0 ' -- I 5ood Fv ver Slacier. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1904. The Glacier is in receipt of the boll day edition oi the Farm and Home, published at North Yakima, Wash., by Mr. and Mrs. Legh Freeman. The number is profusely illuntrated. Legh Freeiimii, the senior editor, given ' skelches of his life in the wild West during the past 50 odd yean. He tellx of Home marvelous escapes in encouut era with the Indians. A picture of old Jim Bridger Is given along with a tio 'graphical sketch of this noted frontiers niaii. The senior editor of tbe Glacier knew Bridger and traveled with him in the same train from Fort Reno to the crossiugof the Yellowstone In 18G6. Bridger was a celebrated liar. No one In the train ever believed a word of the yarns he could spin for hours about his battles with the In dians and wild beasts. Freeman seems to be a great admirer of Bridger, so much so that some of the Incidents of his own life as related by himself sound like tbe stories Bridger used to tell. The writer met Freeman in 1868, at Green River City, In the tent office of the Frontier Index. E. H. Shepard and G. J.. Gessling of the Fruit Growers' union did tome -effective work among the railroad people during the association meeting at Port land last week. They made such a show ing to the railroad people that they agreed to give the fruit shippers a straw berry special out of Hood River during the height of the season, running it on passenger train time, the shippers to furnish the railroad company with an estimate of the number of cars in the morning and they will start a light train out of Portland with just enough care so that the strawberries will complete the train. This was Mr. Gessling's sug gestion, and after the railroad people had it under consideration for a day, they came to the conclusion that this would be the best solution of the diffi culty. Hood River was fittingly honored by the selection of Hon. E. L. Smith for president of the Northwest Fruit Grow ers' association. It is fair to say that no man in the Northwest has more practi cal knowledge of fruit culture, and for a presiding officer no. better selection could be made by any organization. In consideration of the fact that the taxpayers of the Frank ton part of road district No. 3 are already in for 49 mills of a tax 27 mills state and county and 22 school tax they can hardly be blam ed for not voting an additional 10 mills for road purposes. The article on the American League of Civic Improvement was furnished by A. W. Onthank. It contains useful hints for Hood River, where an organi sation of this nature could do much good. Will the dog-in-the-manger policy of the mayor and council result in a monk-ey-and-parrot time? The American Improvement League. The American League of civic im provement is an organization founded in response to a popular demand. The fmblication of articles on town and vil age improvement in the leading maga zines had brought to their editors a flood of inquiries concerning the ways and means of public improvement ef fort. The urgent need of a central or ganization to serve as a bureau of infor mation and as a unifying force led to the formation of the National League of improvement associations at a conven tion held at Springfield, Ohio, October, 1900. The response to the efforts of this pio neer organization encouraged another significant advance the expansion of the original body into the American League for civic improvement, at the first regular convention in Buffalo, in August, 1901. Probably the most nota ble incident of that convention was the proposal that the Louisiana Purchase exposition include a "model city" ex hibit. Within 1(1 months after the organi zation of the league the increased appli cations for suggestions and literature in the line of village improvement work made netssarya second enlargement of the plan of work. Moreover, the work had become so extensive that it became necessary to divide it into sections, the scope and character of which may be seen from the folluwing: Libraries and museums, municipal art, municipal re form, parks, public nuisances, rural im provement, streets, sanitation, village improvement. Others are provided for as needed, and each is placed under the direction of a representative ad visory council, so that each local organ ization may have the benefit of the knowledge and experience of all the others, an important function of the cen tral organization being to supplement and assist the efforts of existing local so cieties, and to encourage the formation of others. The league offers to furnish lectures, programmes for meetings and study material, printed matter for ed ucational purposes, reference to sources ot intormation, and plans for organiza tion. Through the league anv society or in dividual can secure any book on civic improvement, and valuable leaflets. pamphlets, and book-lists are issued to the members. Local societies are en titled to all the benefits of membership on the payment of two dollars. The good work is spreading all over the United States, improvement socie ties have beeu formed in many towns and marked progress has been made, to the advantage in every wav of the citi zens. Why cannot Hood ftiver share in the benefit's of such work? Frankton Turns Down the Road Tax. Frankton, Jan. 1, 1904. Editor Gla cier: About 75 or 80 taxpayers and oth ers in road district No. 3, 'met at the school house today to consider the mat ter of voting a special road tax. An ef fort to vote a 10 mill tax was made some time ago but failed, and this meetiug was called to reoH' the question. Supervisor Wood worth called the meeting to order about 1:30, and the writer was called to act as secretary of the meeting. The petition and call for the meetin was read, as was also sec tions 74, 75 and 77 of the Oregon road laws governing the voting for special road taxes, collecting the same and the manner of handling the fund and do ing the ork on the road. Then after come kii nothing on the part of the cit izens, a motion that we vote a tax war made by 8. D. Garner, and the fun be pan. It was amusing, yet provoking to see a stoat, hearty-looking neighbor, having a family of a wife and baby.only, to support, and both of them small and casv to keep, jump op and with tears in Ids voice declare pathetically that he was "being taxed and taxed until I can't pay it and if this 10-mill tax is levied my place will be sold for taxes." The 10 mill tax would have mulched him to the extent of $3.30, or two days' work. Anotln r gentleman, evidently as ver dant as his name implies, who objected that he was "not in favor of making a road to a beer garden nor for Frank Davenport to wear out hauling big loads of lumber over." The verdancy of the gentleman is apparent when it is known that there is no beer garden anywhere in the district and so tar as the writer has been able to ascertain, there is none in contemplation. And further, if the pro posed tax had been levied it would have squeezed this verdant gentleman to the tune ot fl.zo, while rrank Davenport, because of his mills, flume, etc., would haveiiad to pavaboutfl25 00, Menominee Lumber Co., ii), the O. R. & N., about $300 or $400, while if our old methods are practiced we will secure little or no assistance from these three sources. It was suggested that the special tax be divided between the dinerent roads in the district, or all of it put on some oth er than the state road, but it was of no avail, the spirit of nonprogreesivenes seemed to dominate in the meeting, and although our verdant friend wrathfulh denied the soft impeachmant when ii was unthoughtedly and vaguely intimat ed that those opposed to the tax were unprogressive. The. vote was about 10 for and 50 or 60 against voting the tax, and road district No. 3 goes on, record a against good roads, as being nonpro gressive, in road matters at least ; clios- ing rather to use the siwash trails our verdant friend mentioned as having to be UBed by himself or others, than to dig up from 50c to f 5 each to start in a substantial manner the good roads movement in our district. U. N. K. Annual Meeting Apple Growers' Union. The annual meeting of the Hood River Apple Growers' union kept the memoers busy last Saturday irom II o' clock in the morning until 3 in the after noon. While there was some sharp dif ferences of opinion as to methods of union operations, yet there was a gen eral teeung that the majority should rule, and that by all means the union must be supported. At the close of the meeting. E. L. Smith delivered a short but able speech admonishing the apple growers to stand i y the union. "If we don't," he continued, "the other fellows will pick our bones clean. The future success of the apple business in Hood River depends on the success of this apple growers' union." A. I. Mason, president of the board ot directors, presided. Mr. Mason read a short address, including! a list of rec ommendations prepared bv the direct ors. Those of the recommendations ac cepted by the union and made a part of the Dy-iaws are: 1. The annual meeting of the nnion shall be held the first Saturday in April. 2. The board of directors shall not be elected in full each year, at least two ot tnem holding over. 3. Thisorganization,through its board of directors, shall have the exclusive and unqualified power "to market all apples grown by any of its members. A con tract between each individual and the board of directors will be required. 4. The manager of the union will be placed on a Hat salary. 5. No union label shall be placed on an apple box, except by the manager of the warehouse, just before shipping. 6. Each packer will be held respon sible for his own work by a system of fines. No fruit will be received unless put up by a packer employed by the union. , 7. The union will hare no packing house foreman, except those employed by the union. 8. The 3 and 4 tier pack is to be discontinued, and the diagonal pack en couraged where possible. li. Apple box material must be bet ter than that furnished last year. 16. Co-operation with the Hood River Fruit Growers' union is looked upon as worthy of consideration. When the 3d resolution came tip for adoption it aroused a spirited debate. C. II. Sproat was very much opposed to such a ruling, declaring it took the con trol of the orchards out of the owner's hands. B. R. Tucker opposed the mea sure. b!V. bherneb supported it, de claring he lost the difference between fi.zo and Hoc a box for his lialdwins be cause some of the union members re fused to help fill a car when the direc tors considered it best to ship. It remained for Mr. Mason to close the argument and turn the tide in the motion's favor. The directors, in their experience of the past season, found it necessary to set the time when certain varieties of apples should be shipped. They were better able to do this than the individual grower, because reports are received by the manager by mail and telegraph as to market conditions in all parts of the world. Furthermore, to insure the union an honorable rating in the commercial world, the directors must be in a position to deliver the goods when they contract with a dealer for the sale of a carload of apples. The election of a b ani of directors re sulted as follows: A I Ma-on. Chris Dethman. F O Church. O K Castner and BR Tucker. The firt three were re-elected. On motion of G R Castner, the state board of horticulture will be asked to secure the services of a government ex perimenter to gather data on the work of the codlin moth at Hood River. Secretary J L Carter's report follows: To the President and Stockholders of the Hood River Apple Growers Uuion Gentlemen: Since assuminir theorllce of secretary of tbe union I have en deavored to keep a careful record or all stockholders and directors' meetings held, as provided In the by-laws of the association. As instructed by the board of directors at regular meeting, have secured the necexsary record for minutes, stock book, warrant book and book of certificate of stock. Have issued by order of tbe board and signed by the president seven war rants upon the treasurer of tbe union, km lollows: E L Smith, expense of incorpor ating f 6 60 Manager J A Wilson, supplies fiH- office 107 63 Secretary J L Carter, rword, no tice cards 7 90 Secretary of state, Incorporation tax 10 05 J L Carter, certificate of stock book and expresaage 10 05 E R Bradley, printing letter heads, etc 3 00 J A Wilson, rubber stamps and expresaage 11 80 Total .$157 03 Receipts, with itemized accounts ami cancelled warrants accompany (Man- Farmers' Friend FEED STORE. I have pat to a mil itork of Floor and Feed and ran nve farmer and other good pr cent cm Ihelr pureliaw. Call and rrt prt, ! Mor In mnm formerly occupied by liimi I BnaK. adjoining their .to. HI It. W. WAIT, Propr. How Far Can You Make a When (ieorge Washington threw a dollar across the Potomac, some of ns critics said he would ruin the country, as he was actually throwing money away. They were wrong, he was only testing his ability to see now much farther he could make a dollar go than they could. At any season of tbe year you can make your dollars go a long ways farther at our store than any other place we know of. Only a few Shirt Waists left. You can have them this week at half price. All our Children's and Ladies' Coats at absolute cost. Don't forget all our Toilet Articles go at half price this month. Now is the time to replenish vour kitchen hardware. We have every thing you need in this first-class goods SHOES When you want shoes do not pass us by for several reasons, some of which are: We have the largest line in Hood River to select from. W e are sole agents for the famous Hamilton & Brown 'Shoe Co., the largest shoe house in the world. We also ham the Heart and Arrow brand, the largest shoe house in the world for its age. "In addition to the two best agencies m the United States, we have several special lines. We have the kind of Shoes you want and the Prices are lower than elsewhere. port for the iiiKpection of the auditing committee or members of the union, the name to be turned over to my suc cessor in office. ' The treasurer lias reported to nie u total receipt from the 25 per centnHsess inentupon thestock of union ...$175 00 From J A Wilnon, sale stamps. . 122 00 Amount paid out by warrants of board 1,57 03 Balance in treasury f 39 !)7 Respectfully submitted, J. L. CARTER, Secretary Board Directors Hood River Apple Growers' Union. Council and Mayor Play Sec-Saw. Things were frigid at Monday night's council meeting. Once in a while a lit tle wave of humor swept in and the temperaturo rose, only to drop again to freezing. It might have been funny for onlookers had there been something better than wet wood for the fire. The electric light plug hud burned out, and some tallow candles and one lantern furnished the light, l'robably, after they are broke in, there will be shining lights among the new councilmen to make it unnecessary to resort to candles. The trouble was all over the naming of a marshal. Mayor Coon's appoint ment of D.J. Treiber, the present in cumbent of the office, received but one confirming vote, that of Kd Mayes. The matter went over until next "meeting, with Treiber still marshal. There was a full attendance of the count-il Mayor Coon, Councilmen Bui ley, Karly, Mayes, McDonald, Kami ami Prather. Before the meeting there was a caucus of all the councilmen in Rand'B store. Among the business done was the ac ceptance of the bonds of Recorder Nick elsen and Treasurer Butler. Ordinance No. 71, regarding the filing ot plats, was given final passage. Ordinance No. 78, providing for lay ing out of road to boat landing, was read first time and referred to judiciary com mittee. Bills were allowed as follows: W. A. Carstens, labor $ 3 00 J. L. Henderson, surveying 41 00 Mt Hood Lumber Co 24 90 Mayor Coon's message was read, as follows: To the Honorable the Common Coun cil of the City of Hood River Gentle men: It is not my purpose tomnkeany extended recommendations nt this time. Tbe law-making power Is given to tbe council by the law of the state as set forth in our charter. The coun cil in the exercise of its powers must he responsible to the people both us to things done and things left undone. In like manner the niuyor of this city must be responsible to the people in the exercise of the power given to him by the state. I shull lie content to do tny duty as mayor. Yours, a fellow- servant of the people. i . K, LOO., .Mayor. January 18, 1904. The mayor then announced the ap pointments for the following stnndiiur committees: Finance Early, Mayes, MeDonuM. Fire and Water Hand, I'rathir, Bailey. Streets and Public Property Mayes, Karly, McDonald. Judiciary McDonald, Karly, Mayes. Health Bailey, Rand, Prather. Printing and Police Prat her, Rand, Builey. J. E. Rand was elected president of the council. On motion of 'Councilman McDonald. a 3-mill tax was voted unanimously. .1 : I J Aujourneu. II. F. Davidson, manager of the Dav idson Fruit Co., left yesterday fur a 10 days' business trip to San Francisco. Watch next week's Glacier for pre liminary work in arranging for the sec ond Hoooier eocial to be held on t)i evening of Washington's birthday, Feb ruary zi. II. W . ait has opened a flour ami feed store in the room adjoining Mayes tiros, meat market. .Mr. Wait is a wl known resident of Hood River and w ill no doubt make a success of his business venture. Miss B-rtha Van Allen was at Whit-) Salmon, hist week, the guest of Mrs C r. Waldo. In It- there Miss Van Allen secured some splendid photographs of trie church, rcm-i home, air. Waldo s residence, and Ml tr ointsof interest. X:tsk Rail at Mount Hood. Mask ball nt Mount Hood hall, Jan na'y 2'- with supper. Everybody in vited. Wanderfiii Mr-rve. Is displayed by many a man enduring ains of accidental cuts, wounds. bruises, iiirns, scalds, eore feet or stiff joints. But there's no need on it. l'.urklen's Arnica Salve will kill tbe pain and cure the trouble. It's the Ix-st salve on earth for pi! -s, too. 25c at Chas. N Clarke's, the druggist. ('on gratiilai ions. John M.Cullom.editnr of the Garland. Trxas, New, has mritlen a letter of con liratulations to the inannlacturt-r of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy as fob lows: Nxteen years aiio, when our nr. t lulu was a haov, he was snliiect to croupv siel!s xml we would lie very un easy about him. We Ivcan nsim: Cham-N-rlain's Cough Remedy in 1S87, an 1 finding it tuch a reliable remedy for .Trie PAKlir rAiK line, and our prices are the SHOES colds and croup, we have never been without it in the house since that time. We have five children and have given it to all of them with good results. One good feature of this remedy is that it is not disagreeable to take and our babies like it. Another is that it is not dan gerous, and there is no risk from giving an overdose. I congratulate you upon the success of your remedy." For sale by all druggists; Saved From Terrible Death. The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbit of Bargerton, Tenn., Baw her dying and were powerless to save her. The most skillful physicians and every remedy used, failed, while consumption was slow ly but surely taking her life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption turned despair into joy. The first bottle brought immediate re lief and its continued use completely cured her. It is the most certain cure in the world for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1. Trial bottle free at Chas. N.Clarke'e drug store. William S. Crane, of California, Md., suffered for years from rheumatism and lumbago. He was finally advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which lie did and it effected a complete cure. For sale by all druggists. WANTED-TRUHTW'ORTHY LADY OR Keiitliuimn to iiiimiiiiu buslneiiK In this county und adjoining territory for house of solid fin ancial slundlnst. f'Ji Hlrniglil cash salary and o xpennes paid eauli Monday direct from head iinurtei'H. Expense money advanced; posi tion pcrinuncnt. Address Manager, 00f M mm building, Chicago. fit For Sale. nttiLilti nyrup, 15c a pound. For Rale at V. K. Jackson's HI ore." D. (i. JACKHON. White Leghorns. I have for sale a few more thoroughbred Rinirle-coiub White Leghorn Cockerels at Sl.oO each. V. C. HROCK, R. V. 1). No. 1. Removed. The Hood River Klectrie Light, Power and Water Co's olliee has been removed to Third street, Dext door to Rogers' gallery. ,7 .1. H. KOHKHU, Hec y mid Manager. - -a. anw mw I" ""1 -X "i WHEN YOU SMOKE .... Why not smoke a Sood All the best brands found at C.A. MORGAN & CO'S CENTRAL MARKET MAYES BROS.. Proprietors. Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh, Cured and Canned Meats. Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits. FASHION STABLE. Livery, Feed and Draying. i3 GROCERIES, Did You Say? Wo carry a full line of StaI and Fancy (mp rics at the lowest possible prices. Just rive us a i ia! order mid see what we can lo. Highest prices paid for count rv produce. SPOT CASK GROCERY, R HEED, proprietor. Phone 401. . Free Delivery. Dollar Go? h lowest consistent with SHOES 3 Dry Pine Wood. A few rick, in shed at B per rick. Drop noHtHl card to TROY 8HKLLKY. TTniisa to Let. Pull on Prather Investment Co. J21 ttvasVi flow for Sale. By Con ltepp, opposite Frankton school nouse. Found. A soldier's discharge trom the U.S. army, Call for it at this office. J21 Hav for Sale. Timothy, wheat and clover hay, all first Class. Also, ary pine woou. IIIlupI,.a marlO P. P. IIINRICHK. Girl Wanted. TO assist with leral work. Phone the Firs, main 811. H Hay for Sale. marS ' B. F. BHOKMAKKlt. Notice. 1 I1HVB nOUl O. V. Ullt.W'li n ..w... ...... lot on the hill, and after paying off the mort t i 1 u . 1.w.lu.n'c hi.iiua nnH gage, have (KH U divide pro rata witn ins creditors. All bills must be presented by Jan. 24, Itemized and Bworn to, or they will not be cousiaereo,. j.unci'ni.ii.Tn Land to Exchange, 80 acres good fir saw timber In Columbia county, Or., In exchange tor Hood River prop erty, either farm or town property or a busl ness proposition. Apply to llarnes, the Real tHUue Man. Apple Tres. v v. Hiiuni local furent for the Mllwnnkle Nurseries, has for Bale a choice lot of Yellow Newtown Pippin und Hpituenbnig Apple Hlbbara place. Mr. nirnng win havesamplesat Hood River every Saturday and be nrenared to take orders and deliver trees as long as they last, and contract for trees for next season, uur irees are nrei ciaas and true to name. For prices call on Mr. Strang, or address I N. B. HARVEY, Proprietor. Milwaukie, Or. Cigar? STKANAHANS & BAGLEY. Horaea liouglit, sold or exchanged. Pleasure parties can secure Mrst-clns rins. So cial attention given io moving Furniture and l'ianow. We do everytliinir homes caw do. noon kivek, okkuon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION land Office at The Dalle, Oregon Pee. H, iimu hereby IT veil that "' Oregon, on N YllT' "'KS' X"tilA wltnLey lo prove his V.mlmu.n" residence upon and eultlva- ':!? Siffl! !iV,V Sr. "7ZT. . . t i.n.. 'i 1K7M I NOTICE FOK FUBiaUAllON. United Males Land tHtlcc, The Dalltw, Oro in Nov U, UKR-Noiiee is heret.y Kiv 'O lat lu compliance with the provisions ot the i. nr .lime H. 1HTS. entil led "An act Sir the safe of timber lands In the '';" California, Oregon, Nevada and V, as i ln m territory," us extended to all the puhllo land nWlesby act of August t. . " ' ft named persons have II led lu IhL olltce tlieli .worn statements to-wll: MAUV A. rtKl'KEHT, of The Dalles, Oregon. Wasco wiinty. nworn statement No. InS, filed .May 2.1, lMf, tor the purchase or the south hall norinwwi qum , northeast quarter northwest quarter section Si, and southeast quarter southwest quarter section iS.townshliilnortii.riim.'e II east. Vv .M. AUC1I IK (JUNKTAM.K, of University 1'ark, county of Multnomah. i.iunl iiRHrnn uivurn stulement NO. l..,., lol i he purchase of the southwest, quui icr ihm m southeast quarter southwest quarler section ii. township 1 north, runse 10 east, V . At. JOKl. LUNKLI,. uruei nnurwr wfN, mill miiiu nt ...... of lone, county of Morrow, slate oi Oregon sworn statement No. J7S2, tiled Atirll 21, ISW lor the purchase of the west half southeusl quarter und east hall southwest quarter sec tion 35, township 1 north, ranue 10 east, W. M. KUWAlll) M. SWAIN, of Hood River, aainty of Wasco, state of Ore son, sworn slatement No. 17,0, tiled April lu, imi.l. for t he oiirc.lmse of the lots 1 and 2 of sec tion 88, township 2 north, range a east, unit lol I ami southeast, quarter norineusi quaru-i sec tion 4, towushtp 1 north, range V cast, W. M. I.(!KI,I,A M. LYNCH. of Thirty-ninth and Powell streets, Tort land, county of Multnomah, state ol Oregon, sworn statement No. 17113. tiled April 21, WW, for the purehaBeor the northeast quarler norm west quarter, north half northeast quarter and southeast quarter northeast quarter section IT ,..... cl I .. I iinvtli P.. U u.,Ut W M That they will otter proof lo show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish, their clnlmstosald land before the Register and Receiver at The Dulles, Oregon on Thursday. January 2K. 1IKI4. They name as witnesses: Theodore J. Seu- rert, wunain Ketcnum, juuu s. msii ami Nicholas J. Klunott of The Dulles, Oregon; W. F. Rand, Art Rhodes, J K. Morse and Charles Castner of Hood River, Oregon; U.rj, Miller, J. a. Nteele, 1 .D.Tweedy ana n.n. Tomlinson of Hood River. Oregon; Fred V Bryant, W. Ross Wlimns, A. Winans and K. T. Winans of Hooct River, Oregon; William I-. Rand of Hood River. Oregon, Kraukle s. Brown, Mallnda A. Mitchell und Frank Mitchell of Cortland. Oreiron. Any and all persons dunning adversely the above-described lands are requested to file tncir claims in ims oniee ou or ueiore sum 28th day of January, 1IKH. nl'.ij21 MKJHAfclLT. NOI. AN, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3. 1K7S.1 NOT1CK FOH PUBLICATION. United Btatcs Dand Office, The Dalles, Oregon, No. 12. l'.KM. Notice Is hereby nlven that In compliance with the provisions of the act oi congress oi j title s, ins, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the stales ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states oy aciot august 4, the loiiowing named persons have tiled in this olllce their sworn statements, to-wit: KUAHKTH M. WILSON, of The Dulles, county of Wasco, stiitc of Ore gon, sworn statement, No. Ihj7, filed May 10, nut, ior me purcuaseoi tne south nan south east quarter, northeast Quarter southeast quarter and southeast quarter southwest quarter section 22, township 1 north; range 9 eusi, YY . 1Y1. SMITH W. C'URRAN, of Vlento, county of Wnseo, state of Oregon sworn statement. No. 1812, filed May 12. liHia for the purchase of t lie southwest quarter northwest quarter, north half southwest quar ter and southeast quarter southwest quarter section l, townsnip i nor;n. range u east, v ..n OTIS I'ATTKKSON. of The Dalles, Oregon, county of Waseo,sworn statement No.i84i,iiiea May 12,l!io:i,lortneiur chass of the southeast uuarter nort liejist u Hur ler, east half southeast quarler section 2, and southwest quarter southwest quarter secllon i, lownsnip i norm, range v east, w. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its tmi- ber or stone than for agricultural uui poses. uuu locstuuiisu ineir claims to sum laud lie- lore Hie Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednesday, February 10. l!Kil. They name as wilnesses: W. F. Rand and F. H. Button of Mood River, Oregon; Ned 11. Hates and Fred W. Wilsou of The Dalles, Ore gon; M urge K. Mason, James chilly and Mi chael I. Oslragnard of Vlento, Oregon; Oils Patterson, The Dalles, Oregon; and Smith W. Curranof Vlento, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this oltii e ou or before said lUlh day of February 1IH. n;j28 M 1C11 A KL T. NOLAN, Register. Notice of Final Settle ment. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has tiled in the County Court of the stale ol Oregon for Wasco county his Iluul account as administrator of the estate of Milton O. Wheeler, deceased, and that, the said court has appointed Friday, February 12, 1904, ut the hour of 2 o'clock i. M. of said day, at the court house In Dalles City, in said Wasco eountv, state of Oregon,r hearing objections to said ftuul account and tor the settlement of thesailie. W. R. WINANS, J'H Administrator. DR. W. T. ROWLEY, ii, soi, tail Office at residence, corner Eugene St. and Park ave. I'lione, main 371. Night School. Bookkeeping, shorthand nod Typewrlli ng Penmanship, Arlthnietic.etc. Fivenlghls per week, lernis So per month. Rooms over Dallas' store. u H. M. HUXLEY. Custom Made Shoes. I have n line of men's and bovs' Custom Made Shoes of the best malerinl. Call and see them. JOHN COWLKY, J28 Shoe Shop south of P.O. Notice of Final Account Notice Is hereby given Ihst the undersigned have filed their final account in the estate of John Sipma, deceased, in the county court of the state of Oregon, Wuseo count v.'nnd that the court has apMiinted Frida , tiie '20th day of February, 1!M, at 2o'clisk P.M. of said dav. at the county court room. In I lie court house at The Dulles, Wasco eountv, slale of Oregon as the time and place for hearing ol.eeiions to final acenuntjinri the settlement thereor. Duled this Huh day of January, Ml. I.KSI.IK llt'TLF.K. JOHN T. NKALKKill, Administrators or the Kslaleof John Slpma, deceased. JJlI'ls Notice of Final Account. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the enmity court of the stale of Oregon for Waseocounty his final account as administrator of the esUttcof J.c. Mark lev deceased, and that ssld court has appointed Friday. February 12, mil, al the hour of 2 o'clis-k P. M.,or as soon thereHfierasihesaine can be henrd, for hearing objections to said account, and for settling tiie same. Said hearing to be at thecotni hon v In Tiie Dalles, In said Wasco county. ,1 !-NK 1M BLFIt. Administrator of the Kstule of J. d. Mark lev defeased. jllfll ' Own Your Own Home. It lscheaer thsn paying rent Youcaniiet money ut less Interest than ever it wan-got In KMiniverut-iuiT. r rtilll Mio lo llMOI,. See , T 1. TWKKDY. rind door south of Hohnan's meat marke. To Exchange. Eligible Hood River city properly to c chane for country umnertv In Ho-i'ihiiumii. te vicinity, inquireoi J. U HKXDKUSON. 31J5I5U MHVUJ iM'tiWTiri,,.i'riil'iei; Real Estate Bargains. LIST OF LANDS For Sale AND FOR RENT AT THE EMPORIUM. Money to loan. Ilatina house and lot, $1,800. 1. Lola in Waticoma Turk addition $150. Corper lot in frci.t I mIkIIk 300. The Geo. Melton lot and cottage in Barrett-Sipnia addition, $400. 2. Eligible residence lots in Spanker's sulidiviuion, near cannon house; only $125; ternm easy, installment plan. 4 . 320 acres of timber land at the falls of Hood liiver, belonging to George K. Forsyth ; 100 acres pood fruit land ;$ 1000. 8. KtO aires at White Salmon; tine timber land; f 10 an acre. 100 acres, house and garden patch, located 10 mileB south of The Dalles. Known as the Woodman place. Trice f UOO. The Hunt place Jg mile southwest of tow n. House, barn, mostly in straw ber ries and other fruits. Price, $1450. The new company now offers for sale lots formerly belonging to the Hood River Townsite company, of which com pany John Leland Henderson is secre tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer. Installment plan. A Good Investment. I will sell 100 acres of mountain land on county road rive miles southeast of Hood Kiver for $1,000 cash, and will guarantee $200 ad vance in two years, or failing to sell for $1,200 net in that time I will take the laud back and pay $1,200, and half of profits over $200 to go to investor.First come, first served. Of the 100 acres 1H) acres fruit land, CO acres stony. All fenced, small house, well, Itirge spring. A fine goat ranch. J. L. Henderson. Tickets to and from Europe. Persons desiring to purchase tickets to or from any points in Europe or South Africa may secure the same from John L. Henderson, who is agetit for the Beaver line of steamships. First-class Surveying Outfit. At the Emporium are kept 2 first-clase transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laving out acre age properly in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. From and after this date, April 9, P.I03, the rates will bo as follows: $10 a day; bit corners established for $5 a lot; two contiguous for one owner, the same price. Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2 story house; $1,800. For Sale Resideiice on State street at head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots. For Sale. 40 acres near Mount Hood postoflice. Good land $700 caBh 30 days, only. J. Leland Henderson, One 5-acro and one 10-acre clearing land contract to lot. Inquire of John Iceland Henderson. F'tir Rent For a term of ten years, the two lots on Statu street, back of Bart mess' and the Paris Fair. l"or Sale The 50 acre strawberry farm owned by A. K. Luke and others, on west side. Price $14,000. All in straw berrioH in their prime. A good oppor tunity for several buyers to go in to gether and each secure a part. Must all be sold at once. Terms half or more cash. For Sal? The old Galligan place, 00 acres; $1,800 two-story dwelling, hard finish; barn and out buildings; 10 acres in cultivation, 2 acres straw berries, some orchard; Hume, irrigating ditch and Phelps creek pass through property $4,500; $500 down, $500 December 1, balance in five years at 7 percent This offer is good for 30 days only. Tin? Howell cottage and ft acres, east of Mrs. Alma Howe's, 1,700. E. H. HARTWIG, Lawyer. Will practlco in all courts. Olllce with Cul bertson Co., HOOD KIVEK, OKEGOX. BON TON BARBER SHOP. L. C. I1AYNES, Prop. The place to get an easy sh-'fi an up-to-date Imir cut, and to er'ov the luxiiry tifa porcelain bath tub. Timber for Sale. I will sell the timber on a 10 acres. A good place foi siinill saw mill or wood cam p. lull ou K. C. Mahuney or c. D. HKKKH. innrl) Cockerels for Sale. Illiu-k Minorca. l ;o to Hurt Orpington, fl.ati. l-iKgs lor hMtehinir after Feb. I. H Al.l'll I.KWJS, Heluiont. Horse Wanted. I want to liny a home about lion pounds. See me on lav!doii Krtilt Co s ranch on Wil low Khit. JI4 O.T. SMri'H. Strawberry Plants. A tine lot of stniu berry plaiua for wile at S1.J.I per bunion the phice. JiJ '. V A r iH Ay, farad iw Farm. Raspberry Roots. Ii ordered or tuki it at once, will Hell good slronu Ciithbert lUd ItHspberrv root ut le cmc!i, or ;: per ll. !. N. HV F.IILF.K, , K. FJ. No. ?. I'lione llxl rillb. Lost. .V purse containing fa, between liarrett achnol h,'lis d K. F. Shoemaker's place. f jnderjile;ie leave al this ottice. J:U Horse for Sale. A I JOrt pound horse, works nlngle or double; Just the thing lor aoine airawberry grower, at a h-irgitin. Also, one leed cutler. ..J O FKFJiE.NhTKa For Sale. Jf "cr.-s, i.4 mile, from Mood liiver, in the valley: T1.; cienred; remainder easily cleared. n t ubiic roisl: telephone bv place. Price iUCt. l'IIA K Kri.I.KK, Salem, Or. Applications for Water !... i ,iii- supply r.i of Hood tttver i .i l, v iiuii I, . i !,, February 1. M). Ap-pi-.-.oii.n Oi;i cot he obtained from any i.i'--i.b.-r of in.-1 oard of dir.-etors. J" '. F.. M Ilk H A M, s,vretary. Plain Sewing. I f'nln aeyint nt-iiiv and cheap!) done. 1 MIH. ti. A.COYI.K, phone VI O