The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 07, 1904, Image 2

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(ooi y vcr Slacier.
Our Population 1406.
Tbe Glacier roan has made bis annu
al roun up of tbe number of inhabi
tants of Hood River and finds that tbe
year 1904 begins with our population
grown to 1406. This is the fifth census
luken by tbe Glacier. Commencing
with Jauuary 1, 1900, we had22; 1901,
751 ; 1902, 861; 1903, 1091. The city has
been carefully canvassed, and every
house where the occupants were not
known bus been visited. The gain of
...815 over last year shows a healthy In
crease, though some people may be
disappointed, thinking the gain should
be greater. Our population baa been
estimated as high as 2,000. If people
did not move from the town, with the
newcomers constantly arriving we
would soon have the 2,000 or more.
Com pare thedirectory given below with
. the one published a year ago, and it
will! be found that a good many famil
leg you hnow have moved away. Some
have gone to the country, while other
have left the valley entirely. Tbe coun
try Is gaining in population faster than
tbe town. This is to be expected. Our
valley is known for its excellent fruit,
for which the highest prices are paid
in the inarketsof the world. Newcom
ers arriving come here to buy fruit land
and to engage lu fruit culture. There
is no inducement for tbe average new
comer to locate iu the town, however
' much it may be admired as a place of
residence, if there are no means for
earning a livelihood. In the summer
season, at least during the strawberry
harvest, our population is augmented
by a floating body of people who are
here today and gone tomorrow. The
real population is here to stay winter
and summer, therefore January 1 la
good time to make the count. The ob
ject of tbe census taker each time lias
been to get the exact number of our in
habitants. He counted none but bona
fide residents, January 1, and was very
careful not to miss any one whoshould
be counted. The heads of families and
all young people earning a salary are
given near as could be in the following
Armstrong W T, timberman.
l, H'SJCl,
Adams W L, proprietor Paradise farm.
Adams l'ercival, student u A v.
Arnold B W, carpenter and contractor.
Abbott H M, merchant.
. Abbott Mme, millinery parlors.
Ash W O, merchant Paris Fair.-
Anderson Emil, works for Brace.
Bartmess O C, retired.
i.. -., a x.' r..... t ., .wl
Bartmess Earl, employe furniture store,
Bartmess Meigs, student O A C.
. Ballard F, employe Fashion stable.
Baldwin Laura, cleiks for Bragg & Co.
. . Baldwin Louis, carpenter.
Barnes F B, the real estate man.
Bailey H II, member city council.
Bailey Harry, postman R F D No 1
Bagley J T, of Fashion stable.
Baibee W, retired.
Bnrlow . caroenter.
Bateham A P, of Davidson Fruit Co.
Harr VV H, logger. .
linker V J, fruit grower.
. Bell C A, of Transfer & Livery Co.
Hillings N O, barber Bon Ton shop.
Bentz U G, plasterer.
Belieu B F, carpenter and contractor
Belieu A M, machinist.
Beebe M, carpenter.
Belknap E L, carpenter.
Benjamin Ida, domestic.
Bird P H, laborer.
Bird William, carpenter.
Bird M F. carpenter.
Bird Mrs M F, propr Viento Restaurant
Blowers A B, retired.
Blowers LN.
Blowers 8am, clerk.
Blytbe 8 F, proprietor Glacier.
Blythe E N, of Hood River Glacier.
Boorman William, retired.
Bonney Emma, bookkeepr Mayes Bros.
Bodlne Leoua, clerks at Paris Fair
Booth J 8, merchant.
Bone N W, farmer.
Bone C R, pres East Fork Ditch Co
Bragg R B, general merchandise.
Brosius F C, physician and surgeon.
Brown F P, retired.
Brace F O, steam wood saw man.
Bradley E R; job printer.
Butcher R, carpenter.
Bubb 8 A, carpenter.
Butler Leslie, of Bun ft ot Hood River.
Butler Truman, of Bank of Hood River.
Busklrk VV H, carpenter.
Button F H, timberman.
Buck A C, farmer.
Byrkett A J, gardener.
Cams E T, dentist.
Carrier VV G, propr Carrier's Restaurant
Casheu Frank, chore boy at Mt Hood.
Castner Chas, employe Dav F Co.
Callahan T 8, timberman.
Cose L, laborer.
Carsteus A W, saw filer.
Carstens W M, employe Snow 4 Upson.
Carmlchael A L, merchant.
Carson J K, clerk in Gill's store.
Can field Mrs A B.
Chandler Frank, farmer.
Chipping W II, employe Dav F Co.
Chinaman at Mt Hood hotel.
Clarke C N, propr Clarke's drug store.
Clarke F W, jeweler.
Clarke L, clerk iu Clarke's drug store.
Chirk Mrs K C, dressmaker.
(.'lough Mrs Jane A.
Cotton Eunice, teacher public school
Coulter V, teamster.
Ooou T R, mayor of Hood River.
Coatea Jane, dressmaker.
Cowherd William, school janitor.
Copple Cora, teacher public school.
Cole William B.
Confer J M, retired.
Cox 8 H, carpenter and contractor.
Cole Arthur, clerk in Cram's store.
Cowley John, shoemaker.
Cole D A, laundryman.
Coe Geo F, of Golden Rule Bazaar.
Coe Fred, l Golden Rule Bazaar.
Coulter W T, timliertiiau.
Coyle II A, carpenter.
Coyle Mrs li A, dressmaker
Coe H C. real estate dealer.
Cram Frank A, prpr Up-to-Pate store.
Crosier A li, groceryman.
"rowell treo P. general merchandise,
( .-ws P A, clerk in Williams drug store.
. t raitor Laura, mger telephone office.
Culberitin Geo 1), real estate dealer.
Cunning H A. carpenter.
Cunning T J, rei:n.H
Cunning A, printer Bradley's Job office.
Curtis A M, laborer.
Dallas T C, tinner and plumber,
lvavl.l-on H F, pres Davidson Fruit Co.
Davidson F I, tinner and plumber.
Davidson H G, of F L Davidson & Co.
Davidsou Lost Lake Lutubr Co.
Davidson P 8, of Lnet Lake Lumber Co.
Pavidwn A J, of Lost Lake Lumber Co.
Davidson Chas, vice pres Dav Fruit Co.
Dakln C r, painter."
Davenport F Jr, elk .Davenp rt Bros.
Dakln C I, carpenter.
DeWitt H T, bookpr MtHood L Cb store.
Devoid N J, propr Ramona house.
Delta F, retired.
Deitz Helen M, teacher in public school
tenor a james r, oaroer.
Dean O C, timber cruiser.
Decker T A.
Dicken Mrs A J.
Dicken Clinton, employe Bartmess.
Dounbue John, retired.
Dunbar Thomas, farmer.
Dunbar r h, electrician.
Dunil le H L, physician and surgeon.
Dukes J H, house mover.
Dukes II M, freight clerk at depot
Early C T, snpt Mt Hood Lumber Co
Kccles W H, vice pres Mt Hood LbrCo.
Elliott H, painter.
Ellison F, teamster for Fashion stable.
Emry M L, carpenter.
Erary N, employe Davidson FruiJ O,
Euirican D O, farmer.
Entrican H R, mgr Paradise Farm hotel
Erwiu R R, real estate dealer.
Evans W C, M E minister.
Evans N C, fruit grower. ',
Evans A L, carpenter.
Evinger 0 B, carpenter.
Ewers James, carpenter.
Fay M, logger. '
Fabric G R, employe Dav Fruit Co.
Faulkner L, laborer.
Feak J H, carpenter.
Ferguson J H, electrician.
Fewel Mrs M, confections.
Fewel Ed, employe Elec Light Co.
Ferrel Mike, logger.
Fitch Agnes, dressmaker.
FouU 8 F, saloon.
Fowler Zula, clerks for Booth.
Fowler Corinne, clerks for Rand.
Foley M J, clerks for Rand.
Foster Chas, mill man.
Fox Gtorge, barkeeper Fouts saloon
FouU P F, saloon.
Frank 8 J, harness store.
Krai ley M, blacksmith.
Friday F P, fruit grower.
Frederick 11 J, carpenter and contracts
Galii lel u b, laborer.
Ganger W, freight clerk at depot.
Gutcbell A, Carpenter.
Garmbrant H W, laborer.
(Jerries J H, proprietor Gerdes house,
Gessling G J, pres Hood R F G Union
Gilbert C L, propr Mt Hood hotel.
Gilbert Clarence, mgr Mt Hood hotel
Gill J li, merchant.
Godsey W E, blacksmith.
Godsey-Robt, blacksmith.
Graham W R, drayman.
Graham Wm, carpenter.
Graham James, retired.
Graham A J, elks for Crowell.
Hartwig E H, lawyer.
Hall R S, farmer.
Hnynes W, blacksmith for Luck.ey
Hayes C J, surveyor.
Hartley 0 B, wood merchant.
Hansberry Mrs W T, boarding house,
Hanna Jas E, propr saw mill.
Hay lies C L, propr Bon Ton barbr shop,
Haywara U, saloon.
Haynes J O, operator O R N.
Hertzer Marie, waitress Mt Hood hotel,
Henrich C V, merchant.
Henderson John Leland, lawyer.
Henderson L A, student U of 0
Hershner J L, Congregational minister
Hemmeral Joseph, carpenter. -Henry
L, fruit grower.
Heath B, stone mason.
Hemman C E, bookpr Prather Inv Co
Hicks John, laborer.
Hibbard H J, county commissioner.
Hibbard W T, carpenter.
Hoadley Alvena, bookpr at Stewart's
Holumn J T, meat market.
Holman E M, meat cutter.
Howe I" red, teamster.
Howe Mrs Fred, boarding house.
Horner John,' employe Mayes Bros.
Hogan Nels, mill man.
Hollowell J M, farmer.
Hunt J B, painter and paper hanger.
Hardmau W R, meat market.
Huxley H M, bookpr Davidson F Co.
Husbands G R, carpenter.
Hunt C R, timberman. .
Hull M, farmer.
Humphrey G II, clerks for Stewart.
Husbands R, cabinet maker.
Ho My, Chinese laundry.
Isenberg W A, clerks fur Stewart.
Isenberg Walter, tobacco and coufectns
Ingram Mrs Mary.
Jackson F E, merchant.
Jackson Mrs Mary E.
Jacobs M F, retired.
Jayne A A, lawyer.
Jenkins C H, dentist.
Johns 8. logger.
Jocbimsen II F, tobacco and coufectns.
Jones R B, employe F L Davidson & Co
Jones V 8, laborer.
Jury Mrs M.
Kinney J R, postman It F D No 2.
Kent Bert, painter.
Kent Carl. ,
Kent Ray, works for Davidson Bros.
Klingler A H, drayman Transfer Co,
Knapp 8 A. propr People's store.
Knapp Mrs 8 A,millnery at People'sstre
Knapp Mrs juna a.
Larwood F, mill sawyer.
Langille J L, carpenter,
tangille Mrs 8, mgr Cloud Cap Inn.
Langille William, govt forestry agent
Langille ii u, govt rorestry agent.
lane A E, ratchet setter.
Lakin J M, laborer.
Lockraan D,' farmer.
Lown Frank, employe Gerties bouse.
Lowrey V, meat cutter Mayes Bros.
Loring F B, carpenter.
Lucas Nellie, telephone central.
Lucas Flora, telephone central.
Luckey J J. blacksmith.
Mayes Ed, of Mayes Bros meal market,
Mayes Jos, or Mayes Bros.
Mayes Mrs A.
Martin A, timberman.
Martin P H, timberman.
Marcellus Mrs L W.
Mason Flora O, laundry Paradise farm
Metcalf I -aura, wks in Rogers photo galy
niears u k, piasierer.
Mercer Harry, employe Transfer Co.
Miller J W. employe J B Hunt.
Merrill J T, nresidng elder U B church.
nietcairj w, carpenter.
.Mclialn James, atone mason.
Mcl'lintock Ora. bookpr I)avenrjortBro
Met. arty K M, merchant l'aris iair.
McCauley J E, blacksmith.
McCafferty 8 O, barkeep Ibr Morrison
Met. rory h"erry, planerman.
McDonald D, merchant.
MeGuire Henry, meat market
McGuire Walter, of MoGuIrt Bros.
McMillan Porter, tiinbermam
McPherson , farmer.
Molt M, teamster.
Morris D, U B minister.
Morse L E, of Transfer Co.
Moore J A, mill man.
Moore Jas, elk at Mt Hood Lbr Co store
Morrison J L, saloon.
Morgan C A, cigars and billiard saloon
Morgan C D, mine promoter.
Morgan LG, employe of liartmess.
Morgan William.
Mohr Anna, clerk lu Cram's store.
Moody J T. logger.
Morton J W, propr Riverside farm.
Nickelsen J R. city recorder.
Newton A L, employe Dav Fruit Co.
Norton E, laborer.
Noble F, retired.
Neil A, carpenter.
Nolt Annie, waitress Mt Hood hotel
Olinger E S. agent for steamr Spenoer.
(linger W 8, teamster.
Olinger Mel la, clerk In Cram's store.
Ontbank A W, bookpr for Barnes.
Parsons G W, apple packer.
Parsons Maud, clerk in Paris Fair.
Parsons A Rhea, clerks for Temple.
Peres 8, teamster,
rerry W H.janlt..
Pickett W, propr Oak Restaurant
Phelps J B, carpenter.
Piersol Mrs L K, dressmaker.
Pierce Al, timbennan.
IVweli B B, laborer.
One Price to all
Good Advice is never out of Season.
Keep win-in in this world. Keep cool in the next. No matter whatyour
, destination is we tiro preparod to do our part of this job with promptness.
We begin at your skin with" warm WOOLEN Underwear, that'll warm you
as naturally as it did the sheep. Men's and boys' pants, work coats, macki
naws, gloves of kid, wool and" leather that bid defiance to winter's keenest
Woolen Hose, Ladies' and Children's Coats and Jackets. The prices on
the above goods are a little more than half what you willjpay elsewhere:
Wash Basin, granite, first class, Saturday only 15c.
Toilet Goods half price.
Other Good Money Saving Bargains:
Blankets 50c Outing Flannel, per yard ; 4c
Hamilton calico, first class pr yd 5c All 15 and 20c box paper pr bx..l2c
No 8 tin boilers, copper bottom..88c Clothes pins per doz lc
Viscol oil in bulk pr pint ..253 Sad Iron Handles, each.... 8c
White Enameled Hates.... .......... VfO& Ladies' fleece-lined hose,'2 pair.. 25c
A few last year Rubbersthey go at 25c
Plank Mary, employe at Stuart's.
Plank D VV, eariienter.
Pi-atber Geo T, US ci'mmissioner.
Pribnnw F W, carpenler.
Pugh H, reliitd.
Quarles E W, O R & N aneiit. .
tu i ii ii F H, cigar niunufncturer.
Qulnn Elizabeth, teaeher in publicschl
R ithbun 0, teamster.
Kannus C E, carpenter.
Rakestraw 0 O, clerk in Savages' store.
R ikestraw II y, laUner.
Kand J E, merchant. ;
Kfind D E, clerk in Htinti's store.
Rand Wm, timber cruiser.
Ries Joseph A, farmer.
Rees Jus, of O K barber simp.
Keld Mrs M, teaelier in punne senooi.
Reed , railroad employe.
Reed P A, employe Dav Fruit Co.
Reed R, propr Spot (-ash Grocery.
Kea 0 U. cri)6iiler and contractor.
Key nolds F, employe F L Duvidfion & Co
Kiggs U v, Hlioeiimxer.
Rigby J W, retired M E minister.
Rinebart O A, carpenter.
Richardson Mrs AT.
Richardson Stella, clerk in postofllce
Kicbardson Caleb, teamster.
Rosenkranz (', walchtiian O li& N.
Roe Mae, clerk in Booth's store.
Ross (! A, farmer.
Root W II, farmer.
Hood E L, painter.
Roberts Lizzie, manager The Firs.
Rowley S B, fariiier,
Rowley A F. dentist.
Rowley W T. physician and surgeon.
Robertson W II, foremn Ml H Co mill
Rogers W D, photographer.
Rutlidge James, carpenter.
Russell M M, of O K barber shop.
RufTner Wm, confectioner.
Ru finer P M.
Sayre M M engineer Mt 11 LCo mill.
Samuel A. laborer.
Schungel Minnie, pilneipl public school
Mmw At h, pli vHKlHll anil aurgeoii.
Shaw J P. real estate dealer.
Shaw Mrs J P, teacher in public school
NhatterH r, u li minister.
Shreve J W, fanner. -.
Sinuott P, section foreman O R & N.
Simonton J C, carenter.
Sloat W, logger.
Snyder J C, carpenter.
Straiiahan Geo, carpenter.
Stranahan H C, of Fashion Stables.
Stranahan O L, carpenter.
Stranahan Bert, of Fashion Stables.
Strnnnlmn Jas, of Fashion Stables.
Stone D I, carpenter.
Savage Ralph, hardware merchant.
Sanders M C, employe at depot.
Schall T A, farmer.
Sheets W E, clerk in Bragg's store.
Sbipman Wm, elerk at Ml Hood hotel
snerwoort , carpenter.
Shute Henry, carpenter.
Sbute VV B, carpenter.
Shute Chester, engineer.
Sieverkropp Sophia, waitress Mt Hood
Slocom Geo I, book slore.
Smith Mrs M attic.
Smith H, clerk in Spot Cash Grocery,
Smith James A.
Smith E L, pres state board horiii ullur
Snow VV G, blacksmith.
Southard II, propr Thompson house.
Soule E A, carpenter and contractor.
Songer J V, sawyer.
Hunger (i E, sawyer.
Sparger Chas, cigar maker.
Sutherlln (ieo, laborer. ,
Sutherland E L, mill hand.
Swanson John, mill hand.
Stewart C, mill man.
Stewart VV M, hardware und furniture
Stephenson LC, carpenter.
Stuhr Phil, employe Mt II L Co.
Taylor H D, farmer.
Taylor J W, boatman.
Temple Chas, jeweler.
Terhune U F, carpenter.
Theyson Ben, barkeen for Havward.
Thompson G W, of l he l'aris Fair.
Tompkins Emincl, clerks for T & H.
Tompkins Jos, confections and cigars'.
l renter i) j, city marsiiai.
True C S, clerks for Crosier.
Turner D A, retired.
Tweedy T D, real estate.
Vaughan l; H, hank clerk.
Vauglmn Cyru, farmer.
Van Allen Berth.-i, rooming house.
Vau Blaracom 11, fruit itrower.
Van Blaracom John, laiiorer.
Vogt Joseph, clerk in Cram's store.
I pton David, rarmer.
Upson VV L, blacksmith.
Walker J L, l.ili n cr.
Walker O'n, t Irphone central.
Walker Ileli, employe Transfer Co.
Watt J F, physician and surgeon.
Wadtlell Walter, h"rse radish man.
Wait H VV, carpen'cr.
Wallet) John, cut iK iner and contractor.
Wells Percy, employe Pav Fruit Co.
Watson Hoc, teani-ter.
Webber W T, civil engiur and surveyor
Welch M E, velerinary surgeon.
White R, drayman.
Whitehead A, cigars and confections.
Wheeler James, lalnrer.
Wheeler II, engineer.
Williams II T, fruit grower.
Williams (i K, propr H Riv Pharmacy.
Williams T 11. lutkerv.
Williamson W II, blacksmith.
Winans E VV, retired.
Winans E T, liiuberman,
Winans L, carpenti r.
Winans A. .
Wilson Jtneph A, mgr AppIeGrowers U
WilcoK C, teamster.
Wood , telephone lineman.
Wood II M, carpt'iiter.
WiMxImaa Sirs A.
Wolf Ed, laborer.
Woicka R, employe F L Rividson A Co.
Wright M J, elk Wright & Isenberg. .
Wright 1 M, carpenter.
Wright E C, carpenter.
Young Norman, of Transfer Co.
Yates VV M, postmaster.'
Zabltidowsky llyman, newsboy.
ZoIIk J G, stone mason.
Hood River and Its Fruits.
Capt. J. P. Simw In Polk Directory. -Our
valley's rlfo with rural life
Ureet you where ere you so.
Our cherries ripe, your lips invite,
. Aud big red apples grow.
Hood River valley is a gem all by itself.
It lier in the northwestern part of Was
co county, 23 miles west of The Dalles,
the county seat, and 66 miles east ol
Portland, on the line of the O. R. & N.
the valley extending to the Co
lumbia river on the north.
This valley has an elevation of 200
feet at its northern terminus, and 1800 feet
in the upper or southern part Its
width from east to west is from five to
eight miles, and from north to south 20
miles. The tillable land will reach
50,000 acres, about one-fourth of which
is. in cultivation. The surface is gen
erally rolling, the elevated portions be
ing considered the strongest soil.
The valley lies picturesquely envi
roned between two mountain ranges
that reach a general elevation of 2,000
feet above eea level. These ranges are
spurs of the Cascades, and are fringed
with fir and pine that present a pleasing
Mount Hood, snow-crowned and ever
beautiful, forms an impassable barrier
to the valley's further progress to the
south, while the mighty Columbia stops
its further extension to the north.
Hood river, a torturing and ever rest
America's BEST Republican Paper.
The Weekly Inter Ocean.
52 twelve-page papers f 1 a year. The Inter Ocean
and Glacier one year for $1.90.
Why not smoke a
All the best brands found at
MAYES BROS., Proprietors.
Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh, Cured
and Canned Meats.
Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits.
Livery, Feed
Did You Sav?
WV carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries at
the lowest possible prices. Just give us .a trial order
and see what we can do. Highest prices paid for
R HEED, proprietor.
Phone 401. . Free Delivery..
Never Undersold.
less stream, its icy waters flowing from
glacial caves from under Mount
Hood, divides the valley into Eaet and
West divisions. That portion lying east
of tbe river being considered best adapt
ed to tbe growth of tbe apple, while the
West Side is devoted to the raisingof tbe
far-famed Hood River strawberries.
The soil of this side of the river is com
posed of a volcanic ash, thoroughly im
pregnated with iron oxides and . mixed
witli a large percentage of decomposed
sandstone. When water is once applied
to soil of this nature, the fruits grown
upon it are as nearly perfect as can be
raised in temperate zones. Water for
irrigation purposes is brought into the
valley by ditches and flumes, the water
being taken out of Hood river, supply
ing the ranchers with water through lat
eral flumes. The soil on the East Side
is somewhat varied in characteristics,
being of a more clayey nature in some
parts, while in other sections the same
decomposed granite and volcanic ash
is met with, giving to fruits raised
here their superior flavor, color aud shi
ping qualities.
It is not alone the chemical elements
the soil of this section contains that
give superiority to fruits grown upon it
but the climate as well. Clear Bkies over
head and balmy air just when fruits are
ripening perform no small part in giv
ing to tbe world the finest apples that
grow. The red on a Hood River apple
is a deeper red, and the yellow on
Newtown is a richer golden color than
is found elsewhere. Rub your hand
over a Hood River apple, and von ob
(Confirmed on Fage 4.)
and Dray ing.
oiitAiArlAfjo & BAGLEY.
Horse bought, wild r exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure first-class rigs. S-
cial attention giren to moving Furniture.
and Pian'-s.
We do everything horses caa do.
Ind Office at The Dalle, Oregon, Dec.
. u.
nonce i jwreuj i
Ing-named eel tier baa II led notice of hl
leniiuu w iiimkc itnni p.... ... ;
claim, inu iiiwi ii.i " ","",v,
tore me tveKis'r u iw.-i
OreKon. on Frldiiv, Jauunry ti, r.HM, vli;
of The Dalles, OrrKon', H. K. No. M12, for the
north nan nouiuwi-i iiin-r. u... i..-.
uuarler noHlheadt tjiinrlcr and WHUhwwl
quarler northeat quarter section 4, town
lilp I north, rnntse 11 east, W. M.
Ha hiimes the I'ollnwInK witniwseji to prove
hU continuouH resilience upon aud cultiva
tion of wild land, vht:
Douald McKaddcn, (coi'e HnrrlRon.deoivc
Ireland nd V. V Voune, all of Minder, Or.
dlTJJl MIC'HAKIi'f. NOLAN, lti'gller.
Timber I-nnd, Act June 3, 1H7S.J
lhiltct Htates IjiiiiI oilloc, The lliilles, Ore
gon, Nov. li. 1MB. Notice in lioreliy Riven
that In compliant with the provision of Hie
act of ooogrena of June 8, IKT8, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands in the utatwi ot
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," a. exienaea 10 an inepuuire mim
ljita hv n.-t. of August 4. the followlHK
named person, have tiled In thlo-oUlce their
worn statement. uwtl:
of The Dalles, Oregon. Wuk county, sworn
statement No. lHlia, tiled May 23, liHW, tor the
purchase of the south half northwest quarter,
northeast Quarter northwest quarter section
XI, and southeast quarter southwest quarter
section ai.townHiiipi norin.rsnKe iiu.w .
of University Park, county of Multnomah,
tttste ot Oregon, sworn statement No. lor
the purchase of the southwest quarter north
west, quarter, west nan souitiwesi quarter hiiu
southeast quarter southwest quarter section
n. townsniui norm, ranse lueasi, w .
of lone, count v of Morrow, state of Oregon
sworn statement No. 17H2, Hied Aorll 21, liW
for the purchase of the west half southeast
quarter and east hall south west quarter sec
tion itt, townsnip 1 norm, rnnge iu east.,
of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
eon. sworn statement No. 17;o, filed April 15,
Twa, for the purchase of the lots 1 and 2 of sec
tion U3, township it north, ranges east, and lot
t and southeast quarter northeast quarter sec
tion 4, township l north, range u oast, w. Al.
of Thirty-ninth and 1'owell streets, Tort land
county of Multnomah, stale of Oregon, sworn
statement No. ll'.a. tiled April U, lima, tor the
purchase of the northeast quarter norinwesi
quarter, north half northeast quarter and
southeast quarter northeast quarter secllou
H. townslilD 1 north, range H east. W. M.
That they will offer proof lo show that the
land sought Is more valuahle for its timtter or
sumethaii for agricultural purposes, and to
establish their claims to said land before the
Register and Receiver nt The Dalles, Oregon,
mi Thursday, January 'M, HUM.
Tuey name as witnesses: Tneodore J. Heu
fert, William Kelchum, Judd 8. Kish and
Nicholas J. Hlnnoit of The Dalles. Oregon: w
V. Rand, Art Rhodes, D. K. Morse, aud
Charles Castner of Hood Kiver, Oregon
C.K. Miller. J R. Hleele. T.D.Tweedy and
Totnllnson of Hood River, Oregon; Fred C
Bryant, W. Ross Winans, A. Wlniuis and K.
T. Winans of Hood River, Oregon; William V.
Kand of Hood River. Oregon. Krankie H,
lirown, Malmda A. Mitchell and Frank
Mitchell of l'ortland. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
tneir ciantiB in .tins otne on or Detore saia
2sth day of January, l!M. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., November
a, ioa. Notice is neretiy given mat the toi
lowlng-named settler as 1 1 led notice of his
intention to make final proof in
support of his cluim, and that said prool
will be made belore Register and Receiver
United Mates Land Olliee at Vancouver;
Wash., on January 11, lHtw, vIk:
for the NE4 and X1, KWK section 21
township 8 aorth, range lu east, W. M.
He names the following witnessesto prove
nis continuous residence upon ana cuiiva
tlon of said land, viz:
Alva J. Haynes,' Frank Haynes, Amos Un
derwood and John Koonti, all of Underwood
daj7 FRANK E. VAUGHAN. Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United States Land Office. The Dalles
Oregon. No. V& 1WW. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8. 1878. entitled "An
act for Uie sale of timber lands In the Mtates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
state, bv act of August 4. 18'.)2. the following
named person, have tiled In this olliee their
sworn statements, to-wit:
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, worn statement. o. imi, niea May lu,
imh, tor me purcnaat oi me souin nair woutli.
east quarter, northeast quarter southeast
quarter and southeast uuarler southwest
quarter section ISJ, township 1 north, range
cotu, vv ait
smith w. nmiuN.
of Viento. county of Wasco, slate of Oregon
sworn statement No. 1HI2. filed Mhv l-i h
for the purchase of the southwest quarter
norm went quarter, norm nan soul n west quar
ter und southeast quarter southwest quarter
section i, townsiiip t nwriii, range a east, W.M
of The Dalles. Oregon, countvof Was sworn
statement No.lMl.tiled May lS,liB,forthepur-
i-iiuse ui me souuieast quarter norineasi quar
ter, east half southeast quarter section 2, and
southwest quarter southwest quarter section
i, lowusuip uortn, range east, w. M.
that they will oner proof to show thai
me iana sougni is more valuable Tor its tl
oerorsume uiun lor agricultural purposes,
and to establish their claims to said Jand be
fore the Register and Receiver at The Dalles
uregon, on weanesaay, r cbruary 10, 19114.
lhey name as witnesses: W. F. Rand and
F. H. llutton of Hood River, Oregon; Ned H
Gates and Fred W. Wilson of The Dalles, Ore
gon; Gorge E. Mason, James Chltty and Mi
chael I. Oslragaard of Viento, Oregon; Otis
Patterson, The Dalles, Oregon; aud .-Smith W.
Curran of Viento, Oregn.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
.wnpuraiaiimj luuun are reqnestea lo nie
their claims in this office on or before said
xuni uay oi reoruary. mu.
n2iiJ28 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United States Land office. The Dalles, Ore.,
October 111, 1H03. Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions ol the
ncui congress n jutie ,' 1K78, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the states ol
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended Uinll the puhlio land
states by act of August 4, iswi, the followlng-
imtnett persona have filed In this office their
sworn statements, lo wil:
of Pendleton, county of Umatilla, stute ofOro-
k'mi, sworn statement jvo. lilti, filed March lit,
.. 7J n..IWM U, OllU li'l. t HIIU ril'. i PjU SCtl-
tiuuwnuBiimi iioriii, rnnge iu cast, w. M
oi lento, otiunty oi whsoo, slate or Oregon,
sworn statement No. 17!, filed Aprils, 1WH,
.... ... K,; ... t,,v It r.v. ( BOJUUil .M,lOW t'
ship 1 north, range 9 east, W. M.
of Viento, county of Wssx, state o: Oregon,
nw.M ii Bimriiicia io. men Aiirii x. r.tu.1.
tor tne purchase of the . of NWJ4, K of
Tivn yA section 7. towush u 1 north, run., in
J mil they will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for it Hmi.r,
sume tliau for agricultural Mirmu .nH t
establish their claims lu said land before the
Register and Receiver m! Tim I ii.lL.u nr,...
w. inuiiun; , inuuiirjr in, iish.
u ......
iney name as witnesses: F.dilu Tozier
Wealherred of Portland llrevnn- a u.-i.,u,.
Lyman Winans. nd W. Ross Winans of Hex!
River, Oregon; Charles T. Early. William
Hand, W illiam Ecles, Edilh H Early aud E
P: M ilison of Hood River, onvnn
Alv mid all oertum eluii,,i U,..UH,1..
. , . ' u iiiiius are rctiuestea to nie
their claims In this office on or before said
18th day of January, liiot.
mum MICHAEL T, NOLAN, Register
Plysician, Sdtiei, ocnlist.
Office at resid
and Park ave. iliou. main 37 f.
"The Viento."
Northern cor Fir t and Onk Hta., Hood Kiver,
Mrs. M. F. Bird, Proprietor.
Breakfkst 6 to 8 a. m. Dinner 12 to 2 p. m
nupper 6 to 10 p. ni.
Th tahlM iiinrillMl with 4 1,-
- rr"' v i uinmn
anords. u
Timber for Sale.
I Will Mil the timhor on 'lo '
Plnce for smull tmw mill ,w w-u,.t Au.n , ...
on K. (J. Mahane? or c. I ROGERS.
Cockerels lor Sale.
ftlsrk Miiirin-a. .1 tflm.,. n..M. ,
IIU. Fg for hsiclilng .fie'r Keh. 1.
" LEW I, Kelmont.
Room 20x50 for Rent.
no uniurnisnea nsim pear center of town
for warehouse purptsiea.
u" . tAKL BARTM h SK.
Real Estate
For Sale
Money to loan.
Hanna house and lot, $1,800.
1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
Corner lot in fr 1 1 1 1 1 nln In
For Pale Residence on State street at
head of Front;-f 2,500, including 3 lots.
The Geo. Melton lot and cottage in
Barrett-Sipnia addition, 400.
2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler'a
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$125; terms easy, installment plan.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit land;$4000.
8. 100 acres at While Salmon; fine
timber land ; f 10 an acre.
100 acres, house and garden patch,
located 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Trice 900.
The Hunt place mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, 1450.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
River Townsite company, of which com
pany John Iceland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
A Good Investment. I will sell 100
acres of mountain land on county road
five miles southeast of Hood River for
f 1,000 cash, and will guarantee $200 ad
vance in two years, or failing to sell for
$1,200 net in that time I will take the
land back and pay $1,200, and half of
profits over $200 to go to investor. First
come, first served. Of the 100 acres 1H)
acres fruit land, 00 acres stony. All
fenced, small honce, well, large spring.
A fine goat ranch. J. L. Hkndkuhon.
Tickets to and from Europe.
Persons desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points in Europe or South
Africa may secure the same from John
L. Henderson, who is agent for the
Beaver line of steamships.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From aud ufter this date, April 9, 1903,
the rates will be rs follows: $10 a day;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Special Offers
For Sale The 50 acre strawberry farm
owned by A. E. Lake and others, on
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw
berries in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several buyers to go in to
gether and each secure a part. Must all
be Bold at once. Terms half or more cash,
For Hale The old Galligan place, 00
acres; $1,800 two-story dwelling, hard
finish; bam and out buildings; 10 acres
in cultivation, 2 acres strawberries, some
orchard; flume, irrigating ditch and
Phelps creek puss through property
$4,500; $500 down, $500 December 1,
balance in five years at 7 percent. This
offer is good for 30 days only.
For Sale The Galligan farm.
For Rent For "a term of ten years,
the two lots on State street, back of
Bartmess' and the Paris Fair.
The Howell cottage and 3
acres, east of Mrs. Alma
Howe's, 1,700.
Feed Store.
I llRVP onpiinri n bIiwo ot . .. i . .. . .
Hn itu' "mlr aI"' f,'e1: alo. potatoe
. ......... ,,,, , lm, ran Wlve a
long haul una buy Just an cheap of nie.
i KootofHtrwiglit Hill.
For Sale.
.V. ncres of old (Well Ranch, In 5 and 10 m-re
tmirlK oii ti-riiiH lo Biilt purchase. ThlHlanii.
Olic llflli of price in cash; balance In Ave an-
....... .....Minriiu,, woo interest at 6 per cent.
Ann v at the n nee o, u vi........ .!..... ,,:
show the land, or lo K, p. KRl'llA v
ui. Heal Kstate Agent, Hood River.
L. C. HAYNES, Prop.
The place to iret an easv ah-- nn
up-to-date hair cut, and to er'nw the
luxury of a porcelain bath tub.
and Builder.
Plans and Kstimatks Fcrmshki
Treatment by
At til.;
A ney mid scientific nii.ili.
oil for treatmen of the hair.
walp mid akin.
1 he treatment is extraor
dinarily efficnfimiM in fl
i - - i. i ,
speedy and permanent re-
nioval of Dandruff IUm,.!--
heads, Flenh Worms, Wrink
les, Sallow 'omplexisn, Colli
in th Head, etc.
-1; ,i ' "" nner cultivation, In situated
W, in lie from town on the MU Hood road; l
,l ti'"whi,,,fJllt'keru" and iH-slde t he
ill) ami tlx, iiccor,! o,'2"i' 'V.1.!.'.! . ,'!'.,."UH.rv. h