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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1904)
1 (3? 1 Him LEFT." VOL. XV. HOOD KIVEK, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1304. XO. 42. fl 111 3 Jss .. "IT'S A COLD DAY VVHENWE GET HCOD RIVER GLACIER EVENTS OF THE DAY Irsued every Thursday by S. F. BLVTHE & SON, Publishers. 8. F. BLYT1IK. E.N. BLYTHE. Terms of subscription tl.ou a year when paid ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF RAILS. HOOD RIVER. J ne or aioince is onen dal v between Ham i d 7 p. ni.; Sunday mm la to .o'clock. Mails ii r me uui close hi w.wt. m. and V p. m; lor me ncei bi i.iui. m. inu 1 :wp, m. The carriers on K. F. 1). romp No 1 and Nn 2 leave the nostoffiee at 8:30 daily. Mail leave. ""'ii mooo, aany at u.w m.; arrives, 10 2ua. m. For henoweth, Wash., at 7:30 a. m. Tues davs, Tl ursrtaysaid Katurdays; arrives tame ubvh ni o u. 111. ror t'lnlerwood. Wash., at a m Thai. days, Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives same unB hi o p. ill , l or While Salmi n, WacS., daily at i:45 p, m. white sat mv FV r Hood River dally at 9 a. m.; arrivea at U. Ill OATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OP THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Jomprehenslve Review of the Import ant Happening! of the Put Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Most Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Readers. Corea now fears her fate is sealed. no matter which way the war goes. Japanese Btaft leaves for Cores, and Iroops are expected to advance at once. For lilenwood. liilmar and s'lilda Vtih dally at 7::tu a. m.; arrives at 5 p. m. '' tor I'inellat and Snowden, Wash., at 11:30 a. in. lueadays and Saturdays; arrives same unyn, i,p;.iu a. III. For Kin en, Wash., dally at 4:46 p. m.; ar- iiicBnio.ii,!. in. S IKTIKM. General Charles Dick has been elected to SlirrMll tho lata fionntni. m iiimuin, iroiu i,ase ana uuier, wasn., lianna. daily at a. m. ; arrives at li m. Premier Balfour effectively used the war as an argument for a greater Brlt- lsn navy. , The Frye shipping bill appears sure of modification as requested by Ore gon senators. rpu- 1 i , , ., VAK (iliOVE COUNCIL No. 142, ORDER OF , tuc " passed a Olil limit- t I'EMio.-Mcets the Second and Fourth ln& carrying of government supplies Fridays of the month. Visitors cordially wel- to American shins. Coined. F. IT. Brobius. Counsellor. WiksNkllik clahk, Secretary. Ambassador Cassinl blames the sen- Order of Washington.-Hood River National press of America for feeling L'."il.'n,t!'-.j !:'? '"eets in odd Fellows' hail aganlat this country in Russia. The house committee has favorablv renorterl a. rpardnrfnn tni Pnaluin n VVS!S tTl JXtZln lrit the workings of th beef third Saturdays at 8P. M. trust. KATI M. FRKDEB1CK, C Of H. . ., .,. Miss Annie 8m;ih, Recorder. Representative Williamson made a Tjoon river camp k'a i7iw u w . n'i nour speecn in tne House in the meets in k. o( F, Hall every 'Wednesday Interest of a liberal appropriation for want fll. M. Ht'SSELL. V. V. Itho lHf fnlp C. U. Dakin, Clerk. Uood river camp. No. 770. w. o. w.. met Japan Has replied to the Russian 1 on first and third TiiAHtlav nf A.ih mnmh I pnntpntlnn that alia vlrtlatn l.nIn nl .ii viuii reuuw linn. A. U. OTATKN, (J. V. niMltral tw ar,A ll.nnn,. F. II. Blauii. Clerk. imiuo iui ai entirely unon the Czar: W ACCOM A I.0IK1K, No. HO, K. of P., meets in K. of P. Hall every Tuesday night. Secretary of State Hay is again 111 , V-Jkxkins, c c. with the grip. Re- scconci ami lourth Saturdays in each month, I- IT li..u . ' O. U. Dakin, Secretary. , President. C. E. Hemman, K. of R. & 8. XJOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 25, O. E. 8., meets second and fourth Tuesday even- iiiKi cain inonin. visitors cordially wel- uuiiieil. 1HKKKSK UAKTNKR, W. JV1. Mks. Mauv B. Daviuson, Secretary. TJOOI) RIVER CIRCLE, No. 824. Women of - nonnerait, meets at K. of P.. Hall on the nrsi ana tniui rrniavsol each month. Helen Nokton. (iuardiau Neighbor. Nellie Hollhwell. Clerk. (-ANBY I (1ST, No. 16, G. A. R., meets at A. ). U. VV . Hall, second and fourth Saturdays of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All O. A. K. meiiioers invited to meet with us. . H. II. Bailev,, Commander. T. J. Ci'NNIno, Adjutant. inANRYW. R. C., No. lii, meets second and lounn saiuniays ol each month lu A. O. V. n . it an ai p. in. Mks. Ai.ida shoemaker, President. Mrs. T. J. Cunnino, Secretary. No. 48. I. (I. O. F.. hik second aim mtirin M,n. UBVS Ol earn lllolllll. A. J. UATCHKLL, C. P, Bert Entru:an, Hcrfbe. - TD1.EW1I.D LODGE. No. 107, I. O. O. F., meets in Fraternal Hall, every Thursday night. J. R. Reks, N. O. Bert Entrk an, Secretary. IJOOD RISER CHAPTER. No. 27. R. A. m" meets third Friday night of each month. It. K. CAHTNER, II. P. M. McDonald, Secretary. CUES ENCAMPMENT, Regular meeting seco LAIR EL HEHEKAH DEGREE LOIKiE, 87, I. O. (. F., meets hrst and third Frh -"ol'RT HOOD RIVER No. 42, Foresters of America, meets second and fourth .Mon days In each inoiifh in K. of P. Hall. L. C. Haynes, C. R. F. C. Brosics, Financial Secretary. No. t'rl.lavj in enru iiiuiiiil. r KANl.ia MORSE, fi. li. Thkkesk Castner, Secretary. Tjoon HiVKR LODGE No. 1115, A. F. and A. It. B. Savaoe, Secretary. OLETA ASSEMBLY No. 103, 1'nited Artisans, meets llr.-t and third Wtdnesdavs, work; pcrmm anu lounn tt eunesoavs, social; Artl " "ill- F. c. liRosius, M. A. K. M, Mc'Caiitv, Secretary. Port Arthur forts are running short or ammunition. interior department officials ser iously object to Roosevelt's new for est reserve order. Russia will consider the granting of came concessions by America as t breach of neutrality. Contrary to rumors circulating. Ex President Kruger, of tho Transvaal, is In the best of health. Clarence Mackay proposes to organ Ize a trust to handle the companies originated by his father. The report of the American com raander at Chemulpo shows that Rus sian criticism was unwarranted. An Alabama Negro, who shot two mall clerks, has been run down, and is now In Jail guarded by state mili tia to prevent lynching. A bill has been Introduced In con gress to allow the Philippines to is sue $10,000,000 of non-taxable bonds for public Improvements. The house has passed a great num ber of pension bills. Russia has issued a proclamation setting forth the contrabands of war. France Is now satisfied European powers will not be drawn into tbe war. Advance guard. of.the two armies M.. meets Satlirdav evenititf nn nr ttAfrA I nippt nunr Pino, Vantr anrl a alta-hr an. i arh full moon. C. D. Thohi'SON. W. M. Looomt fn,j Russian demeanor toward Ameri cans at St. Petersburg is no longer one of friendliness. Land office clerks deny on stand piVEHHiDK lodge No. 68, a.o. r.w.,meets t;iat speculator Benaon paid them for T- o Saturdays of each month. inside inform "tlon, ... iv. j.nAi'i.r.T, ruiaiicier. n. ts. SHITE, vt . Jtf. J. (. Havneh, Recorder. )U. W. T. ROWLEY rHYSlCJAX, SURGEON, OCULIST Office am) riinrmacy, Hood River Height. I'lione, Maiu 901. 1 1.1 1 LA li t W I G LAWYER Will Practice in All Courts. Ofllce with Culbertson & Co. HOOD RIVER OREGON 11. JKMvINS, D. M. D. DENTIST. Flcialist on Crown and Bridge Work. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 91. Office over Bank HKIg. Hood River, Oregon L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bncrestor to Dr. M. F. Bhaw. Cairt. promi tly answered In town or country Day or Night. Telephones: Kcsldenca, 611; Office, 613. Office over Reed's Grocery. J F. WAIT, M. 1. ' Physician and Surgeon. Telephones: Office, 281 ; residence, 281 SI RQEOS O. R. A N. CO. J 011 N L ELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-AT LAW. ABSTRACTER, NO 1AKY PI HLIO and RIAL ESTA1K AGENT. For IS years a resident of Oregon and Wash ington. Has had many years experiaura in Lr.l Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of lilies and ageuk MtisfaCtion uaraateed or r.o charge. A JAYNH. LAWYER. Atmtrai'ta Furnished. Money Loaned. HixhI River, Oregon, pc7KosiusTMT15! PHYiflCIAN. AND SURGEON. 'Phone Central, or 121. Ofl.ce Honn: 10 to II A. M.; I to J and 6 to 7 P. M. gLTLl R & CO., ' BANKERS.. so a pneral banking basioem. HOOD RIVER. OREGON Russia has a force scattered from Wlju, on the Yalu river, to Jokunshan, on 'the bay of Corea. Japanese expect their fleet to con- tlue its attack on Port Arthur until It falls or is made untenable. Oregon senators have opened a fight on the Frye shipping bill, declaring it discriminates against the Columbia. A determined effort? Is being made to increase the salary of rural mail carlers. At their present pay they only make a bare living. The house has passed the naval ap propriation bill. Chicago strikes involving 25,000 men are greatly feared during March. Ex-minister of France says her navy is too weak to attempt to aid Russia. Corea has decided to order her Irooops to Join the Japanese forces In tbe field. Military experts predict a great battle on the Yalu river and a Japan ese victory. President Roosevelt has Issued a proclamation putting tha Panama canal treaty Into effect. By the collapse of a high scaffold at the Chicago postofBce one -man was killed and 35-others narrowly escaped his fate. Dissolution of the English parlia ment Is at hand and King Edward Is prepared to have Lord Spencer form a new cabinet. Receiver Booth, of the Roseburg, Oregon, land office has severed bjs connection with the lumber company, thus removing the objection of Roos evelt to his re-appointment. Ten children were badly burned at a Are in a church In Cincinnati. The president has fixed hfs signa ture to the Panama canal treaty. China is sure to join Japan as soon as hr army wins a great victory. Russian merchants have adopted a policy of retaliation against America. The Panama canal company will in no way block the transfer of property to the United States. The senate has passed the agricul tural and legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bills. The house has turned down amend ments to strike out a battleship and misers from th naval appropriation MIL i Cabinet Decides to Let Marines main at Panama. Washington, March 3 Important matters relating to tne Panama canal were under discussion by President Roosevelt and his cabinet today. Attorney-General Knox and other offi cials of the department of justice have under consideration the title to the canal property, which Is to be passed to this country by the Panama Canal Company, but as yet they have reached no conclusion. It was said after the meeting that no money could be paid by this gov ernment until a clear title to the prop erty was obtained, but no intimation was given as to the length of time which might elapse before a decision was reached. The entire subject of the canal and its construction was discussed In ad dition to the legal phases of the ques tion. In this connection it was decid ed, as heretofore indicated might be the case, to countermand the orders Issued to the Third United States In fantry to go to the isthmus to relieve the marines now on guard duty there. For some time the marines will con tinue to guard the Isthmus. This gov ernment Is opposed to establishing two jurisdictions on tbs-lsthmus, and, as the naval vessels must remain there, it was thought best to allow the marines to continue to do land duty. It Is the earnest wish of the Presi dent and the members of the cabinet that no unnecessary delay occur in be. ginning the. work on the canal, and it is their intention to press it with the utmost vigor. SUNK BY SHELLS RUSSIANS AGAIN LOSE IN BATTLE AT PORT ARTHUR. One Torpedo Boat Sunk and Two Battle ships Badly Damaged Attacking Fleet Which Withdraws In Qood Or- iler, Is Met Outside, but Opponent Soon Seek Shelter. CHINA CAUGHT IN A TRAP. Russia Knows She Can Never Take Up Siberian Railway as Per Lease. Paris, March 3. Information has been received from Harbin which Is extremely Interesting at the present time, dealing as it does with the Trans-Siberian Railway. A corres pondent of Martin met M. Chaffaujon, the noted French explorer, and the latter discussed the railway, which he has recently inspected. He de clares Russia does not own the land the road Is constructed on, despite the eeneral opinion to the contrary. Rus sia merely has a 99-year contract or lease. M. Chaffaujon declares the treaty with China stipulates that, if at the end of 99 years, China desires to en ter into possession of the line, she may do so, after reimbursing th company -for all of its exnenditurei for the construction and maintenance of the road. M. Chaffaujon declares it is difficult to imagine China refunding to this Russian company the millions that would be necessary under the lease and declares the Flowery Kingdom Is caught In a trap. The terms of the lease, also, he de clares, provides that Russia shall have the right to place all of the sol diers necessary in the territory ad lolning the line of road in order to guard it, and also to build such sta tions as it desires. RUSSIA IN FEAR. Combination of Yellow Races May Be Formed Against Her, Moscow, March 3. Among thought ful Russians, there Is a constantly deepening Impression that Russia will yet have to face the combined power of the yellow races, the cunning neu trality proclamations of China and Corea to the contrary nntwithatnnd lug. There are serious races of des pondency among the better class of Russians, and some solid Hussion suc cess Is anxiously awaited and badly needed as a tonic. The government, knowing this fact, caused to be circulated a report of a Russian success at Port Arthur yes terday, In which a Japanese warship was said to have been sunk, hut the nevfta was received with open skeptl cism In the absence iof direct official confirmation. It is semi-offlcially stated that the Japanese and Russian advance are In sight of each" other, and news of the first land battle Is awaited with a de gree of apprehension. News of the activity of the Chinese troops in the province of Chi Li Is con firmed from official sources. Generals Yuan Shi Kai and Ma are concentrat ing their foreign-drilled forces at strategic points and trouble Is feared. Farmers Form Big Concern. Omaha, Neb., March 3. Twenty states were represented by 250 dele eates to the National Co-Operatlve Gralngrowers' and Stockraisers' As sociation, when that body convened here today. It provided thai the name of the association shall be changed to the Farmers' "National Exchange Company. Its object shall be to "buy. sell and deal In grain, livestock and all kinds of produce on commission and otherwise, and for that purpose build and equip elevators, warehouses, Cold storage plants, stockyards and what ever shall be necessary for the carry ing on of the business . Great Attack May Now Be On. London, Starch 3. No confirmation of the report published yesterday In the daily Telegraph that the Japanese had bombarded Port Arthur February 29 has been received from any point. The wires from the scene of war have been practically silent for the past 24 hours, and In some quarters this si lence is supposed to Indicate that Jap an's great attack on Port Arthur is ac tually in progress, and consequently the use of the wires has been discontinued. Essentially a Military City. Yinkow, March 3. Liao Yang. Man churia, Is now essentially a military city, as an area comprising three and third square miles adjoining the railroad has been Inclosed for a mil itary camp and magazine purposes. There Is also a military camp at Hal Cheng, Manchuria. SO miles from Niu Chwang. which, with its defenses, v overs over MM) acres. lAMiuun. marcn z. A d anntch tr, tue Liauy reiegraiMi rrom Ylnknu, dated February 29, says: fifteen Japanese warshiim fnrinna. iy bombarded Port Arthur from 10 un til 12 o'clock thl? mrmlne. Tho Ruo. sian crulseis Novik, Askold and Bay- nn, accompanied by four tnrnedn. boats, steamed out to meet the at. tack. They were, however, forced to retire. The Askold was in a sinking condition. The Novik was badlv dnm. aged, and a torpedo-boat was sunk. ine Kussian battleshin Itetvizan was again damaged. Tlie Japanese wimurew in goon order. inis Dattie snows a renet t on nf tne now rannuar tactics of Japan, and it is presumed the attack was made in bad weather, previous telegraphic ad vices having reported a severe sale ruBiiig at t-ort Arthur. As usual the Japanese did not reniain.long enough off the harbor to enable the gunners at the fort to get their range. Again at the time the three cruisers the Bayan, the Askold and Novik, came out to meet th attack, and this sug gests that either they were the only effective ships there, or that the larger battleships were unable to net out. Many alleged dispositions of the on- posing forces are published this morn ing, but they differ too much in de tail to be of any great value. A dispatch from Shanghai in tho Daily Chrenicle says the Russians are transferring the guns from the dis- auiea snips at Port Arthur to the forts there. A dispatch from Chefoo to the Standard, dated February 29, says a Japanese cruiser and torpedo-boat en tered that harbor without lights at 1 o ciock on the mornlns of the 29th and it is believed they embarked the Japanese who took refuce there after tne attempt to bottle up Port Arthur. a lokio correspondent of the Times cables that the steamers sunk by the Japanese on either side of the Russian battleship Retvizan at Port Arthur practically obstruct the en trance to the harbor. FIRE AND WATER. Twin Elements Take Fourteen Lives Off Tillamook. Seattle, Feb. 29. Fourteen people lost their lives as the result of the Are on the Pacific Coast Steamship Company's steamer Queen from San Francisco to Seattle, early yesterday morning. The origin of the fire is as yet unknown. It started in the social hall of the vessel at about 4:30 in the morning, and raged for three hours before it was got under control When the conflagration was first discovered, the life boats, containing the women and children and many men, were launched, but three of these, owing to the heavy seas, were capsiaed,. spilling the passengers' in the water and causing the loss of their lives. Three men, waiters on the ves sel, were suffocated before they could reach the outer air in safety from their bunks In the glory hole In the after part of the ship, and one woman died from exposure. Accordlpg to the stories told by passengers and crew of the Queen, which arrived in this port at 5 o'clock this afternoon, the vessel was off Til lamook and about 30 miles from land when the fire was discovered. There was a heavy sea on, and the ship was pitching badly. When smoke was discovered coming out of the social hall on the aft of themain deck of the vessel the crew Immediately rout ed out and the hose manned, while the stewards went from cabin to cabin waking up the passengers. There was no disorder either among crew or pas sengers. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON to RUSSIAN SCOUTS DRIVEN BACK NOT RELISHED BY RUSSIANS. Chinese Troops Are Consentrating to the Westward of Mukden. Liao Yang, March 2. General Mlshtchenko, with a detachment mounted Cossacks, has reached KashnJa, Corea, and is expected at Ichio Yang at once. His men and horses are in good condition and he is well supplied with provisions. The concentration of Chinese troops westward of Mukden, In the district of Gubantsa, la not Tellshed by the Russians. War material is being brought up and the militia posts are being strengthened, It is doubted if the attitude of the. population can be relied upon. The people at several points refuse to sell produce to the Kussians. Snowstorms are raelnz nere ana tne nost Is intense. The railroad is working perfectly and troops are arriving uninterruptedly Their health and spirits are excellent Japanese Encounter Infantrymen I Neighborhood of Ping Yang. Tokio, March 2. The first shots of the war on land were exchanged yes terday at Ping Yang. A small detach ment of Russian infantry, evidently scouts, appeared this morning to the northward of the town. The Japan ese outposts opened fire from a range of 1700 meters, and the Russians re tired. The telegram reporting the in cident fails to mention any casualties It is presumed there was none, on ac count of the small number of men en gaged, and the distance separating the opposing forces. , It Is anticipated here that there will be a small engagement soon some where in Northern Corea, where the Russians are scouting over an extend ofkd area, close to the Japanese post tions, but a general engagement is not expected to occur for some time. The Russian force south of the Yalu River Is inconsiderable, its greatest strength seeming to be In the vicinity of Wlji. North of the Yalu the Russian army is constantly in creasing in numbers, and is being moDinzed, but the chances of Its as suming the offensive are still slight Japan is constantly strengthening its position and increasing its force in SAY FORT WILL DESTROY FLEET Russian Military Authorities Have No Fears for Port Arthur. Moscow, March 2. Interest throughout Russia is now fl.xed on Port Arthur, and speculation as to the probable fate of that supposedly Im pregnable fortress takes the widest range. The publication of General Stos- sol's order to the troops, while it has had the effect of arousing enthusiasm n Kussia, had also attracted atten tion to the tremendous strategic val ue of that fortress and to the crucial part It plays in Russia's olans for the defeat of the Japanese in Corea. While the failure of the Japanese attempt to bottle up the fleet evoked sarcastic comment from the Russian press as to the Japanese cunning and the miscarriage of the enemy's plans. the Russian military 'authorities are pointing out that this attempt havlne been defeated, therefore it must fol low Port Arthur is impregnable and the Japanese can never capture it. Original force of Rebels Was 3000. Manilla, March 2. General Leon ard Wood reports, under date of Feb- uary 15, an engagement with Datto- Moros, under Hasan, on the Island of folio. Lieutenant West and six pri vates were wounded. One has since d;ed. The Moro loss was heavy. Hasan succeeded In making his es cape. His original force of 3000 has now been reduced to 15. The Island is ow under control of the American uthority, and influential Moros are iding in the pursuit of the outlaws. The members of the constabulary who revolted at Vlgan are all in cus tody. Corea. JAPANESE SHIPS HEADING BACK Take on Coal and Ammunition, and Leave for Port Arthur. Wel Hal Wel, March 2. A portion of the Japanese squadron was sighted off the Shantung coast this morning. The warships are believed to have been coaling and replenishing their supplies of ammunition preparatory to rejoining the ships at Port Arthur and renewing the bombardment of that port Min Mong Chul, the new Corean Minister to China, who is proceeding to Pekln, paid an official visit to the British Commissioner at Wel Hal Wel today. He expressed the opinion that the new Japanese-Corean treaty will greatly strentghen Corea and give the country renewed life for the future. Corean s, he said, recognize Japan's honest intentions regarding their fu ture welfare, and he considered that the future development of Corea is now assured. Japan will prevail against Russia, he said, and Corea will do all In her power to bring this about. Rations are Very Short. New York." March 2. The Sun has the following cable from its London correspondence: The Tientsin cor respondent of the Express says that the repeated attacks on Port Arthw have created a condition approaching demoralization among the troops. There is little hope that the place will be able to make a long defense. Ra tions there are already exceedingly hort, and It Is expected that when the town is Invested, hunger will soon compel Its capitulation. Will Not Advance for Month. Parts, March 2. Reports received from sources state that the Russian land preparations in Man- huria will not be completed for a month, and the general advance can not be cjrdeied before that time. It then expected that whatever sround tfie Jnpane have gained will be overcome and they will be Anally annihilated. v " ' No Great Sea Battle. Tokio, March 2. As the campaign progresses it seems that the chances are growing slimmer for great pitched battle on the open sea be tween the fleets of modern battleships which the world has long awaited. It is believed here that the Russians lack tbe strength to assume the of ensive and that they will probably stick to Port Arthur doggedly to await a sea and land investment. Whoever wins the war, Port Arthur will undoubtedly cease to be an im portant base. The fortifications will probably be dismantled. Americans to Be With Army. Washington, March 2. The Rus sian army formerly has granted the request of the United States that cer tain officers of the American Army be permitted to accompany tbe Russian troops and witness their operations In the war with Japan. Ambassador Me Cormick, in a cablegram Informing Secretary Hay of this fact, states that the officers cannot Join the Rus sian Army before April 15 .of the Russian calendar year. "New War Near. Odessa, March 2. The orders that were issued a week ago to the two regiments of infantry at Kishinef and the one at Bendory have been rescind ed, and the commandants of three regiments have been ordered lo hold their commands In readiness for ac tion with contingencies in tbe Bal kans. This is construed as meaning that the Rnss'an government now considers war between Bulgaria and Turkey as Inevitable. AN IRRIGATION SECTION. I FROM CATTLE TO SHEEP. Echo the Pivotal Point for Many Many Lane County Men' Turn imerprises. Mor, Profitable Stock Echo. fn tin f,th. ... t...?i I " "'' in eastern I iueene Tha nvooo... nn. Oregon is there as many irrlgatioa whll the winter has been unfortunate schemes under way as along the Uma- ,y mllt1' has set a number of cattlemen tl!a river between here and Pendleton nA lng, ,? 1,les,'on8 ' economy, on the east nd w rZ !, T. !??.the .Telatlve " of cattle and o , ' , L,""uma as a result many will gradual- on the Columbia river. ly work away from cattle and devote Jicho is the center of this unusal ,lielr attention more to sheep. There activity in irrigation enterprises. has heen no great profit in ranee cat- - tuinyaiuoa wnicn nave ,,c lur some years, unless they could ueen incorporated, many of which are e kept on range that cost nothing in the midst of extensive Improve-1 wh"e sheep are paying handsome pro-' uin, oic ivmxwRii irrip-nririTi i "lb uii hiiv fir run nnct rnfm in l i V; . -...e.vwwA. . " aW1.0 iu iu eunei uitcn company, vaiia arcer cnarging them with feed .--..-.....mim iiiiKBiiun uomDanv rp. imeicM aim an items nf niunu gon Land & Water Company. Three The cattlemen are brought to a reall Mile Falls' Indication Comnnnv Son. atlon that it costa noorlv o. mi. nu.v r'j, . -- ----- " .uui-u vu 7 uucu company, uregon Land & I a" animal over the winter as It v-uuDimiiiuii iuirinanv. h.miipv ink m neu-ior in rue mir no- o,i i .hi. Company, Inland Irrigation Company, thtv see no profit. This winter hay is Brownell Ditch Company, Columbia worth $18 a ton or better. It takes i.biiu irrigation comnanv. A on I '- less man a ton tn each animoi others. There are also a number of winter them In decent shape and verv o. mcic aie atso a numeD or"- "b cuuia sen out their stock private irrigation- schemes under way nt 18 Per head. For this reason they nuiuo m me iarmers or tlie stir- '"""-us more to sheen, wh eh m,h. rntmtlner fllal, I uiat olmn.,, nn,t s uioi.i. i. . ..uuH clunky on me range, re- Because water has already beenjiuire ll,tle attention, yield an annual Buppiieu. to a large section of the land pvenue m wool that will pay for keep below here, the district is now known all(1 nave the mutton left as profit, or. uih laiiiuus .ccno airaira meadows. I Hundreds of tons of alfalfa are raised RULING ON LAND LAWS there yearly. f . The irrigation project under way0P'"ion on Important Point Given by jmi nui uc oruve exceptionally vniuauie to me iarmers who are now entering the sugar beet raising in- uiiBtry. home of the comnalnes havp nor. chased large tracts of the district and Attorney-General. Salem. In response to a nueatini. propounded by Clerk of the State Land Hoard G. G. Brown. Attrrnov.rion...i Crawford has rendered an opinion In are trying to make this district, wh ch ti e state cannot convev f.,l ,h t to the state, under sectinna asm at. 3311 of the code. The Attorney-General ndda iw it ffueh timber is removed from thB Ian and it is found that the title thereto lies in the United States, the party re-. moving it is held accountable for th same to the Government, but that the (tovernment cannot hold the state li able for such devastation. So far as is known, there Is only one case of this kind in existence, the one ni vtiucn me fluesttnn una nlH nj HOW CHEMAWA HAS GROWN. Great Indian School Celebrates Birth day With Good Cheer. memawa. The Chemawa Indian School- celebrated Its twenty-fourth anniversary one day last week. The pupils were given a half-holiday, in honor of the day. and in the evenins the whole school assemhlpH In the lUdltorlum and an annrnnrinre nin. gramme was rendered, consisting of ln this case, the timber has all 'been aunresses and music. '"' uut-.femains upon the land, owina- m . .. . ... I tn n I .... 1. . a . . . iweuiy-ioirr years aeo the arhnn "i laciiines Tor Irr nr nsr It was marten ny C'apta n Wi k nsnti nf L TYIi-J f . . 1 me uiiuea stares Army, at Forest urove, and shortly after was moved to Buys Hroses at Pendleton its present location at Chemawa. r, . .. . . Then It had accommodations for 25 . naelt0" John Michaels, of North pupils, now it, can care for finn nnnlla- akima, shipped a car of uraff hnra nun ii nau tnree small frame build- Irrn this point to his Washington Ings, and a half-acre of land, now it rfinch last week. He paid from 1209 has 37 commodious strurtiirea and I to $300 ner team niirphneini. tt,n OAK . , , " ' I . - " , i i, 1 11 C ibubi i us gooa mnu as De round ul me norses rrom B F." McElrov rt tha Tn.h T- ' ... .. 1 n - - ' w.c HunuBCTi, rrom mis Bman lttl"'r living aoout live miles out beginning It, has grown in size and ira- from Pendleton. Good draft horses i.u.iciub mm is now tne tourtn larg- Hr neio at a nigh figure in this dis- act In 41ia TTnli.3 rii-i-. . . I 1 1 .lmsr . ... ule uimeci oiaies, ano is class- 11 saia Mr. Michaels this morning ed as the Industrial School of the In. "I could have nurchaapd hnra.a in v c : 1.1 : 11 Device. anna county. Dnt not no rooHlltr i Its pupils come from Cnlifnmln. I could here. Tho SoaHi v.,,,, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, bought up a large number of the Wask- '"uiott auu AinsKa. iiugi-on norses Will Condense Milk in Coose. Oregon Potatoes ShinDed East iviarsnneid. Tne estab sh tie nf a Milton. The B alnck Trmif -v- condenscd milk plant in this city at Pany, of Walla Walla, is loading one the terminus of the Coos toay & Rose- r two cars of potatoes dally at this 's lamuau 18 aimost assured. A. piauon ror Minneapolis and Missouri j. aueiy, ut mewDera. ur.. is here nn iver points, it. hna i nHv ,hinnnj his second visit with a view of start- en cars during the past few days and ing the enterprise. The Marehfleld expects about 15 more from this vicln board of trade has offered all the In. ty. Farmers receive ahnnt nn uueemeius ne could ask, and Manager P" sack, making the Industry oulfce (. handler of the railroad, has proffered pr0fitable. The soil In this vicinity wuc buc, wuii-u is meal, do n tne moat is uiKniy anamefl to rni t and n..i. central point in the county, from which able raising. The majority of the oiio-k t ii ue received rrom all local!- iwrmers depend entirely upon this ni nes nany. i ne dairy interests of the ausiry. rnitntv oka ., , i I ciriioiYc mm me conuens- dopti inn ., . er will start with manv tnna nf milk . PORTLAND MARKETS. dailv. ' "ui waiia. waua, 7sc; blue- Hltm sir" VQ ov sun Will Quarry Belgian Blocks. Barley Feed. ' I2lifi)22 St. Helens.-The lettlne of tho rnn- ' rewing, $22; rolled, $23. tract for 640.000 Belgian hincka fne ..r.'u,'r-.vttlle7' iC;3.85 per bar- rei nara wneat. per toa; Rtra ehta M 0AI raving tne streets of the metropolis 4.10; clears, $3.5503.75; hard wheat will bea considerable help to the bust- patents. $4.204.5O; graham $a76-' ness of this community, as the blocks whole wheat, $4.00; rye flour $4 50 are to be quarried here, necessitating 4 7R ' f v r,,u,ic,ii ui a law rnimnor ol Oats No 1 white $11712i men whose wages run from $250 to gray. $1.1001.15 per centai. !fjer ny' w.?,mr1 wiU be opfir- Mlllstuffs-Bran, $18.50 19 per ton; ated. One on Milton Creek, and the middling t. ' h... .,' other hrdnw town hr, h t i. .7 ' " ..'. nn.7 - Tho . ":. "nseed, dairy food. $19 " "- uao several nay umotnv. iiKirai7 n i.. feet of loose rock over the ouarrv and i this will be barged to Portland, crush ed and used on the city s streets. per grain, $12 13; cheat, clover, $11018; J1213. vegetables Turnips, 80c per sack: carrots, 80c; beets, $1; parsnips, $1; caunage, 2c; lettuce, head, 2540e per dozen; hothouse, $2 per box: nar- Drop In the Price of Hay." Pendelton. The first drop in the price of hay as tho result of the openpley, per dozen, 25c; tomatoes, $1.59 winter, has occurred. Wheat hay, (if 2 per crate; cauliflower, 75c$1.99 nicn ror me greater portion of the per dozen; celery, 6575c per dozen; winter, has been selling at $13 per squash. lc per pound: cucumbers. kiii, nuw sens bt til. indications are ner dozen. hat tlie price will go still lower. Onions Y ellow Danvera tigfii tiaiiea umotny is still selling at $22 per sack, growers' price. per ton. There is a good supply on hand, because a small amount, com pared to olher winters, was used dur ing the season about closed. A drop n the price of timothy is expected In short time. - Mineral Exhibit for - e, jj.a. Baker City State CammLss'i'inerB affety and Williams, of the Lewis and Clark Commission, are here, looking over the exhibit prepared by Superiii tondent Fred Mellis for the St. Louis hx position. They found a choice col lection of ores and mineral specimens Iready arranged for the exhibit and a long and exhaustive list of specimens secured from the various mines, which ill soon be on hand ready for trans portation. It will be the most com plete collection of minerals ever plac ed on exhibition from this state. To Forbid Insurance Trust Lebanon In view of the fact- that the cost of insurance Is steadily in creasing Instead of decreasing, as companies here asserted that it would. Hon. M. A. Miller states that at the next session of the state legislature rill Introduce a bill forbfddiRg In- uranee companies to combine, as tbey are continually doing. Honey $3fT3.50 per case. Potatoes Fancy, 9Oc0$1.35 per cental; common. 75 S 90c;, growers' price; sweets, 2c in sacks; 24c crated. Fruits Apples, fancy Baldwins and Spitzenbergs, $1.50ffi2.25 per box; choice. $ 1ft 1.60; cooking, 75c. Butter Sweet cream butter, 324c per pound; fancy creamery. 27V4 30c; choice creamery, 25c; dairy and store, nominal. Butter Fat Sweet cream, 31e, sour cream. 29c. Poultry Chickens, mixed. 12H(frl3e per pound; springs, small, 14V4615C; hens, 1313Hc; turkeys, live. 15 16c per pound; dressed. 1820e; ducks. $SiR9 per dozen; geese, live, 8c per pound. Cheese Full cream, twins, 14c; Young America, 15c. Eggs Oregon ranch, 20fr21e. Heef Dressed. 5ft 7c per pound. Motton Dressed, tlc; lambs, Sc. Veal Dressed, small, 839c; large. CHJ7c. Pork Dressed, 7(S714c. Hops Choice, 250" 26c per pound; prime. t425c. . Word Valley. 1701$: Eastern Ore gon. 12(3 15c; mohair, 3235c. . .'i '"I !