AUK YOU (IOLNG TO BUY A PIANO SOON? THEN NOTICE THE PORTLAND PAPERS FOR INFORMA TION ABOUT PIANO CLUB RATES OFFERED BY THESE DEALERS SELL MORE PIANOS THAN ALL OTHER FIRMS IN OREGON. THE SECRET-BEST PIANOS MADE AND SALES AT LOWEST PRICES CLOSING OUT R. B. BRAOQ & CO We are going to close out our, different lines of Ladies' shoes preparatory to putting in a special line of Ladies' Shoes, and to do this quickly, object for all who are going to near future to come to us for These are all good styles most of them are all new goods, made by the best manu facturers, such as Buckingham Bluff City Shoe Co., Isaac Ferris Co., J. Miller and others These all go as follows: $1.50 Ladies' 1.75 Ladies' 2.00 Ladies' 2.25 Ladies' 2.50 Ladies' 3.00 Ladies' 3.50 Ladies' The above prices are worthy your attention, and our object in doing this is to put from having so much money lines of Ladies' shoes, so don't to supply yourself with shoes, real BARGAINS. Odds and ends at half price, Yours, Bragg Stop! Do you need anything in White Granite Ware, fancy shapes? If so, we are prepared to supply that need at a price low as is compatible with the value of the goods. We have just received a shipment from the pottery. Come while' the line is complete. You know us, Ph35f GEO. R COE & SON. C. SHE. TEM THE JEWELER, Do I wind to state to the general nrpimreil In test vonr eves imrl tit that will overcome all alllctions of wean eyes nun llie oesr ocuiclist can nt'ip. 1 ry llie glass I sell. I have given this subject very cli se study and can tell you by examination just what kind of glasses your eyes require. Eyes test ed free and all glasses sold with a guar.nitev to Ht your eves with es pecially ground glasses. If youreyes trouble you and cause headache or throbbing pains with blurring vision when readingg or doing tine work requiring close and steady observation, come in and let me ex amine your eyes by means of the perfected American Optical Tester and secure relief and comfort by the use of properly-fitted glwa. Stages to Cloud Cap Inn. Ticket office for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and have a hack carry you to and from the boat landing If you want a first-clans turnout call on the HOOD RIVER TANSFER AND LIVERY CO F. L. DAVIDSON & CO TINNERS AND PLUMBERS, Agents for - Gasoline Engines, Warm Air Fur nace Windmills, Pumps, Gas Plants, Wire Cable, Ladders, and the Faultless Stump Puller we will make the price an need shoes any time in the them. some of the latest lasts, and & Hecht, Tennant Shoe Co, Shoes for $1.20 Shoes for 1.40 Shoes for 1.50 Shoes for 1.80 Shoes for 1.90 Shoes for 2.25 Shoes for 2.65 in one or two lines and keep tied up in so many different neglect this opportunity for we assure you these are q tilt Hug the Finrxt Display of Co. Watches, Diamond and Gold Rings, tut Glassware, etc., m town. All work neatly mi1 oorrectly done, ope-iiilly fine Watch Repairing iiinl Hilji sting. Rt'iieniittble price. your Eyes Trouble You? public tlmt I mu von u itli uliiKstM HtijrnitiliHiu, near mpteduesN una HOOD RIVER GLACIER, 111 SALMON NOTES. Clarence Rankin of (ioldendule ie visiting friends in White Salmon. Mr. K uikin is on ins wav to l omtiuu, here he has been unending tnisinesH liege. - ' The woman's working club will give an entertainment in the Lauteroacn hull February 12. The ladies deserve a good house, as they are working hard to make it a suecess. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Morse of Hood River were in town Sunday, guests of C. M. Wolfard and family. The woman's working club will meet with Mrs. Wyers Wednesday afternoon, January 20. Miss Bertha Van Allen of Hood River spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. C. F. Waldo The H. F. club will give a leap year p:irty the 6th of February. Every ef fort is being made to make this. the best dance of the season. Dr. Gearhart was called to Trout Luke, Sunday night, to set an arm fur a sou of Joseph Arnie. The horses had run away with the young man and lie was thrown rrom the wagon Frank Button of Hood River was a White Salmon visitor last week. The United Artisans received rive new members into their lodge .Satur day. They now have a membership of lUout 7o. ine new memoers were mi. and Mrs. S. W. Condon, George Purser, Mearle Fox and Odesaer Grosliong. Underwood School Notes. Snow has been falling all day (Mod day ), but melted us soon as it, reached the ground. The school has made some improve ments since the holidays in the line of a nice green hoard unit some more erasers; also, two nicely framed pic tures. The next tiling' will be patent desks, which would he t he greatest im provement. We hope to have them in lime, and then the Underwood school will rank among the best in the conn try. From eight to nine monthssehool are now maintained. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Thornton of Vancouver came up Friday to visit rel alives and friends at Thoriitonville. Mrs. Ed Underwood and son Corbet t returned from The Dalles last Friday. We are glad to see Corbett. up and around uumii. Ben lltmls has been on the sick list lutely and his son Koy is sufl'uring from a telon. A. J. Haynes is getting things ready to build a good sized barn on his ranch. Those pupils having 100 per cent at tendance during the past mouth are: Fannie Hayues, Eluora Larscn, Oiaf Larsen, Aaron Larsen, I'hoetie Lyons, Ella Lyons, Hazel Lyons, Maggie Cline and iiennie Uiine. these namesshould have been sent in for last week's paper, hut the matter was forgotten. A little surprise party was given in honor or Hazel Lyons Just Saturday. pleasant tune is reported. A. J. Haynes returned from Port land last Wednesday. He left little Isabel with his mother for a longer visit. A surprise party was given in honor of Mike and Flora Thornton of Thorii tonville last Friday evening; theocca sion being their bilthdays. Hrtrrett District. ! iUkkktt riu.Mun. This is the Barrett district. Why is It so called? Because one of its earliest and best citizens was Dr. P. U. Barrett. It was named for him. What are. its peculiar advantages over other sections? lis extraordinary fertility of soil; its adaptability to the raising of all classes of fruits, cereals and vegetables; its location being close to and along the timber line, it Is protected from high winds and - thus' becomes one of the great apple-producing sections and is second to ho locality in the raising of t he straw berry which has made Hood River valley famous. Has it any other special features? Yes. It is settled by one of the most intelligent and progressive classes of people in t he great Northwest, whose beautiful homes are surrounded by all the modern appliances that in this age make farm life so attractive. They also enjoy all the advantages Ihatcoulil obtain even in t he city. A line graded sihool, with three of the best and most popular teachers in the county, whose (jtialiricalions and efficiency have been most favorably coniiimiited upon by the school authorities of Wasco county. Bariett's spiritual needs are looked after by two church organizations, the Christian and Methodist, both having large and commodious church build ings, and both being supplied with act ive, intelligent and hard-working pas tors, whose work in this vicinity is evi denced by the fact that nearly all of our people have become church goers, and vice and intemperance are perfect strangeis in the ili-tricl. Y"e are also Convenient loa general store; there is a telephone line, a rural lice postal de livery with one of the hirst prompt and nccomniodaiing ;rnt.3 in the ser vice; nn irrigating svstem owned and controlled within the borders of our district, In-sides another large ditch controlled by Hood River people, thus assuring us ot plenty ot water for irri gating purposes. Besides, the purest and lst of water can be obtained in unlimited quantities by digging from live to 20 feet in any portion of the dis trict. Have you any special attractions that other sections lack? Yes. The most hospitable people; the most beautiful girls; the homeliest bachelors (one, at least); t lie best and prettiest babies; the most progressive female politicians; the best live stock of all kinds; and last, but not least, the most renowned bear hunter on the Pacific coast. What moredoyou want? Grandma Steward has been indisposed . IIOOI P.IVEK Following is a summary report of the month closing DecemlxT 111, 1903: No. pupils Average No. Av. daily at- Cases enrolled. hclonghiig tendance. tardiness. ' 5? t ? & H 5 c. Th j"c H Teachkks. C5 a s -' S ' 2. a. ;x . - re. 5 m E. J !L and 2d ' 1st sod 2ti 20 W 21 j 14 24 24! 48' 18 j 17 l!l 21 40 1S j 21 Miss Cotton. III i 4th ; Mi j i d I "t ' bill I I and ! 7tbt ' 8th, I I and; loth Miss Groves.... Miss Ieili Miss Onion .... 20 10 4H 2S.6 2S 24 52 17 j I i Miss Copple.... 20 ItO 50 24.0 Mrs. Reid.. ! 1 I ! '30 20 50 2l.s' Mi 1 20 41 TO 27.7 T. R. Coon Miss Scbungel Tt' 211 25 410 ISO 8 107 '. THURSDAY, JANUARY 81, 1004. for the pant month. We trust the re turn of good weather will bring about the restoration of her health. Rev. A. A. Beerv administered the divine and eaered rite o baptism to Miss Bessie P.odine at the valley Christian church on last Saturday afternoon. I'liis beautiful service was witnessed by quite a congregation of the church peo ple ana inends ot Miss ressie, wnoee glorious example we trust will be speed ily lolloped by a nuinoer or uie young people in this community. Thomas Shere. of the office force of Davenport Bros. Lumber company, is enjoying a vacation, and is developing such an amount of muscle that it will be dangerous for any of the boys to at tempt to tread on the tail of his coat when lie returns. A word to the wiee iB suthcient. H. D. Steward, the Hood River paint er, is further beautifying his country home by repapering the inside ot the house. When completed he will have a very cozy retreat, where he can con tentedly rest secure from the demands of a Btrenuous business life. Mrs. Emma Ingalls and son Fred are preparing for an extended visit among Eastern relatives and friends, to recup erate from the fatigue of attending on Mr. Ingalls during his long illness. A brother of T. A. Reavis, in visiting his relatives here;Jias become so infat uated with the Barrett district and its people that he savs he cannot rest until he secures a hnrtve in this charming lo cality We will gladly welcome Mr. Reavis as a resident among us. ' The family of Charlie Copple, who have been confined at home on account of smallpox, are, we understand much better, and will soon be able to take their usual leading place in the commu nity. We are glad of this, for we have missed these friends and their return will fill a long felt want. SayY f can't make noise enough and 1 want some guinea hens to help me. Who's got 'em. By the School Children. The children are still hoping some' thing will happen to the stove again. It creutes such a jolly vacation. Mr. Mender, owner of what is known as the Galligan farm, hap a force of sev eral men and two teams grubbing, haul ing off rock and further improving his place. Vj. uraytoru has added another pony to his delivery team. He now has the long and short of it. Mrs. Emma Ingalls has purchased another acre of land from F. C. Sherrieb adjoining those already bought of the same party. This will make her a neat home. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Douglass of Eagle Creek, Ur., have been visiting the fann Iv of A. W. King, , Thev express them selves as being perfectly delighted with the Barrett district We don't see why we cannot be weighed, do yon, Mr. Storekeeper? Pine Grove Gleanings. Miss Mary Hunt closed a three-months' term of school near J.yle, Wash., and has returned home. R. E. Harbison's home has been quar antined for smallpox. It is expected tiiat. the quarantine will be raised this week. Miss Gortie Johnson has been com pelted to give up school tor a time on account of ill health. Rev. Diiliiigor did not fill his appoint ment, hero Sunday. He will preach next Sunday morning instead. Charles Rawson returned from The Dalles, Saturday. Everybody has taken advantage of the good weather we have been having so far this winter, clearing land and making more preparation to plant more orchards in the spring. Among them that are clearing large tracts this winter are W. V. Johnson, Sears & Porter, II. D. Boardman, August Paasch, Mr.Shon quest, Allen Herman, 1). H. Thorn, L. Stauffer, Peter Mohr, William Kenne dy, W. Fike, Mr. Davidson, M. M. Hill, .Campbell brothers, George Robinson, and there may bo others that we do not know of. Ji clearing and improving continues for two years more as in the past two years all the available pine and fir land will be transformed from forestB to apple orchards. nkes Valley Items. The weather is still wintry up here. The morning airjnakes a fellow shiver. Dave Salsberry was working for A. T. Dodge last week, down at Charles Chan dler's. Little Perry Murphy has been ailing the last week with the sore throat and some fever. We hope he will soon be well again. A numter of friends of Joseph Knox met at his home Thursday evening and enjoyed themselves playing games, ping ing songs and making speeches. This is quite a lively little pjace in its way. Fayette Massee's little daughter, who has Ik'cii in poor health ever since com ing to Oregon, is improving somq. Mr. Mkssim. mid Jethro are grubbing for Mr. lingers. Miss Rcnlali Hudson hdd a party at tin. home of her sister, Mre.Josie Kessel, .Haunt Hood Notes. Charles lleliner is ready now for men and teams. He savs he will make the logs sail down Hood river from now on His neighbors wish him much good luck in his enorts. C. Laffcrtv is rebuilding all the fenc ing on the old Baldwin place. He savs he has a lav out for a month's work. He expect to make things look like home tins summer. . Mrs. S. A. lleliner is getting the ho- tel part ot t.'.u building and rooms over the store ready for paper and paint. C. G. Purdy was in last Wednesday after a load of feed for Mr. Helmer'e camp. He says the roads are verv heavy. J. Foss of Mount Hood caught a cold trying to dry his new house so he can SCHOOL ItKPORT. Hood River mibiiesehooU for the fourth IS 11 20 0. 0 35 40 17 I 15 32 3; 01 3 V ll 2 17 8 19.3 37.1 li..r: 42.2 20.o; 15.2 41.7; iV 1 10.5 3351 10 15.5 31.5! o, I l 20.4 54 3.2! 27.3!.. 50 5i lj 1 19.4 34 -14.2 22.91 17.7- d.7 20.4 32 58.4, 8:47 6 lr,7 8 153 320 8 ft eft 14 MINNIE SCH NGEf, Principal. J live in it. He had better get him a housekeeper. She will dry the house and he will not take cold. Johnnie Dimmick has his house al most completed and ready to move into. Mr. and Mrs. Georce Perkins were at Mrs. Ilelmer's store doing some trading. . . Odell Notes. About 30 friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crockett gave them a surprise party last Thursday evening.and a very pleas ant evening was spent. W. II. Sears has fitted up Mb barn and converted it into a hall, and is hav ing dancing parties there. Last Friday nit'ht he save a dance. He has a piano on the platform for the musicians, and everything in Bhip shape for a good time. The social side of life is somewhat neglected at Odell. There should lie a hall built here. In such event lodges would probably be organized, besides there is a demand for a place for public meetings. If some one would start the enterprise and incorporate, it would be an easy mattur to get the necessary cap ital with which to build. C. O. Roberts returned Sunday from Portland where he had been for a week in attendance on the stock and fruitcon ventions. He reports a good time and thinks permanent good will result to the state from the gathering together of such important conventions. Two parties were here Sunday looking over the valley after having spent the week in Portland. The work of the Fruit Growers' convention led up to their visit here and they were highly pleased with the valley. The Davenport mill at Charlie Davis' place will start up, next Monday, for a short run. Tlie buzz of the saw will be a welcome sound again. F. L. Massee and sons have a contract with C. L. Rogers to do some grubbing on Willow Flat. Mr. Black, one of the purchasers of the Wyman place, who has been absent for several weeks for medical treatment, returned last Wednesday much im proved. A nice picture of the Odell corner can now be seen at the Little White Store, showing the store.the warehouse, Behool house and church. It is the work of young Mr.ColliiiB and is very creditable. Grubbing, cutting wood and clearing up land is the order of the day here. There is no excuse for idleness in this neighborhood as there is work galore. The road question is the absorbing topic now. There is plenty of talk, but talk is cheap. The only way to build roads is to go to work and do it. It is my opinion that the bonding system is the only feasable plan, butitisqthtstion able whether this could he done. When the roads become actually impassable then it will become a necessity to fix them. Hay is now being drawn from town to supply the country. The usual order of things seems to be revesed here. But be it said to the credit of Hood River valley, that there are few places that could stand such pressure. It is usually the case that the country suppl es the town market. But present indications point to the time at no distant date when the valley will supply the demand for hay. Where five tons can be cut from an acre, surely present conditions should not long prevail. Frank Neff is getting out a lot of oak wood on his place a mile west of Odell. This morning a Yellow Hammer lit in the topmost branches of the grand old oak at the Odell corner.-xThe bird had evidently been held in captivity before, for it had a cord tied around its neck about two feet long with a bunch of pa per tied fast to it. As the school chil dren gathered they discovered it, and plucky Alfred Dethmau climbed the tree after much difficulty and released the captive. The string was cut and the frightened bird flapped its wings and flew away. Alfred was the hero of hour. Clienowetli New Notes. Cold weather here at present. Mrs. Durum is rapidly improving. Clarence Hill is down with the pneu monia. Roy is In Hood River today (Tuesday) to consult a physician. Miss Maud Duram spent Sunday at her home near The Dalles. Charles Tubbs is in Stevenson today on business. R. Stone and Jean Roper were in Hood River Saturday and Sunday. W. W. Tyler, deputy United States marshal, took dinner in our burg Sat urday. A number of young men of this dis trict would like to know the name of the minister who takes orders on the W. L. Co., and also the jewelry man wl o does so. As appearances of iate trans actions look as if orders are good on the same. Rheumatism Positively Cured. The California Meillral Comnnnv will r. fund to the customer nil money tlmt he pays nit- tiriiKisi in ens" no is uoi cuiea oi ttneii niHttxin by the line of Oil of Eden Sweet Spirits of Eden. Chronlccnses Invariably cured, and CUUKD Kor Sale liv O. E. WILLIAMS, Agent for Hood River. Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates Furnished. S. H. COX. E. A. S0ULE, Contractor and Builder. Plans and Estimates Fcrsishfii Upon Application. dl THE NEW FEED STORE. On the Mount Hood road, South of town, keep constantly on hand the best quality of Groceries, Hay, Grain & Feed, At Lowest Price. KB D. K. LAMAR, Prop. BELIEU & REA, Contractors & Builders. 4 1 1 ats akd Estimates Ftrwished-s EUREKA Meat Market. s McGore Bros., Propr's. Iiealem In fwli and Cored Ifrau. IaH Ptniliry, Fruit, and Vegetable. f rvr i -o verv. itionc 35. copynmrAMukiMM 1 XV CLARKE, ths Druggist. Opposite Post Office. C T. RAWSON. I K- H. STANTON HOOD RIVER NURSERY. . Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let. our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting we will have and can sup ply in any number Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees.- Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen berg and Jonathan apple trees. , RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or. S. J. DEALER IN- Harness and Saddles, All Repairing Promptly Attended to Hood River, Oregon. PRATHER Investment Company. The oldest, most reliable and up-to-date Real Es tate .Agents in Hood River. If you want an abstract ; If you want insurance written; If you want conveyancing done; If you want to buy a farm, or a house and lot in town, or sell a farm, or a house and lot, CALL ON US. We sell more real estate than any other firm in the city, n We have the best list of farm and country prop ' erty to chose from. Information and full particulars of the surround ing country gladly given. Mr. Prather has been a resident of the town and valley for 24 years, and no one is better posted in regard to Hood River valley. We will issue a price list of property March 1, ' 1004. Write for it. We will be pleased to mail it to you. Correspondence solicited. Telephone main 701 . HOOD RIVER, ...... OREGON. M. MANJLV, MANLY & CROW, White Salmon Real Estate Dealers. White Salmon, Wash., ha ve sole charge of the sale of lots in this growing town. We have a large list of farm and fruit lands for sale. Correspondence solicited. THE REAL ESTATE MAN, Offers the following Bargains this week: FARM PROPERTY. 11. 10 a. good apple hind under ditch f 19. 10 a. good early berry land, 5 bearing 40. 1 0 a. fine every way for good home 57. 17 a. mostly berries; house, free water.. GO. 120 a. partly cleared, 0 miles out. SO No acres under ditch A 20 a. best of apple land, 0 miles out on the East Side 20 a. 2-year-old orchard best varieties 05 a. 4 m. oiit; .'5 in berries; orchard 9.. 10 a, partly cleared; good soil,buildinis 04. 89. 1)2. 99. 100. 100 n. tract fine apple land on Willow Flat, price per acre 103. 210 a., 120 acres good saw-timber, mil! on the place, (50 acres m grass, young bearing orchard, buildings and tools... 104. 100 a. half cleared, several acres in ber ries and apples 5,500 100. 30 a. in clover, fine for apples, berries... 4,000 109. 120 a, nearly all cleared; 7 miles from town, some fruit, best of apple land 4,H00 CITY PROPERTY. n -room house and lot loo 3 large lots, 0-room house, free water, in Plow- . ers addition (;0() 8 good lots on the hill for 'y.'o Corner lot, line location, new 2-story house, barn l,5oo Good house and large lot on the hili for 4() LotsinCoe's 1st, 2d ami 3d additions; call at office to look at plat. Choice lots on the liill. including Thompson P.Ik. 6 acres inside the city limits, to be sold as acreage property, a good investment, ' $4,500. THE CONVENIENCE5 CfF PILLS a.s ii mode of ministering medicine is too well known to require argu ment. We have on hand all the standard kinds, and our' own pill CLARKE'S - tho Pill that WILL. FRANK, U. (1. ( ROW. 400 2,000 4,500 a.noo 2,200 2,000 3,000 7,000 1,8.10 100 10,000