The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 21, 1904, Image 3

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    - o
We wish to thank our many customers for their pat
ronage and support which enabled us to make last
season's business the largest -since our organization.
We intend to protect your interests in the future in
every way possible, and assist in increasing your in
comes at the lowest possible tost. Our experience
proves that we profit only by helping you to produce
youc crops at the minimum cost, and market them at
remunerative prices. With this object in view we have
arranged for supplying a lull line of
Garden and
Farm Tools
consisting. of Plows, Cultivators, Harrows and Garden
tools of the Pari in & Orendorff Co., the Planet Jr.
and Iron Age lines, Kimball Orchard Cultivator, etc.
We have ordered another carload to arrive before
March 1 , and will be able to sell at Portland prices and
to guarantee the goods.
Fertilizers and
Land Plasters
We have been making a study of the requirements of
farmers and fruit growers in this line, and we handle
the goods in carload lots at prices that will make you
Spray Pumps
. The satisfactory service given by the Gould line of
Spray Pumps known as the Pomona, Fruitall and
Sentinel, jr., is evidence of their superiority, and we will
continue furnishing them until we find something bet
ter or as good at lower prices.
Fruit Boxes
Our BOX FACTORY has a capacity much in excess of
the present demands of this section, and our experience
in handling fruit enables us to turn out substantial
and satisfactory boxes, and we wish to know what the
requirements will be early in the season, so we can ar
range for a full supply of lumber and have it on the
ground in advance of the time it is nee'ded.
We ha ve business arrangements with the strongest and
most reliable houses in the principal fruit markets
which consume our fruits at good prices, and our
knowledge and experience in grading and packing en
ables us to market good stock at extremely fancy
prices', therefore we are competent to solicit this class
of business, knowing that we can do you good.
We have built
up our business by helping to lessen the cost of pro
duction, improve the quality of the fruit, and add to
the value by proper marketing. These are our obliga
tions to our customers, and we will continue to serve
those who are in the business for profit.
Wishing You all
a prosperous year, and soliciting your business in our
lines, we are, Yorit Servants,
Jimnile IMIord in CnliDruiii.
LosAngelcs, Jan. 8. Editor Glacier:
Wu liaJ a pleapant trip from Hood Riv
er, stopping in San Francisco a couple of
davs. 1 haven't liad my overcoat on
Biiice I left Frisco, still people hew are
complaining of the cold. Kain is need
ed badly, it Is so dry and dusty. The
streets here are sprinkled with crude oil
just as it is pumped from the earth. It
(jives the roads the effect of anplialtuni,
and answers the purpose both of layinn
the ilust and makiiiL' a murky slime
that clinjis to your shoes, and which is
onlv equalled by Oregon snow and mud.
Vim have perhaps road the book,
"On a Slow Train through Arkansas."
Well, we came out of San Francisco on
one. We wanted a daylight view of
the country and we got it. One thing
that forced itself on me was the
forsaken look and utter abandonment of
all small towns we came through. Mrs.
Dellord wondered if people tailed about
lliHid Uiver as thov pass through the
town on the train, us they do about the
towns here. I told her that people who
passed through Hood River and got a
glimpse of only a lodging house, a few
factories, a hand car and a couple of pigs
undoubtedly had a big laugh up their
sleeves. There is nothing so discourag
ing to a traveler on entering a city or
town as to have spread upon his imag
inative intellect a bunch of patched and
tumble down shacks. It is so much
different to glide up to a station and
see well-kept streets and lawns, painted
buildings and a general air of bustle and
tidiness. Then the stranger remarks,
'What a pretty place. I wouldn't mind
living here niyielf." You can't help
comparing these things, and I am sorry
Hood River puts up such a poor show
ing from the railroad.
I went to Long Reach Sunday and
saw Mr. and Mrs. Cook. Lawrence
It low era was out soaking himself full of
sunshine, so did not see him. Neither
did I see Judge Henry, but will next
trip. The electric, cars from this city to
The Closing Out Sale
Will be continued wth the
Cyclone Prices as Given in
Last week's Glacier.
When You Come to Town
Do not fail to call and see us and give us a chance
to fill your order. We quote Flour in not less
than barrel lots at warehouse:
Dalles Patent. wv lll...$4.."0 White River, ier bbl..fl.23
Dalles Straight,
Feed at warehouse in not less than half-ton lots:
Kolled barlev, jht ton. $:4..0 Shorts, jier ton $22."0
Oats, per ton 2.".00 llran and Shorts. 22.00
liran, jht ton, $21.50.
Yours trulv,
bone & McDonald
Long Beach run at the rate of 60 and 70
miles an hour. The local' makes the
trip ol 22 miles, including stops, in 35
minutes. Guess that's going some.
Jas. F. DeBord.
134 Ohio St., LosAngeles, Cal.
Tax Lety U 27 Mills.
Commissioner Ilibbard returned from
The Dalles Tuesday afternoon, where
he attended an adjourded session of the
county court. It was found necessary
to make the tax levy this year 27 mills,
apportioned as follows: State, 7 mills;
tsbhool, 6.4; roads, 3; and county 10.6.
A small part of the levy for county pur
poses goes toward paying pfl' the coun
ty debt. Mr. Hibbard says Wasco
county's finances are ifi very good
shape. The debt tiow ts about f."0,00().
Four years ago it wan $120,000.
Road supervisors for Hood River were
named as follows :
District No. 3, G. D. Wood worth; No.
5, B. F. Eadelman; No, 6, Hans l,age;
No. 7, H. G. G ockett; No. 8, J.M. Letiz;
No. 35, A. B. McKamey. At Mosier,
Lal'ier and Huskey are to be the su
pervisors. Mr. Hibbard says it is impossible to
find any one for supervisor of district
No. 4. At the meeting next Monday,
this district will likely be divided be
tween No. 3 and No. 7, giving the Odell
people control of the Tucker hill. Tliat
part of district No. 6 lying west of Hood
river lias been given to No. 3.
When asked concerning affairs polit
ical, Mr. Hibbard declared things were
very quiet.
Bills Allowed by the Count; Court.
The following cluima against the
county were allowed at the January
meeting of the Wasco county commis
siouers' court :
Weston & Co, lumber die. 34 $ 22 17
Ensley & Fraley, lbr dia. 28, 30. . 60 15
Dufur Lbr Co, lumber d is. 28 .. . 76 03
Ward & Robertson, livery rig. . . 14 00
Chas Payette, sprinkling streets 8 00
DHockiuau, blacksuiithing. . . . 8 50
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies.. 24 50
Wasco W M Go, lights 44 70
St Vincent bos, indigent sick. . . 41 00
Star lodging house, lodging iudig 6 50
A A Brown, supplies indigent . . 2 55
W A Johnston & Co, sup indigent 5 00
Geo Kuch, supplies indigent 9 85
J E Kennedy, supplies (lis 30. . . 3 05 i
I)r Geisendorller, exam insane. . 5 00
Telegraph Co, rent and messags 17 40
C L Phillips, sup county charge 40 05
Maier &Hchanno, supplies 2 25
Davenport Bios, lbr d is 3 176 03
Irwin-llodson Co, supplies 1 50
I)r Schroeder, exam insane 5 00
Fdward Pease Go, supplies 10 50
Fashion Stable, use of rig 9 50
F O Berg, jail hammocks 13 50
C Gibson .cutting wood indigent 1 00
F E Jackson, supplies indigent. 2 20
Crandall & Burget,buriul pauper 10 00
Mayes Bros, supplies indigent.. 1 10
Van Duyn & Adams, roud suplis 2 65
Dalles Water Go, water rent 11 25
FS Gunning, blacksmithing... 5 40
Geo T Thompson, blacksmithing 15 00
v v bexton, boarding prisoners. 72 00
FGSexton,8ubpoeniig witnesses 29 80
F C Sexton,. stamps 5 80
C L Gilbert, stamps 9 50
J B Goit, work on tax roll 81 00
F H stanton, sup road dis 7 29 45
Dr Shaekleford, exam insane. . . 5 00
Dr Logan, examining insane . .'. 20 00
Dr Logan, professional services. 32 00
Frank Pierce, lumber dis 2U. . . . 15 47
Friend & Buskuhl, lbr dis 27.;.. 28 as
Ward Bros, lumber dis 25 10 55
Bone & McDonald, sup dis 23. , . '6 25
Geo A Liebe, viewer 2 days ..... 8 00
J H Jackson, viewer one day ... 4 00
is, js Allen, road viewer one day 4 00
Alexander & Smith, blucksmitng 33 50
Davenport Bros, sup dis 6 47 25
Davenport Bros, sup dis 3 and 7 16 til
E E Savage's Sous, sup dis 3, 7. 12 85
8 VV Stark, lumber dis 10 15 25
J T Peters, road sup and wood . 26 90
J W Zumwalt, supervisor dis 30 71 00
A C Mood, blacksinithng dis 28 . 9 95
I) C Jones, supervisor dis 28 88 00
VV D Richards, supervisor dis 20 35 50
Frank LaPier, supervisor dis 10. 141 40
J D Douglas, supervisor dis 23. . 93 00
J McConnell, supervisor dis 2J. . 74 00
W H Wolf, supervisor dis 14. . . . 17 50
J F Arnold, supervisor dis 12. . . 21 50
G C Benson, supervisor dis 17. . 192 35
G W Covert, supervisor dis 15. . 29 75
E Frederick, supervisor dis 11 . . 118 00
B Davidson, sup and work dis 11 1125
F 8 Gordon.survey Stanton road 10 00
B R Tucker, viewer Stanton road 4 00
WKennedy.viewer Stanton road 4 00
Transfer Co, livery Stanton road 1 50
J H Jackson, qarantingsmallpx 7 00
Dalles City, smallpox supplies. . 20 50
M Speichenger, care Ed Welch. 25 00
K T Green, supervisor dis 10 10 50
II E Blocher.wk Indian ck bridg 1 75
J M Benson.drawing iury Dalles 2 IK)
J M FiIloon,drawing Jury Dulles 2 00
G A 8chutz, drawing jury Dalles . 3 00
A MWilllams&Co, sup indigent 1 50
Mayes A Crowe, supplies dis 15. 4 70
W E Huskey, supervisor dis 9. . 88 00
M Allen, supervisor dis 22 84 00
Conroy,Son & Co,8iip Indigent. . 4 70
J Rice, sunervisor dis 34. .' ' 52 00
C H Wallace, sup dis 34. : 5 45
Frank Irvine, sup dis 34 22 80
A McKatnev, supervisor dis 35. . 18 00
B F Edelman. sunervisor dis 5. . 72 00
ThosLarwood. supervisor dis 8. 24 30
Warren Wells. sunervisor dis 6. . 45 31
GD VVoodworth.sunervisor dis 3 248 77
Jos Purser. 150 loads gravel 8 00
F H Slang, road work dis 3 9 75
Snow & Upson, supplies dis 3. . . 8 00
J H Gill, supplies dis 3 10 20
A O Hershev. supplies dis 3 ... . 13 50
Spracklin & Springer, burial. . . . 10 (
H P Conroy, medical care Indian 20 00
Transfer Co. use of team 5 00
E J Younar. stock inspector 100 00
Maier & dis 10 10 20
G D Woodworth, ap Franktn dis 100 00
H Herbring, supplies indigent. . 5 70
G O Blakeley, railroad tickets . . 9 20
J M Filloon. drawing jury 3 00
Chas Schutz, assist drawng jury 2 00
J B Crossen, assist drawing jury 2 00
Ike Perry, diggi tig grave 5 00
Potter A Co. bound daters 8 00
Irwin-Hodson Co, mortgage... 17 50
J II Cbastain, work on bridge. . 6 00
The coming year Waeco county will
have an addition of $6,832 to its public
school fund because ot a law passed by
the regular session of the legislature in
1903, which requires a levy ol fi per
capita for each person of school age in
stead of a Btraight five-mill tax. Under
the old law the fund would have beeu
$23,204 whereas this year it will be $30,
036, since there are ;' 6000 persona be.
tween the ages of foiir and 20 in the
county according to the last reports of
school district clerks. Mountaineer. ,
Side Lights on the Portland Con vent ions
"Are there only two 'nieu in Hood
River who know anything about fruit
growing?" inquired a Willamette val
ley member of the state board of horti
culture. "It would seem so," he con
tinued, "as Mason and Smith did all
the talking."
"Paper, mister?" shouted an urchin
to E. L. Smith and G. J. Gessling as
they were walking down Washington
street. "Better buy one, mister," per
sisted the youngster, directing his re
marks to Mr. Smith; "your picture's
in the paper."
The Hood River delegates to the
fruit growers' convention all wore rib
bon badges with "Hood Hivcr" printed
thereon. E. 11. Shepard had them
Joe Wilson presented a basket of
handsome apples to Gifford. Piucliot,
the government forestry agent. As
Mr. Wilson carried the apples into the
hotel Portland he was immediately
surrounded by a crowd of prominent
stockmen, who piled him witu all sorts
of questions, and it was with difliculty
he got the apples safely into the bands
xf Mr. Pinchot. That's where the fruit
exhibit should have been, says Mr.
Wilson, in the hotel Portland, where
the fine apples could have been seen by
the Eastern cattle men.
G.J. Gessling says he heard the story
of the Vermont scboolma'm and Jerry
Simpson 70 times or more, and he has
one of his own to tell.. It was at the
reception. Senator Warren of Wyom
ing declared Mr. Simpson hud reformed
and now wears socks. "Yes, that's so,"
butted in Jerry, as lie drew up his
trousers and displayed a gaudy pair of
silk hoseleis.
Punch was served at the Commercial
club's banquet to the stockmen. When
it came Jerry Simpson's turu to talk he
began by saying It required 14,0O
pounds of material from which to ex
tract enough radium to cover the end
of your thumb. ''And' that's the way
with this punch it takes a lot of it
to make a drink." And he refilled his
glass to overflowing.
Scappoose was at the fruit growers'
convention with those 3-tier Northern
Spy of which Jerry Coldwell has told
so much in the Oregonian side-heads.
Joe Wilson says they were fairly good
apples, but he repacked a box and they
went 4-tier, even.
F. P. Friday says he heard that in a
California apple section a new town
has been laid nut und advertised 11s
"Hood Kiver, t lie land of the big red
Hood River must have been the
whole thing at the apple growers'
meetings, for the newspaper reports
were full of frequent references to this
famous fruit section.
Four boxes of apples from Olwell
Bros' orchard at Mediord were displayed
with the fruit exhibit, but when Mr.
Olwell happened in, it is said, and saw
the marked contrast his apples made
witli those from Hood River, he then
and there replaced the lids on the boxes
and sent them out of the hall.
Found a Cure fur Indigestion.
I use Chamberlain's Stomachy and
Liver tabletB for indigestion and find
that they Euit my case better than any
dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried anil
I have used many different remedies. I
Wasco County's Finances.
Following is the report of A. E. Lake, county clerk of Wasco county, showing
the number and amount of claims allowed by the county-court from May 1,
1903, to January 1, 1904:
Salaries county judge, commissioners, clerk, sheriff, school superin
tendent, assessor, coroner, stock Inspector j 9768 93
Roadsand bridges t 5624 65
Court house and jail ..... 1434 94
Circuit court, jurors, wit nesses and bailiffs 695 95
Fees fn justice court , 3,-,(i 90
Pauper account 1544 03
Books, stationery, postage, exchange, teh phoning and printing . . ... 1061 92
Expense of insane f 51; 40
Experting county books 1450 00
(,',AR; : - '.'..'..'.I 200 00
liebate in taxes .s ....:..... J.'. , 1. .'. H4 22
$22,298 00
Of the financial conditions of Wasco county, state of Oregon, on Hie 1st day of
January, 1904:
To amount of liabilities as per last report $58 191 14
To interest accrued since last report 2' 37 r5
Warrants from May 1, l!)ti:t, to January 1, V.m ' 2''"JH 00
By county warrants redeemed
182,816 79
. 19,166 24
By cash in county treasurer's hands applicable to the payment of,'3',,',0 60
county warrants $5,816 08
Net indebtedness $57,8.14 47
You want one now
that fall has come.
Drop in and see what
Savage has in the
stove line. Also ex
amine the many
other poods that are
unpacked dailv at
neatly and promptly. Our office i
fully equiped with latest styles of
type and up-to-date material. We
carry a full line of printers station
ery, and can fill your order lor a
visiting card or a full-page color
poster. Have your stationery
printed bv
35 Acres
fiwwlf ula hamln: on the mad to Mount
Html: kiwxI prlr lanil: ne, hnlihjr location
Uf R hoiMe by the mttidt. Inquire on the
prvmiw. ift.l J. 1'. HILLSTKOM.
Stock Taking Time is Here
And we have -been unable to find any Shelf-Worn or
Shoddy goods with us,
No Clearance Sale Is On
But from a well-selected stock, which will be more than
doubled in the next few weeks, we will continue to give
best possible values at the right price.
Mt. Hood Lumber Company
am nearly 51 years of age and have suf
fered a great deal from indigestion. I
can eat almost anything I want to now.
George W. Emory, Rock Mills, Ala.
For sale by all druggists.
Hagy's Ben II ur.
White Salmon.Jan. 8.1904. Perhnns.
my dear editor and friends in Hood
Uiver, you may have heard of this
grand and superb play, and we, as citi
zens of White Salmon certainly regret
that our neighbors did not avail them
selves of the opportunity to come over
and see it. Well, sir, we have had it:
we have seen it, and feel keenly your
loss. As soon as the enternrisiue ad
vance agent fully satisfied himself
that the capacity of our opera house
stage was of sufficient size for the fam
ous chariot races, the show was a sure
thing for us. At once our streets be
came noisy, busy thoroughfares. The
transferring of this immense combina
tion (including a scene from Rip Van
Winkle) from wharf to opera house
made dusty roads of Jewett avenue aiid
tne urana um boulevard. Our entire
city was on the border of hysteria wUJj.
expectancy or ttie coming event.
Perhaps no audience ever congregat
ed ut the opera house before that con
sisted so largely of the 400 of this city
as greeted this play. Crowded from
gallery to parquet with youth, rosy
cheeked and beautiful, with the sparkle
of health and sunshine from one and
all. The private boxes on the right
were occupied principally by residents
from Nob Hill, Jewett avenuo and
Condon lane, while those on the left
were rilled to a seat trom the Hillside,
in the canopy of the magnificent drap
ery of the boxes, glistening and spark
ling from the flash of diamonds, shone
the elite of our city in magnificent at
tire, while the body of the house fully
represented the thrift and prosperity of
the city politic.
It wus indeed a grand gathering,
long to be remembered. In the scene
of the irrand chariot races the enthusi
asm of this great gathering of people
was grand to behold. The dashing,
foaming, wild Arabian horses secined
to become enthused with the object of
supremacy to the extent of self-control
as they dashed around the arena. The
applause and enthusiasm of the audi
ence to the victor was indescribable.
It was indeed a regret of our citizens
that their many friends in Hood River
could not have been with us, or that
their opera house stage was not of suf
ficient size to accomiuodute the play.
The after play of Rip Van Winkle, from
the play of Joseph Jefferson, fully and
beautifully accompanied by the soul
stirring music furnished by the orches
tra led by Lillian Ford, was a fitting
and quieting ending of this wonderful
We can only console ourselves
my dear friends for your loss by
a firm resolve that never again will we
permit so grand an entertainment to
visit us without our using every possi
ble means to bring you over.
A N eiuhiior.
Frederick & Arnold have the contract
for a $2,000 residence for Phil Mathews,
on the corner just north of Rev. J. W.
Ruby's and facing River street.
Stock Taking and End of our Year
Gomes February 1, 1904.
Many odd articles offered to close at discount. Outfitting bills largely
reduced. Remember Sale closes February 1.
STEWART'S, the Home Furnisher. .
Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Furniture, Shades,
Stoves, Tinware, Building Material, Carpets, Linoleum.
Centrally Located. Fine View.
Pure Spring Water.
Sidewalks will be Put in when Grading is Completed
Property is in the first sewerage system that will be put in by the town
of Hood Kiver.
Several fine buildings will be. erected on the property during the summer.
Special Inducements to Peo
pie who wish to Build.
For full particulars call upon
J. F. Batchelder and R. R. Erwin, Trustees.
We cany a complete slock of W. Mnltb Grabbing Macblnes,- wire cable, rope sliortnerH, blocks, root hooks, etc., for which
we are general agents for Oregon and Washington, Write for catalogue.
OXLY exclusive Hardware Store in
No Z
i .. - - T-r. y
it tHit
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