6 food Iver Slacier. THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1904. The ditch Is ours, and In the future irrigation matter on the West Side of Hood River valley will be in the hands of he people who ow the water. It will not be a question of "Are they go ing to provide us with water and at what price?'' but we have the satisfac tion of saying that we are going to have all the water we waDt at the ac tual cost, basing the investment on low Interest rates. The Valley Improve ment Co.'s ditch was practically trans ferred to the people Monday, February 29, yet some of the fiual formalities will not be arranged before Saturday, March 5. The committee has made favorable financial arrangements and have given notes, with the first payments April 1. which will give ample time to nego tiate the necessary loans. The first stockholders' meeting of the Farmers' Irrigating Co. will be held Friday, March 4, at 1:30 p. m., in K. of P. ball, to elect the board of directors, adopt the bylaws and transact other bus) ness. Everybody interested In the flow of this water now breathes sigh of relief, for the prospects were never better for the West Side farmers. The farmers are practically unanimous in supporting the change from old condi " ditioiiB. Hood River is to have a base ball tfr ck company, and a base ball nine that will be a credit to the town. Money sub scribed toward the purchase of the diamond is a sound investment. The real estate will ever grow more valuable Sign board advertising should pay for fencing, and the inclosure will be useful for other purposes than base ball. There is nothing like the great American game of base ball to arouse genuine enthn siaeni. Here's ' success to the Hood River base bail nine. Over in Grant county politicians are not so overcome with modesty when they desire to Berve the dear people as they are in some other parts of the ''state. The Blue Mountain Eagle of Canyon City contains the announce ments of ten candidates for sheriff, four for superintendent of public schoois,four for assessor, two for treasurer and one for clerk, subject, to the decision ot their respective party conventions, re publican and democratic. Politics In Wasco County. With the republican county conven tion only five weeks distant, politics has scarcely yet entered street corner conversation. The water question has so far swamped everything else in Hood River, but in other parts of Wasco coun ty there appears the same apathy. The republican party is in the ascendancy in this county with a clear 600 majority on a straight party vote, and were it not for the fierce factional fights a nomina tion in the convention would in most cases insure election. But, as goes the old saw, although with no insinuations in this instance, when thieves fall out honest men get their dues, and the dem ovrats are generally found filling two or three important offices. The same old scrap seems to be on again between the Moody men and the anti-Moody followers, the latter repre sented by the supporters bf Congress? man Williamson. Both sides appear confident of success. Ex-congressman Moody has made no announcement that he will be a candidate for the congress- - ional nomination, though it is not ex pected that he would refuse the honor if his friends carry the convention. The Williamson people have opened head quarters in The Dalles with Ex-mayor Farley in charge. The Dalles Chronicle is the recognized organ of Mr. William' son, and Banker French goes down in his jeans once a month to the tune of $60, as salary for an editor who writes in support of the second district congress man. Of the other four papers in Was co county, two of them the Dufur Dis patch and the Antelope Herald are republican pa)er8 and strong supporters of Mr. Moody; The Dalles Times Mount aineer is democratic but very friendly to Mr. Moody ; the Glacier will continue independent, working always for Hood River and Hood River people. Ask a Moody man how the county or district is going and he will assure you the other side hasn't the ghost of a show. The Williamson supporters are just aa confident. They are also very anxious for harmony. It is the presi dential year, says the Chronicle, and Oregon must put up a united front The Mitchell-Simon fight in Portland will cut considerable figure in the con test for congressman in the second dis trict. The Mitchell men carried the day two years ago, but the pendulum is about to swing the other way, and in dicationa are that the Simonites will win out If so, this means the nomina tion of Malcolm A. Moody. County politics are just as unsettled There have been no published announce ments Irom aspirants, and seemingly no slates prepared by the party managers. County Clerk A. E. Lake and Attorney John Leland Henderson are mentioned for county judge on the republican ticket If Mr. Lake is named for judge, his deputy, Simeon Bolton, stands in line for the office of clerk. Mr. Hen derson is also spoken of for state senator. Of late there have been numerous con ferences between Mr. Henderson and Mr. Lake with probably other matters than real estate under consideration. The commissioner will likely come from the southeastern part of the county where it rightfully belongs. The pres ent encumbent, Mr. Harriman, is a democrat So is the county judge, who most likely will be a candidate for re election. J. T. Keff is an aspirant for the nomi nation of school superintent on the re publican ticket Mr. Neff will have lit tle if any opposition, and the democrats could make do mistake in endorsing his nomination. This is an office that should be non-partisan. . The state senator who is elected from Wasco county this year will have a voice in the election of a United Status senator four years from now a successor to Senator Mitchell, and because of this state influences rather than local will decide for state senators in the congres sional convention. L., N. Blowers and John Leland Henderson are Hood River men out for this honor. Mr. Blowers is a warm friend of John H. Mitchell, while Mr. Henderson can probably be counted on the other side. T. H. John son, a supporter of Mr. Moody, is said to be a candidate for renomination. No one bar announced himself for the lower house, although Roswell Shelley of the East Side and Judge George T. Pratlior have been spoken of tor the legislature, District Attorney Frank Menefee can have a renomination if he wants it, though L. N. Blowers tells the Glacier he would be glad to help elect A. A. Jayne to this office. The primaries will be coming along in a few weeks. If any man wants an office let him say so. TAKE HTI DITCH. Arrangements were completed Mon day morning whereby the Farmers' Ir rigating Co, the new corporation, has assumed charge or the nuine ana ditch of the Valley Improvement Co. As It is Impossible to complete a cash pay ment for several weeks, Mr. Chambers has accepted a note for his share of the indebtedness, amounting to about $23, 000. Those heading the list of men go ing security for the fanners are: H. F. Davidson, N. C. Evans, E. N. Benson, A. C. Staten, Fred Bailey, E. A. Franz, W. H. Peugh and G. D. Wondworth. Articles of incorporation for the Farm ers' Irrigating Co. have been forwardi'd for filing with the county clerk and secretary of state, and notices have been mailed for a stockholders' meeting Fri day afternoon, March 4, to elect a board of directors and adopt bylaws. In or der to lose no time in repairing the ditch and bringing out water as early as possible, the present directors of I lie Valley Improvement Co. will resign and their places will be assumed ly stockholders in the new corporation, the new board to be empowered to make the proper transfer of property to the Farmers' Irrigating Co. and to apportion the dividend which shall ac crue to the Valley Improvement Co. stockholders because of the sale. The Davenport, administration of Hood River's biir irrigating ditCh ceased Mon day when the farmers practically as sumed control. Attorneys A. A. Jayne and John Le land Henderson are doing the legal work on the transfer papers and have been retained for advice by the new company lor one year. Articles of Incorporation. Following are the articles of incor poration as prepared for the Farmers' Irrigating Co.: Know all men by these presents that we, E. N. Benson, F. E. Biley, A. C. Staten, N. C. Evans and E. A. Franz, citizens and residents of Wasco county, state of Oregon, desiring to form a cor poration under the general laws of the state of Oregon for that purpose, do hereby make and execute In triplicate the following articles of incorporation. ARTICLE I. The name assumed by this corpora-. tion, oy which it snail tie Known, is the farmers' irrigating Company, and the duration of said 1-orporul ion ahull be perpetual. ARTICLE II. The enterprise, business, ptnsiiii and occupation in which said corporation proposes to engage is to buy, acquire, take over, use and operate all the prop erty, real and personal, of the Valley Improvement Company of Hood River, a corporation heretofore organized and now existing under the general laws of the state or Oregon, and heretofore en gaged in the business ot supplying water for general purposes of irrigation to all persons desiring the same, whose lands lie adjacent to and within reach of the ditch and canal and flume here tofore oierated by said Valley Improve ment Company. To buy, acquire, own and use all the rights, franchises and easements and all water rights and rights to divert water and to use the same for distribu tion through said flume and ditch for ? general purposes or Irrigation hereto ore owned or used by the said Valley Improvement Company. To take any and all conveyances nec essary to convey to this corporation all real property, Including the main ditch and flume and all laterals, ditches and flumes, together with the rights of wny therefor now owned or operated by will Valley Improvement Company, and any and all other conveyances and con tracts necessary to convey to this com pany all of the property, rights and privileges heretofore and now owned or used by said Valley Improvement Company. " To buy, construct, own, maintain and operate a water canal, ditch and flume from a point on the stream of Hood river hereinafter more dehuitely described, the said canal, ditch and Hume running thence in general northerly and portheasterly direction to the terminus thereof hereinafter to be moie particularly described, all in Wasco county, state of Oregon. To buy, acquire and appropriate water and water rights, or to acquire the same by condemnation; to divert the water of said Hood river and to use the same for general rental, sale and distribution for the purposes of irriga tion and supplying water for house hold and domestic use and watering live stock, and to collect rates and com pensation for such use of said water. To furnish water for the purpunes aforesaid to all persons whose lands lie adjacent to or under the line of the ditch, canal or flume in which said waJMl0 conveyed, without discrimina tion other than priority of contract; to construct, maintain and operate the canal, ditch and flume above named and such other canals, ditches or flumes as may be necessary to enable the cor poration to supply water as aforesaid for general irrigation purposes, for do mestic use and watering livestock, to the Inhabitants of Hood River valley, in said Wasco county, Oregon. To buy, condemn and acquire the right to divert the said water of Hood river from its natural channel, and to buy, condemn and acquire rights of way for the canals, ditches and flumes of said corporation, and to buy, con demn and acquire lands for sites of res ervoirs for storing water, and for rights of way for feeders carrying water to said reservoirs and for ditches or flumes carrying the same away and for lateral or distributing ditf he and flumes; to buy, acquire, construct, maintain and operate ditches, flumes, canals and res ervoirs for distributing -nd toriig water. To appropriate, buy or acquire by The PAIR1S One Price to all. Bargains in Shirts. We have a few Men's Dress Shirts, worth GOc, size 14 only, that we will close out for 25c Men's very best grade all silk Shirts, soft collar each ;...$2.75 Men's Rubber Hats . 24 Best grade Indellible Pencils 05 Cotton Blankets 50 Boys' Knee Pants 25 Pratt's Mentholated Cream, regular price 50c, reduced to . 25 Viscol Oil, per pint 25 Men's Heavy Overalls..... 50 Men's BEtfT grade Rubber Boots 3.25 Regular 25c Brooms 20 A first-class floating toilet or bath Soap, G bars 25 condemnation the right to divert water from springs, lakes or streams, so much us may be necessary to supply the peo ple of said Hood River valley with water for the purposes aforesaid, and to carry and supply the same through its main and lateral canals, ditcnes ana Humes. To acuuire. own and hold such real estate as niav be necessary to enable I he corporation to accomplish the pur poses for which It is lormed as aiore aid; to enter into all contracts neces sary to enable the corporation to carry out the purposes of its organization; to execute notps, bonds or other evi dence of Indebtedness and secure the same by mortgage upon any or all property or the corporation lor tne pur pose of paving indebtedness or to ob tain money with which to carry on the business of the corporation. ' ARTICLE III. Tim nlnce where said corooration proposes to have its principal oftlce and place Ot ousiness is tiooa Kiver,uregon ARTICLE IV. The amount of capital stock of said corporation shall be $75,000. ARTICLE V. The amount of each share of said Capital stock shall be thirty dollars. ARTICLE VI. - The first meeting of the stockholders shall adopt the by-laws of this corpora- ARTICLE VII. The termini of the canal, ditch and flume heretofore and now owned and operated bv said Valley Improvement Company and referred to In Article II of these articles- of incorporation are particularly described as follows: The bead of said ditch, canal and flume is located on the east side of said Hood river at a point on the township line on township 2 north, range 10 east of Willamette meridian, 12 chains and 9 links south of the quarter section cor ner on the west boundary of section 81 of said township and range, ami is also distant, measured north on said town ship line, 28 chains and 29 links from the established corner of townships 1 and 2 north, ranges 9 and 10 east of Willamette meridian; and the end of said canal, ditcli and flume is located at the quarter section corner on the north boundary of section 30 of town ship 3 nortli of range 10 east of Wil lamette meridian, all in the county of wasco and state or Oregon. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals In triplicate, this 29th day of February, 1904. E. N. BENSON, A. V. STATEN, H. F. DAVIDSON, E. A. FKANZ. Executed In the presence of T. A. Dkckkr, A. A. Jayne. Money for the Hand. Whereas,Fiveof the iiiBtrumentsof the Hood River K. of P. band are completely worn out; and Whereas, This condition becomes an inevitable bar to our progress; and Whereas, The band cannot maintain its organization unless these instruments are teplaced; and Whereas,These necessary instruments together with band uniforms will cost the sum of 1400 ; therefore be it Resolved, That the Hood River K. of r, band ask the citizens of Hood River to assist in securing this necessary prop erty; and Resolved, further, That this band head a subscription list with the sum of $100. SUBSCRIPTION. We, the undersigned, hereby agree to pay the sum set opposite our respective names for the purpose of aiding the Hood River K. of P. band in securing the necessary instruments and unitorms to enable the band to maintain its pres ent organization. . K of P Band $.100 00 Canby post, G. A. R 25 00 Frank A. Cram 25 00 Butler A Co 25 00 Ash A Co 7 so W.D.Rogers , 2 00 Thompson A Jochimson 2 50 Ixist Lake number Co 5 00 C. H. Jenkins 2 50 T. C. Dallas " 5 00 J. H. Booth 2 50 S. F. Fonts ...'.- 5 00 C. A. Morgan A t'o r 5 00 Wm. M. Stewart 5 00 Davidson Fruit Co . .. 5 00 R. B. Brapg 5 (W i Kn,i v 6 00 S. K Bart mess..... v. 5 00 R. Reed 5 00 Transfer A Livery Co, 5 00 Fashion Stable 5 00 8. J. Frank ', 2 05 A. Whitehead 2 60 Maves Bros 5 H. L. Humble 2 50 G. E. Williams 5 S. A. Knapp 30,, C. E. Harvard 5 00 Mount Hood Lumber Co.... s tm V. W. Clarke " 2 50 Chas. X. Clarke John Leland Henderson '. 2 60 Best Remedy for Constipation. "The finest rpmp.1 fn, n.,: ...ui-uti:(in j ever ued is Chamberlain's Storasch and i.iver isnieiv sayt fcli Butler of Frank- ville. X. Y. "Thev art mnll. .-A - :.u out any unpleasant effect, and leave the bowels in a perfectly natural condition." Sold by al) druggists. The Weather. ' Rain folfincessantly the last week in February, until the month went down on recoad in the Portland weather bu reau as (no wettest February in 22 verus. The snow settled to six inches in depth, but Thursday morning, 'as the Glacier presses start, snow is again falling fast. L. N. Blowers, the Glacier is glad to note, has been recommended for Uni ted States deputy marshal. Chinch Notices. Methodist Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. Sabbath school, 10 a.m. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. All cordially invited. W.C.Evans.pastor. Catholic Services will be held in Mrs. John Mohr's house, East Side, March 13, 1904. Mass will begin at 10:30. 2w. Lutheran. Services at Union church at 11 a. m. Afternoon services at Ad vent church. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Preaching at 3 p. m. Catechetical in struction for confirmation, Saturday, March 5. H. J. Kolb, pastor. Congregational. Rev. J. L. HerSh ner, pastor. Service with worship will le conducted by the pastor next Sun day at 11 a. ui. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor evening will be observed on Sunday at 7 p. m. Miss Clara Blythe, who was the delegate to the Christian Endeavor state conven tion at Pendleton, will give a report of this convention. All are invited to these services. ,,, vr Pine Grove Congregational. Rev. J. L. Herslmer will conduct services with the Pine Grove Congregational church next Sunday at 3 p. m. Valley Christian. Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at ll,subject:"Christ- lan Luminaries." -U.JS.at 6:30. Preach inga't 7:30. Subject: "Regeneration." Soul-inspiring songs, cheerful service. You are invited. A. A. Beery, pastor. Christian Tabernacle. Services at Carmichael's hall. Sunday school every Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Preaching by Rev. A. A. Beery, every 2d and 4th Sun day immediately following Sunday school. All are given a kindly invita tion. A. B. Cash, Superintendent. Favorite Home Paper. Established for nearly a centnry and read regularly by more than 600,0uo persons la the West and Southwest, the TwIce-a-Week Re public of Ht. Louis ran justly lay claim to that enviable dlxttnelton, "Favorite Home Paper." It Is great because It has always alined to Inform, Instruct and entertain lis readers on all matters of public and home In tercut. In 1901 it will be especially interesting and valuable. Here are some reasons why you should subscribe for it: This is campaign year, and j on will want to be informed of the movements of party lead ers, reports of the great national and state conventions, the progress of the campaign, re port of elections, etc. You will want to know all about the world's fair, to be held In 8t. Louis from April 9u to December 1, 1904. You will be Interested In and kept well In formed by the Farm Visitor, a regular supple ment of the paper, prepared especially for tbe farmer and bis family. You will want to know what the world Is doing In every Held of activity, and through the unsurpassed news and special service of me iwice-a-nee nepuDiic -you will noi oe disappointed. In snort sketches, choice bits of Action, arti cles of Interest lo women, children anil the home, fashion hint and- helpful household suggestiuiis, the Twice-a-Week Republic easily leads among the weeklies of the great West, If you want the Twice-a-Week Republic sent to your address, order It at once direct from tbe office at ttt. Louis, Mo., or through your local newsdealer. It costs only 81 a yeai . Cows for Sale. I will sell two of my three cows; one a Jer sey, now fresh, and the other two will be fresh April 15. Call on or write to iniii JOHN HAKKL, Hood River, Or. Wood for Sale. We have 14) cords of oak wood, one mile west of Odell school house. Also, for sale or trade, a a Inch truck and stake bed. m24 NKFK BKOH., phone 973, Hood River Wanted. Furnished rooms wanted by young married couple for light honse-keeplng. Inquire of JOHN LKLANU HEN LLRHON. Dissolution Notice. Notice la bereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between W. J. Hheppard and Wm K. Gregory, doing business under the Ann name of Hheppard and Gregory, haa been this day dissolved, the said Hheppard succeeding to the business, and he will pay all blllscontnieted by the partnership. Hood Klver, Oi Fab. 27. 1904. W. J. HHEPPARD, WM. F. GKKGOKY. More than scnptions Have been filled in our Laboratory. The reason for this large prescription business i.s found in tlie service we give, The best materials obtainable and moderate charges are the things that have brought us the patronage of the public and the confidence of the physicians. Let us Fill Your Prescriptions. WILLIAMS' PHARMACY FA1 Never Undersold. mm A. W. ONTHANK, Notary Public and Real. Es tate Agent. Loans, Collections and Conveyancing. Fire and Life Insurance In the best companies. Renography and Type Writing. Oak Hi,, Hood Klver. Pekin Duck Eggs 75 eta for a setting of 10. m24 E. D. CALKINS, R. F. D. No. 2. KIGGS & HOLMAN Will move Monday to the roum next Mo Oulre's meat market, where patrons will find them after that date. Rooms to Rent. Neatly furnished rooms to rent with or without board. Also, meals served. M1HH H. VAN ALLFN. m!i4 In Langtlle building; Cow for Sale. A fresh milch cow. Cheap. marlO A.J. KM EK80N,8lpma ranch, . Timber for Sale. I will sell the timber on 200 acres. A good place for small saw mill or wood camp, ("all on E. C. Mahaney or C. L. ROUER8. marl5 Girl Wanted. A flrstclass housekeeper, one who Is com petent and reliable and does not object to smsli children. The best wages will beuheer fully paid. Inquire at tills office. $10 Reward. 1 will pay the above amount for convicting evidence of the party wliouiihlb-hed my horse at the opera house, Tuesday night, and after riding her, left her tied to Mr.GIII'sstore porch during the balance of the night. 125 E. H. BRADLEY. Bids Wanted. For 00 cords of fir wood and 10 cords of oak; all wood must.De body wood and delivered at the school house by Oct. 1, 1904; wood will be paid for as soon as accepted by the board; it will be subject to rigid examination. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. Kids will be opened at the Park-street school house at 4 o'clock P. M., March 18, 1904. C. E. HEMMKN, f25marl7 Clerk School List. No. 3. Plym. Rock Roosters. Thoroughbred Plymouth Rock Roosters, 11.(10 each, for sale by H. F. MOHKH, fift Phone 50!t. Lewis Poultry Yards. Kggs from thoroughbred Huff Orpingtons and Black Mlnorcas, rcas, si oo per setting. RALPH LEWIS, Belmont. Jyt Eggs for Hatching. Blngle-coinb Brown leghorn, barred Plym outh Kock i'nd Pekln Duck eggs, $1.00 per set ting of 15. MRS. E. J. NICHOLSON, tarn Belmont. Early Garden Plants. I wll) have for gale, about the middle of April or first of May, early varieties of tomato, cabbage and celerv plants. f26 THOS. CAI.KIN3, R. F. D. 2. To Rent. I bave concluded to rent out about 100 acres of my ranch, strawberry land, In patches to suit lessees, and for any length of time, from 10 to 50 years. Thla Is the best strawberry and tomato land in tbe Hood River country and In the early belt. Free water In abundance. Call upon me at my ranch, or address me at Blngen, Wash. fig A. It. BY RK KIT. Shakes for Sale. By Thos. Broderick, Dukes valley. marl7 - R. F. D. No. Set of Teeth Found and left at Gill's store. Owner can have same by proving property and paying 25c for this notice. mar25 Catarrh Medicine. For 15 years I have been successful In the manufacture of a medicine that has really cured catarrh. The medicine may he secured at my home, east of the new drug store on the hill. H. VAN BLARACOM. marlO Sealed Bids Wanted. For the construction and flushing of a school house 20x44, 11 feet ceiling. Work to be complete September 1, 1904. Time for clos ing bids, March 21, 1904, at 1 o'clock P. M. Right reserved to reject any and all bid-. Plans can be had from clerk. Bv order of board of directors. W. H. OKIBHLE, flml7 Clerk Hchool District No. . Notice of Final Settle ment. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has tiled her nnal amount as Administratrix of the estate of Ueorge Booth, deceased, in tbe eounty court of the state of Oregon for Wasco county, and that the court has fixed Friday, the 2)1 h day of March, 1904, at the hour of 10 o'clock of said day as the time and the county court room In the court house at The Dalles, Or., as the place, for hearing objections to said final account and for the settlement thereof. ' Dated this 24th day of February, 1904. ALICE BOOIH. f2rm24 Administratrix. 31,750 Pre Timber Land, Act June 8, 1K7H.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Iud Office, The Dalles, Ore, December 21, '11KM. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the aetof congress of June a, lh7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the stales ol California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington. Territory,' as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, IS'-', the following named persons have tiled In this office their sworn stntements, to wit: ALBERT M. CALDWELL, of Waynoka, county of Woods, territory ot Oklahoma, sworn statement No. 191ii, tiled June 4, llsIS, for the purchase oi the WJJSE, HWii NKVaudHKU NW4 section 18, town ship 1 north, range 11 east, W. M. WILLIAM THOMPSON, of Hood River, county of Wiisc-o, slate of Ore gon, sworn statement No. ltd, tiled June II, 190,1, for the purchase of the sE'i section 35, township 1 nortli, range V east, W. M. That they will offer proof lo show that tin land sought is more valuable for lis timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to said land before Geo. T. Pratlier, U. S. Commissioner, at Hood Riv er, Oregon, on Wednesday, April l;l, 1!W. They name as witnesses: tlilford D. Wood worth. Simon F. Kbv and Archie C. French ol Hood River, Oregon; Bert L. Woolley and Al bert M. Caldwell ot waynnaa, OKianoma: M R Noble and William A. Kby of Hood Riv er, Oregon; John A. Thompson, William Thnmuson. Edniond C. Miller. Wan-en Cimiih i and Eve Wlnans of Hood River, Oregon; Ar chie C. French and Arthur R. trench oi Waynoka, Oklahoma. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before suid 13th day of April. 1904. fi7 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Land, Act Jane 8. 1VH. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United Stoles Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Dec. 21, 190:i. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act of congress of June 8, 187H, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds In the Stutcs ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to nil't lie public land states by act of August 4, 1892, the following named persons have ti led in this office their sworn Blateineins, to-wtt: JAM EH A. CLKV1ENSON, of 2:15 Yamhill street. Portland, county ot Multnomah, staie of Oregon, sworn statement No. 1944, filed June 190.1, for the purchase ol theHEJ SW'4, SWV4 E4 section 20, NE!-j iW and NVV'K NEW section 29, township ; north, range 9 east, WM. PHILIP V. WARREN, of Viento. county of VVasco, slate of Oregon sworn statement No. 2i:i't. Hied September 21, KKM, torthe purchase of the V, NW;j and Wk SW'4 section 9, township 2 north, range 9 easi, w Ait MARY K. MORSE. of Hood River, county of Wasco, slate of Ore- fon, sworn statement Jo. a18, tiled July i:, HUH. for the purchase of the lots 8, 10. 11 and 12 section 31,townshlp I nui lli,raiige9east w.M. I'tlOEliE E. .HOUSE, of Hood River, county ot Wasco, slate of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 2'M, tiled July 27, 1903, ror me purcnuse oi ioih i, i and 9 section iti. townsuip i norm, range y easi,, vv. m. That they will otter proof to show thai the land sought is more valuable lor its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes. and to establish their claims to said land be fore Geo. T. Pratheiv II. s. Commissioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Monday, April 11.1904. They name as witnesses: William F. Rand of Hood River, Oregon: Gilford 1. Wood worth. Lewis E. Morse, Phoebe E. Morse and Mary F. Morse of Hood River, Oregon: Samuel woodward and J neodore i.,iazer ol Cascade Locks. Oregon; Millard F. Bird of Hood Riv er, Oregon; Fremont Foster of Hood River, Oregon; Chester Casluer, Frank H. Itulton, i:u.riesLi. Morse ol lioou Kiver, Oregon Louis E. Morse of Hood River. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lunds are reuuested to file their claims in this office on or before sttid Utli day ol April, 1904. f4a7 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register, ITImber Land, Act June 8, 1878.J NOTICE FOJt PUBLICATION. United Stales Ijuid Office. The Dalles. Ore gon. Dec. 14. 190.'). Notice is lierebv given that in compliance witli t lie provisions ol the act of congress of June 8, 1878, em it led "An acl for the sale of timber lands in the states oi California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4. ls2. the following named persons have tiled in tills office their sworn statements, to-wii: ROY N. WOODWORTH, of Hood River, county of Wasco, slate of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 1915, tiled June 4, 1903, for the purchase of the SE'i section l, township 1 norm, range 9 cast, W. M. ARCHIE C. FRENCH. of Waynoka, county of Woods, territory of UKianoma,sworn siaiemeni .o.ls,s, nii.-d .May 27, 190,1, for the purchase of the SE'N WJ4, E'4 n , niiu iu, n o, sraiiou iy, low 1111 ip 1 lion II range 11 east, W. M. BERT L. WOOLLEY. of Waynoka, county of Woods, territory of Oklahoma, sworn slaleineut No. 18,2, Hied May 25, 1908, for the purchase of theSW!.; sec tion ill, township 1 nortli, range 9 cast, w. M. ARTHUR H. FRENCH. of Waynoka, county of Woods, territory of via lanoiiia, sworn siao-ment MO, Willi, nied June 2. I'm, lor the purchase of the W'i NK'. and h', N W'4 section 80, township 1 nortii range 11 east. W. M. That they will oiler proof lo show- thai the land sought Is more valuable for lis timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims lo said land before uco. i. pratlier, U. s, commissioner; at Hood niver, Oregon, on Tuesday, A to 1 1 12, 1901, lheyniiitie as witnesses: Uill'ord 1). Wood- worth and Hoy Vi oodworfhoi ilisid River Oregon: Edniond C. Miller and Warr,-n Coon er of Mt. Hood, Oregon; Archie C. French, liert L. Woolley and -ArHinr C. French of Wayno ka, Oklahoma: Warren Miller, ol Hood River, vicgoii; ivHipn rrencn sua Allien .1. t aid well of Waynoka, Okhilinma;Edmond C. Mil ier of Hood Klver. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile tneir ciaiius in inis omce on or before said rin aay ot April, 1904. f4a7 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Land, Act June 8, isrs.l NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Unltod States Lnnd OlHce, Tlie DalleH.Ore- that In compliance with the provisions of the m ioi.H.iiKii ui junu ,n,r emilleu "An act for t he sale of ti m ber land In the Btwtos ot f "ulifttrtiiu I iruiinn Klutiuli. 1 it'.. .1.1 . i-. vn.jn, nuu it nll I UK Kill Territory," a extended to all tlie public land aliiluu hf ant A I li.i r KMILLoUH C. ZIEGLEIl, . nf r-pntrnliu mniilf l .,.iu nr.. ... hwu, uw,, .ui aiikiim a, 111,1, n leo. in this office his sworn statement, No. 2102, lor tlie purviiHsvui inenvv insertion No.27,ln town ship No. 2 north, range No. !) east, W. M and will otter prs)f lo show that tlie land sought kninm valnuhlu f,.p itu I ...I..,- . ., - - -' mi,...-, ui mime man for agricultural purposes, and to establish his i.. ,-,., mini Winn- neo. i. i-rauier, ti. 8. Commissioner, at libi office at Hisid Kiver, Or., on Thursday, the 14th uay of April, 1D04. He names as witnesses: J. T. Hagley J A Htranaliun, Albert K. straiiahnn and W. Uoss Winans, all of Hood Klver, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or before said 14th day of April, IHill. flll4 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register Hay for Sale. marl! It. K. HIIOE.V.AKKK. Hay for Sale. . . Timothy, wheal and clover hay, all first class. Also, dry pine wood. niarlO l 1). IIINRICHS. Dressmaking. I wish to Inform the ladies of Hood River that I am located In tlie Jackson building next to McOuire's meat market .and prepased' to do their dressmaking and tine sewing. I have also a few fnrnlkiti..f r..n,u i.. ... .... alrable parties. MRS. K. C. CLARK For Sale Cheap. Light hack in g.od repair. Ji"t! J- OEKNUNil. Cow for Sale. Oneof the best. Crnilw Mn f , ,. u and Columbia sts. J. R. mckkijskv Effers for Galfv ThoroUphtr.il Itiiffl lri,i,iuin o..rt- - . horn. 15. per setting ii no. " ull liRM. ANNA AIlKnlv 11..1 Pnotoffranhv. I am prepared to do all kinds ot work in Photography. View work a special! v. Write tome If you would like to have views of vour houseor farm taken in a workmanlike man ner. If you wish to phone me. call Net! Ilros !2fJ? V. E. COLLI NS. ' Sealed Bids Wanted or building bain on Ualligan place paint s buildings separate bid and two land clearinir contracts. A II on iHlliiran'pfaf. Inipiirt-of John 1.K1.AM1 iiknukhV.n. Gasoline Engine ale cheap: i horse power; nearly new ; H. c'. tXK. For n Incubator for Sale. A lii-cgg lucabitor. nri-a nisclituc Price .". c. u. M K Ki jm-; s ' marlo Strawberry Plants. I hv fm sale nnr U iOMKi p.)r(. ( ( rK .. j lin plants, warranted Hrl sr.iih in..,i i, . plains, stroin ud healiiiy, at mv t,iH(v at bmp-n, asli. A. IL li KKLIT. Real Estate Bargains. LIST OF LANDS For Sale AND FOR RENT AT THE EMPORIUM. Money to loan. Ilunna house and lot, $2,000. 1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition (150. Corner lot in front of 6cliool liouse t3(H). 2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler'g subdivision, near cannon house; only $125; terms easy, installment plan. 4. 320 acres of timber land at the fulls of Hood Kiver, belonging to Georjio K. Forsyth ; ltil) acres pood fruit land;$4000. 8. 100 acres at White Salmon; fine timber land; $10 an acre. 100 acres, house and garden patch, located 10 miles south of The Dalles. Known as the Woodman place. Trice $900. The Hunt place Jv ni"e southwest of town. House, barn, mostly in Btraw ber ries and other fruits. Price, $1450. The new company now offers for sale lots formerly belonging to the Hood River Townsite company, of which com pany John Leland Henderson is secre tary and the Hood Kiver Bank treasurer. Installment plan. Tickets to and from Europe. Persons desiring to purchase tickets to or from any points in Europe or South Africa may secure the same from John L. Henderson, who is agent for the Beaver line of steamships. First-class Surveying Outfit At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is ire pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kind's of surveying and platting. From mid after this date, April 9, l'.Hltf, the rates will be as follows: $10 a day ; Lot corners established for $5 a lot; two contiguous for one owner, the same price. Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2 story house; $1,800. For Sale Residence on State street at head of Front ; $2,500, including 3 lots. For Sale. 40 acres near Monnt Hood post ollice. (lnnd land $700 cash 30 days, only. J. Leland Henderson. For Reift For a term of ten years, the two lots on State street, back of Hurt mess' and the Paris Fair. Rental, $120 a year for the two, For Sale- The 50 acre strawberry farm owned by A. F. Lake and others, on west side. Price $14,000. All in straw berries in their prime. A good oppor tunity for several buyers to go in to gether and each secure a part. Must all be sold at once. Terms half or more cash. F'or Sale The Henderson ranch, for merly owned by J. K. (ialligan ; 00 acres HO cleared; orchard; strawberries; clover and timothy ; well irrigated ;large 2-story mansion, small cottage, new barn; all fenced. Price $10,000. A brook runs through ranch. ICasy terms; telephone; rural delifery. Four miles from Hood River. Two goat ranches on mountain east of valley on county road. One, $1,000; the ntherg $1,2011; each has small house, running water, and is fenced. Terms, easy. Iiooms to rent in city. Unfurnished house to rent. Center of city. Good fur stoie or ollice. Mrs. Clark's l.'a' acres on the hill for sale or rent ; house $10 a month, with land $15; selling price $1,500; renter must take subject to sale. My own house opposite Savage's hard ware store, occupied by Mrs. Jayne, is for rent; suitable for oiFice or shop. The 10 acres owned by II. S. Lewis at Belmont, improved, with buildings, farm implements, furniture, stock, etc., $3,000; the bare place, $2,500; $1,500 or more cash ; balance on time, (i per ct. BON TON BARBER SHOP. L. C. IIAYXES, Prop. The place to get an easy slr-e an up-to-date hair cut, and to er'ov the luxury of a porcelain bath tub. .M. E. WELCH; The Veterinary Surgeon, Has returned to Hood Kiver sud Is prepared to do any work In the, veterinary line, lie can lie found hy calling at or pluming lo Clarke's drug store. House to Rent. A.PP'YJ? - WtaUDWORTII. 35 Acres for SalC lit H hliruittn. .... tt.A .t Hisid: UIHid Hltnli. lunjf. nl,u I.....KI.., I..'. iimt for n house by the roadside. Inquire on tint premises. m2t J. I. H I I.L-Tlt( i.M . 4 Tracts of Land for Sale. I'd ftf'IVK. 10 rir 1 eliturnsl anrl nfu-lH .11 a,t f, Htraw-tHTrli'M, ;tlH-ris. ii tiltfthlo; 2 aorcH olem-ed; $"t h p ftrre for tillwhli nurt t.uio....a in ... .1 to putvlmM'r. a acre, jmrtly cleared, $70 per arre. 1 1 IKTI'S. ull r)i.ru.1..ii.i..wll.i t., tu Whole plm e set to irUtt nnt Htniwtjerries. 1 jMwt-H u,r nx-med irom one In nve ( o H aileh. I hid not A real eulut uinnl hut :i tanner living 5 miles out nnl tun ohVr'iitf i""i"M' mr iMin-resHicni menus wi ie inii resled fn unv wav, don't hei to ask m.eMtitmtt Th iit i.mt K ntfttt aei y wtmi you whuI, or your friendw who at i" ihhk uivit, lire looKing ror. 1 on. write toor nhoi.H ll K. Mtiniuuv rimtie ;iff. j1Mld Kjver. or if ;-cn at once I will put a low price on my ppcre Improved Ranch a miles inim t,-n ,-t abu Pl.,- is in extra tin condiliou and c give ImmcdiaW p ItHMslOt) For Sale. l. KKAI1M., fort land, Oregon. lis o