The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 25, 1904, Image 4

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We haven't declared war, but we HAVE made
our prices so you get your money's worth in Sta
tionery, Books, Bibles, School and Office Supplies,
Pens, IVncils, etc. For the next 10 days, every
school boy or girl purchasing a pencil tablet will
be given FREE one good load pencil.
Here's Where You Get the War News
Oregonian Telegram
Prices and Qualities
IVp nrp nfferino- hist now some verv attractive prices in
Dry Goods, Ladies' Shoes, Walking Skirts, Opera Shawls
and Underwear. We also nave tne largest ana oesi
line of Men's Hats in latest styles in Hood River. ,
at the price we are offer
ing are something you
cannot afford to miss.
They will not last always
at these prices, and if
you don't get some of
these bargains it is your
fault. They are going
out very fast.
Try Our Splendid Coffees.
You probably don't know
of Coffee ever kept m Hood River. Rut it is a fact. The
Chase & Sanborn line of Coffees that we handle have
taken the prizes at the big fairs, wherever they have been
exhibited, over all competition, and we are selling them
at from 5 to 7 cents pem pound less than other coffees of
the same grade. They are money back if you don t think
so. Try them.
I wmii in state to the general
prepared to test your eyes and tit
that will overcome all attlctions of
weaK eyca mat tne Dear ocuienst -can tie l p. Try the glass I sell.
I have given this subject very close study and can tell you by
examination just what kind of .glasses your eyes require. Eyes test
ed free and all glasses sold with a guarantee to ' Ut yoorves with es
pecially ground glasses. If youreyes trouble you and cause headache
or throbbing pains with blurring vision when readingg or doing tine
work requiring close and steady observation, mi and let me ex
amine youreyes'by means of -the perfected American Optical Tester
and secure relief and comfort by the use of properly-fit ted glses.
Livery, Feed
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we will have nnd can sup
ply in any number - .
Cherry, Pear,Apricot,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, nil the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen
berg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or.
Agents for
Gasoline Engines, Warm Air Fur
naces, Windmills, Pumps,
Gas Plants, Wire Cable, Ladders,
Faultless Stump Puller
Suits for Men
and Children
In this line we are mak
ing a very liberal dis
count to get room for
new goods that will ar
rive shortly, and this is
an exceptionally good
time-to clothe your Boys
at a very small ex
that we have the best line
litis the Finest Display of
Watches, Diamond and Gold Rings,
Cut Glassware, etc., in town.
ATI-work neatly and jrrwfcly done,
eopedHHy fine Watch Repairing
unit uitjiiMtliig. ReasontiWe prices.
Do your Eyes
public that I am
yon with iflasse
tttigtimttem, near-sipteuur, uu
and Draying,
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure Hret-class rigs. Spe
cial attentiou given to moving Furniture
and Pianos.
We do everything horses can do.
Peach& Plum Trees,
Miss Sue Dorris of Eugene is visiting
S. W. Condon and lamily. Miss l'orrie
t Mrs. Condon sister.
Mrg.Dewalt Wolfard of Portland visit
d relatives in White Salmon, last week.
Dr. Miiiard is a guest at the Jewett
firm. -., . .
Fred Moore is sick at the home ol A.
R. Byrkett.
.Mrs. Teunis Heyting came up on the
boat from Vancouver Tuesday evening.
April. Jewett entertained a number
of his friends at his home on Saturday
evening. Whist was the amusement of
the evening, ana a aainiy luncneon whs
A'maequerade ball was given tebru-
ary 'i, in Lauternacn nan. Maine anu
Jlownian turuislicu me music, rive
prizes were awarded as follows: Best
dressed group, Ed Egan and Mearle
Fox: best dressed lady, Miss Agnei
"Wood ; best dressed gentleman, George
K. Adams: best comic lady, Miss Mary
Wolfard: best comic gentleman, Hoy
Crow. The maskers and characters
renresented were: Aunt Jane, Will Per
ry; the Enterprise, Mrs. F. llunsaker;
eadet, Charles Gunning; clown. Perry
llarter; dude, Dr. Uearhart; old sailor,
F. Hunsaker; Negro dude, William
Adams: Dinah. Walter Freeland:
Queen of Hearts, Miss Ward; Hot Air
club, Mary Wolfard; devil, Koy urow;
soldier bov. Georue Adams: twin hash-
slingers, Kd Egan and Mearle Fox;
.lown, Theo Hliepler; Night, .Gertrude
Maine; Bine Bells of Scotland, Alfred
Sliepler; Indian huntresses, i.yuia
Crowe, Minnie Wvers, Georgia Johns'
ton. Anna and Susie Wolfard; Cow
Hoys, Mordon Gunning and John Wood;
Highwayman, Fred Kosengrants; clown,
Odessa broshong.
Barrett District.
We want to apologize to the readers of
the Glacier for drifting into poetry. We
only do this when some extraordinary
pressure affects our brain. e have al
most recovered and trust that we may
never again become too heavy with an
over-abundance of water on the crani
um. Give us time and we will be well.
Thomas Bishop, jr. .who has been mak
ingatourof California, surprised his
parents by returning home last Satur
day night. Tom had a terrible expert'
elice iu coming from San Francisco to
Portland on the steamer. He says he
was held up and freely aave all he had
He claims the Pacific ocean fish are the
worst robbers in the world. He seems
glad to be home again.
The ladies' aid of the' Valley Christian
church held a very animated meeting at
the home of Mrs. 11. D. Steward, on
Rocky run. A lady living in Portland
beimr desirous of aiding the society sent
them the proffer of a quilt to be sold for
the beneht ot the church. It wag grate
fully accepted. The feature of the meet
ing was the failure to adjourn, due to
excitement on the water question, we
vY e desire to apologize for the mistake
we made In the date ot the Martha
Washington tea, but as lone as the wa
ter question is up we have a good excuse
for mistakes by charging it up to water.
The Barrett school gave a very credit
able entertainment, last Friday. Quite a
number ot visitors were in attendance.
All the pupils did exoeedingly well.
Above all the rustlers among the
young people in this district, Lloyd
Bishop takes the whole bakery. He
took upon himself to dispose of six of
the Christian church calendars and be
fore he stooped he sold 25 of them and
only stopped then because there were
no more to be had. hat s the matter
with Lloyd?
E. M. Camp's family have all recov
orcd from smallpox and Mr. Camp is
g'tting along nicely with, his injured
For our item, last week, on smallpox,
there h'nve been no less than 16 young
ladies and a tew others not so young,
after our scalp, and if your correspond
ent's life is worth saving we must have
a body guard. lake due notice and
govern yourself accordingly.
Ike Nealeigh and family are rapidly
recovering from the smallpox and Ike is
preparing for a campaign against the
jack rabbits. He'll get 'em, too.
Rev. A. A. Beery's daughter Nellie, of
The Dalles, who wag visiting among
friends in this community, was taken
ill on her return home with what the
health oflicer has declared to be small
pox. although in its lightest form. Miss
Nellie has the heartfelt sympathy of her
many friends in this section, who all
trust she may speedily recover. Her
father, who is the pastor of the Valley
Christian church, has quarantined him
self away from home until it becomes
safe to visit hie family.
We wish Ike Nealeigh would take
day off and trv and find that old ground
hog that is making us so much trouble
Excuse us, Mr. Editor, but we've got
em again:
The Hoosiers held a meeting,
And George was there, you bet; .
He spoke his little niece to them.
That he's been trying for weeks to get.
He8houted it to the pine trees,
And declaimed it in the barn,
Until he made the cattle sick,
And want to skip the farm.
Then George's dud, he took a hand,
And raised a hue and crv:
Declared that George must milking do,
ur rne cows would an go dry.
And so poor George's hopes were crushed
liy Ins daddv chipping in:
He swears he'll make t hose cowsgive milk
ror nis speecn mat man t win.
Ied Barker left Sunday for a visit to
our neighboring state of Washington.
If- .1
iio ejjieum 10 u gone until spring.
Thomas Shere ig, we understand, to
oe iransierred irom the ollice force of
the Davenport Co. to the superintend-
ency oi the Helmont mill. lie's all
right whatever position he's called to
Miss Fern Wright, who has been
confined to the house by an attack of
meaples, has about recovered, and will
soon become subject to the governing
rod of Professor Thompson.
Miss Nellie rhere, while taking a
sleigh ride last week, met with quite a
mishap in the overturning of her sleigh
and the spilling of . Miss Nellie on the
snow. No harm resulted, however, and
the accident has not dampened this
young lady's enthusiasm for sleighing.
Miss Flora Wilson of The Dalles is
visiting her parents this week.
A few friends met at the beautiful
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rinhnn
on last Saturday evening and had a
most enjoyable time. The evening was
spent in relating reminiFcenre nf prlr
days, which were in some instances very
amusing. In departing all joined in
wishing long life and hanninem tn thi
hospitable couple.
The Martha Washington tea
the beautiful home of Mr. and Mr. J.
N. Bridges, despite our blunder in th
date, was well attended, even though
the elements seemed to be in direct op
position. The friends commenced in
arrive at a little after I o'clock, and a
steady stream of carriamg aVnncitfvl
members and friends of the Vail
Christian church until nearly 4 o'clock.
All who attended the entertainment
were presented ith a favor in the
shape of a little hatchet, emblematic of
George Washington's inability to lie.
The guests were hospitably received - by
Mr. and Mrs. Bridges and conducted to
the parlor, where they were requested
to register their names on a 4Brge paste
board hatchet, after which they were
informed that they were at home, and
everybody appeared to take advantage
of the information awl thoroughly en
joyed themselves. Mrs. Bridges, assist
ed by Mrs. M. 8. and Mrs. K. Dunn,
served a delicate and Jelicioos luiioii in
the spacious dining room, which was
beautifully decorated with lovely flow
ers, trailing vines and draped with flags
and bunting. The tables were well ap
pointed and served, and even you cor
respondent wag filled not only "with joy
for being fortimateenough to be one ofthe
invited guests, but with those things that
create joy in the inner man. The young
er people enjoyed themselves in playing
Flinch, Frank . Parker proving to be
the champion. The hostess wag com
plimented by all the guests upon the
great success of -the entertainment, 'and
the ladies' aid received qnite "an addi
tion to their treasury. We 'echo 'the
sentiments of all that, 'as ne of the
young people said, we just had a deli
riously skookum time.
A delightful little baby was "born in
this district about ten 'days : since and
the parents of the tot were soelated that
they failed to notify os. All the same
it came to Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard.
They have the hearty congratulations of
their friends. '
One of thow who attended the 'Martha
Washington te ntrygodg box
drawn by a hort thathad but few
days before performed the acrobatic feat
of standing on his head and depositing
its owner in the fence 'corner, but such
little accidents as thut could net prevent
this party from attending the tea,
i woman t ten this party's name
tor tne world, but yoa might see
Mrs. G. W. Mcintosh for further
W. A. Bodine has sold his nronertv to
the Davidson Fruit Co. and will leave
in a few days for Portland. We are
sorry to see Mr. Bodine and family leave
the vallev, as they are the class of peo
ple wno Duua up a community both
socially and spiritually, and , whose
friendship is eagerly sought for and ap
preciated. But while this community
will sustain a loss, wherever they finally
conclude to make their home will be a
great gainer. The wishes of their legion
of friends in the valley will follow them
to their new home and trust . they will
meet with the success they so richly
Miss Leo Flemming of The Dalles was
visiting Miss Grace Wilson-last week. It
wag her first visit to Hood River valley
and sue wag very much .taken with it,
Notes From Underwood.
By the School Children.
Washington's birthday today.
This has been rather a -changeable
day. The rain came down iu torrents
for a while, flnsi attornoDn we tiave
had sunshine, showers and hail. Noth
ing like a change.
The snow ig still on the ground, bat
if we have many more showers like we
had today it will soon disappear, and
we shall have to travel in canoes instead
of sleighs.
Attendance in school is stiil small on
account of the snow.
Little Isabel Haynes returned from
Portland, Thursday, after a prolonged
visit, accompanied by her aunt, who re.
mained until Bnnday, when she loft for
tiood niver.
rroiessorti. ti. Cromwell made -nse
of his holiday . by spending it on the
Clinton rano-h. V.
Will Wendorf is home from Portland
John Dark, Will Underwood and Abe
Ames will begin work at the mouth of
White Salmon river, for the Menominee
Lumber (Jo.
in isfl same urser of Chenowith re
turned last week from an extended visit
in Michigan. 8 lie comes home much
improved in health.
B. F. Beals went to White Salmon,
Saturday, to make final proof on his
claim. Ed Underwood and Wm. Orser
were his witnesses.
The Columbia is rising ra
Mr. Frost of the Menominee Lumber
Co. was in the neighborhood today.
Odell Kote.
The beautiful enow that hag spread
her white mantle over the' valley for
the past two weeks ia fast going, and
underneath the surface the solid spots
are showing up. We would be glad to
nave it an cleared -away at once and
give place to a coating of green the
fruit of spring. Thus it is with life and
character. How -we some times vainly
struggle to etiace the soilrd and waste
places in our lives; and it ig only the
green spots in life that come to us like
the gentle touch of spring, that soften
and mellow our lives, and render it pos
sible for us to renew the struggle. The
star of hope again lights up our path
way, and we go forth again to try on
known things and struggle for victory.
"Never yet was a spring time-when the
buils forgot to blow." There is always
a vine sKy somewhere.
A young man giving his bride
watch as a wedding gift, had engraved
the following couplet:
Tnklng the year togethor, my dear,
There Isn't more night than day.
And there is not. -We may reckon as
confidently ou good timet as on the ris
ing of another sun. We may look fore,
ward and not back and forebode no ill,
and anticipate all good, and we shall
not be disappointed., '
There were two new arrivals at Odell
during the past week a daughter in
the home of . John Kroeger and wife,
mm a eon .ftt the residence of K. I).
Shelley and wife. The weigfit of the
boy is 8 pounds. What Mr. Kmrgcr's
daughter weighs ia not reported. But
as avoirdupois does not count tn such
cases, it is ,-gafe to say that both homes
are happier by reason of the advent of
these tiny troubles.
School opened yesterday after having
been closed for about ten days.
vaviu Ballsberry reports the snow
two feet deep at his place in Dukes Val
ley. Looking nut at the rigs bringing in
school children this morning reminds
us that the carry-all proposition that
Superintendent Ackerman suggests
would be a good thing.
Two parties from Mosier were here
Monday looking for cattle. They say
that 7o head have strayed from that
section and are probably snowbound
somewhere in the hills above here.
The work of clearing land is complete
ly blocked on account of the storm.
Willow flat ia now supporting quite a
force of idle men who are aoxioaa to
get to work. Enforced idleness is net a
crime. Everybody work here when
the weather permit.
Al. w non it lust now -taking ad
vantage of the snow and it sledding
lumber for hit new house to be built oo
the land recently purchased from Mrt.
Quite a large shipment of appUt will
be drawn to town from Odell at toon at
the roads will justify it.
.nr. and Mrs. U. U. Kooerta (rent to
Portland yesterday for few days' ttay.
C. R. Bone will pot a force of workers
on his ditch b the nt of March to
the end that this tectioa be twpplled
with water tbe coming stason. The re
cent doubt fpneerning the West SiJeJ
water proposition -strengthens the faith
of the -settler, : thereby rendering it
easier to arrange water contracts.
It ig gratifying to people on the East
Side, even ' though with no direct inter
est in the West Side irrigating ditch, to
learn that matters have assumed a bui
netslike aspect, and that the people will
again be supplied with water.
The present good prices for the com
modities of Hood Hiver valley ought to
trove a strong Incentive for an increased
acreage in hay, potatoes, etc. Let the
good work go on.
Mount Hood Notes.
It looks like winter up here and the
snow is about IG inches deep. Rain fell
all day Monday.
ICoy lionton came back to this place
last Saturday after an absence of four
The roof of the Da vea port mill caved
In, last week, owing to the weight of
snow. It was not untxpected as it was
not properly braced. There-is o dam
age done to' the machinery as far as can
be wen. The smokestack fell across the
wreck and broke in two or three pieces.
One of our young men says it is best
to smell before taking a drink. We
think it is a good suggestion after seeing
the effects on one young man last week
after taking a drink of coal oil out of a
canteen which he supposed contained
water or something stronger.
Some of the boys are doing a good bus
iness logging since the snow came. Frank
Kies is skidding ' logs on his timber
honnd, and the rest are hauling on bob
sleds, bat It won't last long, as the snow
is melting fast
The people were shocked, last Friday,
to hear of the death of David Wishart.
He got up Friday morning as usual, and
went about his work until about noon,
when he came into the house, and only
a few moments after dropped to the
floor and was. dead in a very few min
utes. Mr. Wishart came to this place
about 12 years ago, located on a home
stead and grubbed out about 30 acres of
land. He had just completed a new
house and was getting independent. He
had gained the respect of all who knew
him. The community extends sympa
thy to the family. Funeral BerviceB were
held from the house Sunday, February
21, 1904.
In the Odell District.
Mrs. Booth is visiting her daughter at
The uaiies.
The stormiest weather of the season,
but we will not complain , as we have
had so much good weather thia winter.
School commenced agnin'last Monday,
after a vacation of two weeks.
The Davenport mill here 1ms beon
closed down, for the past week, but w ill
start up again soon.
Two births in this neighborhood, last
week, a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Shelley and a girl to Mr. and Mrs. John
Kroeger. Who says this is not the most
favored spot in .Uregon f
' Several from this neighborhood went
to Hood River last Monday night to hear
Mr. Knox, the impersonator.
J. R. 'Crosby has been hauling apples
for C. L. Rogers, C. G. Roberts and
other parties here. Mr. Crosby has a
fine yonng orchard and will be .hauling
apples for himself in a few years.
In the C. Dethman neighborhood,
many improvements have been made
during the last few months. P. Cox
and Mr. Sieverkrop have fine new
Positively Cured.
The Calllornla Medical Company wilt re
fuud to the customer all money tliat lie pays
me aruKiHi in ense ne is noi cuieu oi ltneu-
tnatiMii oy tne use or
Oil of Eden
Sweet Spirits
of Eden.
Ohronlucases Invariably cured, and CURED
1 Li J .
Kor stale by
Agent for Hood River.
Estimates furnished on all kinds of work
1'rirvniu- Arnold. Main Kt.
-UUIieS. Kre-dcrlck, MMtn420fi.
and Builder
Plahs and Estimates For.vishkd.
S. H. COX.
and Builder.
Plans and Estimates Furnished
Upon Application.
On the Mount Hood road, South
of town, keeps constantly on hand
the best Quality of
Groceries, Hay, Grain & Feed,
At Lowest Prices.
22 D. F. LAMAR. Prop,
& Builders.
Meat Market.
McGuire Bros., Propr's.
Dealer In Fresh ml Cured Meat, Ijird
Poultry, Fruits and Venetablen.
Free Iiehverv. Phone S5.
You want one now
that fall has come.
Drop in and see what
Savage has in the
stove line. Also ex-
amine the many
other goods that are
unpacked daily at
r,- !
iK-i :Vi
7,.V i' '
14 ' VT
.i.r - luaut i
CLARKE, the Druggist.-
When You Come to Town
Do not fail to get our prices on Groceries, Flour
and Feed. We have a few Mackintoshes left over
at less than half price. We have a good line of
Underwear that can not be duplicated at the price.
Goods Delivered Free
To Any Part of Town.
bone & Mcdonald
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
Ticket ofliee for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and
have a hack carry you to and from the boat landing If you want
a flrst-clasR turnout call on the
Anticipating your needs I laid in a stock of Spring
goods. The largest line of Matting and Carpets in
the city. You may need a Range or Cook stove. I
have them. February is our winter month. I have
Heaters. Have you that tired feeling? I have
Rockers that will give you rest. Everything in the
Furniture line to meet all conditions. And lowest
prices guaranteed. Listen! We are here for our
share of the business. Come and see us. We will
show you how it is done. Will give you the key
to the first move a square deal. Your money is
just as good as your neighbor's, nnd will buy as
much as his money. Full line of Building material
that will be sold at Bed Rock prices. Look it over.
MAYES BROS., Proprietors.
Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh, Cured
and Canned Meats.
Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits.
Did You Say?
We carry a full line of Staph? and Fancy Groceries at
the lowest possible prices. Just give us" a trial order
and see what we can do. Highest prices paid for
country produce.
Rhone 40 1
Investment Company.
The oldest, most reliable and up-to-date Real Es
tate Agents in Hood River.
If you want an abstract;
If you want insurance written;
If you want conveyancing .done;
If you want to buy a farm, or a house and lot in
town, or sell a farm, or a house and lot, ('ALL ON
US. We sell more real estate than any other firm"
in the city.
We have the best list of farm and country prop
erty to chose from.
Information and full particulars of the surround
ing country gladly given. Mr. I'rather has been a
resident of the town and valley for '1 years, ami
-. no one is better posted in regard to Hood River
We will issue a price list of property March 1,
1!)04. Write for it. We will be pleased to mail it
to you.
Correspondence solicited. Telephone main 701.
White Salmon
t White Salmon, Wash., have sole chargo of the sale
" of lots in this growing town. "We have a large list
. of far,m and fruit lands for sale.
ns a mode of ministering
medicine is too well
, known to require argu
ment. We have on hand
all the standard kinds,
and our own pill
CLARKE'S - the Pill
that WILL.
Post Office.
and Embalmer
Free Delivery.
(1. O. CROW,
Real Estate