour and a bug of potatoes along, so as to tie prepared for contingencies. Some of our friends object to Rocky Run and suggest Kockyford avenue. Well, so be it. "A rock by any other name would be just as hard" of a dark night. Miss Laura Wilson of The Dalles is paying a short visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wilson, coming down Monday and returnina Thursday. We trust that on her rii'xt visit Miss" Laura will remain limn enough to give her friends a chatu.-e to renew acquaintance ship. The minstrels were unfortunate in their selection of Friday night, as any kind of an entertainment bus no at traction for our lodge ladies on that evening. Mrs. W. R. Hoole Is again confined to bed with scrofulous ulcers, the dis ease having attacked her left side. The ground hog Is still in evidence. In spite of inclement weather, there was an immense audience iu attend ance at the morning services at the Valley Christian church last Sunday morning. Are you going to the minstrels Fri day evening? is all you can hear among the school children. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. attended the Iloosier social. Did you meet them? Miss Hazel E merson is improving in health and her many friends hope soon to see her out again. We are pleased to be able to state that the family of Rev. A. 4. Beery have all recovered from the smallnox. The congratulations of all the people of! hub district are sincerely extended to this family on their escaping with such a slight attack of this dread disease. 0 A marriage In high life Is on the tap in this district. We speak for a big slice of cuke. Did any one hear Rev. A. A. Beery tell his story at the Hoosier meeting? Again Barrett is called upoB. Miss Grace Wilson was elected secretary of the Iloosier society, and with all the talent in this district, we know of no one who will Grace the position with more dignity than Miss Wilson. Ver ily, great is Barrett! We are indebted to Miss Nettie King for the following items. Thanks, Miss Nettie: Mrs. Mabor.ey and her mother, Mrs. Smith, moved last Thursday to their homestead near Ione.lii Morrow county: Bernie Phelps and family have moved into the Helms house, recently vacated by Mrs. Mahouey. We understand that Mr. Thomberry has sold his five-acre tract to Messrs. Curtis and Smith; consideration, $130 an acre. Mrs. Peter Harsh has been having quite a siege with poison oak, but we are pleased to say is now getting the better of it. ' Odell Notes The entertainment last Friday at Sears' hall given by the Jolly Jokers was very creditable, but rendered to a small audience, owing to , -weather con ditions that could not be foretold. The Odell school has ; light attend ance since its opening after a closedown of 10 days. Otto Ehrck west to Portland last Sunday for a few days'. viBit with his sister, Mrs. McCoy,who resides there. William Ehrck is somewhat indis posed, but nothing serious is anticipated. And still the working man is tied up on account of inclement weather. About the only occupation now is that of shov eling snow and breaking roads for Bailey, the jolly mail carrier. Mr. Tracy and wife from Maine spent a few days, recently, with Messrs. B. T. and Sherman Young, Mrs. Tracy being a sister of the Young brothers. They returned to Portland a few days ago. The work on the.Bone ditch is neces sarily postponed on account of weather conditions. Just now we are long on water. - Rumor has it that soon another store will be started at Odell. There is ample room to build store buildings -here, so come along. Mr. Kellogg, formerly of the Mount Hood settlement, has leased the C L. Rogers place at Willow Flat for several years and will soon move there. Mrs. Booth is visiting friends in The Dalles this week. About the only man here who is prof iting by this stormy weather is L. M. Wilson, who has sledded down from Mount Hood, lumber sufficient to build a house. It is a cold day when Wilson gets left or words to that effect. It does not require a prophetic finger to point to the fact that the West is on the eve of a wonderful tide of prosperity, which will last, no doubt, for several years. The result of the Russo Japanese war, together with the Lewis and Clark fair puts into the hands of the farmers of the Northwest a hand, which, if played, should prove a big winner. The war conditions have stim ulated, prices and with the probability of Russia's inability to export wheat, the result is an easy problem to figure out. What's the matter with the Roosevelt club organized seven weeks ago? Why not have a rousing . meeting? Al most every day a crowd gathers at the Lit tle White Store-to await the coming of the mail, and politics and war 111 the far lMiet are trie absorbing topics. Roosevelt, as chief of the nation's affairs, is prominent. The fact is, I haven't heard a Bingle man, regardless of poli tical faith, that opposes his candidacy. There are no trusts here. Roosevelt is surely and easily the people's candidate. Frank Neff has a beautiful collection of stereoscopic views on display at the Little White Store. The views are lo cal, all being scenes along the wild, rushing waters of Hood river, west of Odell. James Eggert informs me that a friend of his in Kansas, haviug recently sold out his farm there, is only waiting the time when lie can secure a house to move his family into here, aud he will Hart for Hood River. Mr.HollowelLwho lives at Eggermont, is also looking for friends from Indiana in early spring, i here is room and op portunity for many more enterprising people in the famous valley of Hood River, and while as a rule, it is unsafe to advise friends concerning a location for investment and a home, Hood River stands in thu front rank as an exception. And the longer tiie matter is deferred, the greater will be the cost of a home site. Hosier Items. Intended lor last week. Having been snowed in, last week,your correspondent failed to give you any news. Will try and make amends by reporting what has transpired during the past two weeks. J. M. Carroll returned from Portland much improved by treatment from Dr. O. 0. Hollister. G. L.Davenport, w ho has been spending several days at the old home, returned to Portland on No 1., Tuesday. Lee Hunter is shaking hands with old friends, having been a resident of Los Angeles, Cal.,for several years past. Cook & Co are placing their machin ery in their box factory, and will soon have everything iu shape for business, and being equipped with cheap power will be able to compete with the best of them. L L. Goodwin arrived from San Fran cisco on Sunday, and will spend some time on his ranch. Quite a number of our people were at tendant at the circuit court at The Dalles, last week, as witnesses SBd par ties to actions beforethat tribunal. Fred Evans and bride arrived from their wedding tour on No. 1, last Satur day, and were given a genuine, old fash ioned charivari by "the boys." We learn that Fred did the proper thing, and the boys all say "Fred is all right." Alfred Evans, who is attending school at The Dalles, spent Saturday and Sun day at home. Menominee Items. A dance was held in the city hall the evening of the 24th. After the dance the select sat down to an oyster supper. The musicians have been hungry evr since. The Menominee mill will be sawing in a few days. A large unmber of logs is on hand with more coming in. Mr. Cress, the Menominee millwright is home from the hospital, and is get ing the new steam feed ready for opera tion. Mrs. L. P. Day is visiting in Hood River. Mr. Irby is confined to bis bed. The doctor was called to wait on him. We hope to see him out soon. . cuijiin mTj was givrn aib, Moore, on the evening of tne 27th, the occasion being ber birthday. Mr. Moore says he hopes they will come again, as he has grub enough to last a month. Those present were: Mr and Mrs R W Cameron, Mr and Mrs Lewis, Mr and Mrs Talley, Mr and Mrs La r sen. In the Otlci; District. Mr. Guy from Portland was up to his ranch last week. A piano agent left a fine piano at Mr. Runcorn's on trial recently.'' Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Roberts returned from Portland last Friday. While in the city they attended the wedding of a friend. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, over 400 boxes of apples were hauled from this neighborhood within the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy from Maine were visiting relatives here last week. Mrs. Tracy is a sister of B. T. Young and Mrs. Cushman of this place. Mrs. Booth returned from The Dalles Monday and while getting in the hack in town on her way home, slipped and fell, although her injuries are nothing serious, yet caused her some pain for a day or two. Mr. Kellogg moves, this week, on the C. L. Rogers apple ranch on Wil low Flat. Improvements will be made tHs spring. Ten acres of Newtown ap ples were set last year which made a good growth. Mr. Rogers will plant trees as fast as the land can be cleared until the whole 40 acres are in fruit. Orrie Slocnm has homesteaded the quarter-section of land southwest of Odell recently relinquished by Lee Odell. Mr. Hlocum is a voune man of energy and intemls"putting his shoulder to the wheel," and will someday have a good, paying ranch. I'henowetli News Notes. Ed Kautz was in Hood River Monday. Fred Kautz went toNelson creek, Mon day, to see what was needed to begin sawing there, as he contemplates saw ing out what timber is convenient there. School is out here on Wednesday, March 3. Miss Jones, the teacher, will then return to her home in the Willam ette valley. Literary on Tuesday night. Question for debate :"Resolved that Intemperance is the Cause of more Suffering than War." J. A. White champions the affirmative and J. A. Hughes, the nega tive. R. T. Mills has been keeping tab on the snow fait this winter and reports a seven-foot fall and it is still snowing, but he says it will go as soon as the moon changes, which is today, Tuesday. Let us watch the countenance of the moon and see. We have a school election here Satur day, for the purpose of electing two directors, one for two years and the other for three. New Ruling on Timber Claims. The register and receiver of the local land office and the special agentassigned to The Dalles land district have been in structed by a circular from the general land office" o make a change in the cross-examination of timber land claim ants making final proof. During the past year the cross-examination in final proofs on timber claims lias, under in structions trom the department, oeen conducted by a special agent. The new ruling requires the olficers before whom proof is made to make the cross-examination on the blanks nrovidud bv the de partment. If a timber lauu claimant makes his proof before the register and receiver those officers will conduct the cross-examination. In cases where final proof is made before a United States commissioner or clerk of a state court, that olhcer will cross-examine claim ant fend witnesses, ' reducing their testimony to writing, to be submitted with nnal proof papers. Do your eyes need attention? If so, call on Clarke, the jeweler and optician, J. HEMEREL & SONS, Contractors and Builders Hood River, Or. FREDRICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates furnished on all kinds of work 1iUnnaa. Arnold, Main XI. I1UIK . Krederlek, M11I11 20T. Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates Fdrnishkd. S. H. COX. E. A. SOULE, Contractor and Builder. Plans and Estimatks Furnished Uton Application. dl THE NEW FEED STORE. On the Mount Hood road, South of town, keens constantly on hand the best quality of Groceries, Hay, Grain & Fml At Lowest Prices. 822 P. K. LAMAR. Prop. BELIEU & REA, Contractors & Builders. W Plans and Estimatics Kcrnished- EUREKA Meat Market. McGuike Bros., Propr's. Denier. In Krevh mid Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, FrulU nod Vegetables. Free Delivery. Phone !B. Heating Stoves You want one now that fall ha come. Drop in and s!e what Savage has -in the stove line. Also ex umine the many other goods that are unpacked dailv at SAVAGE'S COPVHIVjHT I 1 LX I CLARKE, the Druggist. Opposite Post Oilice. Full Line of ase Q loves, Shoes, Bats, Balls. You don't need to order from catalogue, we have the Goods. C. A. MORGAN & CO FOR SALE BY Hood River Deveop ment Company CHOICE LOTS IN Riverview Park and Idlewilde Addition To the Town of Hood River PRATHER INVESTM'NT CO Selling When You Come to Town Do not fail to get our prices on Groceries, Flour and Feed.' We have a few Mackintoshes left over at less than half price. We have a good line of Underwear that can not be duplicated at the price. Goods Delivered Free To Any Part of Town. bone & Mcdonald Stages, to Cloud Cap Inn. Ticket office for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and have a hack carry you to and from the boat landing If you want a (irat-class turnout call on the HOOD RIVER TANSFER AND LIVERY CO NEW DEPARTURES Anticipating your needs I laid in a stock of Spring goods. The largest line of Matting and Carpets in the city. You may need a Range or Cook stove. I have them. February is our winter month. I have Heaters. Have you that tired feeling? I have Rockers that will give you rest. Everything in the Furniture line to meet all conditions. And lowest prices guaranteed. Listen! We are here for our share of the business. Come and see us. We will show you how it is done. Will give you the key to the first move a square deal. Your money is just as good as your neighbor's, and will buy as much as his money. Full line of Building material that will be sold at lied Rock prices. Look it over. Undertaker CENTRAL MARKET MAYES BROS., Proprietors. Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh, Cured and Canned Meats. Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits. GROCERIES, Did You Say? We carry a full line of Stnple and Fancy Groceries at the lowest possible prices. Just give us a trial order and hv what we can do. Highest prices paid for country produce. SPOT CASH GROCERY, R HEED, prciretor. Rhone 401. Free Deli verv. THE CONVENIENCE OF PILLS as a mode of ministering medicine is too well known to require argu ment. We have on hand fill the standard kinds, and our own pill ' CLARKE'S - the Pill that WILL. Agents and Embalmer